OCR Interpretation

Puget Sound weekly Argus. [volume] (Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Wash. Terr. [Wash.]) 1888-1???, August 16, 1888, Image 2

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96061109/1888-08-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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ilii']£\l‘.\\. l‘x'fi . 17‘ 3‘ .‘. h“.
WWW ‘-ll‘
Edizcrisi N: .2:
"H u piziv‘fiJn-r 12‘ ~ I‘: " :12' l'
1‘ .ring I-x Luv ‘.E;--Er !«v:., 1. .- .‘
.\i‘kvlfll minim:
Tih- liluim V- w ..’. li;:~ ‘l' EH”
lies-mn- lU" ml" lly' luwri ‘:vinlfil-l " f.
i“il‘o\‘cl;::2.l-~~. It E~ \\‘n-él .. it.” i.
.\n t‘XClflLh‘J“ my. that tile. 31:21;
bill and ii!“ I::-:-~gl:ii-»l"; lvill tLlili' if:
iugvilicl'. '.l‘iu‘j.‘ llell Eii‘iid‘ 5:! I.~!:.-\
1m «indign
.\S ilxv i‘l‘vN If. liik'i' Hf [Midi-r h l
emming vau'l‘,’ t-ilim't \\‘u rilgg‘ >1
that :ic<,-:xll.:my ln- formal L; i my iii:
tim remaining ri‘rl‘lx' tn evil iv: A ‘. ix
0! the :iutiquv as Mia 21 Prat.
fiept;~lu|.t-I~I.~L 1555'. «maid in iw
{111: gram l‘cd-lu-itur -'!:;;.' ul’ I’: it
Townsvud. \\'L_\' 111:! i3l'l‘2lli gram-id
)u thutilay fur tlm milrmni'.’ 'i‘nut
is thc very latest date that will suit
our people.
The Puyallup L'umuurw camps to
hand {ruin the sauciuxn of the great
juir‘y watormolon Reddiugton—-just
as sober as of yore. He will get his
hand in pretty soon, however. as he
is good at the "funny business.”
The article entitled, "Yielding to
Pressure,” which appeared in yester
day‘s issue as an editorial, appeared
there by mistake. It was a clipping
from the 1’.—1., and should have ap—
peared among our clippings credited
to that journal.
11' Cleveland 1m to «looted Wu :ug~
gost that he invite Sir John H 0110»
ald or Sir Lionel West to hovc-xuc
Secretary of State. and thus run tlm
U. S. government in the mtorefis pf
Great Britain without the mm: of
Mr. Bayard's incompetency
Is the C’all spokesman for the con—
ervative element within tho railroad
company? If so, is it aiding that
element to talk down railroad pll +;~
pects in order that more land may be
bought at low prices? If so, the
facts should be known, because >uch
a course is detrimental to public inter
Hons: HELP Karen—No o:l.~u~
class of labor is more needed in Port
Townsend than good housuhelp If
there could be something lilac fifty
good girls brought in they could all
got good places. Cannot some ml
vertisement scheme be entered in to
that will bring about a better state of
The Prohibitionists have declared
for free whiskey. They condemn all
license and internal revenue tax and
all. money restriction; and yet they
are howling over the Republican pain
ty as the "Free whiskey party.”
How is that Friend Signal? Hadu’t
you better'try to attack the Republi~
can party on some other side of its
Mr. Moses Folsom, who is travel
ing and writing up the grqat north—
west for the American Press Associzh
tion, is in the city. It would be a
good idea to get him to write up
Quimper peninsula and the west side
of Puget Sound. His letters reach
millions of readers, through the
large list of newspapers furnished by
tho association.
If the Mills bill were to become a
law our local brick-making industry
would get a black “30 that \vcmld
probably cause susprnsinn. The :9
moval of duty on brick Would bring
brick from Japan and China. to be
laid down here at about $5 a thnusaud.
That would compel Messrs. Davuo
and Drummoud to reduce \\agx-s
about one~half or quit.
It is scarcely probable that J ohmn
Most tried to tell the truth when he
testified beforu the Emmigrution
Investigating Committee, that thvro
were two milion Anarchist sympa—
thizers in the Unitpd States. He
claims that. nearly all of them am
Germans, which is hardly fare. either
although Most anarchists are Ger—
mans. If he be correct the Senate
should prohibit Germans just usit
does Chinese.
The United States Senate, in to
tally prohibiting the importation Cf
Chinese labor, has caught the spirit
of the age and recognizes that the
Anglo- Saxon wants this country _wt
11 little While. This will do more to
facilitate immigration to the l'ucific
Coast than any other act the Seuutu
could have passed. “'0 shall c:-
changc cur nomassimilating Clziusse
for American residents who will help
on our schools and churches
Mr. Cleveland can cuutidsdtly be
counted as the enemy of internation
al impwvement in the I'uitol Stat-. 5.
His wtu of the Hive} and Harbor
Bill of last Cough-5:; am] his refusal
to sxgu the present one. uotwuhsmu
ding a groaning treasury. is Cum-1:1~
sive proof that ho has no infant
Whatever in the growth of our roan
try. not in the comfort of our pfuplc.
He evidently would have valued lhis
bill had he dared. He was afraid,
however, that it won” on: him 5013!;
votes in some doubtful States and
hence be had a call for blue-fish and I
‘ . ‘. '2
i" . . _ , i . 1 1‘ .
a .. ‘: §-; 2:..1 ‘-
. ~ '. , . -.,. :-,§._.;;. X
.-\" 7 -‘ ; :-' V 3.2 -‘ ‘
:4 . i . - ‘ ' i a :2 i
~12 ‘.-' '.l-~i:."-1
! . « :.>:-, I“ W!" .‘
1.. 1} : ~‘ 1...1;:'~-i2ivv
2 :i t. 1;; _‘z- 12:. .-
'.i.-- .r, i 2 :1 i 2: - i 1: '..-
::~ a‘ -:. g 2: ME ,; s _:.é insx lil~ :aé‘w '
i':3::..i,.i‘ 1' := usi .::_L'- 1- 11-
Z.\‘ 'l' xi ’ f: [. ~.i»i". \\la- Itl‘w
.Ttn'r ll i~~ ._- 1;; vi. :;;.-'_:. lx:i»~i..~~~. l
aunt arm \ iii '.. Aiiii I f 5.142 I’. ‘
r' 3‘21: \z-eL.
