OCR Interpretation

Puget Sound weekly Argus. [volume] (Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Wash. Terr. [Wash.]) 1888-1???, July 05, 1888, Image 1

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96061109/1888-07-05/ed-1/seq-1/

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Oldest Paper.
I? ~\'.‘.('r-t;..3.\ huh?» _-.-I {rm
Isl mt tn: chantry.
Si~l2lla~qu~f2w AW. ' 1‘33»
Volume XIX.
r ‘-I: ‘i
EVERY unyix‘fa'ff‘s'\"lx-x “Nun:
Doing". L, um}. r- ‘ .1".~;
STEM 'l.“ TIM“! 1:1." " ~
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Six new!" .V a .. '»..-\x v. 52... 1"
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Ld\'lr.‘.i ; mm.- : 31.1 w-‘ :.;.:u i-v‘:
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3 ~ M: n A ram.
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run an -. BVD'ZM‘ in: -.x.
PW? Tuh’fi-rJ 3. \\','.~; it: "-v‘\ I~H.' l"-
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(ha'Yur,,.. ..‘3 .'~~ :.‘r--- .‘1'....--'-‘?‘
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‘LL AO\"‘-I .\r¢ “'TTLKID u V 11”)
ARM: ~l‘l Hzlwl'lMH‘u.
'AJES I).}.HNKLER. .‘xl. I).
Pulil' i'qu'Snl-ZND, W. T.
00".. two h'mtgmnma. up ~tJir~. Axum
3351‘an 0n the hill. curncr of Jmksun and
tiny :truzs.
R. c. W. hUN'I‘. c
D bomb-at,
I’ull‘ tmnuxu. w. 'r I“ A 3‘
liioun nxide xau. «mm or ch‘mnfuzux u-lu ix:-
bland for [mimosa :xu‘avtiuu or h-et‘u.
.. W. Main». Warren 1. Huntlngfl
Attorneys - at - Lan’.
and for Sale, Loans Maua.
Port Townsend. \V. 'l‘.
unruly all Counsellor at Law. Postal 111 Annually
Amin‘od with Burke 3'. Bullcr. of Seattle.
Olen “no: of Water and Quincy $15.. opposite
store of Waterman 3: hate.
PORT TOWNSEND. - - W. 'l‘.
3‘!“ nay [0 low at reduced rates.
m Towaund, - - - ~ - W. T.
All work guaranteed first class.
Physwlan and Surgeon.
"- 9' 0500 u stairs over 018 &
louerbach’a BEnk. git)!
Afloruy and Counselor, a“
, “Proctor in Admiralty.
Notary Public.
menu Block, - Port Townsend, w. 1‘
C. I. Bumunw. X. B. SACHS.
PORT mowxszxn, w. 'r.
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law.
Pnoo'rons us LDXIBALTY.
Omos: In flill~Lundcs New Build‘ng.
d. J.CALIOUU. A. R.Cox.lr.xAs.
“vacuum: Atty.
Attorneys-at - Law.
up PROCTORS IN Annuuury.
Moo—Clap]: building.
dud Port Towasend.W. ’l‘.
Inna} um STEx‘fl man.
5031‘ Towxsmw, w. I‘.
Wm. Dodd. Proprietor.
‘1: lon. ia NEW sud NEWLY FURNISHED
ud possum- all the lppoinunenu of I
who Is: in nuppuod with the beat of Wines.
I um and CW. . _
in. In o urn-can Bun-rd able and Reading
.. 1- 11. Joni. Naming \vin be undone to
.3. In {lot-l oooond to none in the Torri-
EAST BUUND, w. l‘.
W. authorlnnd. Proprietor.
I. [no ambit-had 3 Now Hole! .1 East Somd
‘ Jun County. colhd the " Eu; 3‘oth
1..." which ‘3 now open {or the acnommdu
no- u no pour-. 1 public. jam
0 O
Wflham Busby,
Manama and Panar Hangmg,
"liubclau work Guaranteed.
Ibo, on Adm It. op. Court House“;
._ ..._._._._________———
People 3 Market, ‘
Cor. Want-ad Taylorsuoou. ?
Port Townsend, “'ash.
flomas Jackman, V
. Propnetor. - :
g 1 not no“: of Hklds of \l
TB“ mil-col: Ind ,muu'.‘ Bass-goo. 113
0n“... magmanusmu. «a. alwsy- on mm
”-04-:- dohnx-sl no on um; of [he Cltv. t
My Meat Market. 2
"ogcn Pnzsn nun’rs 01“ a
“do. st. wholesale and re
, ‘ .306! Ind Pork, Bolog‘
' 1c .nhuyu on hand.
‘ 13::Lc12 Lard.
(z. anteed.
omm tux “on“
C. (J.
'lon door to Wazenmu.
GEO. E. STARHE 1"1‘.
?hu ovmflmthnl. Rm 1.. . 0 .
it“ my! Clrpenm s3slr°§fi kpilz'xdlgr u’
dent on short Doing.
'5” ‘ll '8“! s*» nu: Charles hotel .1
qut Townsend
a a -
IL .5.-
Geo. \V. Doxvns,
ad Hahn: l‘loo -. 1- '
mot main-nous. ”‘3 "“1 ””33““ Law
03%,...“ to: bum-y in town at.“
[firtjzfal/ .
(‘21:; 3:; aamwt - Q \, ~ 3
.. _ \ , v a g ,
E? -{j » gr; ‘35 ”4/ E 3 K‘é‘ifi'a: :s‘? 7 i 1%? @E I» smg 9"! Ab \.,
.‘i'flf‘t ‘’i 4%.? g" I"I . , 143.9?” f," .5-- 7‘ '8: i a 3? "i" : \ é;37‘=l:.-‘?- 34:? 25-11] :1; -
"3““, g"' '1" .§sy/% 46% f‘“ "V- ." iii if 1;? I ~ :ifs.—_:’ é“? a. ‘sma ..x
' "“‘ ‘3?" x aagffyaf, i'b:3; .. k ' :- i -V:. ' l desk-$9 =: 333’? 3'. . M Kim”, 1.7;. $23
\ zit-1:: '\ g 'EEN" \- "\‘Y‘f' <-‘ ‘3' \3? z 7;." “-1.33 f 1 1‘52! E? ,és'. gas; __ t's / W]? 5:35} 1%; “"139.
