Newspaper Page Text
E 1” ,_‘ 3*,.._.':._‘5 ; r-j. . .'l.t‘ 1 Ti’ iQ!‘e-.':; ’-.:~‘-.-w' _ . I‘l..- 2:. ‘ . . - . tin-1| l: :‘..- -. . . ' day “1:. . . .. . . . as L‘ini!‘{....‘- .. . . . ... 315 <m-r-1.. _\ 1 1 .1..1_‘.'-' Z_.' - .' Jnln: Va. . .. . 1 a:-.1..:=... ~ ' . .! alllizfiv'. . ‘ Comm-211': 1‘... . . "101'1111‘Wnit‘. . . ‘ Au-1.z.;‘......... _ .. ' l’r‘fi‘gh- .52 i-. . ...- '- ' Sup-mum. i :.: ‘. .. _.l._ i ; 51341212............i11... .2’n L‘mmui 11-1221. > . . j 9 hunting? r 3. ‘. F:- _ .: 1 Troasun-r....... ‘w'. .'-; ~'. .. 1 Coroner. . .... . ..‘. .‘-'. a C: :='l “'n-(‘L' Hui-J...” .3 .1' ‘ ‘ ‘ ’2 -‘ Sun‘.-y«1'..... . Z 51.‘ '.l ..31 TlO 11.1.4533 :~’ :3. 1.; - . .1: pre-siur' ' mr-a- :1 -. 1 . " 1 and «1! 'l. C -" 1 committu-J as f. 'l‘; 1: ' Port 'h-wnvex: J -': x ;‘ f Chlli.l“.l’;:‘.il(}' : . .ru .‘ 1‘ 1 Peace and-143. 1 ' ' . 1 1 Oliver 11‘. (*l:X'.::lil'- . . 1 For: 1)" 5' ;: ‘ ‘ ‘ may. Ju:l2.‘~--, 11-13. 1.1:; ~ .‘ . .; '. 1 Cunstu‘nln. 1 Lelaud.——l).l.‘. 31*: ‘r‘ ' 5‘ 3-1‘ and Edwin Nit-i; .E "‘-3, .‘ I ; ‘ Iroudal-J; ‘.‘l. S. .L -. :1; J -:1‘. '. ‘: Thonl-7‘111'01‘29 {lslll-14_"1"'11:‘ (' .1 committee ch )411 '.' -.'- .I. .\. Hy ‘ 3-. Port DZs-:ox'ory.i~fi 13:9: , 1.“ 11 . A. S. L-2111‘2:w!.1:.!:r'211 :.'~.'-. 1'1111“ ingfnrd. (11:21:11: .‘~.-_ I'. 111-11 1: Quilcine: 13.. D 5.1.1321“ s‘s? 1:: 1 low; R S.l{ul)ill--ur. ('11:.‘11‘;f‘113‘;1; \‘y'. H. Kean". 11.111211; I‘. Tll. 131";'1»~91!:‘.~: ancl J. N. LauL::-. E-:. I’. rt 'j‘..l's::~u:.d. Mr. 15mm~1h:s.v.‘ \-::1; (121 mm) «hair man and J. N. 1.1111119?“ ~.1.~~.w-?:.1-_v. Acommittu‘ of the 11:1; :qqmintnd to Work in corajluu-tiurg 12111. the County Central cumming raid 0 5.:- mittee of five cunsiskin_: u‘t A. A. Plummer, A. H. \Vintrodc, L. 13. Hastings, GOO. 11. Jones and Dr. Seavey. The committee on resolutiun‘. 91:1» mitted the following report, which wag adopted: .... RESOLVED. ThaL we, 13;: lliipzzlfi 1 cans of Jefl'ei's‘Jn County. in cum" '. 4 tion 853(‘mbll'd, do heartiiy. (- Minx; l and urirosnrvvdly l inlay.“ ‘.l‘.» 3-; u 1 tional Republican l‘inté‘ui'm aid 2!; ‘ Territorinl lioplLblii-xu plains-m ..u“. ‘ the principles llu-i‘vii; (mum's? l. RESOLVED, 'i‘lnt ‘.v-s inn-zit“).- dorso tho nominati-‘n of J. B. Alix -. as n tried and true I"':‘lii-i;(‘if‘v :y. . asan earnest. “him 21:“! $110.3 1:23“. IhI‘SULViiD, Tim wu ilunoénmu in ~ Democratic party for its :« : vocucy of foruign nltsrzs :ml ié< . tagouismsrtu the pziiiolifim; mi { 72.7 tection t 3 Amerinui in.lr_l.~;:i-i:- 1. :3. i we most ezirnesfiy dcnnunvu ills link bill as a. direct. assault 21313.2 it:— dustries of “'as'uiugtcu Turiii Brenna. that this uni-co of z: 2:. or of this county ”light up? in ;;~-: in be united with that of >qu‘l‘lii'; anal that our ropro-sontatives i’u lrn 'Hi r-t ed to the Legislature ought to labor to efieot this change. 131891381), That we (mil-ma tbu noiifnation of John J. Uczihuun as Prosecuting Atturnuy, and Francis Hinkley as Joint lifiln‘oéehtniivm and Allen \Veir us Join: Councilman, azul rec mend them to the Republicans of fifiother counties of their re sEoéti'm dislricts as candidcti-s wcr t y fiheir suppnrt. 03$: 'ot'tho convention adjourned. ? , 7, raw“... . 7 Unmasking a Faking-3'l - Walla L'néo»: - An ancient irgu} maxim rank: .Falsus~ in meo, 12:15:15 :3; omnibus; {hasigfiq say, fats-3 111 (,no thing, false’ln’ everything. Judged my this rule Voorheos "is considerable of a liar himself.” He foiled for nearly three hours at the court. house, and stated many things as facts which will not bear examination. One nu téceable staicment was the dcclnm— tion, “I have done more fur admis eion‘than 'fierybody. My honored higd,‘Mr.-§3ronts, was in congress six years, And he never annealed in obtaining a favorable report. (‘ll an admission bill," or words to that of‘ feet, Official documents are bad things for demugogurs of the "erhws tribe; they are apt to overturn thnir statements of what has been and is. For their W 3“ being the art of prinh ingshouid b 9 [“l3- _ , ‘ To provu that Voorbvcs liraEi I.omm 1y made a false stutenzom in his speech we ciao, from a volume bound. in sheep—n. Dvnxocrut don't like :1 shoepiu any shape—and inacribed: “Hanan Reports First Session 471!) Congress. 1881-2. Vol. 3." bring a volume printed by order of comm-055:, containing the reports of 11:4: Cour mittees o! the house of reproacntih fives for. the Bogsiou of Congress man— tioned, a: IOIIOWS: " “Report No'. (390. Admission of Washington Territory mto the Un iom~_(Committod to the commiueo oi the whole house on tho state of the Union and ordered printed.) March 9, 1882., Mr. Aldrich, from the committee on territories, submitted the foliowang report to accompany EB. 1935.”, , So reads the formal title of tho re port, which is a long document. set ting forth the wealth. population and resources of Washington Territory - and giving excellent reasons why it thotfld be mado into a state. The soport closed as follows: “In View of those facts and con lidemtions. the Committee recom mends the passagnof the accompa— nying bill, us amoudud." Mr. Brvuts informs us that. he in~ troduced the hill on the first "bill day”atter the opening of the first session of the forty sun-nth cox-gums, that he wrote tho report made by the‘ committee. and that after Hm bill was placed on tLe calendar it Git-. 1. with } thousands of other i ms, lucnuse‘ they were crowded to death by other] matters; that he rwiutruduc- 11 the‘ bill at the next. or forty-eighth enu gross, which was Democratic, and ho found it: impossible to inducu a Dem ocratic committbo to look with favor upon the proposal to make it stutt out of a Ito-publicnu torriwuz Titlin it. is shown by the amt-m record 1 that. in March, 1682, two _n-urs lye-I fora Voorbees was candidate {or do!- egate, almost two yams before 1191 came in the territory. Mr. Brcntr, ! their . delegutn. secured a favorable ’ mport from the proper C'Jinlflilluu to; ndmit Washington 'l‘ort'iu.»ry into the 3 Union. g Charles S. "authors mus u pumm apology to Mr. Burns tan-i [u m large audience be insulted by n. 3; ing statements In llu-m 11m! in}: 21y thereconl. “/1“ 110 111111“? Hum. 01‘ will he continue through Um czuu~ paign to claim voice und. 1' fills» 1»n-~ (cases! W 0 leicve Lu! is mun enpugh to make the; necessary upol~ ‘ osm- 2 I .1. . ~ A : . , 0 .A j , A . -. . A A._: 1' >'[~.V_', . , rI-.:- '. v- ' , ‘ _ 1‘ x ' x- : 31,; . A ‘2 ; .. ' . A .V , At. - I ‘ .3: ~ . ‘ . 