Newspaper Page Text
Eh: 3%:th gin“; Prom Thursday's Dally. Bun. Miller is opening a “les2sz -011100. Mrs. F. Albert Bunk-2t has gone) to Seattle. Rev. MoNamee of Suubomis’u atrium} this morning. Mr. Alex. Fulton lcnw: fur 81m Fm:- cisco tomorruw. A new building for [by fish market is beiug erected “joining: tin- A Imm. strcel wharf. Mr. Livermuru is invishin; min! in dtcvruting fences Cuntiguuus I.» town with his auuuunc-An-t-nts. ch. OliVu'.‘ “food In lshun; Myra-t a dwalling house nu u lot :erently pur chased by him in the l’hnnmcr midxtiux-. Notice is given by the Light H :use Inspect“ that the real icualanzurn light on Beacons 2 all-. 14. CAL-lame: Hay. Cu! umbin River. haw Imm nA-cstubliahel The Dispatch ran :13an inulc «f Dungeuess harbor night hhfure that 1‘2.- bor way up {mm Noah Buy. Sin m. floated 03 the uL-x: ti-lc, Emwevvr, and arrived how early this morning. l'art of her cargo was halibut. On the bkt. AmcEiu. whim arriv-snl from San Francisc”. w..: :1 Ln. u! mavhizr cry for the Port 'i‘uwnamz-i I“uuud:;- and machine ihop. This institmiv n is 4%- valuping rapidly. run] will Exmu lu- full) up in fueilities to film Ira-:1 calvunmwl «lg-- minds 0? the time: in tln- liue uf funn dry Ind machine m-rk. It (ILSL‘I'Vt‘S "cry success. Au elaborate programme is fwtng ph’pfltf‘d for the Y. 251. C. A. uystcr sup per entertainment tomorrow owning Mrs. Cougifl u a very efficient chars/("I afl'uiru. and nothing will be left uudum to make the occasiuu in svery way rl.- joyable. If Prof. (Jeurgu arrives to—mor row as expected. 'them will be sumu uingiug by binned! and Mrs. George and Miss Kinsman. as pun of the musical prugramme. 3 Haverlcy‘a minstlcls hull :1 lane an H“ anon last evening. Some of thrir jnlus‘ no exceedingly venerub‘u, but their‘ upwiultiss are fresh mu] merit-minus. Hilton. the acrobat. is u thumnghbreil in hm liuo. Several excellent ‘u'Jik‘L‘S arc notable in the troupe, and the clng dancing was good. Tnkeu all in all the company is one 01‘ the best on the mud. Ila orohostra would he creditable any where. The ayllophoua solo was spa-('- ially noteworthy. FIIH.-—Th° Dispatch brought several but of halibut to the Gloucester fish lurkat from the Cape this morning. It mu]. a big pile on the wharf, but it is nothing to what we will see when the Glance-tot schoonera get to Work. On iriduy, March 16th, a fleet of George's Bunk fluhormen brought into Glouces br. Mum. 400,000 pounds of codfi-h and $O4llO pounds of halibut and it was out considered a good day for fish at that city. We will yet see the day when double that amount of fish will be laud— ed In Port Townsond, for our fishermen who have decided to make Port Town und the Gloucester of the Pacific. The nteuner Wildwood will tow the Fannie Dutu'tl to Port Gambia today ad will proceeJ to Quilceue with sev eral,pmengel, and families and their outfits. They go to settle in the Quil-‘ cone valley. Prof. F. J. Browne of the Cuupeville Acadolny urivod yesterday from Oregon, lining had: vacation. Pref. Browne bad quitonn exciting cxporience on the railroad. at Tosino. where he assisted in the capture of the desperadoes, Blake and Harris. wanted for the murder of a boy at Phelps City, Mo. A merchant by the name of Corri— gan in this city says he wants to an nounce to his customers and the public generally that his spring Itock arrived by the Umatilln. It in— cludes the latest designs for the sea— son, and if you want to be up to the latest style you must “catch on” while there is a good show. A brief reference to his advertisemont. and to this item, may incline you to in vestigate, but nothing short of a careful inspection of the goods will latisfy you fully. Call on Mr. Cor~ rigan fonperticnlare Mr. J. E. Belyee of Hedlock, has gig-chased an eligible block of land in Ben. Pettygrove, in the valley, and will erect a residence there. 4 low dun ago Frank Noam succeed— d in capturing a shark on the beach on Clarion inlnn which measured seven (out In length. and weighed between 200 at 300 pounds. Tho trunk in now being laid on the ex hution of the Spokane and Pulouae Bunch from Uolton to Geneaee. u did ute of about fourteen miles. When it. utontiun is completed the road‘ will be 104 mile. in length. extendiuu‘ d 1 tho v" through i magnificent wheat; Ml 5 Th 9 Pacific Uout Iteamahip company I. 3|" issued I pamphlut of lixty odd m entitled. “All about Alaska." It five- intoruting information in refor m to tint country. and the trip there Ild back. The following are among .0 principal items treated: Rates; 111. schedule; notice to shippers of his“; but time to make the trip;de .iption of the country; what to take; “on tho ltoumor ntops; testimonials bl cxounionista; extracts from «Hilar- It publications in regnrd to the trip; It article written by the late 11. I). Ball; “at nttorney of Alaska. trentiug fol. I at tho country. sights on] acenes, eta; :- libornl extracts hum Governor intord'l lust annual report. Dr. Spinney. the well known Califor nia Ipocinlilt or San Francisco. has mood a permanent oflioo in Seattle. Hr. F. P. Boyd, late inspector of cus- hm, loaves thin morning for Pennsyl mia. to visit his parents. On his re— hrn he will go into business on the Sound. making hii headquarters in Se {ma—Pal. Seeing the necessity of putting 3 ‘Oct on the large of money yearly going “on the Puget Sound basin fnr inan— I'lnce, Seattle has stepped to the front flaring her an] by organizing the Home “In Insurance Co. with a capital of one hndral thousand dollars and backed 5! more than one million dollars repre ”fled by the forty fiva stockholder! '5 ue Among the leading merchants “11 bunker: of that little city. The Mkholders are men well known and “bdoponded upon for tairnea', assur htt quick and proper adjusting of any '3! loan. The Company will doubtless I” in our oommnnity soliciting business .3 with this highly respected list of ilnfield": can certainly succeed in Why a good share of fire insurance From Friday's nails. Mrs. Dan l’ulicn arrived yesterday [mm Qv‘Jr u‘r. Strait? Siax-hzm is nflvr \lvliuquuht taxes. Sin-m? I‘m-mt of Island 0 flung: was in ('."NH 3'l \2- :‘!:-._\. Y: r: izi mini? buumxr will :‘uL'XI im'v'u the town phuzm‘ml. ANN: (‘. .