Newspaper Page Text
an m%:- . té‘ a sum; 2:2; [HI’HSI).\Y. ffl'lhz '. Fl93;}; '7» 3. El AULX'IHQ.‘ \: -.. «loud. Jurob Sharp !!.2 , . . in. i-A «hing. t':s!:furni.; lam; 1 . ' , Woman Mlilt‘ugtu :.I u . ' Pruhi'uiliun r-t-t- - , - NFL-5.10:. m L'xzhinliz - Hf L‘kucugu. rum: :. v. 37. Mouh'ramu. \‘.. i . 2:. , uuto hat-ii" 3,2} . ..E lzml by Hut a-l-‘l: m N '2 Goudell :15 um} ‘ \Vurk nu XL: Mn 2: . _ - Co's mih'um! '. ‘l -. . been tcmpurzujg. ; , to trouble ni~~c.: ;. ,‘ Four timw iy.» zi.-- '1 . : been dulpml z.. n u; =..-:; . d 9”: (JilQ‘Vl‘i :11 ; 3 K'.L2 V - ' ' -—.'or (ham. 1"»; In ;. .. tbur and for Waiw. Mrs. Zen-I‘m 329 V_. . ‘ ‘ has beet; uppmnh-vl u ._ ' . by Governor Su'lugrie‘ \L ~ .. is one of xlw Eva-121'- 2 suffrage unn’vuwnt. In; - .~ I.llde lady uppp-nnm: .1 _1 -. m 9 terl'it'r‘l'y.'-4’!‘:lL‘A:uza .I. I'l]. 1 . It is l‘UiUl‘tUll nu :41): ‘1 :"fiu that the Spukauu I) u"; ,3 Im. been sold by :‘ivsfls. i. 3 ~ Greenberg to Pun-iv]; ii. \\ Lowistuu. and WWI-- biz». ‘l. men of uewspnpwr twp-1‘: a ‘ .: means. The priw {121:1 i- :- :1. The Review has the lwst liuld ui‘ any paper in Hustvru \\ minng'v :~. 2 the new prupriewrs mil firm, a utilize it h) the. utunnt. There is about to lu- u dam,“- w. .; (3ng in Eb." faxuiiy (2f 2:..- widuzvxz _. leld,uf.\lentor, Uhiu, .‘xliw _zi . Garfield is to WM .1. mum“; lh z” Iho was her fathurk privy-A ~; _ , 17. and Harry, un- elm->2 «2: :L. - t; H field boys, is to tiikl' um.» l‘:!')~w . . bride in the charming gu-Trmii 31.. Belle Mason, oiu- uf Shv [LY-- - I‘U'Jl' i; ten of the laie Jiuuv: .\iuMln. in. morly counsel for (In: LJu-n'fi ’ Railroad company. N. Y. Sun: .Ur. Dept-W i~ >923! there, and has annuity )‘nfltmn- . from giving any Sign of \‘.':Hm ;. - to refuse the respuuhihxhty. .\m .; migl‘lEy harl Candidflh- :-. ln- :1 ;, vo‘fild' prove ililnseif, inch! in I'. late of New York oqn-oiuilgy. in. Vid Bennett Hill 01‘ Smuux-i J ii :2‘ d 8“ would beat him. but firm . Cleveland would run 50pm ioim. A with Depew for his :mtug.mi>t. Am: the politicians at Wushingwn Luv: better not forget it. L. Holden manager o 2" thv l-:.=;.» mond & \Vhitcolnh oXL-nrszzun purl. -s humanged to bring vxcurni m yar— ties to Puget Sound this NIH-dun, They Will arrive here. us. i‘ :llt-n -: April 7 and 16. May 23 nnxl 2“ an? Jun. 16 and 23. Bt‘fihitfi lilt‘u'. there is no small numln-r of [lt‘l‘rmli\ who, while under the cure of “up mond & Whitcomb, will travel ind.» {oxidant of parties, to asthma he-l'e 1;. ho middle of May. is being lumlu 1:; in Philadelphia, and now nuxmris eighty persons. Benjamin Harris Brewstur ‘.~.-...~' born in Salem county. New .lm «.\u in 1816, and was therefore in his 7:: i year. He was graduated at l’riuw ton college in 1834. and was :ulmi' ted to the Philadelphia bar in 15:;\ and became a distinguished nwrnln-r of it. He was appointed by I’m-r;- dent Polk in 1846 a commissioner an examine into the claims of the Cl“ 1" okee Indians against the government He was attorney general of Penn~ sylvania from 1856 to 1859. [lo was firpointed attorney general of the nited States by President Arthur in 1881, and held the office till 1883. During that period he used his he I energies in the prosecution of llm famous “star route" trials. .\lr. Brewster was probably one of [tu nblest jurists in the country. I’m aonally he was an afl‘able. mum-min ing and interesting gentleman. al» though his apperance was not pleats ins. When ayonng man he risk-ml his life in the efi'ort to save his 525 tor from death by fire and was him‘ lelf terribly burned and (lisfigurezl for life. The Gardner Case. The San Francisco Examinor of March 26th contains two and :1 1::le columns from its special correspond— ent at Ogdensburg, N. Y.. concern ~ in; the Gardner opium smuggling 0.36, including an account of an nl [aged interview with A. E. Garduur in presence of his _aitornoy. J. Li. Hines. of Seattle. in the St. Luv;- I’enco county jail at Canton. whom-in Gudner is now confined. (Jar-flu ‘l“3 defence, as detailed to the correspoir dent, in as follows: “I am simply." aid he. “working inlhélntl‘l‘ral of the government. By nrruugmuvm 0! 8698119? and Ayer, the twu slu‘x'tlill egente of the coast, [came rust L. upturo the opium that we all know the Victoria firms am sending into the country from this (lira-ii. In. You know, of course, that govern ment oflicers profit largely m,- wizr urea. Now my mission was, first. of oonrae, to break up the opium u-afliv: next, to get as much profit out of m:- grooees as possible. If I could conn mend through my acquaintmcu with the opium trade. and its “301125 on British soil, get a few tons nor. s~ here, ship it to California and lmw it seized there, why, you see. Apr-I', Beecher and myself Would all make ”nothing handsome." He says Beecher “is is a kind of weal: slslvi. anyhow, yet a thoroughly good l‘ul low. Iwish he wasn’t so frighlonml "‘ Continuing and alluding to the 11-)» appearance of Beecher in i‘cspon~zv to his telegrams, he said: "I'm m-z druid of Beecher. \Vliou lln- tim > strives he will be here, and I think" 1 cm refresh his memory. BeL-chur i~ between so many fires ho hilt'tll} knows where to turn. llmnciulviz however. I accuse Mr. Bum'hv!‘ -,-1 nothing wrongful. I assert tin: i!(‘ now what I was about at the l‘iir'. Ind when the time comes lie. tm. will assert it.” General Terry has been placatl m: lb. retired list by the retiring buzzing. . While spading ground for an un -10!! bed at Lexiugfigu. Indiana, :2 huchtnr dug up 512.000 in (:3:th The onion industry has receiwd. mighty atimulusin that Section. The Oregon democracy have 31')?“- lowed the bitter bill of free “vol 1.4. x! taxed woolens. But when the \‘n'. r ac counted in June it is likely xo 2 .‘ found that Oregon will have f“:- lo'od Rhoda laiand and returned {0 hapnblican fold. :'. .Li - x a. g ‘ j; - :73 1; - ;._:. .. v.3E.-‘;n‘;-".IE :u 3141-11»: I' ' 3.2;”) :1: 3; ;, .' . . ’2 "1.2.1.“: mg 51‘ :g; ‘-'-‘, = ‘ -::l. 3.11} S. --V a . ',: ' -. ilk-2. —, 1" :::-~ ;: _ '.. ; "21.1:in :.2 lii.:.Em: : .'1 .- an. fi:-I.:;—§ l'=: -5 ~ 231;. .. i =- “awn. “1'? l: I‘. :3! .\ 5' :lu'uzzfl. Him)? 515:: .i i :21: .-. .i. ('mufi-mLi 3.x ‘, z‘-' ‘::‘sl : ;, p. 353 .h--. Tim; ‘.E; l r‘t; '.-. :2. 1.; -.;:‘.!xa:ue \x‘ihi '!;l=.-:«?;§Ii"- b- : ;.:; 1- - ‘xLl3li‘2:li_‘_-'!l“~§ rue-z 3'49.“ ‘ :- :'.~ «khan; ,5 ‘u i= ‘ : x: -£ "5....1an; :~i‘--. a i’i ' . r'; h'diuu inf .-'- . E '= t - 3 - .1' 2‘ 11m «'..-"fir wit; -.‘..-, '. '51:: :_Aji; j} ii":n'.~ 1: m. aml LU? -‘: -;2‘ .: .i-- i:-Li.=.'.4! '.vheJ. _ 3-'.'. 33.1.2: '-\1 2 my! Lin-e. (ha! 119‘ Vii-in} =1 e ~.,- ::\ -, 2" xi: '.;:.'a i: “’Hni "Va: 3: {fix—'l: I. ._ -.-z ‘ I:~.- :: mun-g ; 131-11: x-lgu ~--~:w . "Him-a." \ Eu catfish: :ilév—f' ii’: 22w is =1 :.::_\i' 2.i;-.' it wsz-li In nut; .~ 1.: ..:; Z Luxzix't yet} uni {Mu v ‘.' ‘-'- ‘1 1:...1 L iu'xd‘iuj 51.41 mm; id” :-- i.::: nfi'uc Coin i .ii =3' ~E ':'LI . > '. _\ ‘A2‘3' huh-«- ”(12.1%” 5 , ‘ '. . ‘2..':a* 152‘ (19111 v‘l'!‘ -. .' u ..': *. :V .1; -;-:.'. {l've Ayn-3:2" :. l;__. , .ai.‘ : :.- “.11. .siaigz -‘.-2-"-~’:-'=. . ;' -:.‘..—i::;: 1”,: yr. . grain ' - ' a ‘3:!'ni.i.‘i ‘7 Iv; i: 3:! .. ‘ -.-.: m L‘ihl. - i‘irtgr- :1; z_; ~‘.- . 2, .:;2:.1'n,.n 4..!' .'.-‘,!;4 [l3' |i '..- " ;. i.“ :01- i 3. -~ ~‘ .;»_:~ 3 .f:- :' u-x'rum -. ..}“- ”In,“ ‘ ‘.3_‘. -' 3:1,", 2.".‘131 13:52:: a? 2!: 93:72:. lfz'zxux. Sap-gai .‘z.-—li;e- * ninja .- (.