9‘4...» 51.3“ A F 23“, ;, . ; . _.' r'. ' 5; \_. 2‘.- ‘-1. ‘.'.-:. v ~ ~ '->.-»~---' : .‘. A A! I-r/I‘Y.~l‘ ' ' I SIC,“ 11. A. ' ' - m- t. I‘. z. =.. A ‘ . .. g :-".-‘.'_l§-3_-, A ' . . -... , ‘ ; Wit-. 1713 '23:?l‘: 1": -"' ' ~:-’ 11:23.}, I '.7: :nlAzwau:-CZ.LLT..’_‘.... :1? has; j Vita: 21:1,: .:m A. '=. ;" ,- .zn; z- [cf-:1; ~ W 219; L‘A'JhL-LLSLJZCILLL’EC ..m: I :..".;.'.."r I .‘.“.; (‘.::':~. % '..:‘-- :vs-H -.. ' ~x,--! 1E..~,}.V..~. :‘ (7~’,.‘_ . ‘.X" ' ('s' ,A-.... ‘T j A. ‘i "“‘mdi _"‘.‘::~!.::~ A»: l I, 5.1'; \. .‘L.:Z:-- --.'. ‘1). 52.. k. 33- -., .2 A: 1:11. um“? {-.l ,_ I 72::‘1. 1E;:~'::t A, an.” :zu;. l’r‘u‘ ALL-s ~-) (~31: ._)-i- --‘ :;"‘-‘::‘ «I S‘W’A {A 2032‘?!” x" vrx‘u‘. m’ '7Ault‘ u; )L. i). liil 5." Sun'm‘zrug rah-w :11; (his git-3:1: away 13 fin-1r ("!.iIL-£l:r'l‘~7 d 5:: : ..xny f'x'w 1..:AH:..L. {3os :1 Dr. 3'l.'\-g~ L'- 3377'H‘A‘Iy {or C;;:.:;':-..:;7.‘E. u. Thir {mix 2 :ziruyi'i flaunt}. us 22. 1&2. '. -.":‘ x::;1:~:'ni-n ”tattle {mm the (31'. LE”). 5; ZN;- ' cum-3 21.3; xvn‘cr-‘ii-w; ;.ui;2.:'. i .::-;'..»'.1L’.»;.!A1. Asth -2117!. .‘3:¢‘.:c§:i:i.:. {Eu-I's v. 22! :11 flu-sat m d an,.;.1,§-.--:;::\n -;';':;”-.‘i_~.- --.:r:=d. ‘ Y-m 07m. 8653. it hef. I‘s Int-gin: 7,; -_._-!"E. 1 :A hizd imiti.‘ (we: ‘; ;r;;'v3 aid» ii a; 1:3:fo wurmnu-‘L > .2: «713‘ 7 .‘ Tn!hn~o~:.!y~(-tt ' ‘;-a,!1..n- of i..;!l_l':._ «s 12"u-,l‘.3'~;».'3A~:‘.(Unix. . . ', of dud-fry. Hm‘u-l Viiifv ':‘Al~! 1:1“;V‘Il-"hl‘y, ww may. I:Z.A- mum-nn‘ Lizrr ifv'u‘qinu ':‘|:n 'fv-':xZ_).'.t~:' t» h'A'r.‘ {ll-u: '.Yn i' 3'...::‘:- Y'lLl- ":xl -' -':a:;u~: 1m! dunno. aid”: than 3.» Him: .-2 :z . ;- .:-~\H“nm.! Emu-KW:- ie-g with 011“.” ~‘«:-'r p‘v .- 1:15 gnu Ir. -' d -._ 91ml .-. gun! ~1-wa'll7. l: i: u-u-gwle'l in 1‘ A" Aux-- nf [‘.H-H. "nu-"gm kn! l'.» .: . smics a :v' '.“h-E and nili .114 -: mv‘ u x' ;. L‘.;2;Z~:l!inn -;‘.‘ :29 Iltaxl. "-. . l 2‘ ““I‘S mm :izxtn-r mm pecan-:13}! 1.. ‘l. v-z’l' 111:; 3: 'ar‘. aw ufh-n ann ‘.-'::".- {a ..‘ A‘ r: t 3; A 3091:5111: hi hear: id; ' Plain-4 to dxethh-ijt wax-2.22m. cry 513 mm banish tins: lawn-“ 213;: 5.;.:-;;.:r-m. nnzl cur? the diseme by ssin: 3’l: Fug-I's ltaxwY. M'mk Drug 00., :1. 3’. an»?! lzu i none-nu Ili‘l' Youth. ‘ Mrs. i’hvr‘.e (‘.Lreky. Petormu, Clezyj 00., lowa, trils “th {MM-33in: remarka ble stat-y. the {rt-.21: of “inch )3 Watched for by the X":- Eulcnt: at the ham: "I mu 73 years old, have boon tronhicd wifih kidney cum-hint am! lamtness in: many years; cut-Jul not. dress myself without help. fmw: Inm (no from (All pan: and sari-arse, and am able to do all my mvn Luzzarwnrk. I owe my thanks to Elwin-3 {later for having xe- Qéwed my youth, and rcmuved com pEGtL-ly all disww and Dam." Try it home. 500. and $1 at N, D. Hill 5: Sun's drug store. .. I - s7sz sum: [EI-1.1!) Tms. Fm. \‘uu'Alc 1331.1- 00.. of Marshall. mom. or In: to send their celebrated EmVoum 31-: and other ELgc'nuc Arrunu‘zs on trial tug thirty days to man (young: as- (“Munich-v! vxln nervous de'hijiy, loss of vitalitv :md mun hood, and an yiudm "cable-s. Also for thenmn firm, nennflgm‘ (analysis. and many oflnpr dis use}. Cowman: maturation In health, figo: am! mgnnood gnaw-slew}. Np fiék is inmrmd M tam: days’ may! is 1239 mm “’rila them It one-9 lonflnstmt‘m :1:u5.-9u.‘! :raa " ' {Ea-xiv: fli -8 You are fen-11,: :leprcswd, your rap -3‘ [Him i: punt. 3m: are bothered with 7 Hamlarhé‘. you arr) fiJL-‘c-liy. nvn‘nnw‘. 1 113.} gmerall)‘ nu: of sorts, aux-. 3 want 9:: J bran: up. 3;.an up. but mat with utim~ ~ alums, anti: 5: medicinefi, (z‘r bfitzks, which have l'cr Lksir hrsiis very rl:e;.p, . lmd whisk; 3:41 which atimvtllee yuu i In: an hour, lud the: leave: you in warm mnflitinn H m butane. What you mm: 5 :‘s an nltcrn tiw’ that will purify 3011:- -‘ blqml.siart wallby action 1.! the Liver l and Kidneys-I'. res! w: your vitality. and - air;- renewed health and s:reu2th. Such a medicine )1 1 \1 ill find in Electric Bit -3 tors. and only 5" cents a bottle at N. D. 5 Hill & So..e.’ I“ ———-—> rook—— 1 “sum mu Mistake. - By dispellma: the symptom: so often mistab-n ~ MLConruinpuvn. SANTA ABLE hns'brought glaring-s: In many :1 hnusahnitl. By lts pmmpt nae {..r breaking up llm cold llmlloo omin dew-L ops ‘nlo that. hm! xii «me, thouwmdu can be " saved {mm an nmirmlyznve. You make no 3 mistake by kw.- .l::;: :I be 111-of Ibis plenum. rem } ed; in yoln' Lvu-i: c_.u.ln_m.\_l.a CAP-l:- CL RE is equally efl'fl‘fl‘h‘ m nradxral In" tll truce: ’- or NIS:IL‘-al.\rl‘h.' limb of nhmcwoufimnlusJ -2 ifornla mms‘dirs um sold and warranted. h - Dr. I J, D. Mlu‘ulur. 81.00:; package. 3 to: 32.50. _H 3 . Burklcn‘s Arnie: salve. , THE Bas'r SAY-"E in the world fox-Cum, _ Bruises. Sums. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Botcs.'l‘eltcr. (Ihapped bands. Chil ‘ blains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions. f and 'powivoly cures piles, or no pay re - qnimd. I; is guaranteed to give. perfect 3 satisfaction. (:1: mrmey refumlg-d. Price - 2Scts per box. For sale by N. D. Hill 8: 3 Bon. ~ 1 5 Better than Gold 1 ) Can ho _trmz: said or Ilml new and omen-thus . remmly mr onauunmun and disagsa of the‘ 3 Throat. VIM-s: nlul Ln ‘35. Santa Able. for it is l Eleaszlny In 111-l {ulnm unll dwam $0.9. (301.11. mm In I- In \mrrzmtw‘. by J‘s. 11.,2.m 7 .Dmugmz. 4:“ ‘ _ _ hm: l Emmi-uncut. . Yuri Paut‘u‘ LIT-”ll to “"1899 time 01- - perimonlinu wlwn yunr lungs are in l dungvr. qumuuphun always seems at. r firgt uuly u on“. Do nut pv-rm't any, l deallr'ta ing-cw xqmu yun wm, wzzai'; , cheap unitatwn ..( Dr. King's Eur [Ln 1 eovory fur C_:H;.~ll :pxiuu. Cn::.:‘.;:a gnu]: oulds, lml la? 511 w you gr: lli‘ urnuiz-r.’ ' Because he can malt: mnrc pr: :3! he mm 5 ' tell you he ll;l$~l‘lh:¥!lllll:{ just n< r;r.nn§,' - ur jnzt the sump. l)uu't ho G..t-uvw_l._:’ hut inn-3:21 lu-uu ua-Hiug Dr. lii“ .