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THE Gideat Paper. r’ 3 u" (fligafiiuxza uniugrcd inw Li ~::1 !- .‘. cuuxhy. an” ' Iv c qucs iron.- i-l: unCr C'JUJL’ Volume XIX. ‘ ' ’ ‘1: ‘ DAILY AIL-J i 3 1‘1;l - 2 .;,l:) yuan-... L\:E.:‘i\l\i'.\‘u'. IL. uz- .’_‘. Hull-HA" 21. L. :lU“.l-‘H'XIH.\ 1:“ ~ “m; M .l' ...:‘J 4r ‘ I‘,‘ .» \L- n .5“ H >.. .1 Tlh... ‘.:):n «mt-Hm 11.. H" ln .\ ...: g: ‘H‘l’L‘."-\cxk '.‘ . L :, |-._ . n , Asher “i. .gullc: (”132.1 1‘ ..u ~ . :u-u. “Elm M kin and. ‘r’ . P. V 9‘3]. 9 is a l’ll;l.!<:|;.l7l'l..xx‘l|.:v.'. l'an'l‘m‘wuud, \Vumz. m 2. _ It'.’ 1' TE.L\'~.£l ylji'N HIP-VI-n‘i: _ 'lHll‘ \-~.x;'_.§_\lh'i§‘l‘.~- .\1 ,_ I_'l':‘ 5n “ruin. _ IVI'ILHAIHuI... , HlLfiu-n‘ \. Inn-21;. 37‘" Ah“; .:n u h .m':. .39.: HATE §OF “.l)\"..‘l:'l'l\l.\".: ‘ _ Him: mri.‘ 2:; 'lwu'i; ..--:i~‘ H,:r.:~|l3~:lacz.l iuw. Iv. . u - {W‘lrnnz-w =2 »_-l-..- _. M 4 :--.- «;1 ~ ".114“: -=||‘l~lko6 'mpzluiz-l “:‘.l '.:.1. u‘ n::.;.* nu-Lun: \.‘. ~. .\lr-xi‘ :'f‘n lain)”. «'--. {‘3ol-‘3532‘J3 Si. I‘liiflfi. 'AHILSD.JJINK§:2IL L'. D. l’nill‘ 'I'UWNSL‘JIK :'.‘. T. 01533-11] U.ll,.’l'u).'.“fd‘ xl' '.T; \ .‘ buns! “ore. Ilsal‘l awn. 31.5. 1:. H u‘i‘uru u»~ ?x| rn ma 2:: 9x Inna; h; (‘.:;u. Hiker. --n '5 -;' ‘ I ".‘qL-ph-A-I: '.x -l::1. Hm“, . .ui m,- 4!:13' hr gigbl. No. of tun: n: wi‘ In: I" ~.d*.'" 'o', :,.; .\H. a: Icing-hon: fur 153.”. :'.; Un'u'; Hound: 9 in X: m.‘ 23.153211? LN a. m. ~ ~2-‘.‘"d\\'t'. DR C. \Y. HUNT. mm, ‘% PORT TQWKSEND, \V. T 5 ‘ .... Kin-gas ..xigla gzu. «um an h'o.-. {mm a l'.;iu~ [smm- 1 for pandas: 93?er tion or twin. 4.——~~—-—-——fi.--__7 , c. u. numxuwl 7"" “v” 31717:“: BRADSHAW S! SACzb, Puxxr ruwssyxn, w. 'X‘. villa-megs and Comm [lm‘s at Law. {3300:9115 12¢ Abuuzun'. UJ‘PLzz lu Hilflumfu: New liuli'i'ng. ..;.'J.uu.uwi§ ‘- ' ' ' .{.'l3T».f.'_;.;£ Pmrc‘dUi‘.’ Any. CAU‘IDUH a. CMEMAH, =5 ttornoyu-at - T‘nv: AND PROCTOHS 1S Al)3il‘.:.\!.'l"x'. .flL'w-L'Xupp bidhlizng, Ith Pun 'l‘n\\‘u.-.o:l'!.\\'. T. D. W. smm. War-mm l 1114:1524. SMITH & HASTINGS. Attorneys - at - I‘a‘v. PRGGTORS IN ADMIRALTY. Land for Sale. Loans Mme. Port Townsend. W. 'l‘. “Mm—Wm T. N. LIALLER, matey anaconnssllcrat Law. Pocmrm Mullah)" Associated Mth Burke 3: Ballet. 0: Seattle. misc corner or Water—nth Quincv $15,, oppmilo store or Wmeman .2 Kniz‘ 908'? TOWNSEND‘ - - W. ’l‘. Q‘XQney to lounul reduced mum. O ’ Q " "111121.131 Busby, I-Amrmc, ._ . A . “1391311111111 8111 PaDBI‘ Hanging. fi'i‘intpaluu work Gnaruuzesd. Shop on Alums at. op. Court Housefi‘j “Eu LSD STEAM BGATS. mmuw~~ cRHI‘RAL HOTEL, _ roar 'rowxsEND, w. 'l‘. Wm. Dodd, Proprietor. Nu HOUR ii NE“' and NEWLY FI'RNISIIED and {)u:leiws u)! the appointmem: or a FIRST-CLASS HO I‘EL. G‘lla Bau- I: InpplieJ with tho but a! Wines, “:0” Ind Clgaru. em.- a first-C1315 Billiard mbh-uud R-‘mliug cool- in the: Howl. Nothing win he undunu ll) Inks um Hotel second to LO2O in the Terri .3l7. M EAST SOUND HOUSE, BAIT HUUND, W. 7. W. Uutherlund. Prepriczor, 1 it“. ambit-had . Nuv Hotel at H:~;‘..Somld, tn gym-“(32:11)”. call-d (Hm “ Ens; Sound ouu.'w r. unowo and): R . m. is. of no ‘onural publlfi. LL“ sowmujifi‘fit; I IIITISI‘ CQLUM‘BM 3001 i BINDERY. “WW-"1‘ "I". Bro-.u street“ Victoria. In; Elegant Cult and Morrocco. lfiudiugs Aswciglg. ltxlv A)?» [Aw WORK 'm “N D!!!- buss almntiuu. _- 8. 'l‘. \HLLIAELUMI) Brick for Sale. In: A Lluuox b'nxcx Fun Sam. M: S I 0 per Thousand. ‘99" “’ GEO. E. STARRET’I‘. M ( E EO. E. STAKREI'T. PORT TOWNSEND. n . antractor & Buflder, m - ‘ ~ 9:, -; .. Iv Mmuflmfitm 3,2,: saw” , done on anon nulicu. ”Shop 0:: \Vnmr Si. ncu Ozarks hotel. a F. ANTHON 'l’, I SRA'I‘TLIF‘ wun. Tan. Pracfioal Bookbmder. “IH“d3 0‘ PW“ n“)ll::a:c., don; on abort , >. , '.olico. Price; 10 W‘ M 4m», and mzs'r QUALXTY of "on. done. jlyrldy. ‘_- . Cit! Meat Market. I (\UUH‘R FflEfiH MS 'ly ;.1 e U kinds. 3.: wixula' 41;} 1313131!) 1.0 (Sonya-J Dear .'.a Park. mung!" 43‘8“. and Lhm‘ 68' ,alwnys u) hand. "“ CW M‘Zascn and Lent L 3"; Ci" ‘l' ‘“p A Sulinfafliun guaranocd. Ordn- 13.7“; .-;d 2000.; dwlzvflred to all radio the ciay. O. C. COLEMAN & CO.. I'ur'. Townsend. W. T. “‘51:: door to anormmx .t liatz. dw “‘7“— ___—___ Port Townsend l ‘ ' ’ SAW .1 ILL 1:: " .‘g r GP ~ ._____ ‘ P {as “’. l)o“'ns. 1 dbiAcTL REE: us LUMBER. Laura. ‘8“ did Kiting: (mug-Eng an" Dressed Luna r of .11 dxmenroua. Orders received far d-:ll|.\“v 1.: {.‘.