Newspaper Page Text
“r THE Gide =1“ 93539,; ff!“ ‘3 --::x.‘ T-‘ii.’-~‘ ;' y Ifiu '1: ‘z:[’l'r‘ ‘li‘ .. Vulnme XIX. LULY 81’ ‘lm ' A L A: \ J . *5 !- \; - . I." -' \ - \ ; 1"; !.\‘,_ . ' ': ' - | «I - :=~I':l=.\ I: \.:v - -‘).-.r ..\ '. .- IL. . ‘:~ u u I: . . ‘y.. . \ . . :3"; :. .- . * L‘ :' ::!'~~I I' ~ -' ~,1-'hc 'hc t‘rrll ~ 1l" - o 4 1 J! aa! '9 C) 'J. x' BIS-II; 1.. . lel. ~.-;. 'u." 'l‘ t: -w. T. \\'~;~!.';z| an: 'l' :2" xl. '1".2.‘1‘--'.‘>i".‘- “'2: “it .n'rzx' . . .... .'.I .11, ‘l‘ ~,_.T'.-~. I!L..'. If” (I'l. \!--1'.1... .’."v» .\;z..’}-v on: -I-'.:\. .‘ifi’. .\hux ~ ".1!- .35) H’ I'H\ “'5" \h‘» Eliil‘l\li~'.: ...‘h. " " .‘~|"?i* I ...... ~ .....Sl.” Ruiz» .«m? :xhv- x-. . . 'x a"ill<‘iv !".:vv":-f :1. :. .'.- i' ~ Him. Inlb-I‘ Illljlil‘ill'l ' ~--—. . ELL \l"n‘l.fl ~: 4.21:" ‘~.Hl\'. Vim!“ 21:1? l’:ll\'|.1‘:l. .u-pmcwzmcvm i’Rifl'LSKitFEJ 11. (‘5!!“5. Jiul'frv I). iIIKKLEH. SI. D.‘ Pd“? 'l'u‘J'NSl'ZN'l, 1“. T. 03am“! l)rnl!-'Il.’-'.l'l‘ nl' V .~ um llu .~n-. ”Mace. Mn. I'2. lhrmrup~l~ h I .~«' [hum-Hy “3' b 4 l-y l'up! 1| i.:-x‘. nn 'l'.._\ 'm' ~tn-u'. Toflfixmw in Jul: it .-~.-' ..v~.--~,i;-,~ duy ..; 1’ L Nu. u! I~'.l‘.lh=- .v: r ~r r.~~,x.:.'n---, 4;; ',\‘ ~. at lelnonv- rm‘ (mire. ’..“; Olin: “uLi.l' 'J 1:» 1:1.2. '2 t .S:.n‘!’. Ia!- Lt. -, ,7- - -_:;I:'::I;-__ 5 c w 411‘: I‘, my ‘ D i )vnl is! . ‘ffifig‘ Pour Tu“. N 231), \v. 'r. ' 737*" lzlpu- ‘r\:'jk’ _lna v'hv-r '.r rh‘nrufuizn :1 ‘.z: in hum} fur ;..n.; 1".“ - 332‘: i on 0!! MM. e.n_:r.~.. -~‘..'.’~ \XJI m- a Blil).§§{.‘z\\' .\~ SACd: nau‘ 'rxuvxq: so, w.l'. .41.»)le 7/3 and ('UHHWIIWW .-:.‘ Lam: Pu < um» I}? .-‘ DEER-LHJ‘Y. ”HEELJ 111‘ 1...|: "f Nt-u'ilrkfi‘ui'n i‘JJAuw 5. A, I: I‘rr'l-'-!\V ‘ ‘liil..’ “’7. CAEHOUN .8. COLEMABL Attorneys-at - I‘nwv Asp PIU‘H'THHS IN .-\lmll:.~\!.'i‘Y. ()flEcerk'prp ‘miidihg‘ ELL. ‘ .. , ,vm":-rL'F,~_“L'-*-~:'::{-‘Y,-Ji D. W. ““5. Warn-n l Xin- 'x:a_- SMITH 81 HASTINGS. Attorneys - at - I 4a“; PROCTORS 111 ADMIRAL". {and fm’ Sale. Loans 111/74m. Pt‘l’t Townsend. W. 'l'. ' 7 T. A . 11A LLLR, mm, all CJMSEU'GY 31 Law. [mm In Aémralt'; Amish-d with Burke .‘c MIL-r, ..f Sr- .tzle. OH“ tern-r o! Wan-r—az-d—qmlmy .\:~‘._ nmmshu store ox “mama.“ x Kai; '.R‘l‘ TOWNSEND. - - \V. ’l'. Flinn-w '.O loan uL reducw d mics. .__._.-._._._.__._m- .__. \ Wllham Busby,‘ i PAINTING, lalsumlmng and Paper Hanging. .‘Finl-clln work Gunrnuzeed. Chop on Adams at. up. Court Hume-"i; now-Bis no swan-Inna“. M——~ (‘IN'L'RAL HOTEL, ‘ PuRT TOWNSEND, w. 'r. ‘ Wm. I)0dd, l’mprictcr. “album.- is NEW and NEWLY Fl‘lLVanlEl‘ lad pert-cues all the nppnimmenk of a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. “’11.: Bar is supplied with the hUrI of “'inos. Infiltr- and Cigars. «oi-a Area-class Billiard xablcuud “(‘.ldihfl .30- in the lime]. Nothing: will b.- undnna ln ‘ ml lhil “on! second to LOU“ in the Terri EAST SOUND HOUSE, EAST B’WIND, W. 'l'. W. Esuthcrland. l‘mprivtor. l have oatabiirhed I Nuw Hotel a! Em): Sound. In Juan County, called the " Eub‘. Souhd Bun.“ whirb h now open {or the accummudn I of LI. zum‘rnl public. junl.‘ Brick for Sale. HAL! A MlLLmemcx rnn Sun, AT SlOper Thousand. “’9" ‘° GEO. E. STARRETT. ( REC. E. HTARRE l‘T. l'nln‘ TOWNSEND. Contractor 85 'Bmlder. 'hloneriflcalions. Estinmlo-m «etc. promptly Mule and t'upvulo-l wmk 0! ml kinds dour ox. short m-tiw. ramp on Winn-8L mar (‘lmries musing .———__—~_ I". ANTHONY, SEATTLE. "AFR. TEB. Pracncal Bookbinder. All kinds of Paper Ruling elm, done on shnrl “mu-c. Price l ~A'z th ‘ ea, .d BL‘N‘T "I. LIT ' @603“: utuu n 1 “jugt-ly.‘ PORT TOKVNSEND Boot. ~83 Shoe Store Min'..mus‘muoe-‘kcnudn-h BOOTS AND SHOES or T!!! m? QUALII’Y AI! HHS? PATTERNS. r haw . great reverence for . as]: common. Jon); Fzrzrnmcx. City Meat Market. CHU}CE FRESH MEATS 01' ALL ) kmx'u. n! Hum-mu- {Ht} X'xv'niA. Elm. Curl-ed Buef'lml 'l'..:.'_ lithhg‘hh out". ”and 1 2.4a-ut.v-tr "inn, . I: ils-vi. ..;; ;a.-u “as“. Lu:- :.:§ .—~.V i; J. Cin nu .1 run. hnl-fut! )n unannleed. ummuda-x gull gond- xlniwmoc mall parka the city. 0. U. COLEMAN &: (30.. Port To‘nacnd. W. 'l‘. “TN“: door to Waterman .t Kan. aw , f People 3 Market, Cor. Tau.- tid Tnylcrfiueou. @4 Port Townsend, Wash. “ Thom . , Proprletor. ' Tl; Vor: nullqun'l‘) 0! MI kzndr 0! Meat I! Ith-nle and NH“. Sun-Lbs. Hrud “bin-u, “MW.-. nfin'xaax-w. :l away» on hand. truth. ~al'».zr.