' ‘ . L/ " \ = ‘“ *‘§ 5:21
I 1;: "‘1“! “1’1“":
SIAIA l L l! a
1 £14131; >;_.\::ws v-.::.'uz:.u';.n‘l-‘xs.
3.1 s .‘AT‘IAI‘HI I.~.Jaluu 2435—"Ul'utl'étl liar
rlsun l‘ocievcd the {gnawing tuivgrum
§lutu inst night; "Liuliiixguw, Stut
‘llaml, Juno Zi—l‘u Gem-r 5! Hartman.
!lu\.iz‘.m:;2\.}i~.--—I L-.-;1;;:'u2:;luf~.e _\uu
inn-9t handy tin-In the \x-er; :If nu
umzuuzd (:‘.v:.\‘- : liuu. Ymn‘ cun-i:~
«im'g will xa-cnll the triumphant “in
{Luz-.3342 and :-..~~'n':~ (nu \it':;-ri.-n~
'cL-bcln:i-.>n wiurh folk-Iw} _‘»'w‘-:l'
'grumifutin-n‘» usminuiiuu in hill.
Xunr (dwiint. nil} M'ia! ulzf Ruins:
21.":41; 5‘.~;.-rz.-.Zu:‘.:-.-..: ihn «im'ltu'uiiwz.
‘- 5177'.h':11l’h l).;.rs I 591! }:~IZxII!‘v-l
: .12 - bf ymr yrvu'. gran-:‘EJhnr.
! .‘ 3: 2Hr l-nJ'iL'rJ Emit-erl- hrcv
; I: Lou; 43..» (2' 3513.15:
} Lulu]: Ml.\£2.‘l.\.\2=H.‘.‘..':
I LL:;,s!:-u:.'.\'. Hwflnui. Jum- ZtS.——
iNc\=:a vi the 1.-;:1:.u';t:::1su;' (h-mr'al
ißeu rimnmn. Hf litdihiilh fur [An-ri
uf the Emlyn Mines. |v_\' lilo rn-pul‘ih
can mammal mnnuum; m Chicago
)osh-rduy, was rum-ind Lr—ru at uiho
o‘clock List night. When the [elv—
gram unnoum‘iug Harrisuzn Huntin
atiou on the 8m huEE-Jt was Lumlnl
to Mr. Biuinu. he cheerfully said: “:1
good nomination,” _uud {tuning to
MM) arm-gin. who was pl't‘axflfl. ilakl'd.
"What du 3.1 m think of it?" " "l‘is
good! Just what I (-Xpevted.” replied
Mr. Cururgiu.
I LEXTuuuuw, Juno 26‘311'5. Blaine
felt plum-d 11ml Hiil'l'thU bad bvvu
selecieil out at llil elm-r r 0; utilicaus.
She said, "1 knuw blur. i~ou l: at good
man. He comes cf :1 flue family.
’fle has a wry 30ml. recurd as a pub
ilic man. I wuuld liked to have sec-u
ng. Blaine nomintcd if it could have
i been done unziuiiuouslv. but. not. other—
wise. Mr. Blaine did not desire to
bu a candidate." Shortly after re—
ceipt of the news a message of con—
grznulation. written in a hearty spir
it, was dashed 011' by Mr. Blaine and
cabled to ihe unmince. Mr. Blaine
thonght it would not be civil to Mt.
Hrrrimn to give out this telegram
from this side knowing fullwell it
would be: given out for publication.
Beyond this dispatch of congrat
ulation, Blaine did hot cum to add
anything to his first. praise of the
good nomination.
wru. FORMALLY xo'nn'.
Unicaoo, June 26.——A meeting of
the commitleo of the republican nu~
tional convention, which is to notify
the nominees {or the presidency and
vice-presidency of the action of the
‘convention, was held this morning.
‘Moria 81. Estes was made chairman
and Capt. John C. Daugherty, of
fennessee, secretary. On motion of
Jigvernnr‘ Hostsl ,of Arkansas, ,tho
:1 e for notifying candidates was
left- to the discretion of the chair.
Chairman Estoe then decided that
it would be a very appropriate time
to notify General Harrison of his
nomination at noon on the Fourth of
July. The commiflee than ad -
journed to meet again at 10 o‘clock
8.. mi; July 4th at Indianapolis.
CITY OF MEXICO, June 26.—Te1e.~
graphic communicatinn. which has
been interrupted for several days by
floods, has been restored. Particu
lars of a terrible disaster on the line
of the Mexican Central railway. par
ticularly ut Leon and Silas, were ob—
tained during the past ten days.
The tablelands between here and
‘Zacotecae have been visited by un
iptecedented rains, every mountain ‘
irlvulet along the Central railway for I
Emore than 200 miles has been con— 1
‘verted into a destructive torrent and
lthe aalleys present the appearance of ‘
Makes. Many cities and towns have
been inundated. and Leon and Silas
have been partially destroyed.
mum or A 3 msromsx.
New Yonx, J une 26.—Siduey How~
u'd Gay. authoa of Bryant. and Gay’s
“History of the United States,” died
last night at his residence in New
Brighton, Staten Island, after three
years’ illness, caused by an afi'ection
of the spine.
opposes rm: REPUBLICANS.
LONDOS, June 27 .—Dislike of Blaine
marks the English comments on the
Chicago Convention. The press is‘
resentful against the party which is;
opposed to give British mannfactur- ‘
era a monopoly of American trade in
American markets.
PExsmx verons.
\Vasmse'rox, June 28.—1 n the sen
ate to—day Davis, from the pension
committee, reported back eight. vetoed
pension bills, with the recommenda—
tion that they be passed notwith—
istanding the president‘s vetoes.
The eight bills were placed on the
calendar. A motion to have the
.committeo’s report on them printed
in the Record was agreed to.
mama To B: WELcomcn.