-am ur for "Human“... ' (.:w . . ‘—F‘ Vfi—i‘w- TLmber LandS For Sale. Two hundred and twenty-five acres (of timber 139 d for sale. Distant half mile to a [llll9. from (h:- wzuf-r. dawn ‘grndo. to good harbor. Within 52;; 'nules from Port Townsend. For .| a a .(F?/ '. ‘ ‘... «.\l . ”‘s‘ - 1;“: P‘- J‘_ VA I? '3. ;;’«!'s{‘\J . 13"} a; ' . J L ‘r ‘ J 2r. . r .:.-'4. -’:‘~;\“f y‘ ,1.,l .- “3 {r:‘ J? :3 I; J I‘L_, ‘ K‘ .x n: 7&1 1:; r 4 1 '-";‘_§- _,_ :1, .54; f- ? *\ . . .; ~ g 12'!“ 6*i%%%"’ . w%f‘ - 1... ‘' IV E , .7 _ J .1 .l 3: ~. —;..” ~;. - v . - . : .a 7 ' J. ,t— , . :2: U. :4 if i; “FE“ “3 '5 '2? "“3; '3} Mb 3' ‘V I \E 4) 1 2.1“; 9L} ‘l. \_ 1‘1? -\'/ -‘ \r‘w si" 'l3: i 153?!“ ‘: :4 ‘3 “s7l; ,1, "3 1:? féj'gE ‘I if; s‘" “U?!- i .7. I I It? ["517 (if; E“. ”.._ , _J. \\\. 4\,. qv \ \~_ * ’VKJ ’J 11$? 1£;§;¢“-—n§-;'. 2’.‘-"s‘:.‘ ’” "3' 5,: I‘m-5‘3- k: “4—. L’ / \ ~ "\V ,£.-L§ :5 _, ~ ' ‘l9' in“ fi-ij': ”2 ..‘f “:2, > , fiv—r>—v~.———-—-\—-IL-~~—.’- .‘.“.H:J&IJ-L‘s ES? ’3??? E‘fiii {£355 ‘3} § ..ziflixfiitli' 2E. I. 12:31“ .\.‘3' ‘ LYBXX'H. Uum'u, Ami! 27.-'lh' Lilicwcf Jw x'u-liltty civ :k um “wk-Au in!» 1;»: night ML: the tax m}! bf lust yum ria-fvze. Nutiizg view was lf"..:‘EZC§ ‘ g’ .13 mm: “3511-2511 J I “'.hxznn'r. .\z .'wr l 27. Tho pruri-1 :Lm: ifififif‘}‘l:!ll':i“.:"!“~'l}:lt tha- zir-‘T ti«,-n uf t!“ Hu-wumimu : ‘xmh‘ cmr: '(-:!—. winch decin-d that km 12~-!wx'iv::; H‘vifl)‘ .\hrvuid 111:: 1).: 1‘ iii-fish]. “U; 11:1; ”ll'l'iHL‘nL‘tll. i: i- :u-p mud. if the? wntdc n-jccts I‘.“- irmng. to put imns ul‘tlx't u! unfl- Yho Canadian l‘i'faliu— ’tul‘y 11-3 Juli-m :v!-,,0;;t.-d by L'J!:,~,'l”U-?S jut iiri kt: musing. Thaw !'t'.N-=}llli0!‘:5. ’vuu 'u- main to pra‘hihit (mmmni'riui: ’l'clnzi ltuiu‘uun {ln {Shite-l Slams: ‘:1L«1( mania. The- g.;':-.~Sf£uz:i {...-:5; sll3 ‘prus 'Erzg 11m h'nnty fur :’ntih nn-Ltj of t}: : :‘.Eiuntii.‘ Ziahrni'iws disputr‘. (in: I IN has an: off.-:-t 2:; I'.;t‘-I'.:i:;§§:i¥.w~:_\ i :iz-ts «xi {'z'hg.‘ -.—.~ 2 m 1; v tax-:53: \::'.,- c vr-mz'rz-nr. g Tm- Bali-tin a~~xzui 13:3 :unu‘uizug says lhnl. fin ("'.Aflul‘ul‘ i; ul :1 gaud f sleep 35:31 high: an] {ccis muchi sti'l-z:;_ft-r this ms-ruivg. 1 315113 an harmxxs .\ I:::;;Ex;.:>z. 5 Prince Bismu‘cl: has «Em-lineal the; “flu m" xlnkv ”I! aim gram“! thui bu is: nut. in n [lnsiviun tu support. I'untlig~x nity. I Sl'likli lililli il.\‘l \Gllll. SAN l”::\\:i‘i~n'_v. April 26.7» The brig John 1). .‘va'u'lirF, “Mi Higzir from (in: ll‘ixa’zii: m iiun‘l ‘. >2: ilL'li on Milt. liv"‘l£. 2:: :aa- (2 Jim: (‘1 .12 during a shut; _\ inn-2N ".;-.~ li-vlpm in lin-r linfinm :mil EZ‘L'IUU \‘.‘!‘l' l 1 (sf .‘.llgii!‘ Wm .lumwgni. rill-n zlii‘ rr.':n'-E llurm-il ull'nnl was in.“ .l iill‘) the inu‘h-n‘ by the >t::;:!u"1‘ Qua-4 --f 21:0 l’ih'iiic l‘lililli Tuhflii'l‘ll'flcjv’ I:¢1~01-‘.’.3L’h. Roms, .\m‘il ‘.li}. SJD .\lnrzune ilt'll‘ffi'iilJliS from Blasiauu‘ul: that King lJUlill llfl: l'l'~()l‘.vill_‘ll zuvguliutiuns for l the cum'lnni- n of [-92.90 butwwn 11“le {did Alibi-z inia. Esrim: cm' nunsnn. ST. PAL‘L, April 2!“). ii ih‘udwood special tn the I’imiu'r Profs Buys. Conirul City was dzulz‘oyvzi by fire early this morning. .‘Jui :: store not :1 shop is left standing, and one hun~ drud and thirty buildings ware» burned. Fifty families are left homeless. Deadwood is sending food. The loss is $250,000; and in surance only $25,0(10. ‘ urzzzr-r 'ro REFORM TEE Lam‘s. i Loxnox, April 26.-—A long discus- x; sion took place In the house of lords ‘ this evening on the Earl of Dunrnvl ven’s bill to reform tlmt body. . Timi main features of the bill are that the l peers of creation Fllall. be entitled in ‘ seats in the house of lords by 0100- ? tion; that they may resign their seats i to become eligible to seats in the; house of commons. Provision is also ; made for the admission of col-small catholic. (lissenting and scientific ? representatives. Lord Salisbury oh i jectod to the bill as an abandonment of the firm rock of experience for n ] plunge into the unknown. The gov. eminent were willing to consider the } admission of life peers and other , needad reforms, for which thev Would introduce a. separate l)ill.l Lord Dnruvon thereupon withdrewl his bill. l men Licssss ntrocnésfl. Hannxsaum‘r. Pm, April 25.~The Republican State Convention. now in session, has passed resolutions deal nouncing the Mill tariff bill com; mending high license and {zivoringl the prssngo by tllv next legislntui‘u; of a liquor g-rcliiliitory amendmmil. i mum GUILTY AND sas’rzxcaa. SALT LAKE, April 25.