Newspaper Page Text
as ‘ MIL». ; _2 ": chi: ’ ,fl-Tatzgzzz‘: illit. lu‘. .‘. -'.: .'. : M-...........m-..... -.-. .. Short-'1 '; - ' ‘ it 'l. . - ; ‘. ' ‘ i 5; - - ' ' 5H3. . -‘ . . .\ ll .‘ - , ~ . .\Vu' l" . : - ' - ' “Liv : '. .t l ‘.x. ' W .‘l .‘.. .~-%> . > fink‘. . . , t‘ix‘r 2. ‘ \~ ' A nil :‘l ’ i . 1 ~ Blvd-‘.. ~ ' .'ll . ‘ . . l'ia‘lih n';;v-. . _ .'m-u.‘ » Mm. .. . . . . cut :’ » - - - \‘ii.~' ': 1; 3 :.. ‘: . ‘ lil‘fll‘: I‘.‘ 22;, i RA" '; ' ii ' '. s.ux:22_-:i_3 :., in: =. . :.. i. 43'. Ravi; ‘ - -.- 1:2:3»:--‘:,:.i..;§: w ‘ , .'.~.-. giniz; -. 14'. it i. . ..21. .. - .‘ Sl'Jli. :. .'x flu- :.L‘ = I‘. ‘ . L‘fllzl‘ l,".i‘f‘ I‘ -: _ ’ l , nautli rill.» :.i i‘~ i‘ v'.: ‘v ' I- h. .‘ from :. l-.l{'li_':l'-“ii:l vi .1231- : :1". ': :unl l‘l‘l'iillll‘l: Ila-xi. ,1 .» .x-‘J-W ‘ featuri- -2' lli!‘ Vim'hl. 2.1.21. ,; :iv seen frnnt tiy‘ rims. .\io:.etn:=l‘;rr:i';.« :‘..le Li: .'. ii, 'lizi; lain 1'; ‘.i'. :f: iii' man-i _‘3: he \'.‘.;-, ll: li.~- nxznn ll .-' .::E. E;. whim l.»- «amt.» . iiitizi;:i;.' 2.» iii: alone i 2; {l' mt z-E' that :irnig.’ r i' .iu:.~i hero‘s: who 121er U. lurlillz'; 1-i:~..'<‘:.t Arlingt-n. I . .- Tnc 01:1 Historical Steamer 13:33.1: Still .’lgl‘clmd. The nit'lllnl‘l‘ EL‘ilV'fl.‘ is still ngruund at tho Narrow»: Yum-i inn-:'. and it is probabil- that Sllt‘ mill r-s main aground ill. the Narrows i. 1' some time. This vessel arrived :u Victoria 53 years ago and “'11:; tho first steamer to round Uupu ll: rn. After a passage of 115;; days she ou— chored at Astoria, on the (;(,‘llllnlilii river. King William and 15”.“0“ Englishmen witnessed the launch of the steamer and a. duchoss broke llLC bottle of champagne and bestowed the name she has borne ever since. The engines and boiler were built. in}- Bolton 8; \‘l att. the latter a son oi the great Watt It was not consid ered safe to work the engines on the passage, so the steamer was riggl-d as a brig and came out under sail. Captain Home was the first comman der of the Beaver. A bark acconi» panicd the steamer from the Thames. but the Beaver set all canvass and coached the Columbia 22 days ahead. She carried six ninespounderguns. Her first. trip under steam was from Astoria to Nisqually, the H. B. {"035 chief station on the Pacific. At that place Captain McNeil] took cnmmad. Captain Home retiring to one of the forts on the Calumhia. He was drowned in 1837 at Death’s rapids. For some years the Beaver was used to convey furs and supplies from the stations of the Hudson Bay 0 ompany. She afterwards passed into the hand: of the Imperial hydrographers and was used in sounding and surveying around Vancouver Island. Not one single member of the crew that. ar~ rived on the Beaver is living today and nearly all the Company’s ofiicem who received her on her arrival at the Columbia. are gone. Amongst . thebest known of her commanders were Capt. Dodds, Capt Brotchie, Capts. Scarborough. Sangstwr. Mit chell, McNeill,Rudlin and Jagers. Mr. Henry Saunders is the present owner at this hiszorical steamer. and with his usual enterprise will him» he: avail. afloat. Her timheru are as sound’ns the day on which she first rounded Cape Horn. ~—————.~———-———-—' Australian Steamers. The assertion of the Administra~ lion organ that the Hawaiian trade has been of suflicient value to war » rant. building and running large and costly Skinners. contrasts very queer ly with the announcement that the stoppage of the Australian subsidy is to be followed by the withdrawal of some of these steamers. if not all of them. The long winded, if not learned, dissertation on the beauties of free trade as exemplifin l by :1 re cigrocity treaty loses some of it:- ."orce w an it. is met by the cessation cf running the steamers basalt-e the protective feature is abandoned. Bounties to steamship lines are universally conceded to be one form 9' protection. In fuel. they are pr.)— tection in its most concrete form. a: the money is paid directly to the per son: to be protected, without. the in— torrention of custom~houses or any thing of that sort. The withdrawal of these steamers will illustrate another point of uco~ nomics. which is. it. would seem.a sealed book to the dominant party. and that is that there is not the slightest use in talking about cucUur aging our foreign commerce and stimulating shipbuilding until we are. ready to furnish shipbuilders with substantial nid. It. may be wise or it. may not to give henntios or subsidies to American stoumships: but until we do, we cannot compete with the heavily subsidized lines. of other nations. . Couldn‘t. See it. As a matter of local pride. of course, the people of Chicago were generally quite jubilant and enthusiastic that Mr. Fuller of their city was appoin ted chief justice of the federal su premo court. It. seems, however. that the National Bar Association. composed of distinguished lawyer and jurists from North and South, East: and “lost. which has been ll; session this week at Cleveland. Ohio. is not so excessively cheerful \‘H the subject. A resolution congratulating the lawyers and pncple ofthe country ‘ upon the appointment of Fuller tel the chief-justiccship. and culogizingi him in a somewhat fnisotne manner, i was discussed by the association rug: i gested, and was thereafter, promtly, ! and finally rejected. ‘ The facts are that Fuller has upon 3 his record the stain of coppa-rhendlsm 3 and it is n slain which is t:oli.dxnti'. d, i now a days, .\‘i-rth or South. Tin-5 North knew the CL)P1)I:x“I’l-t'l;'i% to lie the enatnws of t‘smUziiozi. w‘.i'n the South regarded than as only friends to the Confederacy in what. is more; forcibly than elegantly termed “chin ; music.” i t ' ' .'. " . . 4 I ’ -. ‘w’L'mE‘. l ' ‘; , “' ’ ’- ...".: ,- -.l : :.ii ; _, » -.2 Ta; ,-1 =2 I: .‘. :i- t}. -i,' ‘..:M 1' if :;"-. 't' t~ :-\;z »: :‘ iax .' . 3“"f“13l ll' :7 23-; .._ fifn'u-W: :{.-\_._i{t_ ...............:‘.:.x;t‘,t‘"li' 5’3” U. 2.‘ 21“"! .iln'i'l‘ f.!*ll' ill: i‘twi‘ wan,” :- il'il.""l-l.~‘_i--1'1"‘.:~‘-i"u";vx'-l I; i lulzl ‘ ...; 1r; !:‘.s‘ llliflfilix‘L ' it is two first? met-i; of th" publiel l'm'! 3. f: “Elf-313iluilll'\‘Il'filrll‘iiilll‘fii in flil' ll'ixill lte'ulg' lln‘ lte- .1; W‘Tut' L-f ll t is perhaps fwi‘ lllL' [m .«nnt iwnriy \-:vi'thl-.-.~<. llizi ' l“ i “iniluil in ‘ :'i‘c.v.-;:~:< iz: 110.23” . ..; i.:: r} wt" il‘izll‘ . ll vt'ln‘izuu Jim 1 L that high i‘l‘rl . of Choice luml w. l "lifti‘l s-Jtl :1» ti) 3 nr'cuzxy that wlifvh has li.’f:.l'4' lv‘n‘h l I'l‘jr-ctwi. lint-Cl \'~.' :i'lL. skill in tiling-a I tin-l titua‘ '.xiil giw i-u-u t-lruggv-lI lilllritll'li an :grit'dltui‘nl \‘zsiuu. ’l‘inxt‘u is Eli) Hull 5:) luml' hr g . r“'»=i-'~'l‘- I in its izfii't‘t'l.