—'a _"Hr puhibirvrz ilw fuii-Lfi-‘a’i ~: "Ltu'ru: uxvncmum px'«-\-‘;-.i!:a in eiig;i.,m:uic cir ('l-‘s i!. 1501]“: n‘h'i‘ luv I~L>->i‘.riii!y of 322': firi'i‘df rh—ignmi-n “1' l'z-‘lncc ili. 1:).x:'-~L ll -.,-_ vi (l-l grin—ml ;.x:a.r?:.;w- m' 53:2» - :‘xlz'i'éthl‘l'. H? lii-.Zien'. mg. ; ihl g-l‘il-cvrr; Vlc‘h-rlil. of l’nbfiu. i‘le. ;- _llugmziv: “Phi-S 2|) :u‘cnm’i ..H_\ Rm - r: Vu'h‘rin to lie {- ;m :35 sui «u z. “and uf du- [u‘in :-«-»:;. 'l'h:- '.w-q’n :1 n' xlm l'.-;u.l'£ l~ .n) :‘ug‘lulh Ellil: if} }. ('....2::)3_ lw‘ [Hun-rd mu-r until :hn i3:1l;;..:'::u. quuniiuu :Iluil have imm sun-u! {23' all like IH;\\'rl'>'. "1"!» ; awjv': i murungv mu: will; ‘.y .;:.-l;_--=l i'nwzl: u :uimrul g .mt‘m’ \‘zu... 0,. -L.:~ umum size warring” :- 1m “upw-szhglxlyv. 'i‘uu (h-rmuu pulzcy in.» =s run: in lhu un-. .Euw.»r to an...“ .zngcxuug; that would hv jib-Ky I‘. :I'-'.l~- .. .~ll.::;?‘ 4 .., [£3l3an :1? jx. 2| -. ~; 3:11 i': 1!:- llnlgurizm \1=::- 2: .;: ham-. 113; um I 1'; zu‘vnleuwv null: Hr- tit-slurumm made by l‘rihv- lii‘m :z. i: m '.3.-~ rcirll~t:g n-zmu-n ii ‘.siufig. Hamill-4* vsll-d puny. l‘p l .11; H" ngtu‘i: is m rim-sum. Hint? Xh'rl’ 01' union :al‘ hruls the only Inn-am ul n-luiuing llw lull ('Ullllalvin'l‘ u! the nppaming guxez'muz-ms. i'urxt .- -m‘: lv'u'. Would b 0 (u inn-m: mnu u aunt n ”:0 czur'é'. mm! (lull-sud Einluguhlhl Word (0 inc nm- m|lz--‘l.-.z1~=.~ u. E.“- pvrur Freda-wk. a: u G:‘l'unin: l’l‘iucn AIL-S'tulluz‘ I‘.‘ahlm‘ luki‘ [ln step which can only h:~ rim lumen:- uf beDr-fiuml to lin- {Mu-I'l ml Tin' intelligencu UK the {Win-f" la :w high 'y esteem-d that it 1w x:up-.:.~.-ibiu for him tuzltthupt a suit which would 'smredly cos: 11m (in-man [)"Oplv uwu' chancellor. l’ubucupimuu 1.: Bulk: is vmphnhcully in; favorm; Prince Bismarck." Aurasternouilormy~ 'zlmt n man in New 1114; gm hnquf in?” trrubie by marrying: mu \‘vin‘S. A. wvntoru ekiitur r-«iurts by nssm‘irg “in contemporary than :; g‘u'u Imm; mun 111 this sw-tmu hzms l‘xuueuu «:umn thing by mxrrying mm. W. nan‘thm-u valih l n-h rm 62m quite a number of 1.55 :s(-\llli:il.x..m-u.~' found plenty 0f {runhlv 52;: but: y pmm'“ mg tomzu'ry. with-mt gang :mv fm~ ILer. A sumhvru whim-r May? that a friend of his Was botheredcnUUgh who!) simply found in cuiupauy with another man’s “fife. The Administration's Policy The New York Sun. D-mmcrahc' summarizesthe pnrpnsa-s and the re~ salts of President Cleveland's ad ministration as fulluwm The six definite enterprises which constitute the whole book of Mr. Cleveland’s polil-y. so far us‘ his ad— ministration lizh had a distinctive policy, are they». The reform of the civil service on the so called non~partisan 01' Mug wump plan: The suspension of silver coinage in order to avert a prvdicted financial panic: the negotiation of an exlraalicfio treaty with Gnut Britain: The rPduCliun af the. surplus by 41193115 At an :rxtcnsivc reduction of \customs duties, retaining the inter‘ 1 [mi revenue taxes; . L The Pnn-vlertrm sin! to :u‘nul ”11' Bell telephone patents. In every one of ”1050 six cusvs the result of the understanding can be regarded in _a :_iiuglq Word; The adminish‘zztion’s civil service policy—Alumdonmcnt. The administrufiou’s Jpnmud fur the snspvneiou of hiiver coinage—Rm linquisbmeut. The adn‘.inisz.:z:iou’s vxtruditiuu treaty—Lb lulu-0. The ndnfiukh‘u'inu’s fislvl')‘ neg-. 4 intions—Sun'e‘mhr. The aduxixzish'zviwn's :rurphs l'u ductxon plan» lh-pmlialinn. The aehni:.isirutio‘:‘s l‘ xn~Elrchfv >llit-—Disgl'acu. The Lumber Busmess. If. as. repurimi. I'u‘ rumiwru (Juli forniu [)11011) is burs‘ing. and the pm ple that have gmnn lln-rn (mm the east are turning vlsvwnuw {or mw‘: wont, {be result will be u lempurar} check to the o-xt:‘a:>r.liu:u‘y activity in the Rigging husinussuu the Co Inmbia river and Hm. n‘uund for the last two years. The great demand f\~l' lumber in umtneru California put new life. mtu the logging business on this river, and while: in ‘hfl and ‘B4 lugs found 510 W sale at 51 s‘o. tho spurt. in {mild ing and the inrrcuu-J Jemzmd tmm the “£91655 rzgiuus of California and Arizmux. advance] the [)i‘iCns 59;) Im cent. and luu-iu ,[ a; in mudmbm lngunll.v('u.l:mhiu mm: J'ht‘ axmum hf inm‘nvi' :‘a'ut rumin— \\‘.-)'«1 fn-m this imrthr.'.sf coast is ~u1;1-_-lhi1:g ‘sz nu uni ,l‘m'. During szunrv l 3»: ..v. 1' {my milliuu {wt uf lumM-r \anl in m Hz“ Sound, British (L lu.u' m and the L'ulumbh livvr. h L‘nliinmiu. In February mere was a total shipxmam of am“ [but milliuu In March. _gweuly nine million feet were shipped. new, tucn. in the first. three months of ‘B-3, is a total shipment of cousid Halal; over «.1; u bar-Ind mdlinr: fem. IHf szz'nbc-r In (_‘x‘filzr-zin. rz-I-rewwt'ng u. cash value vi one and cue-half minim: (32.11.33 01‘ an average of $503,000 a month.-Aslorian. I 233355.! Settieimnt ofLand. { —— l .\t ziw liiil" {11" land 0131 c“ was re-E .: “H! 2-; ‘1 '-"" - :; "‘.l‘J'y‘;:§piz:.lhl‘.f . :x: -: .\.‘:'- -,' «mu: :: by drawing" (nu: ‘ i-DLH’w’wl: in: 1 ('hv'uuiim 111:“; -. ‘.\ M 139 :1 1’; ixiv :; :xl L-wi: 02-2qu at; .. I'. \\:..‘ ‘izxtlgU 3291:1132“ ‘.x‘uuid‘ r-wrul‘ 3:. Gum-zidzlng iE:-- work m' in“ 113369. bu! .-.m:r..;-y :u if» .=3,;.---I:tu‘i. u bf t'uv nz'dzrirzia. i? 'l'm-a :Il‘-.u:1: linuhir-J. TE..- “Mann“? ..3 xxx-{L u? lin' {'ls: az- uni": in» 1~-.-:a iiu- 3':;';’r~3 in 5:2.- :’i :--z_'-. n 3 :2:-- .‘l'ziuc. During zin il.‘:“?lt I .‘fuP'h IL»; ‘ h‘n‘w- hat-*1;- .-i £7: pro- uxqzli 4:. .3 uni. 1 .~‘ I .= 05" :2::-! I‘ls iI.-:ZJ‘.~’_ a: damn u':.‘ :37) iinuf {HE-“s‘ ._ 7 {huh ham-n :-': uni [oi‘v-4=;;i;;:x-~;;v;;- fix :. ii." lan-s ~i.-.-.-. Yé-i‘ twin, i!y ‘.‘mi: ‘iw gut-{iv haul i-: ‘u-ix-g :;;k~-r-. .‘=_. . ‘asni tlm' aha :uu’mamiin; munn'y ;» ‘f—L-mping imam wn‘u Hu- grani'i; mi 4w hill”. 550 st .fithu‘n 63mg u-sl riné'u» :mi Hm iuquirh :1, (Mina-min: c 5431! 21f” i)“; [lx-uph- uws‘iy :I!‘l'i\'l£;:Z?i~lH -f.:- {Viz-.1 in snarl: uf hum-w. mc: 1.-,- .' HIT-1". ‘ -~- i R 3151?" :‘Elarfiny karma-. 1? .. ' ".1 I ' v 1! {Ofmuzzm u! ;\ ~. ~. ; ‘ Izz~ix-'illi;_' grim-ma~ .- V. :iu: :w: vm-d as and; 426;. ‘.. -‘!::' 31:7,“: 2,. qu-u’c, xx}: {-4. nquncs l:.\- 2:l:zi' i -1 .. h.- nct and LN: .a;; ~:~= 1:.I-i..:”~.--, 1 ..r 1h" act umL-r whim. m.) wanna: :-:§ ':‘ "his .\lu'p!:_~. r-nu‘d Uh! uh. 1.:1 x‘ .- rum-'5 vzne. 'llm:., .\lr. Mary: 3 1 ;~‘n :‘l'3. “ulnr‘liliih‘i‘li:\'l'?r>i:l?:.£l:‘.-; Ilil 'h!‘ 2.03! m P “1;: an i?:«- >t-_'m.':l!'i~',l Eu'flmxx ‘._.‘x-(":|.:m.t-‘ 0- i 3! 1: Hziw 1" MIL-mi L'v can::;.-‘. 3 .-\¢ {luv (:3) Iv4~ii.-. z - ‘ <-I.'.!.L‘ in. 3 .1 on 'l'!u-:'u-a_\‘.l!l:‘;sl : :74'. 132;; Vulcs WNW-j 'Cil {fur nun-Hr. ;.x.d -.‘ .v =.- bin-(3Vlf -, r- 5?; 1 1": u? :h - 'I m! -.‘n' :{-:‘~-I :n Mink and :21 m m-nza‘. re -.d :- -«.. .jwrias “r 793‘: :!-‘ iii: H-z‘ \‘.':!~' :I1;.5~ -:1r~i by the Ills-i Erin-r. .x r», 5 :2? 12cm? “flu“. and l£.:-' I'V'f'lf'Ullii'll' rm)" in; W.- ul-u "lan-Lu} h. I Hi!" hunk. ?:;--x 1!:2' :mi! rum-4;"). ..H ~ w} ‘11:“ yin-u :n-ul Lavix.;:ai!Slum-1:143;- run-‘.rrr gm! lbw-v." ! Axle-muvrzlr' :t-iauhu' “7.5 ("ILrIH rm! I1}; l’r.-~nl~::t (firm-land in 1a gjml ‘ur tlu- :z; [liillllin‘ilt Hi :1 Phi-“i" _instivv. rtiltl'l! -l.:lt (Em [l‘~ ”Arm 1.1» :‘u'idwl tn Hrumlv mm mm’ uh lin -1:.~m~h in Ihr L'hit-f jxuxim*:-hi;:.l:u‘i wound. to (ale.- nu mm“ H; mm. m' any one from his whim-t. H \Z\~ ~inn< a man of almm 5”: n 5?: _\n an c-i' age, and lulu-’.z-r.‘ mm from 21-.- “and. Num'ly :9“ HM) j:..»lim-.~ of 1m hum-h hnvu 9Xl)!‘.X>.~‘Pli tin-fir d. r“: ,‘ It! --~- .\ll'. JIISHPII Flo-M p;“ihln‘i~(l. hut 1.9“ stun-maul uf Ilw dmunvrzu ‘l' sum .