-—The trial of G3O. .8. Leonard, postmaster ut Kat mom, for making false returns to postwfiice department was concluded to day and meard was found guiity un‘thrcu indictxm‘aut. lie was Eontu'uced to mw ywar's imprisovn meal. m the pemtcutiary um! to pay a small bun. ls BED, BUT BETTER. BERLIN, April iii—Tho emperor is still confined to his bed; heis much improved huwc'v'or. smpmxu. Sm Flzucwco. April 25.—Arrived ~Steamer Oregon, Portland. Tux-z CHIEF Ji‘a’l’lCESHXP. \VAsme'mx, April 2i.»—Spoakor‘ Carlisle. after talking with the pres ldeut this mowing for a short time, sum L-e am not think the nomination for chief justice wuuid 330 made im mediately. The pmsxdent prefers to nominam I‘. western man. if he can find the right 0:10. FullPr of Chi tingo, an able. lawyer, and ex~Sonatut Jackson of Tennessee, new circuit. judge in the southwesd, havulmeu emphaticaliy urge; mum Dmmcnns. ‘ HELENA. H. T.’ April fir Thu lduzuocratin turritrlizil cnnwnfiuu tu~ day vlz‘rtod Marti-1 Mc’diuuis and Timums Mar—Lll2} «LLgatcs to the St. Louis CniIVFBUOD. Claw-land am} his adminiatraition Were en dorsed. BLOC D! RIOT AT AN sacrum. . SAN Fugxcmoe, .31? in 25. Acivicc-s 1““- mcqucd from Henna—or report that dm‘mg the (JUCHOD for presi~ d?“ at Guifi‘mil last night a bloody Eoijfcc'jneq through an officer av mg m a hst of numos of soidxers undr': ms command and asking that their name: be registered as voting for the official candidate. ‘ ‘ ~ ENGLISH ARMY MYTH-3R5. ‘ Loxnox, April 25.-—Thu Duke of] Cambridge, commander in chief of‘ forces. was exuminvd before a select.‘ committm of parliament yestord:xy.§ He said t1.:.1 ILUdCI mHltiuL::l men! m-ro requiu-J. to 1:240: the army on 1 a sound touting. Mn thought it wasl impossible to rv-jum- Ibo military 054 tiumh-s hov-lillsu v, Etb an many of vol- 3 uutocrs it was u c.-»:=zsry to make the service an ultra-tion. In Germany this was not I:v:'(-~‘:-:1r}' bemmsa xnih— tary sonic-w, wus l‘\'HH[)“l§D“V. Hu former vxprv-t-ul gx‘czz’.’ diqntiafaw Lou wifllh {lw myzig.:;:-,=ut and Mini. went e 'urtra. PETITXUNED THE >ES.\TE. "' ‘ _..” 25.-—'l'he gem Presbyterian EMH‘ TOH'Evv-FE'L Jcfi’fl'wn POW-'1”, Washing-ms: Territory. Thursday. May 3, 1888. it'ijzn‘}: t-f Plus-3 F-»-.v.t:-‘ haw Sent to iwcddwz»: 3. :3: A! 7;. -.» 3:310 :z. p»- ;tizivn n;-;Z:.;; 32:1»? r. .‘..‘31‘.--»: ixaumuify ;:L‘~.- Claim. -- «'l‘ I} :- 3:111:2ch for f~laznnga~> “my ;~l; mi in thv lute ll‘iuLm é Ham'rws. .‘gm‘il 26.11;» Atluuziq .u;;:: bim- w-‘ri-m u! 11;; c -l‘li"l' of 15mm jdar an] BIN—11v}: sign-N. u'::< Mirth-. 1 15.5»:':=‘z:x_:. [ln i-. -. 35131,.”1e élt ‘l4 >11”: ' :..2 Ely-ii!“\.'.".;(':l:2.—c.l by {:2 Mr» mi 11:; :m: u-Ivaric fight. - (:'Ti‘l'BiJKWS.‘ .muxsr THE: SALOGNA ; . .\.E‘W )Umx. Agar” 2i}.~—_.‘.“:Ul't (“trif— :lll2. ‘ hzurumn hf t‘un nun-saloon Ru iphiuliczel. “Mi-Ln! L‘unlluii zoo, ruerts ; “nun-mm lvztvrn n-x-viwd from svnm tors. c-‘rhgx‘vssnz-Z-‘L governors and Lthm‘ iumivrs. iuchniiug :9. \‘L-rul .u'hm‘v mum-s :zrn hing: (mlh’idmwaxl iu fcomwctiuu with the presidency. Ira-(ugly un-h.u'.~.i::g 12m mummant tn .muzzvzit film party 03-0131}; against grz-JoJus. E ('.uunuxt: mm: PORTS. 5 U‘E’IA“ ‘.. April iii-74h: resolutions 'iuirm'lmn-d in thv hm .1: of cmuruwus 31:: 1 high! th.» gu'cm‘zn‘unlt i~.—u;s n _c‘un‘gn‘ 3125:1315; 131” .3-1-3; :'.: Que-Inc. '::;::i l'rliuVE‘S Hm harbor Commission 1 ,H‘s ('3: :1 dub: lrf 0Y0?" SLU-JUJMM. It} iiiifl) 1':-}iovc-.~; the .\{uutreal barbs)“ émm:l.l::.=i:)ne:‘.—s uf debt incurrod on ffizs- channel hulwcen Quebec and 9 3L vutx'cal unzunzning: :0 over S2,O{ML ‘OO”. Thu two I-itios bor-umu flue iports. , ...u - ; Souheru Presbyterian. l .._- l T,“- l;l"'rli‘\'l-j_'~' i-i’;'~illeli:x~; ::;ln;'t~:l {hr following l'L‘éulllllUD cuuwx'rning .l;=.- llillilll o.’ the 5:13.113:- vxn :uul uni-thorn ‘L‘llili‘-‘l‘.!‘-: ‘ "Until Lrill'h'fi.‘il:l"'3l lmilwx'n can we tleuir “3‘; r! .45 in mi igrr the pol :irfr r;f oz-;:un:\f-':'xi.~; 4.!» (‘-;l');'(ul pimple :Ul ill‘o hm‘xljnl'h Sui-:1 (Um-purine Churches. It!‘:r}l))lvl‘l"‘ :zml .‘iyumls of their uwn. unJ until llh‘l'r— :~liull I); ‘u clz-urur unrl fullur nullu'fiznnlizg :bn-ught to hear an ill-I minds of numyuf mu‘ pz-rplx- in reference to illlbll‘ iiztvrpn-tufiuz: and nppliea-i Illuu of th(->0 [witllsx Wu jl‘ulgu that film quiet. [mum :llztl j'rhm‘lfl‘l‘ll)’of .lm‘ll; church-35 hill 13.; lust secured by cua>ix=gs to agitulu 01' [)l'(‘r'.