Newspaper Page Text
Tl 1E Oldest Paper. W Questions nnswvrml fun about the country. ‘ ‘ Sample copies free on appli— cation. Volume XIX. , ,7 , ‘ T ‘\ DAILX ARU Lby EVERY .\I|IRVII‘XE‘E‘LL'XZ‘I'IJH‘ :IVNI'AY. “IV-ure.: by m.“ orl ..ruvz' sum IIII‘HI.“ my"; ~ :_ ,” SH.‘ In .\ Int .«'-~ Wye? \V-‘v-L. .'.Vlci“-. [lAj-J I" -¢~ L )V Advertbiugxutvr fx.r:l!»::e‘tul...]-. is Jinn. Q '§ @ll2 at rchlg grguw. rsul.l~lm. gum IIIl'!;;:IA\. Pun Town-"n L “'.l-fun 'lun '!'- rrJ! r 3 TRISH: All“ 5115“ ICH'H‘IN' 0m: Var “H. 330 'l .rw- M-. 11.2.1314: 3'. lan-‘..” ‘. 11'an lytvyx‘u-Z‘ttn'h... . '.“n‘h W Aixxlifl‘ul'si‘: MEX}; l:\'l‘r:\‘uF.\l)\'L£l:l‘l\l.\‘v&- t sins). xi’u'. xnwr'iun. , ..,.....51.1r| nutmeg-« Hut Ln-vvunu. . 'a‘J *ih'l‘nuww .l h"\~‘rfi‘.l‘: ‘.u in-uxv inivrliun I.“ be urv'nlupaniali :A' varh. Au \U‘UKNFS >‘r.l‘: Ll' I! \l-IVTIU \'. Alli-['s l‘l KLX~|EINH (‘O. I'Rol‘l-ISSIIISAL (nouns. ‘ JAHES DI mxmmu. .\x. 1). P-IRI‘ r ywxinSD, w. 'r. Uflce, an: iron! n-mus. up Huird. A I‘.qu Lua‘ullng. WNW on the MlLcurm-r 0! J u’losuu and Clay :lrerls DR C. W. HUNT, Doulisl, @ Don't TOWSSKND, W. 'l'. £3“ oxide um. em»! or vhlnroform admin for pawn-s: rxtmrtum of h-em. D E N T I 5 'l‘ ! Mn Tovnleua. - - - - \V. ’l‘. All work auafimteed first 02:153. J. L MARBOUBG, M. D. O O ‘ Physman alld.Burgeon. w‘ Oflice u stair“ over Clapp & lip-«bum Bfuk. . d 1: ”._.—W C. M. BALDWIN. M. D llllnallm: Physunan and Surgeon. "- OWMCCuMy Block. Woo—Opposite Red Men’s Hall, Maple Ave. dw GEORGE H. JONES, Attorney and Counselor, Proctor in Admiralty. Notary Public. mm Block. - Port Townsend, W. 1' fi ..3uui; M. B. SACHS. BRADSHAW 6: SACHS, run“! mwxnnxn, w. 2. Attorneys and Counscllors at Law. P 3001038 m Abutmu. m: In Bin-Landed New Bulld'lz. J. “an. A. R. COLHAI. E, I. Any. . .WOUN a. COLEMAN. 'Kitotney-cat - Lu W LID PROCTORS 1N ADMIRALTY. Qua—Clio! buildlll'. “I Port. Tow-undflv, 'l‘. D. V. Smith. Warren 1. Hastings SMITH 8: HASTINGS. Attorneys - at - Laxv. P 30011338 II ADMIRAL". land for Sale, Loans Made. Port Townsend. W. 'l‘. w ”'8“ AI!) STEAIBOATS. W“..— CI'TBAL HOTEL, ton minim), v. I. \V-- Dodd. Pnpnomr. 1‘ Home h In" ad IIWLY rL'RmsnEn all m all a. appointments of a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. I. In is supplied wixh the host of Winoß. uld Oigun. O Inn-duel Billilri table and Beading Held. Nothing will to union. 10 aka! second to 1010 II the Torri- M Em SOUND HOUSE, m 1 BOUND, w. 'l. W. Sutherland. Proprietor. I In. ”blinked a New Hotel :1 Eu: Sou-d ”alu- hum. clued sh. -- Em Saul ' nu in new open for tho noun-lod fiouo-J Dublic in“ my. E. McCOSKRIE 81 60., ARCHITECTS, IllllDllO SUPERIITEIIIEII’S. OOUTMO'I‘OBOI mun-Hon lo ffhurcheJhSQhool xnd Pub “a. and w Lluvuor: none. Runny, huh .54 Summary work generally. , ll: Sonora new Brick. Port Townsend. MM BRIGGS 85 00-, ALFRED COOK, Alumna, MESS AND SADDLERY. , gamma:“s.”“:.:.‘:::::2§3.‘33‘i:2 . “no-lad “can and exxmxue our stock. 8 m w ! yr STONE CUTTING ,vI 1 I , ' . ALL max» 21' If" ,3 meter-y \Vork. ‘ v 'l4; n m 9195': to cnler. for , ._s'. -'7 T-d Buunsu purpose-L ~ g;e .- m fuwnsend. W. T. M > v PORT OWN SEND Boot. &» ghee Store Ic-Muoy'uladlu‘.lluen'&Children‘- BOO’l‘S AND SHOES or Tax I!" 10AM" AID LATEST PATTERNS. 7 have 3 great reveaence for (uh mfiomers. JOHN Frrzmnuok. FOR SALE 2 13 Wear old Heifers and Steers, 12 2-year old Heifers and Steers, 14 Milch Cows, ALL CRADED DURHAMS! For ule by - . JOSEPH SWEENEY. Find" Hub”. San Juan C o. W. T. am Busby, AINTING, IE and PKDBI‘ Hanging. I work Guaranteed. us at... up. Court Emmet] ‘_— FOR'I'Y CENTS. 2:: 2:... 3mm”? :cwulnofiflx“. 15$: 104:5 £lll9l gum! WQWQ gmm ' N T“ H‘R W" i P IJA ‘ g o ! THE txrlarnn nukes THE BEST Tum l Nuw York, Sr‘pt. 2'] ——lt is stated iiu shipping circlm~ that. the co m hunmler of tho Eutrnriu has just {eclipsed the bcst record fox uu ucegm I voyage. She was reported at Fire [island at 835 a. m. It is reckoned Ithnt she male the trip in 6 days and lune hour ans] foray minutes. :1 guip of thirty xuiuu‘es over the beat prukus § record. FRUIT m: \L ERS l.\' FEARS. New York, Sept. ill—The fruit dqa‘vrs fear a yellow fever epidemic m]! .4qu out the neyv caop of orang— es. . at least. serxously delay Its Ship ; -*. They are axutisfiod the Fluudd oxch'mga has closed its douzs. SEAMAN ssxrmch To m: IIANGED. London, Sept. 22.——Putrick Kelly. the seaumn who stabbed two ship mates, John Chapman and John Bar ry, on the National line steamer Erin on a voyage from London to New York. and who was brought back to London and tried, was Convicted to— day and sentenced to be hanged. PLBEING rnox 'mn grave; , Meridan. Miss. Sept. 22.