7i :.v' i . 11x13"; Jr's 2".~'“2-':'i ‘— mi 1114':
gr. ii }:-:;;i.'~:. J. :2 L, Saliiimzi. .'.»V
(“ai'wziicl 2‘2". 13-. ‘ sigh :l i'l': ‘.-
:i‘.:~; ':l:E.~~.~ t-vii It - ~:lr:i_\ii;:u !i!:~
lil:"ill:i'l!.‘\‘.;fi~ H . 325 3: |“|'.l‘- 1"
EL; Izli-si' ruin .‘.: .“ :~ :r--I} 13:3. \Erni '1
'niux-imvn ”3' mini: .‘2. Swine). cm-i
.31.:~1rlt‘liilill «xslulfzu ii- i..- I 2'61“ 1.7:“.
iiiiirzitiun i t‘uu \\ «~57? '. 2' :z.!‘~ ‘11»:
‘.lar (it""t‘l! 31mm. PM hi!- -. . ii-x net;
. mali- 1:;:;!:l:n~:}. :1» 511‘ \Vi'izxzqul "nit-1‘:
;is ilili‘li:~‘it‘:ii':zii 'H! i 12. x. truth. tin-ii
3h": ll'u‘h'iiii uni :’.M‘riwtztnvu‘i
grquwl lH his i iir'.'<ie":l 3,.» '~‘-: nail Yu- (1%
i grand Imm. '\‘-. u gaz‘: :~ui:x.~ he is ‘.u iwi
i an uiijl‘f‘i l;»:~:-. n m the yeuth of:
9 Ami-rim xhzi‘ gxii}',~i~":.i inverse avail» i
; hut little in Herr-201‘ 1 3' life. ;
| It in gr: ' Vuj; in i<‘7il’l: that vm:
Eheld mu‘ m. . i 1 iii'.‘ ("‘ls IL'i'ii‘i‘li }‘- ~§
ilzuit-us ui’ (Hahn. Minn iii} in flip-Ii
iping. 'l‘iu- j‘lii:;iir-ll (I’m-u! (In-1;: ml;
Eat Havana in Uln‘ ui' i;i» in-gui-s >2i_\‘-::
i“Ceiglllut‘i'ciiiiifi' "ia-iliilil; {9.x Emu-1132
3025314 1.2-? ‘~ unm-xwi lim i:-'::::nl. 'i’iu-y‘fi
Inli‘vmly tule- iiiawzuiis «if m llt'l" ex kl»?
inf the ('Xx‘ol'L. Mimi; 2‘? pm‘ n-iit mini
fthe imparts. and lmw Imm}- t-th-~!
{third {lf iiin «‘:-11';;i 1g; irnl‘iv. Kinny;
i run nearly all the. steamers lh:l‘\'f(‘l u :
tit and their pork. and air-- lieginuingi
i to invest ling-11y in mining and other i‘
[enterprisom so much an that theiri
I go-.>d~v:ili has in he undiluted in all i
i matters of cmmm-rciui policy. Dur-l
'the last liuzuuzial year the dot-lured.
! value of Cuban pruduets shipped lug
i the Unitedl Slates frum Humu'z;
! alone. exceeded slß,‘itlo,tltli.l."
| »———~‘ >—
i The Dominion Government has i
|onivrml a fleet of three cruisers, mi
§ the Behring Sea, to prevent a repeti- i
f tien of the seizures of last 51‘an
‘ They also ord .ar Mr. Bayard to refrain i
i from selling these seizud sciioonera. j‘
5' until the legality of the seizures
shall be determined. They say, how- i
ever, that they are assured by thil ‘
State Department that no more sei-i
zures will he made. “"6 think that,‘
if they would shat-:9 their fist really I ‘
business~like, Mr. Olen-land would
release their schooners. pay damage,|
give them u‘l'ew thousand dollars 1‘
hush money, and say it was all ai‘
mistake. The United States has;l
had l‘li‘o English Secretaries of State. §
viz: Buchannan and Bayard. If ' 1
these men represent the Democratic '1
party then that parly should put 1
in a plank declaring the Revolu- ‘
tionary war a failure and proposing 1
annexation to Great Britain. As this '
back-down in the seizure business, ‘
comes just with the news of new uut
rages on the Chandian coast against. 7‘
American fishermen and afler the ‘
threat against Capts. J neuhs and
Johansen, it is quite significant and 1
makes the ordinary American blush. l:
In no small degree does the credit ‘,
of Port To wnsecd's [um-m highly ‘
prc-Sperons conditicn ln-l'mg m nor 3;
newspapers. By a wig/mm, vigébm‘ g]
l aggresive policy. 13.";- 3333- himuut'rs-II -' e
[ away against tie: m admin mum '1
and the jealous Esmmim wifiwnl f 4
(enc2:uruging, btimulatinx, crizifidngi
‘and maulding pumia se-ntirr.en.‘- in;
ltbe right din-Minn. Thremgh fhpirfl
‘ cohumm LIH" 1:...5511ifivrm :‘.u'vn'tnfngc'sg
[haw In “:1 1.” IH}:- I. d :.IrIJfLI! 7.1.6 ’i
Idimu-d in!” 1'»: var Hf UH: hu‘lv'idle‘v:
, work! till dnz- vvi'r-gni'inn i-s Um {up 3'
ssllk. 'l‘L'n v. 13": r f thin V-lu'm’i 43:12:
i prom-:5 is no ls-sa uuukm] at. hrmw. !
i Still the m-wrpaprr- mu 1.4.1 half“
ip'xtrnniz-d and an”, and 11:. (Lu—y?
laugh: to bc- \\‘v Inn/x- a dorm: urgl
, more business firms who (in [ml 3:
I spend a dozen Jul! T 5 our-,2: wiLb their: {
i name newspapers. during an emimj
year. They receive their full shares
sof beupfit from the incomiuu' thin of"
1 population a'n‘. tbs general prncpor— j
git_\',3.'et they almost totally ignore!
itbe wry agencies that more [bani
anything else bring :zbou: this same;
iof afi'uirs. This is nut right. The!
E newspapers do not pus-2. 21:, malfeantsg
? nor objects aft-luau}: but as true?
Spu‘ulic benefactors who 2m;- worthyl
of their hire, and whom Iliofuluvss’
is b-luuded only by the. measured}
their support. i
It will be the Lusiness of (he?
insets hereafter h) wcure the Inca—i
lion here of live [1153:1059 institutions;
that will advertise and «iomonstralei
their apprecimiim (:l' the lam! [:uxwrss
in dollars and manly. 'i'lzis i=- nut ai
threat. but a math-r uf yelf {:rr-iecki
lion. 1: is in film liim uf public guodi
by Eccnriug largv :zuppurt. fur our;
hOlEC'jaMH‘Duii r-nzahliixg lilt‘lll mn: l
{Gut} I‘L‘i’ll‘ 1303:! L»! u-J-x'ulglvxa sz§
render more value to film public. It;
is in Hz? lim- L-f vqlmlizing m mum-l
rxteut {up tiff-Pin“ u? 5-Hl-irufhhgi
local pap-31:1 1.5 [Lu mun I’m-gram ‘
ivo, parsimonious business firms canil
- "Q : t. ii" 22 lint! .-'
:'.: x- z.‘ ' 1 iv. :i i 1; :'Ch‘.
