OCR Interpretation

Puget Sound weekly Argus. [volume] (Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Wash. Terr. [Wash.]) 1888-1???, September 20, 1888, Image 2

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96061109/1888-09-20/ed-1/seq-2/

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’A—X—IJ'S l‘ ‘z :i 9‘:;.: r
‘ i‘lll‘ ilil'.” ‘l"i.l: ‘
BESLUHS llxiim- nf lluiiikiiil.
Imi- Viv» '.n_.»i ms: j
LEVI l’. 31- mi :'.. f .\‘i-w Ys-rli. ‘
Fur ])l'il‘:_'iii" l" (“mgr-'35:
Hus. J.\.-. 12. .\1 my. wf \\ :Lilu \\lillzi,
l-‘ur Adjutant (‘n-llt'l'ili: ‘
li. (l.()'lii:lr.\. ~-l'()lym;~l:.. i
Fcr Bl‘igfldlvl‘ (Rum-ml:
A. I’. CL‘l;i.-. ..f Simian“ Falls. ‘
For l'rnsucming .\ltuz'noy: 1
JOHN J. (‘ALm-l'x. wf l'rl‘t ‘l‘uwu—«uxl.
For Juixit Cnnucilmuu: ‘
. ALLEx \\"un, of Port 'l‘mvusoml.
For Joint lh-prusontzitivc: ‘
F. H. HlxuiLi;i‘.of l’urt Augolos.

._.—Aii,,_, _ _,__l
Editorial Notes 1
Thurman voted while in the senate ‘
to pension Jeff Davis.
Blaine will open the presidential
campaign in New York state Sept.
29th—and fur will fly frum that Limo
Congressman Gulf of West Vir
ginia says there is little doubt but
that the republicans will carry his
state this fall.
Mr. Allen‘s speech uhcr his uumi~
nation was an able, hunost efiort,
certain to ins;:ire tho confidence of
his constituents at the outset of tho
A friend wants to know how u
democrat can be ‘a protectionist this
year. Easy enough! By voting the
republican ticket. Ask us something
real hard.
Allen Weir of Port Townsend is
the nominee for joint Councilman of
the 12th district. and J. J. Lalhoun
for Prosecuting Attorney, on the
Republican ticket.
The democratic idea is that. Ameri
can laborers shall lose 31 in earnings
in order to save 17 cents in cost of
living. These figures represent the
result of free trade boiled down.
Agood healthy locomotive with a
few flat cars and a. cargo of railroad
iron would be splendid for sore eyes
on Port Townsend Bay this fall.
Handling dirt just. beyond the depot
grounds will soon be in order.
The P.-I. suggests: “And now a
strong pull, along pull and a pull
:11 together for Allen and protec
tion.” Bight you are, and the Rep
ublicans of Jefl'erson County will all
(all in line for these very purposes.
T. V. Powderly estimates that
there are one million laborers idle in
the United States—being about one
in twelve. Powderly is a staunch
protectionist, and wants out protec
tive tarifl' maintained, to the end
that the number of idle men In our
land he not increased.
While Oregon in agitated over the
subject of improving her co miner.
oial waterway, Puget. Sound and the
Straits of Face bear their vast com~
menial burdens 190 miles inland
from old ocean over an average depth
of a hundred famous—without rock,
bu, shoal or other obstruction.
Certainty'in our railroad prospects,
and aggressive work this fall adds
to the flame of our boom—already
growing like wildfire. New addi
ditions to'our population, business
and wealth, will continue without
abatement through the winter. We
no acquiring a splendid reputation
Tacoma is again agitated over the
Chinese and a mass meeting was
held last night to protest against
their importation for the purpose of
picking hope. We admire the zeal
of Tacoma citizens in so vigorously
opposing the Mongoliane, but zeal
hectobe tempered with prudential
conniderationa under some circum
Voorhees abused Cleveland, Cleve
land vetoed Idaho annexation bill,
democracy demand Idaho annexa~
tion. democracy endorses Voorbees,
Voorhees endorses Cleveland, de
mocracy demand statehood, demo
cntic congress refuses statehood,
democracy endorses democratic con
grass! My! Watch the animals
Frank Pixley, the San Francisco
Argonaut man, who is popularly
supposed to carry the American
party in his vest pocket, was on the
fence quite a while waiting to be
“recognized” by the Harrison men in
California. Failing to get anything
he has gone to work to take as many
votes away from the republican party
as possible.
The republican terlitorial plat
form this year appeals to republi
cans from a strictly party standpoint.
Mr. Allen will argue for the peel.
lions and principlea of the party on
ly, eschewing entirely the Wiles of
the demegogue. It is safe to guess
that no great number of republicans
will be gulled or allured from part y
faulty by the persuasive eloquence
of Charley Voorhees this year. The
shoe will be on the other foot. if any
thing. Mr. Voorhees has not mad..-
3 democratic speech in four years.