—.\'ewa of the feVur at Jackson has set the town wild. Preparations have been begun by many to go out of town. No trains will be permitted to come into the town from Jackson. A PIONEER KILLED BY A TRAIN. Oakland, Cal, Sept. 22.—Capt. Jotham S. Marston. a pioneer resi dr-ut of this County. 81 years of age and a native of Maine, was killed this morning by lit-jug struck by a train. sis mucxsco nuvrzw Sol] Francisco. Sept. 18.—Hops—— The market presents no new feature of interest. The trade regardpr ices as higher than can be maintained, and hold aloof from the market. leaving 3 the tield to speculators. Current ; quotations are 18 (Q 213. 1 Oats—Less active. Where the l buyer is suited in every way he pays} as high as $1.20 for choice food, but 1 the demand is only moderate. lie-I ccipts to‘ day, 6,7000 centals. Feed. l No. 1 and choice. $1 17 (I) 1 20; com- j mon or good, $1 «5 1 15. i Potatoes—— steady; demand fair;| prices unchanged; receipts larger to day. Wheat—Weaker; evidently there is an increasing absense of confi dence. Buyer year sold down to $1 57;, but improved at the close, selling at $1 59. MATTERS rusmmmo 'ro urn sumo surross. San Francisco, Sept. 20.—Major T. B. Blakeney, superintendent of the life saving service of this coast, is in receipt of news that the plans of the new stations pro osed on the northwestern coast ans alterations ‘to old ones are at present receiving l the attention of the secretary of the treasury. ‘ Following are some of the pro— posed improvements most likely to be favorably considered: Imßrovo ment of the station at Cape inap pointment; removal of the station mm the Indian reservation at Noah bay to Wyuddu island, and the erec— tion of a new station at the month of the Columbia river, near Fort Stevens. non-ricrmrunu. mas-rise AND numb nos. The Washington Horticultural society will hold their next meeting at Whatcom. W. T., on October 10, 11 and 12, in connection with the Whatcom County Agricultural and} Horticultural Fair. All persons arel invited to attend and take with them ‘ products for exhibition. A grand . time is anticipated. It is thought that a great many will go from Ta coma, as it afi'ords a good opportu nity to visit Whatcom and see and hear something of the resources of that section of country. New York, Sept. 20.—The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Northern Pacific was held in this city to-day. The only change in the Board as chosen is the election of 0. Bullet in the place of August Bel~ moat... The report presented shows the gross earnings for the year end ing June 30th, to be $15,836.32? The increase over the preceding year is $3,056,879. The operating expenses were $9,266,884; increase. $2,093,865: net earnings. $6,579,443; increase. $953,015. oases Pnssrpnvr. Thomas F. Oakes is elected Presi dent of the Northern Pacific Rail road Company. rm: cmrnn-oczamc Disas'rsa. San Francisco, Sept. 20,—The pi -1 lot commissioners had a short meet -1 ing this afternoon. Alter a brief ldiscussion a resolution was unani~ mousl y adopted exonerating Pilot. Meyer. who was in charge of the Oceanic at the time of the recent Chester—Oceanic collision. was new s'rsaxsa FOB Tll2 60mm. Portland. Sept. 20.—-The o. lii-65‘ N. Co.’s steamer T. J. Potter vull ‘ leave this city for Seattle either Set urday or Monday next, probably Sat urday evening. Tna CRNTRALIA Boom—The Washing ton Land & Improvement Company. the. incorporation of which was noted yeater- 1 day, held a meeting of trustees to day” and effected an organization. The com pany will co-oppernte with the Tacoma,‘ Centralia & Gray's Harbor Railroad 9 Company. the incorporation of which i was also eflected a few days ago. The 3 land company has bought a large tractl of land near the town of Centralis. and will lay it out as an addition to the town. 1 That the company has broad purposes in the development of the country is in dicated in its articles of incorporation as published. The citizens of Blaine, in Whetcom county. in mass meeting agreed to do nate the right of way through the village to the West Coast Railway company. and Chief Engineer Perry, who was pre sent, advised them to communicate with the railway company, informing it of the amount of land they were willing to give. He said his instructions were to push the read as rapidly as possible. It is said that the West Coast line, as per manently located, creases the Skauit river fourteen miles east of It. Vernon at Sedro, and tellows the meridian line nearly straight north twelves Illltl eestt ot thtoom. Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington Territory, Thursday, September 27, 1888. l ‘ snlrmxu. l ___.— ' 'l‘lu Sound fleet remain about the I ulna. numboring forty calla. in port. ‘1 ho exports of the weak hnv. been un ’ usually large. Following is a complete In: of all vase]: on the Sound loading, ; purlfl and destination: . AT sm'r'rnu. l Tomi. l—Sp Palm) :3. coal for S 1". ...... .. 1.360 ‘Sp Margaret. mm] for S. F. .. . . .. . . 1.161 Sp Kuto Davenport, coal (or S. 1“. .1249 ‘Sp Ivanhoe coal for S. F. A ...... 1.611 Total. 4veiio'l. ... . . .A _ . ._ _. _. 5,331 AT noon“. 'l'ons. Sp Wu: H :Gllvra, lumber for Valpar aiso ... 1.210 Bk Canada, Inn) for S L". m..... 1,190 Bk Anna, lum for Melbourne ._.. 518 Bk Ellen, lum l'or Mrlhonrno .... 449 Sch .\lari'm. lumbar for S. F. 224 Bk Carroltnu. Coal (or S. F. .... 1.450 Bk Enoch Talbot. coal hr S. F.. . . 1.235‘ Bk Estella. coal for S. l" .. ... .. . 566 Sp I’. M. Whitman. wht fur (lurk . 2.15] 1 Sn St. David. wllt l'ur Havro .. .. .. 1.536 i Sp React, wheat fur Cork ... .. . . . 1.824 Bk Plymouth. wheat for (lurk .. .. 1.312 SpOriental. coal for 5.19. .._.. .. 1,683 Total, 13 ves:els.... ....15,343 AT Pour BLAKELEY. Tons. Bk Pal: Wan. lum for Melbouue . 818 Sp Mercury. lnm for S. F. .. .... 1,156 Bi Njaal. lumber for Molb'e. .. . 569 Bktn IL Sudden. lum 'l‘ownsv‘e .. . 558 Bk Orion. lumbar. Lon-lon .. .. . . 656 Bk Theobald. lumbar. for S. l“. .. . 981 Bklu Amelia. lum for Honolulu . . 378 T0!u1,7 velsela. . . . . . . . . .5,116 AT Pon'r TOWNSEND. 43,-; Tons. Sb State of Moiuo. ready for sea . . 1.467 Sh Guardian. ready for sea .... . . _ 1,072 8k Wildwood. seeking charter . . . 1,059 Bk Zoila, seeking charter ..... ... 934 i f TntaL 4 vessels.... K‘ .‘ ....‘...4,529 1 AT ronr onwnl. ( Toni. {Bk F. Treat. lulu fru- Sydney ..... 724 lßk 'l‘ybnrnin. Inn for Sydney ‘. . . 948 Bk St. Lawrence, lum, for Svd‘ . . . 1.039 Bk In. Gunter, lumber, S. F. .. ‘ . 992 , __ ? Fatah-1 vea=e!5..........,....‘.3,707 r n- urunADx. ‘Sh Goo. Thompsln, lam. Sydm'y. . 1.128 1135: Emerald. lumber, FL F. . . . . . . .. 1.134 \ ——_ l Total. 2 vea5e10.................2,262 ' AT Pour Dlwovnuv. Tout Bk 0. Ziuo, lumber. Iquiqno‘ .. .. 974 Brig Deacon, lumber. 8. F. ..., ... 402‘ Bktu .\hthum,5.F_.......... 665 i Total,3 vaun15........... 2.041‘ AT PORT Innuox. \ Toni. BkTidal Wave. 1am,“.F........ 603 Bk Nollie May, lnm. S. F. .... ... 699 T0ta1.2veue1a..................2.041 42 P 081! minnow. Total. Sh anu Bryce. lum. Hobson’: b' . . 1,810 numnmn‘mx. Vosselb. Toni. Senna. ................4 5.38] Tac0ma..................13 15,343 P0ri81ake1y.............7 _ 5.116 Port T0wnund.......... 4 4.529 P0rtG1mb10........,.... 4 8.7% Utu1ady......... ......2 2,262 P0r1Di1c0very........... 3 3,041 Port M1di10n............ 2 1m P0r5Lnd10wH.........u 1 1,870 Grand t0m1"".........40 41.550 ___—.9.“— Bnlldlng Nolei. Port Townsend is to have a number of la rge brick building: erected this fall—- among which we may mention the large brick hui!diug by Mr. F. W. James and Mrs. L. Heatinge next to Wevmonth’s blacksmith shop; aleo Mr. Thou. Phil lipa' brick building. between Wey— month’s and the Terry building, on which work has already been begun. Then there is the three-story brick build ing 76178 feet in size, to be erected by Gen. D. W. Smith. oppoeite Judge Knhn'a ofllne. Then there is the Poutiue- Heller brick building, QXBO feet in_ size three etoriee high. to be erected at the foot of the hill opposite the telegraph ofllce—for which plans have already been completed. Then there is the Bert lett brick building. the walla of which i are alreudv up. on the corner of Water 1 and Madison etreete. Besides these 1 there are several large wooden buildingr‘ }in cunrfie 0t construction. The value of \ these brick buildings will be enmetbing; like- 31,50,000. Such wooden buildiuge‘ an that of Lowre'a. back of the poet oflioe block. and Clepp‘e new hotel building.‘ and that beinlz erected on Knbn'e corner‘ on the sea wall front. will all count up well in valuea. tun. Mr. Love is also to erect a large brick building in the not distant future on the A. S. Smith cur ner. The value of Port Townsend's 'buudiugs erected this year will be (than! ‘hal!’ a million. Move]: To Surrns.-.