\hsm. is H’s-fly to "gv: thuru' for mzxyvr u: 'l‘ucuzuu. T’w .\‘4h‘amuu Army was ordered uut of U. A. 1:. Hall in The )ma. ‘ Town pints. additions. carat-r lots and acre pmpcrty are much [unit-:1 of these days. Frank l’:»:t)'gru\'e was " at ind-up" Inst ev.-uin,; by u in :t-pud. .\‘o dumugc. however. .\lrs. Hulk-3's E.» "H"ll vl'l furniture ar‘ rim-Cl lwrv: )cazwrd-ny tram Springfield, .\liasuuri. 112:2. i’cttyghwv Min-s with him to Cd!in"_)i:n!i.l| hux uf [mun-.1 :uu'tcr {mm the .‘xhiit's.tiil'r—-t:) di;trihll‘.c wiwrc it will «In the must gum}. Am-n _- tho pus-:vnge'rs tn Duugvm-x's on th- Dizzx-zm‘h )rstvrdzey “'O2-: Mrs. Briggs: and ini'm! sun, in Julm \Vulthu‘ and olhcrs. Til: .‘Jifiu-a‘ Egg;- _:f Friday Hugh-Ir haw: lucazci in luwn. 3:41 an: npruing a «hr-sun zking mfzzblisbm 'M up siaim Bmxrluud's alarm The 31mm; bf Haiti: Eula gnu-lashed nu ur!.~rl‘-cln,liu;: :Ezu: r:'quin::_r \‘czscls fr :4 S m i."r;nu‘x:‘cn lu unit-:3) hFfii‘Lll inapmfiinz; '_l {his lnrt. A: :x Us'x Han; Hf the Hui-urns IN-‘UCib [on A; ril 2:1, the fun-14in: ufliw-rs were circa-5: f--r the whining 3mm Chief, Julm “chums: first {i‘é‘irfiullh J'u-k Fultnn; ~‘sz‘uiz-i magma. Jilllllm :ld‘nbe; pn'si— dent. U. E. Shznfvz; :t-croizuy. J. S. Lani m-xz; tn-ueurcr. Unwanl ”nil. cud dolo uninn Mt‘l‘:=‘. Rulmrl St. (.‘luir. J A. \"uul mu‘. Daniel III”. Tho-dun- Hun-W. as prime :50}.er Mutinm-‘l at For! 'l‘nwnsmul. f 0” dead from he ;rl n-lisvuw \VV-‘lueslzn,’ aherunou wlxih-driliiug. vaz-onst-d was a mem bar a! m;- G. AL 1:. A dch fictiuu from Farragut Post In re uih-n ha! flu: funeral )‘eslculny. Ik-c:-a.~:cd Wm; :: mvmlmr nf "Fulrziflxl" l’u::!. and hml many frii-nils In “it “IWUV l'livG. A. R. «lalcgzitie-n c-;:.1lui-!ui the fixnnrul awarding to their ritual, :al'wr which Capt. 'Baiufiiridge cubohhlml by reading the regular mili tury lmriul sermon: and dulniling neur purnl and tight le'i: of the company to (in: il milnury :;;ili::m-. ("ninpnuy A. Nth lii-xi. mnrul ml to the grave. Mm‘xxurs Clue“:- r-Thu crpw of the whip Cyrus Wakidiold inminiml yes~ tar-Jay. refusing to weigh anchor. i It seems Hie czmse of thetrmlblo was ‘thut a few non‘uniun incu wure on board. Night befure last five boat loads of union sailors from shore hud incfilwlnnlly attempted to board the vvswl. The L'. h'. revenue cutter \Volmtt was up Sound, but on lit-r retum she steamed atongsido of the Wuliufiald this morning, and the lat ter was gotten under way. No bluodbhcd. } Ben. S. [‘elugrove and wifo leave to night on the outgoing ocean s!cumer. on their way to bus Augvles euuuty. 08]., where they go fur Mrs. Peuyuruve'a health. Their many friends join in best. wishes for them. Nnrumu Sweeney will attend to their milk business while they are away. Ex‘custnms officer Day went nfl‘ real but under 11m cuilar. If \vcmny judge froma reportin u'l‘acmu-w paper. Ho charges ulls‘uts of cmokeduess upon Capt. Buccln-r. and is relying on tlna Podium! dvmuCrucy tn haw him rein stated. It remains to be seen whether the Purlhmd democracy runs the Puget Sound customs district or not. Lots of tough: m town. There is talk of n vigiiance committee again. Ofiicers should be vigi‘unt and do some vigorolu “bouncing." Shipping Sous. Bark Cassandra Adams phased out in tow of tug Tacoma. The brig Deacon is reported in the straits, ufi‘ Dnugeness. from Sun Fran ciwu, bound for Discovery. Br. bark Royal Alice was lowedto Seattle today by Xhe lug Hol} nke. Br. ship Pulmym was towed up Sound today by lug Mogul. Stenmer Mexico brungbt 67 tons of freight fur Par: 'l'uwnseud. and 185 tons for Alaska. Thc Aucun taken north {tom this oin 40.000 feet of lumber. 25.000 shluglca and a large unmbar uf pa:seu.en. The Premier arrived this morning from the British side. With a huge lot of passengers. among whom were about 90 Chinese. coming with return certifi. can-s. Tuey are furnishing luti of work fur the customs officials Burk Cassandra Adam! hikes away 1,400,000 feet of lumber :0 Sun Francis— co. 0 The Mexicn brought another lot of spring goods. also workmen. for T.J. Corrignn the tailor. Give him a call. April 7th—~Arrived—British bark Dee. from Son Diego. to loud lumber at. Tn coma lur Valparaiso; bark Southern Chief from San Diego. British ship Nincvah from Snu‘ Pedru,nrrived yea terduy to loud lumber at Tacoma for Sydney. Tug 'l‘ucomr toured ship Cuvroltun to‘ ‘lioyul Roads yesterday. to uwait urdora. 3 British bark Row] Alice juat arrived. in km of tug Hulyuke. with a cargo of railroad iron. The lioyul Alma is com manded by Capt. Fletcher. nndia 175 days from Muryapnrt, England. Her cargc of steel rails is for the Seattle, Lake bhcreS: Eastern. After discharg ing. she will load when! u! Tacoma for U. K. The British ship Milverton, which loadad wheat bound for Queeustown for orderl. has on board the lure-Bat cargo of wheat that has ever been taken from the Sound. 3273 224—2240 tone 01' 57.357 sacks. She has 13 tons more than the W’. F. Budcuck curried. Sax mecxscn, April s.—Arrived Steamers Columbia. Portland; Willam ette Valley. Yuguiua Bay. Sniled barkeutiue Tarn 'Shuuter. Columbia river; steamer Oregon. Portland. April T—Arrivod —-Am. ship Palmyra from San Diego, guos tn [Port Gamble to load lumber. Bkln. R. K. Ham from San Pedro to Port Gamble. April S—Blr. Wm. H. Campbell from San Diego to load lumber at Tacoma. April9—ltalian bk. Petronilla from San Francicco goes to Burmrd's Inlet. SAN chrsoo, A pril 7.—-Three barks, the W. W. Case. 0. 0. Funk and Nie bolas Thnyer. sailed for Alaska (0-day with men nnd material for the Arctic Packing Co'a. salmon canneriea situated there. The three berks carried 250 men. i From Iltum’l nun. Public hm'ldin; nch. T Banker Huyp and wife arrived lmme from SC‘HH!C _"L'fih‘hhiy. 1 Henry Unmmmd is taking at accept ‘ing a median i 7) \':ctcrin. Dim. fixu-niéigvr. furmrrly foreman in the Alini‘: (urupusiug room, is on his way hut-L: {rum (‘ulifuruiau C urns-cu. the mil-w, i.