£ 'r I. ' . :- "Iv. —~________—_ BRH'ISH COLUMBIA B()( Tel". 131 .\ 1 >321 it \79 Gg‘x- m: .1‘ and “‘.--1 - --. h. \‘iz ll}: i 4. 1:. C. int-gaunt L’ul! :zud - . filorrocco lhndxng’s ASpcciuly. B|}le .130 In“? “'OIIK WU] rcwlve our best 1110 mm" 8. I‘. WILLIAMS. BIOP- . .\. a , VE'. "I”. 5 ~ ~, ‘ M I‘l3} _ ~.-._.= ,5 , - 2;. 5;; 7. . , _ :: E 33 :1 £7: 3% $3,: {5 VET-3;. 1' A"M ' I"? a dikss V 3 fr) ii R 2:: g 4 .2»; )7 a vi} a; i2:"‘ _ 533:: “‘h ‘1 “J £5 ’ 5 »-\/ 35,: ,Lr ffl ‘TE {3125: we _,3 gage; 53-; fiitvit“ :34 ? "“4“ nfig lii" ‘Vj “‘2; it"; (“if .' ' \ \q‘j: A}: \{3 "hi‘l kg 'Fvi :9? :13 - ' fi'flvhi 9‘5”? ":3 ‘17:?) {Q ! I'j if: [‘A ‘» 5/ ‘l, 3' Q; - ~ /§7 7.1.322- \\-‘ j 513 H.» )3»! :77. E‘: 5'3. g-E: 3g K\§lP I‘L J § ”:5 1‘” "l 2;) E"i% Fi 5'33" \A. “'l' \j ‘ £3;er _‘. u..- a: r. y 1:“ «' fo‘yd'/ '9 I, .E- \\ 1.1 y n..": . ._"- (i . .\, \ , l.‘ wfirgs§lW l z;; ; ire 5-5: :3?- ®Jfifi H" 9'" \\\ \‘ /\ ,1 ; ‘3 - ;;;w #3 ii? V; . .515: 'r. F I :35 . ,3 12;. ; «:_. m ; 1.-_~-;- 'L' 1:“ :V:' f ‘ > ‘ I ' I ”-1 ‘I "I '7‘ ‘ V H In WV WI! ,xAA | l u ‘ .\z. a.:. A\..e:l:~-.. _\';\\' ‘.‘...'.. ‘\ :‘l [3: (u'ldTn; - .‘E : I :1; 1!»! -§-~_;I mm”. H - 31.; 1 ~ ! Ir. s' 12:5 :::~~x.~i:~g ! A. T‘.‘. :.n, ‘ t'filn‘v‘ ‘.‘lZ‘. ‘ 1.. way.» I“: MATH. XI: i‘.:. \‘x. If. -\i"- 11'; 21c: win-r :l\.'. -. > A H. \':':»:'Ul=!z‘:lQ'Hiv'xlll \l'lif "14':_ihf: .\w t ‘le'gg >1 .\‘H: “»,:\'\';..\.'i h:.\‘. l’ul:‘rl,2xxu. (’l2. .\[uil I'2. ~— The ‘l!:.:.‘ -- .‘.'.-zx!:~=n :Mj‘ Hum-:1 :n'm «(iv 5' 1 dc] I‘2l “1% “waning. '1 Le- fullnw~ 1“: \x.:'.- (‘kz m-n Ih'lvghh-h (4 [ht .uzinnu! vapxw-xutiwnz J. I". )luvfly. l‘.‘ v 1) il. : Huflh .‘viul‘ul‘y, l’ur! '.‘m- :.: I“, ”wit'w. l'vlnnl'tull: 1“. 7. “~l'a . "in D.l!lv~: J. \‘C. (.‘lhivic. Al nu: ' :Iz. 3 s]. “mum". Jr.. Purl] Ind. Sn; Fl:,\_\:vl:~rn. April ISL—Jacob is;.r:w-;.~xvr. :1 (h-nuun (‘ill‘in‘hh‘r 55 Yan n? alga. rum-mly u! 'l‘m'umu. \\. l .:~I1.('H-'dl‘ul~luurninxhy Hummus; ‘sl:“:st m llh' kn-zu] wnh it ruvulvvl‘. : ‘ In 1.3:! lu-x-n dv~puznlont on m'vullm Hl} Envlth. a NLw KHz-:5. .\ g-z ii 11.7 «Edward S (VhJu-n Vina-. 1 i'-:.!~;l.:';: at tx-u lint: :n-u‘.:ix;;:. ‘z‘. zu-x 3w cum:- out lu- ‘w‘Lill.’ "3 urn-r was mr-n-surpri ml 1: In}: it“~ than (H :m‘ [be hug-mun] (‘hlniilu- . (‘ adding. Y='-H‘:'J.'l_" l uil=‘\’|‘\i iu- ‘nviliii hm. nruvdrmul =9“! «'3 L-iu In“: in lii .t viii-6'l 'l'v -11:1} in- um Quinn; nlriu Ila-d aiiul ruzw'ghikzni lln‘.“ I'.\l..~'i: l'lii:'l‘li'u‘.‘.TES le'l'ulll.\,l;.(‘.. April li.~—i"lit-\'cn Uhil.;niu-n:.2:: if mmni) \xlw CHHN' by Him i’ul‘ii.iu fvi‘ this city, wa-ri found in imw- fairs u-riiiicatvs. Om hu)‘ rigiii yum “H. who hwl llu' certificmu of a man 45. wiihn scar (,u 111:. c'n vii. :r-if p::.~.:~u-d by (in- Van cuxu'm- rn:-iuxu<. i'iix-y wiil rvluru in China mi ”1% l’ui'tliiu. mum-s r.) in: ruins Jl’s ru‘E. I:.'l).‘D.r).‘. April ‘J. ".\liliihil‘i‘ l’nviys. it is and by livlu'y Lubmlrhvr-u re furui {mm Aiuvricu nu Juuu- 215 i. .xml he wz l tin-u prwvnt his lot’wrs ~rf 1‘06““, :15 in- i- tn he, iippuiinvu [chit-f jllrviiCt' --f tin-:U. S. snyi‘emu -"(=lll't. THE Lummr i-an‘rxox. \Vismxu'mx April IL—Tbolmli— tions {rum various parts of the noun ;i'_\' sigma! thrungli Knights of Labor ‘in-i just sent th'l'e urging tin: di-siru‘ liilily of gnvvrnmeht management of 11m tulogrzph mu! tlu- strung popular .ivmaiml fur it, t'uxistimtv. it is be lit-nu}. (in- lurgx-zt imny ui‘ mum-5‘ evmsigiiril in u ~iugin ruquu.~;(;_ixu 1 semi-J tuCungrc-as. _ l ILOOIIS AnA'nzn. MANKATL). Tum“ ll.—l“u::r dffur llwr floods has pussml away. Yvrtcr dn)‘ afterunou tho vane-r 2;! .\luukutu ‘uvguu m full xnfmlly and by night unuzy people mm’ml buck into tin-11' :u-uuu-x At St. Polar and othurriwr points unyipty has :1190 been relieved. ' " ROYAL MARRIAGE. Lnxnux. April l‘.—.~\ dispatch from Bvrlin buys, Bismarck, whu lwgun by taking the public into his confidence an his coutruvvrny with thu empress, has suddnuly cvnsml ull ievvlmiuus and nolmJy knows; whether in Bar lin, Vienna or London. tli-- exact. state of 1110 dispute. It. is believed that a sun-t of truce has been ngrevd to, i. 9.. no betrothnl between l‘riuce Alexander and the Princess Victoria just now and no iebignation. The whola- business stands over. The Hmpl‘vxs duos not relvut nur shrink from his. uppo~itiun. Something will lepi-nd upon anen Victoria‘s visit t; Berlin. Should the visit bu made the Qneuu‘s inilllunco will be u.