‘L-w! . va-covcry, which is gunrnuh‘ul zuL-wxl reliefin all '1“. « ht, Lung and (flu-c: nf F , factions. Tl ‘:I b.;:2le frm: at N. l), “W? ’ &_Sou‘u drug :I ma. § \ m l l ' ‘ L w. D. I%.??“E'Z‘xfifmx'xfiiz. v. 3 Retail Dru-gums of llmuta (la. ~ -.:.'E ,I We have erllim: Dr. King’si‘hw‘.‘ l‘N. > 7} l'e’y. Electric Bitu rn and Blll‘:2h"x.b .5". w-t ea Salvo hr tam years. “two mam-r} handled rum-1151‘ that so]! {:3 21'0“. ”:2 give such uniruml autishckn-u' 'l’Enr‘ 5 have been some \v mlcrful cum-3 cm-clcd ! by those mcdiriyiig lb this (in. I‘3ovl‘rsl .' caxcs of me-nu'ccpd- Consm’..,a§--n 5 m. ! bI-en cntircly cu’réJ by use A...’ u it-w i- .... g Ice 05 Dr. King}: I-Icw Di maxim). (ab n. ' in connection will) Electriv 13m...» ‘1 c . guarantee them alwaye‘. .‘Lll l-y Ti. I}} Hill & 891) I l The Verdi»: l'nannusms ! W. D. Snll, Dmgngt. 'J‘hmma. Ind"! testifies; .“I can rewmmcnl Electric, Blur” aetlm \“uy best rum-ll). E'n-ryf [ huttlc 501.1 has {hum ~relirf in curry: [9:13. ’.‘..v "...:1 an}; .35: luithh. 12ml: sl.lm (:.I.L;: .-. [he'mxghsm u! lil}ofll.<'§ ”in? .z::z.“.' .5 I-~:.1...r:i Hare, :2:is:,:i<z!,z ‘lz‘l-Eia'ifvv. 01.: -. 1111155: "'l‘l.‘ ‘s. .1 :2 l f I"); I:~l§ni'.r I L-Au- (‘V‘u' Lu; i'v: is. my: ‘2l" 3.11214 rxp =‘4=:.<---. is Elvclrfu [Libra ": 'ilu-nuuyli u? «its: have mid“! :. xir, testimv-hy. u- r!...t tl-e ‘rf-rda" i; "cum-5 mans 2LI? lis" L.- liiHm‘s (in. cur: :i‘l‘ AT;-’r:‘<€s m‘ ‘i w int. '. Kiln-v n: flint :1 f '..l ’." .- :-“_‘li:';i ;~‘; 1:... in- $163,511 9455;) 3m“.- 1; 1.3.39“ N. D. 1111.1. & Sow. .- 5:“““-:‘ M h ‘ rl,-..l\’_’.ijLß DHIFPING NEWS M 112-1! .‘tvlH ¢.r';‘;'.x:.~:. 3!v5::.‘; sw: :1 ‘ 4.‘ 11:21: I/,~..‘1 :I. ,';l\- '3' Is’ ,",. . - “w" . I .‘ ~.' -. _,._ . r} . , , , .7 .. I‘..a, .. .u (~, .l m L'l_"‘r! 1:; ms! 2 47150! Eon/Jul frail). ,3':])sz'7)z-7zel' Isl I ("i 3" 1714,? "Ilka" OIIIIIIIZZ, ..‘II(SI(SI-.I77II. I 2 ‘ - 77 ~ .:,-;;_‘—7 ~._; 7- my: 'i ". :J -« ;: .- "*-; 1~. . . 3 111 I 111 - 7 --.. .4, my." _I -. .I. "I—l ' _"_ __; ‘ I.” "I z\l XVIII: I::: up :37; --7 1- up: 7.1,; _\,‘., . ‘- ‘1 . :~ __—lM*‘_’ _‘—“""_l'_" """I-I- W ‘ , I‘. I-.- ....K 111,.11'11.1.11 .v‘zlz :w'ur ~ $ T‘»€‘~").(‘.lV I'-.?x‘.t:l=v:r‘ll-~-‘IT')II"_I .. - :-.. 7. ‘ .- 7. , . "UL— --‘»I '3}: 3 ~'.; "'- ‘- ' I‘l‘ 111 II II ‘. -; =: '77 ;.' -' r “'l. . ti‘n‘l 3- S I .4311} f: I'g.7k..{: I ‘r' "'I I”I_I:.;;‘::3I I. . ‘.l'l“,‘-I I I I --,. 1.. ,u II II'I‘I‘I I’IIIIUI‘HI'VIZEI I: . , . _7 - __ j”; ng ...“ __ _ IIILZLII‘ '-".,l Yu.'~’.‘.‘. ..I ififlgéfifl I .. ‘ . . I I .‘7',";’."ls.l"l'7lf'f . ~ ~---I eraml I'l‘l-‘iIU-7..1 :1; :z 'I ': .\ur.‘ ;. 12.-“ ---"'i I II I: 111-IIIIIIIIII‘I‘I"III""'I IIII'IIIII I I n. ..... ..,v ;. .:.w}. - ‘_'._’«"l;:):‘u_-I, ~.,.,. _. - ~ 4. J \ : I I HA. 7;. i..;'.. " ::.;'.I;I.II “I” ' """" 3 lii-*3 ".I .22: _ .. rut. 2‘..'.'. . .0? 4-3“ .:,',. ...II F""'f ~ I ‘_ .. “L , LL“ ...”: I”. I: ”a”: -I .I_.. I: _ ”1..-r, ...::::.ma_ “1'” -. I .. .3 . . . ‘ 9 111 .....4, s; ~- ' - 'I ‘~:“!-‘-““' “ ““‘II" ’-' 11‘ II -. :\'.lilli.i;:l4-:n. :0; .1.. .-. " «11-1;}? §FZI,-;.‘I‘I'IIIIIII ""I I‘I’IIII‘I'IIOI I. .. I . I I I I 22:20:? WI: WI {III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘III‘I‘I 3I: ‘l' I wit: I; u ::;. 11.1 mm , . Hun-I »~~...-n _g 3; I'::13;:I>1,II _: I'-:l'<'l_' 31:5 II?“ 5.33:::‘x:‘1:-I..I,::I 5 331232,) I,_ ,7, I I‘ In An! 7v -. :‘ »... 3‘7 1.... n. .. .. 1.. ‘ ii"?! I'i 'k"‘-I .. ... ''l IIIIII’I mun”... ‘I I ” 1-' ~ I-‘ m-‘i -- I 7”!!! Z‘lfill.L"v'E!il.... I I‘vl.\'~‘-'-l‘vm;d: Win-at... I. 9302535) '1 II I, 0 “ ”I” “11:3. ~. .: if: I'. I'lh-Igli'urx'mx. “1:0 I :E. I 11fl“7.?7311} :’I “1!; I.'nn‘u.-r, II 1-rlll‘u‘lom I II'I‘I” 1 5 '3' .. I: It: .1?!) :.':IIII‘,r]’I:"_I.I; .. . ‘II.IIIr‘I'III""' 107:: IIYa 111-71 k. .. I I 3:41:93 I’lf IXIII.‘I:Ir I 110 IIIII'OOI ,II IIIIIIII'II I I'll (III) ..~.i != _'- '~“ ‘- ...7:I I‘iY:'-‘-T>‘.- 7. 131.3 IIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIII 7.35:” (‘<'!1!..!<‘\‘.IIIII:LIIIII (.5238?) \IIIIIIII'IIIIIIO ’£2 I: ll' .. - :~.7 ~ n J ‘ 7w "man a, .. I 1" "I‘IIII“I""" I I" v- —;--:. "I' ~. 1}: 'xgg-«u I'vmv-«m ...I 112% f!’l.\‘.il;Ul‘.'....l-I l-I::‘.I|I"II-IIrIIAI:I.AI:1IIInIIIr”"I “:II'OZI 18 II , ; I I _«_:g,n_~.m m..-..j:::::::::i 313$ W ”uh-id!“ II I-" 5" IL-w; ‘.‘zvk “1.771. I; .;.:. ..-.- _~ . I II‘LI'IIIII If IIJII I‘I‘Z‘II'L‘T-unl w'l‘77'-‘l'lui~l ..7 .‘ ---; - ..,.. ..,, I 513 “Jun-. 31.... - .5974 n t-imznc ‘ ‘ .-I- ' I‘i"ll|4i'lTl“‘ .. , _ _ . 2 . I I 1.2.720“ ..‘..‘.:::::;;:::" Izia'ffza‘ ” Mai-12 2 ‘-’ “> 7'. .~- 71:1, 1214‘“: 3:;{1’x~..'.\I;"I~::'I< ....I HGT I'l‘.r- .':::‘.... .. '11’111111.‘1.1111.1 II III'III I‘IIIIII'II'I H'III’IIZIIIEII ~ . '.I . ' . . 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AA“ I’ll”) 11nvuuyh1y.......1 1:}!!4 L'ewisx”,...lFrisco...... “ :I‘Légéunawm '1": 13 II Lumber I-—‘-—--- . ‘ Il‘rlf ILJ‘UIIII DHHHIH .. .‘ 01H hus‘wL ...1"..... .“1.... . . ll'l‘bxvngv'llllll II I I'l-I: 1' II III) 'I 1:1: Ib‘lux: I). l-. ”Ira-yum: 39:2 )Ivl‘onnlul. .Illonnlulu” “ ......::'.‘.lx-!iu;urI"neII'lIIf II: III; 0 III) I ‘__‘ - ‘- liar} TI. I.:mrmu-o. ..1 10:,“ l‘osmr .. . ...‘Snn Path-0., (imuhlt'. Ix‘ '.lx-e 'le“ I ~- 1... b . (In I _.______ .\‘x‘n ‘. IIIII) Ihll‘Vl‘TlCl‘... 14:3 Schmann....-Szlnl-‘mm'isc “' Ixy“)“o‘n'Hß 73—? I 1111 II 7‘" ‘ .Ifuhn I'lryl-tj. HEM} IMurphy....l “ “ ! u “111 A" "0 I ‘1" » '— [ml 5 Infra: ‘; nfnt-110 [mu .. 97-! :l’:ltr'nw.....; “ .. Dis.‘-)v:-I1'IVI 1111111 ‘I . £2 10 0 I do .... Br ‘ “ 1flu11z1....... ‘.IJZ-l MI'K:XV.. I‘l P-I " II I ”111 'IIIIIIIII’II £1 13 I, d I ... _ fl 7:. .. - _ _ ,7 ‘, 3.". ((77r«)37.>__7 humanism... 1:" q 0 d 3 I(V M (I: . ) a . . 77 ~77 __-,:._ >77; 7... _ .. m-' Lzsz‘. n/ has-sch /I'U‘lllv I'm-wriu and Tampa!“ - " I I I I MIT“— ‘ ‘ . , ’ . ‘ l ‘ '( I O I I . “ ___ . ,7 ~ 7 fl __ '—, "I“'," -..--.._,._,._.'“_:‘. 61:”? (“($319 LOUIZ 011, Puget Scund. mm: Hm Ima \‘wn I TON u! MAS'flflR I ~ I II II 111 I I 111 I 111 . I‘. . .. .. . ‘ . v I. . I ”—‘-‘— TI—I—II— —-—-———l——_l_.____:___l__l_l_\9M IIGLOAU ATI FOR IPARGQ RATE ‘r I Shiv Il‘llmlmmt 171" \['-Kevwie Il‘ ‘ - IIIIII—‘ II II II 111 I— v, 7 ... .. . - .. . ‘l‘l-"~L.....