'93. ‘--- :“l ~:'-- :‘.-i: :2'2“ “iv-Q
X; ." J .i' x I'3; - i .ii; -;‘ i 'xiii l-i'
»». »:- i'firfi} iii-':isnvnna: E= tin- ii \‘
: i=w~ _ 2;; ':"i. - l 4» fine-H4:
t 1”. l: r. 'ZL'u: I-l~::z ~'. ‘w‘w'Zi‘i i"-
«- ;!~ h-Lg'z,‘ Y: ”.1 ;'- in ii? i-«
':.'l': ".11-‘.L‘!‘!'i'- l.:.li:~‘~"v‘ "L
-L' w. i.‘:‘ .3 ;3- _Em'i ;:=;-2 ‘:li- 2: 2L
:, ‘a:"s;:. 'l ' n 7".3; ,!~' ‘35: xi »; z-. '1
m Rigid-“5'19. 11. .:: viiiv n :.i
‘1: t- ‘..v 62:: i :L‘J:l inf: >v :z-v
:.. R" ‘:i 1‘? - x-T L1:-1ir'!‘~‘(liili ll !'
ii7712'\14.'1'i.1:(73 :..~.
SL. 3.7- ‘2 i 1' ~.<.'.;itin;.: nzifii i":~- i'iirhi
~;' ~ 1 (- my l3:i'-|!‘_.'ia x:-
l’lewh-ii ' ll‘~';‘i2. l’4 ‘l3- ::l ;:~_’lll'\‘
l;.:~> i i' :n.- i‘“ g_ . l :‘.:u l :n‘,- lint
F..:E-Tf; ::< :-r ~:,;‘n :x <l-=.- l S . :a right «:i
um; :.. n. i"r£xli‘il!l_‘-' \xiiir-h li‘ni Elw-ii
:.‘l‘u. :: i: lieu-il'i‘llfl‘lN ul’ ‘5”! :1 faith lvj;
in n :.gi-gyih: \.=.;~rl;. X~*X‘.i!ll'ului l-uihl
-11;“ \-.-=';i.l \\nvnll lillizli i=s SHO}! :!
'l'hé- .‘.E'iiltlzu Li s‘. .‘( l':;i~l~*!'!l Auri
wl lixvii 1':v,..l (ruin 53-21 th enriwiiril.
without 5.: i:!ii"l.' as l‘H'diillgf their
li'n' I-l' lll"'i‘il‘.lfl. llwi" rum:- further
(inn: '.hv air? wail-n. \\Eih {ilmd’
whim}; iniias m' iiu-ir itml in “imm—
lit-u. :'l v \‘ww’u end and an ('(i‘li'l'll
Luv-‘linn lmilxling they !.':‘:-- i: ii in; _\'n.'l
'l..v :hnl the middle welinn.
'l‘he plea“. :hut (I. farm-'l' in Chehzalis
or in \~. is l'lVi‘!‘ valleys woul-f‘ Sigh u
i«iv-.3 in u 3553-.“ of “a“; l») :1 FUN
i‘l‘wnnwn‘i railroad whit-h liznl not
llmngh: uruli or kill; :1 >h-rn-liul of
iilli'i is pi'elw.~!wrmis.
§ \\ie do not l-eliev-r tlii~; in Em the
lpulivy Hf om' miln’uil ('oinpuny; hm.
iii if, is, though)". may wriin “lclinlzml”
Envm' {he \l» 1' vi the oiliz'o and tin
;(,‘;n'inli mm “Eli h» the one am wili
lk’l’lm‘ rapidly to llli‘ front.
5 - °-°
i Build.
i Poi": 'l.'x~v.‘n.~l‘-ml‘s rapid growi‘n i 5
lnm'x' ::>~ureal. Thine who mm (10 so
énugm to inaugurate Speedy building
ilmvmn. We UFPII houses to rent.
é'l'ln-rv is not :1 Vacant house. in tho
Err-Hy and people will soon he livingr in
[ lenls. Hnlb‘rh 1 rent is the gm alert
Emmi of Port 'l‘ownsnniltoday. If
lWe have :1 Building and Loan Asso
lciuiion let them fiIIUW up. If not,
l let private parties pihh out and build
Ins rapidly as they can.
l The Cow Orjinauce.
i The ordinance oi'derr‘d drafted by
the City Uounril, to prevent the run
ning at large. of Cows on our SU'UMS
is a vet: important one. The con“
i nui~zmce has been a standing reproach
lto our city as well as a threatening
l menace io evvry garden and lawn of
E every resident. The. nightqiarmlc of
Hhe bovine regiment has been fearful—
; ly prevalent.
l \\‘o have no doubt but that the his
ltonc chestnut of the "widow cow”
will come forth with all its eloquence
lo plead for the continuation of the:
nuianucc. In point of fact every}
widows cow in the city is muted hyl
twenty Cows of rich men who urel
abundantly able. to euro (01' theirl
stock or to dispense with it, just as
they vie-use. I
We are not sure ihzxt it will ho
necessary to shut up the cows alto
gather. Perhaps they might b 0 al—
luwed to mum at largo say fremS
o‘clock to twelve or possibly umil2
p. in; All the grass that is to be. en!»
en could be nipped ufl'in that time
and tho slrwls Would be no \vorse
for it. People am generally at homu
in the. morning»; and cuuld look afler
their gardem all right.
This might be accepted as n coni~
promise, but by all means do some
thing. Rather than this nuisance una—
bated, let no cow be allowed on our
streets at. all.
A cuw will [my for her keeping
ulmul tlirnu timsm uvury luonih and
hrm'u mamas that in lixml in lump in
ma: rm; ih n I pr /lifzil;ly and fund lwr
in; sin; sxz‘i'a !u put. Hm Auuvs ur
g‘ a ”75:! n 4 n llw "Haw Urtlinancn."
.... -
Pan Towmand 2 Sienna) Pacimloc.