~ml in m-balf of her daughter and grand tlu L 1: liter. OREGON REPUBLICANS. l’umL.\xn.A[.ril I]. At tlm repub licun stato conventlon here today I’ B. Hvrmun was nommutwd for (:0 g' ‘3l am! Judgu \V. I’. Lord sfim-me judge. DISAsTnoUs moons. Mlxxmmus. April 12.»-—A dispau. .hic. morning from Jordan states that prayerty valued at SBO,OOO was swept away I:ch evening by floods. The damage to tho .\liunegpolis and St. Paul road unmuuta‘ to $75,000. 33115221: comxu nous. Luxpvx, April 12.~John L. Sulli vuu sailed from Livm‘pool today for home. A large cruwd was on the Jock to see Sullivan OE, and he was hem-lily cheered. A number of Sul livan’s friends followed the steamer for some dlstance in a tug. ALGER Axxouucns HIMSELF: NEW Yonx, April 11.--" Yes, 111111 a candidate for the presidency.” The ape-ulwr was Gen. “2153911 A. Alger. Michigan‘s ex-goveruur, who was at lhu Fifth AVt-uuu hotel. "After what my friends have doue,"fi(ivn. Alguz' Continued, "1 think I should be lluing buil‘. Him] and mysnlfim lujlwicu to (low; my candidacy. I an. in UK; “Flt“ 11ml loamy. but I shzili mulm :m pursulml i‘flbl‘t to cap— tur.- v-m .4.“ ‘ l ‘ T 0 NAVIGATE THE am. 3 NEW YUHK. April 11L~Tha Nuwhy‘ fl‘lriul Ship company has organized in Jvfi‘n-rmn City with ucapiml of 3100. um 'l‘lu- x-mupziuy [DI‘IIPOSPS tu Cemfiruct nib-hips nu tho plan in \v'uz.:.-\l lg; l'ctw: I". Campbell. of b‘ronklvn, who ('lfzilll that ships can he sallml thrwngl: tlm air in any «1% rectiou. Human “‘Olle‘ BQRXED, Youxasmwx, Uhiu .\pril ILL—A fire originating in the natural gas room of the fonnvhy (11-purtmont of the Wood ‘.‘cugu-r v.'u:‘;;s this making. made that mu-méw plzml a Kllii:s of ruins. 'l'ln' lllti is $230!“), Insur the SSQUUO. So r::;.i;li_v has thn pnyxulminu in— cn-asz-li in 1",}: .ugules Ihzzl the county :u)l;mni.~.-.iuuvxs rvcmxlly pur— clmsm‘. u éL’é‘M In! 11ml un‘ about to urecv iLvrum it $110.»! home at :1 cost of SISOO. Building is nipmtvd to be active. 'l‘ue l’rcnbyu‘riuns and Con gregutionufists am erecting houses of worship. Owners of property are holding firm. Port Townsend. Jefferson Mani}: Washington Territory. 'l‘llursdav. April 19 1899 ‘Ellfls'l-‘l '3 “PI 0 !1 wmu ~-€ u! s'rhuul Fund. , l‘.‘.:'. -‘.'.'l‘. I .\.px'il ‘.'. Ix‘x‘x’A .\u'uxfilia': In 83.” h-ml . -:| 4): Ink-1| 3:1 'vwv. by". 1?: - nun.“ u! rhi! ll'l'll in fwii‘n-rm-l t'v-umv. \\'. .-. :'-l\\l'-n iivv Ila-l Y\\':'!.l)‘--ui|-' .\.-nu: ..; n - ’. u-mizi- d In ‘ll’uw ‘ Nix-ml ”nun-3:. i~ *3 -. Hn- ('.mmy Trzuhnn-r hmin; «hiy rug' :Wl {-1 «up on ’hc 3411: ~l.l_\' “f M.x!‘~'h. 1-\ . ”in 'um‘llnt uf NIHHI'}: lwlnnzin: In tho ;:.'iu‘l':ll svluml fund in his hands. .\lZ‘lj-JI'I 1.. :q-xmrli-m --mum, was 53:21:13!” “ML-I: gim-s the amount pm 11m [-.-r «'uplu nf SSLYHL X hm’u Hui: rl;|_\‘¢!=xl_\‘;xmr Ami -:u--'.tln- whuk‘. uf said :mwum wzziiie-E l-j' Hu- Tnnuur vr. in :u'l'zvrllJm-n “ixlx Hu- n-qnin-nn'nls willu‘ Wushin:tnu H'hnnl l :m as :um-ml- «Lulu! “hi-'h {4 nlm’ ~! -s ling tu lin mum nf Hn- N'Tl'ml .\‘vhhl'? Dir'n'ic't.‘ of flu- (‘mnny ns fullmw: SI'.("!!LXI.'; I‘\lH rmnr x:‘-r"\'_\.'v x-m: mmrxxer. szq‘. \u. '.‘l ‘ ml 1.. Ann-vsl. I‘L Tuwnwnd 1 4m) “Ling! $1\::-_'_s'), l'l. L'I‘HUW -_‘ 11:; " 231.01. 1’! Uiu'nu‘rg 2: 111 " ‘JTIJJZL "lzinru'tnu -I M. " 31167. quill-hu- .'- ::'\ , 1:?» In. ‘ lrrinnun I". ‘,'; " 131,05. Lrlnnd 7 T ‘ 11.“. 4‘l-mrl‘. ‘ :l ‘ I'J.‘:,'~‘_'. Ir~ 114119 'J H " 171.223. Tm“: ,ll; :;:-_-.;;:_:L| llli'ra‘zry n-rlil'y Hm! i 1: ~ I' .n-guin: up ;nrrviuznzmnl i4I‘IIl'I':-1‘l.;‘,~:l ml l Imu ”li'éfi‘l‘ulu! tluynf _‘xprll. ! vvrlifiwl 1h;- mmu 1.. ma (Mindy I'y:- :~lln-r. :mul Qu llu- sovoml lFi~trE--! fir'un .l ('lrl'kfi 0f .h-x‘lZ-rsun Futility. W. T. R. 57. lh‘n‘. Joflbrsun ('nunty Swhuul Supt. .A i 'u ml of 'E‘hu nkfi. Tu flu' publir um! Isiml .I'rit'uds of Part ’l‘uu'usq-ml : Please permit. nm in this public way in pxprvs; to you thr- lku-p grat— itude I foul toward you. um- and all, for _wnr uutxring villa-3.»; to radon my hruthm‘ \\ Illium h life; and for your lender mt‘ntxuzxs :md sympav {luvs after ins «h-utb tn Emu and tu me and my fumxly. Rusprc! {n} l_\'. 15mm. Ixn’z. ; Bcsckutiens m 'ul-zmeriam. To Um Wurshiyfnl .