‘:' - 7. ' I—II—I— If.” f Bark IIEUHIIUUIZ. .... .. I 927 Il’rivulll. .... .. . .Ifi'nn Dix-'l' III':I.II(II-ILI-Ir-I\I I I ”III'IIIIIIII 11111 BIva” I ' I‘IImIKIr “£2 I] 'II’ . g ‘: ‘(tvrnmnn-u.....1 125,6 liiuunvlsnn ....I " I .I 'II I I eII'IIIIrII‘II“I‘II“II'-I--~- ---- I 153 II! 0 (-:-r I “ lllhcu. ._,..1 HIM Liznanuist......lHOhalnhx I .............| « I'”"‘I in“. 12 II Am I u‘ hm. I‘». lwnm's 107:: 1Rivu............i1-‘ ... II I I'” ‘52 JII II I u I .. I: . _ I , | n u......m.‘.mh1:.. -( MM'. 72 .7 I ' ' v I u IRI‘IF'S‘H'......--, 127'“ 18vrmn:uz........' " . I “ 111111111 7‘ ”II'IIII“ IW £3 II 0 ‘lzr I . III"? Lc vahour; 57:: 18rnt1:cr5........ " .. .. _ MI“ .11 . , . i-------- £3 m 0 mr 5 >121? I]‘.l\'u-a.......... H 47 lEvors .. Sm: H m I 111 ”IIIIIIII‘II‘I'IIIII‘II‘”I'""“' £2l: (I in) . I‘yn‘fk IJ. 11. “mu-r 3.. .I (2'23 1.“v(iun0.... ....Ifiamq VIII»; - .... . I 1... .. .. ——-- z <... -... v- “ " 'W I i.p..rt,.m........ m— laums...“ ...Ywn-n- '.-. " II: .I: i‘l‘l'F- 5- {lnga-r; 1:300 111111111-‘l' .... .. I L1“.1\..!.u .1r.1..tnx1.1.... ..‘lh'dvvmnmc w!x;lrf._ ”I‘m. ...I—_. I II'IIIII’ IIICm‘." I:::fl:13147, 1399 IMon'imim . . .ISzm IKLIrJIHIIIIIIII IIIII( CI‘II'U'I‘ 9' ‘I‘IIII‘I’UII'I "" I 1&1“ ” I(:r«-a:‘\ Helena. .3 22H“. Alva-u. ... .. I “ .1111111 'l'' ' ’3 u:; I“'lu=zl.l.7 I£ll2 6 I . “ :Uym} Jinglzln. .. . 13073 IL‘amphell. ... ... “ 111 1111111 11111 II n I II I£l ll’ II ' If“ “ I‘}.l||tcl:o~,‘o..... 1.31:; 1T0ft............1 ‘~ II I. I“ s I 111 “ IIIIII‘IUIMIIIIIIIIIII 1577 1Ha11ev......... " WIIIIIIIII ll‘ n 111 I I"“ I .-m '0rcncc........ 100.3 Duncqux....... Sanp'... I ‘l‘ '92 50 I “ I “ IPSaumClura.....l 1474 1Dunn..........1 111 ‘5 I: I "I ‘3 '4'" ligat-y -..c-u.¢nv.- I “ I I————_ pfi'nf"s":"' t“ .n . 'x.‘:\”:- .t. fiiifisit‘fiii‘fi"? 'l'l'3i-isi 5 .~ 3-4;»:1 ‘- ' . ' ' :11. «3.33.5 s{E‘g‘ a ~ $5! VJ)? S. ._ J. '3. .- ... -:*<g_.‘ . Jaw; ‘ - ...; .‘- 1%,» '2 "min";- .' 7"fi w“ \lfi.l§_r -.4.“r"““ "'s’s’s"a‘|2.-..w NV vw fit: .433... ,2. ,“J'W‘. - ”in: *r- .. "Ms -13-37" “J. fig ‘ LL .... .» " ' ".‘p ; un . . . ‘ “ 4-9331 i1119331'3.‘~'§ , .r; I: -‘ . .--‘. ' "1 »‘-.A_"“~l‘\'v-yv ,__.,. -\—-J.._» ‘\‘,n Pea.” 1:3,», _{ -. )m . * , z" *- 'v“~‘-r‘ A!!c,5!.1~u.. “z“ .' JL \'4l;‘-a;£;','. “UV-Q}:3521}3!."-'_.‘x"..;-':..,.:~ ~ Erik... n. ""‘ Mun. ‘. I—43’, #1 ,‘. z' x": 1 ..1 -. Ova-7’4: ' t. ‘"m- A. «.301 _i: ff»: ‘« ‘F 5- .‘ v. ’ -._'::.§.‘,.m .g ' --\ “"11; 'h 3!‘.~.w..‘ sl33+: .. -V -'. «A. '. _ ‘ ”"1- f'igfia»; ‘ . y". ~\4‘.: ”NUT, ‘ ‘6‘: , ..‘ A "‘---.;,1 ...‘ ”‘9,“ ”A ~. - ~. —~ ' ‘- 55:,‘153 .‘f. """-T ‘k‘L'Y"':-r-.1.. g 3. ‘39», .. .2 ,v . 1..") '3. "Hui?" - .-. ‘ " "5 Has _-...-:,~~ \fidgl‘»; a; ( "‘d ~. ,2 w,“ .-, “ vm" s . ‘-».;..::z~-~‘. H Insxstug 03-1.: 53"“ v ‘ 1M .‘9O l. . .. , '- ~:...5;‘; . ‘ ha 33;: ‘5'7‘7‘3572 ”-:.- m—-!.ATC;). ‘JEQ A “if-"2:7” a ,' “Cr-"HS: Ln ... ~:.;).;..§3‘: 61. n] ,‘l'3‘l‘h ~. d I: A {La ' h'n 9‘s "—4 n... 2v 7. 0 N W 111 mm Busby, _ PAENTEfiG‘; Kaisemmmg and Pager Hangmg WE‘irst-clusn work Glmrautcul. Shnp un Adams at, (if. Cdiltt Home‘ifl .3. 1”}. JORDAN’ l: 7‘ EUSEUE‘I 0P AHATOMY iv"; 7‘.‘ Man'vl §(MM. ”-:m frifiu'im. .- *_ 13.\1.H-‘m:.\'l.\ _- f: * Guam} warn [mu 1 - :;‘\lllxl«l:.‘rli.'-'. 1..; :m-l lmw \'.'uln'n-.f.1:1v _H'm :zr' 77,3; hubll‘. (‘uanlhflinn :nwl trum i! 1 "\- man pfl‘snmuii' nx‘ i-y {Ht’t-r Im ’ ’r ~. w». v 2 .1: !?4".';.-|‘s n {M . k A\\ 2031'] I'nr :Hrvk. I'I'IV.III' villirt: 'JH Harv Hunt. - ‘ ihe Children. They are es gQVQ' pociaily linmo to sudden Colds, Coughs, (‘roup, “Looping Cough. etc. “'3 guamnu-o Acker’s English Remedy a. POSiIiVO cure. It saves hours of anxious watching. Sold by Taiimcr 3; Cu. 1%“. _-_A ,_ _ : .1... : _. 521.331 0N ‘ ‘-.‘s";;}'7 , (3;: “(3.: ' f7} ‘fi-‘J 1" . :9; it _ ' R w 04, 2'“? my M’HIBINE . -'E ‘ ' . a!'-,i.!'-.’.,'} fun! ‘.‘L 'H .' : ‘. :‘imn‘, nus Liver . >2 " r' :'s.x:.;.'}'-‘;;:‘<,hnv . s; i' my uni; l‘axnily ‘ ‘ . P‘y .":h73’.¢l‘ before . .v =7 ._ gmflful in It. 11:13 4- » f‘ "'1: an : 21';:u'-)lf‘ medl— , -' .- ,2 '2'» -r.l'r of the . f:..'lL; .i‘ mu: in time i»! .. H. 911! l:.~v:.~.:lirr pf nicknrls. .v'w .mmpml 1: to nly ~ I.x. 1111.; gnu]; («4.1113110 to :1). “13- .Tamr‘s M. Ra‘dins. ' 29.! hll!‘k‘h,SU.F:‘.i!‘flL'ld,VlL" I. [-."-‘3 Epiflii‘ 55th SAVE!) by Lump-e buying Hummus Lire, ::.~,-:.:I.;tn:; in ihe house. “I i- -m {mum} Simnmns Liver } -m~' x‘ul':!1::'x'(~.~: {mnily mud- L--.:..- f wz- 11.»:le for anything l;;.:r ;" -_-,:;:-.g'!-r;u.h.1'.'u used it. 1:: .'. u ‘.'.‘u". (Mir. Diarrhwa, .‘1.".. '.4. .;. .. ‘11..;.}1: to m -1.v,-.\ : ~. ' . V Afmr 0:19 13,1: . ‘j , ‘ ifA-ngolng v.,;.-'; A: ~ N--v.’:'h':;~pOOn‘ 3.! I' :.n‘x ilu‘ viructs of Ihr rummr .- 3. :1. “UVID‘G. SPA RKS. "Ex-Mayor Macon, Ga." GE‘OHLY GENUINE? :. mzr 2 Stamp on from «Wrapper .. *’. 3:17:27 & 60., Sale Proprietors, ice. 81.00. PHILADELPHIA. PA. B T LIES USN ESS “ I unhesitatingly add my testimony to the great hepa fits in La dr‘z'iveclfmm 31m ,mcus Lin-r Regulator. I was fiflllLlLll for several years with disordered Liver, which resulted in a. severe attackpf Jaundico. I had good mml 103.1 attendance, but It failed to restore me to the enjoyment. of my for. mer health. I then tried the most renowned ph 'si clans of Louisville, Ky., lmt all to no pur ose, whero~ upon Iwas inguccd to try fiunmons Liver Rngulntfir. I found immediate bonofit from its use, and it ulti mately rpstr‘rcd me to thé full enjoyment. of health."— A. H. SHIRLEY, Richmond, Ky. . . . . . .“ I most, cheerfully recommend it to all who suffer from Bilious Attacks or any disease caused by a, dimrrgnged state of the Liver.”.....VV. IL. BERfiARb, Kansas City, Mo. * D N?” J ‘ t _ RI LA B‘s _ n I E '43; W“ ‘ ‘ Wage 3 033.1% l ".._ 5-8 f C l? , ee , «a cry, Kr 5‘ 2d W' ‘1 GB, a}. me 'An Unequalled Nerve Tonic i and Blood Invigordof. l lirpH-infly .\thm-d—fi—r 12w ‘!H.;.‘mont I u: Fat-runs “Tet-Hum, ling; nx‘rish [mm or ”I? Blo‘nl. amul “('ii- I owl l'rom'ation. ‘ Fur Slm-yflwsmlus. Imus ”2' .\pgé‘liik‘. i (id-101111 l)-.-mn::v1m-u.l us' Um 1 3m Vl/UH t.:.'su~x:l:u'imng [rum ; whutvwr (‘1.1‘.~ .- 11mm 3 TnuLZn. the 1r :1“. 3 Uf mm \‘.'m‘s«'. '1 | _-,_. jié in P.” ‘.TAIHJZ and {Lé'E’ii' HIIIHSS. I .._—.... i .