“'Asmxorox, June 2S.—Tho fol
lowing is announced tar-day: "l‘here
is n movement on foot to give Blaine
the most stupendous reception ever
presented to an American upon his
return from Europe. The pro
gramme contemplates running ex~
curston trains from all parts of the
country to New York. Sherman will
mee- him. and a procession of Her
rison and Morton clubs will conduct
him home according to present ar—
rengemenls, Blaine will remain in
New York two days. He will then
go to Augusta and remain about two
weeks. At the expiration of that
time he wid make an opening speech
‘ Augusta. Then he will go to New
Philadelphia. Pittsburg and
» "gains being arranged
H :- city. through north—
end us far west as
He will after~
'- "\ and return
" ea; __ ens, Nth
Iy brask‘m 'lhio,
3 Wumxarox, L
today. pureed a leA.
viding temphmrily for
of the government in cases
ropriation bills have not 1..
_ Paws prior to July 1. 3“ 'x hu
then Went into committe
whale, Springer, of Illinois.
chair, on the tariff biil. Bui
:: New Yotk. moved to strike frox
free list- vo etables in their net
" gate, or unfit or brine neither I.
I. .
. T 0
9 O
f iefl
E; !,
9 i 3% y S
. 9
iiuliy ziuiunru'x-ii. nr provided for.
iL‘roi-n-z'. of I\ii:-i.i_-;z:n. ll} supporting
i tho motion. t'vi’errzul tn the riiJUDg
icoulpviitinu “Liv?! sari-hut Penn-on
i‘im- i'ill‘itwl‘> of .‘xurtin-ru Michzg-ui
:aml i‘ifiuzz‘ of thy i’r::v:l.:u of Untarm.
fatal liu , lon-sh-J again-t tlu- rrmoval
iul' tin» “null tuz'iil' azhii'h was now
liikl\l upon \‘L-gvtzJfl-w ii‘;;H‘-X‘[r(l!.i’n!!:
ECELillttlLL. Bro-WI: --f \‘i..;;;ii‘.: said ti'm
‘iilli‘~ti.;ll pro—e-Lliul ‘.‘.‘:.-. 2.;i1-tlml' tho
ifizrmo‘ru Hf ‘illh (unitary situiziil hu
lgu-riniizml zv- f:.'i'.3:’E«'~':ri\“'l'liii'
li'z.i!ml 75!‘>.‘L».~. «4' Min lila-l‘ t‘u' farm—
:«-2 - ui I'.s.v'£‘ cum-fir..— sh i::«l lu: :.l
il-mml In tl-n a”. {unit-5:: :r. H; N«'\'-‘
qu-rli. il‘lllih'l.li_‘,' 134.)" aw-«i l n It imit-
I:.E:o:: i- r 'i‘.=“."i‘.'n'fn*~ :3 .-5 mo mm
5 .I‘lin-i'2; iii'u'lgvt.»' -i‘u.:ui:..:x {alum
:.‘|.-‘-. I' that ‘nm- ;' i.‘uz;.~|'ic-m l" ;,
ii}. l--t tlm r. Z::ll.'l‘-' follow 3'. 1 ill
;:.' -:;;: li-z‘ (‘ i .tlzaia lu-z‘xiz-z' tiring
in. l'v i:itrlii;:u:.t firm. 1'». “no \\\:‘ll\l‘
:giw than timir opinion of this cuzm
:Lill‘Ulll 1| gi: lutiui: \th-n Novt-znln-i'
391.1110- around. 1
i Tin: UHELGUN IZLEL‘TI').\'. l
j SALEM. Jum- is-rrv'l'lw n-llicialcan \
no»: of tlm wh- of \\ ashiugton at}
illiv' lG—t ('lm'iitm has just lhfcn cum—l
iph-tml. Tim Vote for l'qm-si-Utulive
'~iu Congress was 1:4 follows: Hvr-‘
' umun. republican. 322,520: (ii-Mimi
democrat, 25.4121; Milli-r, prohibition
in. 1974.
‘ This gives Hermann a majority of
I 24?“ over all. and a plurality ovcr his
tdcnlocrntic opponent of 741,)7.
LorisvxLer, June 29,—1n the
course of a speech last night at a
domocrutic ratification: mooting held
here, Henry Waltersou said of the
republican platform: "Tho issue
forcad upon the country by the re
publicans is not one of [)rotvction
against free trade. Let no protec
tioniat so delude himself. If there
be any. howcwr. who seeks to pre—
cipitate free trade. litorally to burn
down factories and blow up custom
houses. he should .‘IIIJDULL thin re
publican platform and bid God speed
to its prompt application and rigid
enforcement. because if its terms
could he carried out in good faith
it would culminate in such a glut of
an already supplied home market,
and such consequent loss of employ~
meat to American workmen as would
surely bring the whole edifice down
‘ upon its authors. like the original or
;dinances of soceesion which had the
axe of revolution at the very root of
the tree of slavery. though meant to
saw: it. It is the firat step yet taken
in the United States toward a com
plete overthrow of the custom‘s sys~
A can“ STRIKE.
QUEBEC, June 29:4 he Knights of
Labor are organizing for a mammoth
strike, to occur simultaneously with
the abrogation of the ship laborer-5‘
charter by the provincial parliament.
NEW YORK, June 29.——Gelifornin
companies give notice that thoy will
advance prices about 25 cents per
ton on interior and western business
July lbt.
- . 1...”, , _
Objecmns to Fuller.
The the objections to thcconfirma
tion of Mr. Fuller as chief justice.
as summed up by the Washington
Post, are as follows: "1. . lie was an
intense copper~head during the war.
and Voted in the Illinois legislature
in 1863 for the resolution denouuc~
ing,lr the emancipation proclamation
as 'calculated to bring to shame. dis
grace and infamy to the hitherto un
sullit-d flag of the republic.’ 9.. After
the proclamation was iseued he'sup—
ported a resolution that no amend
ment to the constitution should erer
he made to intefere with states’ rights.
‘3. He voted against the hill extend
ling the right of suffrage to the voluu
teer soldiers of Illinois. 4. He never
distinguished himself at the bar. 5.
It is unwise to select as chief justice
a man predjudiced on war questions.”
The Tacoma News (Dem): We
do not credit the report that Mr.