‘ that I.’ unit} not hx' I :I'S::i_)ti~d in swine» l‘lééivllJ :-.u=l pru!i-.~1 :zl'rl'c crap. l hill the gruntcfi amino 1:? Ilw puh- I lfc lfiu'ld coutiets m tlm fact that th‘y give mom for thu Tupi-ll; growing I pupulzili-lx: lL' mmx- atom in. tn liml h nuns and [0 make lulmr fruitful m" ' sulslzentiall results. Ju that. distant I future when [l]? Evil sL-ztll he all u"- I cupiml by its uWDOI'S. thn pruhlvrns uf I national increase. uf labor and mud tvluyment, and «If :‘uClill nrdvr,‘.vill be l full of puril. But happily, that pork ind is so far away that ii concerns us little more. than the question as to the fate 01' in :nkiml when the enrth shall I have caulvd off _to its cunt-3r and he I comes a. dear! cinder, like the moon, I moving iuinfiuitt. space ——Transcripl. l ~.V_,_ ,-,, -.-. ,__, l l A CLu-‘ious Island. I I The Christmas‘ Island, which has just been annexed to the British 12mph”. i’; th‘.l second island of that-L l mum which has recently been added A to England’s colonial possessions. l {he first is a more speck in the Com ' tru of the Pacific on‘tho route likely I to be followed by the new cable from I Vancouver to Australia. The newly I aunt-led island is also very small, l only :1 few miles in cinnamon-ma] and li:-:s about 200 miles soulhwost of Java. It is one of the most curious islands in tun world. It. tises to tr bright of ovnr 101)!) foot above the sezt, and 15 cuvarml with coral to its summit. tho only instance of the kind that is known The coral is hom-y— l (combed throughout. enton into great. I icavos hy the awn—the coast. except at ' 3nus spot. consisting of clifl's in somn miners 150 feet. high. Similar cliffs l are a marked feature all over the is~ Iland up to its very summit. It is densely covered with vegetation of lahe most tangled and tropical char ‘tctor. Huge crabs with great pro Itruding eyes crawl about In thons~ lands during the day, their place tw— jing taken by myriuds of rats at night. There is really no harbor—no‘notm ing but a dangerous cove on the uortliwmt coast of the island. Nor is th ‘1"?! any water. as \vhati-wr rain ! tails percolittns at. ones through tlm i-urous coral. One other ,curiuns 5 point is that. tho coral overlooks «I cum of volcanic rocks. It is ditiicult to know what ohjnct the Government had in annexing this island. which is practimilly useless from acommercial I point of view, although it is repurtud . that guano deposits are found in the I lslillll, and that cocoatmt trl-c-s exist i in grunt prufusirn. But, in any 1 misc. England has obtains-d pussies~ I slot) of 2'. natural curiosity of the , greatest interest. to unturnlists.‘ I .-___-,_ - .. ~ _- I Thomas Nast. I Thorax i.-. ll m‘ulizil-ility that Thomas I Nast. tho '.n-ll known rzii'lowiést, will f ‘Ulti'd lvau-k intu ‘lulltlizzil _t:.".)mlur'tw'- I this full. Ha h-«s lto‘ull fur some i anon-2th.; at liberty hy i‘easem of the ex I 3;;ii'nti3u of hi; ten years (‘outruet 4 with the Hurtwrs. H-I hus been out. I lon the Pncifl'c mast where he hue'u .‘ Icottng-a und farm. but, l-i now in New I Jersey, anil, it is l‘opul‘lm’l hasmmloi Intrangrtnonls with ;: luxLlisliiu-g l hunso fur the t;l‘-i.lnit‘ii n of his '..-ir- I towns during tlm it. lining campaign. 7 lin which ha will support. Harrison I land Morton. This will be rough nu l ‘Hr. Llevalund, {or szst's inlizlvnr'eJ with his funny business, is a pom-r l in the luud.—-Watchman. . l __ -.._— A Dog Secretly Attempts Harder. I A valuable bird dog and pet of tho I family. owned by aW’slliugl‘ord man, was recently compvlleui to divide his I nth-minus With a littlo spaniel abides! l totha hnusr-hnlcl. But the bird dog! tlul not who kindly to lllt' innovation. I Ail-wdnysug: r both dogs Wu'l'r‘ ":thng ‘ for :1 thaw, :.inl "In-'.l s ':iri'h l'u-iztg ‘ in: {0 it v. 15 {anuutl tin: ti..- ulol ilu; ' in: l ling :i tie-up l:1;l1' in aim grand I and lml put the llllwrlt'nl'ilfi intrmlvr i into 31, an i when «liscuvrrstl was cm‘~ ! wing “.p the llulé’ as fast as possible. I- Whe-uflio little fellow was remnedl tin: wuultl he murderer showed quite I I as much biscomfitux-o and Shams as a 4 launch: slum-r llllgll“..*- H'alclmt 1 n l I i.“ .. : i 134 - L 1.-.-. t i~ ' :'f: .i l . have, ENE-l] :‘ f‘.- If ‘l'xl' ii” ‘.I-‘ ". . l: :; :. ‘t(‘ .‘v: :h' .: 3‘: :vi.214 ‘. u,i l; ..i l) cure of _‘ '- . r”!.. n|-i“‘E.-: i: fir-lv'filln' lll‘l‘ .; :'.-.1: > ..n ‘:. E‘u vulva; l11:!2:.-1x'--.' i'l.:- I. is '(:l 4L." :mn work 5 i 9:5 [unwise tn 1}: n gu-ui Gemini obstruc- l 1 lion tome Preaueuciu 0th»: wayauwell. l i L 7 i I fry-1;; of Trifle ‘ - 3.71:"; n! i'lln-l .‘ - -«: . ‘‘l ‘_v ‘4‘; -’ l. "1. .-- I '~..i‘:\ 'li;v‘-'£;~Hs ‘ :- .. :"l £.11'C'...i.-.! . 1 - . c . .." l l : ' K T' .' V 2."\ I'-'. -, " .- l-.;\ -f , i- . - ~'-‘.i21.‘..‘,. .. 'L . , _;',‘.i.'. v-z.‘-.¢ .;-,- _‘3'::l'l" liizi; .;. 'v I i '. ' | . ' :IE‘AI..":"' ‘:‘ .' 1:, 1 ~‘ ".'.‘ .:illl‘ll : ‘ " " » li .‘..1i1. ..'“ ‘ ’i i . l ”"1". . :, i‘l’ 'l..""':». '\ . "J v-izir _»‘ _' . ': .-. '. t‘~ iiriizzl _. V. ‘\ .. . . i.:.'!'. 1' ~. :='.::‘E'*'.¥.l' li.‘.‘.‘.l:iv2l.~_ ._ j_, ;. a" .i - 1:13. (‘lvlll -il'-'i‘\'d‘l‘l' '_.‘z .A I'. ii. -. ~...;- --; ,; :'ll? inn-iE .'iz. ’li »1 a. .-..A il ..~-<‘. TL»? ”..; :.-'.. ;.- I',~"t. ill“ 'l - >;‘; :z‘ :~ -:<g~r!i I'l ii: .i- 4.". Z». -;..‘..--":.ilt"i ‘ -. '2 !. '. fvt‘ {l.. < .. ..-.; .-.;n-‘l.‘.[ l ~--.1~-’.-A ‘.l.‘,‘ :.;.>='.. i iii!" 1 ~:.' :-- iii!“ :l’lr i‘vl‘ill'i": (VI. .: ii - L :5 ;: =lviiilbiEl-ilull':liizi‘l, ;‘ r' .2: «"I'2' vi liz- (zl'lil' llini i=2; ‘.‘i‘: ii; 11-“ l -“i .0. {)lli' i‘il':llt‘2.~~ l inf! Kiwi. v -.i.-' ILIPII mm in lih‘ I|“n2.2i l i: ii- - i::.;-- r! -.‘. ii lmrlq; :-'::l \‘vga-l-l :ll‘i"-‘. in: iill‘;-I‘>‘~’v'ill Alllila' l-l: ililm' :.l'i;£'i"‘~ i~ l' :zi'l'\'-‘(l. tilfi ll i‘:'i"l%i' iill Em. . :'is’ will Hi ---.:1r.~-- immintiu. 1‘ l \3 {'3 lii-:3 i-l’ r». a:. 'l.&:l illv‘ 41mg Hi. Nil? 5) l' ton (‘Il .\ii-i-i inll‘fi is nom- a.“ high. \‘IIZIL‘JIA ilulu'i'lfi i3s{‘;'.'£'.“‘ llllllv‘l‘ illi~ «injc, :-. I'lwlucifwti .‘.-wills vi'lii'cly nu llti‘l's‘hl'y and Hill allul liar. lftli'w .iui) is .‘u‘.'.e!'(‘<‘l li-r‘li [wt fun. :15 gm» [0 ml in tho .\.l’lli iiill. llw running; \‘ull lo ll r-i it'll with l‘i:i;:li~ll.(i.l'li‘:sn l and lh-Egi'xni gun-in in '.l'l\ lIILI‘ in .h-w .li} illll~ nt of inn-titan nm lilfil('llll'l'l':-. :mJ \i'.:x'l~:iu-,;im-n.- “(UL-um. PICKINGS. For .mnin myfiurmuj‘ roam)“. no ill'llllll‘l‘hlil.