-\ nzmruz n-m .\sl. pani' : .‘. m- Lx'w .u-u .Emmi-Mun.l-.~ni:\_-. Inn-srxv :. ~, ‘\~"-ill-\'l- I lam/.11"; um! I!«:.,.. x m'mhzg xv '. - .vr-nzlknud {lf Ih .15]. hzl. ’ J. D. MiHKLER, £4. 5., _ mau'r 'l‘«>~lL'::\:'.\U .\.iih‘XT. HALL 9:208, i l'rup‘ru and Khaki-turn“. i .\brfi'ni’l x: 3" Cl~n 5““. Fm: I" :4". (‘n I "5 i BG} ; sRIbK! RI 3“! 3 ' - v. 1 Pkwy It 1111 liln'ncd. I —-—.\ND—. ' v 'l - :‘LICK NOW READY : BY THE THGUSAND. anti; to Gee. I}. Start-alt. N WEAK. Li": A": "'E pan? I 0' .:' ....I.n=‘ rr.‘_. 'u. .~, lama-:8 bfduza‘iul Iran. hulr. .~..gnté‘~¢:fi?rwiei~'l£“b“,x§ ‘ ‘ 1w ...-7. t 5 .~ _- gm .. - ; ”99%.:5 iv" "'. ‘a} ‘ ’ f q?- ‘l‘ w. 9 H} 7"3. i 12% $- 514.? 3‘? ~ _4? ”-.’ ...v; - 12:: .15.} . “14% ‘9 g 2 * ‘ -—"‘ -~ ,“a I ‘ A V ‘..QQL-J '. ‘ . iwxrr's 512313;» . I h (ML-3y n \‘c_.~L;hl- ;;.~;‘s:nl!uix cad -1251111131..) I:df‘t'!l'.l’.l' l . :, .'_:.c~.'c. or oxi'ct ‘ Libu:ofll.!' .‘2; 0r... I cwzr: : épzcmzc I Hrs cureJ hunah-J h c! cxsu of ryemno. I Eu 0: (1:32" ..I = .1.- 2“;1n. u: 31.1 mm . £0.52! I x f Ecumn, fit.) «I figs-.01" .21141 e . Disruoal, I 5...! '..:-~..::';x‘.3 ..r :1: 4:12;: .‘ ..-. ‘ n {5.10: i Lin,“ 11‘0sz :.- JL. - . .‘.S:J ’ SWIFT": : :‘ncxnz‘ p i.‘ .1 u}. vol thou and; cf cm: of film-cu tlal “dam-:1; ! and Stiznuu at the Janus. - _— Cnu‘rammm. 'r 11.. lunch 27 Ira—sunr- Ipcclnc (‘o., Allahtn, «I..—Gummy.“ : In a v mulv part. of mo wrun't :xe-Ar, A ladle-u at on: row».- a war - n V“: Ina. begs“ tuMn ;1~4. s. N. 1375-“ 7‘: 'OS! gr nnother, and kids} I r‘crl gm ['l' .mrror:¢'. I um Mill “AL“: ‘w ..| ... r- -- .n-e Hui: ca, Hnnetudn xv :MJ lan .r: v x.) wml. [bchcx _M L 11! L .- . ap. rfa c: g-: u. You" truly; Lac. P. Bowni‘. , w Wasuxm 8:. ‘.cnm'mxu. s. 0.. July-7. 1830—7115 871“ viper-av an. Atlanta, (IL—condemn: ! was (xxx-manner” run: mus-u!" Hawaiian) for ma yuan. i cw: a nu: no nunneul to lie! from any m-ulclno prugflbud b :3 physio“. I took over I doun ho cl your \ S. 3., and DYW'I an Al wall II W Va. I 1 nr. Ln. mm mm your In clno Pure-Kg". arm I would {milieu "$3!!! (”1' l er'u ; Irma max out) ”:11. ' 0. 3. :mm Conductorc. a u. 1!. IL WACo fins. myl.lm«-oenuomm 0 ho V In ofl law of my cunning- wu tummy 53114th "I“: a human-Au m hu'md hm- whoa. body. luau Wu wanna-I L) nor bed for nun! yard W LII-M nnd eluuld‘uuc her? Incl-THE“: w. a Mason] [l'll sh. mu .\' o .cn‘ w II In I n or lho 5.13. The m...» ML: and”! the : hymn-n: who trust.“ 1:. mn- Dan-band his." 311:»in giving Ills Vile flwlfl‘l Bmm and um commenced to Inn-rav- slums: Im mullu u?y.luul iv a an woo‘a aha nuns» mud" well. all. b D?" s hen" In.- E" r.‘ mmwnh no flu- or unanimo ... inn-4 vory‘ruly, J. 1;. ’l‘". I \S'kuknhlu and». Ans“: AVGHB‘ _ 1.2:..3 Tmuu on Blood And 3“: finches | . Tyr- “unn- snczrz: 00., Drawn I - -, .v Yo: ‘3, 7'»; 2‘. Lin]. . I Rheumatism I'3 s‘! an nt'zhh'shcd fact that 3006’. Sat garmn: has prawn an invaluable remedy - in nun? sewn. (15-3: 01 theumatism. 011 c h my n mutabia ( an; by Hi iaqwcrtul action . in my... (Aug 1129 acidity c! the word: which! I is the rum: (1! the disease. and purilyixzj um! Olli'h‘hillg the vital fluid. 1:. 1;. rrl'lr"n7l fair to assume that what 1!. ...'i. ;'.-*.;;‘.;=_;r:l2:t h! .-. 11 me hr amass it w!: cn 1.4- 392'. Thu: Lu .1, i 1 sou suitor I am y .31.; and m".‘.';‘. at 1:! ama'i ‘m. give ‘ tin. , “~30. ruzm'dy a fair irr’sL I _l. Pom-324- € ...... I “1' “~15 34:38.1 \ :.' 11. -'. \s‘uh [Mama 3 d... in my “I“. min»; and “TE-53,5. I - F.»- . .-,. ’ m:u:l hardly walk. and _s cmuwih .3 Kb. ' ‘vl ': g-‘od deal of the tune. Bing ICC~ xn w nude-l to try Hood‘s ermrariln. X i; .tr lulli‘ wa‘L-‘s and an perfectly “s‘l g -. ~.~-‘.:7!y r:m.mnzrnd Luci 5 SJL‘SRI‘SN‘JYL ~ ‘:' Q 23. 1 “3t 2:101}. i-‘uiJc-rs in [2... , _. . I’. ‘.‘s'wav, Biamniihgtan. LL ‘ Fnr Twenty Years I . 1. marlin-t .‘vvx'illzrho-xmziis: x. J‘s-{me ,»... ' " ;._ I; ‘w, 1511, but 5;- :z.‘ w. rm. Hum r . v v = » Y‘s (34"3v'arii‘... 1..-1 it Six] .h.............,_ - ... .;)c m , ‘ .2 -a :1: ...: o”ch M-uu'v-e 1 :wr End 3 Y "- : ' NM, Shine; 3355- “I : '1 .. ; ~ :.v Lint-tut! cam"! museig: ;L 'l. .. , - ! A}; Hood's Sal'- saparna ..x.! :;:1 ' "erl :‘.‘;C." J. V. A. ? 2.305;)?! -T. l. 3.1;: . .. ~ "1:330, 1:1. 1 We :lé'ill 1w i 3... t:- siur 1,1 clzgrze ‘ to an wun m; _r -"~. frn,.':'- " "running“ 5:1) addj=iu:;..l 51-.ffmunl3 of .‘Lll'sz L? e. . :7 A ~ . ~' L‘ ha... :2 maraapa: :5... Sold h; 1}! N...- (‘iaxm .1; If): Lu- 35. Tim on‘xy h} ‘ I Jul! a £30.. Lawell. Dims. ECG: Bose: Sane iii-313m. a W———. nu' O 1 Children Cry for Pitcher’svcastona. . __ __. ar- . ‘* w' ; E . S 7: 1?, ES :7. @3533 , ‘r- h- are; 5:. b? ,3 E: A» ‘Q . r 1 1 «5433;; 31"“! . .u E!” "1 as _ ‘l' '.f‘,‘ D g ‘ _. ,51 E 33229 ; fl.) .3; '_Mf&£‘mfl . --_ iv (Si; q € ‘24} AF}. 1‘ E; E c “’3 ‘3 $3 ; :1“: ‘32} El"; 5 ! GEEKISEéfi-Lm 5 ; 1 ~ ‘ -': m mafia: .-v-s;.;:-::..a. life . ,_ V . a, ,‘..,l :1: pingi ' 2A ‘ _ . ‘ - 2 " {a same 0‘ :,- - ' ‘ u- i‘ ‘s' m ct“g-)ne -1" "I 4., i r I i- I u-r. .1; {2:O monk ' h' x ‘ z ' r: [1:‘1 Lisa In a ~ 1‘ »\ . ' -. ..j ' ‘---w ~. frequent ! -. - ;. , , _:. v-uvrrrpccks" g?» J.l~ ll'l \ I. - . I“.<‘.l:l.l’,'] or ex. ;.' ..'=' in- a; , - ‘.5~-. Ly”, flushes, l':z-tlll.' .i-g ...;- t-ti . ':".:'. shat "n'tinr. !m.i\‘. ".r fling; n.—r.- m ‘ Hem, cum ;"l!‘ .2. r Aw '~ '.f : :i'-.,(;,-, rm? Lauri-sis. ('l' E .nsvtirlz. \l u-A'i Ln: -..- .llvlti; 34L ';\. c-nmmnt. l in-trsi w: ..:.i. ; c! any, or or impend ; malt-4. :iity'r , Tr 3-1.1: «m r nil. tl‘ll‘flfl ccrsiderame number Hi: rigs;- cz'littvnu-s. 39'.) art. aun’ciinfi Imm . H. .-.. . '-~~'i mmm..n of Amerii-un "mimics : Jill-vb !))’fllil'!‘c'.l;(lr'rdlrg‘i-z l-hzz', Anson-inlaid :wun Jigsaw-lain. _IX‘ liiiix-jJEA-i'n '11:!) more ;coiupiicutui yon? Cly'uf-L) liu'; hemne. tiia . “Have: 1‘: 1 :-"'::L;’;‘ mid diversilv cf armp- ‘ , turns. tin uni-r wlmt mum it. h-N roachm. : i Dr. Durex-12355.11 Medical nl-Icovcry 'will bul-dm 5;. i:‘ min-n according to direc ' tinna fur a r:;: nimble lunplhof time. If not cum-J. C".':l[v“l «my»; mnniply and t‘on§ump § :lm: oflhn hurts. Shin Discus-g Heart Disease. 