He hubeen appealing to renegade
W end the rebble element”
l': .- 1' .-1i ‘ )x:‘-l‘.3l.il‘l!:i|'\i
ilu.‘ ...---l I-\.‘ .«u‘ ‘:Ei. 'iv vzi l’i-t‘:
'l'nuz. -- lni tn <l.” i} ll;.- 11. maul ilmt
ln.<.-~ l-u -‘. i:.:;.l:‘ f i’ will: x‘hllil'r.
'l'i..~ i~ "iii: :.u ".‘.n'l' l' rLZAI-‘l' \VlllV‘d
{z' h> Tl'-- (“u-L11»? [Eu-.f Ilgn‘ llwlhi in
taking. '\\ ln‘H wuw- uur fume goes
:iluuzul \'.l- may r-xpect un inxlux of
lln'i-FX‘TS :unl li"!lh“.\(‘»'i{t‘!’s greator
than that which has ln-n-wfuru flock
c-J into California
.\5 >huwlug SUUli'llling of what the
cmnumrciui imam-. 45 of Port Town
sonvl m'o luumnuiiu “".. nun- the fol
i'\\\'ii-;_’ >'.'.mm.-iry ul' l’ugw: Humid ox~
puns fa 1' 1110 ms! night days of this
iunuth. Thu tutu} value was s2B}.
(STNJT. (liVitll-ll as. I- llw.-.‘~: 7.2500535!)
foot (f lumlu-i‘. \'Hllh-vl zit 393592.54;
32,57] tum ul' c-xnl. \:ilul-d at 5124,-
297.75. :'.!er gum-x'ul nu-u'lizmdise to
the value of $66,755.66.
If. 1151”!“ lzm-n Irvqurntly assor
ted. thorn is :1 n-pnhlicnn majority in
Washington 'l‘t-rritury. it will be
‘ manifest this fall. \\‘ith the pro
tectiuu issm- so directly afi'ccting us,
and with statuhood probably so near
upon us, with all the disappointment
of our t-xporimemri during the past.
fuur years, the republican who will
vote the democratic ticket this year
will be a curiosity indeed.
San Juan count} democrats are
contemplating with anything but
pleasant feelings the prospect of
having their lime and wool indus—
tries ruined by the Mills hill, in case
thnbmeasnre should become a law.
A few democratic orzslors should he
sont over the-n- to explain the bean
ties of free trade. 01'. better still,
tho Port Townsond (.'ull might do its
party immense service by undertak
ing the job.
Gen. Harrison‘s lottvr of accept
ance, though an able, concise and
business-like ducum'wnt. from a pruc
lien] and sincere m'n. hardly ranks
with the brilliun; . tarances of the
Maine slatosman—"LLmugh it is su
perior to the sonn-wlmt lengthy let
ter isaued by President. Cleveland.
The big man in tho white houso is
newt so eloquent or forcible as when
1m :5 vetciug u pensiuu bill for some
soldier's widow. ,
The article on fish and fisheries,
which we published Saturday, enu
merates a grea': deal more than most.
people calculate in the way of actual
business in connection with this
question. “'0 commend it to the
careful perusal of our readers. Port.
Townsend will do more to encourage
this industry when she gets fully
alive to its great» importance. Speed
the day when we shall have 2,000
added to our population by reason of
the fishing industry. .
It has remained for the San
Francisco Chronicle to present the
masterly, par excellence, argument
for protection. That paper publish
ed a history of the whole question,
devoting one entire edition to it.
Tons of extra copies were printed
for circulationl and the demand has
been very great. The Chronicle has
publicly challenged any democratic
orator or newspaper in California to
debate the question—but thus far it
has not been accommodated.
A newspaper that has manliness
enough to be an aggressive. force for
the right is sure to have antagon
isms. One that is too cowardly to
express a definite opinion upon any
public question, and that is forever
straddling and catering to popular
favor, or to avoid antagonism. is sure
to count for but little. It. is always
the pusillanimous kind that sneers at
those who do amount to something.
Such gloating, however. plainly be
trays the jealousy gnawing at ex
ceedingly narrow minds.
Port Townsend needs just one
great facility in addition to her rail
road, as a factor in achieving speedy
municipal growth—a fine hotel;
This necessity is no great that we
cannot dispense with the hotel and
its advantages without seriously in—
juring our own interests. It ought
not to require months of argument
and agitation to demonstrate this
matter so plainly and forcibly as to
induce organized and efl‘eclive efi'ort
for a hotel such as is needed. There
should be immediate action.
Democrats are very anxious to get
control of the legislature. In view
of approaching statehood it is quite
important. A democratic majority
in the legislature after President
Harrison signs our statehood bill
would mean two democratic U. S.
senators—hence demierata are frantic
in their efl'orts to vary the legisla
tive districts. Republicans who want
the U. S. senate to continue republi~
can in complexion, and thus continue
the safeguard of our industries
against free trade, will vote solidly
for their legislative candidates.