‘ pnpnl‘ NH yet, sliil'lml n Campaign story :l|:'.t (3‘l). l{‘l2‘l‘is:lll L‘il‘i l.i~; (:oilurn uzul cull} i‘iuxm up :u a (:'llllli'sl‘lilil!l-‘ll‘)'.-1‘;.2‘. iii-iiziior Dulifli said he hill no limp.- of pas-in}; UVUI‘ lilv) l’i‘uaiiluni’s \‘Miw bill growing to tho (‘.ily of I‘ucmu-i the um of u. cvrlzuu military r.-si-rv:i~ tiou for a public nark. Huwuvur, llk‘ will muku the i-fi'orl. and lie (‘xpm‘ts m haw with him all fly: R~§pllilllk'iln.~‘. but tlm D'r‘mm‘rma will, for politic-“l causes, stand by tho voio. —-Clu'o:z— --iclo. "What luck (lid you have at lllu farm housvl” :iski-il one trump of nus otlmr. "None at all The woman \ms too blumud mistrustful." “How was that?" "When I nskud her for something to em. .5110 ml; d me if I Could saw woo-. 1. I told her I could 7’ “Yw, what.l'u--n?"_ “\Voll. I’ll be (loggimml ii’ :.ho didn't. wan: um ‘lO prove i:.” 11-z‘rpzi-r's ll'cckly esnpporlm] Clove laml in 1881 because ho was iwlieverl to [vs a civil service reform-r. I: 0')- poses Harrison now bucansv. 1:] though lli~l record shows him to bi an earnest friend of genuine refozm. he would be unahln "m radii. an all verso pres-Hum which General Grant and Mr. Glow-loud could not. with sland.”~lu'evillc. Senator Ediunnds declares only the simple truth win-n he says Ilia! in all cases of doubt “a to the meaning of .1 statuto or trezity. th \. lii-agent .-‘.~lxuin~ istration invariably decides in favor of foreigners and againnt the pcuplu of tho Unite-1 States. I! will not do (0 say that this "L; mm-ely accidental; it illlllfilH-df‘l a :syutl mzziic [mi-pow to .wwk llw fMVor of Enroll-“nu nniinns by w.-:il;]y _vozililing to limit Wislmsi on every occasion. instead of main- ‘ taming Aml‘riztnu rights and protect ing American citizens at all hazards. Port Townsend is reioicing in a.“ boo.» which has mum slowly. but. has the assurance of permanence. The Port Townsend Southern Railway surveying party have pilched campl two mile-s beyond the Quilicm e riwr. ‘ alum: thirty miles from the Port ol'l Entry. T‘iiry lm‘m (lisv-ovvrud uu (x~ ‘ cz-ilani: [max Hmong}. (in Uhimiuuxu 7 :mil Quiiii'onu hills, Vl‘lll-lil it; feasible, with no any grain. ’l‘lzey ri-port 11 «natural iiml oqu grailo bf‘llVfll'll Port Townsend um] um Quilicene river.— . Press. Gnu. J. 1!. (.'zu'nulum of Indian— nvpnlis, ciru-n'm-‘n-r in~ciu~f of the Luifurm Raul: nglus of l’_\':l:i:i~., is on .'l tnur :.rl' i':-i.~'l~lion of ilnl vur ions. lllVi-ivi’l‘ ...’ lbs “'wt 'l‘lu: Uni» form 2: ml: is :1 SUIHI miii'zu‘y urg'ln— izaliun. Gun. (.'urnalmn is one of the best driluwi man in the Unm-il Sziitns, and is very :wliro in all n:.'ith-r.~.'-:m ni-ctml with Iziilimry ni‘fairj. H." was .1 gallant oflivm‘ during lbw War and is Hln-zuling spirit in tizu GHLRN u hwy-r by p.'ofe.~'.~iun and an rloqmnt .\penkvr. flu is i: slunncii ilnpnhliz-zm :antl «mock the hunt posted politicians m his stint». He hityfi iiieru m no doubt that Harrison Wlel carry Indlll‘ na by a large majority. . .-.-. - ' tliatare {:otfu‘i, "wish Bub\es cross, or troubli-‘d will; . Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or Stomach Disorders, can be ri-lieved at once by using Acker‘a Baby Soulllcr. It contains no Opium or Morphine, hence is safe. Price :.5 cents. Sold by l L:x..:m-l‘ :‘ (to i .-..- 1 l WEBB-51mm won-"hum mmmgcmmlaumcm mmmmmaa‘hw ”www.mpumem ___A,_ "___ 5 G\ \ an 1 l'l‘llza‘ulc Mmlicincs are thebest ' 5" it=\l":"'2.‘l (‘.":‘Il. Admr’shloodEl- l f‘:"'-7'.r.-“--'v '- U... .'V i “ ~rr'r: rsfur alum. ... .~ :‘ -- - '.i".l‘.. ':izrit:.’~t':;_-rc-f-‘ '- :‘r ‘ .'f'.‘.i;i.§! ilk! 1:. Liiinivrk «"2 i .. a -- f Xlnéul no 1.5g~'.~~1.¢~. i Hy di-pclmxgx:xl-~'_~mp!:n:.i muffin: nil-Lulu-n l rm- L'mrumnil in. .\.\.\’l‘_\ A [:1 V mu brought 5 _flfldlll": '0 mm; u hols-“mil. B: iii prompt l lrl‘ ft-r hrvtuun: n]- lllf‘ 11ml =h:~i Hmnnun Hows-:- i'.‘ mm Hm! :'.zzi? «.'i ~:.>--. li'.'.-:l:'l~ H'u . “...: 1m .. ..n I. i;;.—1;~ :i'wl'. 'l'v 'I mm.» [.'l f :..9.:-I~\‘».v g-E :.. ...n mt i;_i.;i. .n l‘r'm-i '-i~ m 3"'-'l :. - \' x: l'.\l I:-- 'l' i. i~ r., v . x- . I'ir - :1v .'-. in"! ~, of; [mm-..‘ ("i .- -: "N'J r‘.. i‘n lx rv.’ luv-1 ...‘ ilx'l‘ 1.- ‘n.:.:; n" it: I." :- .\‘uur 121-” ’2; Dr.‘ E. 1?. 1?; . £1 .l.“ - .‘.-_u 2: '..- 53;». - ___- ..._-..“ , fox: figuawfi Wi-ll evaialilmlu-d, pay—A LL‘. c-mgrdal bnsmess~pleasam nnd‘ ~jt-filnble {or either Baily or gentleman. l :9! particulars apply to this ofiice. l t; 1‘: '9: 75" ”k 1 “it" (STE-“7W rim!!! 1' ' ‘ ; -:-'. unufli E'alniflml." 1 Eaz-d.-Mlp=v==ir* j *3:— Di’i [£2333 i*\ Sang 352.: hadn’t you, j for a law was at least, rather v?--v.l::,:‘uc armament from the +‘uml2.l:i'l3. * 327673 53.15:? 30 IT ..‘;‘43‘ 0133:":ng (L 3 laws of health; an". resur‘fing if: tint cheat the ;:r.:-'t‘ szntliciuo . 4:21: 5.2223232; mm 01111134: '32”: :.“e at z: ;~;~:t3; a Splendid {as}? 1: 515,-} 2;; {MT-ERG one day. \. w .< , V - . gm. :. - '_zzn E 312". my: 115015 a bur-a 9! 13:2; 15' gm.- Griib on in this Tn”: _, ,t', .‘. .3 253.926 to become <‘rq‘ =E:;:;1:-, 133-3"? * 3,3: «:11.» a £29501de bluod on t'.: : I):‘:‘~‘~‘ emu-31’s wherein Elli! ;’,‘:::_‘3:3l!i {Lieuziéics are leK‘flk-Alq;K luxulgrzv'; Hugh: and the Victim imcuug- ~ non-respunsible. #l. 'i hen- :zr“ thouhrmfls of people #1 ' to 822.; :2; 21:15:30 5531111215 and grave-g, was alt-ere by Kidney ‘kl‘oizu.::eeii isle-9d. Insanity, awarding to statis-‘Ft tics, is incroaking faster than any Omar-12:12:30. Is your eye— ¥hight failing? Your memcryfit humming impaich? An all } gone feeling on slight oxoréirr; ; #:upon you? If 59, and 3 82' know whether tins 15 so or um. do not nevlecs our case until 0 l reason tot era and you are up I #imhocila. but to day Wluic 3 «.:: [ have reasau, use your gun I sense and jz‘u‘zmnvnt by pun-Jim. iug ETAHBEZEZ'E SAFE 1'! 3;) find WAREEIR'H 51 u: m up: n c 1 meimmes Wan-zmtvd to uo gr represented, and Winch Wlll ‘ Nirc ycu. 7‘: 3‘: ‘k 3‘: :..; V 57.. . ‘U \ .3‘ "v - , r :‘.-51‘ \\ .I; , ;-_ _' _L. .~. _'}.{;‘Jf .‘.; _. 1.....” 'n-‘_7_~‘:_‘j’,-“‘T’;§/ \~ {fig \ _ ”55,3 '.1‘125:.3'~.1iv.-'C - x: ‘in. (és‘c‘u'mz; 9393.1 ’~ 6’7““x Allozi;.;a;=,. f. s‘s fifl'diz'fithilliflil. ”’"’:n“‘.’~ H’ilfl 1 c 3:33: I 31ml ”6:, egg:- 9-15)] 3.1334 :'.-:‘.ai‘czu“. ‘..} : -2:‘§?xlfi "Ti-5‘3 "1‘: »;7L'izimncy. {if .5135 "533/3; .-. 3.5.5”... ‘~vs~ . 15" ’77 ‘52:. :5; j.. V; .'.: .‘.“.AJ- ' ..} 0, {fir} .; ‘2' ((211 t.m‘.:. he nas 9 *- -- Jr-‘zmr‘t’ - 9”“ .5; gang ='.:::.. H; In; good, .Qjc 12;”: 3:22.118 2:01. Insist 51:3“ 91': 53:14:: .'..“ I', 1.11:! Top. Fan SALE EIZZI‘FJI'JJT-Z. M's: '.l-'.l 51 1 1:7” 7' 7 -' -»' '.