['..rr.'l'«.wn<l-:ul wili lm nn c-xm-llt-ntl
i’ H“: for _I- arth 1!: .ui'ml ”fir I‘liil
:irrn in svimnl, li.“ {‘Uinlhg owlumu
:xml wm‘br. Uur [vulvlic m-hui'l is
lli‘>r';u'.(ll mul xvi-ll grml-il and W!”
in: run n. :1 m‘uzm-r wail minimum] to
glv-s :lu; Very brat. :znlinhA'ti-m hi all
(um'zrru- d. l’ml L’ruwme « the prin
cllml i». H mm at (hair-Jug}: (alum-Jim:
uni bum” o-xpcrlcncl‘ mu! l 1" will (1031'-
taildy give h'ltlfll’lcliUD. Five rooms
will be use-l by the public free Sl‘llOOl.
In the public schonl building in (in
ozher wisn unusx‘d room Rev. J. N. I
Dcuison wiil conduct a su‘uoolof Asa. I
ileznic grilv. giving >pccial utlemiun
in; 2x til-.lruugl: biiaists Coursz- and!
lungaugn. He! will Lu;- zzs<iatud by tx-i
cvlluut tum-hers so far as is nz-vdedJ
In zuliiiiiun to ilii; Prof. llruwnel
has orgwivd :1 full ficdgu 1 Academy;
of which Pruf. Heine will be print-i»
pal and Mr. Frank Bush and l’rn-f. ll
F. Mclntyre, (he I’.-I. currpspoudcnt‘
of this city will flfislat. This institu—
tion will be :1 credit to the city and
the aim will [)0 m (Stiilllish grmlvdl
instruction and gin: ilm wry ni’ht I'd-l
cilitie; to studenti.
All in a” Port 'l‘uwnsmxl will bu a
driiglifl'nl jrlzicu fur families L) come
frum thu rurm unling countries in
Sunni llwir (‘lgizdn-n to ncbrml and bt-r
villain-4 lu'iy \vi-ll he prim-1 (if horl
priming-5. l
.. . ._
I'. H n p: :’i :3 Hui-1. lfi. ‘.‘x'iéii' Hf [Lei
Nugget Mil in l.llzi.fi4ia.{ wlilui uf liw
new demncruhn daily 1.: Fi-nuh’n 8217‘
Luz-1 gnu: Ihr p 141! :i I" my» l‘l ’ivm,
Unifl Mu; Unit :..:lin'nvm u.‘ “p.'"‘l‘-'"i
mu gull rip-m the inn": of Ill" camlnliilc'
for republic {awn «J'urh‘mm l
30-391.: T- zzxkfi'ez's. l
_ i
.‘. --‘.:‘:ri Hwy-1 ~i‘ inrfllxrt
> V
1: .. {-1 ;'~.'.~12:;~-‘ 1.22:4}. Mn! sin-mg
.\n w. pr: 9
:*~ ~ 1: 4 2;..2 >9
A ~H? V_ _ ihj
.. -- I:-.. IH3
-- - >9... . ._ 2v:
-‘ ~ H 1125;
" " i‘l'iz.. .. ......I.’
: : .....I’h
i', ~i;lv:i‘:vl;.:;z'.' (Ev s‘o \\'v!‘l‘ HER]
M: J -1\ E“ (' v' x.f.i."_: 1310 “mu—-
:;= '}‘?i"ilt'l7:!l’:'fi t » Allvn With:
3" 2 .» LUMP: .' ‘-. L 131011 \\‘vir and with
I“ H. Puznivzz. iim-‘annv é; Sachs
:'.;z-l \. Hag-:.. 541.22%“ Mun”, triu't fur
.~»_!-.a_u -.!,
'l::u.~ulr~v=fti:n Blinu c-«mtr:u--‘. mu!
n'iwr walk-r \i':u:.~-:Céiuns. including;
ah» win-Eng uu' Hf L-rzm‘ml'n 2'=:l.\d~
«SELL-n. will km-p the roe-m] gin-wing
in‘tv-n-I «If ‘1(“'10lhil)g.
Street Grading-
Hm' Ilt.‘\"l"§'.\ gnu-runwm is taking
LuM “515:0sine!grudoquwtiun with
:: \‘i-n. and with :1 livvly prospect of
sz-uzuiug (.=\':*l“\'plvdgo. The report
mi Hm ~;:o;-iul muumittvu on \Vnshing
'.c-11. aha»! grit-iv. lumm‘or. \\‘o drew
t 1: bu :1 Ini~tzzku in mm it rooomuuzis n
grad: 2;“:‘gt-Hli‘i‘ hm high. and fur
mvru «awn-2: 5w (121 m unmisszu‘y. The
[‘:X'ujznhiliflll 3% to make ‘.Vnahinghm
su'mt two fun-t lxiglmr Hum \\‘uh‘r
'.l'ins “'1 'lllll invulw- a very lmnh‘nw
some «Mn-nae. not nuly u!) Hm public.
..-. . _. . .
‘Jiii Ul‘l hum-rs u: Zlanu't-Di pl‘upvu...
‘.\ mu qIflICH‘ZJ full un this nth-ct
luu’urdtho mum sewer at film vn-ah-ru
MM. and will; cm» emu-rs axiom:
Taxi-n. Adams. ()ninvy and Mudlmu
strum-ts. ilm-rsucting \\ utur street and
«Axtnndii‘g through to tlde walls-r tlwrc
would Iv snfiil-wm vk‘vzm-m h) kwp
\\ .'Hhihglnll 5'10"! drumod 1! 1! WW»
six umlxvn‘ highé‘l‘ than “'ilh‘!‘ Strm-L
'l'ml mvbcr‘. hxghcr wuuld l'e an
(M Ikwlblfu! “'lu‘rrnlmuis.
“'.. "Mi-:3 that n 'l‘ac mm rm! rsfum
fin: is mlvurrixiug :1 parcel «.f runlcslute
us iimutcd mlj lining llu: Mt'lhodirt
[’:.2¥-~r~ii_wr. Nm: 1H llm said Uniwrsi-‘y
is sit-chin! mm as": we think ix vary nu
v-znfi tn p:zrc‘:ax~e. Nu luvutinn has Eyccn
um it: at Tm -m:x un any lerun Hm?
hnvn been mum-d upuu or cumpliod \“ilh.
‘l‘hvre is a silent river culled "Styx"
and the Methodist f nivorait)‘ is at the
human :rf ii. The hmd nfurvsuid maybe
on 9‘20 utlwr sub. 01' the run-r.