\lr. Nelson Mo- Callum. (or many years audltor of Kit sop county. Will resign that position at the next regular meeting of the county commissioners at Port Madison. He ihas already removed with his “mi." lSeattle. and has formed a psrtners's-‘in with John Colkett. the deputy post master. and bought out the grocery I business of Peterson Brothers on Front Street. Mr. MoUnllum was for 10 years l in charge at the mill store at Port Madi §BOD.~P.-I. Speaking to the P.-I. reporter since his return from the East, in reply to a question as to what the people of Massa chusetts think or Puget Sound. Judge Jae. G. Swan said: "The many advantages of this country. its magnificent harbors. \ast mineral weslth,equsblsness of climate. etc., are justdswninzupon them. Boston is lit erally flooded with destripttve matter sent by Seattle real estate agen's. Port Townsend is well known through the Gloucester fisherman. and speaking or the latter, I want to read the people here a lecturewThat is, that they must be Imore liberal with these fishermen. do ‘nate them land with water trout, etc. It not. we are liable to lose them. as Seattle is willing and anxious to grant them such a subsidy." Judgetlwan is known to be on inti mate terms with several leading railroad magnates East, and replying to squery ‘ as to Sound rnilrosd prospects he con-‘ tinued: “The number of trunk railroads that will penetrate to the Sound conntw‘ ’ within the next ten years will be sum. oisnt to build up forty cities. There is‘ not the slightest reason for one to be built up at the expense of snothorfl Regarding the west Bound road—the Port Townsend Southern—let me tell you that its managers are tskingjust the ' right course in starting the road them ] selves. I believe they are acting advis- I edly, as the president of on of the great est systems in the country told me there [would be ample funds forthcoming to ! finish it as soon as started, but that any lot the great trunk lines would be cherry in showing their hands in it. as it would xoite the envy of. and induce ehsmper in: from rival lines." Our Nominee. The nomination of Hon. John E. Allen for Delegate to Congress. by the Republican convention at. Ellens burg. meets with the hearty approv al of the people ofthis city, who have long known and greatly Inspected ;him. In the opinion of the Union ‘the convention has chosen wisely in placing him in nomination. He is an able lawyer, a man of learning, of unblemished character. and has the necessary knowledge of the whole Territory to fully represent its in~ tereste. He has many warm friends in all sections of the 'l‘eriizory. who know his worth, and whose support he will have, in a great measure. re gardless of politics. He has been a resident of Washington territory for many years and commencing almost as aboy, has worked himself iutoa foremost position at the bar. When they elect him to congress the people can rest assured that the same abil~ ity and painstaking care will be ex ercised by him that has made his‘ success as an attorney. That his; election is secured, goes without saying.— 11’. IV. Union. 1 The “Potter" will be here today or to mnrrow. She will ra‘place the Alaskan and. at the close of hzu excursion season the North Pacific will replace the Olym pian. The steel sienmem WI" be put in thorough first class rupiir for next year. Mr. Alien. though past middle age. is of youthful appearance. with a. graceful and charming manner that makes friends wherever he goes. The republicans of the territory, with such a standard. bearer, and on the platform adopted at. the convention. can safely count on a majority of 4000 for the ticket. The son of his father. whose name does not ap pear on any assessment roll in this berri tory. will out only a small figure in the coming electiou.—Skngit News. ; Hon. Charles Voorhees was in Gar field Wednesday and addressed the peo ple on the issue of which he is the life and exponent. railroad land grant for l'eiture and Voorhees. .