‘(',!l§€ Ethe quuniiuu ._{ organizing :: union"; 3 The S. S. Parthia. , -._- _-. ; Evory urraugnmcnt has been made according to the Sun Frunvisvo P 035 1 lo quuw ntiim the l‘zalhia on her ur ‘rirazl in that port. The authorities had been hunted up, edicts prepared and wurythiug made ready for pouueing upon the disturber. The Oceanic Steamship Company were prepared to test the law in detaining [he l’urthin. Awrit of hubeus cor pus was in readiness to he served on some one. The Alder Bess: had been secure! whe‘reou to slow the Chinesa us a quarantine hulk; if that became necessary. It- mxs suggesied that Capt. \X'obbei'. who was on his way overland, as he had mixed freely with the passengers whilst the Far thia lay at Vancouver in 1110 interest of the public haulih, should he be captured and thrown into quaran tine. This course has been bum mended to the Board of Health as being as rational as detaining the I’m-thin null allowing people who came from her free entry, if they happened to come over the Pacific Coast line. Captain \Vebbor, said the Post, is quiio well known, and it should not be a ditficult matter to cnrrol him. He was formerly in the employ of'the Pacific mail line. He run to Sydney for 503110 time as mas ter of the Znézlumlia, and subsequent ly unumnuded the Amettnlia. Another Steambmt. Frank Smith. one of the owners of! the Fluetwuod, said to :1 reporter yesterday: “Our trade on the upper Sound 113:3 gruwn it) such proportions that tho Fleetwood, smart as she is. cannot begin to get away with It. Captain Hatch and myself have about concluded arrangements for nnnth'e‘r steamer to run on the iomo hanvec‘nxl Seattle and Uiympia, in conjuncfign! with the Fla’cwocd. and before the‘ first of Juna We expect to have one stuamor leave from Seattle Wery day, making the round trip to Olympia and back. and tho utter leave Olympia levery morning, as the Flootwoud Ulm‘a nuw, making the round trip.- : We will charter a bout h? run in con junction with Jim Redwood until nvo can build just such a steamer as Ewe want. “'0 intend this full to Hulild a boat thirty fmt longnr than itho Flectwood and about one-fourth rfastar. When we got her 0%: people [an the Seam! cm travel fast. and E 311031)." A SUMMARY VETU. «The following note was leceivml by an Ohio teachur from the mnbitinns [l4o?ht‘l'fil-SOXIXO of hur pupils, :eml (miy illmtruhm similar incidents in nu: lucnlity: "Dz-a: Cir: You w‘lil plvza nut? lr-aru my childrvu mmything word about the fizzyullugy :tnfl‘. I «In not think it is pm-ty to talk m children about their Skilltun :‘.ud Baum. and I won’t have it. I want, my children raved nice. Yum can learn them to speak grammar ::n:1 mlk Smncct, but. Ido But dazim [hum to know that they have such things :5 bones. Pleze lot them cum-x Luuzu before the fizzyuiiogy clzks biz-aims lo £32k. J ARE SIPLEB." Josrph, of Maxim. addressed the house last week in favor o! the ad mission of New Mexico as astute into the union. He pointed out. the efl'orts heretofore put forth in tho tm'ritory to sacuro statehood. and stated that th-~ pupulzzii-m, resources;l nvz-l clznmrii-r f :‘.;n p: 4.19 “.'.-n:- surhl {as umiufui. Hie-"x'rrix-le to irnmuaii-f inks :uimissinu mm lilo umun un .uq‘dul fouiin; “iii: the original intakee. ii“ rufx-rri-d to Hit- statement-3‘ maintained in the mium‘ity report of' 'tho house comxuittwui territuries.l and unit-rod a 501 mm pretest agniusti “he chargos I". that report against‘ 32220 «:‘.-.:Lractvr (if Hm. 12510111:- of New gli-sxk-n. The limpia i." re us h:);‘.“.=i. sst viaiunm. :Ls izxtriiigcnt and il‘; capable of self~goverhnmnt as were the people of other rectione of the country. I ‘-Q‘ -~ .. i Fro.“ C‘u!’ Exchanges. ; EEC-w finally 4: 5:; 51.211110. 5 Han l’.-I. i; i-zxt fur Bluinu. 'l'- 1 us republxuns m: fur lii-due I 1‘ LL; 3L: n-EJHLJ; ma mu 3 auikc. : :E_..‘.llu is ludi; infngml by In»: {5145. (3‘; cu Viczxeriu Lu waved at llumu. . _ . .. . . } .‘thuz: z':lp.l::.:::x:.'d 'ch I'm Bhum: 11rd | 731:] Luz. I ‘ h. . ‘ . E .\.;u '-'-°‘.-. - has begun the can-strum: =n 105:: much“ % Barnum. 'h;\ showman, says he has: but tin-r: Imiis. l':;- U. :‘., 52m“: in b have 17 days 1!;‘J 22;: m; lh': tum. llllL'rStiL-u. Hinze JL Cm. New Yuri: Wm)! mur chants Lu'fl LiE-ed hr 1150.000. 13“.”: fig. mice: to mg; (n Vnorhvc's slaw}.- uh lbw Lurifl‘ qausLiun. Jr. s:}. 'l‘nr,cns:-n of Pilchlzck was Him} L 1»; L»; ‘1; by u falling try. 'l‘- - ."x' is .1 .x‘ t ;12: a? the nut-'1 Zulu):- 5-4 :3. .41.‘ Luv .pnsidv‘dufi HOE-‘3. A'vmzqhun'u “Tut-. 2931): mg on: .Inn'mizx; Our p: tec’inn 's;sz prohibi tiv r) ‘ (.