The hanging of Goldensen, yes
terday for the murder of the inuo~
cent school girl, Mamie Kelly, was a
triumph of justice, which must make
every American’s heart rejoice. Low,
vicious criminals increase with every
‘ lax administration of the law. So
surely as Goldensen‘s neck had been
‘ spared a dozen more school girls had
been murdered. Our law is too slow.
We believe that it is better for a
criminal to have every chance of jus
tice. but not a perversion of justice
in the way of leniency, for that he—
gets crime. The morbid sympathy
which so many goody-goody people
show to great Criminals is all wrong.
It makes a kick] of hero of the cum
inal which is very desirable on the
part of some abandoned characters.
The protection of the innocent, not
the vicious, is the design of the law. i
l‘iw- milz' "H 1 question in Tt'rritOF
ml :vlmm :n .‘lr. \'oarlu-us is trying
:,. i--':iv.- it. i< u (lviixl i>>um It is
mar a qwution in! the courts. not for
l" tut-inns. nor votcmwlwcnuse a
(‘..-u; wrmiv 1213“; lent has accepted
lim .‘x'v-nln-rn i'iu3ilic railroad in fifty—
milo sections, and has caused the
di<pmml land to be patented. to the
company. That land can only be
wrestod from [he ('nmpany now, if at
all. lry legal proceedings. When Mr.
\'oorhocs could have secured the for
fcillll't‘ of part of the land he refused
Iwunum. as ho :illogml. he could not
gut enough The l’orlluud-\anlulu
grunt lu- could still haw, but he pcr~
sisto-ntly refuses it. and keeps it
lockml up from settlement. Dole
guto .\lluu will get that land forfeit
ed to the public domain in short or
(101' after Ulhello‘s ocupation is gone.
General Harrison's letter of accept
ance is a. document of notable strength
and deafness. Ho discusses every
public question of importance in a
straight forward and practical man
ner which is calctlalod to inspire the
deepest confidence in his statesman
ehip and a broad comprehension of
the great subjects now at issue before
the country. It is eminently in ac
cord with the spirit 0! Republican
ism and will attract the consideration
of candid voters of all classes. In
comparison with the letter which Mr.
bleveland imposes upon his fellow
ers, Greneml Harrison’s is as much an
pcrior as the utterances of a trained
statesman are above those of an obs
cure politicion who comprehends only
the most superficial phases of any pub‘
lic question. As :tho New York Tri~
(mnc well says:
“Gem-ml Harrison’s letter in cour
ageous, frank, simple and uuufl'u :ted
Many of its phrases pierce the Demo
cmllc armor like sword thrusts. It
is a letter that wili make many voles.
The letter is worthy of the leader of
a great party and demonstrates his
fitnuss for the presidency."
Extravagant Claims‘
'l'hc Clivhnlis Nugget, always ready
to land Deli-gutt- Voorhei‘s with sick
ening,ovonlrawn, fillsome slohber,
is out in :1 long article purporting to
given resume of that gentleman‘s
work in congress. It has summed
up everything that anybody or all
put together have accomplished for
Washington Territory during the
past four years, and tries to create
the impression that Voorliees has
done it all—4lnd this year, too. It
even goes back and tries to claim
credit for work done by Hon. T. H.
Brents before Voorhees was elected.
Such outrageously extravagant claims
can assist our Delegate to re-elec
tion only with those who are too ig~
norant or too careless to read the
truth. Still, the long drawn out
gush is published with apparent
seriousness, under flaming headlines
claiming that “Thomas H. Bronte
never did, and John B. Allen or any
other republican never can do as
much.” '
No sensible person objects to giv
ing Mr. Voorhees credit for all thatl
he is untitled to~but when it comes 1
to dignifying him with silly claims:
that he has done more than anyonej
: has done, or can do, and actually ‘
lying outright to support the claim.:
the average citizen is nauseated.l
Still, this kind of blatant. cheap johnl
politics goes—and newspapers that
are “thick and thin" party workers
in the democratic ranks are sending
it on its rounds-taking, or profess—
ing to take, down at one gulp the
whole claim as gospel truth.
In the first place, while Mr. Voor—
hees has been in congress the Ore~
gen senators have done more for
Washington Territory than he has—
yet all their work is claimed in be
half of the ambitious young egotist
who seeks political homage and con—
tinued success. We cite a few in
smnces: The bill to grant Point
Defiance reservation to Tacoma for a
public park is Senator Dolph’s meas
ure. The additional appropriation
for the Port Townsend custom house
was secured were by Senator Mit
chell than any one else-although
the spr cial lobbyist sent on from
this city did some good work for it.
The act to validate our legislative
work and provide for the expenses of
holding the next legislature was a
failure, simply because Mr. Voorhees
did not stay at his post of duty in
Washington and attend to business.