\lnalur. Word-ms :Ilul Bruiiwrs of Port 'l'uwhrmnil ‘ Imulgn NO. 3. l‘Vl‘m' :Hl'l Afl't‘iilk‘d Masons: Your omniuitu-v wlm ward instrucu» ml to pn-puru l‘t‘~~£)ll“ix!'l“ on flu dvzmi of our lirnzhur. \‘\ mm”. K 2112. :: young. uni-rgnti' am! wwlhy 12mm hvruf [his Imigu. ri'>l;,-i':f:ill)' suim mi: Hm following: \VIIEREAR, ll haw pEi-za ~,! Iln- Grvut .\luslor of “in in st!) i {no 1)“!!! Angel suddenly. muiftiy rail minimi ly. to summons our Brother from his busy and tuneful hfu in this World,to Ihr» new “Mil nun‘iwl life in tho nbodo ofspirits. Aw] \\ menus, '.Vx- recognize. in this solrmn ovunt a silum urhmmition to each of us that wu [on an- hut mortal and that all of us must lake the last and journey to tho grave». We know not how soon. The-rerun; Resolved. That in the sudden and lamenmlifu death of our Brotum'. this Lodge has lost an active, faithful member. the business (~uuuunnityone of its most energetic young mar chants, and tln- pnbliv, one of the most honored and respected of the young men of this city. Resolved, That whiln we deeply dep ore and mourn the loss of our hréthor. we am reminded, in that cause of his death. of thosu words of? the poet. 1 “ It mu that final and pu-rfidi-IH hark. Built in the re i; b" and rigs-. 1 with curses (huh . 1 Thu sank m low lhu: mun-d l;--::d c-f thine." 1 Resolved, 'l‘th \vo earnestly, six»! cerely and nfl'mtinuatvly sympathize! with his beroavvd 'nud nfflicted‘ Brothers and all his mourning rela—l fives, and we unite in our invocations! ‘lm qut Mum-r. that H 9 may in j ' ‘rlom camsa the dzu‘é: cloud of 1 ‘ time» to be removed. and ‘ ‘ of Righh‘uusucss to “ with healing in fitted. JAA '~ L. T. .- Port Townsend. Al, ‘ A sound Legal mm. ‘ E. Blninbridge .\lundny 13qu b Any" Clay (30.. Tex. says: "Haw nu. Elecluio Bitters with mus: happy results My brother also was very Luv with Mn‘ larial Fever and Jaundiw. but mu: cured by timely 1158 of Hz" inmlicine. lAfinsnti-ficd Eh-ctric Bitu'rs saved his I 0. Mr. I). L. Wilcuxsuu, of 11-Jrse Cave. Ky.. adds a like tlstimon}. ~11) mu: Ht: poailiveip helium-s be m uhl l-m‘n died. hug it not licvn fur Electru: Hittm'z. Lhig grout rem-«1y will wardulfina w~.-ll as cure all .\iulmiul Ul~cnses,:u;d 1'“: nli Kuhn-y. LiAer and L!.-:nach Dia orden stands Imrqunll‘ .E. l’riny 50c and $1 . ..t 14‘. 1). Ha; & r; u. ‘ “on: “no“? ; Mr. 1". H. Alarm“. ‘. , -:-'..m';e‘ Cxty. Fin. was till-z. uw: - m. mill-£ll. BttGOd-ln; Wt“) ~. Alwhr. i"""ll."l1i\1d muumg iutu ('3 .i\'!::lll'.x v. ... .15 that; stages. Ho mm “may ‘ 1' .izul pru. lar cnugll rummln-u a.:.-l ~---t-ixly grew worse. “1&4 I'r‘Jlifl xi in ll .\3; had dim cultyiu lama-bin; MM \ ‘ lum'l'e m ilenp. Finally trial I". limg’q New DiBCI'VOr) fur (,‘unuump‘. . m] {.mud immrdlatcly rcii=‘.', am; an x .:w..-,: u.~.-ut a half dlzch 5. ttl- :. f .- luau; wcll and has had ‘un noun, . ' :Em (1.5034;1e No othor mun-«1y v. 4. :"z; a, "mud a record of cures. as Dr. Kr _‘s New Dis emery for Cuilsumgxiinl; (lunrnnlvnl to do just what in claim-I; A -r i'. Trial ‘bottleo “'96 at D. HI” 5: 5- -;~.' drug azure, When Baby val nick. we {are he: Cum-la, Whanshe vs: a Child. :ho cs {9.1 fat ('utorig, When she became Mina, she clan; to Custom Winn ch. Ind Children. aha gave them omm The indivtmv-m ugh-:32»: (Eur-1m)! and Terry is for smuggling, so it is said, and there am two such pending against. them. Ll'.‘£HS UP: : US'IAH LiFE. Haw ll .‘lng “c I’ruluugml Ih-ymul I'll .\uTaIgv l.rn-.-u.—-( rulrmn'izun. I lulh- M rurv hh' Hm ia'l'--I'li\ ul nu II'SS Hum iil’lylm. u-n: -I-:-:'i.m~. lm- Ih'iii”! in rum-ml l-- u hum lmu- 9w: 1: u Ila-Ind hy a t x-mmillw- "1' 13.“ Lril :-'la “NU! u] an: uri uhm. lA'l u~ nu'umsl:\'l‘:'lli!!t|liil'}' inln ”!(“1' :lvl:li1~‘ >i!-‘.‘ --1~ auditing rim-"r :l~' tu “hut are. pininzbiy. liu- xmturni limih' uf human lil'v. n-r :; M Hu- r:-::Exm-v2 by “hit-h lifv may Iu- pr-dun‘w-«i ht‘).|i:tl its sin-mg.- l. :zgth. (u' Ihr “Hymn; nu frurl' xix-n l!.ir!_\~ six usurc linlu t\\'tl~lllil‘lh-| :u'v \rmm-u. Tim may prnlmhly In' :ntrihnn-d in hnzuu part to Ihr cumpunuive innuainiiy that mum-n unjny from many ri- !;:~ in “Ilia-h mm are mumswl. hut Ill‘lllx‘lhlj.‘ i 1 j< due nut h-xs In llu-ir groan-r tumprmuz-vand in tin-fr fr. .110“) frum the auxin-Hrs and huu'lhm'ninus whit-h :llU‘lH] lm-n's strug uL-s fur mlhn-m-v, :uul x-n-n Inuintrl'uhu‘. .\iulfml mm: mm: ml. hum n-r. that “mun: also [mam-2:: ;l'l‘rill‘l' iilll{'l‘. n‘. Vital il_\ than men, the nummlily of ':i:-!.