\lr. Voorheesis looking better than we expected tosee him. considering the strenuous efl'ala he has been making to keep out of con gress. J. B. Allen's nomination will do more n help Lim to keep out than any thing else We knOw of —Gnrfleld Enfer prise. The Winlook Pilot says there is some lexcitement in the Deep creek and ohe ‘halis river country. west of Wiulock, ‘ovar rniirnsd rumors. It is claimed that .the Port Townsend Southern l’flllfvad will build up the Cliehnlis r.vcr. cross the Northern Pacific south of \\‘inloclr. and the Cowlilz river about three miles ‘below Toledo. May it he so. But Con ;trslia people already believe they have it cornered, and that the road will pass through that town and Uowlitz prairie. Hon. Sol Smith. of Guldendale. made this city a visit this week, returning from the territorial convention. By him the Republic is informed that several fine brink blocks are in course oterec tion in his city on the site of the build ings recently burned; that Hon. R.O. Dunbar has erected a fine brick resi— dence there of late; that Klickitst coun ty is prosperous and rejoicing over the prospect of an early completion of the Vancouver. Klickitat & Yakima railroad to Go dendaleo—Yakima Republic The Republican candidate for delegate. John B. Allen. is a man well known throughout the territory; he is courteous. industrious and popular. has good abil ities. and will tsirly represent the inter sets of the territory on the questions of the present time. He will not acquiesce, without energetic protest. as Voorhees has a policy that would strip the territory of its share of protection, (Or the purpose of maintaining protec tion for certain other localities or sec tions; nor will he afiliate with or assist the party at the national capital that has prevented and will still prevent as long ssit can the admission of Washington as a state—Oregonian. { The matter of admitting the Northern 3 Pacific into a partnership with the Union 'Paicfic in the lease of the O. B. & N. Oo.’s lines seems. says the Tacoma News, to be further away than ever. In fact, in well lflamed railroad circles. such an one most is said to be among the things next to impossible. Charles F. Adams. president of the Union Pacific. is said to bestrongly opposed to the joint lease. When here he expressed himself very emphatically on the question. In conversation with a prominent railroad man hesaid:"l am strongly opposed to entering into a joint lease with the Northern Pacific. and nothing would induce me to enter into an alliance. The position of the Union Pacific. under the prerrsnt condition at affairs. is a very strong one. and an alliance with the Northern Pacific would weaken instead of strengthening it." The first sawmill on Puget» sdnTzd was built in 1851, cutting about 800 feet per day; now the output IS close upon 2.000.000 feet per day and the annual log output of Puget Sound 15 418,000,000 feet. 1 Col. Owings, Secretary, in in tea ceipt of advices from the Depart -Ixnent at Washington saying that there would not be any sessxon of the legislature this winter. ; TJACOBS 9H i ’l, i. 4‘v '. Imm: ~ ‘t ‘V;._r.lAn:: ’ ' .'3.’1~".‘«"1. ”..». .f‘ . o, _ - ' '-.~ El ~54" ' "' OREA Manna A For Lumbago. FRESH. STRONG EVIDENCE. Au m I: . “Li '. you mifi'frfléfikfldiz 91.1.; mcmuamuou cmd ugh-dun run A. nu. Bod-ridden. Vina-h. hm J“. a, nu. In “till In“. IiOWI-uho; MM. 8 math. In mud by I: Jacob. ou. par-u may: untu- u 16 mm. a. w. my. P lym ‘ . "3"“ .33... “$135113 '.‘n'! 3.2. hut-um; round by It. Juou on s :.d In" haunt-no! pm .Ich ul-u-1'13.. Inn- nuver, m.. h; :‘. mu. I .::-u I“) gain In th.‘ noun :.I '...anh *......"‘&‘£‘..":‘.:::wfi:...imam," “ "mm 513231151“ Permanent. humu. ma. may :9. ll”. About the My 0! 'll in am In uh. nu pull In mg “a lack. an cured by 111 ”“01qu (11l mm rental porn.- mum-m. 0. cm. luunxu. I n nxmnn A!» um. I I m cmLuLvown cm. I‘ll-en.“ WWW” l ‘ RyYALIS'éL'Ii .I ‘.., "wruv' ,4 ‘,__/ K ,A '1- '7 . 0 1234: ...'. r“: 1 . ~ 2:2: -, f :1: rg ; a. ”a, ‘ B‘K ID 3. ;.‘ MB». ,5 . fl). Bl.” ’ N . V. \ V G I Kl Absolutely Pure. This yowder never \'urirs. .‘. man»! 0! purfly I-ln-ngl i and wholemmwness. .\lurM-umnmivnl lhun the ordinary kinda. and mm n: he mm in competition with the mulmunle ni’ lnw tv-si. u-ort. \\‘uigm Alum ur pinup-mp [mwdt'rx 501:! only in cans. ROYAL UAKISUIHNV DER ('n.. 106 “'2l” St. N . Y; I). \V. Crowley A; Cm. Agents. Parkland, “:11 1 —_-._~-_*_. 1m 1 ; PORT TOWNSEND Trans ortation Gom ’ P P y. —-7Tlm n-zulur Mu! Slammer—— J. B. LIBBY. Will lvnva Port Townsend for Whau-mn on Mon days. Wednenllays and Fridays at lon. m.. call ing at Argyle. Lam-z. Friday llunlor. lluche Harbor. Orcns, East. Sound, “llt'nh's, Anurorlcs, Sunfish and Svlmunn lit-turning, leave! What com 11. K n. m. 'l‘uerduyr. ’l‘llursuluys and Smur dus, arriving at Port. Townsend rumc evenings Pure from Purl. Townsend to any point, - 01.00 Also loaves Port Townsend for Seattle Sun days at. 7 n. m.: returning: uill leave Seattle for Port Townsend a: :5 n. In. Mondays. Fare, 01.50. JAE. JONES. Agent. @ Steamer EDNA, u. .