It was emasculatenl in the senate by
having its most important part strick
en out. when Mr. Voorhees could
have secured a remedy for the whole
matter in a proviso of a dozen words
had he been there; but he had come
west to make sure of getting that
nomination which he said he didn‘t
I want. The bill making Seattle and
' Tacoma ports of delivery and en
larging their customs privileges was
one of Senator Dolph’s measures,
and to him belongs mainly the cred»
it of its success; the same applies tol
the Port Angeles psrt of delivery 1
bill now pending. The bill for the‘
admission of Washington Territory,
favorably reported in the senate. is
in no sense Mr. Voorhees? measure.
It is almost identical with admission
‘ bills twice passed by the senate, but
‘ which died in the hands of the House
committee on Territories of which
Mr. Voorhees is a member. Either
our Delegate did not have influence
enough with his own committee to
secure a report on any one of these
statehood bills, or else he didn't
want them reported. Still, with the
gall of a cast iron mule he and his
friends claim credit for what the Or--
egon senators have done for us—and
d 1 mocratic papers have the brazen
efi'rontery to flaunt these claims in
the faces of sensible people. The
enabling act for Washington, Dako
ta, Montana and New Mexico was
Congressman Springer‘s bill. Mr 3
Voorhves had uutlxiug whatever to
do with it. The river and harbor
bill, in so far as it provides for sun
veys and estimates for improvement
of the upper Columbia river. is the
x‘usult of Dvlph and Mitchell's labors,
yet it also is paraded among Year
[l99s’ assets. A more impudent at
tempt to strut in borrowed feathers
we never witnessed.
The foregoing are but a few sam
ples. We might. prolong the list,
but cite those items to indicate the
character of the blnsfier campaign
just npuncd. Mr. Vunrh(;os has been
a fairly avtiv: dob-gulp, but “mm are
wwml geutfemen in tlm Territory
who could have done more.
Party Positions.
The republican territorial platform,
which we publish this morning, is
remarkable for what it omits as well
as for its positive declarations. 0n
the national issue, the protective tar
itl' question, it is clear and ringing in l
its utterances. In so far as the na~
tional issue affects the leading pro
ducts of this Territory the platform
is particularly emphatic. If it fails
to meet with the hearty endorsement
of the public. then the world may as
Well conclude that our people are in
;difi‘erent to their industrial welfare.
lOn the queetion of statehoed the ad
ministration is arraigned in unmis
takable terms. Mr. Voorheee was
twice sea), to congress in the belief
that his distinguished father would
aid our aepirtaions, and in the vain
hope that he. being in accord with
the democratic majority in the lower
House of Congress. would he better
able to forward our admission bill
than a republican delegate would.
But all this alluring delusion Las
been dissipated like the mists of a
summer morning —and the toiling
masses of the Territory, evor anxious
for emancipation from their condi
tiou of aorl'dom, ever patient under
delay and injustice. have been awak
ened to a realization that they were
[victims of shameless deception.
Tho loud blustur and vehement
promises of young Voorheos. made
for the purpose of gaining elections
to congress, lun‘e been simmered
down to actual results, and have
proven by analysis to lie niuo parts
wini and the rest immuculuted os
senco of gull. We do not charge
that when Mr. Voarbnos first made
these promises he did so without ox
pectution of being able to fulfill
them. His ogotialn probably led him
to expect grand things. But the at
titudo of the national democratic
party towards \Vusbington Territory
on the statehood question has been
simply an insurmountable barrier to
our advancement—and it is just as
apparent today as it was four years
ago that we will be powerless to ae~
cure a state government until the
republican party gets able to give it
to us. Still. voters were duped into
supporting Chan. 8. Voorhees on this
issue. That he will be able to do~
caive them upon it a third time seems
hugely credible. , ,
The republican platform has ig-‘
nored side issues completely—issues
upon which the party itself is locally
divided. We believe such a course
to be a wise one. The party is going
in for an old time victory. Republh
oanism, pure and simple, is the first,
great. overshadowxng consideration.
Side issues, that distract and divide
are left for future solution.
The Work of the Convention.
For the past few weeks it has been
apparent to everyone well acquainted
with the territorial situation that
Hon. John B. Allen was the choice
of the republicans by an overwhel
ming majority, and that the proper
thing for the territorial convention
of that party to do would be to nom~
inato Mr. Allen. His popularity
within the party became more and
more apparent when the convention
delegates met at Elleneburg. He
was the first choice of 157 delegates,
and the second choice of abontso
more. Ol course he was triumphant
ly nominated on the first ballot.
"Had there been another ballot taken
he would have received over 200
votes in the convention, out of 243.
The best of feeling prevailed. and
other candidates whose names are
considered were treated with such
courtesy and good feeling that they
were all well pleased.