—; agent for the new «erillutiug Singer sewing machine. C4110]? him fu:parlic:;lu-Is. Nuw, we hut-d 3» rim] 1; iccal Jeyusi uf gnuj gin c-mE. Wuu't some outcr pnsiug ruzzl c. 4332 112.”: 3:: out and dis cwvr a Vum. A: Hm cixy CART/~23 umcttug 1;»: even in; a yum-LL r nf (.nllnzuwca Were [man-d, reintmg to s._}c\\';uts. All the bills pre scaled lu‘h: ..udch and ordered pmd. i’u-n-ngt-zs {Jr Putt 'l'uwnscud from Sun Fruxxxscu, [-vr pic-sthip .\l--xico, due ha-rv Maud”): J. 1i Spam], .\l. Frank, D. L: Swrzdiigcr, '.l‘. Audcrauu, J. F. Sims and \izfv. A: the 1111. L‘. A sucml and oyster aunts."l.x..tcwniug Lin-Ir was a; large ai tendnz-vznud 2. jully g-nzd tune. The prugrmumu w.“ cum-‘1 nut in In”. and from Hu- snmul‘ $25.50 “‘45 rcailzctl. 'l‘h: Amt» dcairvj tn cummcud Uny Alsvsmr “bud (or a duspuaimu to put pl‘u}ml_\‘,}ifilurs up aumrwhczc iseur uncull‘ u.x.¢ figuu-s. l'ms puilcy. if par- Lul:_\' failum-J. ml; mu!)- IUL'rPHS‘; our rtWJullk‘J, um] “film! need-3d funds for public nun-Jul uunts. fin-r} bud: La iuvm-d (u attend IL9 3mg”); cxucxscs at the ALE rbmch {lna cumin; «whether desirous of tak iu; lessons or nut. The cluse will be urgumzul, and driH \nllCuman-accou iiuuduy, the cuxrw to he finished dur iu.‘ the in“?! pm: uf um week and end with n puinlx' cunccrl. At :lw lug-snug uf :. u executivc cuuh unlim- 9! Hr: Wumnn'u Christian 'l'em pun-“cc L uzuu d \Vcskru ‘vVnnhiugtx-u Lucid :u Sunltlu recuutiy at was rcsuivad by the unuuuuuus Votg- ..f the members present that the ucst annual muexiug u! the: “autumn! uuzuu Lu change.) from i.uC-umcr lu l'uzt TUWUnOuJ. Aim-:4: u deatruciiw Kim uccured [flat evening ui Unn'(.-nlm)p_.hul.u Hutch 1t ungluutul inside, in one of the upper ruumu. 'lhn lire bell rung \‘iguruUqu. umi uu- lam! hnsu cumpuny was uuliu force thin prumgrtucss lhut Would have do“: crcda to any city. Fortunately the thaw: Wczo extinguished Without damage. Cummcrciul wharf. on the sea s'ull from is to lo mid m auction today, in amid) a judgvun-ut of H. 'l‘wnbuhu fur upwards hf twu llwusund dulluri. Sumo cf the sluckhuhiers. who had paid fur Ibur .tuck In fuil, and are unw 'nhuut to '.nw I‘. chtircly. an: wrull'._v at the nann agmncnt nf tiu- wlmic afl'uir. IL in lt-urm-d. imwcvu, that the whar! will prulmbly be bought for the Canadian Pumfic R. R Co. ‘ Complain! is made by ship uwnen orcr resent .nutrugcs committed by mem bers vi the Guns: Sunnou'a Uninn. We do [Jul “under at it. That organization is breaining so dictatorial nud tyruniciil that it stops nut short 0! actual crime to terrorize uun-uuiuu umu. and in compel owners and unites: ul’ vessell lu accede tn its every demand. The time has come to check such duiugs in a manner calcu lated m rclnlllll till Conch-red thut We buve a {rec country and u. law abiding people. liu klux methods may be toler ated dun-u south. but they are certainly out 0! place in this latitude. Recent events. besidea being In disgrace to civili zatiun. and an ofl'ensc nguinst good order and decency. are tending directly to drive shipping business away from our‘ port. and thereby working on injury to; our most important business interest; Business men should take this matter in‘ band, if necessary. and see to it “I.“ vessels get fair treatment hereafter. ‘ Raul-om! Max-inset. ‘ Messrs. G. I’. Huntington. Charles Cracker and A. N. 'l‘owne, of the South? am Pacific railroad cumpnny are mskinz‘ a tour of inspection throughout the the Puget Sound region. They puss-d through here yesterday on their way to Victoria. Itis understoood that they will make thorough inspection of in wait side before returning home—and the result will probably decide their lu tun: line of action. Officers of the Port Townsend Southern would do well to show these distinguished gentlemen due attention and point out tho advantages in couusction with our ron'l southward. Gas Works. The cxty council last night granted a franchise to Port Townsend Gas Co. for 49 years. The company is composed of Simrns & Morris, capi— talists and wrought iron workers from San Francisco. The) have so— cured a site near the brewory. and construction will commence Monday morning, and be pushed along as fast as men and money can do it. Thfitimnted cost of the place is S6O, . (Bras will be furnished on the lot of August. Simms & MOI“! riu are the parties that have done the? iron work at the gas works of Taco~ ma, Olympia, Nunaimo and Victoria. ‘Mr. Stanford. the engineer of tho nbovo (ins Company. is in town from New Westminster where he has just finished rebuilding gas works. Mr. Simms. of the above Compnux. will arrive here Monduy, having left San Francisco yeslordny. .\lonth 1y “fun the): Be." ort Tom} ruinfa'l at. the following signs! stations for March 1588, was as below given: Port Ange'es, W. ’l‘... . . . . . . . 2.89 inches Pysht “ ..........1055 “ Neathy " .‘........]1.37 “ 'l‘alounb "......... 8.45 “ WILLIAM BELL, Scrgeuut. [signal Corps. . _,.._ 'l‘l-e I-‘uu-ut I’lnuu rvur brought _ A I 9 Town. _ _ , Fur today only—1116}; will be on oxhi bitiun at Peysvr‘s more. H Decker Bros.‘ Italinu \annu'. piunu sent here by Koh ler‘& Chase It is unquestionably the finest instrument ewe: brought hora. Duu’t tail to see it. Before you start an a journey go and am Just. 1). Miuklcr and procure a bot tle of Chamberlain’s Coho, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is a great safe guard for travelers and gives immeatedi relief. Borick nud Schreck Pharmacy pro. parations are the only reliable remodiea in the market. We hrwejusHaxd in n compiete line of their remedies. N. D. Him. & Sosa. ' L It.- 3mm Inna Korman smm: of Part Angeies 19 in min. The revenue cmL-r (.‘nrwiu urriW-Ll Saturday. Mrs. James Rik-y, mother of Mrs. Wu'son, is quite ill. Huu. J. R. Lewis has linked bumc: from a flip to luwn. Mrr Thorntun arrived hnme from Duagencss on the Dispatch. Tm; mun.- lots in the Ilnsscy uddrlwu were szvld Saturday. Prices in: gum; 1 up. Chivf Erxgiuccr Jnrm-s 'l'. Waysmz of the C;:r»‘.