\i. RICE. Muster. Making duily lrirs' Zm-cn [Ln Townsend and '.‘li‘fsrovvry. \Viii leave UNION WHAIKF etcry afternoon in 2.301). m.. nmi l'orl Discovery each morning at 7 a. m. For freight 0r pmsagc npply to .14qu Janna. or or. board JOBRING DONE AT REAiiIeBLE RATES. j ‘ @ Steamer EVAN GEL. i J. w. TIME, Muster. Will lean Seattle; Momlay!n.m.. for Sem luhmoo via Purl. Townsend and the Inlandn. __.‘ND _ on Thursday, 2 a. m.. for Port A hack-:9 \'le Port Townsend and Dun-.:nness. Relurnlnw name day 2p. m. Leave Port Townsend hull] r(hays n: Ba. m. Connects both ways ul. Dill‘flenl'fli with th'nm luunch iind'orkmmkinz quick tram-por lmlun fyr lmssemzers with-3r! extra charge. sng 5m DISPATCH, JAs. MORGAN. Master. Will leave i'on Townsend Mnndlh'sund Thurs days It 10 o‘clock A. at. {ur N 95 Bay. New Dungenees, Port Angelcs. and way ports. re turning on Wednesdays and Fridays. Towing and chimera at reasonable rates. “'9 have a 150%: scow (2r ‘miihtin: pnrnm sinneli‘wigh nr an] n or owning goo-'l3 «rv. p y :11 boon-J. or In L. 3. [Listing- or (‘. C. BarlK-tt 4: Co. . m Str. WILDWOOD, A. W. HORN. Mast". Leaves l’orl Tawny—mi for imndnle, m. 8 n. m.. also. for Whldby hinnd m. 11 n. m.. for lrondnie ac 4p. In. every day For freight or paying!) applv on beard. ‘ "‘1 EO. E. S’l‘A RIiEI‘T. ‘J PORT towxsm. ‘ l Contractor & Bmlder. l Pinn- S locatiom. Estimates. etc..pronpu' \ ] hmund Cupentox work of all kinds 1 i done on short notice. 1 E'Shop on Water St. near Charla: hotel ..a ..._—___— .-._—___...— n— w ‘w Goo. \V. Do‘vns, ‘ ANUFAUTDRER ()l" LUMBER. LATHS. M and Picl‘elfl: Flooring Ind messed Lum ber of all dlulondous. _ _ (inlets mosh/ed (or delivery in town or (or Ihifili'nt slaw J. B. MGMILLAN, an 5‘ ‘z 3 \ ‘ ‘ ~ ) ‘~./'-:ue‘/ ) f . l [._s'4 l ‘._ ..'-*l. ‘ . ¢ II"- l i ,' ul 7"? J m v ’ l l J \ Harness Blinker, Opposite Postofiice, Port Townsend. )hnnhctute to order and for sale all kinds of HARNESS. SADDLES. BRIDLES. ETC. ——4Lw-- Whigs, Lashes, Blankets, Dusters, S eats, Curry Combs, Brushes. Harness Oil,-Soap, 8.2:. REPAIRING NEATLY AND PRGIPTLY DGNE. "'B“:va CLEANED AND 01mm. ‘ . l V v, M ngM Soot'hgr at hand. It ix; ll.” «11v :::fe _mndlcmn yet [nudes Ham v' 1 Pl“ "‘ : H Infantile diwrdvm. lL {-un'. :w , , inn: or ‘lurphiuf. but gin-3 l.:.- l 31.! v j .'. II and from pain. \'xicx: 23 um: . : .. ...; Lntimer & On. City Meat Market. {Tr-v (mun-r: runs“ .\lEA'rsuv 31.1 p"- I kinds, :ll “huh-ale and rpmiL ;filsu Guru-«l liver and l'nrk. "ulngn. “usages, Hen-l Clmew.~:tc ..‘|l\\a_\'s on hand. Roma Cured lllms, Bacon and Leal Lard. Give us u c l". hallafartlon an .r-mtued. Ogden taken ind goods vluhvured to all pu'tu-t ‘ "In (My. 1 c. c. COLEMAN & co.. ‘ _ PJI ‘l'uwnpautl, W. T. 1 exam door In Wa'ernmn 4'; Ram. dw ‘ 1 ‘ People 8 Market, Cor, “'nlernmi Taylor SUM“. A Port Townsend, Wth l w. w. EVAIIS & 00., I l’roprmtors. l ___- .lE vervhuuqunlny of all land.- u! “can 'T at. wholesale and mull. San-Man. Maud ~Chme. lhlogna Savages, elm. always on hand. gQ‘Ordm-I delivered to um mm of the Ciw. NOTICE. i l‘. 5. Ln" Orrxcz n SEATTLE, W. 'l‘., l_ Auzuit 7th. list | i Complaint having bi‘en entered at this nfllre ‘ by Eulwu Weeks ugniu‘t Dennis Enrizht for ‘ ntuimlnuing his linme>t9ad entry Nu. full-5. dutml .\luv 16. Nil. "pun the S ‘2 of S W X and W S at N \V ‘. Sec. :6. vanship 1:5 N. Ranges ‘J \\.. in s ”I Juan County. “':uhiuztnu Territury. with u \'iuu' to the cancvllatinu of said rntry: the said ivurliu-s um herein: suinzunned to nppwr at this UN“! on the 23”: day a! Septcmln-r issfi. at IU (it-lock a. m.. to want-ml and furnish [citi nmuy t-nncnt'nin‘.’ stii'l aliegfld abandonment. It is further nrviered tint til-s tt-sténmny in mid case lx- taken belt-m lht‘ l’rnlnte Judge uf San Juan t‘ouuty. Wu hington Tu-rritury. :u.Fril|yllar~ lmr. San Juan County. Washington Territory. an the Hun tlav 0! :‘.-member. 188's. commencing: at 1 It! o'clnrk a. m.. and it appearing to our satisfac tion that pormnal wervlce llt’l‘eflf cannot be Iliad». svn‘lt‘e will he made by publication. past in: and mailim: awarding to ruics l 3 and Hof pz'ut tire in tit-i ('. S. Land Office. JOHS Y. OSTRANDER, Resistor. Notice for Pubhc ..tton. L’mrr-zn STA-rag LAND Orrron. _ Seattle. “2'12, August 3. 1858. % Notice is hereby given that, in compliance with tlnl provisions of the Act of Congress npp'rou-d June 2!. 1575. entitle-d "An Art for the ruin of ’l‘irnlwr Lands in the States of Culifomin. ()n-gon. Xanadu. and \Vuphington Terrimrv.