Voorhees intends to reconsider his
published refusal to be a candidate
for re election. His attack upon}
President Cleveland in an interview‘;
some time ago makes it consistent
for him to he a candidate or for the
party which has endorsed the presi
dent to nominate him, and we have
no doubt that his judgement accords
with this view of the question. As
the president is to be reelected the
people of the territory will desire, as
they need, to have a delegate at
Washington who will “ask things of
the administration,” and ask in such
a way as to receive. There is great
need of more attention from the dif
forent departments to the wants of
our rapidly growing territory. “’e
need new postofliccs, new or extend
ed postal routes; “'0 need to have the
public land, particularly that which
is adapted to agriculturalsettlement.
immediately surveyed, and we should
have a delegate who can secure these
demands. At \Vashington, as else—
where, we believe "honey catches
more flies than vinegar.”
_,.. - ¢ .
Brace [7l).
You are taming depressed, ynur ap—
Eetite is poor, you are butt-cred with
eadache. you are fiiluctty, nervous.
and generalZy "In of sorts, and mint to
brace up time up, but not With stim
ulants. sun .4 medicines, or hitters
which have (or their basis very cheap,
had whisk) .aLd which stimulate you
for an hunt. ad that leave ya] in Worse
Condition tt .n heroic. What you want
is an altutn ivr that wdl purify your
bltmd.start “filthy action of the Liver
and Kidneys was! ll'x‘ your vitality. and
give renewed 'ierith and strength. Such
a medicine _n I v il' find in Electric Bit
ters. and only 5" ("-an a lwttle at N. D.
Hill .5: :-‘.o s.’
[low (0 Cute salt Rheum and 'l'eucr.
Many persons firmly believe that snh
rbeum cannot be cured and quietly sub
"' to be tot-turn} by them. If they
‘. iuvca‘: ‘weuLy-flw Banks in a bub
( Chamberlain‘s Eve and Skin Olm
-4t and apply it usdimctal ”my trunk!
an beenme cnuvinreu! u! “but? srrrr.
l shunt iuslaut-y rein-vex 1L:- it--‘::in2
Burning sensutinn and Iris outvd
muses aher Ihey had raised n 1!
‘rcatmenf for from ten tu hrcnty
Try it. Fur FrJe by
JML D. Filxxnm
‘ock of Opera, Field and Mn
u. u N. D. Hill h Sona'. *
'Port Townsend to Have Direct Con
, nection With the 0. R. 8.: H. Railway.
Sph‘d'l." In [.50 .‘JWZ’N/v I‘t‘lll’f.‘
' PORT vaxxxxv, Jun-3 28.—-Articles
‘a‘uf il:(‘0rp:-1‘znion of the Port Town
yH-nd L‘ny :iud ('uiumixm River Rail
"may Ci-mpzuiy “ml-n him} iéxis mom
‘iug with then (‘mxuty auditur. The in~
(-nrporuti-r~‘. Captain Jamr r' Carroll,
Alaska. 11. L. 'i‘ihhuia jz.. l’url 'l‘nwn
v-r-ud. Vii. 'l‘.. David Walla-A. Hu'zmln.
Muiriiiu M. Buvknmn. l’ux'i Townsend
mu! (Thau'li-s A. Dyna l‘i-rt 'l'uwn~
“i {l-}. shun fin» INTW'HH“ n! {3:9 Chm~
I‘|!l_‘.' in tlmzr aniciv- zip-tit as Evi
li -‘.\'.~:
'i‘lm lib-1‘ .5 to i- gin at a pint uni
For: 'l‘uwnswnd hssy. and vxtenzl‘
H 11?}: (hr-41411 Ji i'i'vz'run. Mason.
(.‘h'iiuii-i. 'l‘izura—tnu. vais. ('«mlitz
'mzi Clark, to u {dz-int U“ the (lulum
biz; fiver. win-m connection can lie
lmd Willi thn O. K. 5.; N. Co's. line of
ruilrumi: furthernmrn to construct.
conduct. nuimaiu. imihl. [my and
51 H raiiruad and strumship “HOS for
h‘mispurtntinn . nll marriage of pas
senghra and f= 2gin; to build and
maintain a tuiugmph lino in connec
tion; therewith. 7
'l‘lm amount of capital stack of
this incorporation is $3.(K)0.0U(), di—
vided into 30.000 fiiit‘ll"‘s at SIOO per
share. A preliminary :nrvuy has
been quietly made owr the proposed
line. and it was found to bu quit:-
fnasible. The incorpommrs. who are
Rise :1 board of trustees {or the first
six months. are either directly or in
directly closely related. to the Oregon
Railway 8:. Navigation Campun)’ in
business. as wull as in confidence,
and it is boliuvml-that that iucorpo
ration is ntthe bottom of this scheme
and intends running a road to this
city for an outlet for their great
wheat shipments from the Columbia
river and eastern \Vuxhiugtou (lis~
trims. 1
l'lty (‘uuucfl l'roceulings.
At, the nmnting of tlm City Council
Juno 232 b, 1888, the following claims
against the city were ordered paid
out of the gent-rid fund: City At—
torney $62.00; Interest on city hull
and hi] debt. 3 months, $101.25; Am
GUS l’nb. 00.. publishing ordinance
No. 198. $2.50; Axons Pub. Co . print
ing blanks for City Assessor,sl2.oo
John Mclnnos for building zigzag
walk up hill on Quincy :treet. 878.25;
S. Manson on street contract $500.00
ABGCS Pub. (30.. for advertising bids
for street contracts $6.:00 "Call” for
advertising and printing. $21.00
Bradshaw & _ Danuvan. Clmrtec U.
Jensen. John SoiheubaumJS E. Hick
man. Klingcr & Bel-man. Ralph Salmon.
Mnbrmau I: Kara. J. G. Storming. John
Ifiinud. S. W. Curtis. J. J. Hum (2).
William Dodll. J. Giclmnl. C. (7. Bartlett
& Cu . W. H. Constance, Jnlm G. Hotl
man. “'ntermnn & Ruiz. L. E. Acklov,
George Trouhnlm
Ordernd paid for building sidewalk
on south side of Jefferson St. $583.30.