___--. -.-’ ’-_“.
Ylelding to Pressure.
i It is lvnpt'rl first the recent suizui'o
inf iwu -\zui-rimizi lixliizzg Vl'r3‘ol'3hy
l('a:'::nliuu m‘uiwiw may have ilw efl'vct
In! bringing smnu Dvmocrvals tn :1
ln-‘zliznzg a ‘.zrl‘.‘ ul' ibu humiliation to
I\\'l.ich Ilm L’uixml Stains is now l a
’mg suhjoclml. The lazuli-rs of the
Hml‘iy hum} pi'oslrulml jhvmsoln-s so
lal‘jvctly in the Wut‘rlilp x-f tin-1r {at
Igml that it is nul to be expected :in
I“lulflinry untmgu on an Anwrican
it‘ilize'n mm ounwrt tlmm to the Im
lief that tho pi-vzent liuzul of tilt‘ in]
inil'islrmiun is nor infallible.
It has always lmnn cunteuileul *hul
American vessels were vulillwl h) (h.-
same pnivilrgus in Canadian waters
that uru grained to Canadian VUSSPI“
in .'anricun \vutrrs. Um- diplomats
liuvu been ontgenvraleil unfortun
utrly.luul some of Hit-at) [irivilugus
lmvu hwu foolishly snrmndmvd inl
lih‘ pzzst. We am entitled in them}
havirvvr. and last yt-air every Dunmol
t-mlic senator and reprvsvmmim did
not hesilntu to say so. and they vutwd
n. authorize the Prusidcnt to With
draw from Canada tho [ll‘lVllflgd‘S
(ls'lziud us. Yet to (lay. in cunw~
qmnm (If administration presSUl‘e,l
all the Dumncruls haw changudi
{rum and advocate the ratilicatiun of i
n h‘euty which wilholds frun us some
of like v.l'y priviluges which they,
onu year ugu. stomly mniumiued we
ought to have.
Home Rule for America
Every American who bclievos in n.
gnvnrnmvnt by tho pimple, (w‘vry 11d
oflml citizen '.vliu takes nuy interest
in hunm rnlo. mould road and con-
Sldl‘l‘ General Harrison‘s remarks on
tln- sulijuct of Dakota and Washing
ton Territories. General Harrison
'l‘lwn- are in thc Nurthwm-t Hum-ml
'l‘rrrituriW. urganim-d nndvr pnlwlirlaw
with defined lmundarics. filled up with
lunlvc. enterprising. andinlvlligcnt yunng
men from all the Stalvs. 1n Ninth lla
knta thvn- an- noarly half a million pm)-
plu. l-‘nr \‘l'llrn‘ tht-y have lm-n knuvk
ing fur admissinn tn the sisterhmnl of
Mutt-in. The Territory has nluru pong-10.
mun: milcs of railroad, mun,- luistntlinvq,
:mm- x-lnuvlwx, more hanks and mun
unnlth than tiny 'l'nrritun' ever passvsvwl
m'mn athnilul t 0 the Union. (llll‘ln‘n—
pl“ 2m- rallml npum to take part in a
l'n- 'i lvnliul ulm'tir-n and the intelligunt
,owl Intrinlin people of Dakota :m- dc—
gll‘i’H-v' u! any partivipation. They arc
-l--;lri\'l'tl ulthvir appropriate infill-enm
in NW I‘llm'lnml ('nllc-gn only lntl'nuso tlm
prn'caili'i-g mnliuwnt i-4 lh‘pnhlisan. H
\w .ipprngmiatz-ly t‘xprcflr‘. sympathy with
thn van—'s}. of Irish hnznu rnlv, nhall wu
nut also demand lmnw rnh- fur \\'a~'li
inutnn and Dakota? Tin,- «lay when men
van he. diz-‘franrliiqnl nr Hllufll (it their
yu-lititul puwers for mere opiniun's salu
must have an end in this ronntry.
I=. nut every w-ml uf this ahsolutm
ly true? Am nut Ilm pvoplu of these
l'c-rritories disfrunchisud. not bun-17159
of any lack of qualifications for cili<
z:—~n.~'uip, but, because this Duluucrmio
party wlll not consnnt to admit Status
that \wnfld ;:ro‘unbly he Rvpnhlivnn?
Does nut («wry onu lmmx‘ :hnt if Dzh
izum and \thmghm wr-rv- n-tm‘ :n
--:Ll-ly m-rtnin nf «letting Democrmic
Sl-mnurs and Unugressuwu tin-y
wank] be admitted in wry shun ur
dt 1‘ .’
A Hvavy Contract
Mnssrs. M. J. and Stowu ()mkenk
haw been 'oificially notified that. tlm
contrac: forilm cunstruclion of the
new lighthouse and f g signal at
Destruction island has; been awanlnd
xhvm. Their conkract Coven-1 the
lighthuusc, proper. two dwellings, tum
barns, I'll. houses a liuu of railroad
:zcrms t‘uu island. and all ll"! nvc
ens-413: N'WUI‘S MR drains. Tue tu‘ul
(art "f the impmwmeuls will Im‘éfim.
(KM. and that sum has been “ppm
:ricated hycongrms. Mr. M. J. Unr
liwk Muted yesterday that they
would unter upon the work next week,
and that as much of the nvcessury
unwrinl :23 possible: to curry it on
wonlul he purchased in Seattle.
i'uu “hung “1:; r (1:1; 1"r Chum-:0 ”'l‘
n! luau-ununmgdnntrwt. 'l'hv Mun
cnféaus {an "mi! fund and {us-fin behind.
..Ym-kamu Farmer.
M: a i
ire SDpiiiPher ?
. I‘.‘ U U | i
_.. . .‘- i
=2 . - - t z - l
ffiziwz'ieiuus i'iim't' Laud;
. .
. ‘ !
in the birth. !
, - ~ l
y. . I
With Soidiers’ Musnc andl
. . » l
the Rites of War. g
i'H." iii: 111‘}: .\.V .\iri‘ner mummy: 4i
'K‘ifl =-r.\'l.i{Al..S rum-ii Human: mi,-
:-.'\'~l<. in: .\IAS‘TFH A (USSEI'YLVI‘IXU THE
.xzzxwi Tm. ('Axhux'n' Luro rim:
‘.VLLL ,_ ‘rZXPl‘iilrh‘lUNs nX' inn-rd.
Washington. Aug. 11——le 1:1le
rite; f-~l'thv duml werv tu—dziy [wt—i
forum-Al (weanling to tho ni‘iiiuzuims of;
tin Human Cuthniic church for Phil~l
il.- Yicng: Siwridun. gvnvml of the!
army «2‘? tin- Unit-Ni States, and hid
hmiy laid in n-it in bountiful .\rling‘l
inn. thv riiy of the suhlior (lend. 1
11.0 cram. was murkml by a. germ: - i
it] ~;tI.~p--iisi-m of public busim-se.§
Tim (wrmnouies lizr.,n'zghuut werv iu
kt'o*{)illg with the character if thuiuun.