“ i‘ercir’t‘tl Spcnn‘r. of Quilcene. County of Jcfl'erson, 'i'errt tory of Washington. has this any tiled in this (mice lii.~ sworn statement NO. 319:}. for the pur chun.) of the northeast L; of southeast .5’ 0f Section Nu. 12. in Township NO. 27 North. Range No. :3 West. and will ofier proof to show thatrhetund nought. is more valuable for its timber or srnnn tlntn for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to mid and before the Register and Receiver 0! this office at 593‘“ tie. King Co . W. I‘.. on Friday. the 25m day of. December. 1856. 1 ile- names as witnEi-sos: “V“;lr‘n. Smith, of Quilcine. Jcr’ferson County, “'3",qu ('ottcl, of Qrulteine, Jcfierson County, Jrrs. ii. .\lvArrllv, onuilt-ine. Jeil‘urSJl Coun ty. w. 'l‘. chrt Simmer. of Quilcine. Jefferson Coun ty, . ’l‘. Any and nllJßrsons claiming adversely the nimrc—(icrcrihe lands are requested to tile their clninn- in this “nice on or before Enid 25th day of December. 185%. JOHN Y. OSTRANDER. augo-xtnt Haitian-r. . ___, _ ,A_,_m_—Hl SU M MONS. in the District Court for the Third Judicial District or Washington Territory. holding terms nt. Port Townsend. Jefl'eraon County. Territory of Washington. I 3‘, County of Jetforuou. [ " Charles A. Swift. l’laintifl‘. { vs. No. 11.53. Crnunrxrr Defendant. i To run anovu rulzo DsrxunAm‘: Yon are hereby notified that Charles A. Swift ; Plaintiff. has filed a complaint against you ‘ it tho District Court. of the Third ndical Dia . trict. holding tnrrns at Port Town-end, JetYoraon County. \\‘mhingtnn Territory. which will come on to be heard sixty (in)- after the tint publica tion of this summons. to wit: Sixty days after the 6 ll day of September 1888. and unless you appear and answer the name on or before the 6111 (lay of November 1388. the name will be taken as comes-ed. and the prayer of said complnint granted. The object and prayer of said corn plaint granted. _ The object andle'llytl' of said complaint in to disrolve the hon s of mtrimony existing be tween the plantifl'anrl derendnnt on th' ground or the abannornent of the plaintifl‘ D) the de fendants since the 215th day of May A. 1).. “87; and the failure and rcfuml of defendant ever since mid any. t 9 live and Inhabit with pinin riflua his wife. 3°”: _ . _ . .. . _ r- . \\ {mess my hnnd and the Seal of aid court, this 5m day of June. 1888. WM. E. LEDGERWOOD. Clerk. By June SIAVIY. Deputy. Fins! publication Sept. 13“). 1E“. Pruelamatwn 11! 1118 301811101. To run Aunt-roux or THE Dmnzm COUNTIES or \VAsnmq-rox Tum TORY:— Yon are herob‘y informed that u the ‘eneml election which a required by law to be field in all Iheelectlon products of Wuhi-gton Tent tory. on the Tuearhn next following the first. Llordnyof November. 1884, in lddillul‘l to die tricl. legislative. county and precinct otficers. there mus: be elected one delegate to represent the territory in {ln congress of the United States. one bngmlier gglenl. and one Adjutant general with the brigeeler general.“ the militie, 1:11 by the territory It large. in witness whereof I hsve hereunto set my luud and canned me :3 cat seal of the territory to be umxed nt Olympia. this mm any of August. 18:“. and in the one hundred and thir teenth your or the Independence of the United States. EUGENE SEXPLE. By the Governor: Governor. K. 11. animus. Secretiuy o! the Territory. Septls If would enjoy your dinner .\‘3 \SO“ and are preventedbybye pepsu,‘ use Acker's Dyspeßsie Tablets. They are a. positive cure for yspepsie, In g‘ilgmtion. Flatnlency and Constipation e gunmtce them. 25 and £3 cams. Sold by Laumer & Co. c—ALIPORNH ——THE LAND OF— DISCO V ERIES! BEWARE OF IIITM’IOIS- See llmL our trade mark. Rana Abio, is on every bmlloof that pleasant Callfornin remedy Surirfnclmn guaranteed or money refunded. lnsw‘o O_T,\srr..—n=4 r‘l’oco CH Efiliflmw COL 1 . l! , $-55 -'_’-—’ :‘.”: I -gnl 5:" f 7: J¥a7= - t . ~-: ' I g ‘ . ‘ :7“; \ 1 "' ' I - g-ég. ‘- \ .=. 2.7-5 ‘. afa'éefi'sT—s‘fi ==..—=' é 57" La)??? avg—s2l2: :'7: s a . ,> 3 gaggif ‘ 7--::——==.-.' .'__= :5? ‘ g #3:??? . “fir—7‘l22Ei7‘l2é7: :2;/W7 ' E ..::; 77-" KING 0 7 " ' L." T'. 1' é 7-' ' £4”: ..‘ (@llguwwo N @DRISASTHMR,COUGHS, O . / 4N.“ Bronc MSW“ ..3 ‘D'SEASEs-WHROAT"? (\“L U NOS 7501.! an Gull-MN f 1 Send m- cu-cbla rfilju “hagga- ABI , INE MEDECMROVILL CAL. MAKE NO MISTAKE. lly dupcllin: the symptoms so often mlstuken for Consumption . 