~ being less than that of boys, ewn during the “11% year of life. when thu {unalt- is lzril'nm' more lvnun-mto nor h~s :unhi li..~n.~ than the Illiill‘. and is n; mm! In as mung; llunm-rs. (If tho >ixtn-I: :m-n --:;v' uuly \\:|>» r-ingk; u'nm‘lhc lhirly-six ‘n: :wn “on. single: “flu-in nwu and :vaj. -.:.\ \‘uvliF'l'. lhrn, mun“: [hr ryuzvzz::xi:xzu~‘. \‘mn- xnurrinl: Inn. mum-nil} I‘Lvt': 1:. : i' liu--.- furly-um a largv “”s”?!ch :.H :n Ear! i-:;I. liw. won widmaml. ’i‘hz'vv n!‘ :i.- liz‘lyut‘m “rl‘l rirh, nim—lu-n pmd‘. :::.- rust in mxnfnrt' able circluusl:::.m«~. hizu- \n-n- :‘ul hihl)‘ my: man). X\'.'rl:|y-Il.l'- ~ lcrzu. ci;;l;lu n muliluu: unly eight Yum-{IIH him-4h :1: lin l‘rr; uu'rnge ur lulu. Furry Izml gum! digrslhm, which, :IH«*T W‘J )rurn, inn-um :l gum! (11'1”. Mm! uf lim li.’;_\ Juniznh hull gum] umu-iilrs. nnly Inn lmxih: zemu-iiws ('l(!>.\(‘ll .‘ls :u-mully hull. Inns! ul’llu-m hzn'v Inn-n lhrungh life Hunk-run-«nlu-rs; twrlvv. hmvm'rr. luu'v van-n large qlmlllilit's nf fond. “1.1:; mm is n-lnrnml as :1 Inna.- cutvr nf 111->1: and Mum}. and only “up :5.—. a great (‘unsuuu-r nf :xlrnhnliv linu-rs uEu l:i\ (11591110 liqunr 1m fun-ml has lm-n lwrl‘). .zlly vigil! ul‘ :1" [hr mnnlu-r urv classified as :imply “irrilzfl-Iv." but tu liu'w- must. be added flu- (‘IEENMII as "il‘rimhlu and clu-rgvtio." l'ht‘ot'tnmttt-ly. li|t\\t'\'(‘l‘. this iiiquit'it-s hun- tiut in >llt'll matttcrx' :x~ lltt'rt' l-twtt my lt‘lltlt-ll into the tut-i. .\ limit or \\'Ull!:tlt may he very irrituluh- in i-'_lt‘o'ti:t‘ old zigchtml \\t' may I‘ll” MK) 3 sun-l t-l'tl mgr. th'lt l.t-rt- \tht'ii I an ‘trit in: tosht-tt' that it is tht- imitu'ul limit of ht'u) who ht:- ltovu \‘t-ry plus-id .‘lllll t-n-n t-.‘.!z‘t-im~ly t‘llltl' tthlt- throughout the .’l't':lil‘i‘ part of hi‘ Hl' lit-r Cill't't'l'. As to sittolciug. thirty tun un- nnn~ winking, SCVl'lilL‘t‘ll .\illtni'v murh xl'utir n! tht-m arc mum-m, tin-m- alt-rntt-iy. :uu: two .1 little. only Ullt' t-ht-“s. thirty sun-h tu'oitl suull. .\IUS! of the remaining rc tttrns, roluting only to the actual ('tilitll [ion of the fifty-two (‘t‘illt'lllll'iitlls. :it [an-.\- ont, arc of no special llllt'l‘t‘sl, .\lllHUliL; only that the same \\'('.'lkllt‘.~~\'cs pl‘t‘Vflll in about the some degree among tlmn, HS many men and women of the memo.- sort, between 70 and 50 years old. it only our fifty two centcmtrituis could hun hcen examined twenty years ago in them respectshthe world might, have obtained some useful hints. It is Worthy of notice, however, that most. of them \t'crc {rec trout rheumatic and gouty troubles. The only man whose Joints were sm! and deformed from such causes stated, in reply to questions 118 to his capacity and tnstc for strong drink, “I always drunk as much as I could, and I always Will"—not a case, it will be observed, 01' ““‘illtul will to water so “’illml must Wet," but. of “'illi’ul would not to watt-r and so wet his whistle to his own disconi fort—Richard A. Proctor in The Cosmo polltan. Methods of the “Iluspitnl "eat." The “hospital heat" is an individual we have tube on the constant lookout for. His business is to impose himself nn the hospitals of the diflerent cities. and thus get boarded and lodged free. The regular beat has no ailment except chronic lazi ness. We haul a good case the other day. A fellow came in all dirty (I mean un washed) and said he was sulfering from a fearful pain in the side, which prevented him from breathing; and, besides, he had a headache. As the fellow's tramping had left him looking debilitated, and mi examination of him euuld he made till he had been washed, he mm seat in the City hmpital. on the supposition that he had pneumonia. “hell he came to be stripped for the inuituble bath. SENS? were found in his clothes. That ended him. and he was fired, Then there. is a chess of those who get: into the hospital really suffering, but. do theirutmuxt to stny there. Take a man who goes in Immuse of an ulcer on his leg. Under the tonies. good food and clean beds he improves, the ulcer gets sumller, and tinnlly closes. Then, if he is worth less. as is often the flue, he attempts to prolong his stay in his free quarter's. So he deliberately tours the ulcer open ngnin. l hnvu seen sueh fellows get sand and rub it oveqtlétzwnund till they had opened it: again. . ““se geniuses are also promptly bounced. b '.t the crop is always just about as large. For three good meals and nice plner- to sleep, all free, some bum:- ‘n anything—almost, muim tllenr ' nlieve. The bouts are the nm 1 ‘ latter part of September. A the fore part of Now“: .