1 Rheumatism. :Ezf’zvy Disyase. or other grave ‘ mmadies me quiiu lznmc 1;: (M in “SBOO3OI - or lutvr. lnduco a. final terinin-niml. . ; Br. Plea-«20’: Golden Medical blu ; covcry new powerfully upon [he‘lnvermnd ithwugh that post him-purging organ. ; cleanses the eye :m of all blood- nlsand Im . purities. from minim or cause arising; It, is ; equally ellicncious in acting upon I 5 [ud ' mgr). and pther axi-ri-tury organs. clcmxn . strengthening. and healing their diseases. fl i :m up «lazing, msmraclro tonic. it. rmmotcs . fliumzmu and nutrition, thcmhty bn lding up hmh "Fill and ftrcn-gth. In nm arinl dlstrlas. this wnndcr‘fu man-inc has gained mt. , m-lchrltg ln curing Pcur [lnd Agile. Chills and FL‘VOI', umh Ague. and kafin ajauscs. 1 Br. Plerco’s Guides: Mc‘ I“! Diu cover] . GUBES ALL HEROES, from a cnmmon mnmi. or Erllgllbn. to the gnrst Sci-omin. siilt-rlmum. “ ever-aims." ‘ (“my 0! jiongh Skin. in short. all discuss-s caused by M bland um mnqucnn by this 'powerfnl. purifying; And Invigorating; medi . cine. Great Eating Ula-r’s rapidly hen under lts benign influence. Especially in: it. mani -3 tested its pou-ncain curing ’l‘cttcr. Enema. 1 Eryaipelaa. Bails, < irbunclcs. Sure Bya. Scrut ' ulmis Soru and Swollinus. Hip-joint, Disease. :f‘Whiw chlllnizs” Gum-c, ul‘ Thick Neck. 1 and Enlarged Hun-is. Smd 3m crnts ln stumps tur :. large Trcutisc:., \r ith colored pluu-s‘lon Skiz‘. “£s44lst or the («12' f‘ amount 1 tor a ‘ruatis-J on Scrufuiucs .Xil‘ccuous. 3 “FOR 7HE 31.00!) is 1 HE LIFE.” zhfmughlv- dbanso it by uiain,‘~ Br. Flea-co?- i with» inc-aim) uncanny, and good ldlL’L‘bli'lfl. a fair skin, buoyant apiriishvitnl , strength and bodily health will be established. . A q ; CGN§UMM EON, which is Scromla. otlhe Lungs, 2a arrested land cuwd by tins remedy. jrrmkun in the ‘ earlier stages (.l‘ ‘..‘xc disease. Frum its mur— ; n-luuz pawn: cymr this Prrlbly faml dismasc. V wlwn first alluring iliis vmw world—hum! nun my to the public. Ur. I‘h-rce though: 54 Huh -ly vet calling 1:. his “Cmrstunws iii-urn" lizzz übnmioncd that mm: :.3 too matrinivc in: gnu-dining ‘Vlllch‘ lrom lta won-:crml com bmuziuu t-f isnic. or strengthening. ulcers-ti“: , or him-(manning. unti-bxlinus, 3wcmml. and ‘ nutritive grow. ‘cs ls unequalmi. nut, onlv as u. mme v for Consumption. but. for all Chronic fill-curs or the <I - I ' 0“ liver, island. anti Lungs. ! F‘r “3.31: Unis. 9.}: in .-r.f lflcmi. 5" or':x.--~ 'O7 “Walk 4'” m- .‘Jns i 1‘ In‘r‘v. “rune-W h: \ulmz‘, .\.-z -», :‘ ~ .nl Kuhn! zuirc'iun». :13 i~ an x '5 'v’ :' l- M ii}: ' 5 .1: in l:r«~:;i:i.. .v 7-2" ‘2 c: air. !!--t:2.'.~ rm 3 3.3 NO. ' l Karyn”: “.n n' .K in ..zrirzs to: Dr. l'iurw‘s thunk on Cmnumpt on. .I”an —~-. ‘ \l (irlsi's Dispensary Msdical Assoc’n. I 663 Mam m. Buff-. 10. N. Y. ‘Timber Lands I .F'. or Sale. Two hundred and twenty-five ac res of timber land for sale. Distant half mile i.) a mile from the wa'er, dmnn grade. to good harbor. \\ ulna su . 2:53-3:- fmm l’urt Townsend. For. : . 1“, panic-aim apply to u...wnuw 8g SACHS, Port. Townsend, mst£ - *z; ..- ‘ _ fiwiu.‘ "* .-_ , _ O O 3 w 111 ‘p .. . . ' 0. . - -. ..- . ' «a.» fi‘ ' ____._.__.___.___— ‘l‘ ' gag-E:E_. - ‘ ' a 556:}; I 11l ' " ' , 54 s ~ r al' ~ * a.. _, mg. EU Ul .- -. U‘W ' ' 7' u ‘ n-q.'..-V ' ‘..‘ . I v-~ ..u k i Haye- maae (toznphle canes n; uuimuit Ciis(‘s.o;_lfi4{r d!“ Esme; PUP-"ls‘- ‘ . . . x . . .- \“r_,‘_ _ ' 1L 'C‘ml Llcers. Ffitnlas, 1.29 M Poxsonzug. hip u.- “a", hmadzt my Blood ’.E‘tzint, 153202219. and Skin EMSCIBLE? generally. ‘ .... ' ' v .. , ( ~,-~-» -" " _-i.‘v'.‘.. ‘ ' ‘ Sand FchchuZaw' r- m: ha ramm- EMA-“Kb '- '? "."':‘-‘~: ‘.;:-.‘.‘. 3:719:62: ("Zn-~I “my"; :11 Dunn-mu; l XXI-5.: i".'ill)\'. ..g 11.35”.“ "91““; 3““ ‘- s"'q"' 'l}: - ‘i‘..::‘:: W 1; :ntzsu.“isms-Jam r r. -,;v:t\'; ;;‘~.\‘..i.'r. i?!”r¥‘.n_.’ fi-vgwr ~“_"‘_‘_"3_[.f-:Uli' mums: :~.z.-m:.:»;stusvnurzx-g.z ::" -. :.i.n’ s; .2- v: v: ‘.v. ;,~..;.n'*.\. “"'"."..~“ ‘-‘.~"c Al"‘..\ii. S ..2 m - uuiln' JRnS'V‘t I. "rim; ’:.:.1 \‘.’m"n -~::‘r.u..“h .._ '~""""‘_ ‘ :3. ' (“lbw-"11"“. ‘- .A .zz_\.~,_: '.‘. -. x ~, '.., :.'z'. 7:: <A. 2; mu:10..1i.::.\v..;1.~-aru:.,.u? u! bzm i' :15. - v. 3. .\i ‘ ,-.‘ ~_ tum :7. I', 3:;;\._l~'. I}; r.=.-I;u.. 1:: v. ‘ Rafe—once: k" i‘c:n2'r"_«::.l :-t' A mm“ w (2 "3-33. f.:;:.<. . H\~'. 5.: .‘i. 1'; "~12“? Lug. Hu:. 4.; mm l. .. t'.( .x;:\. u. 1..« I. v' . "INLET” ' .~‘ -‘~ ‘- wg-‘JJ; fig: :1~-1t: inn 2 ‘. _."i:\ i ~;_ E \ Hag.“ aw,- A: , ;’_ v. ;: \:;;-§v_‘: I.‘. AL; . .uhu , flux} In: :.:*.; Jul“): .L .: .1 ._ --.. ,-. uv. , i""[(l‘«y". . : ...: . M “ED‘: V 7.33: (”U N ”’7‘ .U; 3.1‘. fu.‘ ‘3 1.4” n; ‘tnsl 1:0“ 3‘ == _ " , .:?-,.:rx.n.:;. mum. :3 ‘ "- -. 7!; ~z ;;::.S.1:: :"9 mum"? Y " ' ." -. n.4,llniw'. I‘LfiJTEI-‘Jfi. .‘3'.’. 1):: TL ;{>itlc. -Z ' ; ‘3 S“.‘.\:Z I‘Jrllwt'uru ..f L'E.;‘n='.- Fix: I"! -‘ 717' “'9‘" :I - : lu‘ “x .I.E ’E 5. ‘.'.,-; {Est-rm 1:1. . .22: >3. ;'..._~ .> -.. *5; I 1'3.-':='4 x'r. :; ‘ é.‘.'.'.j?.'f:. .121 :,L22.’E. zsac 1301-: 720:5, --|-‘":¢“‘-~ "N“ ‘ -,-, 2 ‘ 3:5»: rut, :szrm’fizszgn .\r‘n “Vii" 41. x; x 3 \. "5?F"=":" {m 3V».?~""-‘ “ . ‘ . - :‘....|.:. 3.12:. ..n-H :2:l::;v;stin...itin-I'2:-:IJz--i§.;.:-_- 'l‘ IgifiL‘J’s}. '4s]. 821:: 500 :3»): ‘._:«C‘;‘:. "or 'r' "W Textimony of Rev. E. -‘, La'ufi. 'l'l z-z- _ -~ —:.:_\.l-;~:~;';n. n::.:‘7, 11%“. “Y - ~.\- «as pu; (' «v m 'th .~ aux: I‘, L»: . 11"".1».J .1. ~. - . -,| .. (.13 ,n.. 'iw i' a. g ‘1; ”41‘. . .. . ‘ .‘f ...u _-. :., :“i'l‘: nflxlfl!‘ L i . .- v ”3 up .- 'un ‘'s; A;_ 3. :;. \‘.h.!.31)~il :-.|~‘n-.-'.|.a.- 1011-3". ' v" .- '- l‘- ' '.'- ‘.l,">l.3>“!n‘l'!l- A. . .\.,“ I.l.x\»r. ...«S i- -r_';7 ~...~€_;~: -:. . _ =7 ~;-, ~‘-:‘-i 5: };‘-i..~r2~\-;r3"'x. i'..-l'.. " 21447 --. ~ Z',--,~v:':_:;;“';r.ll,‘Ll..!,.l*i‘y.-!- ‘n'.- 5» 'wW ~~. .'- ~.- .< . .-\ .3; . ”1.; l':;1‘ .4 .1; ‘ E ~ 4: Ir- 4.“, z»! :m “h...“ w.- "n: " .1 ,~ .; .. ;' ..‘ , ' .. =~,- i..:1 In 1:2 :.‘~ .» h I; :, : :.:‘ lil;x7‘.;k:121!fll l'uL-z ~ L ‘.m ' “-1-" 3 ‘ ' ~' - 15"." 7' - ..--:I L: in l‘j. -‘,’:...-. ! Im."- \‘ii'Z‘in-‘t‘i 71:3 cficct M . 1 :v..-: 5' a .2x:-'-,-\‘....-'-"..:i H ‘1 ,7 L > U»; _ _‘. V ‘ ‘_, \‘C.:'V-‘-2‘-T‘J‘(' v'g .: v.., .." ..f 'l.;:‘ Lap-r 1134 J“ 3w :.