81ml: Able has brought glad non In many n honaehold, and by mommy I hn-aking 'l}: III" ('ouuh or Cold that 100 ohm den-lop." lulu tlml mm! disease wrll gel save } lhoumnds {rum an untimely $11“). You make no mistake- in kurringn hm: c of this plenum. renlmly nluuys in I re house. .2 > 77 ‘ HE A ‘~ ’ Tm: nan-U. ‘ . r 4 L2l H “Hmf l \ , .‘ M 0 . THE 0N LY ‘ TfimmcurQL \ GUARANTEE” L9Bl Milk. 2 CLIRE r 0 Sun 311 K ClßcuuA CATARflH ABIETINEINEFCo oi IVIL E CAL GUARANTEE!) A POSITIVE (‘I'HE FUR t'ulurth'old in (he Helthn' Fc-Yt-r . “0:: Cold. (‘atnn-hul Deafness and Son- l-Zyu-s. m neres thn rcn!e of taste and nun-ll; remove!» had lax-no and unpleasant breath, re-nllinf from t‘umrrh. Busy and rvlrlaxu-L m u». l-o - low lllreclimw and a cure is “untrue-I by all “I'll“.fflii-lr. $1 1-L-rlmx: ".10 hv mull. Send In! rin'nlnr 10 AHIH‘IISE MEDICAL vO3. PAN Y. Orln’ille. ('nl. Ask fur HAST.‘ Allll-l ASID tun—u (1'8“. For sale by JAS'. D. .\HNKLEIE. M. 1).. Drug u‘L—l, Agent of Company. Juana—Juana. Tlm nrizinul Alniveine Ointment is only put. up in huge. |\\'O Ounce tin boxes. and Is an all-m --lut» cure for old mm, bnrm. wounds. clmppo-d lmmh nnd ull rkin eruptions. erl Msixlwly cum all l-lndn of ML 5. Ask for Inc Original Auk-mm ”hunk-m. 25 rentsnhox. Pow: urns. D. SIINKLER. M. 1).. Drum" A ' o Chum“. ; ~' \iyfl-W‘ ~: C“_‘*‘.»‘~“£T\\.i;\\\¥ir\\>‘-T‘::\ti\‘}\§‘\‘=§“'—-“>~"¥:' -~ "“V " ‘- ‘ ' _ : {xx- .ggs§§§;i~:;\.gxi{ @\ V: * , \ for Infants and Children. w - "Cutoflaissoweuadnpmdmchfldnn that 3.3“?“ mffl%mm lreoommendiuasuperionoaay prescription .‘F mm”- . mama" 11. A, Amzn. M.D.. I “12:23:; gums sleep. uni W di- Inßo-Oxlomss,Bmomn,l~:.Y. wm‘mufimm Tzia sznrxz (bxxusv. 1'? Murray has, s', Y m ‘ bWICHT'S 1% ~ " sag-1, '_ . TEBCOWBBAND. —TO MAKE— DELICIOUS BISCUITS OR WHOLESOME BREAD USE IIWIGHT’S BEN-BRAND SonAonsAusmus. ABSOLUTELY PURE. - ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. Be sure that. there is I piuturn of a cm on your :achago and yun wm lava tar hs‘. Sud; male. [33 (”W m ‘ :1 _‘ ‘ ' . { 3;": t M)- ' Imam! LANDES, l‘re<d't.. N. I). HILL. Vll‘wl'msd‘t. n. u. HILL. anti-r. OF PORT TOWNS END. .w. .'r. I ‘ u U Authoruzed Capltal - $200.000 A General Banking Businessifransacted. Deposils Received Subject to sight draft or ohcck.2 MONEY haul-:0 ox .\PPRDVHD Miami um; Collections made and proceeds promptly 'romittod on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic exchange payable in all tlu- principal citiu of H). United States and Europe. . COBRESPO\ DBNTL‘Sz—Loxnox—The Anglo Californian Bank (Limited). anLm—Gebuder Meyer; NEW YORK—The Hanover National bz.nk; Sn Fmscxsco—The Anglo-Californian Bank (Limitedl; Pox-rust), 01.. The First National Bank; VICTORIA. B. 0.. Bank of B‘ .tish Columbia; mun; NOVA Scam, The Bank of British North America, Hong Kong, The Chu ored Bank of India, Australia and China. . Agents (”or the American and Red Star Line of Stenmsbipe. 'cheta for an}; to and from ull parts of Europe. 3' We have a secure and cumnmzliong Vanlé. Wllnra wn will receive n..- uables on storage at mmlamh! churns FRANCIS W. JAMES. Quincy St., Port Townsend. Will buy and sell domestin rull foreign exchange, purchase city and county warrants. mill and shipping drafts and other negotiable papa. . ’ ,V‘l ‘ EGNE¥ flßMfilfll-{ELB 361$ E 61995 ”S3B On. l‘pproved Security. ‘“°3‘¢(2€.‘&°.‘i‘a‘?:‘o#l‘:fnfl‘l'fi‘é.‘.;?.l?.a‘.“lli.fih‘fli‘nfiil{m2} $332: 3255'. €333?" by rail to all pans of the \Vcsl. and drafts from £1 non-ling up. nvaiinble u no". wlsstnu A'l' mm 251‘ r..-n‘£s._g Correspondence solicited. References. by pcrlularlon, the Bunk of Britirh Oollnfln. m B. (.‘.. Ind San Francisco! Ca]. LATIMER cf: 00.. —thie.='a‘.c and Remil dealers [xi—— Drugs, Chemicals. Patent Medicines &. Fancy Articles Paints, 1):; VViues and Oils and gglx‘j“l€;§7 Liquors for ,Glassware, :"TA 222%“; : hiedical mo Prescriptions carefii-ll'componvlided, day or night. McOurdy Block, Water St., - - Port Townsend : DRUGSIVV~\:;>DRUGS! r/ .. E - , 2;, EV N. D. I—IILL’S SONS. —\Vho'.«‘-'uln and rvlail nl -:.h-I'- in—- Paints, Oils, Varnishas, Stationery Medicines. Chomiculs, Trusses, Glass. l’uini~‘. Oils. Soaps. Potundus. Perfumery. Hair Oils, Wall Paper. Brushes, 0:0. And an :iriir-Im {l2l‘ (La tui‘wt. Patent .Vcdicim'x of NH li'im/x. Univ/.- Snips um] Small Profits, E—'_———"‘"”‘”‘m‘~w"W ' ' Y CHAS. J. Afi DfiEWVS, Fine Tailoring ”AND“ 9 I I I Gents Furnishing Establishment. ' New Goods! New Styles! 1 New Pr”? m“: ‘ Call and exa:l--u‘3 L. _. ‘ .'inced. ___—___- Vanor 52... ih-hvcon Cenn‘ul Hotel and l (Qua-tom Hon-c. ARGUS REAL ESTATE AGENCY FOR BARGAINS. Number 32.