‘i-r is \‘x-uimg his fuzuiiy at home. l’ruf. ' ‘umpbell, of our publxc school, Jun uu this morning's boat to no to \Vushiflgtuu. D. C. Mr. J. .Ucquviu has ”per-ed a whuei— wright uud wag-m maker gimp in the rear u! Bu! .1: chmquth's. Elugs ham L‘ccu lulf~musted a“ UV” wwu iim'e ycslvrdzq morning. in truism-t to the memory '..-f the inn; Wm. liuxz. 1:11:35 been informsaliy decided t 1) pr!- mi! [3l» s:qu Hibbun livacue Club to “cu I'. 51.6. A. 1m“ {ur their wmi muullfi Lawtwgs. ‘ It Is sigmfirunt ”Hz! the shipping fiml d Grimm. Bridges 3'; fin-tson have du‘ «tidal '..,n witthw {heir Lcadquurtt-m fun: Tacoma am! cafablfdb the sum-3 like. On amount n? the «12-min nr’ Mr. Wm. Katiflm ProuL-ylcrhu social has beau postponed in Wmthla)‘. Apr“ 1111:. Wits {mung Caiutrilnfliuns for the same wiil [:tvuso hung “mm to RM 3:11": Hull uu Hm (lay. Yesterday ans .1 red lrncr day for you; sezviw at the Mahmud church. Yruf. Genrgcmul Mia Kuamnn added greuiiy to :‘zm intores: uf Em: occasion in the evening, “bilu Mr. James Wood's solo was 3130 none mutiny. is] r. Jamvs )lcUuuu. who was {our years in tho employ of [he Tacoma Mill L'u. as bvss un-clmnm [ms rclurm-J [u Pun. stcdvury. He is u guud citizen. am] We nre glad u- \wicumu hxm back (0 deuauzg (:nuniy. ‘ l “at h‘ slitherh l‘acitic raizlr-md Ulll‘dll‘tls lwwc taken this IDA-rillll'a' for :1 drive larvuad town by Ma-snra, Laudes and Hill. The iiut was: in! lawn has been Christen-:4 liuilrund I“th already. It is w hi: the. lucutiuu of HIV Port Townsend butheru depot bu Minus. The ladies are iuvncJ to meet at Y. M. 'C. A. hall on Friday. at 3 p. 111.. tn or ganiza an anxrliiuy rnsiety tn the Young lilac} Christian Assuciatlun. 'l‘hc-ir ioxstcr oupgzer last work :uiiizul enough Harm-cu]: to partially [my this in‘lahiml luau of the usuacutn-n. Aimziwr enter— lmnment will he guttvu up «an. i Col. Lucile-i, Lin-ardent u! the First ‘Hmional bank, and um. 1: c. um, ouhier c! the same-*buth prumzua-ut in Ln Port Town-smut} If. It (‘...vwvvnt to Victoria on Saturday In u-iu't “\‘uizl. Hahn-gin“. Cracker and 'l‘uwizc, (.1 the louihern Pacxfic. It is ulna-ml that lac party will be taken fur a drivie here lhouts to day. Ibenlll 0! ‘\'nl. “all. 013 Futurduy «veiling about 7 o'clmtl; an event occurred that threw our usully quiet town iutu r. tremor of exciti-wciit, and has cast it pull 0! gloom oy‘cr the whole public evcr since—twin: nothing ‘less than the drowning o! our Icepct‘iud l tuwusmmi, William Kntz, of the firm of l Waterman J: Kntz. leading merchants of lthia city. The firm in doing a shipping cummi-‘siun husiuAss, us nu: several other firms in town, and when vessels nr rive there is n strife to see who will get on board first. A smnrt breeze was blow ing at the time. Ind.tho ship l'ulmym from San Diego was gliding in under sail. Mr. Kutz was out with the flrm'a sail-bout, a smart little cmft. accompan ied by his huntmnn. Being ambitions. he attempted to cross the bow of the ship but was caught by the latter and the bout cut in twa. Both occupants want down. of course. Griffith.B:idges and Stetson's steam tender. Little Joe. picked up the bontman. As soon as they could reach him Bnrtlett‘s boat picked up Mr. Kltz' body floating about fifty yards altern of the chip. He was speedily brought ashore to Quincy street whnrt where an excited crowd noou collected. Doctors were hastily summoned, and everything pouiblo wok done by the I:3oan brother and irionda, effort: to resuscitate the drowned man being kept up unlvnilingly for several hours. William Kat: was born in [lesson Cni tel. Garmauy. in May, 1856. and was therefure nearly 82 you'll old. He came to Putt Tuwnlend with his brother Israel about nventeen yen“ :20. Their un cle. Solomon Katz. wus than a member of the rising firm of Waterman & Kutz. Upon the death of the elder Kntz the younger ones succeelld tu partuerrlxip in tho hmineu, m which they have on:- tinued successfully ever since. Docen ed wu of «one well known and had many friends. Hi. nutxmely death inn and blow to thé oomniunitv. The tuner al will take plate to-morrow from Red 1 Men's Hull. under the auspiccu of Put" Townsend Lodge, 1". & A. I , of which decound In an houured member. Mt. Bakor Lodge, 1.0.0. 15.. will also at ‘tond the (mural officially. The body ‘ will he laid away temporarily in the l‘liseubeil uult in the Masonic camolery. to I). moved at some future line {1) Sun Frnnciuo. Tho utore building of the firm in heavily draped in mourning. Julia Ward How will lecture on the Sound this month. Tho pxotectiun idea il more cmnpldu- I, iUUlerled in China lbun anywhere else, and wages are about two cents per day. The Puget Sound Fishing company are having plans drawn for untonm fish ing mg. W bun commuted it will be usod in making daxly trip: to the sever al pound ucu ownedand operatoJ hy them. Mr. E. C. \Villiunl. wprasantim: tho Advance Onpyiug Home of Minneapo lis. ii in town. This firm nukes a spec ialty of onlnrgmg and copying photo graphs. and othnr pictures. in India ink and valor colors. Take a look at his samples, in Dr. Miukler‘a drug store. --»---v u... .‘lllleh (‘nw I'm-Hale. A good. fieutlc much cm for Sale. Six years ud. am} giving milk. Will be a good 'iutex cow. Price, 850. Ap p): at this oflice. ‘ From Tuesday's Dans. House cleaning season. Dr. Han-ism went up llxefi'mnd tn day. Orcgun Hastings is in town from We toxin. ". W. 'l‘bnmasm of Durgvccsa was in town Hus week. If you want :1 gm (1 mile!) can", chi-hp, inquire 1' t this nfiicc. Rev. A. 13. Banks t-f Scuftir. parked through today 0' we Premier. Stedmghip I’nrthiu Elf‘ri‘L‘.'.l y- ->’ZL shy in Vuztnrm {mm China. A. W. Bash left today fur !: s farm at Oak Hurimr. {u remain :1 “9:23;. Capt. Rowland Davis: is mulling as musta- of {Le steamer Libby. licv. I). T. Culuuhun will be away next Sunny attending; Prvshyicry meet ing. j Capt. liiuuxli was up til" 51m»! inst Suiurday. on Marine Uzuln-xwrixera' {mei mesa. Mr. J. l". Hz'L‘uzxag; «..E Part luxJiuw Wll3 in town )‘L'33lL‘:'\:'.L.. HHJ ..