‘x' ‘l' i< thought In n-lth- uln- qzwslinu . {llw election 01 311'. Justin» Field Them is no doubt that ihu South =-rn l’wifiu will cumn by sum». routw {a smut.- point on Puget SnundJmi .w (l(I not sumnme any .lz-iiiiitu pl!“ lm: .\vl. hut-u mluptwl. II in“ stint-it in lin- imp-Jr: or the Syn-rliil china-iv >inn \Vlllf‘h examined tho l'niun and (f -mml Pacific loads, that [be S_)!lfll- Ln l’u itic iuzul~ a uvt p. 011! oi luur miumu dollars In building the linl; ~i u Eitllu over a; humlrml milvs tézi‘uugii the Siskiyuus. wziicli way .qi-nml last December. ‘i‘iizs >IIU".V:‘ Hint tlurse men know how tnhmlil milro::ds without expeusu mlhvm solves. There is no financial rmmm guinst xhuir building in l’llgt-s S mud. They estim'itu that (buy can sun- thi‘ea dullms :i mm on all :h: coal they use unrib of S m Frnnai-co fly hauling il directiy ll‘Ulu the mines of Vancouver island by mil and dis winning it Wham it is to hum-:1» .mued. This in itself is quite Zl!’ ili‘in. ‘ ’STEN IN MODERN NAZARETH. .' lhv People Enjoy the hay—“ Rune“ at the \\'.~n. _ ; i) the Greek l'lustt'l'. and many are in i from thesurroundingcountry. \rhile ~. 'flill’t‘lll‘s, every one N‘t'nl“ to he ottt ’ doors. .\ll daylong the shady olive 2:: between the monabtery and the irrrh has resonnded to the eriee of chil : .: running hitherand t!iLi‘::ei', 01' s\\‘lll‘,s - : :toand (to under theswa; Engliranrhes. ‘ entire orchard meadow is llll'.‘ kaleid > mupe uf eolor, {or tilt'N- Greeks have :1 eye to that, and are evidently trying to . 'tnlu in glory the puppies and daisiefi at "r feet. In eumt‘ertahh- hmking groups t‘:.ti:et'>~ and mothers and all sorts of waives, chatting and sine-2w: hilt] thor whiy enjoying the glad lighter. Not the rZ:_i:tc.~'t indeeurnm. it' you plea.~e, but .~\._|-_\'hod}"s manners in harmony with Lzert bill and ttteker-»:.t-.d that. means a great deal where bibs are in the rarest of eulorings and tnckers in the quaintest of k'lrlilrflsts. All are having a heartily good gml joyous time, as befits those who had been to nutss. By and bymme rich relied priests in prOCL'ssion. chanting and hear— ing as rich winners; the event of the day to the crowd was it. great the interest; and then afterwards the buzz of lively conversation again. How eheeriul and natural it all seemed. ' If one cannot have historienl and sacred remains he can find several good foreign rt'iumls. orphanages. hospitals, and other endeavorsnt‘ lilclllissiouurit-H. .snrely more expressive of the Christ ehild and his yunth than any amount of shrine worship. And of that child with his Virgin mother, the one spring which in any age has re trashed the .\‘nzarenes, ~peaks in no un luqnent rippling voiee, fm‘ nowadays the sight nbuut the basin with it : stunt: gable cannot be very dim-rem from that bL't‘l‘. herein those days of old. The Wnint‘il in their gayly embroidered jichzeti. in the pc culiar azlurnings of strings of wins: falling over the Kurt-head, and reprvu-nting. [Sup pose, their entire dowry. the Wuil‘xu are crowdingr about, water jar en head. :11'.:..';- ing patiently or impatientlytheir 1.‘.1‘;1, and passing i_f possible the jars our the heads of their intervening hislt‘l‘A (“the friends at mart. namely at the fountain, precisely as a man at the tail end of a. line will beg a friend near the. otiiee to buy his railway or theater tit-ket for him. “hat .ttuedley of costume-=1 What a medley of tongues! liven “some _nu-‘tr snnls must. needs hide their time. midently no moment is lost, judging from the rapid and by no means low \‘oit'ed eunwrsa‘ 12m; and from the laughter it i» likely that a joke, more or less ml-dest. is Ltd. training. The “’nlllt'lt here are not so fitt‘it‘l about \eiling their fan-s. the mteh inj,r one end of their lulu: howl urapery in the mouth being consider-« 1 quite stifli t-lent Upon the apprnarh 1:: (tll-_' of the lut‘tls of creation. and they doit coquet tiahly eunuch. ton. ('Hlltlllt; to the spring bearing on their lreatl< the, empty water jars. tilted In one *ide. - r returning hear iteztltem tilled and upright. they are nIA way< statuesune and beautiful creattn'ts'. 'm lnuk upon, beyond their skiers of any Palestine town. ‘lllli“‘i l’n-thelchem Le instanceil. and the joining of these um places in this regard brings often to mind that wife of Joseph. \- 1m llilla‘l have many a time \initC—d this \.--il to draw water. Here comes nmt rl‘it'it .1 Madonna face. and. 10. by the l-n-t is held a chubby littlc ehild who looks at us with llli great searching eyes as the Chi-kt might have done. If a multitude of absurd traditions dis gust, one such sight. as this, my} in guch a place; will atone for any irritation, for the Bible becomes thereafter no book to be read at arm's length, but a. living, human stury, as it is a. divine (ma—Palestine Cor. Cleveland Lender. _ Now is the timu to .189 ynnrwzl n [nee raw h" . ”Juve “way are d' cu'Ved. Liven-mun- C 1:. fix .\nn. - * The Axon: arPncy [l3‘ a cplendid bran nuw bnrunin in :3 Taft-r fn-LY i-i: iV-(‘bfi Int. Cm hm had far" 56.0'--L)-~'::u'f oasis. We have just laid in a large supply of 1 Boricks and Schreck Homeopathic pra‘ pmntious Hill & Sons. * J 1 A SLIP. ‘ .5. hr: '..‘-- 9 11min pram-11:33.] o‘cx‘ mrxrty stone: 1 n “.1 u-Eppiuf. ‘ .\u-E : ‘ :v. m: xvrctzg- maidz-n mid, “I‘m awful 1 j 1 .‘iiu' s;i,-;-l;.‘:.“ ‘ i Tl, ‘7 ~ ;. ".‘m‘klvi Lag—hon] aluudm-s it mnn'cr ‘ r 1 ‘-. ..; h r. ‘ ; 2:21! '. : ‘\_"& l. "531 '«l Izmr sun'ly :sliyiw-l if 5 ‘ Men !2. rr- In 31-.- i i.'_r." é —»\‘s’. .3. i». i: :13; in Tim C'x mury. i __, _ V 7 A_r..__ i TO KSLL THE GERMS. ' ' , V _,- .... E lu-tu :uul I'luifiurt- as Dininfi-ciuntmfif § (rub «22' l'nlnigutéun. ' .\rzigh-s nf thahixr; Itu’ulin-z. tun. may g marry :‘..'- :4 ram uf finally»; si-uriutiim, ‘ (1319:“ fix. iwia.” nib-v: {cur orthc é OTLIL'. i 5.2::’:.‘.\-. \‘Ciu .1 kn} Hzrh infwiion ii. :4: :--.1. Kim vsl}: \'.:.;.' 1». : 421:1: satay ; L 1: , ‘l‘. KL:- :zn'ri. . -.'.;._.c2x may cm‘rythc ; (flag,- 5' rue! L-;;.-: 3:: mar-1': i 2; :21] utmos iyham (nu-. 2341 with :11;<-r2.:‘:uul 53mm. : .\li 1 - '..:=:u;l:r.l-t he Upcnu‘d, so that the ': hm: « w: pumirun- In every partial? with ;ML: 1. '.-:r1':2!:c-v. ’i'izc must. in’ ":10 coid ; x!:::t 2. «s; hsvn g-radnu-tl by Lt: ."A‘ does : 1m: -': may xix: gvnus of discnnn. In the i - -. ‘.l rum-,1 :-';~‘u.‘u shin I‘h‘xnnmh. l (12-9: 1, c l min-l :-.:.:1r~; 5112 p i'i;:i:m:uu, i ir,.‘ -. 315 min». llzz‘. 121:4 imvnvc (1-lvl (if! z: llv ,: ‘..‘znar ': and i1:\"::;;:».'-.Eu(=f dis-l liiziLC' '. . i;.u \u i ::\. !I:-.- :“ rm; hf I'd-i : 103 th '. .' iz‘il : W inn: 122;. Him-born; Ssxzfapzr- :liizv Ii; ii 51.! M n r‘. 2:: fix-st; illutt. :'.'l in; (v ..a‘uiuul ”-mltl m be! l the l-. (ii: 31.1“ 1.12 '.2 in cumin; rguinsi i 5 (“59:56 :1.“:'.;::; hi ;-z:;.' lzixul c 2: :1 largo ! I scale. : ‘ Bu!" izt-z sulphur civos ufl‘ Hzflmuiingl I film-.- \xliir‘n }::“.\- :1 churw‘ .';~1i(- mlor, l 5 am! l:;.\ I: lumr ‘..:w 2‘. known ln prr>o>s dis- ‘ i izziw: in: pix-[myth 2. '11.? “23wa mmlncul 1 l in l}! . ~..:;_'.' an (In; ;.H LI! M sniping: (‘ole l 1.31 mi \~ TIE: t-:;}';.c.:. the:.::11;::n'«;i-,:;inic cf: 1 120 twining 'i‘l;\-yil:.'.c a. jaw-grind :fo '* Ililily l 3": \‘.‘(i'.’.'l‘. 3‘ im which {my unit..- {vi 3 form .~. . . :zz‘nzzx :u-ill. whim-l: I“ Has Culn~‘ Imam-Z: ”:1 its l)’.’.‘;l :zcmuzzt. lL't‘lnul sul pliivrt. Thu sulphur: are di:iz.t:.