-r,: r-: 3EO. A. HAS-31.111 8" ' J : s. - - :‘.‘l .4., ' i,“ . - ' 5.; v 33111111110111 {11“. 1111 mm. By 105411121011 of the Republican: Terribriu! (hant’rzd (1‘ :‘-:‘|i!Ji{T"i‘ :u :1 media; Illel‘c-uf huhl m. Nurlu Yaki mm on March 7, 1568. it: chumumg was gamma m 11am» {Ln dam ur holding t'un i‘rrrit-n'idl 1i ~lmblioun ()u:z\'m:?iu;l lulm 21111 n“ }‘:n-<u§l.lll'g. Pure uant 111913211) attic! Culn'vlztiun is 11011413? L‘fllli'ti to in hold :‘.t 13.130wi lmrg ox TUESDAY, THE 11TH DAY (1F .\FI 1'2.“ mm mm AT 1001100; A. 51., for tlm purpnsn of nominating 1: mm didum fur Delegate to Congress, tuv uoxumatzou of mi other 'l‘ez-ritonal elective uflicurs and such ozlmr busi~ mass as may be presented. The Republican Cuuuty Central Cmnmiuees are requested to huh] themynm-nrias on Saturday. August Ibo 2011:, um] that County Conven tions on Saturday. Bepwmlwr Ist. The hasxs of rexnosontuiinn unaut hy thu Territorial Contra! (anmmeu euhtlm the countios to elect dole gates as follmvs: L'mnbu. Batu Volt. [l'deyalu {dulln-.....V................... 1"6 ‘3 .\.-.nin...............1..... 2.31 4 Chem-1i5p..................... ml 7 U1u1um......................... "3 n (fizHKe-~.u....-............... 7!! I! Conan-4.1 9“ w 1‘.mmz........... ........ ‘3l 5 Dough-".................. W? 3 Rant-An.....................‘. 2? l (:unleld an H lumd la : Jam-mun....................... 5:67 7 mng 2" blank. 327 4 lil'fi‘as ... 567' 7 In kilnt... 99: n Hu~ 731' ‘1 '.i1112~h1................--~-.... “9'; 3 'w 13% II uhmnxulunn........ 1 l’.u:xtl-.‘................... ‘:"i 5 i'iu.11..........................1?>al 1 Sun-hull .. ‘23 5| ~k:rziz.......,......1...........1i” “ 5ku1um1n..................,... 19 ! mun unish :.m '5 -".vlk:n.-........................m-v8 2m M-w-nn ....................... “(H J i‘hur~loll.... .. .............. Rh; 7 \\1ehk1uk1:H....................1:4 :3 \nin \‘l-Il h....................11H‘J 17 “:w'n- m......................51H 1i ‘.\='.im-m.....................3-’0‘”? '9'] \'.Liu;;l . ...-. 3'19 5 ‘.Hm'w nuxnhcr...».. 245 I ih- (’eadml Cummilh'o u: in mnv'iwz. -'. Kurt’s Y-zinum lmJ [m vu-HHH ufhs‘ I wr'ntnlng’ Um reiytespn‘ulinn 03:.1 £122? 'v'\\' c- “'11). n: Okanouuu wzmeuhtiui Imé .'nmi :1 («u-mm :I.ny mwo it one dehuuw. } "i (Lzs upp mi vnmu‘fi Wm :Hm‘a‘ ! .m .:p;) xrx-ntzy crothffl)‘ iu-f r .1"- ! f‘u -~ :- I.'-rnh-r_v ox.x~..pmim; H? d In \‘3 x ~u ‘3 CK" n‘wn‘ Dun-h: lv’n' Hui. u-x [ - : \wt-g. n! [Emulli c.u:p'_\ uf Sh—fvr-nr. i' :1 thu (‘vnuty (‘uv‘ru (‘mnnmire ui '(‘unv -;':‘.-: (hum); rim-u: In ’0 euhllmt; l m I an half the combiunl rrgvr rommimx; I ”1' I.=-- two vuuulir‘ Viz: fivodc'egfdrsJ I 2}: mum-o nm-unzeml Ilm: 11.0 ('umm'cs? v.’ (,v'mlmgdu and ?§!:-v0:v~' ..'wh (*l'cti 'fznw do'cg'u'va, '.'.'.':; 2!) :'Cfi‘n'i’g‘ll 10? :'-m- v in mm: and ”w thin: :..: hulhh’ ix 9-:inl!e 'l‘- Hl‘f r 11! (7x.1:v.-uli-H:. F ‘ I H: ' «hr-m.- 5--. “.11 {LewJ‘eLth nnf; .‘ .‘l'vithyCannuznw'quuln}:-!~*;'A?r.~: t" ‘!.e' ‘NH’JOHH! (‘m vtn'hn Ia 2L.~ .'nHuw mg 'ngvlll,|un‘ at m:- (‘unlral '.‘mnmit-i Yer : _luzvtwl n' Nuvtin Y'.kmw: | [.‘.-solrrd. Hm: -h¢- 04.". I‘2 nmzitfce! n c wumr‘nds ”wt H-ronhvr each cmlnu'i { 3w rv [-:esum-d Ivy ml ”:0 duly Hume-i --vb-‘oqn'm “'.l-'6‘n'r gumsibie for man to! nth-ml; "mi in our:- uf Pufnrcml Mia-” 00; ..I any drh- Mr i=i- prl'xy' Hm” ln- 1535'.‘11‘ x‘n thinly Phrc't‘u‘. lllY‘nth.’ of List ‘MM; 4- f ii'in Iz-‘y: :2;-:1 thix‘ (‘nmmiHm‘ f-w? --r' T‘C’MflP‘lvl’ ”..-J ti-i-1 wwfiufim; .\hfl? vmpl» ta (71.1 mm; (; ‘ as \:.-l x.“ 1 M ‘l;(» Term -r;;ll (.‘.mvnnhm. j S. BAKI'ER f'ituiln'lh ‘ R, l’. AT'rnru)‘; Rrr-rrtn'v ,‘ SF.l’l‘"' \V. TH .Yu'V 23, 13"“. , 1 ——~—~.n..r-,.v........,.-...-_-_r ‘..- .‘.. . ‘ . Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. ;‘ . V , ,u*____..-_.___..§_. ' - I I ( PINE PAYMG BUSINI-hs i FOR SAL * E, i I “'2 .1; ru'qumnnuce ”.31 I win sell my l MILK BUSINESS! 1 an'z - '._v ‘.‘s :i ~a-. .‘3O 1 .I\\v~,\:>::'-«) m Y‘l‘fill.-H i 4.: n »1-~. tut unymp, Mgr-tun Ni h u roan-mm] mum :vvr :n- Lzu‘iwus lwim IJ diay ~-' “I Hm; h 141.42% I); Jzaf- ls'.uD'l fvl' I'M! H'tlh-Hi “’ihi 5?»- Hr ‘lv- .1» pr :x'n cry unna Mm mhu (ml-. 001 F-I‘l um; for h..l;|nvr win h:- ac epluble. '1 Now i:- the time to matron No. l cow. . F. 51. TERRY. I‘. Port Townsend, W. '.l‘.. Jnnes 15:8. I m. . The Origin i v .. ~-._.;xe\?c%s Lyn-LE r.-=_‘__. ’ ‘l. ‘ 5 an i ‘_2: Egg—‘l," .;. 3.23“.» I nrJE nix: ‘_ _. 7 ‘\:.a 28““? in?! B|i - : g . v:- :JQ-lm.‘ ~.3\\9 yea FELLS. ' (.353! Y 51325331 EMfila' 2:233:23! {':caua‘m! I“ a I‘VE]: PILL Docs no: gri .. USE PEI-Lit S D 933 ' "€ALLss‘:‘, CHEAPEST, EASEEST TO TAKE. ifs-war: r-f litdtanonst confining Pcisnnnu: :221-,€,;lr. .12v1ys at: M: Dr. Pic ”fl: l'uile-ta. v :::c‘;: :‘ Luis sugar-cozitvd 1.2;, 0:: .\mi '.‘Sntr’ l'.’ . -::“-<. :‘.li'lllf.‘ x-n u}; l'ogcmifle, Dr. I’E- x'w ‘:- ' ‘_.23 I '* v: \zifhunx. (ii:L.‘-:‘!.1:;:y 1.) [LC -:..m, incl. m-uux-rJJoJ. l'm. up in 1:;;:,« 413. iii r..;~‘ic.;iL-‘ huh-x}. Alzvx'a‘x' i‘r- sh and. rhahlvu TiF'V Mr 11 grime laxativc. or r." tfkc piu‘gaure, according to 51.2: of due-u. ’3' z: » .« xiii fiiiflififli V?“— ‘a .::; "‘ 9 (315155} i t.‘EiZmz~ Headache, é? ' 1’; g; 1 i:§4‘.z’.§ll€‘ifi3 (Tun-dim“ .31.. ' l 1,51)", indigestion "\a/ /3‘ 1 Kilian"; snack-z. anti aH/ ”g? l ..-;-t alewzngonxvuts of " V .4‘ , ‘ -::c “crunch and é? dig" l Emu 018, are promptly -3- ' :‘.-iiv'vvd and pormum ntlv ‘ --':r- xl by the um nf Dr. Pics-99’s Plans“! Purgaiive Pellets. In crcplzuintiun nl' lil" “.'.“! 1m! :mwt-rm' lir‘si‘ Point, im I‘, .s D p’ru n; ;i ‘.‘:l!‘§x‘t}‘ --‘.' di=r‘:lsl‘=. it 1255‘ tnn‘nfxiiy hu- 5 a: :‘.-ll! Ulric :K‘ZJI'HI lumzl lin- Kymc-tn i 4 huh" :'- ~‘.:?. izv-t “ .:EuziJ or lis~_i:t- (~,:[-.”-i::1_r1';;~ =y >332- nau- iuiiat lii‘P. Fill-i by (ii‘llL’EJESNTfui' 1:". (v .:'~l :i '.zzif. ‘:z'niihctuu-d :1: the iin :u.z:.l 1.1'.-~ e~i.::-u'v a: Wummi“; DISPSSSAHY .\ii.Z-l-. 1L .‘.ux‘uLLth, 34). at; Main EL. Bum-10. :3. 1 > 31%., a 1‘ .Eu AI“; kw}? : main; FM \& IS nfiv‘n‘d “y Um nmnnfm-uvr ,«V - a». ow nf Br Sagan; ('rizm‘rh _5 1); g 5 Elcnlcdi)’, {or n (.v-v .4: ‘ Law; ‘21:; Czuarr : in the Hoax! ‘ which 111 5' cannot. LliX‘L'. SE'IIP'E‘CDRS 0F CATAflfltl.—Dull. iwmy “Puddl'nu. ':‘ustn: {ion of tin: 1:215:11 ;-.1~'.~;:;:4“'. disc-l ‘:rgvs falling; from the nun-i :nm thu throat, rum-«inns prr hm“, watery. md vary}, :11 um: r 3. thick. U‘Xl:‘,{.i~’lli3. mucous. 