‘x ~-x. lizo in. has been uuuigncd w the} xh-puHJumt of the P'afik- as cammauding "fli‘~‘\‘r. . B nulnnger is out with iuvilufioux to a antical dimmr. [la is :m irrepressible Mi -\S'. 'i".o Senate: has cnzrfirmud G. 111)an ni; 1.; distnct ulturuey hr enutlwrn Cul ifux ma. Mrs. Julia ‘.‘.':;rd ”awe has lrc'cu Im lightcuiug Seattle ”in me “ Woman Quusliuu." The Cnscudu tunnel on tho Nurtboru Pacific railroad wili be “shed on next \chuoaday. The. government is to bnikl a (11:0 :clnm.’ huuau fur ii: Wulda on the Pay ufiiup wsurniiun. Pine.) c-uulg Sunday school vmxln'rs will lxoid u anuvcutiou u! Tncumu 0!; May lit and 2m]. (3th Sirrc-‘klu laid the corner store Inftheww heel su‘ur {sch-:3 m Wu:- 3:01:791u on I'm) 284). Sun" qucxaw policemen are after gamblers. 'l‘Loir special disiik’) is the game of Holy l’uky. _ The steamer Sax-dun): is trying :0 get the cgntmct of carrying irdn me [mm Teimlz: to Immlala. Judge Allen it “id to be lmnrhly die seated with the Tsunami anthofitioa an tu tha escape of Hvtin. Four pctenné were drownod in fin: upper Stilluguumisii a few dun ago by tho onpsiziug of n cams: The Illiut-is Penitentiary choc shop burned on the 26:11. No loss of life and no escape of prisoners. The Nevada Bank is to be entirely w uraanizad. Manager Fiuud is desirous 0! going tu l-lurppo for last. A prominent cislzcu of Texas named meH was. hidnuppcd by Mexicans nt Cukmun Junction on Satunliiy. ‘i'lxe Senate passed tho bill uppmpriui in: $500,000 for the public building at Buuldor Oolnmdo on Thursday. The new steamer Hurry Lynn is in run from Seattle to Tacoma via the west passage or Colvig‘s channel. Thu life and death siruggie of Lha cm pewr of Germany is .lill continuing. At present L-v.) is a link: improve-l. Scam» nil} :upluca L-u burned ao‘uoo': house - ilh brick. She received {mm the insurance cim‘pauy about $31,000. The Human Catholics are building 11 SIOO,OOO stone church at Vancouver. B. C. The pkms :10 being drawn by Seat” of Victoria. Al 4 c-{Tuet is being made to drain tbs Stuck nver valley. It successiul it will wid a large manage to King Cuuuky'i urubio lamb}. Aead cuttings accident occurred uf. Seamo on Wednesday in which Mrs. Staiuus of Tacuml was badly. perhaps fatally iuiutod. 51:3.Juhu \Vnunamnkur has builzu chddreu's ward in up: Pennsylvania hospital of Philadelphia. at 5 cast to hersult of 335.000. The secretary of state has appointed Thomas B. .‘.!euy uf Portland: Oregon to be “Sunni commissioner tn the Mt-Zimurm expasiuz-u. Charicu Fuucis Adams has been ro elcclud president of the Uniuu Pacific miiruzul. with E. H. Baker as vice prear dent and J.'G. Harri-J treasurer. Indium. Democrats are gimme-ling. Some 0? than are Han-Ming to turn the side over tu th republicans. which; don’t seem :0 ba a very hm} MM. 3 } Flu) Woman's Foroiua Missionmy So ciety ol‘ the Presbyterian church mks-J lash your 815L000. Tho acuiou is xmw in assaiuu an Asbury Park New Jamey. The advent u! aatmigbt g:mbib:’.iuu ticket 1:; Tacoma is u now (cutuw 0‘ {but city's clectiuu. It "u gcnumlly behevud that it will help make the oily demu cratic. I’."‘ MO2. Loan Buurlnud of New York, hsnuraHo private :ocrotnry n! the Pope. wimdruws hum the Hamish church beam-e ha (low not L-ulievu :‘.:a pa“) In fumble. neattla is pmmisiuz another clean up in the matter of thieves and burgh”: and and: l‘ce- hash. We must luuk carefully bcru 22433 tho owrflnw ams not come down hem. The Tau-amt: IVorltl one of our “tilt-fit and uh-cpirat exchunges Lns changed haqu. .\lr. Wm. FAfe relsriug and H. M. Bnii & Co. succecding. Fife will mHicui-J Imm finer 61:0 miy clcciiun. ll .'ozhfuf (}v.§cn vi: PU: {Elm-‘- ‘E.’ d- in}. .'.v £25 «-;.--- xvi Ortgwu'r firms: cum-us. hu -2 dream: Wm) uerynus pmslrutiun. He ‘was for many yen‘rs 'tue chief engineer of the O. B. a: 11. Company. ‘ It :s I) 45 :‘.‘nd that ROM. ‘l‘. Lincoln germ" i '.::n’} s-.-.\.zv - ‘5 Hr: Suuiln-ru Slates !mm! H :21; if. ‘.':i\} ~: nth. The :xi'grum; git is Ham-:3, anal} v..:u u; Lulxse f-Ir 91h! an :lE' £i.;"z' ':; :I.xcl_.'.£..r. H..- i~ :: ".‘.-r} p - v .blc v . J «15L: {:7 prcsidqzfi. : A {:nhle Inessnxv: wm received at. H 4: inleparhnuuf . f :Anlu Fl'ni I; {mm Minis :‘lcr McL‘uzs. H ".'uis, my “mum“: Hrs “Ci-1:20 of Frag-LL: and Ami/1:. (Wu utxfurJFZJ.‘ Am: r 3031: ciliz us, wk; “11-1,- !zuid by H;'- L‘rstrcf: havurumcat for 1:1532":r}' rurviun. Ti.“ 15 “flange-risk druwusfmfi'u: at x 4110? '.::L; ruin :‘.