- ' 4 cold drives then. ‘-v seeking shelter u ' Physician in. Glob- Her 'l. -. First. Kansas ‘ polls yesterday, .\l. Second Kansas “'01:. out at the dear little pou. too nice to vote? “lluw {lid yuu who?" - “Really, dear, I don‘t remember. “Well, you remember that theylmu , . kind ut‘ tickets—White and red.” ‘ "()h. I remember now. It was tl.o, lun-lv little l'L'd ticket that I put. on the polls." 5 ”Why, lam surprised. That was the Republican ticket.” "Wt-11. I didn‘t ask. I saw that. 1’ color vi the tickrt was a delicate tell .1 that it exactly matched my dress.“ Nashville American. Blindly “’ritteu Signature-u It. may be the proper thing fur hunk, presidents, cashiers and congressman: In scruwl their names in the hm truck fashion, but men who \n‘itv fnl‘ :1 livin: read enough writing .5) knnw Leux-r ”‘3l: to puzzle Corrvspnntiunts with Ham; written signatures. If a. man is CUL‘L tmiunully unable to write his urunc :1:- uddrcss plainly, In: shoal-. 1 use lvttrr Im,- with n printed bus-. 1311: continuing lln' sirable information. 13ml writers 14 furgct that while a dubious “'ol‘ll i' middle of a scan-nee, 19.3 t- flair with the help of il< neighbors, I :uc; with the sign-. 11. on which v.32} pu much 1w g 1 Hzrugiirg—(l‘hgl E New :~-:u‘.-J‘i- vmi L'nzn: M" hit ‘_ 11-h“ umlr- figural h'f -v' -' K' a I:“ li!mtl!:cyh::v;e ‘A;J‘l1’l1». '. 1' ~ :2 :liurxtuh Shup y: I'--;' -_: .3 gunx pn-g med 1” . . _v .;22 3 ‘;~ ‘dxmzuds in that 91'1”, nu shut Emu] at prior: to 511:: :h:- fixxw<, .5 3mg the trade of the ‘;:ni’.‘=lrs“‘lfn?. .v --' raspectfnlly, BRIGGS 2; ' E‘Shop at head of Union “'l2. m'lm 'vhégqnzn; Null-m Urilfih ln'uk Dulu- l’..rk “a; tuwu] l 0 Purl ”gm-m: "v i-;.' In; Wugnl tllifi Hmrn- HIL'. In Inn-l lunflu-r fur Vrlhunrnv. litieisl: l-uv'k Addrh with 22!“) 2mm of wh-M fur U. K f...- hlni-a. want In ear-:1 in law 1»! In: 'l‘.:-- vrm. l 1.: rurlll‘. l'urk "chrv final; puny-ll nut this mn'm'ng. luml. r 'z-l. n fr '2! 1‘ ‘ll (inm lllzh P.sssvngors fur ?" r 1 'I“)"X:S(‘YT|I (rum Sm Frrmoisou :- 7 4» m‘lllfl l'rn'xtilln: .\l. (Iz-rsnx. A. l"-’r.l.-r"r-l<vm, .\.Vrmghn my] wife. 'l‘l-o Elder. jib? mu «.r thr- dvy ll ml: at \‘zx': Ff;ll}('l.~("). §~ M .‘sl'm Hm lluin's F‘ll‘z . (”I ”w l’urf T-.fihr'l‘lllu‘l‘l-Skfl‘ rJnh' April lid—Arriv-«lv ‘V-‘vr‘; Fawlitz, from l'nrt Gamble. lws.‘ ‘:ulnn.. Britieh burl: Admin, \vilh' Mwnt {mm 'l‘azz‘num. Italian bark l'ii-trn was tum-d In Burn ran] lulut yesterday :.fh-ruocn. ‘ Bark (‘nwlilz wont town in low of lug,G:liuh yc-sh‘rdny. Brflish bark .\[urlhu was: towml (0 Ti:- (ans; by tn): .\lngul yvNerJ-u’. .3anva .\prii fish. in hm; of H: 3}... :nl. llrilFlE lm'lh‘ 11. .'_\ l'rrl; :ml \hrhm l'ir'u-I. l) 'P‘; 1.: :l'|\~; {rum “.5? ’tvrw. Ur, :HJ lnt's Lb lva'l Iwzn ‘r ht S ‘hzni purl; 1': r P—lr-f! m: .-‘.e;~h. 23; Sun me-isc'. .Mu :3 H .‘xnév-«l hurl; 15-umvza. l'-=v! 1.r:..1-v »: '2 l: “ii-x;- Tyluluy (Ilwmnimk: All”) mu} mt Sum, Dcpmlure lmy; lrz'l: t‘ lumlul. I nrt .\l'ullrilln. Failed ~ta-.m:--: “Min “Ile VJ: '[UWDFBJ d. The quanméim' “Hie-«Jr Mute: “in! If the Cuuudmn I’m-iii" alwmnvr Puniu'a mum-5 m ”lid pm-r side Will be put in quunnztinw. as (‘.nn _h she-cunu- from (‘vhim ulirm-i x- :‘a' ‘l {a lhiti-I=(‘ hid [MIL Lnnk '.u'r‘! \‘v’hr'l )‘-'llovltfu‘ M l'uri l‘u\\'m-‘m.d be smu I v (".32 at J. U. Liver mon-‘s. lav-m- Hm 1: wt “flier. He can suit ynn nice!) “in: Hum, (‘ny-s. Boots and Shae» ‘mlh Hrs f u .n lls and prices; 0m- lmlv him: '5 linw; ..-' 4-125.”- paints ru ‘pu-iully i!.\':fml .l-z:.: , t‘ l i: \‘mits 'u Port 'l‘uwnsrn l. l -:-:.H 315 ll vxmninc vin- fine black vzl lull! m n tin: l:._\'nl Iny Elisa Hut-rum: in llx‘ m-u' hl'lrt‘ in thr- HvCuvdy block. wlx- :-- If-rv will l‘iml il’ tn their advnntngu In gn .-, :m- anything Hm; may desire in (In: léx * ,~__.__,,~-__ (':.l~:niu, mm: chm 2w. luv-anus wr) . lfi-naivr, It in i":;4-« E: 1' {U l) - ulln'r' .' 5‘ Imxllin. rmi, :.‘ H,. w-m- tune. nlllit‘lPl wiflmuhrrlx. {:2 'li:ll‘,,'l’l‘.‘lll)'e ‘l‘vnw‘. uh uh ».-' Ll) tumu- uni ‘lnu lfl'rlllNl'llH)‘.(‘l.l‘-:'.l!