5.11 mi -:‘-‘. b! wig: pun'iii 1h“ I'yis ml - (at? :‘'y: there is rinzing in the urn“. dr;i!l:v»-'. in whim: r cramming; :0 clear flu: 131 mm. “':gwi-t milii‘m 0! nilc-nsivc mnttu-r. iULZl'iii"? wim gums [ruin ulcers; the voice is :‘hmm‘czl and iI-L-i I‘. "'mm! twang": the brain! is (hll'w'lhh'C; amoli mzd music are im pairi-d: iii! r ois n sens-(inn (If dizziness with numtnl d'mmyiun. bucking: Lough anti gen cm, Johnny. “sin a n-w of the umvuqiauwd sysnpzums are limb: in be prvr-vnt in any one cm'v. 'i‘hun-I‘mils of ("1599 annually. x'rithout xnnnifmting in!!! «if tlw nhm‘o symptoms. re sult it: cnnsmnpthn. and and in tho ymvn. Nu tin-33:: is 54) umnnun. mum ducrmim mu! szuigz-ru'n. 0" lvss Hn'l'.‘l'stu-Hi by physicians. By ix< mild. clothing? and landing properties, Dr. fag-1 (‘:mn-rh ih‘mody (.'HI'PS tho won't «vs (1' (Tami-r 1: ‘- cold in “no Head,” «Coryza. nm‘ (‘aiarrhal Headache. 501'! by ili‘ixggiszs uvcrywhurc: 50 cents. “Futon! Agony from Oman-h.” l’z-nr. W. ”_{I‘SSFIIL (no famous mcsmerist, ».!‘ lilhn‘J, _Y. 'l'. writ -<: "3mm: {on yvnm ago i :=::r.'-~---~:l m'fr-M njzxmy fxum chronic nasal nnzu'aii. .‘.l_-.' :'unily pli} aiuizzn gau- 11K: up as i'll"ll‘.l‘.""'. :XZHI mil 1 innit din. My (new was “up“ :5 e ..l [inf «may liayJlv-var'ls ann ~ I. In} .‘- -- \u-Hi-l il‘l'lilll‘ :43 lumrsc I could i “31% l} ;~- !- :'= ;'-'.' :1 wing-Irv. in ti." mnrning \my - I 5223 '.4l‘ "4:199: '.i r 5' ’5 :‘uu! Would "Ir.- -* -‘..'x "!;E- . l1}: ilm nw-m 1115:1203 Cm; .- : I‘. l '-.‘.\ .i : ilw putzzzl-m ! EVE-ii! wcil “4.9.;- "”955 .'.‘i. 2:111: n“ ? ’-: "ring.” ':‘z: '2l: ‘ ’-': =1 “1. ” 1.. '5 ' ‘ .\‘h'vjrl. s'. 1..‘ :i-. _7... . '..-vans: " . \'.'u.- 12:11: ~.‘ ”men-i fr“?! ':.i: .' E . . ."""'.' 31%. ."-L 1:; 31"0111'1 harm: ':1. ‘_ . ": 3‘. "1 (-.-:"<€:.:' : ,Wking and , ~‘~ s‘2' I I.‘ ‘.r'nzzun ('uul.‘ V. . ~ ‘.‘=--"' v " ‘ -. rns. l [hum . . .‘ '-i '1: " . i,‘.;ok~ “ii. I . In f._' in: -- ~ (:53?xe lh-mr in. :Ir . t :m; 1.»“; 21 \.--.1 .. - {in-hove it :02 ’iZI“ =43? ;'--, I'. .:: ...» ' 1': h |:_U'.v' mum!‘ w' X wa’; . - - ; ‘~'.. ': ”an: :a a fairly. 1‘ ‘ ‘.ZI.-,"'1‘1_‘1.31317?” ~' 71111.5 and a per: ‘. _ ‘ ‘ A mw-w 3'“. 25.?“ (.1 fu‘m- , -. . .n; rm cable. .2- :'.. an H“ |.i:.~_ -. . I, and other mun. I‘t .5' -:-‘:;'.-'~_ v.l“ i. mun-« 1. post paid! n'. 3r. .vz- {l(lng 3; :‘. uvo~ccnt 903(3'.‘ ;::-' 'l. (built-55:. _3 . 5.23;. :'~ :rg .'Z. 3!”: Sui-(350:2. "xv-11:: .. : 51. ‘u. 7‘“TF 41.0. 23-? fuh‘vx , ‘ _...r '.i} ;' _ . 'o; _ ‘.n’. .33? . ‘... . ' $ '1 ;‘ vi; .‘.-(~94 {jug .V 1"}; ‘2 Li" ~ ‘ - r. 311.; 33:3; f; ‘._ j, Eat-:‘.; __f',.:"\_;f;t; 50:55 “P 3 a”. .- , '. 313913" 'i:."'_ f .'. . _'-_ I'. ‘- '~ “' -’:- -, - a . 3%. .'.-1.77. .~'.&\‘,:\:\f§ .-_;s;‘ 755.2911; q 3;. 52:52.17. .'.-:5“. ~ "-‘ all: e." ~ ““3. :'- \\q-cz #:Lk\\:vfig! ink 71 ;'l‘ . _(;.7\ ~44; -"\:.\i¢.‘§‘r‘-‘s. "L \\. ”1‘23 it ? & §'».‘:l~\“ N-'\:.\\.\:u~:-~\»: V433§ firm-I .« - 58“.» d, -.-.-'\“l.\~ 05)} $5,. “:‘. - -.__-—\\_u awe-2 “ 1.»“ ’3; it“ ‘,- "*2. \‘Ti.’ ‘..y.\\. $1.3 .~=~ ,_ 731%., .k Es: ‘. ...‘. -~ -- “:..-:0: -:»"-‘« \gfifi‘. 8&3“. .-- 7:13;??st ».’~:~:.: -‘~ ".1 '3 . ~ . és-wlf-fiiu - L;€~s§-._=;~'- ' "\ -.‘.~‘- Tu: (:3 47¢: Pinky‘s Ecptcimto " 2, n CAx".i-[-.:N a. GREENWOOD, Ham (31' the 51mm}. mam. .‘.m j‘ nycnr am) he obscn'c (1}: Strange change In nu “Thin“. lie .1.-it, tired :ns‘wnd o! vigor at»: :r r'." 21;; ih~3z':;d of strong. Bis apvvmc :x. mm 31 at ':m! ifiri : in“) brown). 1113‘" nd to w. :.‘z- :.:~ in: ’_- feelings, but thcijnum nut 2n. LI.- : .1 7m:- :41 3min; I‘m-. 7. sunk-Jim: in the .1311": mama, Vs, 331:! that the 32118.; pmwctl won: “"..-4 div}: :‘.;zl '.' 2‘l! :1 SHIV] on m;- or n brh L'- li-Lnl '.v Plush: n: .219 harlqu. Allthuewz-n‘thc m:- > .- -».;m. ,1 Hi t‘::.i f.x..:.‘i:2dimmincmurrh 1:5 3::: ;:I.x.:d:-r, \\hiwh has alum“; Inn-.‘.! t-nL-sid «re-I incurable, and 1110? (:on:é!luui until the Lin-Min \zms En n [v'z'il-ln- L‘uf-("hE-HU. 1m: In- is ILL Tintizrv hf houllh (Hlll \ityo.‘ Invduy. and he vans :‘. mum}; to that wnude-d‘ul mcuiriuc. Hunt's :.czzu-dy, ('up'. Srccnwwdsuuz “I am no certain of Hr.- grrzitv In: at Ham‘s Remedy. that [11)“;nd c 1n)" a supply on shipboard (or 111-.- use oxyu‘ uzn-n, _nnd I prescribe It whenever (hwy qu- Hum-z. .‘. :'.r: curing no u it. did,er yt-slorm-g mg were, m Imm the 1m: physician: 0! ii“: :‘.{k mid \‘w; dlgiug d Eamon)!” whet an: . Hear vy It. This «'1 rr-n Ilenwd! «Madge-«uni! Kidna le-er (‘:1'1 [X in“: 3 Discs-'2B. Box- sun by 11l Danton. C. h cams-mu, Gen-n! Agent. 115 Fulton St., N. Y. _ lad-1..- ”Am la a. nun RM («1.. Fania-u. l. l. i 5000 Book Agentswantedtosen I THE m 3 AND PUBLIC SERVICE 0’ ' l - .3. l .. 1... .’. ',' :41)”, l ,-'~'V',‘ "-. ‘ if . - J 1" 1"." r ”3.4; -u»‘»_' 3*; “.'. 1 , \,” ' u 2, .‘ 1 i - . ' ‘t ~r‘l,"' --J)~ V ‘ _~’_ ~ .' VlAu'.!’J:. f " . ..‘: 1:9 . ""120",? ‘l.» A ‘ ’. u 'l. ' ' . ~.\ - 1 :'. .::;fi' . ”13*“.r. :’.}J": (an?) ‘ ~ '; ,-'. =1 . “nil-if ‘?-€ £ €7,532f1-gm“ V: V -_ . ‘l'3‘7afiin I ‘ .9- ” «9. \ ..' » 'sl-‘65 1 ‘ J‘M‘.‘ {'9 f -‘r ”AKA”, 1»..-... ‘- ' ."'-4., , A “'x"‘: 4. E V, g:. .:r~~ .. -g;;~3;; - ‘ Full sud chphla ('.-m M- In )2.» M; numlnuion In Sh huh, with puunnl "wuwc. Int-1. Inu‘lwm and wudauu. hum»! Hlmlnnle-I wivh rwl (“mun m_l I“ d manvlnp. 'flm hull-1w cunuiu - .«umm l’n-r'nue: u“ - Azll lad con-plum m or MRS. CLEVEI AND. huh" Ith lcnmplnh HolMl-hx M ALLEN G. 'IIIUKM‘N. TM: 1- tb- bola man-tic 14/». mm: )e i- an»: v ~ 2». m»,- (uh-r. 'l'lun wl manly he unnumurixml Ln» . bu, ILL: h Ila right one. Db .u. binden-nrv,-I an [m ull :mnqmn-nnneumn. land "can. in IL Humps and Le Ihr IN 1. Ike 1011. LII-u map It- gold-n Inn—ax. “'nu (w (..u ..'-me Md U for— n! {no u» m). Aura... WI‘ITER Q c u M Iprlnaflold. Mass. I ‘ \)\SIORY'.:S:: THG / ‘ .‘.-‘2 ~l‘.'~'% 06 9 ‘ . x. o (5* _; - c _ .:r. o \ . ,V J; (I 's' 2, - ‘ 0’» r J-V'fi‘ax ?‘~ * ‘“ ‘— 'v -_.-‘,_»v-/, a .R g ‘ Jr) 8’ “I ",5 "I ’3 J t .V’ I‘2»‘.‘7 ‘'3 :1” V '93::‘3‘ . %/'E*"TZJ' . ‘..:1.’ '3' ~1 - ”.5" k. ' ; ‘ z :3;<a.::2~.t .. . . -. .‘ ' ' ~.l~'--:3'. r .-.) 7’9." . COINMIL'» lull mud (0!!ka and” thgzml uncut-i bum Ilu‘d. with human“ "whys!- tum. Amanglhe author! um be found 1h: names «I Sunl lon Frye.chmdler. Hurley. hulls. John D. Lung. mm cxgw olflassn M<K|nlay c! o‘lo. Isuzu on the 1’3"" "any cum Lodge. and-number of ether: of Mike mi! nenufi- TL: cm} cmhmnr C.m}‘.:l“n It-J. manna» the/mt. Rip. (m. Don't Incin-lu‘nl 1 . gel anyomzr. Dis uncenohudcmmc as I: my ail (town: (Lugu. Send 50 mi_“: in xc. sump; Lu outfit and he the flu! in the field.“ “nun; fun panic! in; and S}£.A3l Terms sen! {men all. _ WINTER a co..!‘vbs-. Springfield, Man. 1 . ' ~ , .. 9.x . .' =:;-:‘,--...” N ‘ . , _ ,- . § " .‘ ‘.\p-Il'lu'|llA'\‘('l'i"“~' If'L i .;.