-a}. The [lL'hlllU rc‘ In «I {v diri‘l‘l' «3 :1:le wvrc Chntgl‘] up-1 }un {qt 1;) amt-ml gr .5 almunm. HIM ‘nlly Gm zzli'JJia-u u!‘ Lia-ennui wast“-1 §VII-rt i L: 5193-1: (in: and {Lu-y ‘.anJl] ('l7 ‘with than; pf "Viva i3:.;nhxu;;rr." (1.,-..¢~1u! U<.-.:l--.:-; -.- gave his gnu: pu liti"::l l)3!5‘.l!1;i 2;: tin: Cufc Rich's FHJJE' 'l‘hr-m “as :‘. 0121.21 of nbnutllmflper suns (.umdu ui' the (:an at 6 p. m. (] ‘l.-'l.'l:‘ {i'm'nugcr :11va C mzl Dilisml ”rand :1 7 u'cim‘h. Tm- (‘l'. «:1 :'.ns, 5.:‘:L.\.-.! in an cu -r;.;-. H sum, enlird} . sprgzlu . trelli‘: v 11) um...- Wci'e freq-ran! cr. : cf "Vn‘c linulzuzgcr" zuul“nlm s Fan-:5." At 11:51) p m. 121:"; were 4(ny per-54.5 012 mm: iu (Eu: {'.:lv. GL-mrr-ai ‘i‘uu’mnp-u ICB'D'Hu-lihg t-; .‘J. Nuqucl's Jun»! In the f'meyd health wichcd to utter a rumt unyimtic prulest against the char-. 30 ‘.th Lu “spines tn n dictahr- S‘lfijlv Ml)r~on'r, 1! {ha question were he :5! in the chamber 11.: wuuld v -lu tn almiiah his: pi‘miriency. _... —-——~o.‘—‘~7~7_ L-luvp:n:: Ecli'». 'l he ska-act (etiEC'Jsla-p will have for Alaéku in :1 (Mt; (lugs ‘ Briliul: {nu mutt-u! ship Eéliulimd :'.r rlud this mummg. 12 day»: from San Famoucn. r-lmlnuzli lumbar at Port Gambia f:r .‘-!z‘ai.~vllruc. Hur louuuzc x 3 23-35. P Apr] 27-.‘er3vc‘lrrflhip L‘armuleict. '1 nyuun EL .nui’, {mm ‘i‘rmco lur Page: [31.21 c... . Bkln. Hamlin :u;.l win um: lluanezm. m iuw tug (Eniiu‘r. {mu mzmhic. } >zxich-~Sbip Yusemifa‘. in tow lug; ‘ Mugn}, lumb: r Index: turn The mm for ‘7!“ i; , 1 L Lacu } SEE-inner Parihir. i. landing: cun! a! :Dupurmre Bay. She “’1” Fake a large Icargo o! gcuurukmwchundxsc to Yuk-J --huma and Hung lung. The fine ship Ellislzunl, Him]l mu tom-r 1 {tn (Lunhlu hy the, tug Mastic: on yeflvnluy: Ship Invim-il-lu was towed into hur hur Lust cvunm: by tug Blukvly. from Gach. lum‘n-r Lulx‘n fur .\.‘zm Dmgn, and 14m: dupartwl for lmr dcslimuion. British ship Im-l: Ram-J wa-z towed to “3'21 :'.-i; by my: Hulyuku. Bxiiarh ship Arum: was tuwed m son Saturday evening by Um tug Mogul. Knivegizm bark hind'mynrri'vcd yas ‘ terdzx) {mm Tacoma u: tuw uf m 2 Tn cnmn. lun.!.cr Xmlou In: Auslrulm. 1 Ship K-xtc- Dawnpurt want tn sea. this mcrmug ia low of lug Biukeley. lumlzcr laden fur SM: Francisco. Bfltib'h chip l'cicrhomngh. loaded at I’m-1 Dismvery, gm}; {0 Sun mdny in tow 0! tug I’mnerr, lmnml fur Valparaiso. Steamship A! K: urriw] (rum Sm: Frauczrc') lust evening, mud left for up mum] later nu. She will hum] coal at Seattle. Fcn SALE ~ole spenml Lam] *but as ngJ as neww fire and burgh" pram! safe, and onO Howe platform some. Apply man at [his nflics. * - __...,_,__ ..,, When Babymaick. we sure he: Guards, When she Wu 1 Child. 6113 cried for Castor-in. When-ho been. Kiss, nho clung to Contexts, m duh-d Childmn. she gave than: Cutofla. l;()li.\'. _LI'l"i'LEFIELD.—'i'o 2!;0 wzfc (if David Llfllrfleld. April 27. 1889, a 23')» The rather is doing: we”. Ilia rmnv ery is hopeful. W“..- V 7 , NOTICE. Nntica i» ton-by :iw‘u'flmt the Foamy lioua‘ of Summation o! JJlcr-nn County. W. T . win "yet In the pIH-iir‘ school {mum in School Dial. .\o. 1. run Townsend w. ’:‘.. on \k‘cdu May. May Whahifi. .1 9 o‘clpc‘k, a. "1.. In? tho; purpnsn ul oxnxmmhu app wants (0f u-.-:~~h~. reunifi cah-s in and {or ...-Irma“ (“a-my. w. 'l'. .152! lan lu-rs “nape certix‘lrulus expire hy Inui l.:_vl.-u a! luv: heron! \hn sec-mi \\'w_lne—s‘.r.v ‘n .‘.urcm cr. lfiiuud o;h-~rs who may desir'c lu tuck, ma ”queued to Le pres-ant. li. 5. RYA‘X. ‘ ('O. .\hxlt “I Stink“. ‘ Lehmd. W. T.. Aprii m. IEM. j 1 . . ‘ ‘.. q . ' ; Aamlmsnatux RUIIEB. I! THE 3131'an or run Han-AT}: or (‘uuujcs \Vuduuuzun’, DECSA‘ED Native iu hvn-hv :ziwu le' liw l:n(l'\'f~i::l:fl" has I’m-n duly nmwhnml, Ly (ha l'rvdulhr (‘umt of .h-lii-rsou «'mmxy. \\'. 'l‘.. .-\|lminisrr;uu‘h of the osmh- v! Chad-‘5 \\'2Hu:;.-!xhy. damned. and lub lulu-II upon Innscii t: an Unsl. Evy :‘zvin: bun-13 as thu- lav: dircrld. .\ll pew In: nub-mud ("fix'zdflfillufl :u'v 1:0“th h- muk - hung-«luvs: puvxuvnl. and an reruns [mi-fin: r‘auu- :.;_'.'.ln~': raid crink- are vim-vim! !l- yum-n! than Huh» undwrriznud m h-‘L‘ rv~':-l--m-« m ['_-rl vaw-vn-L Jeffery-nu County, W T . “ma . mm 3‘ xzr I'm.” the dam hurctzf or bu (nrt-wr h :r:-~-L SARAH ". WILLUI'UHHY. Adminimnltrix of the l',“¢‘.'l‘ u.’ (‘ller ‘3 Wil- Imuhha'. (wreaked. Port ‘nwnurxd. \‘.’. ”I“. .\;.|".l :'.rh. I -.~.‘. Helm Par Proms-113 F 5? Sidewalks Nnnm‘ i< hero-N uh'rn :'uui —.~.\iu-l urnpx) an? “ii? I»: r. umm‘l L,’ :l! - (My v‘uz.m~|: gr nun-21;} 0’ 1' I'l 'hnuv-cul n.) ‘.h I «5“: (~l;;._||].fxlv:a 5, I 1%.