A \"(ii-i zulhui'i-ucu to almost. military
sihll'iit‘i'y in all the. urruug-mwub, a
lit-.\iiy win-(91ml artillery caisnn fur
his lit-:u'w. :1 proovssiun of a single
tii-.-u<.';::-‘. vroot. sturdy soldiers who
had N'l‘ll service, best bofitled tho
cl-i—ing arena: in the lifu of so grout
u FHi‘Jit‘l‘.
Tim r~-!‘V‘ices won-[hold in Si. Mfithn
m? ~ r-‘mr‘L-h. where the remains had
mil in Maia sing-n 'lhnrsduy after—
nn-m. -\t {)u’cluck the» lIUUI‘S were:
opt-inn] and tiokpt huidors admitted;
and Cniuiuvtml tn seatshy nidesini
tinl full uniform of .iuldiurs‘. l’olical
muiutziiuml unlor outside of the.
0'i1~1"!.‘li. Sums time lie-fore the C(‘Tlf‘l
monies cumniiauced carriages bearing ‘
un-mbcrs of lnr diplomatic corps, sen
zittrrs null n-prvsvututivos in congress,
lwgnn tn urrivv, zuul the auditorium
of I'm- vhurch was spin-(lily tilled.
THE mocxessxox
'J'hu usmrt msomibled while the
flllit'rfl] services were in progress.
Juv't iii-fora thn close of the services
(ii-n. Schuflcld and aids arranged
tiliumselvvs in front of thutronps.
3A: thu bndy was bnrne from the
lchnrch tho [it’ll tulied and the baud
iriuywi "Nezirvr. My God. to Theo.”
l “m midinrs stood at "pruscut arms."
{and nvurly all the citizens removed
iihvir huh. While the services were
iii: progwxi. a caisson was, placed in
’p.).—iiiiml to receivn tha- casket. and
ithv goneral‘s horse was IN] to a
“flaw: immmlizm-iy behind. The gen
‘erul's military boots were in the
‘stirrnps. with toes pointing back
lward. The animal was led by a tall
sol-grunt in full uniform.
lu-uwarduncoWith thu wishes of
Mrs. Suez-idem the funeral was a
>h‘ivily military affair, and the es
('ui‘l. was formed precisely as pre—
scribed by thn army regulations for
in. ui'fiw-J of the rank of the deceased.
The order of march was:
i Battalion of Infantry.
g'l'xw Datallions of Light. Artillery.
5 Marine Baud.
; 'l'hird Artillery Band.
} Butalion of Foot. Artillery.
7 Clergy in Carriages.
i Pallbearers in Carriages.
iB-aly—Bearers, Artillery Sergeants.
t Uaieson having the remains.
5 The general's horse.
i \‘a‘iwn all had been arranged the
it‘ulnmn moved slowly in the direction
:of the. cuneiery. '1 he route was by
Hi tt~if(‘l:i. to Pennsylvania avenue and
[to the Aqueduct bridge. Crowds
[lined the entire route. The greatest
trmpect was paid to tho occasion. and
lthe rapt-craters generally uncowred
1 their heads as the heir passed. (Jane
‘non boomed a salute as the cortego
passed through the grounds of Fort
Arriwtl at tho gram on the hill. the
military escort formed a hollow
square, within which were the ofli
mating clergy. the widow ahd other
relutivor. friontls of the deceased,
Sheridan's military stafi'. the pall—
br arers, l’runidellt and Mrs. Cleve—
land. and the committee of congress.
A her the services and the firing of
volleys and balutes by the artillery,
the crowd dispersed and tho proceSs
sion marched back to the city.
Jacksonville, F la., Aug. 11.—Tnero
have boon two new cases of yellow
fever in tho. last 24 hours, making a
total of 12. One is convalescent,
three seriously ill. and two deaths
have occured.
rAnxizLL‘s cummwrons.
London, Aug. ll.—Arrestments
were served to day upon Edinburgh
news agents for £2O each, at the in~
stance of Parnell. against. the propri
t-tor and printer of the London Times,
to found a jurisdiction.
This is a practice in Sa-otch laws to
vuablo a foreigner to sun in Scotch
tribunals. so it. is obvious that Par
nell intends to prosecute the Times
in the Se’otch courts.
REVOLL'TINOAJEY penanuiyrioy— nu-
MORE-ID smzmu: or REVOLVI-zns.
Paris. Aug. 11. «A revolutionary
proclamation has been seized ntthe
lmuseot‘ liudney. the anarchist lender
who was urrcstod during the riots on
tho occasion of the funeral of Gen.
h is rumored that the anarchists
secreted a thousand revolvers in the
labor exchange, and that the gov
ermm at only proventul a rising by
seizure of the exchange.
A Mu]: .i'r'rmnrrs To no 1'? an I‘MPiBE.
San Francisco. Aug, lii—At the
Class! of tho game of ball between two
of the league clubs yesterday, wit
net-sod by over 10,000 people. a crowd
of rongiis invaded the diamond and
attempted to mob thoumnire for his
:injtiu decisions. The police came
to the lattrr‘s assistance and the mol)
was dispersed.
nucLAxrarzn 5301 AT YESTERDAY.
Paris. Aug. 153.~(ieneral Bonlan
ger. while driving in an open carriage
a! St. Jean d'argely yesterday. was
s 1: t at tiv: times from a pistol in the
hands of Professor Perrin, of the
Lyeee, who is a friend of Mayor
Lain, the candidate nominated by .
opportunists in oppmition to the .
guneral. The shooting led to a col— ‘
liamn bony-sen rival parties. in which}
a number were severely injured.
Lmrlon, Aug. ll.—-Tho Parnell
commission bill passed the third read ‘
ing: in the house of lords today.
In the commons. John O'Connor
and Thomas Power O‘Connor made
speeches in reference to the case of
James O'Kelly, member of parlim
ment, sentenced at Boyle yesterday to
four months imprisonment. They
protested against his arbitrary arroet.
:;'.-l d« ism-d that his trial wascon
ductwl by a hl"r chanmr-r court curl
z—titutwl by an iniquitioun law, and!
don-unciug his imprisonment.