After the nomination had been
made there was a manifest and most
unanimous feeling that. the very best
possible thing had been done. At
the evening session, after the work
of the convention had been comple
ted, Mr. Allen appeared in the hall,
and loud calls were echoed and re
echoed for him until he appeared on
the stage, when he was tendered a
genuine ovation, and stood bowing
his thanks for several minutes be~
‘ fore order could be restored. Mr.
lAllon is a tall, spare manl with a
‘ youthful, smooth face, an intellectual
‘ forehead. and the general appear
ance of a dignified, cultured gentle
man. His manner of speaking is
graceful and scholarly. full of mag—
netic tire, poetic and flowery, replete
with all the ornate graces of the suc- 1
cessful speaker. To say that the‘
vast audience in the convention hall ‘
was captivated by the ringing speech
but faintly expresses the fact. Its
lending thoughts were grandly in
spiring, taking within their compre
hensive scope enough of the history
of the republican party to arouse the
pride of everyone present. At its
close the enthusiastic cheering that
followed prevented either business or
speaking for several minutes. Oth
ers were called out, including Hon.
Geo. Turner, Col. J. C. Haincs and
J no. L. Wilson. Angular love feast
guessed. Everybody went home set
isfied and confident of victory in No—
Mr. Allen will open his campaign
at Colfax on Monday next. His plan
will be to conduct an aggressive con
test in his own behalf, treating his
opponent with polite indifference.
No one doubts that John B. Allen
will make a splendid impression up
on the people. His ability as a
speaker. his purity of personal char
acter. sincerity of purpose and thor~
oughly gentleinanly qualities can but
commend him to the public; while
his long residence in the territory,
familiarity with its public afl'airs, and
hisconsiatent. clean record on public
issues render him especially accept
able. He has hosts of ersonal
jfriends. also, who will greatly assist
; Hl].
Liver RAILROAD woaK.
Spokane Falls, Sept. 17.-—The Big
Bend branch of the Northern Pacific
is rapidly approaching Medical lake.
It is graded to the King farm, two
and one—half miles west of the lake,
and this distance will be com leted
this week. Track laying will, then
commence at once, and trains will be
running to the lake by the Ist of
October. The Northern Pacific ar~
allele the Seattle, Lake Shore &. lipast
ern for a distance of three miles east
of the lake, the two roads being only
about fifty yards apart. The North~
am Pacific is south of the Seattle
line until the lake is reached. when
the roads cross and run west on par~
allel lines. not more than a mile apart
as far as Davenport, 25 miles west of
the lake. Both roads are trying to
reach that point first, and the Seattle
road. while it is waiting for its spur
with the Northern Pacific to be com
pleted, is hauling its rails by team.
Every etl'ort is being made by this
road to reach Medical lake as soon as
its competitor, and large forces of
men are employed on both roads.
am was-run roa raven.
Jacksonville, Sept. 17.—-Nsw cases
Sunday, 75; deaths, 9. The ofiicial
report today shows 52 new cases and
twu deaths. This does not include
the report of the medical bureau of
visiting physicians, which came in
just alter the otficiat list closed, and
embracrd 24 cases, many of which.
however, were duplicated. Only 7
deaths were reported up to 6 o'clock
this evening, but it is certain that
there have been several others during
the past twenty-four hours. The
irregularity and want of system of
physicians in making reports render~
ed correct figures tonight impossible.
Quite a number of unacclimated
nurseslhnve reached here from vari
ous places, and it is expected more
than a dozen will be returning to
Camp Perry on route tomorrow. The
weather is wet and unfavorable. Last
evening a corps of 14 nurses sent by
Harry Miner arrived from New Yor
by the steamer Fernandia. Twenty—-
three nurses from New Orleans ar
rived here yesterday. It was a bad
Sunday. Among those prostratod
are Col. Whittord Walker, internal
revenue collector for Florida, and
Mrs. Walker. The former is doing
3 A osssaous courier.
Minneapolis, Se t. 18.—C. A.
Pillsbury & 00., milfers of this city,
to—day distributed $40,000 among
‘ite employees on the profit sharing
‘ plan. This is the largest distribu
‘tion of this character ever made in
‘ the country and was made so quietly
‘that no one outside of those benefit
ad was inherited of it. Four yam-a
logo C. A. Pillsbury & Co. inaugura
ted the profit-sharing system, which
this year has been a profitable one.
The workmen’s share is very large,
and the distribution has been on a
more liberal scale than ever before.
Every man who has been in the em
ploy ot the firm for three years has
received a share. The amounts re
ceived vary from $25 to $250. but in
no case is the amount less than a
month’s salary.
s’rumza ARRIVAL.
London. Sept. 15.—Passed the Liz‘-
ard. La Gascogne. from New York
for Havre.
rm: curmn' nuns mnaam.
' Havana, Sept. 15.—-Silvestre Gare
cia Bango. mayor of Matanzas. who
was kidnapped last week by bandits
while on his lplantation, has been set
at liberay. e paid S6OO ransom.
new uoasme rxss rs CLEVELAND.
Cleveland, 0.. Sept. lii—M. B.
Clark & Son‘s National mills. Mer
win street, were destroyed by an ex
plosion tire early this morning. Two
men. named German and Brandt,
were killed. Loss $150,000.
ran use wms ron amass.
Havana. Sept. 15.-—The clerks of
the confectionary La Guardia drank
poisoned wine to day with their din~
ner. Four 0! them are dead and two
others are dying.
rm: amass cosousas 'rna REBELS.