“. fur lliu (-:::~lru.‘lun m' :u. ”7:..5z ~x: 13. -’ anuth snd-s uz‘ J:-.)\-rsnn sur-‘l. .'l‘uinl the. mun-. 4) " Sid-t uf Ari-mu slr-w-J in 1!“: (.'JSIFI' ~' six" n!‘ l-i.-rre su- ct: sud ~itl.~v.‘u'a}-:~ '. r M: will urmm in: h lh-- :z‘mzzs um! ~a—-.;H!4 alt-1.3 u! ihv »:::: v now on tile in We «my - ‘.urk‘p MEL-r. A n m”!- \\-illnpur«[!es in xlnulu- Inc rum-arm m’ xu~ an: ) mus: arcmnpahy each nnd H‘m‘y ind. Tr.» i council mam-u n tlw rum in ..‘ltjm': uuy u: all ' [he Mal-i. ‘ I}; urdor of file cily c “In-li. ‘ JAMEi SHAVHY. ('k‘rk. 1 I'm". ’l‘orn‘lssmd, W. 'X‘., April 2:, Yx'H. ‘1 ‘. { | House Pm P 19903115. .\‘ntlm is hnrohv win-:‘. :11; waive] Dr"[-l,~tl:§l {.ler «sum mum-m z i :l >:. mun u! :n-nlw ..nq - ‘.:nu‘rnvfl' {or ":u- ‘ i.) of l’- x". 'l‘u--n-- mi, '-‘. 'l‘ .! ;x\i:h I’. 7.1:; n':' 4‘ :Ei “‘.:-A‘s I.; m. ‘ w ,l-({ nr-rmw: “gm-1!: (Mun ‘10! ~ i: (it; 3:) :nj 3U“: {[sl (In); of .‘Lu‘v‘. “~“. ZA' 7n“ i-«'}.. p. :n i‘:.n‘ q-xid um- 'll running If: - r’:_-h: 1.. “it.” ;.. _\- ~._, fill I:}«‘.~. !'-‘ nrzlcrnf lh- Chy Evu'cii “I Lu- c-ty v! . I‘m! 'A‘-.:uru---:ul. JANE" ":‘.. ‘.\'i'?'.'. "My (.‘s‘ rk. 'z'nrt T'F-‘n‘owl‘. '\‘-'.'l'-. Apr] Cl. l~\-. _ , ,fi4 _____. To all TV ham 1: May Ucnzsem. I “'ll rl':‘- n.l-- .’zr-.-~ ‘ r ... ; 112:.: 'x‘(\-; H... -'1 4! H 51:65! :1 X9!!("-Y~V‘v - .;-. :. ‘....d '2) ‘ ‘ I: 1- ‘l2l '3l:} am}. ;..:_ 4 r i.--: :4; hum. r: u .v-«w head. is nn ~ li'_\'il:;,' luv-.1; 1!:- --.‘-'x . \: t-“ Eur ~ ..r.. lawn-I|, PuniL-nc I “_‘l' -~- 'xn i 143 5 rd 5 .. 1‘- and [he mid Juan-s (‘.0.\".--_\' L her My ..nsni .4 up: lull.» he returns K‘u! mm» I a Friday Val-tor, :3 once. he will be prosecu neocnlmw to inw. Joni: JONES. .1211“! m. V. Tn April 11. 18a. :’3‘ _E I '3 3 '1: 3 'l _ d.» I! 3 , f 3 1 “3 E) ‘1 1 3 (. 3333.3‘3333tt 9 {3 1 233 3). i .1 .I ——~ \‘.'!..'ln- ..L‘ .' H-I al: l'nu - H H.—»~ i :53 _g 3 39333333.. ' FE" ' figgmhandise, ; ’ . g __ 4 i ' \‘u ‘: c’ 4‘ I. y i ismpgmg a 3 0311111333 n I 3 fierehauts. ’v" I : ... 3 1 .9 1 Wilma; éc- {neués Eur-I O C \| ‘1 ’ Risking (wads, l FAE’HLY 330339133! I We always map in stock a cumpieto ‘ hue uf Chi-ice Family Groceries, and . \viil sell them at prices which cannot i Le heat by any hm; on the Coast. ' \Viil dolivm' all goods free of chargel in any part of the city. Give us a trial in this line and see if we don‘t please you, both in prices mud quality. We are now 0E1; our large and ' wuli selected stock of liens’ and Boys’ | Ciuthing and Furnishing Goods at] Lam Priccs man Ever Before! Our him-k in thew limos comprise the latest Myles and best goods: Come and ave what we have to offer before purchasing elsewhere. A Large 353 Wall-Selaclefl SEUCK 51 llul‘dW‘au‘v: Ship _( ‘huxullory, (frovkory. Notions. . ’l‘obaccos, Cigars. \Vinvs. liquorx, 5&0" Aiwus in :11! 0):. '.aifinh \x‘o am 1‘ as lws \‘uima aux-. 1 Lt imwst prim-s. " G B “I it & C' v. . a: le. 3., Port éTownsend. -' w. T. 9% ‘ ! £311? 3/ PORT 'I‘UVJNSEND (‘5 .‘- Bout 8; shoe Scare ”sun‘sfikvy’a. 1.8132032 Htuses‘é. (‘hlltiren‘n ROUTE. .\NID SHOES ‘ - ..5: 7121. BEST QUALITY ASB LATEST PAWERES. ‘ 52:"! have :1 gnu? revuenca‘ for 't‘hl Cilstunn‘xz-z. i mex Fxsz-,\1‘:::;L. I “was“ MAVLOR. i ‘e o ' Guy; 85 L 023; 5811112511,: 1 i‘nm‘ 'l'uwz-1~1:.‘;D, W. T. 1 1’ !;|::1-".u-Z::uu ! Ei'}; fining pr.;mp‘.!‘; Imm: 1 1!”.1 1 ‘_z'r; «42.; :2»! "1m: curs 4-? H; z! flzrd. 11272“! 3“ uk .:1tr.:,,«- x. [:‘2 :'.; uhgrf. HHH'HS-Jn 3 "' V W -ffi”crm'{r'-"HF¥RM" " ' 21430 Lamb? sTl.'.‘l:r. W‘: Li “£315! 37. 37"13’ I]? {355%th biuba " Lagging. ,‘igg‘r‘ :' .' .\'|‘,s I ‘IS, \'-'::?0:".:\ m .1 K 11: inzi' i::v;. 1 :-.. r fluu'iuulk Sm'v. 3x22.» 1» - - in; 1‘ .\.:..-~-: 2!. w. 'l‘. ; A , Auw,” _ .., E I T, a !" Just Received ‘ ' g‘n ‘7l "sine lai"H a 3210. 151 mm Em 5' ': r— ,‘ ; v - ~' ‘ ;~- st.“ is 1:. gage: a»: gm c; l‘rnu‘. Lafiz-E ,‘uim . ;.g-_.. 1 4-41“, ”,- L.\DIEH', ' CHELURET-‘éfi \" :’C ‘ 4 \‘i;: s‘. w. -, . _.i ..; 2:21) ;.- :; ‘ -. 311;}; a, {.:. 1 i!§'—---——C~.-\.Bll ONLY.———.§z{ ; f 9. 9 it 5 ' e. 'l7va , a i .:flrfimfifiw r-gctora rs: m- ars- \<\ v- :- r»- :‘. -_ s] L I gangs? v kb’ih‘ud-‘P E t ‘ _‘g' Lg G ;. ;.1 ::‘_ .'_- z. -( _ ' aunt, ' .:t cunztizv 1 4121;. I: ..fal: 1!): ”Hull: and lullzx'ill I [32:23: f" :o :'d' - 2 ts. 's :'. :‘r7. : ‘ :‘. -:::::: .- 12.: -, 231;») 1.: - iti‘fLliinn \lllirh 0:1le i [3..-:35. :: E. ' :1" -:- Hg: . .‘.. 13. Ik'nxfz; ', .‘.h-'li~vv::. li:s|l~..