-cl:mts, killing ink-ruins :znd arresting, in this way. all farms of ful'l:‘.uxt:tliu;l. Sulphur tunic; ymliahlyz'z-L in this muud about I Way, 3312;011:111 “‘ii'u :_u‘vu'. rapidity, when l llxey mu- 1:»le In tic-am): disease gum; "l‘azr:iy;:-li-m"——i!w subjucliun (if urti ‘ cles lu {ha-so, fumes—i 4 a. \‘cry chonpgllul fairly cfi'vclivo method OE (lisinft-Uinn. It, I 1111 st Lu ronu-lulwrml that all the higher ' animwlzz are injured or destroyed. as well ‘ as the microlu-s m": 1“. kinxlg, win-n made . to bz'miizc lln'Su' {mm-:4 “Him: largely } (lilutul with air. Even in small hi-JGLIHIS they cause irriim Ten mu‘. Sixilzumnruiun of 11le :11: lli‘u‘sJLL'UK. Sulphur :uiucks iron 1 with great turns}. and win-n i: is burned I {or (er‘ixxfi-otin: put-1):.44 this must be re -3 Hlk‘lillx‘l'k‘ll. (3h.:1:--. rolled un sticks to lfurm layers. dimml in mollul sulphur, ? and igzniictl, :Il‘wi' lining 1113 ch upright in 1 earth in :x large iron “1‘ rm‘lncn (llbll. is a ‘ good way union-lair 12w sull‘ucatiug gas. i 'i‘lm n; 1:) ln‘ 1 ILZIJ 40:! Sllullltl 110 closed The X'..:.‘;:). In no ( p .l.‘ -v 1 smm.” Lu L'LUbL’ll crxrrluily. and :11‘ :3' .‘M hum-x‘ l-uw hccu allom-d m 1331 it fur :‘a: Emur u.- nu) the dearzbh-mIJ l.:-..;=: -.:1; {ram [Lu nutsidu and fro:- “'2l:;me n. lan-Ii lwfnrcinis cmerul. .\riichs m" V-L‘xhiim: ur thrilling may Ln hung; up in liw rmanun-l subjcctcd to the uctiun of lim -lE.»-.ul‘vz-mut. Vege table (”Ears :u'c M: .;V“liv7l by the action of the gas, pmvidw! lin- :v'ticlx-s to be sub jected tn this Imm . an: 11m moistened. (‘hluz’im- has the ,~::=;:~- MIX-('1, but delicate fabrics are hulvr |:!x,‘=l('hcd hy mums of sulphur {mm-s, as m.- :u-id dcvclm'n-d by the firl‘lXK‘X‘ is lmu-h more corrosive than um from sulphur.—-N. Louis Globe-Dem ocrat. Two "oh-l .‘ll-n Abroad. Mr. Putter Palmer, the Well known pro prietur of the Palmer house, Chicago, is «war in Europe for :1 little rest and plaus nre. .\5; he says: “I have no plans at all. I don‘t believe in trawling uh mt over here by machinery. 1 don't. climb up into any towers, and I don‘t no down into any calves. There‘s a gzuml lut, of this sight seeingthut. I take un faith. “'hen I get tired of Paris I shall simply move. on Sr.»mewherc else, but jmt where I can't say. .\lmut European hotels? Oh Iget everything I want, only I have to pay for it. :imne. Americans come over here, put up at u. place where they only pay a {cw francs a (lay, and then go 011' um] swear n: l’ill‘lfl hotels. I! you are willing to spend $7 a day you can be as comfortable here :13 anywhere else.” Another 110th man. with different ideas on this subject, is Mr. Darling, the pro prietor of the I’lth Avenue hon-l, New York. “During my stny here,” said he, “I nlwnys stop at, the Hotel Bristol, which prides iisclt on bcin: the most. select hotel in Paris. Will, \z-lzn'. ‘iJ it? There is no roadhig room, no snaking room, no wait ing mum; in fact umuing at all for the con‘.'c-ui«-ncc of the rynoml public, and the entrant: looks mum like that of a stable than anything ol»:-. 1 hm'c frequently urcupird the suit-'3 vi rooms for which the Prince nf \ancs 14 will ts: [my 1.00) {mm-s :1 day, xuul 13551111: 33 that. the proprietor, of 0. first; class Amrricun hotel \leld be ashamed to 0111*: Huh :iccummmlaticn to the future king of England. 110 does not seem in mind it, tlwu;;h,nndwiii stand out. in the curridnr (‘njnyng a (igur mu‘. chatting; with his friends just like uuy one else. All his callers rign \Loir mines in a register. and lu- is very pmuduf the :.-ignn turn-5 which he huscullcclcd in that way." —Cm~. Z‘fmv York Mail and Express. Thu Lungcxt Sircot Railroad. The lungos‘u sh'cv‘. railway in the World till he that whit-‘ll 1*: to run helm-en a number of towns near Bucnm .\yrw. It willnlsolm exceptiunm in that sleeping cars will lzurun tun I: fur the cnzn‘cnicnce 0f tlmmzll Imssmg! rs. The 5107-I)ng cars andall lhc (ntlw': é‘l‘llllllllcllls (31' 1119 line are being sully“: l 1‘; a Philadelphia firm. These slm‘ping min. are furnished with tour berths t'avz' which an made to roll up wit-. 4. nm in 115 m The cars are x‘m'ubluui ‘. I‘ll lavatories. water molcrs, lint-n p.'(.~—-v--- auul ntln-r unwe nienccr, and are [in' hell throughout with lzlnlxognuy. The on :1- mlling stark (som priscs fnur duuM-s docked own cars, twenty platform I. 22-, (wonky gondola curs, six rm'rigcl'usu': curs, four poultry curs furnished with covps, right rattle cars, um (legricl; (‘.ZJ fur lifting heavy material :‘ud 2M 1 u‘ czlrs.—Nov.' York Tribuxw. A Finazuiul Sign. You mu elm-. 51: 11-11 when money is ex u'cmciy fight on thc .strocb by 111::- :flnFence oi the lruldlcrs. an other (la-3: I found onlyhmin the zhuduw of the fin-21(01- change. One was r. :zmut man who was trying to 50115211: Liz‘Z-l at three yards: for a quartu'. As 11/ was hardly :I. draw hat. to I Leon (:2 chw sh‘uct he did no busincs“. and nin- :‘mccd finally that he “11530ng (if 1- 1.3:: himself Withhis stock in turf-. 0. 'l‘h ‘ flm' speculator had auuccr linking Suzi: chcd, hairy terrier for sale. 1h: (k 1.;31 ..ut get any cm: Eu even look at. the be; ‘l. {XVI “1101: 11-..- :T;>;.L':llod piteoxtsly to :1 MM. 1' with the plea. that he lzmlnomom} ‘. f Aylzis dinner with, the Lroiwr raid: “\‘uu can get tifly cents for your Lula-r ;:'. hr." pound. Thm‘s :11] I bay for my dinner :vn‘.'."—.‘\]frcd ’l‘ruur ble in St vs York News. Low}: ‘mr -! \Vlwrl yn-z cunt-.- in P. r '1“ wnv- J he sure h m]! m J. H. ' more-'5. zzonr "w {n st v'flitm. 1h- at: suit ynn nicely with 'Yn-‘c. l‘npa Emmy um] Slims—Lam :33 In goods as] pri-os. Cur 3: «iv fric‘n»7a mm: at other points 'ere- sprrfixlly invi‘e-l dining: fH-ir Visits 'w Pvr! 'l‘lm'w-tlux]. tn on” and cxnminv ”12' [h .-- .- Xnok of miHmNy (li-uduyel hv Miss Harrisnn in lmr lww sh-ru in Hm X’l'Fl'ix”? Muck. whore may win (3‘ «I 3’ f 0 flu-2r adwmlnm‘ In in chzzw in film: Hwy 11):". [ha-ire in ”La? liile. * Sex I‘az‘x :{0 Mai 821 nm“ fholr. The. tunicrsigm-d I»; leave to announce iha! HM) have up In «1 u but Sadd‘u ind Harness Slmp in HM 'i'..-:.nsen’-, um} are prepared '.. sathl’y all l'HlS'Jzflhh' dammth in Nut 14». un ~‘v 0:! n! x“ Rh] '~ I' 0- - In 4:5 1m 5'1"”: Q » iv‘i int! ”mu-4.1..“ I"u3 nu“ ~' In (I. up are ram-- ”I! l\;, I'TRHHES & (‘Ou i’E’“Hb-zp :1 kHz-,1 L" U:.i ‘n Wharf. f‘Jflnlm . ! I'rui- ('r'n'uryi‘wner jnd - .- in»-I ,I‘vy iiurhfl & Enuhiwh‘ Semi in your ’ vm‘mn at once nmi SK‘CIHP nimt‘ihiug ' very Lie: as we have only In lxmitel eup- Iply. ' 1'25“ - aw , . an ! .‘ c? at": n 1 31.1 L9E}d. I L . . I 1 '9; .3“ g ‘ Q . _'=.*'v—. fr-A. .- r , -gnsy. O ..j-E‘L‘VV‘ M >‘\'-.\.\ ‘33. . 52;. :3. -'-_.;' {2 g; - ~ ‘ 1;} "5 iflmfi._ :4; 2 - :4 §g~-J:>'T7 59%;», =3: s‘: J- ‘ :75. '2‘"; ”flack; “5-" .;, 33:23; fuss; . ~ I 2:: -:.~~:.» ' '. _ 5&4 . 53:5 "5‘2“” ‘ V-.»‘ 'gr 4&5?! 'r. .'_ ,-':.~‘.-':_ .-‘\i~: ~ .4 '33.?3734'F‘22} 1“»\ g 3751:; ~’i§3‘§~‘ ‘fifi'fi‘xL' “.7 ‘3 f.i‘\*\»‘:’l:~"-i’- - ...“ \\7 via ~__ \rgetg-z; 23;; \R‘n. \\l§s ‘3'“ “’..-"L's: i 333». 3124 :\\ \ $3 “@5351”, “£32 , vi}: “SM“ .tF-z-b 912:13‘.-T:—““ § MR. JOHN V‘i. FURBUSH, 1 An Army Veteran, ' OF WAKEFIELD, I who has pgutmhly gvxfi‘vrm] mom t‘mn nny man 1 or \numuu m Ann-r: .11u—duy. fluk- 2: hick whilc I‘m 1m: Arnxg'._lgc 11.13 cndurvd unmid ngunivs Lsiuve. Dun hymn: hvi jirr'v SJXRZII-vluti In: said: ‘ “My head rum-i find my npprlslc was poor. ‘ I Mr :I. inimncw. n: 11m {in}! My: b‘limfld'h, and a ,1-ml inn-re in my m-rzlh, whxic my skin was , smm-zinn-s hm 1!:le wru limn-xt‘nhl. I next felt 31min: in my bud: and wrunzud ‘.l'xl- ln'xcrfwrtion Inx‘ my inuiy, and Hum mi :1 populism at or and ‘ «~oan in the “an“: X ]-::~'n~ 5, \z'niz-Ex \z‘us Svannty at fum- lixzxnuntl in «-::tu’..ll-‘l"\ Fumvtinwsit pained E me in vain! it, and “mum it “'"s nhnnst imposi ; Ne wdc m 1.1 :m. Firm-My 1 lu-xuu to was flour ; Mow} nyunnpusncd win: 111:: grumsl strain and ‘ ngnny.’ _ . Q Nu I:-=-;1';;.~..'1 20 eminent. physu-mns attended 1 Mr. 13m" min ”I \:.r§mz», innus, L 11! not one of fin-1;; :-=. .Id h--I;» In“. l!-~ “v.l mar death's Idom‘. _.:..l _\‘.--1 11-41;} ‘: "14:14:21.1: and Well I m-dxq', v.‘l:v)‘;lythrnh'_'h (hI- \'.‘-I:x-‘ rial power 0! Y Ham‘s memly \y!:i-. I: (no): an: 2mm the verge i of the guns." __ E This Grout Rvmndvnhmluh'r'y crzrcs all ludney, i Livur and Urinary llisraxb-fi‘». I For th- by all I)c~r.h»r.-:- : C. N. CXHTTENTON, General Ag-‘nt. I 115 Pulfon SI" 3". Y. I ‘~,;1.(..,- I ::..I.Nv-.‘ 3,. (1": 1:; “r. "in“ .'_l I'n_, Frau-Inn; k— l. l W“ LUZ.” Notice for Pubhcfilon l VIT'II) $111")I.\'-.:~1U-‘i‘i-‘E. I .\k‘ufiln. \‘.'. 'l'.. .\I-.:'. h I»! h. ”'35. { Nuriw is lit-why gin-u xix u. in i"':u,»H;xlll‘l‘\t‘i”! thu- lnruVi‘ltvn‘ 0:" Hr- .\v: i' m -:‘--~ approved Jum- :',. 153. «NHL-d ".\u Au". fur llm ml.- m’ I'imlu-c Land-I in xlu- Smlu- uf Vuhiiwuizh Urn-10:1. .\.-\‘mlu. and \\'n~hin:lmx 'l'nrnim'v." .\ivxmu in: \3. hour. M Smith. ('u'mlfv :If‘ Kin !. '|'—rri Mu- nz‘ “inning-~11, i|:|~ lhi~ dry :15"! n ”li th r Lz- sunrp .iul: mm»! .‘m 32% fur I! e pur- p vh'L—p of 15.0 ‘mxih ': ..: .‘JHh-‘SE 1; 12f' ~- in)” Na. 'IJ. ‘.II Tumunilip Nu. ‘."~ Nurtll ! u:-...-;-- Sn. 1 flu-1. azn-l cull m‘u'r pruol' an :hnw 1 ma! IL.- lanl an :m .1- more miunhla fur 115', lim‘n ror SIMIL‘ mun lnr :I‘.’rlr’i3f":ll nuruosus, X um rusml-xmx H~ «lulm in -..]v2 :m-i [micro [l].- I 1-_-;.-iu'l':-ll‘. li ('vlvvr uf Ihiq ulflrd u: F‘rnl‘ I no, Kai; Cu . \\'. ... nu Mum.“ {lg-l th (by of. Jullvr I»): ' H:- -.::=‘.!:\-~ n- “Mn-«ms: ! ('llnx'lus fluxrkn «x: I'm! L'lluun. Jvfl'ersrn ’ Unlin'y. \\'. f. I Jilllh‘~‘ \\'i'.~‘nu. uf I’urt, Jc'i'erson i (":uut‘. \\'. 'l‘. I ['..-111 I'l'lOl‘iUlL «I I'm! lmlmu'. Jamar-s v. 2 Cunniy. “T 'l'. { Jun. '~ I'vlvl‘ (111. I)! l'nrl Law-mu Jvfl'crson - 1‘ .tm'y. “X 'l. ‘ .\..y 1 1| :5” rt r 9011" (him In: :z-hvrsfly the? 4!u.u~»!~_~_-¢-ri|ml hunl! un- h'q'uN‘h‘i tn filo- their; "him- in this nfl'uu on or h-nur'; -= 3:! 4H- duy or; Jmu- :~’:~'-‘. 1 JOHN Y. OSTRRXDZ-Z'v. ' nl..r.'.‘.'. 11-! . "‘fi'l’“. ! Name: for Pubucatxon- ! ---—~ I LANS & Flh .: n t tan 3.2;."\\'. '9: g 1 .\;l:i| L'. lit-:1. { Notice i~ In thy Liv. n H] x, H: > frllnuwn: am“ IvUM r I :L" lia-I u ziu- ,r' Ms intention n :- :IL'J linnl l-rumf m um” tr! : l ln- ('1 .i"-.umi 'a‘ .‘..: i p . .1 Hill - v x a ”.0 3» 'un- “I 11.; or D s um «41-! :Lt l'un .0“ Izw-mi. \3’ 'l' _un Thur:- i:l_\‘ 'v'nx' ‘3, A“: \‘il: Ila r; \\~ «2k. pr -1-mpliun I. s \u. 31310 z.‘rll.- N. l‘.’ H 4-: E. if .5 maxim .‘uzui W. ', u! 2;. 11.14:“:15'. \\'. l. of 3‘. \V. 1‘ 0 'li .1. 13 Tuzl nJlip ‘1! X. L‘. l ‘3'. "~- mun» lin- mlxwln: \:;[l|'>~t‘l :0 prove .!.~ .mnhl:mu.~ m—idrnrr 2.1 m ‘.. and c nlhmllon ‘l'. ~' .5 I laud, '. i z: Job-. 2 .\Xufi‘v‘l“ n, ...’ ('himivuzn. “'mhinzhm I‘n-rritwrg . “'..-hu-Jnlu; my. 01‘ ('hinti um. Washington s‘u‘x'villll'y. ‘\ mum .\1 4min. 02 (‘h'zml u .1. “‘JS‘lill‘Jt'n erlimr . 0. Ir. l‘.~r1.»o:l. n! I oath-:19, \\';.shi gum Trio i'm“.. ‘ .n In Ymsrmxmzn. Raider. ' I I, I ‘ Asher-(j) .~. bale. lu lhc District (‘nurz hum": :~,:::- at Sand». Wm‘flngmn, 'l‘rr :t H)‘. Joux IL SANDZIR'ONV Haifidfi‘, ) \‘s. ‘~ .\‘n. 55:17 Wmunl 11. LuzwnaLu'x. H3;.-r:l?0r uf l the I: ‘mla o! S. W. ”qu", lluvmhr I. et 11l . Dcfi‘mlun 5 Under :md hy virtue of an vu-cutiun and or rer u Mlle lxauvzl nut 0!! c Uiszri [Court of ll" 'l'hild Judith] District holding: harms n! . nu». on Um 25“: day n? Pulu'narv 158‘. in KI! - AhUYl‘l‘Hli‘ll‘d :wtiun. Wncrcisl John H. Snn‘ lay-ma, the plainlill‘. r-u nw-reul judgment of i .rm-luulrr of m-rtum m “2.1;“ in which lulvm' H Um who is ur-u'ml ul lhc following :10I'YKJ-Jl'dlll'olllisll'é Hm» I, '0 my: .-\l of l.:l Inur (I) in vmi'm lwcmy-lwo (23:!) :H lnls wmul) nru‘igtlnnruzh.:m llourd) in -.-r€‘,nn lhix-tv 1:) l. :m In tuwx sln D llli'tyilllrfl 323». .\‘utlh Hungohxnni E «gueullux {nun ;)1“ ~- ti'm ‘|'\‘AIII7),::IIJ’ -l fuur( I‘ in >l' ‘l '(m Illirty- Wu (4-). ‘:.ltl ln=~ ”in' (h .uul Lime M) in atctinn hirlv-nucliill. all i!l'.lo\\':l~3"p ”mu-um» tzm. wr.h “..IlL'f‘ “l-u't' 4'l, I~3.;~'. ..qu ll‘.‘ «:mlividl-d “Iv-2m l [3, (If the :nslhvusl qumw: or ,‘ghe unth-u-l qunxn-rn! muniuu lloirn' 1. 11-1} 'l' "h nip aid Kurd: “maze huu'l- Frrlz in :5” Im varud uml fifty-«Wan 1£)71 :1 r-_-' in Island ‘..nmy‘ \\ ‘l‘Xllllglll.. ’l‘vzl‘nm). ; :..' I‘.‘-.~l William 1, Ilium-I ;.n:|~.-\m~~.l r and Unit-u cf In rat» [12“0" .\. \\'. Inn-«n3 Ilz'n'l'll\‘ll. l'vza'z' Mannin unlU. l-‘.|‘n p~r n! :I-fvmlnm: in the ['niled "um- Ind: n-u \‘nvar' fur 111-3 Third JndlVill 11%;!!qu u.’ ‘.lezhaxuu 'i‘n-rrnnry. Amine! Zulu 'u- m l-.-l. awry A. h. H“. I -r :lx.- ~um o! (wo “Ulltilllll n; u- hundred um! [HQ-hm! W‘Hfrl ll") :m‘lnrn nil]: inn-raw a: Blue rw-nf um [DI-r021". 'l-‘l' unmnn until mm. as :l C N ~' lf suit :rnmmt ..:: in nu- huzllrwl n'u! ~u\'cmy-ni-m duli Inumd nth: —ll\«- n-nh 49:71 5.1-. .\lw :xzninsl Wu i.nn 2! leu liyn, :'.- exu‘ul-lrul‘ um came of a“H Hove) ,dw n-usvd. and U. I" (‘Qspur of d»:- unuanlsinilld (‘nurt nu Sui-1:1”. my nf Feb ':>r,v .\. I) IN 3 for the s.m 0: hit; ‘ Lmu wal-i m» nunllrwl nwl furry-«Mm: -l :hh 'x‘ul ninety ' 11F \H.‘.’IT W”. W [‘l IZl‘Cn‘rl ;|'. the rule Ll‘ lz-n m m :1!pr.‘::!l~lh.l|lnln .: E-l .ul‘l coarso.’ sub. .aul u'xzin; In on. hmuqu u ::l .-m-eu2y4linc . l:|.~' Jillf “L'hlyzi 1- nuns «5121' 53-:- anil--- i- bun-b; L'iwu lln: nu l". I‘).\\' THE 271‘” “.\Y oi" APRIL, 38%, H 1'!:e-1'.lu'3.|.ln.. (If lh:.l day. :t' m.- door of 2:042 rmhnu‘u in Hm l m' l I-ll‘u!l.>v‘.l. u. m :11: uni.~ A" l~l:'.u!. Tcmtu.) . f \\'..~l:in_:ton.l gill. I” "h div-nu- ln .‘nl-I v .m 2!! v.:. tie fl" a! . l-y-I'V-sxll‘L‘ an I {-r .m' a! a.. 4.. .m-LI 12w about (Lu \ rim d ; run-1'! or ~n mm L lix~-n- 'l‘ :1.“ law I»- cr‘swzl‘. xv 2%"in p.;\lu:xfl“-j slum-n! will] in ~-u-~I l:('l’~.‘"l" an 1 umh null xlh'.’:!:|.~:-d .-n~l~. m lu- hula-H ird-l ‘l' [hr lam u! I! :1.1.v :nuvti m, J. l‘. “I‘VE“. 1 Ah- rlu‘uf I~ land ("I-nun". \\ :I-l:!.;;.ul| Trl'rilury. 1 L‘u'tfl I‘n'uu-nlxo-lh .- l'.’.lx cl 3' uf )Im-cu 13w, 1 luau“, a; ll dwelt. ;\it_\‘.~ |.-r l‘m nliil'. 1 i 4“! grxzhlivnlmll \lnzvll Hill. 13h“. 1 ___————————~—— ~.- ~- ‘ UM MON 5 as. IX 'l'llfi hhl‘kl f’l‘ t‘Ul'lc'r, (.x‘ 21w ‘i'hir-l Judi. cixu l'iflriu 0! Im' Tu'r l'ol‘y uf \‘i. fihl'lgnm, hul In: h'lh'm‘ nl Pun 'I-mu-a-ml. Juzfereml |mn:h, fzyr llh-(kvmllu of Junk-r nn, island, '.ilulinm and mm Juan. Eu)“ l-z. luv“. [finimiizl ‘ \s. ’s'". 110:1. “'lLl.l.\)l tux-x rich-Mam. ‘ The tailed 51116» n: Ann-liq; send (ix-951mg 'l'o WILLIAI DIVE: You Am hereby n-q-x rm; 2" ::;.m-:zr in aclh-u won 4.: ngruq yux by thqu -.-~ n:.m dplnin ; n: -n Ihr. bier-u: - nun uf tlu- "lnrd Judi-i 4: Jiv-u‘ct t'x' Hm '- uri‘nry uf “3.4121230".h01ding 1.-r_-.s a! _tru pit; or l'uzrz ‘ln.u._~.-udtiq :he co .a. _v o! Jenna-nu. {or liw (ounlh 5 cf Jeffer —--n. ls!“ :i.|‘::|n.m :zu'i :Vnu Jug-..anl In n:- "we: the roznpnu n' [ho-3. lliv‘l‘l'in,“ilhin s';ny (My: ,Jw-r Hu- liAsl ple.i:c;u.uu or this sum zmms. u- jmig‘zm-m I|.{e'mll “ii! In: tukun .v:i|‘l|.." )9'., :u «whim-z In the- p.:.