The street mturnittoo was ordered
to Consult. with the city sun‘eyor for
establishing porlnnnent grades for
Writer and Washington strouts, with
a View r 0 further extending and
grading said streets. The Mayor.
City Clerk and City Attorney Were
made a committee to apportion
muncy derived from licencvs to dif
ferent funds.
A communication from at number
of citizens for the city {illlti‘rs to put
chase» one of the ('fidvmuml brass
cannon lately sold It custom house
auction, was ordt-rcd laid on the ta—
It! I! In Post Day and xlght.
The vigilant. imp, indigestinu. gundfl u;
with his many lashed scuuruv. Each
lush i. n dmbolic symptom. Nu chfnrt
in eating. misery unurwards. [mile or‘
broken rest at night. via-iluhnns of the
nightmare during mm! intervals of
sleep. an uprising nun-freshen and with?
out appaute. sieepiness and yawning
during the day, nervousness and irrita
bility of temper. even mounmnm’n in ex
treme cases. Hard to hear. all this.
Necessary? No! in thousand times no,
'so long a- Hosteuer's Stomach Diners.
the nation‘s specific fur nnligesfinu,
acute or chronic. is prrcurahle. The
1 commencement of a course of this medi
3cine in the commrucement of a cure.
Prnmm relief first. absolute ermlécatiun
iaubaequeutly. Thea truth 1-! this diato
meat, backed up by irrafrnunhle teati—
mouy, is well known to the American
people. Sn nre utbers. vz: {Lat the
Bitters averts and cures fever and acne
and biliuua romiztent, and resumes ner
vousness. hiliousuess, cunstipatiun, and
ki'lney and hlnddor tmu‘xies.
Wham Baby was lick. we cue hex- Cum-ls.
Whoa uh. m 3 Child. Iho cried for (“natal-is,
What: the bee-mo Min, Ibo clung to Cutorit,
m ah. Ind Children. she gave them Custom
Tn! Sr. Pnntcx‘s PILLS and onmpnre
llieir elfnct with any nther kind made.
”my contain the good prnperli! s of the
alder preparations in the market cum
bined with the most valuable medicines
discovered in modern times. As a cMh- '
nrtic and liver pill St. Patrick‘s are per
fectinn. Sold by Jtss l) Mink‘er.
____._______‘.._,, -
Go to Hill & Suns for linmenpntliic
mi-dicines. Guides with cnlllplulr‘m-MA'
LERIA ntmcas to be haul upnu uppiica
tiun. 1
n—www—m , ‘
Their Bullhtii Booming. 1
Probnbly no one {hing has Cilllfl‘ll such 3
u gum-rBl revival ul male ul N. D. Hill 3::
Sun'sdmg stare as their giving :nvuy tu‘
lhn-ir customers of fin} many fru: trial hut-j
Hes of Dr. King‘s New Dim-awry {or
LEuLSlimpti-m. 'l'lzcir trade In simply“
ennrmnus in this wrv valnal-lu article
fmm lhe fact that it always cums and
never disappoints. Coughs, (‘nld x Asth
ma, Bronchitis, Cmup and all (lit-Hat and
an: diseases quickly cured. Ynu can
test. it [mini-P buying by gelling a trial
buttle hoe. large siz: sl. Emry bottle
_-_4,_...._: .-_ -
"Pain Paint." a new and mulerful
medicine. vex-v eficaciuna. is £911“: mld
b 3 Mr. \E'm. Mills. Agency at hummer
8; Cofs. Luck oat fur advertisement in
unr ncxt issue. _. ___
3.4 an you can ~11) a j‘xnrnr-y 1:0 find
are his. D. ninth-Ir nml pnwnre 11 hot
No of (‘lzaimhrilwn’s C’Uhe' Cb-Ilera and
Diarrhoea. Remedy. It is a great nah--
i guard for travelers and gives immeatedi
f j
! .
:i . Em:
‘ Merchandise.
Shipping & Commiss‘n
Clothing & Gents’ Fur
nishing Goods.
We always Keep in stock a complete
line of Choice Family Groceries, and
will sell tbs-m at prices which cannot
be bent. by any firm on the Coast.
Will deliver all goods free of charge
to any part of the city.
Give us a trial in this line and see
if We don't please you, both in prices
and quality.
We am now ofl‘t-ring on. large and
wall selected stock of Mens‘ 11;. 1 Boys’
Clothing and Furnishing Goods at
LGWBI' Pl‘lCflS than 3781‘ Bflffll‘fl!
Our stock in those lines comprise the
latest styles and best, goods. Come
and 569 what we have to offer ~before
purchasing oisowhe-re.
A Law and Well-Selected SIUBK 01
l lard \vu r 1 -.
511i}: Chundlcry,
Not ions.
\Viucs. IJquors, 831-...
Alwas in stock, which we cfi'u- as Ms
value and at lowest. prices.
C. 0. Bartlett & m,
Port (Townsend. - W. T.
, ’\.
: »
"”"'3nunsn cowmm
B()() Ii 13] N I)1‘31{",
Garurmncn! and 11mm! s‘ruots. \‘icznrin. I}. (‘.
Elegant (full and
Blorl'ocou liiudingfi!
A Speciuly.
nl'a‘lc AND l..\“' “‘93“
Will “(one our hes! mil-mi w.
n. I‘. WI! Ln 3-1:. “rm.
New liiln lilu-ned,
‘Apply to (}OO. IS. Start-oth?
1 —'._—————_—‘_—_"—‘ i
iTlmber Lands
For Sale.
Two hundred and twemy~five acres
sof timber land ‘or nah. Distant half
i mile to a mile from the \vu’vr. down
3grude. to goo-. 1 harbor. Within six
mile? from Port Townsend. For
particular apply to answaw &
Sums, Port. Townsend. tht
i p” 1] ,1 " *[n 1 ‘1
g . 111 E PHIM BUbINE-JS
E '0? 5.../3.__._.E
I V . \ l
i _
1.. , .
E [Mi-w xv» .7251. \- 1! :1: I .2 >ll} my
. ._ 7.. w.-. fl
giu:~l.‘:u_v :I'. 1% r. in I an —. v::~ m“ m rusmm.