- ”'2l", AIL/f. .2. 'l‘. Lili‘. ;; .._. ir. 2 n 4, S ‘.L; ”mun. ' ————.‘Jf.§.‘L'l":‘.<."l‘l'REl) BY THE—- , p - n vs: Han.) ‘.;, ’ ’s' *3"va 1 “ 11?. 2}- {Tha— 3‘.» E :’-. 7.?E’lsr.‘ sth (“'11) ":1". u s‘. ‘1 'O. 3.19 4‘ d Ennis; L..." '. 'Q. < S'2 L :x; in,“ E :I-su ".11“ n 1), a. l £l3 532‘! STINET. 5.5.3: FCAKSIDL‘- 5' i". iEiT‘WEa-IL'. ‘-l. 5.. A'JJIET. - = ( ‘; Tnvxns- .-! 'xV.'!‘. s*’;’£ 3" ’- ~ ~ . W. *’-‘Z+f"’.. 1:333? ..Z‘TI’H -. ‘ flzfiw- 549%‘5 “in, I .11? . ‘‘ k , ‘.."l‘i ._ “I; ‘‘,l. :3 ,W‘ I ’T'” 'r wnr’tn =3 ', ,3, ..= ‘3: ... ‘ 33" . b ’ '{IZJ-y 1 42; f, If}; 5; :- 1:074:19 A, may-Lia figéra‘; 3-; 1 ..<'_.:, :3. '» . ;.a-‘ U 9 ‘:‘~r',.. , 'H'.‘~ .--,;x ', -‘ -1..-_V“. u'fig- #5377: "Simum LICK??? ”-1"; {3‘3 "on; “1.53,, ~_'-'v.x=:-....“;‘, -:, 49mm 5:.‘41’ ; "I'. '_‘ ,";"'-v12i).""51"h ~.,‘, “8“; .71 435.31.“ g.‘ s..,}u(¢,¢ “3,?" 7.1.211] all! .1" ',‘n~fl'{.." “\- R l 3.‘ 33 h' ,i~~.“§:.“~ 23:}, «2', I * .131”ng 14‘; ‘ . ;_‘;_.u;|Mml.u‘Pii , ‘11:?“ ... "9;.Fff “‘2“. VLPS:I€;:;"Q ,» (wag-rfi4IILQ ~th,D LSO 1 :.?Kh,ygwl. 7; ‘.Vg'-.‘.‘£“""-‘?'cr 2’:u«y,u‘.]“;v:‘lsm.a nw 7‘ -‘- -- * J'Y ugh Dwarf“: ”My JV; ,4 25:57.; “5 figfiahlshpl:cumv";“‘3“fvh:-:4 2‘ .~ :3 75.; ‘lng "‘l3ll-"nvenxwfi".";‘-“°“~ a: any“: :nam-;;4£n- 'Aema :..;.!;;§‘§dwcr:.ii {vs3,;..:;.~r_,__o_n, Inch”! 511,ny in»; and tit-13%;?” hL¢,,:_.::‘_,g -r‘:‘c_a_x;3 :3 nut; {7l: _ :,'.;.*:_-1;:...—71.30n{m the '..u; £171.33: I, g. ’ Dorm-tang 9.1; H "'1! mm ::;".5 iZ‘i .."FV "mm"; “‘2 &---""'.,p.":‘.:_~-':3,5 61:52,..." 5»; avg-up.- '~' ‘ "m,“ mm 0'; .-_""’-'.‘. -.. , ~ A}. The . , figi"‘°’3 'holufg 51-15:?“ “M ‘ w‘.-r3-.}.li.‘;_:i.t 'L m. xi: ‘ll'2m‘l—l': :fc’é??l“fi,’ls“”'.l‘wur 5,2: Woihéféfi'fiéz,‘gamma-£531 d-m :3 - : «CW-L ‘fi‘rmas‘aé'23l‘3.§; w-- .. .n' >' ‘ '.F:—_ I.» ;:;’:'.-__ .3 ;-~.—. :_- —' ,;nsli§imzhaeau:§:?é;}“3§3 ‘-" - : '.'5...;,‘."‘r1, I ’ nut-.-.... ..V-fiviidnwifl. 5H 35. "” maupguozrxmnwug‘y f“; ldflfim: «,3 —..:—.— A -53. huge: "RED Pmsrtf." _' ‘ , ‘ ._, ,f;__'~uh.r, VL Q, I“? 3a!- . -J- 1...;_ -.-1 3‘ __- T-r‘gofl? “'l', ,_ :K..--.: "T 111-f . U—u‘f'!‘ ’“‘ °r‘-‘W'll1;.:_» ,7 "':,.'l;’, ' ‘ "" wet-o: roam: 1" gag {it , . gOO \v ;\.'V'6;€r¢h. ,J was , M 59 f, " g ' 23%;; 95‘ g? :3 . I \ c {“5“ "/ "; l f- \37 Aofiigm“; éfiézzé'vn' 9:? ‘\ afi-s M (’3 'v _Ax. A '26.“, R,f:§_i:‘_,gf:{{{g/;j§3; hing-p: ' ‘ ’ I'2“-- -"r“‘ ’ hiat’ASC. Le Riel-aura Guiflpu Balunm 30. 1. (Tuna: (Jhnm-rvs. I'. TH: :vzd pernnni >113“: \wru-a ?- h - lmzzs and Ito-bx: 3m“ Err» «'l\':--. ‘.‘M- ‘, -:‘ (OHM-5:5,; nu] l;im_-':.~ .:_ \fp'nihti; H:- .:‘r" , disenwd 5~.':‘.V;;,:1',~13 a]! wizqu'y mm» I)? 9‘]: disease knuvu: '{S s} p‘n'ui.~. Prici- 33.00 per unit". l’e llk‘hau’s fielder: Hahn's: No. :. -_ m‘u Tertiary, .\Zn-r-jtl'iul >3 .nniziric Riummnjsm Pain: in the Kama, runs in rhn ln-zui. hunk of the unci. L’;:-;.;urd Mr: Throat. Syphilitic L‘ufix, I.::m‘,l.«m:d confirm-ll”! Cords. 511:!an 0! the Hunt», uni o‘r:1vli:'!17": n!) (“senses fr-vr: [be Agnew. Vin-12m: - nth-rd by indisrxetiun nzl' givuso- of M nary, Nu . in: the blond pure and hwxltizy. P! in» 85.00 :wr Hattie. Le nu! zux‘a iioiupu himfliih Aulldoie m: the cure 0.? 430214471}: : a. “Ire?“ Irritation Grave! and at! ('.énary ur Genital uiisarmngcments Price. 8-130 per Braille. la.- Riclnaz‘s Golden haunt-2h Injection, for sum-- mm» ..5 ...:m :mrn. Inflammatory (Hes-1, strictures. .c 151:3, $1.50 per Bottle. Le mom-_r- {icldau (Hakeem: for mu at: famine inn-Ln: nf mplniilir Sores.andenxp lions. Trice. HUM! per Bax. Le “jenny." [iazdvn .‘ilfis. )Jurve and Imm: um‘mmn; :.:.-,= pr nkyutal puwoaexcsss or over-work. l‘matmziz-g, etc. Price. 83.00 pt! flax. Tonic and Sex-vino. Sent cverynizcrc. 0. U. I).,secnrely mcka. par axgircsa (I. l‘. ::::'-:l_u‘.i‘~‘~‘- r; 119., Menu. 42? J: 425: bats-Jaw: SL. Cor. Clue Sun ‘Fruucisco. ‘3}. :3" L'ißi‘ClAl’. Mina-. 1) fREE. e‘fifie‘éfi fl r g-fl ,‘frin as K.-'.:‘.f,?- flAv , “fix-n! ’ .s {a r'\ ‘ C "r’ '4)“, ' &b u‘ g, ,4. .L- g 4/ I} ."- ‘3";/ [w a” A . 9.0;; k- '1? .&;‘;~e‘.c;- % w} *‘ “fl , ~ "7 ms. J - fir” kiln/j “,.....—--~u-m--~ ‘ wt: .1 I‘, {3 R E A _'|' 1' . . Iv‘ ‘ -“""“!11'ZNII\Q g I';.Efi f i 11?“- ‘- . . [ASRV'F : "‘ i"':;\~_1 m.‘ «I “112% DE: I ’; . A 4! ." ."!--1." 1"“ ' i 3 31"; Li}; -, ~- 1 a: ..2h51- : ..-. ..r. ‘ -:""'::.~_. ‘.l ' a g “- ;‘_- ;f’L $5 , , flirt-mtgmre i ; . . ,- .‘ ' - {:9 \\ dl}:- .(..; ... . r _ . j 41. Sexual 3.n.;v.... 3 - ;: gallium ;,_, 77.: 'rccmpVF -..V * """’“‘"°'“ .1... .'. ‘. '::; ¥ _ - ;'. tfi 3:; _..=,} 7;. / :~--~ ~ . - ,_ g:....-.. u ‘; -U. .4 _l/. r §?.Eix-Tj“'"‘, .. j": " ' , 1:53—53. Evil“; 1‘ . ' .= ' " I'iyti‘fit - _ "mucnttv E‘.'-7.'V;E 51'? x ' . %.-.‘ “wads".- :..., .~\ . ~ '. .? win-zaxruq “he. -. . HUG" 1.; . when: i ’ ' ‘ 4, . w 1! \g 235‘" .2 ' . ‘ ' L “"‘3'3' 1 ‘ _l . ;- : f. ' A ’ .4. ‘.m '— - -, "‘vvr' E": “5...; _. ‘ ‘ k vii-:3 gl.) > x :1 i'.‘ ~...- . - 4. :vv - - .1- 7 El‘ ' "1“;4 ,I'.‘ fit! "31/; ;:;':.' 154: {l* ,_;'",",""' _j - - -» '.-urae. . .14 ‘.T ' _ '.- ' Conn II: M ' z In!” L. ' A .- ‘ . . I v . A "'~,; 3” ’ ,~:—v:'._ Baal 165 “'x’ 3- . j ~ -> mfg-n 31d 5.... ;h ~ z: .‘..\‘i-"Eu r"" oracvlrv . _. m lan-C: Ffi- '. 3' :QLDJG ‘.‘J lii-«my .31.. 1., .- 1 :~-., «ism. ‘ _ _';;f‘____‘ ./ I'3" ‘ . :4. . , 5‘ , / 19. x. ' e" ‘ :4; ' a. 1‘43, . 3.} i I Q - »." I .'__._ g _. €511.31 ' “‘l‘3l‘: 1 m -. ....~-.-.. ;:'<<?‘{':‘-' ‘zs.l Q 3 3&5. ~T;‘~_.~-\ ‘- . , 1 E; 11f; xi}: afls‘. vi; :\w-\§\.\\. - 3 \\\ :1“; - _, 1’ ‘-:\ \gx“ _:: :.. ;\~: \‘\\~, W- , \\ x‘ ~93 ‘ 5E §E323§ \\ 3;»? "gags“ \\;-\4 ~- - x x , \s.‘ “33:: 'Q \ _ I .._\\‘.-::»“ ‘~'-- - r.‘-:.-l:_-‘.-. ~31... ..',-..~ ' MR. JOHN W. FURBUSH, An Army Veteran, OF WAKEFIELD, who has probably gun'ercd more thnnfiny mgn or wnumu in Amenvn today. 'l‘ukvu sack \vlulv ‘m the Army, he Img endured umum lljlili.§l'3 sim-e. Dcm-nbmg 1113 first sympyms he sand: “My hvml nrhed and my nyprxilu was pour. Ifcl: a {ulnlnuri a: :he pic of me stomm 'n. un-l v. bad msie in my mnxnb,_ while my skin \w: norm-limes he! and Namvumvs cold. I Int-.\t {clL pains in my bzu-k and uruuud the lpwur Jmniun of my body, and nuiir'rd a. Etn't‘llhnl' (Nu-r and mm..