‘.'l'l- :l::- um of \)I'l~ ;§;;':zl;j in l'llz. Mnuv 1 :v iii~ii‘hl' H 3 ll.~;u~l;m-- :u ~ - nx;::-r .« «ml-u. m' : L- n f 0! ( -~-- u‘r‘": u. ' ~: “ [all i l' “Snug?” _‘u'nv-- -' 7.1 m. .u..~ .l l: v'» par-wt 'l l' I' l l: .Z.:II - -., .: ~ .1: .~--u Tl-'Il"-'\-l ohr iltu Um: l L:' 11 u- :ln:~ ‘l~ .m. 1,.- ~‘\'l‘l ll‘Uu‘ ;.. n i,.- -' \l', Y n 'nmr‘ nu x-xl~:.-'L - 'n. Lv vl- ;‘ w. uni-2r yl ""l.“ h-nl mlv m u-:~r u..~n~ ' '41.! u .‘.l\ 1 \x l:- l'l‘i l‘.‘ ir-"zml' \ rt!~ ll'l um .linulmzun lawn: Hf ‘. I~ .: (34.1 T”. llu '. I= lln-«' \xuu'rl'l xi l” .l- Hutu ~x nu .r-l'r- un- w-zl :.E \\~l.r::nh‘l 1: Dr. J. 5| \2i-x’.h-v. £l.lrv:lpaui..up.:: 41:85.?” _— llenen's IEI-r Yuulh .\Ers Plumb,- Clwsl -_\'. l’uh-rs 111. Clay (3..., Luv”, h-ils Uu- :u!!..-.:iu;_v n'm‘xrkn lllo :lurg. lhc lrnfll u? a» lHl"! is \ -m‘,lxul for by lhu rcsidvmn :‘lw tI-wn: "1 nm 73 _\‘e-:lr.~z old. hare ‘S9"H truthful wnh klc‘lnoy cumpluiut .1:le laumuuka< fur many years; Cunld n~t uln-ss myself willlnut help. Nu; (an: frul {rum all min and sworn-5:4. aml mu nbli h) do .11l my own lmum'm-rlz, I mu' my llmnka to Electric Blllrr for lmviv 3: ‘te unwell my )‘(lll‘ll‘ and n-xnuvml cum [)ld-tely all diamao and pain." Try a lmtllv. 500. and 31 n 9 N. D. llill & Sun's drug slore. .1... Burklen'u .\rnicz’l Halve. THE BEST SALVB in [lll‘ Wurld for Cute, Bruise-s. Sums, Ulcr-rf. Salt lenm. Fa vor finrenHl‘MKer. l‘lmppod lmmls. Chil blnins. Cams and all Slain Eruptions. nml pusillvely cures piles. or :9 pay te qnirexl. It is guaranteed to give perfect sulisfnutiun. or mmwy refunded. Fries 2.5c1s per lmx. Fur sale by N. D. Hill 3: Son. 7,- _-Q.»~ ~ 7 Brm'e l'l). You are feglinu llvprcsscd. your up pvlilu is pounyuu me bothered with llomlncl‘ze. you nrv fichtly, nervous. and generally out nt sorts, and want to brace up. Bruce up. but not with stim mums. spring mum-inc»; 01' When, which ham (or tlxqir basin Very cheap, lmal whisky.nnd which stimulnh- you for nn hour. and th-n leave you in wnrse condition than hcfnrzn What _wm want is an alternating that w l! purify )uill' hla'ml. n'nrt- lmulflxy nclinn n! the Liver and Kuineys. rt‘stnrv )‘nur vilnlxty. and Rita rcm-wnl health :unl SHPK'L'UI. anh n mmiicine yuu w.“ fiml in Eleztrn‘ Bit tvri. and only 50 cent% u If rttlc nt N. D. Hill «‘c Suns.‘ Before you 4:er nn :1 jammy go and me Jan, D. Mmklvr xm'l prm'nrt‘ a hut ! e- M Ulmmbuflnin'a Cnlxc. Cholera and “inn-linen. Remedy. r: is :1 grant safe guard for travelers :m-l gin-s immeutcdi rflivf. liorick nud Schrfl'k l'lmmuu‘y pre v inns are the nnlv reliable remedivs é markm \\'.- h moius? Inn! in :1 Mia line of Inmr rvmmlicu. - N. D. 1511.1. ‘: Sol-is ‘ - > _.——..-.0.. ‘s“(‘3‘ (‘aw [2r 5329 "VI”E' r " r r >z‘s‘. “'2' 1;. ' . MK” n, _ 1m _\.~ l ("1. <7. Bass’tlett & (Jo. fignem I Eemhanflise. Shipping & él‘ommiss’nt E’E'm'riaamts. 1 ——_ l 9 4'Eeaéhiigg é: Gems’ FRY-g nislliug Goods. | FREE? {égacfimm We. «Nays m-a-l- in stuck a Complvk lixn- of ('lu-iu- Tamil) Groceries. and WE?! H-H Hum m Fri-ms which cannot [w hm: h}; any firm on the Coast. \Viil «11-hv- r .J! goods free of chargn to any gun uf Hm City. (“W Il<zz :riul iu Unis line and sm if \n- «1141‘! pir-usa- .\‘uu. both in privy: hm] quufily. ' We :m- now «nil-ring our inrge and We” m-hu'u‘d stuck of Mcus‘ and Boys’ (Huthiug and Furnishing Goods at LDWBI‘ PI’ICBS than EVSI‘ Baffle! Our stock in those lines comprise the latest styles and beat goods. (fume and see what we Lama to ofl'er before purchasing elsewhere. A Law: and Vim-Selected Sim I)! I [all-(lnuu-é.‘ ' Sitar-'ll ‘huudlory. a "Crockery. Vol ions. ' 'l‘obuccos. Cigars. ‘ \Vinvs. I4i(lll()!‘l~‘, 5&0. Alwus in stuck, which we ofl‘er my value and at lowesf prices. G. 6. Bartlett 81 (13., PorlaTownsend. - W. T. _- ..m. Lug-n ramter '5 3xl) DEL'LUIKATOR. . i‘:v!.‘..~ifi“:‘:- z _ 9 ' ' gar ‘* 5365“" ectoral : 5 2‘: ‘7; u: u U ‘ g 9 E "f s'- ! 1.; , ..: 2z u . :-\:~::n'. of -:rv ::‘ ruru22‘.~ youn-r. I’. :‘23~1!:;IE.:‘..:1: :m-Hungwul 81.: s'. . ' Z I ‘ .. .:2. L ITH 51:2,: 132213. :.EZ.._ » Kim inn" Minn \-.'!.§--lx (um-ts I 131-2]... ‘2“ .1 ' ' ‘ ;. ». .\. 17. Pruning .17. 2:~ :.I?'; .. u rf:. ~: ' IL-n'e 12>». I_'-._ :'»- . > f '..:--.A: ;!:. i i [Hid-JEFF. ' .\-. '. i.!.fi'i.-'~i «2..-mm. Z: I FLT." 5.x . ~. Wu?“ .: IE: h} 11:11": . 1" .1 .--' Lu .4. I: . Era”- .3: ~~; .-. : :3 ‘ .-:..‘-?2~.';L~1l!:~ .3-- :x X:':.