- AHZ4! at H): A RGLZS oflicv. 5| r. Griffith. nf ”.9 firm «)1 (irifliill. arid-. 19: 3t Sivix‘nn, Vim-s in :uwu last '.Verk hum 'l‘..c yum. Substantial twn smry barn is Iwiog emote-l uu the. pram-Hy n? Mrs Lucinda: Hushsz': uu the biél. A war “I Hurt-t betn'ueu :hc Flt-ciwuod and Hue ulhvr SSHJAXL‘ES on {his 8.41m] is report 11 h: in: tin-wing. Dr. .\I J R 25114. dvniiw‘ ix‘ Smmc again for u Wuck ur m. “x: um bulouud at Hu- Cusm thtuu Hutel. Miss Kate ‘ax'nlkL-x. {cacln'r of me pub— lic sch m! a: Port Dzsv m-r)‘. rotun I d Lx vmu ycszrrrda , war Vfifi.h!i',: frivnds :n luv 1:. '1'::-:ro was a {um-r H yeah-May at Fun TuWnSf‘nd-‘U.e infant child wf lln- {ale Knmerihc Haas. ILT. Duh-ism} of tin» ('il} ufliczzned. 0:.” and FCC the new Emuuu milking machine ac Cuzriwm's 'K'uziur Shop. La dxvs can have lmlluns Hla'L' to match any kind of drusa “unis. Dun Hwerdfigur “mks as (rush as a yuung fuse :im‘u his mmru [rum (3:22! foruiu. He “Ile {rd :pu Maude and fruit t)“ all traces «fix-lam (In-t are gunv. It Is rep .rud Hm: .‘Jr. L. R. Fluweyfl id nuw “to. prugu‘u-lnr and puhimhur uf 111 - 04111. “Laney" lm-J u-nmt-J up from small beginnings. and damn-s :x {urge mcsuurc of “News. l’rm‘ A. W. b‘erem. rem-her of the [nu lzc sebum! in ('hnuzu-nm, was. :1. km") Snlnrduy. Wu are pleased tn brnr through Visinnrs sin-f he In mnrc 'lmu ordinarily successfuh The :epubfimu .2 vm-ty m-utm! cam miltee met yosmrJ...» it: the ufiicenf J. J. Calhoun. A call was 15.2 w: 1 [ur prim- Brien and county muvmn u. nspnb lx'shed eisewrclc today. l’xuf, Geurgu’s “an: mumical enuven tiuu wau l’rgnmfrd at lhe 31:12.. dust church Lu: Wit-um; Lem-us «vwry “(luau-bun .nl 4:l3am! cvvumgut 7:30.311 tin-ruck the Week. 'l'uni 1: $2.! fur the cmnsa liupubin-aun. ntimxd your prim-rune. Read the "all :ssncd by we cvnlrui com mitiun. and Ne mlt that _vuu exercise your right to car-,8 _mur wm fur muse o! yuur ch-uice lo “In? in (Le cpunly cunvuutiuu. Mr. J-nepb Steinm- i‘l :nlvcrlising the Port Townsend (‘igar Factory, and ml vxsing people to panama: lmmeiudnstry. J [lot so; keep thr- money at humc where it will help to make mum-:53 f -r cva- Ul43]. An cxccllvnt quality at cigars is manufactured right here at home. and as cheap as they can he made anywhere. Schooner Mollie AdamaOapt. Jacobs. put in Ncuh Bay on Friday, the 61]: inst., (or mail. She had 256 seals. She nailed agnin on u cruise the same even ing. They report that they only had {our days of good weather during their cruise of n month Now that the season has become more calm they expect to make a com showing before they return to fit for Behring sea. Mr. E. C. ll’illinms, agent of the Ad vance Copying 00., is at the Franklin with elegant specimens of Crayon and Paste] portraits. He will call upon our citiwnl, ofl'ering a rare opportunity to secure copying and enlarging ot pic ture:. Copies made in India ink. Cray on, Puatul or Water colors. A correct and perfect copy guarantcm] in each case, or no sale. Judging from the sample» we may say that- this is the flu ent Work ever brought to Purl: Town sand. Mu. Uougill has received the largest and no“ o-_)mplete stock in upriug mi]- liner}. lute eastern stylus m Bluuels 311 d Hats. to" numerous to munliuu. NEW ribbons. DOW flowers. m-w Hp; 520.. Inc. 'l'hcladiea Would do well to call and “amine thin stock and tum: money befura purchasing elm-when». 'l‘hree duo“ weak 0! Wmmmau S: Ku'z- * lowcpnpers In 1881. From the edition of Gen. P. Howell Sz 00': “Amer-inn Newspaper Dirv‘ctnry,' pubhahed April 2.) (its {Wm-lieu: year). it appear: that we .\‘uwspapum and [’cr iodicn‘a of I” kinda issued in the Unih-d Sun“ and Canada. Dui‘ numlmr 163310. Ibnvlng a gain 0? 890 during the Inst I'.’ month. 3nd of 7.136 in 10 _n-uvs. ‘ Tho publishers u! the Directul') assert ‘lhut tu- impression thm than up» pm. priehr of I uownpnper uuierlu‘scs to “a“ Vb“ has been his and virmx'u (ion. In due m 4 genexany m: the ku'b is un ermuomu unr; and Min) mn upicuuully offer a reward or 811 m for every indent iu (heir bunk f-vr tin; your, when it cnu be “qu that Hm datuiled ropon roceind (rum I publisher was untrue. Coroncr‘n Inqm-ul. Pour 'Eowxsnxn, \V. [‘.. ‘ April 9. 1888. We. flu jury of jiuquezt. as to the death of Mr. Wm. httz. held bu-luro J. S. \Vycofl'. coroner of Jefl'o-rsou County. do flml mo fullomug male n! facts, viz : That the deceased came to his dumb by accidental drowning. and no blmue can be attached to any persnu or pawn“, D. H. HILL. Jnlns Jnsm. H. H. chxen. C. F. CLAPP. 'l‘. M. HAMMOND, Sn 4.. Elsnxnmsfl, Foreman. J. S. \VtoKoI-‘P, Coroner. Kiu R. Larson, Fashionable Cloak .ld Klutle Maker; Cloaks altered ac cording to “we. Residence at Mr O. '. iii-"Is uoxl h Presbyterian ihnrcb. 3‘ ; Prom Weonum'. m. ‘ llnssry‘s undnmu is ‘ a}! the :10" (hes: } days. ‘ Cit-Jim! [Jungvnesi butter :1! Petty ‘ grove S; Cn’s Presbyterian snciul tonight :1! Red Men's H::ll. I’lrdss'n'skisag at tbs :vbinlrucv ..f .‘éu. Bl“, Bishssp's oatmgo. ‘ IL‘V. I. I'iilwn :irfiVLZ ycskcrlny [rum \Vlli'iby i=lumi 0'; {12.1 way ta anizA Lima-. 2 .lisg-im m‘ i:-H~‘ cur brought to Part l'uwn-e mi - 'at Li\'ur:;r;r.:'s. * Hoary Hulk-LEA. 3'5 Em- .\izipping ii m of iiuuzchiid 53",“ Wm M Sohl'lv T‘i"!l-‘ day ‘ 1 -‘ - ‘ l-us: KENT. rr'i‘ih' J.-!.x. [Swim-z: nae.- dc.. '9 pr-upnrty j\ for nanny. r.-,¢,..|;:lini;- t 9; ms. i’rx-f. (ir- urge wis! give :- Cancer: nrx! Munch-V evening: :2: L-’:.rz:4_--.i's upa-m house. 3].“. KulZ' {um-m: 5:49p] w mu Very large!) aura-In} its-J .\l: “.3 Lluflwrzr crowd-:J. A probiiuiiuu [arty .-:‘-. 2:991) nuan ized in UZy-zun 1. “fit: R-v R. H. 3145 say Hi prt‘nLL‘hf. I’m-si: u;‘.~tor,~ m the 3.14.3115 Ruck Remnanmfl Ir. any sayiu fvr 'ls c 0535 :: dxsh; 9.15.: ._:H .1 lrnrzl 11-: SUN) inir wvuk. ‘ Uf all [Le (J!I“.':!!-“‘ll Immv-z X"Ulib§\d for :13: new n-L-Jn, ‘.hatnf “Swain-13m" by a North Yakima pnpor. t:x‘.:_-s the cake. Gin- ua “lichuckflu Squaxuu, or Duguzuin. --r riqnulicumr nr .~.».;.c« (hi-lg elm-52c. WA' ‘lun'l “‘32.? 