; w.-..-., v v... .1“; -..~, v. _1"..-'t' I’3: :1 x'nmgn uh
i n .1... 1--!‘_lh 5-341] a» l_ \\ f~ 2ln A'i‘,’ wul 1:»-
Y:. *.-“:>'> :; ,‘ Ax 12-. .n: 71 :1: :.-;.~.z,.\\i
'2. --. ~ vx- .- 3:. .- v:-.;« I’;er vu
' E . w .x, z-- ~. mag-2
,\u.'.: i ': lv.»", . _w-,1f.~x l'n‘l
. . r‘ LI. 9..1::;;
.‘ :‘ .. «‘,‘{.‘.'l‘..J. Ls. ‘
3 ' ' ' “ " i
:(KISJE‘KECSQ‘ ‘.‘s'()i32}.s
.._ -. , _ .. _ . l
. E. Q 1,; 7:;fi-fiTOETiij '
I if. 1!. Ll - :.;-L,’._-§-:.‘l. find. ;
inc-. 1 [if-.20 ‘_'_- 1.? . T‘TU'UX‘V i’l‘.h!ii’.l
l x :n- and Marin:- imurupcv. :
; _-. :1-.. l
g I). M. (Lb-Erna & (fa-" 5 Bunk-rs, Ream-5,.
g .‘m-uers and Hakxu.
Ibis-3, \ B.:{;::-‘: an! Agrizuimal Implements.
3 mi: 4-, ‘Jx'i! 1 0- mm {mm Fauna vaw.
{I :1”: Tire ascnd. W. T.
.. ~..‘.-__‘,__ !
' I’uri ’l‘::‘.Vll'-'s‘:ul '
I 8 I a! J I
n '9l E: n a a
.4 «a
aga: ’.Mary.
.1021}. PH STRIKE}: - - l’rfiprietor.
'i‘hii Ewltlilry is nnw :11 working -' r.!-.-.'. and I
won] 2m: 1‘» inform .E.c nuhlw: .Emt lampr—
uur «l m 11.! 31- (-rd -:5 “.lh wu'i-uzn-i - lionl-‘sflc
\'l;s-’S,mi i 147': \z' rnllr-I salhfaoliuu an 1 Wall!!!
{t'uhcfl Hm pmrnnagv of the. citizens of Port
l‘mu-wnrl and \ icimq‘.
$5" Pairwise Home Industry. @
A. I
GIOH "F 111 '
1 l .
‘ Adams st. wharf. Port. Townsend.
‘_ (if a.“ kinds iim'. Ila-so- “are” af
-. 10.11 kv-pl on hand at
. ' ‘JUI‘JKEIH ‘l'Z'l’LlED Mu] :z-gmlnr remil
(.‘llrlfilnrl': :u'ruzmu» 'mc-d.
l'n .\~'. H. JUIIXS’I'UNE .5: 0).. l'mp‘rs.
-. J .
Stockhozder 5 Meeting.
‘vhn :uhhnal mania: r.’ the Stockholm-r 4 of
”'0 ML"! Nmnd 'i‘rl-“Jr-u-h Cam‘puny «ill he
hvlzl :1! Inc 921}? of lha- L'umwny :n >on’l‘uwn«
N'II'L \V. 'l‘.,un Monday. Jniv U. at 1!) o'clock a.
m. THUS. 1.. \HNUH. Presidvnt.
a: Steamer EDNA,
@ 11.31. :z.\cl:..\l-.=sver.
Making duly lrips" Wu”. Prt To“nbel‘d and
. It"! . ,sunrn’.
Wiii imm- I'NXnS WUAIH“ awry an-rnqon
a: if)!“ “L, aw! I'or: lib-emery 9;: h nmrmng
m 7 :x. m. For {night or xix-sage apply to
JA \l as .luxss. nr «:1: hmrd
- 1.17.": Str. WILDWOOD,
Ayxols-r‘ 3 v“
A. W. 11Uß‘5..‘,1:..~10r.
Loan 4 For: Tau nwud 'nr lmndale, u! S I. 11).,
aka. for \‘Hmlhy lii Hui a: II n. m.. m.- lnundnle
m4p. m. «v. 32- dny "m- !rcight ur pus'age
nnnlv on hour ..
‘.-..-.'-"i' ‘l7- fat-r. DISPATCH,
ni’.<‘.x :. -I.
Wl}! Ton‘t- I'm! 'l‘. Wins -nl fur Nvah Ray and
way pun- what-r Mrndu)‘ nl"flliuf: 51!: arrival of
up Smut] Murmur. Efvruruzn.’ wali :n‘rn'n on
\\'u.ln.—~d.:y.~. ’I Imin}: MM chnrwzs fl' r--:~mua.
h u r-.u-.~. A: My ‘ n « mm] or m 1.. I‘s. Ii filings,
at (‘. 4'. l .tnlv-Il‘s x (31“. N. B. \‘n‘ lmfi) in“
:xddw] 1: (m.- n.-.-L Xs\n.~(‘.)‘.\'s (1:201 for mrpnu in:
for fun .‘lliiu".
. ' “—*"———-.——
f:- (5&3; Steamer EVAIV. GEL.
,' " hp: ‘k
-533395 .1. \v.'r_\:..l‘i~),){;s=vr.
“'ll. lcuw “ea H 0 Mummy?“ m.. for Sem
lnhmon am Par: '1 ou-nq-ml and the Mandy.
on Thur-by. 2 n. m.. {m Pu n Angelo-:- \"h Port
Tnuu» 1.4 :LGI l).m_v.u--.~s. llolurning- Fame
«luv '.' p. 41. lA‘ ‘va .v'nrl T-wrnsc :tl hath day 1:
S .-.'. m I'o H.l'l'-~ huh a'fzufi :1: 1m 20:"st wxlh
slug .1 Lunr-n 11:11 ark. "nu-2m: qu ck hamper.
uni-m fur 331551.205 wi:lx--r A‘xnr-A chute-
a —'rm: new 0r...
HE;- ’12:.1e 3:er :‘xlaxilTl.nx:ern 53$éfi駧 {2313115,}?
anthrax-hm: -. unr. nun-. 1 nr mom-y rerumlcd.