- in I‘ll: wuu'r I pnsm-d, w dch wus smuty at. rue xix-m urn-i frw- at ntfwrs. Swmctiznnsi) plains-d nw lu \‘uid it, and nugm it ers Lima»: HHFOS‘ti- Ne w .1.» :1) u: an. l-‘nmlly I bcgau h) ptlrfi (~11 nr Hood nccumpnukd with mu grcutust strain and “gully." Nu iv» Run: 29 ominougphysivlnns attendcd Mr. Fuzl:=_';; a: vurjnus tunes. but not one of thy-1;: r--’2M hdp lum. IL: was near death's dunr. .‘.::'l_\':! hcsau'u “I am Min: and \n-ll Lwduv' ‘.xixw‘i)‘ through lhi‘ wondcrml rower of Hamli- it. tnndy which tau}: me from 119 Verge of [ll-1 run." This a: a» 2 {icnxv-dxjabsolulelycurcaallKidney. Liver L-nd L'rzuury Dlsuuscs. 1’0)- Snlo by 311 Dealers. C. N. CRITTENTON, General Agent. 115 Fulton SL, N. Y. 5.14 .m- ))un’}lUct 1a the Hush new (70.. Mwlr'i. .- l , ... _' :2 \ preavnbe Ind fully“:- "' . duru- Big (E as the only Gun-l: NZ .\pct'iflc furthe ccnumcun " l “lung‘s-u M II?” else-up. ' U. .I.'(ERAHAM.M. I)- 0 .“im Amsterdam. 5. Y: a 'lranu um We have sold 131; Grim GAMES I.:.l_n_v yum. an I: .911 . ... ' ‘en m b :.I. - »__' : 2111:".5- human. e c of suns : _, x 0313. ‘k“ v. n. mwmc; 4-0.. V‘ _ ‘6' '- (Ilak‘ugO, ||l ‘We ' ' lads SI.OO. Sold by bmgsma. E? sv: Ea $3 $3 ’5 55%.. a use} (a :4 \‘ (“:= ‘ . ‘l‘! si! ? I ‘ .\1 5 0, ~ :‘f‘ifié , E; x; 1.3453; AE- I’- ‘m- t 5:4. v‘. ‘ ‘ ..-' - J E" 5:; 14.5 1,9124 L (“‘1 it, ’. 3' -2-'- ii:- .-f:;:'s->”~\,r E““%flié?flfl _4;“;,‘ ; st-n:'< hf ‘ 1 “5 ;. ‘ r‘ '~: ~ Egg b: r: {a}; {i . .15 gas: 7.3.3: it: am: 12913:: g 5 Tariff chztnb'ie Crzpdund, fiat acts directly upon the ~"bur; curing the mmydis:3~ss iz-‘ci 0 that my} pangs: 0:312, and 1.6.9- finiagthe mt» mercus a}? 221:5 arise from. if; \‘ . . - A (15:22:25! c: . ..ctlon, such as DTSpeps§ T '-:e, Bflionsncsg Cos wenessrgfiuaria, Sick-hem 31h- $59 etc. It): thmefore. ' t “It “To have Gcod Health lhc'Live. must be key: in order.” 133. 841330335 119.."3 ISVIGORMGQ Eaz'fgcratcs the liver, Hagan: '.‘S the Bow 013, Strength-ens the Systtm, Puriflea the Blood . Assxsts Digestion, Prevents Few Is a 11:11::th Neal. in 13mm} . » F 2212; liedirine for cannon complmn} m, 23:33:“: 2““. an my man _ . A 7! 6:; :r-Zrzrc rf FM;- ymrs, and. ’ ' and: (f £1»:£2::~.-.:'.~.‘jprora £l3 Nmt. ran F 331: 1.? .7113. DEALERS {:7 3mm For {#ll 1; ;I::‘-.~.’Z>-.1 (W 1 yrmr 31-13:: for m prlehrf: w. r‘to "I; 'l' 3'31 if: Cancun." Q nim::.;: :J. 23.»; c: ~ 11.17 You cw ‘ , 1...»; ~ 3 “-:x :23. -.» "Rx E. L: 59532?qu 1 / ?~:rfi ~ {MU-“z -- w {G , sling;— 1:.-:.. 1112351155 t V ~ ‘~v.-..n~:-r;:;.-.zs?=’=, 31.1.; 9565 23117:; fiftw,~l;‘s§%l-_L . .‘b.'.:_~§‘PT-‘acry.¢¥;.z . .‘,--;.'5 .>--,;‘n- ;='. ‘ 4+ mo. ‘o': “i 515 HWVQ-h mun-- 7- rm! wrducm; 1;“ _‘ :3, 41"} Damn, m 11.}; wot} u.‘ . $67“ ’ Ifizlmx me-iggina, Dutmity, ‘3 m’;€~:‘-,;i-E.-~ ’{5}?:"“?""’ 1':"F“"‘“ \ " fish}?9ss.i'l‘raisiqx‘nqrcx? ‘2; "1..”, ‘. "W ‘. ”». :'~: , ; £55825” L; £1.35 ":33f¥_s??;1§34%'5? Felli‘rflh- \‘Cfiiu . ~-—'_.—..LM c—————--~ '——'—"’—‘ M . "‘7: ~» 3311‘ n ‘38:” gig-Bop: ._;3€.«;-.:.‘-.", Issued 1:. -, _ c'cy -3;; ’ 6.1:!) year; . “’h‘f‘n-aa , .4“ , _ . .- ‘. ,‘ ~ (“"7’: T“".°,( I”. 13 our. 1 ‘f‘: :I‘.--3.1_40t g.- \ or “‘4 «a» ,6 clmso try: hag-fr.- W'o . nscess:tics 9! £229. “.1: can clothe you and {3:11;}. you 3., all the nccxsxy :::__l yanccend) appliuxcs to rid:,‘.‘;‘.u§, cane-e, sleep, (mt. 11:11, L11r!, \.'-J.'K. go Lo cam-ch. or ;;__-,r 9.: fio'tl.‘, and in various 5198. Styles _- .I.a,"a:_:-. Just figure out what, ‘ 2 required to 0,) all it“; thing: CQHFtflTABU. and you can ma cam: estimate of the value of the BUYERS" GUIDE, which win he um. upon receipt of 10 cents to 917 PM MONTGOMERY WARP «1 00- 111-114 W Avenue. “195%“ - MEN 6 r .a yr; 3:. a: naval 51c mayh-cun \‘l-r run-t In «7 , Q Ennulumliflzdmuubclus. Brunt . ..A ... . L'Amw. m _g 5.4.22- xuxnoon. ' , \‘-"_—-»-_ Norm-u» 1~.-=~1.;.y Syn-truatorrho‘ C L . annu: !;uu~r-I.|vfxllul D. «W? p. can; 12.1.. -' luv. _v.‘.\'uk Eye, 3 ~.' 1.112: .r .3... “load an 94 ‘ gl- _, hkir 1... -. 'IJ .--.}-2ruptkrnlt , ”his? ' * Hair? . :v. rain-.Kwe Snug:- : urs. [lla-ct or ”outcry, Kid: ‘4" 'l‘roubw \Veakßawk.l:l|nxh:gl ’ .meusub lurwpromp: rem-I g -‘V .. .. . By his treatment u 3.. _ mat. 'y "harlot, lon. tree Imm «mlmgul _ - ‘.._ .. 11.4%; ms emptlongeuzmriulnr‘.* ‘ u ‘ .‘- :szalibfijfl ham.“'hcu illsir.’ :_ - m... lutheclfl' aidescflbingyuurdi ~.: .(- r ...._ «442), med‘ ewuhblenentxyuu fr- . ‘z-x r .-._~. La. chime-n wC cram->5 |.;‘- ii” l'vw‘:;;r 152","0m .o}. Rear.) Street. tum i‘ranauuc'r- a: «wt-m; . : UPTU ‘ \‘v «.\- ~ ink] uchnnu: 3: ";X a“ Cum-:1: ,b. the en.” E ‘7 _.w: TED 01:115ch r.” g. ' Mucnmc eusnc um 11; - - The 01;xnmu.and 0:41.16": :5 > ELECTRIC 78?.3. A L ' retainer Easylomr‘ Mnnth' h x "7'91"” “mun-ed lhounnds. Enlahlilw 9 Van for Free Illustr’fd Pamphhtllo l. A“ g. MACNETIcELASTIc'rgnsI (‘0 32311:. s-vxn: hT-RBET‘ s .mmt u‘KxSAC‘H-Nygsr .8191ng I7h an ‘ ~ i 1 4‘ o 1- 1.; 313 m! B 5;; n g. ‘--;, {AIB :AULFH - J\ n .. .x, /--“‘\ 17. ’4'4“ ‘73 ’13:; W 53- )9." mL\:‘-{-~zi $41.14)?!“ ‘ 2“.,.. . . aw,» FL‘Q\\...-»’” ifl‘l- 3:.‘r>—4\§ ‘ v 2.5. f. ,1: \l. . g 1",“; “E‘ ) “if-u)" ““Q’L; .‘-“ . c: ' --VEG-...155E~~ 1-7 WY? JU'." 1212222. 3‘?- ". ‘- 12:!\ H. HIRSCHMBG. Th: uelLLxmwn “mist." nf 1.!7 _\‘_ i“ with “- (undvr Plum-rs 111-«sw. >l. Ln:.:.~. h an 'i pmll‘ N. l). ll:|.‘:- Sal». n! l'urt I't-Hxv-i n'. :IJl'Ut‘k his culrhrnlml lifununr! s" .t r. < It"! 1"“ g 1 ~u-~',;xL-lui.~.\fnr!--~ hi m -1-| \unv- I‘Dfl’ nl’h'sx-r'llllmuh 2 I }~::: n,- l‘m-u nui :xrrxh.-;:n-:1'~~! Ivhu \‘w;. --‘!‘i' ':: -‘ZI’ h- 500* lurk» ll} n “nu-r v u~'vn. : . n :‘f Vail-l. perm: p :u-z ~—.n;: :x um n! 'h ;- ‘ ‘ mm Inf-L“ :Ibl.~ i-ix: ~h’s 111-h: !.p "n. In: ‘_n Len: ”Mil“ {rum Hr 1‘31". am»! r-r'. 3:l'. I.- -.-v,....! I” mnr.lru-.-L».- H .L i: I . .v-r .- \" Pvt" (mun xtu-r ‘mm r..~x-- m- \. at- l. - Hw l‘w‘“ illv'l “m; “i .\]n |:.- 2:1". \ -". 'l 31"“ 3"“ Oflfilu‘ux ( ..-..a.h rm ‘.:- u: ~r'z'!=-:-"° :I fill! :1~-I'l'Y:. \"~‘_ :1. 'i. \ .3 . _z, \izn an.) 1‘ i~ly Hrm—Q-J - ~ 0’15“;:r1~:.l.~n.pu I':.l\‘ “..g G;1:3':~t-\.' -: :.r)’ and “.1 inn- >1; 4 31-1“.- (~:|l : n-.l . 3:.u Vin.- ” -~ :umu 'al 1114: d”: m Wan-r smm. Pun 'l‘mxnzjnml CWNO Peddlers supplwd. M