2-1-u'ien iah names. lax—ILQFATJFEn “I‘ll Uzlc uf tha- Luge-fit fuzu-ruls m‘nr'in Purt 'i‘uu'n—‘csz mu: ”13.2 mi 2m,- hit.- Wm. Kant yx-slcrnluy. The ('un-nmnia-s \'..-:'r c-m Eu 'h-J hy 1h:- .‘-I:l.~'uuiv fmternily, :1."- curJiu: iuthvir impru-w‘iw ritrr'. [huh 1:u-I~'::vnvrully in [ln-.11 \\;|< N!\'!l:‘Ht!\“:. “1111-: :11} ”Hit-‘ll in min lmnui‘ in tire nix-1:.- uryufxlu-ir ‘l--;nurl:-el fvllnw tn\\'n:-:‘.n;m. Hum] tributes mm the vlcgunl n-Hiu ax— (”>101 hruvhin: [wrmnul regard. Th:- srruwn, by “NV. .1. 11. Alexander. Wain :lpprupri.:tu :uvl I'm-ling. The pa" imam-rs were all you“; mzrn, p'crscmdl fri-fntls 0f (lam-.le, ah‘ inllu'fi‘fi: Frank .\. Bartlett. D. H. “ill, J. .\'a-I<<m L;luh:l('k,linht. Sim-lair, 11. -L. Burke-2t and E. "vu- s.'!m'.vcr. Busing-$4 is manned with ‘.l tingv of mlucss. e-‘pcz-iallly lmmuso om .m \vnrthy shun] l !l.l‘\'(' been the victim of an untimely Luv. The Presbytery of Puget. Sunni will comm-nu at the Academy Chap-4 in l‘lllvnslmrg 'l‘hursxluy evening April 12. in 7:31) p. m. 1!, t-mhmrw (be l’roshytnrizu: xuiuistars wust m" Ih.- t'asx‘ades in the territory and L“ in Kitlims and Yakima (‘Ulllltil'fi with umu-Mm' from c-zxch church. Tm upmziug sermon will hv by Rev. 1:. U. Dilwurlb. (ivurgo E. Atkinson, manager of the Pacific 31:1: company. n-pm'ts llzt' \wrl; un ihu new HLW mifld. now i: pl'Ugl‘QrS of t-roct 0:; (,1) Han wulv: from. rapidly pn-ghssing. Tin fl-llhdullnzl in ism-ml; Lad and ill-1 .\idng is guing us) Wit-en c nuyloh‘d. those mills will turn out during own-3 \vurking day of ten hum-5, 1504 M . of lumber, ll 0.0::0 shingles nml 4(LHUU llllllr. 'i‘nu lnlalx‘ will be final up nith the latest imp-raved mil-chin cry. mumbling of a lurgu gang and lumd 24.1 w. :4 shiugiu nun-him», 1w” Wood’s planes and two lam mu chim's Mr. Atkinsmn says ho will have a lhtle town (bore cf his mum. He has large orders from California: and ouch t ) lw filled as soon as pos~ Sllllt'. ~ Tan-mun Lcdgvr. The luh'r ()ccun drops win poetry to the {aliasing effect: “Thou muv-c yuur family \Vcd, If unod but!!!) you wouid eujuy, Ant! rise ln wealth nnl honor On the plums n! lHee-uoy." The Atlu says: Just so! " And when your’e bizzzard fun-zen, Ur by cyclonci blnwn away, Ju>l move to peace and plenty In Cul-i-lurui-a.” Indeed! And when you're scorched and dried, By California's sun. Just come to nature‘s paradise, Our lovely Washington. Special bargains in real estate—city building lots. Apply at. this office. SEED Po'r.u'ozs.——.-\ limited supply of Early Ruse and Burbank Seedling pota tucs, for 8310 by BUBKm & EIsENBEIs. Call at the ARGO». agenny hr figures on $0 acres of timber land on Quimper peninsula. Fresh t'rt-mnury Butlcr jnsl received by Burkott & Exsenbuzs. Send in your orders at once and secure somolhmu very nice as we have only u limited sup ply. j2st! Now is the lime to ge‘ yum-self a wee alruw hu', lwfnre “my me all culled. Livervuore can fix _um. * ¥__ _._._...___————— The. Alums (money has n spkmdnl bran new bargain in u wanrr from business lot. Can hr. bud fur s6.‘K’O "half cash. “'0 lillVC ins! lnid m u large supply of Boricks um] sejhrcck Homeopatblc pre puruuons BI” k Suns. t “A m....-_.__ “ orln Knowing Mr. W. H. Blur-,mn, lm-rchunhhnlw City. Flu , was taken filth n sun-re Cwld. amending Wm: ': xii-‘HI'HSHM.’ (‘uuuh and mums: tut-r (Hru-uzupimu in :13 first Huge-u .Uu lrwd many .wcnlh‘d mum [at cnugh rummhvi and steadily grew Wnrw. Wu: reduced in flash‘ bud difli mxfly iu Ivr-oa Lin; and was "math in flap. Fxnuliy tried Dr. King's New Inst-..z'er) fur l‘nusumpliuu nu'l found iuzmcdiah-Lv :u‘dvf. and after using about A lull! d. zen» hunhra x'uum] him~rif wvll nnd has luu] nu return of the a sense No other rmumly can: shuw em gram! :1 rec-m] of euros. as Dr. Kunu's New Dis cover}! fvr Cnnulmxrt‘un (inurnnh‘vd tn do just wbut Is clump-J fI-r in Trial [whirls “(‘0 at D. “in 5' Smm‘ drug skin-e. 'l‘llr wnuu- “mu Slat-hint y Depends {ur the fun-3, “Inch :3 Kim ming (2! its prupnimvrv fume. upon {Lo slum uch. Ih um biéldxn ..lemLi-.- {lmfuod uudvrguus ti e chexuiml Hummus which tnmsmuic i’. inhl bland. from n bich the I} slevu dun:- the mat Jul than. rrltll humus it (u. i\.-a dimly? s-eq uf li-sue‘. Tues", .21 c -:u~:-. an:- zmutiy urgnmcutcd in Junkie! If the s‘umnck. tlmrrfum. is weakened nr disur‘it’ful, h x syflcu) h duprih'd ”f Mutt-Hanna I'IDHL! er'» Stomach Bitters can he relic-J upon '0 fuelllmlu and renew dizediuu whcu 11m; function has been intcvmp'cl by Weak-x ness 0! lbc riumnch. B:llxouan-n.ora‘ dn‘ermm M, Ito bile frrm fls proper channel, wlmh czuuvi' «‘nnshpauon. i 9 ‘a‘.so remmliml by it. Hnnrllmrn. wind {on $9 8 stumm-Ix. sick hm Each- . fur "pun ‘ the tongue. an! other aymptuus nf istnmncb and luv-r d a ruler. it flpet'dbl)‘ remuvrs. .\lulnrinl cumplmnts nl'r'h'r: 30H, kidney nnd bladder (rumbles. c-n Itwntinu. H‘eumnliam and Lea-rhi: yeild win“ 1! i. n-x=-.l n-,'u!=:r!;-' :m'. ;- r men-nu; I I I Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castona. 1 Y LIVE AT LUNG BRAM‘II A DAY’S DOINGS AT THE FASH IONABLE SEASIDE RESORT. Going {ollw Early Train-Lawn Tenni nml Harm-haul; liming—Bulking; Begins a! ll o’ClocL-Alicnumn Driving-Hin— no: and the Evening Hours. People who live in Rome would find it difficult to 1:35.»- the day as they would in Paris, and :1. New Yorker in Florence cannot live a day as; he would in his own metropolis. .\‘eizlwr can :1 man, with all his victories over tummy pus.» a. day in the Alps as he would an the banks of the Alimznn. And so a man cannot carry out :2 day at Long Branch as he would at “‘ixitc Sulphur Springs. lie does at Long Branch what the plat :3 permits him to «En. Centrally slwzzking. the summer popula liun is up at 7 o'clock. because the gamut majority uftln- nn-n gum New York evu'y duy toancnd to business and they start at about 8. Going to the train i-s rim first business of the (lugs. and .