}'cr t 9' Huh com mun l. ' Thv rIEiQ.‘ m 1? :1 i ; by. "1.3:: :I"‘.if‘l‘( he drl‘emlv :un (u d:-s fit"; 81: - L":..i : mmy c-xisling 'l'-I\l-‘IZI lhs flu" (ii: :::.:3 Assam! m on the ‘ en am :;.. r in mun: :‘n 2r- {u u! uf the fr «1.. 1 1.. pro-Jul fur jiHi-J‘flr‘ snppot ‘xcv [.c »uan-u ‘9.) n: L'w- Zx:"'.'_ '. I! 1&7. I|ou.h In! 3.3 a2,~:-.-.u'1..::: n" mnmdultlv due-o It: :0. m“; A; y:..i..:;.; ..-‘;‘. that rh-t lnnyhe tonorad :0 m: maplcn name. .o-wix: Em . a Lo'za-az. :L :1! d 271:" :' - haw jng mum for I»: '..: .2 L. Swish-5; m . ‘ run-in. Winn 5. 12:.“ En: o:_bh FE h;.:l Jones, ' ”:0 Cf :ln‘ s :11 Dan-iv! l'aurx. and the seal Lhu‘eor :bis fligl‘flnf‘ n‘f__\_K;..|:-\rll. _A. l). 13*. L WM. E. l kink]: W 001), Clerk. _ ['.y .!.-..‘1F.: >SA vr, brunt)- ansuuv s; Su‘us Attorney 5 for I'laimitf. ’ Ei'et publication haze» 29m. 1858. I ' E 7 ""h' ‘ '“g is?“if " Msfbw 1 ...-it {x n r, .."T ;- ”N 12:19; “ m -. ’; ‘I \J‘ , \\\‘ ‘5 I ‘ \- "K'K‘V;£{\3;:fi}\f:;l‘:- X. ‘3. i=3 1' f 9" - .\7 ! I _ 5.x” : \O‘rk’t xaflfi’éfi' é;- 2}» 3 L 53; i® ~ .3 L; l‘. K. E; \5» 3;” f; s‘ '_ L \\\ . {‘l * ‘9‘ fl _‘-?::§“§ ‘\ ‘ '- \\\ _\ :I‘ ir“ v. _fi \‘ >s;\‘\ i t 3;\\ :Xé-Z *.9:\‘\\;\\\ a‘hl" «33$ I}: '. ‘: ‘.Qi 2‘s 71' (g .I'zf ~ ‘ 11"" - ‘ . : 22.; L ‘.K ' » ‘3‘ ‘5 1* . I-zzgz-Efuéigs 5‘ 4 ’7 s: Vv“ . u' L :-1 .15.; , :_. 7-7 :3 “ film-1r ’i'n. :, - 1' of many thousmds of cases n!‘ m» . : p z ': Tirhknt'sfl‘s and distressing nihncui. ; - - ‘ a.“ L) h-nmlvs, at the [m‘ulidfl Hun-l z-: 3 .":‘-'.x:':'.l Institum. Bumuo. N. 1’“ has am: i -..-. \ 11:! :-xrwricncc in nicvly adage mg (til-’1 : on 11':th testing Ipflgfldies for t e cure ( i '. z ' pmnxlim’ lualaulirs. Br: 1‘;. . m-‘r- Eavorilc Prescription is tho 4'1:!:'1-*3\ IE). or menu. of this great. and \‘uhmlvi' . :: warm-r. Tunusands nt‘ testimo nizxta. ru- ~ )2 ‘ J Imm patients and (mm physio tinny! vi.” 1.--.' '- h ‘Zml it in thL- mm‘r 33m '.‘med :.::i ('l' '2I‘JI’! tags which had bullied ihrh‘ BEA. ;, g 1‘- iv !-) I-u H:’- was: wonderful 3“ s.l“ij . .- 1'" .2 ml :w: Ihl'K‘i’iit‘K (in-J rumor rum v'n '\. Jhu' :. it h’ '.ur l' v.’-‘:lum-mh-Il as. “m 2. ». z." .1' I‘, ;~ nu f gn-r: 'k“. .\.-maim- for ~ V,,__\-V, _,." -v. \‘-.'(.:u:;n‘~~ ~- mrlvu' 3erlle Au :1 no u.» rial, invigorating tonic. i 4, Hurst" Hivhzli; n th- whnh- systmu. :ule in) in": want» and its :uqu-ndnw-s in particular. 11m mw-rmu‘kL-d, ”mum-nut." ‘l' run—:l-‘yxv;!:," dvhilimh'sl (broilers.lnnlxlillcrs, ”REEL-1d“ :4, .=~-.m:~*u'v<~«-s. “shun—mrls." house-l 1;..1u-z :. I.=:r,~m:r mulln-rzl. und n-I-ivlv wnmen ‘ yzvuvr..ii", its. l'ia-rm-‘n' Fuvorln- I'rmcriptioni j: the yr. .‘I :‘ (4.:me boon. {wing unoqunlod ; :15 2:: urn. zuci-n: wmlml :Ilul "-s!va in» mnicq Ad .1 awashing and straficnin.‘ Kiel-125.75“. “hum-in: l'n-m-ripunn ’ is [me-1 <;.:.:2- '. :.: f i, invaluable in allnyinz and film,- «.::~:.: :. ;'.«--:: r-x‘ritnhility. irritability o-x --bur-u» ;'|'-:~H‘.lti('n, lu'sh-rm. spuzsms anti -\.‘!u-: la" ’i'l>\i!!::‘, lu'rvnus Mlnptulus cum -nn;:';' .1' ~ Mun: upon flumtimml and organic n".--'.L~ii w m' ‘zub. I: imam-vs min-smug .imp :-.-.' 1 Lkws mental anxiety and d - ”L'Zgfi‘ ~._ r,_.__._- ..--“ ."A. 7,, ;_:~:-. v ' .‘u Favorite Prem-riplion 5~ :1 "~;.:’:i:ua:u lnedicine, aura-dull)- rump ,; 1 lg: 1m exam-ricuuwl :mvl slullful V , _ :ml nllaptu t 0 woman's «lllinzm .;‘ . 7: iv; purely vegzcmldn in in - . _ .:7. l ivr-rfcctlg harmless in _sz : * ,! ;- wmmigu 0 the syst. m. 1-.. r . .' :‘ urn —<. or nausea. from whntm'vr . 1" l » -.. vex-J: stmnach. indim-stinm GEE -A. . ‘ : = . Tux-ll symptoms. its 1143?, in smrll . - . .grflllv' nry lu-nofiuinl. . ‘1 ; l .V :si-ic Prescription 5’ isaposlo :i'n- ( ;A "a l' :' :ln‘ must complimu-d and 0b :.=2.2.:=~ r. 4u: 11-m-orrlwa, t-x-‘vssiwe flaming. puzmi :w a;,-u‘n:u:-un. unnatural sumbrusinns. _.;~nE;::- .I‘. hr [Minx-5 nf tho Womb, wvuk buck. “‘ 1. -- unkuuzs." :mlcvorfiiun. rttrm‘rrsion. l:r.‘.::::----I mun m'nsmimzs. chronic ccugeszinn. inliamt : ». .un :md nil-nation of the womb. in i!;u>ll:l:.'zm'. Imin sun! h-wlorih-r‘s in ovarks. dL'l‘rilill-il'liv-l “ixh ”mu-mm “Piaf." Am a :vuulator and prmnntner of func linnul mun-m. at thut critical pvriud of change from mrfnumi m womanhood. " Favorite I’m» acripti<.xl"is a pnrfcctly sufi- mun-dial agent. and mu produce only good results. t. is («Pally - Hiram-ms and valuable in its effects w an tak- n fur those disorders and derange xnonta inn-idem to that later and most critical pl'l’illd. klmwn as “ The Change of Life." ‘6 favorite Prelerlpuon ”when luken in cmmwni-m with the use of Dr. l’iorcc's linlllt'u erlitul Discovery. and small laxntll'a dusos of llr. l'wrco's Purgnnve Pellets iLiltle Liwr I'illfl. cures Liver. {idney and ll udder «lismsx-e. ‘l‘lmir combined use also removes Mum] minis. and abolishes cancerous and scrnfulmh‘ luxmnrs from the system. ‘6 Favurlw l’rescrlgliou ” is the only modil-iqt‘fxll'womemsold ydmggimunder a poaulvo guarantee, from the manu facturcxs. that it wlll give satisfaction in r-very (ruse or money will be refunded. This gunmn. too has bm-n printpd on the bottle-wrapper. and faithfully carried out. for many years. Large boule%lm doses) SI.OO, or six bovlllfs‘ fog-"Bs‘. ._ __ A __ 7 7‘ fifr‘ my}: _inixgt'rifid Treatise on Diseases of “mugn (mu pages. ganger-covcx-ed). send ten cents m stumps. d ress. I - World 3 Dispensary ladlcal lssocxatlon, 653 Mam Sig BITFALO, N. 1. 7737 A“ : ’l FAULTLEB“ EAMIIY MEIJIIIIHE I U! “1 Imm :m-«l Simmons Liver H- «14' = ‘z‘ :‘ur nmnyyem's, hav in; nmeh- it my only Family Mvann-y My mother before m“ \-.‘.;- vwv'y purrim to it. It 1.! v .. -. :4le um] reliable med!- (-2: - u a any disorder of the 53'» 'll. and if used In tlnle 15 u gn'lu! ,u-r-rv-un’n' of u’tkueu. i ._:v u rm-nnmu-nd it to my frivmlm :md shall continue to firm Jmnos M. Rollins, "hr-x. ~:' 3.1. I-ZJ 'hurvh. SO. Fuirfleld,\"n.” TIME AND DDGTORS' BILLS SAVED by always lumping Sinnuous Lire! Regulator in the house. “I huvv found Sinxmons Liver 1L gulat- .x‘ the best fm’uily lued h-im l v \u-z- usvd for anything that X!l:'.j.‘h:ll)[)l'n, have used it in Inn'igoudiau. l'ula'r, D‘nrrhwa, liiliunslw. :uul n-und it. to re liv‘w' i' xiv'v-“sh-ly. Aftvr eat— -Ingsz amp-'l‘. if. on going tn h ‘._ ! ..imut :xie-uspoon— {u}. l m \'-»2' “+1 Ihu Mfects of tip :mmwz' . .il- 1:. "t H'X l) H. SPARKS. "‘.‘lx-.‘-K;l.\'nr Macon, Ga." nS‘ONLV GENUINE‘“ I!» mu 7, ,~‘mmpun {rum oanppcr J. H. lei/in & 00., Sale Proprietors, Price. SI.OO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. V' A-Creat Ictory A Terrible Case of Scrofula Cured by . . Hood 3 Sarsaparilla " In the wintvr of 1879 1 was attacked with Scrnfula in onn of the most aggravating forms. At one thin: I hid no loss than thirteen large abscessi‘s in or and around my neck andthront. continually exuding an offensive mass of Mandy mutter disgusting to behold. and almost iniulrruhlc to endure. It is impossible to fully dam-Hm my sufferings. as the case was cuniplli-utml with Chronic Cntarrh. After lhrro yours of misery. having: been treated by thn-c rhysiviuns, I was worse than ever. Finnlly, 4'" the rot-ounnendatinn of W. J. Ilnnlluy. iirnggistml Lockl-ort. I was induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilln. And now, after having Lukcn twelve bottles, within the lab tw-‘lvv months. the scrofulous eruptions ha entirely i-cnavd, and tho abscesses have all disamu-zll‘rd. except the nnslghtly scars. whlch are daily lmvmnln ' “smaller by dezlgrees. and beautifully luss.