\lrih~~: "l lun‘c ' umlA-. .' s E 5 ,-. " :'. I.' . :.n.! 21:2: fsifiiilcuflh ~. v. 51!: nmrlw-i >llt'l'l'\~. It ! Vic: I: a'.‘ 1' ‘ ;.' . ;':n x. 3;. :1 1 {ME nlxuw‘. (E "11391 .1 r! runrmfir. I mn- I a' L-ri :31] . , ' ' -, :.";.'.' .5: .-;u~«-~.- f 1!:5< (‘3l:l!‘;:r!v't'." ’ 1:11.11. 3 ' .' 1‘ . --x:‘.sl Ej-Pu .1"! 3‘. I'm-*5 Junk-sud. VL. u rilr»: _»\:,-nr'»(". '_ L , C: I.’ ;., .'L "Y' ._‘ .Z‘ . \‘.‘.u - :‘I .l c!‘ n-Eiu- . lhzul ‘ 3 _ . . .1 n . H‘ s 3 ..;/ft... _,-”:3 . as' wanes, '! u; In. :-Y!;.j ~ :1! l :.-! --. 3e :- ‘.- !-. ..;! ‘, 12TH!“lrl‘nlll‘hiihfllldCtflllrlr' 13;; - 22.5113”: ;.:.t ; .:. .xl -’ ‘ 4'. i'- -‘:-.::s rmhn‘wl me to :...g _J,‘ .:"thv ;. -;;~n :'. . is.f';.:: ! ' Ids: ';'!x.{:‘::h:;j;lixxlr‘. ‘ 2' m: "1 13¢. 'L. l'. V '- I.- .~ .' 1 “ .: 43" i:~. In «no of a. ' ‘f.‘z 1* " T: . l .' .!.1F.9:-x-l‘!:|.-.Zvl. l '3‘ "j » r ~-x:: to ”I? I'm-. t'.:»‘.s.. .Zl.‘ ’ ' : tor. . r“? :. 3 _- !': r 2131 f." Dr. J. I - : .! _‘.‘ V' . .. '.i ': I a-W . i 5934-] ?:I;:.l‘;s..'.vrnrs: mm, A " . ‘ A 1w - : "'l': u':—': a.} :‘n :1 in m'tirc :i-‘;".’-I‘T.'t _~- -- ' ' -;'-1. ": , ." "»'7‘.3:x?-t:AEIn-d [he __,:.:._:;.,, ; .s. s,-_ 3 mgr-. 1“ fr- - _‘ - (’ur". I'vrtorul. mu} r 33:. Di. :‘w r- ‘. -'f ~e >a. 3I? x :s 1' . 351.121“? n‘mmlywilll :H: ~rs‘l.‘u i.“ ‘ _' ' - .!~" s"::': s'.:':) ‘ mt. .!. <'. ,\‘_':::3 ":‘.: ~- - '.‘f. 3,, {Jam Y' . ' ." ' ’ 1 n“ -’ :_-" '_(rw___ .. 7. .. . 1.7—.“ »-,——.~ » .._ , v ~i‘r-'-‘—A—TW ~ *9 57?.‘15'? 7 ; T‘s 1‘: ’UGS , DR “jug; a 1,; :J-‘sb I I. J, :I R P_ . : E“, 3‘ l Pam LE2, “$0 films; 23¢ Stationery ‘.\ :"."-1"~"l!:‘ um! 31%.;31, by 137.3) E‘::[ILI_J 13::- S()J_q S I‘ '. .= _- :1 g I" " ' .:-..__",Li” ,__'_~_:»- . mums. § 5"“;1 H - ~ " i": - -‘ ’ls \. 42:) j .\I«:>. * ‘ ‘ '” 3:1“. . H ; PERFUMERY, ( MIL-1H A 41,7 : LIAIR OILS. "I'HLHSEE. é ‘ \VALL PAPER, U I . _‘x :55 , .' BRUSHES, m l NTS I Etc. “11.3. g :‘.!u] 33,! amides for the Toilet. Paton! .‘.:(flziPiEH’r cf .1}! kinds. : Quirk 52135-5 and small profits. Hang. 2 . it’r. 2‘. :‘. ::::.:..'.:_4.-;..r ::.L..1i1L1..c-umu. ,m..._.m....m.-.-2w"-22....”“my”; . 5:“! ’= =I2:E 'l‘2‘“ .:.“- 224:2: 3'l ’1 F: :73: :7:- 5 ': ~ f“- 2f E}i%?3§i‘¥‘< is gm {3‘ {fa-ere; ' 57343 J. r”: ‘ ‘5-13 '1 git-f 4, :3 nlO 2?; 1;; L: , a. a bfimltfi [552131. ggztb‘rat'. 52351713542: 3 0..” I’UI-J i' 'l"Oi§'.".'fl’f;'.“f/7. IV. T. a .i. _ ' .1. . ' . ‘ c L" ziluhorlza ( 3JE)IT:IL ~ $200,009 A Generai Banking; Quaint-5:; ‘E'a‘ansacted. - .IJII/wsffg: I‘m “11 M" sub/r: w sag/at draft 0" cheat. ‘ I 3:9an iii-$313.3 u: .=.:’r.r:z;-'.‘EE': :‘.:Zi'fiTiilTlflfi. Collm-tions mmit- anal pray-eds ['Wnupfly rmuittmi on day of collection Szght and 'fe!9::r::;-L‘:r: l‘1(".;.".!;:"i€ p. 33. :'.Hx- :1: 2!! liw prmcxpal cztles 01’ lb Uni-‘od Stutos ans] Furl)”; CUHIEESE")\ LIT-iii 'i‘f;:*--§.-I".‘?E'V:JF—TL-Ef .‘-.i:;.:‘;:; L‘aiiforyian Bank (Lind BFHIINA(}IJJ~H'!OTI-I’.u_‘:'\i": 3:3“? xix—Jilin ii'qnzivor .\.:iA-xml bank; I‘n.\:<msco——l}:e- -‘.II;I,£::_\':;3;::~:'; 1. :1 lit-:5; {Jaunted}; L'oRTLAnD,OB.,'m Firs! Nah-331:1! Lzmk: Stun-:35? HAL. 5-331: of L" be}: Columbinm Vm" Scum. Thu _Bunh 1:5 £2512: h Mum}: America. Hong Kong, Tho (ll!- .:me Dzzzlr nz' Kuhn. Au; .::';.;::1 an“. ('lnua. Aguzns mt (LIN Azum’mzm mm] H: i Star Linn of Steamships. w for salt to and {ram :23} park: .'.: E'Zzzt'.;z-.=. 33?? We haw :z su-zzz'n :'.le 9:172.-::x:;£§.;:-; Vault. whom we will WV. "6’ [uh-It‘s nu aturiiz-f“ :‘.: :zu~.?:,':‘:r.’~ "' ‘. ' , _...-- ___ Cum. [-2. \‘s'ux.\'x~:um.. J. (L '.=.'::lr:\l a. .1 '.X ._» ,'l"-l 3:. J. K. Ebpulul I’rl‘dlcn! \f-I’ruux-i-rnu {ROSIcIZYIEIK “a“. 1 A y 1": , « .uh m I The Barman and Elem; am.» nsurance Capital St()t:l;,;jé€5300,000. = Albanyjéregon. -l: -... :1. p c n .3. $3. LEVgEMQ :m, £31355, 535:1: Townsend l)!3:!~1(‘l‘0:i§:—Fr ..:1: >4. .~ up; :. Hnrz. J. "Tin. .1. r. W ‘ls , J. .m (In-l. .‘L:n:--ith. it 1L1}; v; ”pp. J. \V. I‘I':-ic!.,G. I“. ;:!:)‘j ~’ an ‘ im: 5. \{loh‘xgrfllrz'n. ‘ ..; .RE . TH“! neg-a - E ‘9‘ Egg": ” “ Jfiflgs Jfig‘i‘: {:‘.-EL} Cilia; 3 .._; l ’ . I ’..“ ,v Casi; Swag; .- ‘.‘ppUE-‘Ht‘ Cumm.‘ {Ea-Lei. ————o -—~- - Head at Union W 319! Pm: TCVa-ir'mxinit - - ‘fi'. “i. Dualvr in :13] kinds oi v= 4* ’ N T b I:- .~ ' se*-"s“..;‘== Greuenea Magus s, 0 acct; l C4gar§~ Egrcaezluoe. i STA'X‘IOXECHY, SCH! EUL 1.5303171, L‘I‘TLERY AND NOTIOXB: :‘.. fa: , ' " ‘\'!‘-I‘;!( in :‘1314- :‘."? Efl‘g’q‘f‘fi 52y f R a ! ”‘ --.:L...:§=;a:,:'sc.i=:s ii 3.6! 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