- . ‘ ;- , W'J 15:1 1' rm -!_-,so ‘ih'J I ‘V-1 “T... " '*‘»g'.,-,-~r-,-.- If v'l-u‘‘ r : . .. ; _,.;.’ _; ...' g..- .-.....\._<- j l' -. . _. i 7‘“. ~ "1 ~; 1": l .1 1.1”. 'f.4A“ a»: ‘ Ll. mum- ~. . ._.i'} ~ -. l 3 . ~-._:} I \;-|-.:-----, -:c. run-. 4) ~ an Emu L woman deuvered to an pan: of we CRY- , -» 1;?51’.‘ . _‘ ‘ v I', v a j» we‘xx - 2r. -- - ‘> --v33av””'*~' 7:3." .3 g us .735 mi? :.- ; ‘t:. .v: ’-' ' .’< -, I+3. 7'1"” I'l 4’ '1: t ‘.. _ 55¢: ‘.‘fifl .. .. ._. .. 7 .: . ‘ l 4“ 3‘i*;\<3 15;" ‘ . 7. VJE-z'é. ."1-i.’ I : ' "‘ ‘~ ~‘v% ‘Rm-E‘Nfgw‘r _ , 56913. HO Eligib"? ig] E” P 5 h ‘ $8 E 335 , . - .1' ... ' Or any ethbr [Ham-rel chson. I: is Satan's Kunminmrde cxuluslveu from Roots nnr‘. Ea} ;. It Is perfevtlf 12.1,: .ir~s.=. It. is tlzo only: :. known to the world that hm (“Hr 3 ; L mm! c r:.rn;;imu Blood Ruben in all if: :r :5 ;:. It cur-s: .‘Lrouxicl Elwinmtbm, Cancer, Scromtu.r.n h thrri Z .: 21;. :‘.s'. s Lercxotoro cunshlcn-J Inc :.‘ub' ‘. I: ("has any discus. caused from in:;:..r.- bi-«MZ. It Is now pre scribed]: Us I' ; «if 11w L3l: physician: In the Unfit. .! (sum ~. : w 9. tunic. We append. the statntncut ‘ f :.; "I have uwd S. 5.1 ': {nub-m: com-Meso ‘ng froun f‘ \’.,r u:.' n‘ :u ln'oflrll ~ \~;[n “:0 but. Ruiz. J. :1. t'hrl" T. 2" l'.. LAJ'HL: , Ga.” Damn-.'. CA.—Wi'l." \‘Sti'o \-.r~.s.nfi‘.lrlvd with wrnmiu wt. :x :-- -. ‘. l;:---<-r-\wds.3. Squad ‘7O-‘4B] In: x, .1 1V; :.- v 1 1..? v -t bar. a'. W. 11.3.3, 31. D. maximum». “L. D I'. "-, I"v'w.—ll:::vclakcn “111:6 battle «him. 30;“ H c lwr bl'l'nfldflr’ b! “I |vv~l~on. I'.»-'4 l -'.- I: Lent-1' than pun nah 0112.: vlhu.‘ x-..-d.' li.n'»(~(\l‘.‘ |:.~cd. u, V. \‘.'l\rl":.h. 114 D" Forum. 1y ( .'. 89m: CU" Va. DR. E. J. HALE: (‘ '~ '.v Zl-‘rnown drugxilt and physivhn. ~. ?- '.‘iiilv, Howard County. Ark , writes: "11.» .- .:hnm: km “.1. «we auto wba: S. S. S. is «1.: ..r w-l or. I u." surely r9c..m:.w:xd l: .'3 llu' 1- ;,-. J 1; f -rnllsk£n dis thus. 1: mamas :2“: 2'. Ls. the name may be." We have :1 PW ‘: 1‘ 2:3 I! hktnryof this woudnrt‘d rum .\x a. l .:~ cur. ~, [rum all over 21m worm, \; .u:-: A 1: wan-mu o 3‘ u that all we my if in. ...“;Vvah “c "111 mm! (roe on a“. '_o: wk. _» - f...-. I‘y 5!...uxd be wilhontir. \‘m‘ n pvt-m. rlul Cyntagloul Blond harm, :1:..: L . .‘uth u nus. Write ua a Hacry '_.f 30'." «2159": an our physldnu will .'Hle'n“ \_‘;:,u youny lcnerdn anew-L c:- ALCuLh’C. ‘.‘u: wm nut. deceive you knowingly. For sale by an an; ' 1,35». Tm: bwm‘ Srrtrmc Co., hrhwr.‘ 3. Aliunla. 0:. MW Yuz'ii, 736 Brnmlwny. Landowbug . fifinownm. «‘i.‘=‘_ 9 ss'-~.—a * \T’L’éirg-r’ U j?" 1.. /' . ~ 43%?" ~ ”'~ “TOR L""";’- :7 f ; '3'. 5‘53: YES’?!’ " WENBINE 2:4: :1; m framifi : A” ’2l >£:;.mo:l3 Liver ‘.Z : ' “'1 vz' mun}: 3'(‘:l!‘S,ha\" - 2- 3: my only anily .'-' . 3.:Ulhl'l‘ before . ~ '. ’ "3: partial to it. It 13 . . mi .Ixzf. reliable medl . ‘ . J‘mmhr of the ~ ' .n" f!‘ liSf‘rl in time is ~ yr w; é.:-1"'I!!’N' nf alckucal. -' , ~ . want-:iuwud it to my ' . ‘.Z'nl :1.::n continue to ' -, ..’ ' uxos M. Rollins, ' ' 3:'::"~h,s‘o.Falx‘” 791': Ali!) {259703}? BILLS SAVED by :ng 1,5: .- fr'Hyl Nimruous Mm {magi-Eur 5;; the house. ': a: .- .- ‘._»:zzli Simmonsldver lu‘Wfi I u 11:: I,r;~t‘-umilynled iv-n. » i : "('l‘ us'wl for anything xix-r ‘x :2}.*ll:lppvn. have used it 1:; i :adigrstiuu, 1 Mn, Diarrhea, Itilv'q' 3:13.", .3;7 [Hum] itto I'B‘ ' lir-Ti- 1‘: :n «‘p - 33:. Aflc!‘ eat -1!:;; :1 3.. >.;'!_\'.~- ; 5r- :'. if, on going in w-«i. ! -.a.'.\ :Lnqu :1 teaspoon !‘.l!. I Lv'ut‘l‘ .1 ~ 1‘ the exfects of I‘.-‘>".512.)~:‘ 5' ,i: n. vm'w (I.:4I'ARKS, "Ex—.‘Juyur Macon, GB." ELTONLY GENUINE“ . bur 'I. 39:31-93 from ofWrapr-er J. .‘r'. ‘:eu’m <2 00., Sale Proprietors, ‘.' rivr. SI.OO. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Rheumatism It a an established fact that Hood's Sar :zapnrilla has proven an invaiushie remedy k 1 many sew-re cases of rheumnthm, effect- Xng n-zmrkablo cures by its powerful nation in carn‘sfing me acidity of the Mood. which i»: "no 0:13-10 01' the disease, and ytuifying ‘ and («m-lyizing (he vim! fluid. It is nrtaiuly fair (0 assum: that what 1 Hood‘s Samparma 11:15 done for other: it 1 Wm do to: you. Therefore, {1 you suficr * the pain; and aches of rheumatism, give 1 unis Izoicnt remedy a. fair 3111. A Positive Care. “I was troubled very much with rbenm } Him in my hips. antics. and wrists. I 1 «ml-l hardly walk, am! vns cnnfzned to my "3;; a sand deal of me 15mm Being rec vinmvzxdcd to try lil‘Uj‘S Enrsaparilla, l 1 ..:: {our bottles and am rfrfcctly well. » Emsrfuny recnmmcud Xmas Ssrsaparifla I'.‘ M the Ust Unari purifiers In tbs i ‘ W. 1". W 001). Bloomington, m. For Twenty Years ; .. .vu beenamued with rheumatism. Mane ’ allouudno refleLbnzy-cwworsc. 111.3: ; . can axing ['.md'a Marina. and A: did } 1.1. more good than m the other mediciro I I aver had." 1!. 'l'.l:lu:cu,sl.l:ley.llass. ; - "1 MISC“!!! frrzn \z'l-nt t‘m: dam-tars called Mat du-u...- ...v;~.. a 1- - '=: lizmd’s Sar i aux-ma and am am; 7 .' 1. J. v. A. _ Mnmvrfiemrcuv» a. .::-1. 111. ‘ We 83:71“ be 3’31! (3 .1 1" ; (:x' L‘!;:u"je‘ (nan who may dcsire, a: --, - - ---:~:;i:.iugn;.my additional shaman-ms oi . ~< l y 1, .. ... '32. Hood's Same: ’33 1m: . 1.: Sold by an drawing. 1:; ? \ :u. if. :1: '> oulyby C. 1.210le) 4‘ r . ~ an :2: {OO Der}! 6‘ -"~-‘:‘ 3:: 2., UNIVERSITY OF DREGDN ! EUGENE CITY. cht session bazins on Monday, the 17m of A cplember. ma. ‘ l- rw >(‘hnl'vnhipi from every mun!" In th» ~Zuhl. ApplyloymnC-lnll'y uporintondem. l‘mxr! uux‘ws: (‘luwimL Scienuiflc. Lin-rmy .x-d a s':- n Engiieh Game in which tin-n.- is no :.min, t-rwx. r n-nrh or u. rnuul. The Englirh s II'H-c'l-in- my I Business l‘uuxee. Fermi:- ium us 0: n‘iur in .onumiuxn. uddro-as J. W. JOIIXSON. Puamzx'r. BILIQ-LL’SN E 55. “ I unhcc'im Lingly add my testimony 1:: 13n- grout bone fits to be durivvd from Sim mons Liver Regulator. I was afflicted for several years mth “:5 ‘:z’cz'cd Liver, which lug—:uiL-gui in a severe atmvk {‘l' Juuxniike. I had good med} :1 zxxtcndanco, but it. failed :4: res Lore me to the enjoymazm of my for mer health. I then tried the most. renowned ph si cians of Louisville, Kylut all to no purgme, where upon I was in: um! to try Summons Liver Regulator. I found ilnzl‘uflni: 32711051: from its u:- :'l‘3 it. utti mately renter-x! 29-) to the full enjoyment of health."— A. H. Slm::.r"~.‘. lii lune-mi, Ky.......