‘ bl do not klmw w int it may have dune for "thus, but '1 do know that in 113' case. Hood‘s sarsapariila. has proved an o ecnvq specmc indeed. As an endenqe of my rutitudo I send these. (acts unsolicited. nndf am ready lo verity the authenticltypt this cnrt‘. Ivy Personal corrvspondvnco will any om- who (_aubts It". CHARLES A. 1:01:- rzirrs, Bast “ilgon, h. 3. This statement is confirmed by W. J. Hum ley, dmgwt. of Lockport. N. Y., who calls the cure a great victory for Hood's Sarsapaxilla. Send {or book giving statements ohnany cures. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druzgistfl. SI; six for 33. Made only by C. I. HOOD 8; (10.. Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar. 3 <-‘ ~fi".<r.”\:7“". Hr . ‘ (“f ’7? 51% 133‘s; {53(- ‘ ' .1- 4-“ yi’.‘ :5 ‘ 1 "':.'_;'\:‘_l.’(f£ (7:31” '5 ' ' “Ni" R 11“: -_ .*'J'?,_~—;" Ti)" 1? . : ~’;l.s(}‘.~‘.\'l‘lf<E Fcag’f VA. . .-;: Chimmiy. fUic.” ; :zti.‘-i ;2 3' E}. v‘ ’ . T '.l ;. E .d‘rl g j _ I'm—'l. : i'xi curl {‘.. ‘ :\ j . ;.::11::3‘. 3‘ A - - ]-u “f naysa} €533“ ff. LIP} 11.3: 3; i 1: 113: 3'.’' . ~ 1 ngIV , 1., _"=J’ul L 3%,)" 7 :5: .; : {”l3th :2.” ,-, .f '.i ‘.l" .1 5.9321?qu i‘.:l 1;: r .. .'. flags-1:: . ' ' ‘. p' ‘- '2~‘ ."" . L T‘,. aEB. 5.. 1.13233”; 53:: rzfisbuii'm rr-,. VChildren Cry -for_ Pitcher’s .Castwfi T .0 O D 111 l I; I I )I‘i I"I I H 1(‘I IIH , 1 . . ~ ‘r i I J. 1’ . O T H 33! W {I ' ' g " ' II a “’5 TIMI EWIIS (I Remedle 0. e e a i a Haw made complete (tun-. 3 uf difficult cases of Liver and Kidney; lrmx‘vles ”(~(‘IRI I'll-mu. Fifilulas. Blond l’uxhumng. Ht!» Dam-ago, Here-«hf :njx Mum] 'l‘m'nf. Lemme and Skin I)I<(‘2I~"J5 generally. Send For Circulars .I. u ribs“ ; ‘h. ...,w ..4 \: um”: HUI i.1..\.~ =_~ I: lin :A .. .‘.-r:.-I r::--v--vl >"I-‘rfilfil ‘.n I‘.|:l.‘-’>l::i. : l'i'.‘\.‘~l\ I _‘nslln'. “I i': ":I'Jlu. 'I‘IIU“. \I-I‘ALI'I. n!’ “-41:31; I: uh: \\. It. I~‘l\('ll.m‘ Linmzu. I'hr: :- mun. .: I:I-.\. L 6'. 111 FY. nf 'l'unzrr .\iul'luflmtgm ; .I,\ .\IEi _\l.( I-RMl(‘l\'..\ iw-I’nu-Mwnt Hm u: [Pu-III: :1 W |.',‘, ‘§!:I:Tl)\'. lieu“. Nnuuin: \l'. 5 DUANE. S’n'mm um: 50le i)!:IS-‘ul.l.. l'niuw 1.0.: “'nri». 3'::L'i.ll.!('l|l0: .\IHSJIETJ“ "- ‘II‘UEH-‘H'l-H. .\il:‘-. I'll ‘.IIIJI'I’I‘II .\ UHJH—Lli'l‘. .‘IL'F. .\1.i.1i.‘., .\llis' 1; 11. l|.\l{l£l\'3T".\',all "I .\un I’E‘Jm'isz": .‘IIIS. .\I. .\. .\I‘AM‘. ‘llih L. I'. .\B'IH'II'N'UN, of .\.u'rmuz-Mu. References by Permission sins. sum}! B. rum-sn. Mus. Hus. LI’X. I'm»: . DEN MAX. HUN INA IE. IIUIT'I'. .\. 17. t’,\i3\'ll.l..“LlVE“ !!I.\'l.l'.\', LEAVES I’. h,\(i!'..S'u: Fran- L‘i-rn: I“. h, \\'.‘. I'I‘IIKIIUI'SI-j. I. .\. I E'.\U.\'_ .\.urrthu'mn. T. 32. H \L'I'IJL |.3'H'O'-II: \AM'I. "A‘- SIIH'. I‘l‘znlnmn Ext/"x .‘ W. _‘x, EIIZAN. an: I":‘;li‘v,‘lr‘l*u !'/'n nun-I. . SAUSFIELD'S REMEDY I-‘UI; 'I'IIF. HI.“UIJ!-- _\ Spvflm- fur .‘-I:ll.nli.~ :fl‘L-l'ul-J ftmn dis. Liwz'. KHIIH' .3. Lunaiiipmion. )I;1In|‘i:;. I‘m-m! 1'..?..mi;.;_ Scrululm \l!‘ "In um. um: I .-m-:i' L.’ fr'un "Ina-J l-ng-In‘ilix". PRICE. $1 per Bottle. S‘Al'sl-‘HilJl‘s I'IIIIUXH‘ l'Lt‘l-Zl.’ SALYIC I'u: lha‘l'uzc Ir“ K‘ln‘mtir I'Evcz- .1: N z'n‘ .-.r u- «‘7: -in~~vrip:inn: Iwzvmn. I'il»-3. Yuriww- I lu‘l‘r. InflLLquXMW Maw-Em. _,.- :u..xi ‘L‘ltl Ili~vzu~v~~ _- ‘.. I HUN. 1 PRICE, $1 and 500 por box, ur-‘uwiin: 1.... jS.\I!SI’IEI.!)‘S REMEDY FUR DIPHTHERIA .\XI) I'jYlj! ‘.iil\l_\'- .\ 53w Erlr 'i- =i ~12 - 1 I'rvvlp. “aw 'l'lzru;|!. Mann», 21nd[Elizlllflllkiinhlvi the (In «2121! Limp. 1 "J 11108. $1 and 3°C 1:911- box. w---«\ ‘9“: z» -i I ' 09mm: 'l'. J. Hun. ‘ ’Z‘i um: :; .‘II'ATI-IV, I-rugml. Aug. ‘.7. : .. fin ' '.‘::: >.\:.>x~‘|}.l.l» Injymvnx 0.."- I ‘.= Us: Imzuxi?) :nulm-e .\nlslivl-I': Hem-'..h-n. In: {ll‘7“‘i‘lNJ7l'lj'llldUrr‘l‘,’:hl|Tr-Im” he r.) won! uln-u- II “i 2: -Iv)n.nnm.~l '.mm! m snail-r‘v: 31:21.4: xly. 15:1‘1‘ had a lumpy e;;:,\-|iu|»l-.- in (’1:I1I.l'(':i(‘vn win. :I r-L- ll'lllt‘llltN. \\ Ive-u tin—l I ~11 Ih'lu'u. to!“ firm my friclnd:lIlUl::IL l \vnul-I L 0! :.=~- Ihrvr vntnllh. Nov. I.:n m-Ii :.I4‘ ~ r1);I . “I:lll:'.‘f.’p-wa~:mu ~nL-It_w~r:lznl in Iwin-ri.v:.=l2: ”3.: l lulw hznl for I\\'--Irn-_|:--.r~. ! m-E US .. many d ,x-xmx gmi mun} (tfhur;'(l'_liY)l!](’>_H,l~l.Ell Inn-I min-I in (l' 'r‘. I Hm}. «.I .E f. r é.:< L :- prm 111-‘.u-r llull Iw lot: luv In .um and )‘l-lll‘ zumd lflls I-‘ihl‘lllvN‘ I unnlJ u .--..:.x:u-n-‘. n I :~ Lu .-:£ >:ifi'r.fnx I'-‘IH ".‘wnzl I'vf~‘:.nin: "1' :my (II'~1!I[::I: n m Ii) 5:ll‘~iI-~;-i.> rr-m-«C; xur :é.‘- “1.9.13. m: ..g. l’is‘l-l \:l‘\:'. ‘-v:: - ih~ i-i:3::_-- Mpg.- zl I.x: umu' "x! in l-‘.\' :--:.l'.i€i:-:: I hm“ “Hum o-(I llr- c-w‘l n. the V-‘l~l"‘.‘i w ' :~ - Ih- r~.':1i«IIlI-H~ .1 um le ~x (v? >;.li~f_x. II: :L '~ ‘-- -'.-'. : m ‘ :-'~":-I'; IL inn-£24 ~ LII —' J-zc:» \{)r2‘Ll‘lv"?l2.3Plil 3! Nan mum of tlp-n‘ rum-uln- L». ‘.n '~ Iz’ 13‘ KEV. J. T. “'l' :‘. 1.34 m ! -1--‘.‘ I‘: .1‘ ~’. ~ .-.,.' . ~ , it! -. 292' "Ll-71 'I'III'I— _. “ :_. 6 g 1 9.1-9 5 ' sq. "a. {g ‘ «5.3“ f 5» 51": rm 3; %"~ 2.; : 3’“ WE?" {DIES Ca) ‘7 I t I . V a a! '73.: -. ' ; k 4...:H kn: .‘ 2 15 EDS? S’n’kiET. SA?! FETI'IHCISCG- J. I‘ ‘.l2‘ {\‘Ll L. ‘.5 ;.__ H.530]; - - I'm; 'l‘nvrn-‘rmi. '.\'.';‘ ..4 ‘.J fi'ng‘i‘vF '; Lie-,1; ;‘ 331-:- ,_ w-=;:~jrx =1? EEE2SE;3;;§-';;FE§.!:;:.:::-\~..-’f'.;i-. {23'l” "3‘33” Over? T “ff-m: '-, :9". {.f’???‘ 3‘39‘hih ‘1 Ua; “x. “and; $215133 2W 55.1? ' " 4" j 3"” '3‘?" "‘ " " V'“ ”m" fins: uenzaéhr-é-ap’s‘:x;‘r7:;'._’<',i.;j ,iN ' ‘ _ "6-5115" ""3“": 65:51:: .dwf' ' .ozw-homv-nunxul'v _ 77;“. 5‘7 .7 5 :fii‘i-l..uc~a:.—.—;V. 13.49. 5.19551; neutlndwarormwmwhw'n. ‘,. :_’?‘L' “’1 z - $2.. - .‘x 313.11.:N. TJ'r" :5'15. flung“. then-vic .PROF. ..u ‘ “191.5744: 3;: ‘l. ~ '5" ‘¢-4’I3WC:"KED 5:05?“ I" “in“ "vfififilsfc g "it‘d. E 3111: i 55,3 E.‘-T,":‘«;1\ 2‘ . ‘.." -_.:‘s a"; ‘9‘“ “mi": " jigs: Ea'whhfizj ._" an am otlx‘cn'aud) l-‘):,_;r_....‘.~: .Vx‘77‘sl .1 ; ;’r'—_‘f'~‘ ~1f'n!?‘)I‘-?-.I:i".r€' fur 'II ‘1... “muggindzh? m i: 31:1 ._s_w.\l!l'-"-‘ ‘.. "11- ..-. . . , A’Np >7 .~:' :V .. . , >"l— J Fl, Tu '.C 1 dlo Aged Men. 1335} 1531351 .32‘19112; ,‘r 135:3- 3‘ :2 ~'~.~-‘~;-..12:«-2 MEL”, Eggs—fl “We—”“- “’25“ 90M “fig-ma tbs! lb!olfi‘r'v§*‘fx§s.Z'—‘; 5"-.f 2' .' ,\‘ ..--_~; ""537. 'i l "“3” ‘9'i‘flmg'a‘wwmfiiggdi .. taken . ‘1; ”~n. ‘ -,.7 _ m‘ " "'C ""' ""3 hH I :2“ Mmmu mmszizyghg ~-_ -; ~ —-- 7- “0233;125:333“ "“' T ’ Tothomwhasufierfnxrhg-fg-n'fm. 1,1,. .- . mum: li:'xinebo¢hl. “mum". I m‘flbout by 1am92m2;.,--,'»‘;{3..‘f-‘.‘ f"- T?- :*‘.‘=l-"= 's‘" v 2 - -.1“ “an“; mVfiggggifgo'lgdnlst-mmgi'ki’”s-355 2;. : . . .....Cnisgcznénfn an... -,. .. smemfi. ‘;-'-.'.l‘= .‘i‘.‘ 1' ' ""’ N -';_'—"- .- I “PACKAGEl“!agitatgfftrfiltsfijit??? >.» > n 22. ‘4»:a-1‘.3 “Eat-DY CO. 'H “1... a: sup-wasp seasons :3..-.. :.’_-.‘é;.~; 3» sh-K'm‘fieimt'sm “I“ A , . ~. . -. ”a 1329.125”: 66km unis! D R LAN E’ S ! Wine Tonia: Beet, Geéery, I . Iron, and Wme An Unequalled Nerve Tonic and Blood Invigorttor. Espm-iully Adapted _f-or the 'l'rt-nlnwut or Nervous AWN-Hons, lnlpmerish men! of ‘he Blood, and Gen eral l'rostrntion. For Sleeplessnoss. Loss (sf Appetite. General Derangemgn} of the Nervous System unsung from whatever cause. Brain Trouble, the result of overwork, etc. It is l'Al..\'l‘.\l!Ll-1 and EFFICM'IOL’S. A faithful n'ile “ill prove it to he (ht: _Tcult'fl Fm«(t-(iwleruling. fox-Sunmmng, Sy~iun-\'i lnllzing.uud llmno-(‘hmering xcnmdem nan m the ulnicled. J. D. MINKLER, M. D” vun’r TnWXsr-zxr! AUEXT. "ALI. BROS., Prop’n and Mal-afar lu re rs. Aur‘lTrdfim s‘?” Clav 51.. San Fl';xlu~i~c.a.