London, Sept. ls.—Bombay ad—
vices state that the Ameer of Afghan
istan has Won a victory over the
rebels under Ishak Khan in the
north. The Ameer’s troops captured
the stronghold of Kamard. Among
the prisoners is Ishiik Khan’s father
in-law. The Ameer‘s lieutenants are
following up the success.
was sure svasss coxnsussn.
New Bedford, Sept. 15,—The ship
Syrene, 823 tons. coal laden, from
Baltimore to San Francisco. encoun~
tered a gale on J une 25th. She
sprung a leak and put into Rio Jan
eiro, and has been condemned. She
was insured for $70,000.
'ro suspense rm: suvs rams.
Paris, Se t. 15.—The government
has ordered) gnnboats to the west
coast of Africa to pursue vessels on—
gaged in the slave trade which fly
the French flag.
A cosrmc'r wrrs nascs srarxzss.
Paris, Sept. l5.—A conflict has
taken place at Pierre Anfiiere be
tween striking workmen and the
military. and several have been
DEATH or a status raises.
Vienna, Se t. 15.—-Prince Johann
Adolph of Schwarzenberg is dead, at
89 years of age. . The death occurred
in Bohemia.
'rnz has erase xx aosros.
Boston, Sept. 16.—A destructive
1 fire broke out in the lumber district
ion Alban street this morning and
caused a ioss of SBO,OOO. Extensive
lumber sheds and large quantities of
rough and finish lumber were
totally destroyed. 3
A smar museum suocs. ‘
San J 050. Sept. 17.——A sharpl
earthquake awoke nearly every per-‘
son in this city at 3:45 this morning.
The vibrations were from north to
south and lasted one minute.
GUATEIIALA armors A ram-n.
City of Mexico. Sept. ls.—Tele.
grams state that the Guatemala con
grass. August 22. rejected the treatg
with Mexico establishing a mixc
commission to look into the claims
of citizens of the two republics. .
crvu. wan IN 53310;. ’
London,‘Sspt. 15.—Advices from
Samoa say the natives have rebelled
on account of an attempt made by
Herr Branders. a German official, to
induce them to confer the name of
Malietoa upon Tamasese. Branders,
at. the head of a force of Samoaus‘
who favor the pretentious of Tama~
sese, had an encounter With the l'flb—l
els. Seven of his force were killed. i
The rebels lost. three. Brnnder’s‘
force numbers 1400, the rebels" 3000. :
The deposition of 'l‘amasese is inevi-i
table unless the Germans lend him
active support.
run worn; or coasr s'ravrti's.
San Francisco. Sept 17.—— Prof.
Davidson, of the Coast and Geode
tic snrvey‘ answering a quedion as
to tne probable work on the north
western coast, says everything de‘
pends on the fate of the sundry civil
service bill. The survay ntfice will
be guided entirely by the appro
priation, though consideradle work
remains to be done in and about the
Columbia river. The work at Gray’s
harbor is finished.
ran uoarazax metric an 2401 nxraa
1 Chicago, Sept. IL—A sensation
lwill be created in railway cir
‘cles by the forthcoming legal pro~
lceedings which may prevent the
{Northern Pacific from realizina its
‘cherished scheme of entering Alani
‘toba A year ago the Dominion gov
‘erument entered into a contract
iwhersby the Manitoba Central rail—
lway was to have asole lease of the
Rind River Valley railroad. The conv
tract was given to a trustee. Dr. Mc-
Arthur, of Winni eg, representing
the corporation. The contract speci~
tied that Manitoba Central was to
have a prior claim over all other cor
porations, and that should the con
tract be disallowed and disallowance
practically or tacitly annulled by
any future act of the dominion gov~
ernment, the Manitoba Central’s
rights were to be recognized in pri
ority. its contract to be remade or
considered valid. Under the terms
of the agreement the Manitoba Cen-
Ltral is now prepared to enforce its
claim and will institute proceedings
at once. It was learned to—day at
the Northern Pacific's headquarters
that solicitor McNaught had already
repared papers. setting forth the
Klanitoba Cent rnl’s grounds of com
The N P. Reiuces the Fish Rate:
'l‘uesdav afternoon Captain 80103
mun Jacobs received a telegram from
the managers of the freight depart~
meat of the Northern Pacific rail
road, stating that they would ship I
his nine craloads of fish in boxes or
barrels at the old rate of $1.25 per
lot) pounds. Captain Jacobs had no
idea of shipping his fish in boxes or
barrels. but in bulk, and he conclud~
ed to place them in refrigerator care
in bnl and take the chances. as he
does not want to remain idle. In the
. meantime he will correspond with the
l Canadian Pacific people and see what
rates he can get there. Unless the
Northern Pacific people conclude to
make rates which t e fishermen con
.sider fair and eqluitable. the fish of
lPuaet Sound wil probably be shi -
ipetf East over the Canadian Pacing.