“ 1 1:; ~L (Ezra-11111137 recommczfl it to 3‘ll who suffer from BilEc-g: Attacks or any diselsc cause-(i by a disarrangod state of the Liver.".....W. TL Bnnxmn, Kansas City, Mo. ('3 DR. J(‘)RDAN’ ‘ .n *- : n N)7 ,3,“ LUSLUd 0: ANAIOS=J f§37fifif 7.21 33.22: -t S rut-L ~' u) Funds '- v; ‘ Yr vnur‘mcvm é ' r cj._-_;r.d burn iuwlu may! «23+ 1: \- _A u an! i;‘~'-\' wmufmfnih )orx nu Fg "r m-zrie. Von-tun: nu and Ives! . mvm lwrsmudh m- 0.) letter 0:: ‘ “on. neg-mud all (Hiram-8 ()1 men, Send to: book. Private omm an Gem strut. . .. . . 3 ~ 7, o o , \ I‘3 "0119 “6* V- I . l, _ .I / . TH E?- ‘ I II W d f i u S f M I . 6!! 9" 11. ars le eme IBS £13.?“ max}:- corgpli-tc cares of difiicull maps of Livvr and Kidnev (ronbhs .. ‘ . . .. , . ' . Ruin! Ucers. I‘ls“th bloc ! Pomormg. hm qu-zzsn, Hcrcdxt r - . . . . . _ . ury Blow! famt. Eczema and bkm l).~"i‘.i‘r-£ gem-nah. Send For Circulars .'h‘r't‘fi’fing h-- curw r-I .\I urn ':3 EM); nub». and Ir. ma the worn mun: ~~-«.I ,':| In ('.!JIIIHIH‘I: r :L\.\E; (“:‘ISFHIY. m i'r- I. 1;.:7—, 1.753;}; 7,: 517 mm“, R IN; '-\ i‘...|-‘l.\‘!‘fl..lli' [.inr-lin mer omniv: IHCY. . . :-'I ”'l‘“ '1" '?»-‘l’ H'-”'lH.“l’¥£o9l ‘.L‘IL'“ .'IXI,I'.IEI)!!CL\. VI 'vvl‘ "pi-ion! I: II- of linking: \. 3". ‘-JU?;'£ll?§. 111-I‘M. Neruda; \" f" '7(.'.\ x! . ~ .~»- :7 :.lo; .:411:.\' MUM UH“ lnivn .'m-: ‘l\'- :-.- ‘.. ~ L‘J'H ~: Ems, I” T€l:'l"C ‘l‘Ul)iiH)lv'r._ \um I llAi-th'l'l'l-Z .\.Ull.l'.i~.'!:l‘. .\II:.~ .\l’ .I- x .\II:~2 l-L. u. lumuxurux mi -" rm: ! 1",;4‘ ~.A'.' .\ li ~ \I. \ .\H;‘..\i<. )4“). L. l’. .\NHILH." :.\'. v‘ ‘.111.111.-l.'.‘-l ' Qefevemmg b 3 Damn: sicn 2M» .‘\L'.\” B. I‘m-$512; 1!i:—. - n.\~‘. I.I‘X.PRI)I-‘.DEN_ IKx. H IL-ZA (é. E:U|'l‘l\ ‘.. s'. ( .\II\ ELL (ILIVE'G: a!’Z\'l I'T, LYZWI‘ 3" “UNLSHI Fran. l~lll’ F, I. “3:! 1211033172. L .\. ll‘3U_\‘. m-rrumvu'fl. T. i}. i! ‘.III'E‘H. 1.3..'. Cu: .‘.\_\|‘L CA3. ‘»!X:‘.. I'. :.;.7.:-:~. .L ./v:.-; ‘.V .\. DEA \, ‘:H‘. plum-15m ('er SARSFHTI {“5 REMEDY FOR Tut: 1:2 iI—A Sp-laijc fur .\I.II .‘t‘l-e arid“; from Jim‘- LILI-I; ix‘ulnr ‘3 I"n,~l!ip‘|7|un_ .\I :5 .I 2.lmm Pm~nz: lr:. SI-ml' :7.1. >32: Lilu um. and t I!‘I!::I :: HI :I: IH-"nd (:'.:puriliud. PRICE. $1 2301' Bottle. ~ ‘.!.‘rl‘.'>.i 51 I‘HHHNII' I':'."!~li;s.\l.‘.‘F. I'urIIII-(‘vszl :2' 1'Z..1: I" V, r:- '1! I} SIIr--.~ I)! FI'ZI'Y I. ‘x ( ~ in ;: ”In, i .I. «I \'.or:' I-v l'j- I‘:~_ unl .::;. ‘ vl7 '- ll|-»' ‘kiil l'i“""' ‘ ‘_.'"fi 1::3“ . I‘T‘RZCE‘, $1 and 500 per 2.301;, :v ”“12”: Ina/.4 41!?"3511'141‘ REMEDY I‘HH DH‘HTHEZHA \NU I'TA’l‘ ‘~I-I‘~' ‘.Z \ ‘l‘ 1'37. I‘M: 1335-3 '~--~:- ‘~-'4".'. 1 .I' 'i'immh 35'::..}-.~.:-n:1 I i!:II:II:2.~HIIIII-l 2h: “lit“? .73; i.:'2L~ 3 “2232015. $1 and ECG 12:3: 1303:. =-'l“l'3‘=-'~< “VF-"6- Trstimouy 0." Hr“ ':'. .5. Run. TI'EL‘H .: Stun-.::. “I”.va . Al!_'. ~.1'.', is)»; ‘’l II: .\erlrz XI )Er‘hipnzsi'o." -l -| Hamil} in ‘7 i a PIM‘IiV- 111-II;:~I".I-_.-. In a! 1... *wi 77- I: .- In: illlil’Y't: : {'Ll >l:.:!| I-e pl l'.! I}: le-iI '.\‘lsll 7:. 7, : ~l ~m vi :I- Hit”? II: 2 127 mln _I. .-. I l"|!n]‘.f\'l-‘-]H-i"»-!I.I-H18'“er14:2! will. '! w- . .::: ni.-.; linl I \‘dh upturn. I--- l‘ .:: w ...I\ Mug}? 1 Tu 11d 3‘“: In HlL‘.‘ :.:-I- l-». .‘~- I I I:: am: ..:.vl h-::l_\';l .I'i-gh 2.‘ .' {I ' -_ .2; . ::;I-:AI': lln :u-LI-r I" ~ I.I: I} :Iz-l inn" I. II- [\‘Jvh‘t‘ ‘.r'nrr’. H. 771 lriod A“, '~ 4i I " Al‘- I .l‘ ‘ H: ‘ I"'.!"|l7"‘.it:.': Ii {5 ‘ {I II”. ‘ ". . 1 ’:"H I" [“1" i=1!” ll‘ Is it mu ': z- . .‘ “It-:12.“ 2-2 .:‘2. I-. 1 ,;.,,...;' ‘ I ".l"‘I'!-"lFln'll'ndilj1":(‘3'9 weir-nu '7 IL. ...: ZEN :- ;.;' I _I. -‘:.-KI-l1‘|1)11_‘.r‘:;‘~. :'— .«I ;- :i ;..,» II'II‘ 21.001 and {in 1'2“): ‘i *i- .- h- 4 :'.I i~}:Z:I-_' «Ln-q» I .'.-1:. r'-". ‘: :II ;;._ . :v2; ‘27:. i {:.I'I- witnszrd I?» nah-c! o' hiya. Z-~v-z. ”pump -‘,l.ii- -~:n2.~.x-~I ui';.?i ' l' -.' '. ;,. ”:‘.“;7; g; 1”... - 7 H .. _ ..Q, _. .A ..- -2: -:| -- I. :‘I rf lier I'rmch» I rm. Ya :'- '2 ‘._\, LIA" J. 'l'. “EYE“. !: {I "I v ' I’m-. 1194, 5.41;: I :2 ‘ ——3ll.‘u‘ll .'.I'ZLI'J-IZ‘ HY 'lH}:—— 1,7 a {-3. u A {4‘ P6‘ "=3 :4“ 1‘ J“— ‘z, 335:3“: 3;? r ian-issaf‘;’§s:3 i V 114 [’2 EE 3? ’.l-«t: hi .=. .‘.:r a "5' ~‘lsx~, :.., 2‘ 1522‘ V 4.9 .‘- ‘ 115 509‘! 3'?“ 7.7 T £9.78 "'::’.’;-.':?SC‘:!. .7_ !I_ )“fCK!,Fi;_ \' :..” _l,:;;j‘.":' -.:.a TI :.-7«»:~‘. 2'35!“ 13.437777111 :E" g , . L ~. ', ;..1_:.1! .qm‘ljm ._.-I 7-, 3:. _, "31:1" K%;:3vrflgo;f&ilj 5.1.1; .. ;'.l.' .'_ . _ ~ . aufii '- Om: fl=::\‘lS;_‘dl‘-’ ; _ . :. ~ -. 1_,~_.;« »., Iby flmPu-kufia’ 17:50} I: ,3 -“.~ .: ‘ ‘ , ‘ , I . .-‘ .4, .‘i‘i .1123”: W Manual-mt: pra-t.f.;..~’u; . . - ‘ " Xx . ‘ , ~- ' L'm'fl 11in :;.x . 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Touqlit:;hoh‘: byllndiimrfitzgz,E'h‘trkhfll‘fififun ~L. "" ’ ' ~f 7 " ’2‘ - 73.!- 3?: 3.1.35. :'L-‘in. ‘:H‘" (“Jam-33 u‘.n ammwoa 1... _..:1 ..I .- g- r - :21; gi. ‘l‘ —‘ lar-imnn'fithentrancgntcftmr:rangi-z.:- '». . 3 '-'- ‘u‘ Ru: 2". 5‘17.” f Lou, "Pa c 9512?” nwl._l'ACKAG!’,¥!U’E.T’lhi!k.s"u 11:23 '.‘l7."‘. 5 ." ', : .‘L €3.91.':.5,5T.10Vm ED. RDPTURED PCBGQHS ¢‘-£‘ ‘l‘ia ‘ ’ "“3 ~‘ - ‘~ . .7 .~~ -., :nl‘ fog “farm-I .._—___——____._—_L— "7-. an ~ .’a' “a ‘ aW“ E‘Wbfi' ’ ”*m‘ .' ,‘/ ‘ 2 , age? 5x11” "\ . " 'rfr. 57:9 :2: ' ~“s‘ofi ”’f" ‘3s} .M' 14% 00 ( [.PI [€1.15- :- . "l‘\/iq \ s:lwa : ..Q— F \BLr: aw *3: 53:}; . Pnfinr ‘l' J- :; w ' - ¢ ,~ ;: ((344; : . int—fr}: ".g. _ -/I, HEALTH. unszass. he IKlehlfl‘fl Golden laluun So. 5. Var-94 l'lmncn-S. tin-I and .\eroml ”(urn-l; Surr- .1 \f‘" Logs and Bud}: Sore Burs Eye», ‘3‘» y: _ \‘ovarwnlm‘wl Blah-lies. C_\'p'x:nmiv.: (‘. urxl‘. :iso-naod Sommnnd all primary forms '3 ta. din-me known as syphilis. Price 1.1.09 per Bottle. 1.9 Int-hank Golden Balsam so. .-_ nn: Tvniury. .\lerrnriul Syphimic [the-mt. .fism l'uins in the lumen. l'uns in the “ea-i. Inn-L a! me mart, L'lrc'ah'd Sore Throal. Sypuililit L'nrh, Lumps and contracted Cords, Sldrllfi": of lhe Limbs, and erudiczma all (“:C‘HNE.‘ Iron. the system. \vlwtlxpr caused by iurliwzuchn nz uhnse of .\h-nnry. Having the blond pure and healthy. Price 85.00 per [mule L:- lilc an] Golden Spanish Annizlnle fa: Hie ( are) of Gonorrhmn, GIL-ex, Irvine: ion Gum: and nll Urinary or Genital disnmmgumcnts Price. 82.50 per Boule. L - lliellnu's Guide-n spanlsh I'ujn‘tion In: ah-vflru case.— Of Gonlvrrhufu, lnflmmaulnry IH-H'l, Striclurez. 5:0. Price, SLED pot lubtlle. Lo llleban‘: Golden Ointment for the el' r-_r<~ii'.e Inn-uling of Syphiliuc Son-s.ll:l'lerup mm. Price. 8;.“ ‘1"- fix; Le I‘lqutu'g Gal an I Ila. Ne «and Brain Ira-Alumni: '03.“ or phy icul power. 9xcess o! (H'vr-work. l’mslrullvn, etc. Price. 83.90 per Box. Tonic and Serune. 5:41: t-.~'.}‘ '.lnel‘c, C. O. D...—zecurcly packed. ...” “TWA“..- ‘ 42‘: im'uumsa .x- c 0.., Agonix. 427 6:. 