‘l preily sight it is to see the indie-.5 in iin in fresh, white, morning gowns, driving [Heir curls and pimetons down to the simian: niiii their husbands. The harness and it'lrr'S nix-'1 carriages, fresh from the l.:-.n=':~. of ixnlnqrious grooms and eonr-lnm-n. nzzzi inn-potted a“. yet by the dust utthe (lay. :lisxi-n under theczu'ly morning sun. The air i< cool and invig orating, and the labile and confusion about the station l.;;.-; a fashionabie pic turesqnencss about it that is charming to the student of society. AIR 5 the busi— ness of the morning exodus is. alone, lawn tennis comes to enliven the day. The game is exceedingly popular at Long Branch, Where the line lawns, of which I have spoken. furnn'h admirable courts. About 9 o'clock in the morning you will see young men in white flannels and young Indies in loose gowns running nbont on the smooth turf, and entering into the game with an earnestness which fully stones [or any inc-i: of skill. Besides ten nis, horseback riding claims attention. The roads at the Brunch are ex cellent for this exercise, and scores of equestrians may he seen every day takingnmoming cuntL‘r. Many of the ladies choose this para of the (lny to do their shopping, and 11:13: Long Branch is made very lively. About. 11 o‘clock bathing begins in rise above the horizon. A! the hotels the cus tomarytimc for bathing is at low title, but as the water is seldniu so high or m rough in the summer that; people cannot lynlhe at all hours, most of them sweet. the . .nrning for their dip. 'l'he l‘L‘fl'Crhl'll: in tluence of the bath prepares one in rm: s, with equanimity, the warm hours of the early afternoon, before the sea. iti‘Cl'XL' springs up. At some of the hotels ih-g bands give morning concerts at, eleven, and those ladies who prefer to devote their afternoons to bathing. sit. in the parlors, tsten to the music, and put: forth a enn tinnous flowofsmall talk. After lnnchm-n mozt people at the Branch take the day leisurely tintil-to‘cluck. The (lftt‘x‘mmn driving then begins and continues until about 6:30. The scene on Ocean avenue at this time of the day is a. most animaml one. At times the drive is crowded NI that carriages are compelled to prom-cal cautiously in order to avoid collisions. The evening trains from New 10:1»; and Philadelphia come in and carriage: are dashing to and from the statimm. while the hotel stages lumber along laden with incoming guests. The steam» boat: lands at the pier, and there is a great rushing from all points of excursioni>7< who have come down from New York ft x the clay and are eager to get seats for 11l return trip. Sailing vcscels of all kind: are seen gliding along up and down the coast, and southern steamers pass by, gen erally running Clucu in shore, dippixiie their flags, blowing their whistles nnz‘; firing their guns. The men who han been all (my in the steaming hot. city rng~li down to the bun-h, don their bathing guits, and plunge into the surf. The whole shore front is alive and brilliant with «the hmflsome costumes of ladies. the glitter of wanted harness, and the flax-h of polished wheels. - By and by, as the dinner hour up preaches, the bustle and confusion (lie away, or'rmher, transfer themselves to the hotel dining rooms, where the evening dinner is attended to in a manner which shows that the sen air is truly provocative of hunger. The evenings are usually passed in dancing, or looking at: other people dance. The hotel bands play in the parlors every night, and when it is not; tun warm, Waltzing is indulged in to 1: great extent. Saturday evening is the funhionable night, when people from the cottages go to the hotels to dance, and some little Show of dressing is made. As: a general thing, however, people do not dress especially for the dancing, and full evening attire is the exception. The mcn who spend the (lay at business do not feel it incumbent uponjhem to put on their dress suits (or the evening, and the ladies are, therefore, compelled to permit them to dance in business costume, it they se dcsirc.—“'. 1". Henderson in Outing. A New Idea. Two spruce looking girls stopped :11) open cm- in which I happened to be the other day, and took the seat just behind me. They were rather out of sorts,l fancy, by the tones of their voices. and the prettier of the two was evidently “taking it.” for some delinquency, by which the other had suffered :znanuoyance. Finally she burst out. with the old, familiar femi nine, "“‘ell, I don’t. care!" And then, with deep sigh, said: “Oh, dear, I wish I‘d been born without feet! Then I shouldn‘t be forever treading on people's com!” The idea. was new—Boston Herald. Her Three Tiny Dogs. It’s simply astounding the lengths some women go to on the dog line. I know one, and she's still at large, who keeps a “nurse" girl whose sole duty Is to wash, feed and look after three tiny dogs named Pepper. Salt and Mustard. Every morn ing, rain or shine, the (inlet, us the neigh boring small vaS call them, are driwu out by the coachmnn, attended by the “nurse maid,“ for an airing. “heart it rains, in a covered carriage. Think of the. longing faces. which follow the beautiful tumont, of the sick poor, ol—ugh: it. makes me sick unto death—Pioneer Press. Ho Planted the: Bottle. Ashort time ago it Basnto of South Africa, while Mowing up what used to be the camp of the Cape mounted rims, at ' Murusi's nmuntuin. found a bottle ut French brandy which had been buried and tcrguttcn by some over pun-idem ”(mm-r. It i; uccdlcss tn add that the Busuto promptly drunk the contents of the hottlp, and with a faith that is almost sublime he 1 bum-d the empty bottle in the ground again with the hope of getting a amp 1 full botth next scam—New York 'l‘l-ibune. ..___...___ Brat-e ['39. You are fesliuz dopn-sand, your zip [wli‘n ia pounynn nre bothered w 9h Hun-inche, you “w fligmty. new" H. M' cenamily nut if sums. an! want to brace up. Brncu up. but Lu! with slim n'nvl‘s. spring :;.mi:r-€x;v~‘. hr httéx rs. Whii'h lxnvn fur th-Jr tax—i‘ \‘v (“m-3.1:. tn] u-hinky.nud which kt malntc 3'oo ’ur nu bnur, and t: H: h r u- _\- u in v.l rse «audition than hafnrn ‘.‘z'lmt .\.-fix want i- an n3t--'l|r-‘.i\'.