‘ —Post-Intelliqencer.
The Chinese.
Emma Standardz—The attention
to “Our Chinese Population” in our
leader on Monday is judicious. l.l‘hie
city is_deetined to play an important
part in the politics of the ravines
and Dominion, and on the whole Pa
lcitic coast. Public opinion expects
l the newspaperete take the lead on vi‘
Ital questions. If they lack the log
ical acumen to reduce principles and
conclusions from facts and evidence,
the whole country will sufl'eri con-e.
quently the part taken by the fro
vince and city will be week an de~
trimental. In politics we cannot
make mistakes and not. sufl’er for it“
Your article on this subject treating
on the varied neglects of the queetionl
has a direct ten ency to elicit discus-l
sion and arrive at a conclusionl
Your article assists us materially on!
an important point— you locate thel
evil—you recognize the work done‘
by the Chinese for all its worth, but‘
the Chinaman himself is, as asserted,
an unmitigated nuisance and evil—-
his filth and vice, hie withdrawal of
the medium of change. You next
subject of discussion—4e an inquiry
whether these evils cannot be reme
died in this city. The larva for all
are the same, they are auflicient for
the citizens—the only conclusion you
can come to, you arrive at, viz.: the
police. surely the police are respon
sible. that is the oglcal ccncluaion
from a mathematical..dpolitical and
legal aspect. as an itor dealing
with a practical subject in a practi
cal manner you can arrive at no
other conclusion. But, Mr. Editor,
get the best police in the world and
you can’t cure the evil. Miss Acker
man. the W. C. 'l‘. U.- lectarees. un
veiled the statue of _ evil. and Rev.
Dr. Nourse did the same thing. The
nnewar is formed—lt’s a moral ques
tion. Cupidity and greed brought.
them here; God did not. God com~
amends] the Israelites to destroy the
heathen nations of Palestine as there
was no safety without; the Jews
thought they knew better. But God
understood human nature then as
now. We are in the same position—
we cannot touch pitch without do~
filament. The Chinese have no con
science but for gain; they will work
and drive the women_ to the well;
they will give them opium and de
bauch them and have no compassion,
——it‘s against their education. Dr.
Nourse in his lecture on Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hide, like an old irophetof
Israel. in the intensity of is feeling
in talking of the spread of the opium
habit amongst young girls and oth—
ers through them, rang out the flat
—The Chinese must go! We cannot
afford to keep them here. Our laws
are broken; morally, every one of
them. worse than by the Mormons,
and they are doing more than harm.
‘A Christian can't ive on an equality
lwith them and be a Christian. This
‘city and province cannot be Chris
-Itiana;and help the Chinese in the
country. To keep them here is to
debase our wives. sisters and daugh
ters. With them here. we can’t sup?
port, educate or train our families—
it'e a moral impossibility. We can—
not elevate the Chinese‘ we " must
therefore degenerate if we keep them
here. Three things are open to us—
lst, send them away, or, 2nd, make
slaves of them (this will avoid the
competition but not the. degradation;
\or, 3rd, put them in Jul. The ill: 4
F .* I
j:SO‘H'L-rres in Section 27,._,,......... .1,......,... ..i..........*12‘).00 per acre
'4O .i u u 3. Cheap
40 u u u 4_........----u-'-‘"-‘------' ........... atuhargaiu
80 “ “ “ 4 Township 29
We Gen Furnish You Property 111 Most Any Part of the
city at the Lowest Posahle Rates,
CHAS B. WOOD. 7 “3!. F. LEARNED. A. H. \\‘IN'I‘RUDE,
Notary Public.
The Port Townsend Land Go,
Taylor Street, Hasting’s Building
Port Townsend, - - Wash.
P. O. Box 178. Correspondence solicited.
, R. C. Calhoun & 00.,
} —Deals in all kinds of—
? Farm Produce, Feed, Bran, Goal, file, file.
Rufus C. Calhoun, Manager.
‘3? AGENT for Mitchell & Lewis Go. Wagons and Farming Machinery
, O
1 Ward, Harper & £lll,
Real Estate Brokers
i Read cart-fully the following list and catch on while the opportunity offers ;
i 32 Lots in Hastings’ 3d addition.
3 40 Lott-s in Lewis J; Spitz addition, SSO per lot, without doubt the cheapest. prop
, in the market.
1 4 Lots in \Vchster’ sauldition.
i House and 2 Lots in Block 80, [Rustin-54’ addition.
3 We otl'er for three days the handsmnest [Hook on Morgan Hill for $3 500.
Lots 7 and 8 in Block 17, Mountain View :uldition.
‘ Block 6 in \Vchster’s addition.
I BOILL'I'OS in Sections 19 and 20, cheap.