421: Sunsnme <t., (‘mz (Jl.;y cu: ll‘rancL—‘co, L'r.’ {:’.-"I'IRCELAI: ELK (LED FREE. ’ R . , C fifJL‘l’E/‘M rOll. wm-m-"w-w-w-th {l‘ll 5 ,P. E ’l‘. .'. . - b ;]‘=.‘-l.”.l‘.;\n\(" 5 TRIAL éRENIIfjIiivnuiXEKVVE ' 5591311; my". _3 :a'ilgz'elrz h.. .n Iv-r -n“\' - i" I BOTT LE :oth gig)! .x‘hrswt-Esl Dt-bil -5 it“- ,LL‘"-"-:-:'§:;§la 5 2“] l’L'L'. ‘ .A.\;'.’..' ‘ : ‘ :..TJu-‘R. ’_ :1 ' ‘ ! FREE~U:}L....;E..., Wigwam: g llll a I'." MAYER, vanml §SUrFICIEHT 70:1,.“ k;':l'.JJI-"LIC')IFIR' g _ _g), «I, 1:)“;le 1' Comp - ‘:PROVE THE ":8 gcficamuurofix'rhmvn Ins OF THIS, THE gwmovrodur‘t‘d ‘) gGREATESTOFALL'g I gsnsucmsumsg fl ’_J ins-soles an; m in"! “”35.2{’-‘::‘?33",EYS£’s3 gm DE SE!” '2.) E: 1..;1‘.‘ ,::;n.t_.';.' “Taken !‘m ”E APPLE“ JV; K: ' Exilx’fig‘.lg'3rms3 "».H\111"“t ' gm“ 3' Linn-S2.3‘YJ-iefufi‘vz'l'c'gu gsrmuasassm: .2? 5‘ I”: ifffijdfffim 370515 A 713 {13:51 .u, 1:. -r' i‘lrolzdl'n : ‘ j~= : .- "3 f “*1 wlzlt‘h gALL comaur.l:_~.- :-. 3'; tummy KEN moms 572:1:7‘.“31 it: :.-”"""" °‘ W” 33:33:27.; L 5; 7:"-:'“;"?.’,-1"3127< r ‘ 3..'.L.'.‘.'.TT.'..'..Z':.‘.‘.'... ._ "v ' d-Ffi’dé’fl'lm ‘ _~. r -V-..;.‘.!T.1TE mum” Com- EL..-_ ..‘ _.;.l -- I,3‘.;«u:csofme ”3;:7‘;‘.;;__-,:;,.; - mm." Emmy-Ho. Bent man‘sh; :n ‘5 5.. ~;- ~~‘ : -"".":|u{" nnd H 75 'l'yrw‘il finial. ' . \J!.\):'L."Eu. ("Jermain-5:3 6. “ I. '- '- :'I In name. 9‘ A. ..‘!gLD, . .J liczrny 3.1, {eh-..' J'r- n'c'uco, ’3 D R L. A N E’S I W " "4* T “ has: 0213.0 “"3 cf (1 E : nué. , U 3 6! Y, 9. . .. "' j ‘J .. 21 w, am: $31239 An Unequalled Nerve Tonic and Blood Invigorator. Eqweinlly Adapted for the Treatment or .\orvons “fictions, lmpoverish -12:4 at of 'lu- Biood. and (ion vrn! Frustration. l’ur Sll'iz‘lit‘FlH‘rfi, Losh~ bf Ammtite. General Deruugvmmii «J the .\‘r-rvunz- Syr‘lmu :u'lszug from \vhatewr cause. Bruin Truuble, the result at overwork, etc. It is I’A LA'I‘ABLB and EFFICACIOI'S. .. .‘. I'.L‘HI"III Lrifll \\‘ili mvr it to In! the :39. .0»: r m».- \£.-n- mung, Lns‘w Svh‘tmmn: hyflmu-Vl vuh'xeL;..nllPltli..l‘-Cheelh'_{ mmrd"? cu-rmfiv 'Pd 1' fly .ufl at 4!. J. D. MINKLER. Mr 0., I'-.-1;T ’l‘uw .\hH.\D Aux-Lx'l‘. HALL liIHPH. Fivp'rr- and Munufnrlurvm ‘Ji'f-‘di'im 2' ‘ "In 51.. S3l- Yr-mu'iwu. 1'“ ‘ " INT-"1': :'.izdtfl‘vl: ,9ng) .‘ _ .- 3,: :. .. ,7’ Lug-$355 ~ ----'u~ “mm 1:5, Bngmt " ~“ ; ‘ _ “33.1- .9113"; ' , 34:4" rid-“3' hz-‘I-‘r'lfrgdrflwm , ‘ (L‘ u A!.»‘. "H“ .‘';: F't ‘‘3 il'xh‘nrr‘U If - '.' ['..IIAL.I.J\‘:‘.{IT lg! lon-turf, R‘VE. ' '7 ‘-.Ff“,’.'.“,““ New." U.u-§,Hurm..::x , l H " hue—pron.” 3' n: .I ; ‘ _ “"* *3' l" l:i\ Eff‘:',"~ m-E‘ ‘ --—. . .. . (..3: r.-.- i -» ‘ v L 'f"?." 7 sun ':ult': '-- - ‘ ' ‘ puma; \,:. . . .. i ' ” by I! .M-E- ' - Cilmv-l‘lh '. - ‘ 12'?" .L -: - ‘ ‘ 2 311'. L 1 at": ‘» x ‘ Max; ms arm ma bormdonmnataoo. ‘4lme m niomuzco'. ' “(whom - I V ‘3 ~ ‘ ' . 4 1;. 3 I , a}; {a 53 1%" E~“t"" *7" ¥ Q)“ :;-....- ,7 'l at a n ‘ I I I .Is 3us: what Its name mphes; l rural): Vegetable Cc pound, that acts duccflly upoqth? vr; cum. the many dzscases mag 41 that un pormut organ, and B- 5 ' gthc III! menus ailm nts L ‘ arise from if! flung: 5* or ' ction, such ll Dyspepsfi ice, Bilio-fla Cofficlmes: 1\ 'ana, chkvheadacha‘ Rhea . 35m" etc. It, is therefore. ,‘f “To have Goodm Ihz‘Liva twist be kcptin ordzr.” DR. 853130233 LIVER IMMRATOR- Invigomtcs lheLivcr, Rcmdmes up Bow cEq, Sarcng‘ftenstbc System, Panties the Blood! . _Asm‘ls Digestion, Prevents Fmrl, Is a Iluuschold Need. An Invalupbh I-xznily Medicine fa: common compliant; IR. 5.3150133 um IHVIGOBAIOI. .47; (:‘rrr'cm‘s rf I’Jrfy years, and'Tho“ 6.2 M: rf Il‘thmziu‘s prams in Her“. I‘o3 um: r.'.' ALL DY‘ALIII‘S Ix mxcmu.‘ For {2'2l mfnrmq‘ion s: nrl you: address for 1" ppm; fi~rk m 1 1‘11:- “ Liz‘- .- :11]. Its diseases,“ ”faiuin :3 127.2: ..‘. :1 , SSW In“ -a-mw;w._a____ , you. = . av» LE'FE‘REI‘I'EWEB 5 fl 3"; 3:33.15. B 2' ‘ 5* W‘LVAME'C‘MA‘IN,’ {#1391133 331-13 . Em?» '2 «Pf; .::. .flihmr’m 47:52: ..._" {9 fir..“:g.::..h:q ulna! porfggsm‘ 5373/: 1 5395‘5?" G’ilffigg :edigine. km Dtbfiiu, pg. ‘ ."amhnue Bukigldneyb lin‘yepsm n._ I! Rhsumatism. Wan erg of . :Ir:n..._ "-~_t‘ [allqrwv‘glbhmg‘go‘rl'amrk My; .\.‘H'lJ‘ laL-‘le-G “Was 00. Stamp" mum ...: ‘21;;;@2.-\'_.__‘s~vh~_r-_s.v.- L 149. fl : I PTURE d ‘ , n. “ ow‘. It. ..“ W ;, -- .1. ;, mnxmw {f ' I 14:58:85an I l' ‘ D. .H g- . j- :ch rm‘finflm “2323': - ; mama Inflow-u. Z ‘\'!"""T:3N Humrod HIM“ '; my? my rm nlwt'd Pughmuo . . : mac-Jane ELABTI H .. . 31. x. szxru 81min. . .._%v7l'*B.__~¢'v'mwy W“ *l mung-nun \Cuuh ‘I A dorgefl‘ng G “031%.. ken." Ito b “.15.. Wham ' ‘ . unmamuau. .. G '“Lm Amemnn.¥€.g. a: manlybyun 81279 have sold Bdigicgol . l n e I. ..‘ W“ fifiz’dflfl of at: > ' ' - n. ‘. Ohio. D. n. DYCH‘EkC‘O.. . _ C - CblmoJll hallo - I»: SI.OO. Sold byDruggms The BUYERS’GUIDE 1: - issued March am:- 5913., . eath year. If. is an ency- V ; _ clopcdia cf useful i253:- : nation £9l: all who puz -,_—:>~ 36“: c‘;r.:e the hum-fez or (to ’l4” necessities cf life: FPO can clothe you and. 1:221 11 you wnn 211 (ha neczseat‘y and I;uueoeas.-.:;; capliauzs to ride, wr-Ik, dance, :lecp. cat. fish, hunt, work. go to cinch. or may at home. and in various (.1395. styies and quantities. Just figure cut whc: i 1 rnquired to do all these things COSIIQJTA'ZLE, and. you can museum: cstimatc 01'1on value of the nmns' GUIDE. which wxll be sent. upon receipt. cf 10 cents to pay postsgo, MONTGOMERY WARD & 00. 111-133 Midfigan Avenue. "Engagin- “I 5% '32 ‘l - "' mic US I a I h\- u. ..3 - EEEELE 1 ATED MEN. T 'v' :‘.!!ur‘ : I‘2' 4' ' l "I! m (a. net-(':foL‘x‘r. 11‘ a“ Surfilawmi'x‘é mono-1a Lu-(Yric .‘.n-y ..-.-—y Appliances. [or the weed! .'x I a.“ :.nd pr!mum-m.rmeul’hembtbflu' H. r;lu3‘;:.‘¢y.'..'4 am "'33?“ and mammk A to? mu: 0' m ‘ I.” “on to Emmi "Ivor and W lomuuu‘md. manna-d M W mags: her. bv Idd 'Ol. MO BELT 60., M _ __W 6.009.000 W Y 35:51:35 ' ' ' O.I.FEIIYQOO. N" A, . moduli-ambu ._’~ » 1:, Largo? soon-6mm: , -_; .- " nifi’ilfltcos 2‘; “ ~-.. "1/14...fg;‘: mm::rrm' ‘4; g, 2*“ $5; SEED ,1. . ~72», L figs-u ANNUAL g.Lj-‘,~:3.~_ ‘ :3.) £01183: I." :t, ".‘.,w .'. ’\.\:~ )f I!.th ms,» fl," 3,. 1.3 g FREETOALL H\§}-‘%"’ .‘. «I \ \ ‘ applicantl. Md .1 7". - \ . ‘ ; m. i.“ vauvzz'l flair"): a “(I ‘l‘ rl!\'\ m’n \lllh ",uj (11:10. ‘l'; “.51 .1 :5} -‘ um i-rdh‘hD‘ il. $4;- ..»-‘=7 1» -‘v'_~.-,:_.r ~ :vzaizluabh: toaa‘ ,_: .'A_\. 7,1,. _ . - r. p 533“; “3‘“ TL"":‘-:-.~."f7-_' " '1 'FlOkOl ". _ _ ’.., Algjfm . ‘ ‘ A id"!! -.:,:‘.V§l~’;nn . ' V 6“ . .- 3! ICE: 5...! ».3h§::. Hun: \ MILLION Lieu ; :.z -‘-.m. n i&- l 0 per Thousand. A 1 to P” ’ Gm. E. Snknm.