E li:\h'll'i‘ A: m: TRAVELS ms r.
l New anli. Aug. 13.—B‘ainv. wifo
land family. Dr. Bordpn. chairman of
llu- mass '.‘vpzzbiican smu- convention,
land Thomas (z. Bates. 91’ Worcester,
Elol’t the grand cpnh‘al demo: this
‘morning m 11 o’clock in President
lCl:u-k.~. private car on the New York
l 5; Hampshire railway on am eastern
itrin. Stops will he inado at points
{laid out by Mia committee.
l .rr muxuatvom‘. (toxic.
l An ilnmpnsv crowd gathered at the
Inlepots at Stanford and here to greet
Blaine. Immense enthusiasm was
slauwn at both places.
THEY WANT (Tm xxxgxxn To THE
3 Madrid. Aug. 13. —The Cuban
'gowruuu-nt rvpurts that the agitas
ltiun is [wing Curricd on in Cuba. with
’tlzeufiislnncu of influential Ameri
;[cun politic-mus. who favor the an
ninaxuhun of (Tuba to the United
Tacoma. Aug. Its—The chains that
held suspended ”11- giant boiler in<
it‘lltlml. that is ll) r£l_\' alt-signed ft)!‘
the stcntxwr North l’acill'c. and which
Will get there finally it' untoward
fan- can he prevailo l upon to get out
of‘ the way long enough to accoiu~
phrh the jolt, slipped a link this af
tcl‘nomi and plunged back into the,
water again. It is claimed that it ,
did not go to the bottom but hangs
in; one of the chains. At any rate
them is on sign of its rusty surface
above the watcr. A. crowd lingered
about the great, timbers that support
_ed it all afternoon and gazed (Nor the
odgu of the wharf at the placid waters.
and all was peace. Tho [trawling
Voicrs of the oursecr‘2 and workmen
wvrc :-ilcnct-d. Uni: of the former
of those had gono to Seattle to look
up a diwr. whose services no doubt
will have to he enlisted again. Mean
while the North Pacific tloats nirily
on the suriacc, a thing of uninters
mph-d leisure.
Tin: rm smr rsmar-Ixc.
The work of unloading the tea ship
St. Francis} was begun to day, and is
progressing _tinely. The platform
irigging, swung above the hatchways
are made firm and strong, and the
tea is jerked from the hold on these
in a constant, stream whence it is
.scnt sliding down into the warehouse
lou the wharf in a rapid proccssion
1 Capt. Stetson, of Port Townsend, who
1 has charge of the work, expects to
;httvo the hold clear and the tea on its
{way East by \Vt-dncsday. and per
thaps Tuesday. The ship is being
tvisitml lw l‘osidunts and strangers in
I grant number-z. This afternoon while
”he dock was quite crowded, a num~
her of ladies being among the visitors,
a huge timber fell from the rigging
to the deck near the hatchway, but
fortunately it did not strike any one,
ithongh several narrowly escaped and
In. great scattering and considerable
l excitement followed.
luLAlxr: LEAVES Bosrox-ur 15 THE luau
l Boston, Aug. 14.—-'l‘he Blaine par
'ty left at noon for the railway station,
luccompanied by Dr. Burden and Sen
‘ ator Southwortu. There was no
tdemonstrauon on the way. but great
. crowds at the station cheered lnstily.
IBlaine stood on the car platform and
l bowed acknowledgements.
Linn, Mass, Aug. 14.—Blaine met
Iwith an enthusiastic reception here.
Upon being introduced by Cabot
Lodge he made a short. speech.
WOMAN srrrmor KXOCKED our BY Tm:
Olympia, August 14.—The supreme
court this morning rendered a deci—
sion unanimousty sustaining thelower
court in its action in declaring the
woman sufl'rage law of this territory
unconstitutional. A notice of appeal
to the supreme court of the United
States was given by the loaiug side.
Jacksonville, August 14.—The city
was alive with excitement last night
on account of effort: being made to
destroy the germs of fever. The ar
tillcry began the work by testing thi
conclusion theory, and the work of
burning pitch, tor and sulphur was
increased. Two hundred and titty
pounds of powder weio provided for
the battery. which tired 100 rounds,
continuing through the night. Two
newspapers have suspended, while
the two that continue have great
difliculty in issuing their editions.
smmuan AT wasnmorox.
[ \\‘nshington, Aug. LL—The Amer»
ican party national convention was
icalled to order in the Grand Army
{hall ntl o‘clock this afternoon. A
Ihundred delegates, r-=presenting a
idozon, or more states, were present.
i When Ex Governor Isaac Harp,
‘chairmnn of the national committeu,
called the convention to order, be
nominated P. D. Wiggingtun, of
California. for temporary chairman.
Wiggingtoh was unanimously elec»
ted. After liswning man addressl
by Wiggington. and a pointing a
committee on credentials. the con—
vention took a recess until 4 p. m.
ARRIVAL or. Lmnfs Lou snip.
New York, Aug. 12.——After ten
.luy‘s trip from Joggins, Nova Sco
tia. Lenry‘s big log raft safely unch—
urcxl near Baker‘s Island. The :3“
is 592 feet long, titty-four feet beam
llflll thirty-eight feet deep, and draws
.twentv three feet of water. It com
. princs 214.000 spruce logs. valued at
$50.000. To transport such a mess of
Itimber by ordinary methods would
. require over forty lumber schooners
‘and would cost $30,000. The suc
:cessful passage of this lag ship from
Nova Scotin is regarded by lumber~
‘ men as a great innovation. destined
‘to revolutionize the luiubur trans»
‘ port'nion of this Cuu>L
1 SALE or ALASKA .\uxrs.
i New York. .\ug'. I'l.~—llenry l
. Kowalsky, of San Franciwo. lute
dehgnti- to the republican national
cunn-ntion. who has been in Europe
for :2. month past and returned with ‘
the Blaine party. says: "I disposed,‘
while abroad, of nine minus on Ad~j
mi_rulty inlet. Alaska, to an Engliali‘
syndicate. and land other California
owners got in com and paid up stock
as our share $1,800,000. 'l‘wen'y
thousand dolinrshzm been paid. and,
there will be a cash capital for erect— ‘
ting mills and development of worki
sT=_K),(.K)tl. The negotiations wero '
completed through Renshaw 8; Ben—
sliaw, the largest- solicitors in Lon
don. It all came up incidentally one.
day at dinner. Kelly and I had been
invited to dine with EOXDB English
gentlemen. While there I happened
to remark I had noun mining inter—
ests in Ali-Lelia. They grow interested,
and afterwards sent. for me, and a
trade was finally made. i
The mills bill pluceing jute bags on
thence 1:5: hm) hardly passed Home
th-n it was nmmzmcud that a jute trust
und incu’ Emma}. and lhn [marl HI jute
c’oth advanced from 7 cunts t) 1! cents
City of Quincy Sunk.