('ul ' 5 r r' . . l '.a S 7 9:1 glgwsa q . . 4» sz I ‘ <5”): 5 ‘__ '9’9o9‘ '-'-..e “-3 ’6 "‘,E»".@ , i ; \‘IQ; 'l:\ {:5 51.14 E FL? (“-3 ‘81.? 'r , 5:3" . -’— \\ . . r I“ ’z . ram. ~, , , v’- has" ..F 0%,??? HEALIH ’mszié's. Le Illdmu‘u Golden Balsam No. l. Curse Ulmnuz‘rs. first and second mazes: Sores on the Logs and Body: Sore Ears Eyes, Nos»_eic. Copper-calm“! Dictches, syphllltic (r'uilll'l'h, Ilia-arm! Scalp, and all primary forms of the distant: known :15 syphilis. Price 85.00 per Bottle. 3Le [Hanna’s Golden Balsam No. .. .um 1 Tertiary. Mercurial Syphilitic Rheumatism, l'nins in the Bones. I'mns in the Head. bark of the neck, Charmed Sore Throat, Syphilitic Rush, Lumps and conn'acled Cords, Sufl'ness 0! the Limbs, nnd ermiicuu‘s all distant» from the system, “'llezher «mm-d by indiscretion or abuse of Mercury. leaving the blood pure and healthy. l'l'lce 85.00 per Bottle Le Inc nu‘u Golden fipnnlsll Annual: to: the cure of Gonorrhwa, (.leel, lrri'auon Gravel and all Urinary or (lcniml-dimnnngcments Price. 82.50 per Bollle. Le lllcluul‘n Golden film-135 lldecllon. fur sevem cases of Gonorrluru, Inflammatory Glen. Stricxureu. &c. Price. 81.50 per Boule. V [.O lllehml‘u Golden ointment for the an (active healing or Syplnlitic SoresJuiderup~ lions. Price. 81.00 I'm- Bax. be Blclmu'n Golden l' Ila. Nerve-and Brain ‘ tmatmntm; luss of play-ital powenexcess or ‘ over-work, l'mslrmion, etc. Price, 83.00‘ per Box. Tonic null Nervlne. ‘ Sent everywhere, C. O. Dnsecurel) parted. per express. C. F. RICHARDS & (1).. Agents. 127 .t 429 Sansome at... For. Clay ‘ San Francisco, ('11:. ”CIRCULAR )lAILI-Il) FREE. 21' 6.000.000 W D NW 5535535 .- h . . A" , 4 V D.M.F:RBY&; J. ‘V Lawn-mum}. ,: 1w " , . ar e‘: beeusm m (f / _- .in i’hrz worm." Lg; D.H.F£"{3Y&cos .- ' \ .L. lii-«21,.1JJH. ~." ' ‘.o}, “,4“; :lu-x.:.-Il‘:'.r.--rl‘ :I‘VV‘ ,:‘ ‘1‘433/5' - SEES , ~ wary M 5 Airman. , m . , _ g. .3" Q . «..;4 ,v .5313??? ‘;l"r"_}'f\f> x: A“, ’y *. FREETU ‘-,L "f-(‘\% i'j‘f‘f, ‘ .. &» ‘-“ I“ :. ‘ ‘ L 4 -r,;.,?9 15:. r. \"_"s‘ . H 4." ' ‘...” .r- . i'u'..i'.-;abic~‘;: ;. x’_3}..“. -‘(7:_f!?fi‘> 3 .hvaW' .‘ V' '7‘ ' V -. ' ' U" . .. «M 52; "5"; l 3:. . .‘Y‘l-FEF‘KVI > 7 “Jitfli‘fichl my , - UPTURI II - r . "“’ .-1 Quicklyzfid )‘ermanwn! ' “.3; i E —." MAGNETIC ELASTIfi TRU . : Tim xmu.|.;.-.z.n:‘-l (#:1365373 2 ’- ‘9” ELEC‘I RIO 7‘983. A Pay A ' n-mmvr Rusylo'xnnr. rstnnth‘mll 1 ”(WW .- r l!.|~t'uml thnnx'uidb. l-lenblii M "ra‘.‘32z2l¢rg¢:§ak 0 ~ .- ACN .. h. €O4“ SIXTH: STREET. ST. , vu4sac~nrwrgrfls¢xw muggy hm Q LIFE Renew: ' '/'§‘ DB. PRICES I . Gunmaciw an” uni: (3qu 3:35 331 1;... F. «i p - Electrm Sun , . . {Jail-.115"; “I. .Funwi the most ',, .'. W .ls duruulq and per ' (qt , .., ,3! Bolwry m xhayorld. ’11:; _ without. maligme, “ability 73 . I‘. :‘sinhqlhe Bungldney “brew-fa 3,: 1: Rheumatism. \$ 01;an of . 0.3,..." m-‘ I‘nlinrwnd samgfarpmnh.ho.§ “.\USH'I'H‘LLASThYTHWSS p ). “Sum; .\.-Il'r,=,,.>i..»o_l'.v_l_ . v3o§ .N'. Sud) u.. SI. 3 - ..- "MW—‘.— \ Prescribe And fullyen c i dung-“ 15:; ”1 as the only "r" n SPH‘ C or evennmcun 170 5 ”S‘s-w nf ilnigglsc'ttum. ‘ (i. I. .'(;I AH.-\.l_.\L I}. “ms—“M‘ Amsterdam, 5. Y: Irdonuby‘b “’0 have sold léiglcgot Chlfllal many years an x a given the best of sm! nrunn. Ohio. D. R. DYCHY'. 5: (‘O. ('hivusn, I'H‘ hdv «Inn 81.00. sud by Imm FOR SALE. & r BEIXEC‘C: ”II (he )um-r pun u sewn k : Wants. M‘\ /’ 1 ,5: Li“: I a ; a L: ‘l9:. ’:i ' 22.12)." > ‘ j} ' 15 just what its name implies ; l Purdy Vegetable 7 - "pound, that acts directly upon the Vl7 1’; curin. a Ihemzmydiscases'ci- ‘4 othatm pormutorgan,and . ' ~ . n'gthenu merous “mums ‘ - arise from it! deranged or ~- .'« - tion, such ll Dyspepsi ‘ .S. - 'ce, Bilionsnug Cos\enes ' - axin,sick-headzdig like i" ‘w; etc. It, is Marci m‘ m ‘ “To have Goddnealth lb: Liver must be kept in order." DR. mom's LIVER W Invizomtcs the Liver, Regulues the Bow cls, Strengthens the System, Purifles {ha Blood . A 3393 Digestion, Prevenlchvers. Is a Houschuld Need. An Invaluable Family Medicine for commoucomplaint; I 1 2.1320333 1.11733 momma: A2l. .‘r‘w’ai‘rma If Imm, years, and That‘- sand! 1f T .\.-'.‘mvm'm'J prove as 1107?. Inn 9 \LF; DY ALT. DEALERS mmm‘u For f ‘2l mmrm‘nion send your address {or m pmm Ibok on Y'.u “ Li-‘rr and its disexm," to Montana 3* DITA-“Ii E'.‘ I 32W '0“ C“ m o > I h C \ REJUVEMTOB. .33T EFF“? n’x‘rifix‘x‘x.‘ - : . ' s" 2.' .‘r' TRIAL 331531131)? :IININITIIV‘I: ; 3:19.510 cufrgs rm; Ln— : 1 :u u: (M .;m _r A "I‘- ? BOTTLE {nus aid Physnul musl ; 33y. Vital K‘Ahgnsliun; ; '.. em; I: "ham“ -m ml. E FREE.UE\\P:~:AE::I:;S;. l’rn-x‘nulurn 5, ’§])u-linxn-, Orgglik: AVm-Li ‘ . A ; u', ’ 1.. :7 4, "IHL :SUI'FLJENY ‘0 S ll‘h-YfincIIZG in awn-(3L1; : hn- —: g] -,-: l 1: ‘.r-w r ('um gr'w‘” THE “ER‘ s(inls‘l'm'n'l{nrfix'rhaltgcr 5178 CF THIS, THE gcausaprodnmd “) ianArs-srouu; /—/ gsmsmcmsmucg fl {l’ I gnzucmzs Ml 9; HEWIMI EPJER'JE ‘onETS, Irv IE") only rrm 413' I'l. ‘ z _ _ ’ :I'lcnnfi ]:-::u'-u-;3' g‘rJiLL Ba; SENTTJ 3,3. ;_-;-.- flmztwy 3x .‘ smm 0:15 APPLY] "5.3; 13, 2,1373}, 3,1}? . gm: :7 Lcnznji .g',!:';:-.'; ' f 3317571334533 SYfJP- "UL" {'o' " - ' : :ui.: -\-r.:'l' . ‘. - 370315 aria Aizgg‘: : mrllsij-L. . i.'.LL managing-z J'vj 3,5 v 1; :~ 27:32:3‘srmcm§;.:;.,;fa,‘;g‘ ‘ ' 3 Urns-1;; @050; f: I y’, - ..: ‘. 2;:1 _; /’ 5-13 ..‘.::. r’ :5. 3Q (:34; .3‘ 7;;- 325/ :33. . _.r:-:::.r _’ 3.2.31“ ~~ -;t . IM.“ 4:_= :. “Rafi.“ ." -' 1.51', ,-I '_; :‘ -,m , A 2n: (7:. H' J: ~ _ ,- F'wZn‘iifi‘ .v' .-.L: -. -_, ' -~ : ‘WLZ‘LIiLirl‘ . [33. C. E. «SELFEEL? 1' '. Jimrrny 35., 50:; 7’» . I”, The LL.‘ isst‘o ‘ i _' out) « 610;):C' ‘ - - mstiv Chill? .1 uecc- "°' ' .' can cloth;- you ' > .‘ all the nr-c;s:.~ '; . g . appliances tot/1' " f‘ ‘. eat, fish. 1.1; ', ‘. 1, ; or stay at 5:3: » w‘. ' ~ 1:. styles and qu::.':;':2 . ' . 4.1 what is rcquinul 1.3.2; ;: ‘“2 a I ‘mn COMFORTSBI3, and yen In" x v --s .-_- 3 _‘mx' estimate of the value of the BI? YEBB' GUIDE, which will be fit?! 590” receipt of 10 cents to D'lj’ purtage. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Aveuus. ”k 4 "63.1.11. MES 6r 1y? .uu: natll. 3‘ any _\~v'.... ‘-.r ru'rrl "i ~ o I‘nu:.thml Lu»). Imam in. BM“. '..A it biscuit". 1 ll . 1 , .L IN ' )I.‘.\' 00 n ‘ Q” ‘2: < Nt‘n'uxu l;.‘l.‘t ~..~,u mmmrrhrg :_ '. Manna! l.«:-.x «Mums-I Dc ' or '3‘. , 91-3.} u-w z: a...:\.\\'--ak firm 11‘ ~2‘"g ) Lurk I-i .‘ ‘ - a 4) lilac-JIM", ‘.‘ 's': fim- 'h 1.1 :‘unplk-xx‘.‘ " \ ..; 41: | url'gi-l-SW“ ‘- * nus. : : | “ rh‘, EM of Hero-rm Kim _- ,‘x..r 'lmnhlr.‘ \lueaknuckdiurningl ‘ . “19.1.1215“? {me-prompt rrlwl :r . ‘ : . LE: . -‘ By hh [numb-m u :.._.. _. ‘.2- ~13 romrlex -10-. frvt' "mu «3'5 .u-z .M‘ l, 3'3 .. nun. 4&1): q-rumlons.c-u~.. h:.:.~ Jw -,‘ ....“ .-u vu, 11.411: beth-“quutunm .1 L runn‘lulll-‘HXVJ by deicrlhing _\mur.. ‘ ...- . ~,. ,z..! 5:". men!» two will lu-svm \w- ;' ’ ,1- cl: L'l"(';u€. GF'Pulln.’ illulil' ‘ ;.~_- ,3. . \g( 2' "W": ")3 Rear"; Sll‘t'l'l, 5:... 5r ru:.'.-£-rfl. .‘ I ACADEMY OF THE HOLY NAHEb Sen‘nm. “figs”. Tzuu. Boardmg and Day School for Gun. l-‘nH Imm urn-m- Angus: 21:11.. Th n 0.3: UP Flr'x-fli’vn in Ihe Engiigh Brullchc , .‘I‘HE-I', .\rl. Elm-m on and I'nv Lunguuza- In .1 'ul. H'Yi" ‘4 t-xxn-rwnced [nacho-n, [ruildmg Irv“ L'H'h‘om‘ mndiou-n. Location pleasant and h ..lzhful. Pupil; “(mired at any lime am! I'hzll’g‘i pro portioned. Fur rin'uku’! addntr’r. _ San'El: fil'rlnm August 4. 188’: f