‘2:; 1' ', " .‘ -:"H-. -1.~ “. 22": :v‘Z.‘ *.:t?>.liA-7"::'i.\'¥..uri‘-~ .‘._‘ 1":(.. .'_ x' . . .' .13:..5.2..;‘.1 "22-7; 1‘...: 3|;‘o2-v2izf . .‘Xm-l .BV'FrIEf-EGTHEEES EVER." ?_EJNGS; ' "I . 327.:2'1'f :"‘ :2 ' it." ~ ' ;-. :. ':. :. .-l : .::E..:'. " ":' :.x P: 2512‘ :;;:-i ('.maw'; : .-; . :. . ; 2 : ' ' ‘. .'.;..;" (L. ' g‘ .: 7. ...:x E In; :a :' E 1.12 I .". .. _ . 3. I. i. ..2.",..:;.' .‘ . ' f - A. .'- ..; i 2..-. . : ~:~ _.« _ 2‘ 2 -: - 11: 2.- . ..:~_'lr:ui'. ‘ . . 3:1 1 .-v of 3 l .. ‘ ‘1':: : 2 .fl -'. x 35:1.” ( . t ..l h “:L' 1‘1:- (' ‘.. -_ 'j,‘ 2 '. ..; "‘. E :'.:'. :..| . ' ‘ 2 " 2.2.6.“ l‘n. J. . '"2. J ' ' ', ':"""3‘ _." ' '.l'3J'iuxuncs: . -‘ 'l3 ~ , ... 229-. ‘2 ‘. ' . -.3 2; 1‘ £22. a! 1:! ‘..u:\; .: : “z ‘ . '. ‘; I - 3" - j : , .- ) I.2;!rixx.q 114 ~ . ‘I '. . ' .‘ I. > ' . ‘ ' ‘:- :1": l'..:.:r:§. u." : '. f ; . ’ .uu-E 2 .‘ - lizxilalgazig'ab'. ' ..7.- . . .. , .Z . . ~_ ___'_.________-___._n__.——_.- 5 ~“i' ‘a‘ 5:3; v i Dmi’m. :DRUGSI f I . f" 'a i l l V I iPamts. QJSEVarmsnes, Stationery I -‘.'imlc\:llc and Retail, by ‘ Ear. if»). [i ILL & SONS A I i {Duljua } SOAP», > “ : mamulxlcx, E POM-“Dm ‘ . . ‘ z PERFUMERY, (.‘Hlfllx‘; Aim. a . . h I HAIR OILS, 1 "W s“th 3 WALL Pun. ‘ «n, ma BRUSHII, E'.\ l NTF. '3O. *’i LS. . And all articles for the Toll“. Pan-n: :\l.U§}-fi'il‘!‘.~ Hz‘ a?! L'UIILE. ! Quick sales and small pm... mam."— mmon n 22“: ;. ~ l'ruh. ‘-. H. HILL. \1:~:=:'.-.-<. .1. I .h‘iLL‘ with: , ..n..-u.-‘.-,.m..m..... . ..-...- , . ‘ cw.- n a an" I'- ‘77? €- 27'. ' r.- . 8:3 - , 1,1 if”: gm“; 1...- . 23127::‘ivf; - ‘ 2 . ~ ‘2,:*s..=;;;g;;¢.dé%.:?aiiiu.:fin“; ,u . v 01" 1:01: 1" I"(I'IQ'A'SI'JKI). 34'. I. .. _.'. ‘V... .. Y" /\_I:! 220017.911 C a): is .21, h 51350.009 z. -'::-’:nv;-:‘a.: z‘;an:’:;;:.; ": Lifiifl2Bs "z’ransaaud. 3 “ l‘t’ 5-s'l mix! .\.‘u'luw, /,_,. 5.13!!! .17 (Lfl or chub mm: 1»: Lea-. 332: ‘:;:.' ’.L's.'£s:"o ES) ulfvxl'flu. -'.:'- v'.‘ :z .3 .- :navi fur-rm ; rag-"3' r";:.;zA;=ni or: day of .0115.“ . #92:: 2'13! :1 , angfu‘c -~;:»3‘..n;:-'- p:;_|..:.l:]«‘- ix: x}! 212:. prmolpsl ultimo!“ :_‘mz-Iliimh: - my —}J..:.r:,:‘~'lLr-Anzlc ( Hum-man BaukéLa-ihan 1'?.5.‘1;7(5.!':an3u2' 3 '_.a-:‘; 5123'- $0.25; r—Thn llnuuver Nutxonll an): EA! fun-:40. , Tim .‘-.,v~ 3:. {Juli-F. :‘,.;z.u l‘r-xzk (Lmutodh Poanun,o3.,'i’ho Fun! _‘JatiuLni Eisn‘n; ‘a'uxuzzun :3. (1., Bank of B .tmh Columbinm "(um Run—x \. T 324 532m1: of .3553. in s":th Amenca. Hong Kong, The 0‘!“ ”Draw! “nub (If 5--v'§.';. .Eerm‘zuln :52”: “915123. ‘ A;;.-u:.~ {nr :§:-- .\nu-rlvin :-.::-.1 im: *w'mr me of Steamship. m an' 5:11‘ in uni {P-‘H! z=H Z'!!!‘?h‘ m” !‘L!1:‘n;,:~. 3%” A}: have ;: .«w-um an} mzuxznwziiosls Vault. whom we wxll reed” ‘9 xvi-iv: an ~f‘il'i~j..‘l:l 111->;!-_-r::f-- :b .z‘;r.~-.~. . The Farmers’ and Fflmhants’ Insurance Co. Capital St(>rk.3§3o(),ooo. AlbanyJC-regon. J. H. LIVEEMOEfiE—L Agt. Port Townoold “0 Mum'- “as! ““‘P‘i‘c-“Ja’ -" *s‘r-‘nférmmm ‘ JAMES JONES, _ Cash Grocer, Uppmik- Comm. Hutu}. ——-—o—— Head of Union Wild. Pen foxynaend. - - ‘N. T. ' lh-alu‘ in all kinds of O . Grocemes, [Alquorfi Tobacco, Olgavrs. Fred-[l°C. _ STATIOXLRY, SCHUOL BOURF. CUTLERY AND NOTICES. xwé'wes' P'f'Bß“ ‘1 I'- I 1 2‘ l 4.‘ -. ‘ "‘ “ ‘ ' wanmgan an! IC . . AL'O .\(‘IEJNX' FOR. THE: EULL‘HVING STEAMSHIP LINES Allan I . 5;, , Vintcr survivi- fmxu Hullifax. Dominion S \thto Slur. ‘rnu. MW Y wig. Inna-m, from New York. Until-Id. from va \ nz'k :u' Bvsmn. L'ruion. from New York. .\m-hvr. fr :ru New York. :fi‘l‘n‘ngs 501. an ALL mmu m” llr; ! mm mm Jun. ALSO Pun? ()rd--r~: 0!) any pain! in Elm-gm 1,, 1' x! '.wazrm. 3, «r any oth.? poi-i l 8 7"" :Lt‘-:~‘..:‘{'._u:-§:L 73.} 7': £17133“? 93315 {5-HT £373? 803’? '-::-1 ‘.u -,n . f. j : l"; . ;;‘.',l‘i‘§.'3 ’.'\ » 11.6.1“: {I “I. Vbik‘d {A "1! :.-}.:>l. :7, 5'3“ 3 . -> -v F» W m uéJECIS . umiliba . {tug-cg _,.? . I’M-'1 Townsend, W I WILL Hz": '..;2- T'v .' j? nxzun 1' :‘xn': Brunt-r4l, I’m-run! @- A 's‘;-.'r;'.". \t."'.2:‘\r"«'. ": ' a » 1112;»; 2h;n“r~ «.\znnfllll :3 '.‘i i’uxur. ‘ ... 'x\;‘~"'\.\" ’ .\‘lv‘ '~’ WV »,- 'r_ 'l," 3' W C ' "‘ .-. {.l L' . '..' ' rl .5. K. 'x-‘G h‘ gigg — . .‘ - ~.z:v";.z‘:‘:,:— ‘. . . -.r r m , m..;:-7:r....".'.- 5. . ' , - - n:- II ID‘WOV \ a; «-.('-\l‘M|.‘ . V‘ . (uubgm 72. and 3 In .\x'i'l! TU Tm: {HUS WM l'fx‘i‘fi'i'éf 2'".2; . I 1’0“ BA “GA I .\. 5 Number 9.