‘LEWH 0 {ism :: Diary To (0 OHS.
E/gfifig‘w 80an
3:5 gffi’fi‘rfi%
i - ,2 a 1' 4~
@135? x z
. Tar—x: ‘#
:23}:ng fr' . 2‘53;
Ixx' NIT/{1,12%
‘ muggfirondnta 13¢
, ‘uISE 53:3: T P 0; ' , '
; “K“Z’C‘L U NAGS .351} m GuMw’lfi
‘ SEW" for c L rag-limsl‘pu :31”ch pr2£{'
Bv di~;-|-‘-.lin_' the-yumzmus m nl'xcn mxslaken
hr Cun- mgaicm. mum Mac has P-r ugh! glad
nesa m I..:in;‘ :\ {mu-«ham. and 10' menu)”;
breaking-xl. 1!:1- (hug): 0r Col-1 11ml toot-non
dew-inn: L to flu" x-ml disuse wxil )et :tn'e
lhnuuun!‘ frt 1:: ~11 xy-n-z (‘lv gnu“. You make
no “1231:;5z i=2 Lu-pnr 9. mm.» 0! this pleasant
rem-1!; ulnqy- i'a Ih ‘ hauw.
-! - b
" f 755:: "‘l'9'3 ‘
P’j 1 w
.Mg £13,. [ ‘
\ { ".:3.! "I
“’2‘ tiff-5W I.x: 0 N'LY— ‘
“um—n: ;. 4r hUAP‘AI‘sIEED
'2 B! '.:\!L. n 94) CuRE FO7l
. ‘ ~. '1
‘ .! V ~._ . , .
‘ hnlETl-xr. LEM n 1088‘“! LE CAL
. , .
(‘5 UM: ‘.STF.ED .\ I'OQITXYE (Tilly Rd:
"at xrm.‘ “I‘, l 2: 'hv llv‘uUiu': Fri-T. 1:0 .
Coll, (':‘tr‘r'? ! in'tfnm-u‘ :m-l b r Fy-w. {--
qeres lh- -.~-:«(- hf :z‘H‘ ébji ~7..~-'¥: rmv-m-r
--had I&3th PH". I;2-}~I~':.~:.:|' Lzrgi‘; :l-nfl'im
.'mm!fni:.l‘r2:. lib-3 -;-: . pu- aw in x:.---. r/‘vr
lowdirt‘i'x'nzx. .:h ‘ ix (-52»- i‘ \'. :n-aww! in' u‘;
I)r:x;~,{i-t~ :i ;u-»~ S. Hl:'r m .i'. $51.! You
carnnlnr =., I‘ 12. IX\ :2 131.1)!(‘AL CON.
l’A.\\’.l‘-u ilxt- "-’ _’\ 5- 1.,
§.\\T.\ A .1! if .1 xiii (‘ ‘. f- P. ("VHF
For sa'x- ‘-y I \x n )llfx’ixlfi'lii. M. I).,l)1".1:;
-_'i:l. A: 1:! r-f 1 - m 2
31:1?- ~- ~"'TTE} ~.
Thn “rig“ i -'i : ':- n' h of; ms:
unln “11¢ u u ‘.'H"7 - ' :.-=i-I‘.. ::’>~'~<
Intern-m .:w- .i ‘. «wv ~. -.‘..~_ -. .. lii: rizntqmd
hands mm --s : -. -r‘z;,'_i n~. “iii: p<':,~i:l\’>'!‘_'
cure ah Had-z of p 22 s. Ask fcr the original
Augusta gimgt. flit-xgsabox. Foxult
A . . . LEB. ..Druggllt‘plt.
: ..;—;:;\§Q{:‘ff, [if 7/ E .quuxks
II ‘ ‘* 7’7”
'3 ~"- : ~=-.~.-:">-=-.-' r: 1‘35?“ ' Cso
I j . ; "s. I; - '
. x .2 ' Q
g- .. . , _ ‘ u-“
~.....-_. . - " x , ' :1 mg“
, = i :1 ' .."i'; .3231 221—277: i-T'“ '“a
!I: 191733 3 3 -- ...' .45; I 12.3.évucnl I
I I I ;_ '.;:"*<-‘ I.
33:12:22; ;.1 . : __.-;;-,5:“<2=. y". g.ng , 121‘ mum
: l m??- I ‘ . 2.... ;-..2 $3 .2222" m
I ..___._._.-,.5.. * _ .7 .1 . 5:313 ;.,.-:.;fif.4s=’ .
I . ' ‘ " »-li:, ;:~-;g.~: ‘39:? ’ “ '
I 22. 22 22. 2. cs: .2 22 Lake 22:22. CHICAGO. 11.1.9.
l a-rrzlv'F—rr.".u—‘—"-—r -~~- ~ 2 aux-r: mfit‘r' t—mm‘ . ru-urmm
. .2. »-~ : “‘“*‘*“’UGSl
J “ I. 7,_\ ‘ .. 2
I Bib QUE a :g/KEJLE ‘
I .
I l ’ t. 5 .y :5 B
IPamis, (his, 2” a: mshes. atatlonery
I Whole 9a}.- ::I;Il Hul'ill. by
"Y‘ ‘ ‘~ " > - 1
1 234.1). .IrIILL .2: bONS
! :‘o‘ujfr ’I {1 .1. (§}:j»~.s ‘3 Sf: 'e'
I 12, 1 'iiii-*2’;§§}2§.‘2iéé’ifiswzs'ii
MEDICINES, I Pmlflizzxmay
° . ; ‘- [I '.
. ‘ ‘ - _ HAIR OILS,
“(15535, I VYALL PAPIL
' PAINTS, I Etc.
‘ OILS, I And all articles for the Toilet.
1.. . . .
i Paten: Mean-Ines (II all lands, I Qumk sales and small profi‘l.
1 rmmuwmnnu—QYJMW
I .. ... mm ~ a
I .—-':"' ‘:3.- r :
I - : 2' 93% "s‘. 3::
Ifi’fié.‘ I-01. mu. ”:2: Ila-mil Dealers 1:
I . ~-t , :12" 42252:: ,
I 2: 22*4’2232
I .2 ‘ "-11; .3” ,g xii:
I " '. . .