- tit-u: w h purify P-v'H' ],E I, 1. fitnrt [:8 .1130 ;,c‘:i n --f Hm LYLE and Kni'u )‘k'. rvnlvz'u _\:w:r I'th {5. am] L'i‘“rk‘nA'\V.'t:.‘6'7ll‘il{lli-‘lfl‘fltiflrf. V fixes. a ziév.']‘iri:iri:irvr73;:ilvlm\r\:.linfit::'.riu 13H: '1 z in” I'it turd. :m-l nniy s‘) OMB 3 I; We at N. D Hill & Sum-1 ' FOE-Ta @ALE : 18 1-year old Heifers and Steers, 12 Z—yexr old Heifer: and. Stan‘s, 14 Milch Cy , 1 ms. c 7935- rimzzmr- '2 1 Fox :MJ: [H ..m ::-:a . 51.2.; . rr.l 3: z'm." ' ' 3": Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorial And where to ‘5 ”9‘ land V B Elf L . {a a .V. - H W ‘ Weac ; :1: 34‘2qu rug - . y :3 V ‘ l‘nz-z ’l‘uxvnsoud 5‘3 < E‘ 7Z ”5 I'2 '1 f: pig '1 5 r ‘, is 5L;m; i a: u y. '~ J:h'r;l’ll>~'ill!’£xi!: ~ - l'rupziwtoh 'xh' - in :n‘rj-s 1‘: .~. .- »:‘z..z~: untertl I mm: ‘ Ina: I . :z '.A'm :- z' |. '.!-iiv .:.:;l [mu pre— mun-:1 to :1 I,:. r: h. ' :zi; “vii-nude. duznealiu 31mm uni 2 . r, '. - ~31: -« \HTtri‘u'l'Hl: and would 'wlm: . l ' H :' s‘? ‘_'.t- L!‘E:.=l:.~' U! [’ol:] (”L-v" I . l' ‘ \ ..; , :5?“ Pat-nu ‘2: {lmus Indus-Hy. 3%} 7 a a L\()IICI‘J. 73: {/u’ 7.’v“::rl.'l.’f.".'l,=l L'Oh’i'fl 0f Jffer‘ .~:-..x. ('4;'l:;!'_'_.'. ”I 'l'. On Saturday, April 21, 1888, .’ g‘ .h v.l” prizncxs. \uli he hr“ in tLel‘O ...: ;'-..- |.:-' -- :41» :v'. :.~. an! pulling; plmci. m: _, 'xnrgv .~ ui’ -1.~ 1.1: '.H .j.v;«-,':Alc- I!) the ‘. qt 3. 4' ..' n In , '-, |-::I'1-’h .\;-r11‘.'43. 1553.5! "Nu foxy»: n-f. :. v A z uLult'gchi to the 1 x‘.:::x';:. Ina-~13 .-.| In he Lcld as North ukinxzt. 7! .A .;_ 1~~~. in hysuo-a to tho County Subroutinu u if. I. .‘~,- .xinncl us followo: i‘urt Lu E‘s 3 In: 1 Tnx'." x:-§_..‘......V,.................10 Port Dis mun 9 Central.... . 9 Q L:'("'xu: ......,.....,... . .. ........ ‘1 1:112 ""Jl ......... .i Ir-n:1.5«- . I “.111i................‘....-.........‘...... 3 'l‘... I .\IJH-LRT BRIGGS. ( ‘n‘n. “u, (‘vutul Com. J. .\'. Lu x:.u u. Sac. v. (f, q "r 1”! n’f‘l‘ MAS; Lixun; gm '0"? 1. 1‘: M . (Lamiflldxhig [Less - a . ~.-"f |‘l' SI '.lll‘i. '.sttcrm -n .‘i iialé’. building, a :' 12ml lumli— 3163:, “law: -'., ~ - P- u Tumsuud, W. T. ’* Hi i' ' i‘‘lo " q l‘ gangsta any 161251011 . ,\p'l_v'l -: a. w~i i. Rn..r.:i :.x d B‘giuli. from :r 1:1;1’ 2:. A“ \ , .n‘ll uin- private mnrucfion .. ‘4- 1:. no - rll 'L::=l Ahll‘lrvn. H): Ivnrtlcnlau u » ML: .\EAY \'.\.\' AL‘KEN. X'. (D. “1,: 173. 1' I" ['..-.nreud. \V. ’l‘. fl‘i’fl‘.’ ' 3~*3=3:t?!:- :unmg- MB. .\‘I'I‘B'V‘IIKE ‘'l ! 2r ‘2: l' vrl lozrbsmu! in m. mutual \\ a - xc. .n; .~ Lg; :;- hm; n: bu scrim, H H" m: m . I -. ' 1 r. ”“06“ n-- 13. “(8t LIRULL ‘ JIUi ll} (1 - .‘.! 1;) :2. w’;- .r! 1’...—t.; I“ wuend. . r:.l-;:;:5H;:l‘u-s ~15 d fiflb‘ fl) ilk-Six ; :nzdiu‘: ‘1 ‘NflOLESALE “ASP-RETAIL grain-42s ~rrx'uzh .zn! wgu‘u nun curlozl rA .- .L..nn'n:(u!. :3: .‘.‘~ <3. JUHVSIhNX-lxl.'o..l"rop'n. ARTHUR 00-38, 5:241;th ' f ..l ‘ i . ' 510.186 am; Sign Pamter AND DECURA'X'OR. 131.1380]! PDLISZZIXG. Gnuxirm. Gl] DING. GLAZING. KALsouxsxsa. AND PAPER HAIGIIO. 27’ Firshclus: Werk Guaranteed. .28 Shup— 'uhnw SE. l-pp. Cnurt House. l‘vn't Townsend. “I. 'l‘. N. B.——Steamboat raiming: nrompliy amended (00. '~' Just” Received .\'l‘ “ ° 9 Juo. htzpatnck s i fihoe Store, Frx m Philadleuhm, a large Invoice of LADIES’. CHILDREN'S. YOUTH‘S AND BO" PIN}: SIIOES Vy'ldr‘l) will he SUM at BED 300‘ PRICES, :_.): :'§;'——~—-r-C.\SH oNLY.~——_—_‘l ' THOMAS' MAYLOR, Gun 8; Locksmith, l‘onx‘ Tuwmzsn. W. T. G'lnvnznzk and Kay mnng promptlv “tended oi lira-r ru: 11111 l Hand-saws wt and died. “‘1 wr-rk “azrmzud. ['niun wharf. mun-l- Notico for Publication. 1 AXE ("l—l|. ; AT PIA‘H’LI. W. T A! m 1.11“." Selig-u n- ‘.ornlxy gin-n lhu lE. fulo'm‘ sluulsvrmr has fliul "unit: of his “Jpn“.- a- mum final prw-«r in «uppuzx urm- dun. IB‘ 1.:1' >A‘l p our “1.! 1e inufl- lu-(nm (11ch of D..- lt‘x.'l~t'“'lznl‘.ut .uul.»nln!.W.T‘,ol| Than. 3;} ‘-‘:|\‘ 2. hr: \ n Ila-r» .\l-e-k. Ernempuu z). 5. Sn. 23,1» ?‘ x :m- $.12 1‘ 055 X Dotti.- -:u. .1 w. 3..: .\.; w ‘w!A. w. l.otl. W. k I"'Al‘-'.::: x \u li'-;.I .\ it. 1"". . H- mm. ~ 1:.» l-!‘ -.-. 11;: Min nu in grave , ~, -n- . .--Z-;. IL .: rpm. and cullivulon 1" .-r ('lym 2:22. Wuhilflkl }‘ I .... \-.- 3: n. r.’ I ‘...u.u-:.::~., Washing»; \ ;. ifx- \ ‘ - ...} ‘vl .‘. _ml I: m «u'.:. W‘sh‘xlfixl 1 I’" : ' l' . ‘i .. ~- -: .. . 1:2 ..10, '.rum {n Tow ritnrn', | ‘ J H.» Y. li. .‘ ANDRE. Rhglulor. |._.___.__._—__.__.. __._. .- . , X ' ‘ (n g £9UMMUN a. ! l 2 . Mug-k: ('..:zn ro'lu Tin-d Jud-I'd ' - _-v .. 3.1.1:, ':3 -. Turf Ir}, “,Ide WI. u i'.r . .. --:.-':‘ t.“- . L \ .l..‘.\'. m “a. ‘: .1 ~.._ ,‘--.. . Is.u.'.¢‘.lnzu anal-o ..; . ' ‘.'-: .\L\‘-:- Jr >1 :. :‘:.', ~ r ._ ‘SO. His 11..‘ In' .\ll. '. l'- {~ll L. . I 3"“ y I \;_ ~ ."- z. . \HZ.’L~IIJA‘? ‘:u i: ‘.Z.Y “wax. u n .1 n..: \u :tr; ‘. - n. 2"! Ind . » .: par in 30“.. hr I . . 1' I " '.(».. -_V In- :t3-n «I24...'lpmln ti .in the z I: ct -'<-' It JUL: 1:31 I Jth bl i'imj l : E A 1- 2' Mn. v! “Bahia: Ana, ham. in: c- 1:: ' 'L 'ls}: -f Pz! 'L'u-neomLh. lb. . u 5;! 5 - n 1 ".~; :3 lr<--f flirt...“ t~ b 2." I‘} ‘ ' ‘ 'l ' In. 1!!!! Y') Ill'a ‘lth :.:':11". ‘. .1 if-s'rr‘v: in duydnynnhoo K‘ - “313“.“ c I n .l l .4 mm ‘.. r 5. ff’fi‘;o Izl n: b .2-: ~ z -~ 3| h‘ hi.“ '2l: I!" yams: r r 2; I. 'n ':v-- !.-_\ rn'ltzic “m; in m. .. - 1:I: F. ~I:- Mr. .\L-‘u. luingn [3|- r i ~ ’I-w ‘1 v‘u'w“ mild-Hi1“: the lrndir-f ::xa m- ‘.- n- ‘l mzix.’ nnd fete-wind, in . h . -.1 t ' \nu'v‘. »l rm'i gram-17h" ,“n nI. 1;! xr !‘ I‘m- mi nr ch: .|~, n“1 In! "' :x’nt d ;.-\I -!- [A n Izzl'. 2: -'.\'.!f Jmh‘.» n i ‘l3. .r.- \x ' r-\ .\~-i~~, :mal Ihr ju-l ‘lm-n! mar jlw :I- .0 l : : ins ,1... Ir ' Tm- IM- a)!" 0'! ‘11; . ‘ f -.-I.?n-nm'nl '0! anr n- *0 r ~,. .- ' . gru'~:n's utm- I" -... .x .. .mlz'tAi-iull‘ftl’ “L‘fu‘p .'.| .;»2- n‘ :u-In{|u<f.:.n .r. : u.’.u-~~-. ‘.L-v llmqumE- 'e .-:-; '3 .‘- ”0“"- |-' :_u {up 3.1 “‘4 a: nun-'.. am! no ”- I'z’tf'uf I':i~ IJ-i] I'JV n? .\ H'. A l‘. 3"- * wzj. a; 2:." u“. ‘l'. I‘. x In). ;-.,1 31.1 :‘u-mzrpnyrnk: " Z'z:_\rsn,u. .\ rut ;|~, H mUs \ >_- l-‘zr-I publiuuuu Aptil Nth, law.