The sti-amer City of Quince}, which
struck a snag during low water in the
Skagit river and sank in twenty min\
utes afterward on tlmrsday, is still
lying with her stern in eight feet of
Water and her bow in three feet. The
)lerwin tout: a scow up to the scene
UJ Saturday and an vt't’ort to raise but
was made which did not :uccm-d so
the Work was abandoned till further
assiatance could be obtained. It is
expected that she will be got undoi
way again by \\‘mlnesday next.
* .
Kittitns (':mnt)‘ ha 7 ”.000 pnpulatiun.
0. Kincaid has (liscnwn‘d a l-c lgc of
sandstone near Mt. Vernon.
A cnrpnmtion is being formed to work
the cnal mine near Uliebalis.
Uncle Tummy Darling, well known to
nwrybnzly Hl Walta Walla,diml last: )lun
(lily of mid age,
The (‘liicago antlmriins think that
too many men are slnggnd and saml~
bagged along the banks of the filthy
stream called Chicago river. and a
police patrol boat is lumllycallmi for.
Since J anuary last nearly 10:) bodivs
have been taken out of the river. In
most cases the victims of thugs or
river thieves.
' 3 . alwavs have
«x “\g\\\ .5. altar“; 11..1~y
Sootlis-r 58 limixl. it i.» tlw ( “3;: mm
medicine yvt Izimize flux: «:13? rvzzmvv all
infantile disunlme. It (It-v=:..:i ~- ‘I‘IH'W/Ii
Hr thrphz'ue, but. giw-s' v‘.v-- .-’ 11.1 . , ;-./l
511-5" fl‘um. pain. 't’lzc-s 23-. L'(' ._ -. i~ , i in
Lmiimcr .t (in.
Make nu Niislnho.
lly di>pvllanz llieSymptnmi <om‘tm. i-.i~t-.-.';--n
for Can umpuun. SANTA .\l’Hl-J has iii'nnglnl
:L'ulnvss in many a lxnzisn'x-hl. “V i!« {warn-t
use f ir bro-akin: up the: roul that um nth-2i t!(‘.\'-‘i<
up. into that fatal di-vuw. thou-nub .:u. ‘.u»
smell from :m ilnliumlyg'rave. Ynu i‘mkv no
m‘winke by lemming a ho Ilvnftlii» plme-ui rim:-
mi] in 3our hum) CAIJI-‘olun i'.\t‘-l;-
Cl llli le gtgliullvotl'v «it.» in era-litahnzail tram--
0! Nasal t ata'rh. llo'h of thine womlu-rtul ("Il
lfomiu mun-din» zin- Hill] and “'ilrl':ll|h"l hy Dr.
J. l). .\lin‘;len SI.OO a :mckaszc, 2: for 5‘11).
We have a few lots and
blocks in Learned’s 2d addi
tion, which we will sell at
most reasonable rates for
this week. We also have on
our lists some choice Busi
ness & Residence property,
improved and unimproved
farming land, acre tracts, etc.
Call and secure a fine bar
gain before prices go up.
“The Exrinsii‘e [Toni Estate Agency.”
Port Townsend, - ‘ - Wash.
Boots and Shoes
Boot and Shoe Store
Until October Ist,
In order to make room for new Stock,
which will arrive about that date.
This Space Reserved for
‘ . ‘ ’:s :2 .
[T T}. BARTLETT T 2 00.
CHAS). ANifiiEWS‘,
Fine Tailoring
Gents’ Furnishing Establishment.
New Goods! New Styles!
New Prices! .
Call and examine and be convinced.
\Vutor 51... l3ctxvt-vu ( king‘s-.::! 319101 ..ud
I An Almanac (are.
Ti;"ori-_En':7 . lm-z .. i .-
m an!" '.\!! (.1.-l» li.:lfi‘uef."?:(Yl“i:s63:'§bl::}|:g
cnrtrrfn- (:H inf-9:. nnmql \\‘mlmls. uhnppnd
h:mt!~. . a‘qn :x-: ray. r‘rupnvme. Wiil pcmhvely
.‘rnr'oa :‘m :cm-l- m 34.... .‘.a‘r forum Original
Abwluxn ”mun-- ! Suki by Dr..l:l~'. D. Mink
er. .\I. I) . :z! '.‘l- cmu 3 -x' box. by “I'm 'y; cents.
I -—-~——.o¢—‘.fi
\ “'ll Arker’s
'“w, \c- 3.30“ min Em
is warrnnto'] 3 because it is the bag
Blood it'w‘par ‘inn luum'n. It. will posi.
tively cm: 911 than! Dim-mos. purifies the
l Whole sy>:e;-‘.mnd tin-ruzzylfg hulz‘.»;2lpthe
consfiuztiun. Remember; \\ u gmumce it.
Sold by Intimcr .2 Co.
I ___—“.-, ——-.—_... ._.
i Burklcn's .grnirn Salve.
; THE Bast SALVB In the Wa-rhl for Cnlfi.
] Bruisrs, Snrm. Clears, Salt Rheum. Fe.
Iver .‘-‘-or9s.'[‘e!ter, ifhzxpped hands. ChiL
hlnilm. Cums and n” Skin Eruptions.
and pnsitivcly cures piies. or no pay re:
quired. It is gnarantvcd to give perfect
I satisfaction. or monry refund-ed? Price
250 mp 9- bux. For sale by N. D. Hill &
1 Son.
1 A , , , , n—< . -~/
i .
g BRIGGS <3" CO,,
zHARNEfi 1 .
’ 21G" l-Iw.-\'tll3l|;inu'u‘iiiu‘ '.v::rr.nnrd l-r xiv»
‘.‘ll'i~fzil‘:;t.xl. Fa mm; an vim lam-r round art
5 rwlm:~l:"i In an} uui cxuzmnv in“: flock.
| w; w 1 yr
l-,,_v Vivv, __~___A_._ MA -..‘-..
V‘ ’ M ‘ k
. O "i
g Peoplu b M et,
5 Cor. \E'ulcrlnd Taylor Slreelv
; & Port Townsend, “ ask
1 .
3 Thomas lackman,
5 l’ropru‘mr.
1 _—
I7l"!)‘2‘.L'rx'lu-slqlmhu’ 01' 1;}: Inner 0! Mon!
I at whn'esah: and retail. Satan’s, "(':ld
“mm-4 -. B liiL’lliL San—:'.:ur'. etc. ulway.» on lmnd.
‘ ('23—‘(Jl'Jv'rlAhfiih‘run' mull pans uf Ihv Ciu'.

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