IDmusflhemlcals, Patent Medzcmes KI Fancy Articlu
Faith’s. Oil's and G/ass-ware:
Wines and Liquors far Meéical Use.
«mu-s ruled will: 9.393.422.
. s%;2‘l’rcsrriptimzs Carefully Compoumlcd, l’ny m Niglxt._fl
I . -
IFranCls W. James
Quincy St., Port Townsend, V. T.
WILL Bur AND SELL Domenic AND Fozaxax EXCHANGE, Pumas: Clut-
Couxrr \Vwmuzrs, MILL AND SHIPPING Dmrrs AND (
. .- s?2“_'-‘ nW’ 2.“ .2' ‘
M 33335? finfifififiuzfl 2%.? 33%:
' —~:n.\' .u‘rnuvsn .:("Imrya
2 ' f 3 :lfeG 'I I: . ."< II": sin: , 'r: ,‘z'-e~ ~=lxml.' ' ' k.
\Lrtllgkvtri II) unlligrlolln 33.35 i : ét‘;!a:)!_ ‘IrI-tgmlrlwr‘nllLl‘ 1 I 1" I 511-]?Tlgl: 131%“! :ztgfi‘hl’lflm.
by mil to all pan: “(1213 2‘30 I. and drains I‘ .:n .5. S’l-rling :111. m‘ailnblo 11l ONIQ.
22-;- stmzn .x'r Louxl-bi‘ RATES. 22.;
(.erraasiponl-énuc ~n!i -iI-d. Rah-Hum, by pc'tniil‘fll, 21:! link of British Colaubigm
U and um me-zs:o.l‘;.!. ' junol. lm-U
--mm. __, , :EWt'ftffffj “‘9' 4“: 2%.
I: :x::'.' “Ema; l'r a. 2.23.. 25“,!“ I 2.;2 , :r. L. IHLI..(‘\-L‘m_
' v ‘ Wf? - » 2 l »
gag-Es! 1% . 1‘
. 2% 2 I ..-- .
01'" PORT TOIVA’SI'JLVD. ll’. T.
- ..1 ‘1 - . ~ '
Authorlzml (1:1 pltal, ~ $200,000
A Gena-22's Banking Business Transact
Deposits received subject #0 Sight (Ira/‘2‘
mum: ox APE-guru: sm'rmnm.
Collections made and proceeds promptly rI-mitted on (laypf
Sight and Telegraphic exchange payable in all the. princxpz
United States and Europe. , _ '
CORRESPO\ DENTS:—Loxmx—Tho Anglo Caleorman Bank (Limihd).
Bammw-Gebudor Mayer; NEW YORK-The HHPOVBI‘ National Bank; So
FRANCISCO—The Anglo-Californian Bank (Lunimdl; PORTLAND, 01., Th
First National Bank; VwromA, 13.0., Bank of_ B- .tish Columbinfiuna
Vow. Sou-m, The Bank of British North Amenca, Hong Kong, Tho Chg.
mred Baall of India, Ali§‘ralia and China.
Agents for the Amuncun and Red Star Lino of Steamships. Ticket
for salt to and from all parts of Europe.
g‘ We have a. secure nnzl commodxons Vault. where 270 will recoivo var
nables on Izmrage m malemto chargoa.
Cash Grocer,
Opposite Comm: Hotel. —-——-o- Head of Union '5"!
. Pod Townnend. - - W. ‘5.
I ~—-——~_—::¢ - ~-
I Dealer in all kinds of
O .
Grocerles, quum-s, Tobacco,
Cigars. Proz‘luce.
. , I I fl
A- tt flu:- A 215$ "is F ' R i
.2 .. '. ' €322.22 lan aCIIIc . .
Allan .. .
A: Viufv: manic-'- from lltlllléwi.
Dominion _ p . .
\Vlllte Sézu‘. 'ru. . \u“: Y-‘lii. Inmate. Luv: 3. jaw-‘ls ~""u:‘.2rd.
from New Eur}; v " il- ~‘~II. (2" 5. 'sl. ::. “*7; XIII—k.
Anchor, {204“ II" '-.' 3
FFTICKETD SOLD TO ALL E'.\E;Tl‘ or 11:32 'l'i-f. ('~:I I. .- .- .f .w: ,-:',<a Yvon;-
l ()l-‘l:‘1'~I-l:ul:_\‘;:~:l::{ .z: 31}: :.- :2' i’ I: _‘.--.:- v; ..; _ u;:.~ :- i" :ut Xi
Unitml Stnlvs or Cum-. 112.
539231.312 LEI}? 1125343.”): ARI} SSEDD
IEWSIII 2‘“. 1~.;.2;«..-: I»: '- (v- 2 :21.9-- a- I perimlil-al pn‘oliuhcd in tho 'lifil‘
States or Enrop. M In!» I? --' ,' - ' “a"
Femiwmav x:x...-:. .Ln-rv-v («v-1.?» I~ wr-vrns .m*w.v-E
2. ‘_ 11. '.‘.' .-. W ' ,j . .1 . .i - , h‘,‘
(‘x' ' H 25,224wa. .1 -‘ 2' I "3"
m":( "1n ~‘v¢:(»:‘n, “ y 5‘ l
} ‘,.' ;‘ Hm: ' 2
ilk: 112£.3E..a-II) ~ . -.- . . . ..
('23l)E:::‘. .’: ”2:2. " "‘s3’l? 3‘-
gqvngfiflfifi "vv' .‘ . ' '3l-"?“5‘58-‘7‘,
J! E- L “fab-F; -v . . v. 39 ~
I gs..- .2 .s. sun—nan.- uon. .1212. Comm J. 0. wnumn. J- K
’ cmgxgmn.€%mJ.w..m.o.r.a-pm 6:30.110”. W
- viva, ':~i23:'<.-.—.£ :1; JV." "‘77:.” "-‘*»"."’;:._,:_. .:Ti:’~£3‘§:;:3ggf 122% TEW
Art-u I‘o THE
N umber 20.

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