120 acres in Section 34, fronting for half a mile on Film. Straits. 100 acres under
cultivation, growing over 100 tons of timothy hay, besides grain, potatoes, etc. TWO
; miles from Water street. The person fortunate enough to secure this valuable
ierty has a fortune in his grasp. Call on ‘vVARD, HARPER 45L HIEL.
we cannot do; the second we should
i not. do; the first .we must do,—by
‘degreem—by enacting certain laws;
‘ray first. as a commencement, by
prohibiting the landing of any more
eoolias. To conclude. I should re~
mark that the imgossibility of light
and darkness 90 abiting. of good
and oval embracing, is illustrated in
this question. The time will come
when the Chinese nation Will adopt
an enlightened policiof reform, and
hereon: will have 'herty to form
at can you exgzct o a na on
that believea in ring their bones
taken to Ulnna on religious grounds!
Cooran—At Port Discovery, September‘
| 14, 1888, to the wife of George Cooper,‘
9. son.
A Inn to I'll: People.
From their arrival on' this planet to
their usually early departure from it,
people of weak constitutions and angu
\ lar physiques pass a sort of halt-existence.
} Like dormice they Lurrow in their home
retreats, afraid of heat, afraid of cold,
constantly afraid that the shadow or the
dread reaper will materialize and exact
the forfeit which he demands from all,
sooner or later. No finer medicinal as
‘suranoe of comparative vigor tor the
‘teeble exists than that aflhrded by Heat
teter’s Btomaoh Bitters. Used with per
sistence-not with spurts and spasms——
this genial and proteulonally commend
ed tonic will do much toward infusing
strength into a puny system. and round
ing of scrawny angles in the human flee
nre. Appetite. nerve tranquillity and
nightly repose are encouraged by it. and
a malarial, rheumrtic. bilious tendency
overcome. It re-establiahes digestion
and prevents kidney trouble. "
Mn. Congill Invites the ladies of Pot:
Townsend and vicinity to examine be!
complete shock of fine milllnery, cousin:-
in of the newest define in white !«
and beaver hale. New etylee In ribbog
bands, birda. wings. velveu. eta—Fri
reasonable. sepl4 1w & wkl g
To 111: Aunt-tons or m Dun Q.
Conn-ms or \anaron T *5
TOBY?‘ .1
\'onmhcrobiy Informed um u the' 0
election which I nqnh-odby law to be «a
all theelecliormacu of Washington 'l' ;
wry. on an; 1 non lollomnf we firs.
Monday of number. 1535, In man on to dis
trict, bushfire. county And pnclnc: omega.
there Inuu heelecud on. deleguo lo nprueul
the terrlm In tho congms of the United
sums‘ one bundle! mar-l. .nd one “Ith
genera with the brlglaier zonal-um! the mmm.
All by the tel-titer, a: hut.
in with.“ when»! I .vo homunto In my
hard and caused the g at seal of tho maker:
to be “fixed u Olymph. this 25th day 0!
Augu-I.l6&§.andln the one hundred and thip
leemh yur or m. laden-nuance or lho United
By than Governor: uovernor.
.\'. 11. meuu.
sat-raw, o! the Ternary. Semis If
In tho Dhlflct Conn. (or flu Third Judicial
District. of Wuhlnmon Turmory. holding term.
at Port. Townsend, Jalenon County.
Tumor: o! Wmh‘nmn. 1
County of Jefl‘eroon. {'3'
Chum A. Swift, manna.
vs. No. 1153.
Cnsnuxl Dofendnnt.
To 'rul_ Alqu'. IAy‘lllDllnglley: ‘
You are hen-l 1 notified than. Chutes A. Swift
rlmmifl'. hm flad I. comphint n-minsl on
u xhc Dianne: Court of the Third Judicnl $.3-
trict, holding terms u Pm Townsend. Jeflermn
County. Wuhtnxton Mm. which will come
on to be head sixty dug- after the first. publica
tion of this luminous town: Sixty day: an."
the s n any or number was. met unless ynu
nppeu md “swat the am on orpctom the am
any of Senator I“. the nine '1“ be taken as
conned, Ind the ”J“ of aid complaint.
granted. The object m prayer of nld com
plaint gamed.
The object. mdanyer 0! mid complaint is to
dissolve the ban 0! mtflnnny existing be.
1 tween the phmuhnd denndnm on Ihw mound
‘ of tho nundomont of mo plainun‘ by me do
} {endanu nines the 2am day of any 1. 11.887;
‘ md the uuun And refund or defendam ever
since mid my. to 1m and column. with plain
lin as his wife.
3 \A fitness my lund Ind tba Seal of Enid court,
thin sth (I. of June. 1888.
‘ Ann nu: pu y.
1 71m mum {upt- su. was. ‘
c? v
o. o. BARTLETT & 00.
Want : Room : for : Fall : Immmti-active'
A 300 d Stock of MW3O days.
G erol I3iinelsx sold at very low giegczlfisinaggegland all house goods
n. UV». ... . .
6 W9ll Mammal”? 932901291? . hardwarQML—T—afi
NEW S'l‘m
Jacob Har
Maple Avenue, onnasite ‘loll,
PORT 1039:“
Choice Family fix
; At Seamg

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