Newspaper Page Text
'l'lll-Z Oldest Paper. [1" (321. .\L. I:‘v: :‘ri Ir;- al= :1! t! .- c. mnr)‘. fling-fl. -x~;:~.~ {we «n “Iva Volume XIX. , ' ) \I; N l);\ ILI ;\ll§_l .' b. H mm x:-»-:\.V: \ff ; .\- 5.2-1' "."(II n', I\.-‘..-..q.£ .y . 7w 3 7. * "M .l:‘.:w‘~ !I\7“ (nu-11w -: ' 1 -“- ~ .3 HI I. :..- _.7 ' -- .. . ‘. 1 \. ; ‘rLu \ ..Q , '-..7-.¥. Ah"... _ .7 Stun. R ‘0 ‘ . 7%. Elm c-lt u‘ldn , 9 H 11.1‘ ': - J '. n. l’v7::T “u*\—‘.‘ " 'l EILH‘ .H‘ > oqu Y.“ ;. _5 3. 3' “X ““’l".4< . l. u ...“. F ~.":~~ 7, ... ‘2’AL\\.~-~.n:.!.. ..7 RATE} “2’ \!|\'i.!. ‘!.\";: m... .urh. :. -: :21w .3 -« H .....SIJ‘ 1nch~..~..;«-‘.' "~...r'! ', . _ .3; (Truth: 0.1 .er. ~ | '.l -- .:. .'u i:;_~.-rviun mllt 'vb ...u;1\;-u!|:o'.‘-\ .n~, 13L A 1 .v \s. ~L .YJ'ULI \‘TuxY; Alini ‘ l’l b: IEIHNU (‘O. PROFESSHDVAI. (nuns. AMES 1). UINKH-‘Ji. M. l). P ‘iif Tu\\'.\'ul-i.\'D, W. T. omge, Mn) from r. I» P... up plain. .\xml'p :xmmng. mango. on {he hm. mm." H! .LL-loLuxx and (Shy DKICtIV'. ____,___.__._——-—————— DR 0. u. nul. _ 3V7,» l)(-ull.-'l. ... 43;. PO3l 'NWNnESD. W. 'X‘, ‘I- 11. Siu‘ous oxlda gm. unha- or rmnrnfnrm unlmln [AL-red {or mimics. vumrtmu of mm. ________________.__—.——___ F. M. DREW, 1 r D F.) N T I b P ! Pm Townsend. - - - 7 - w. 'l‘. All work guaranteed first class. J. L. MARBUURG, M. D. ' 0.0 1 . ‘ layman and Mngcon. Office 11 ‘tnirs ver (11‘ u & F fibach’s 1531:. 0 “51:: C. M. BALDWIN. M. D. Homennaunc Physwlan and Surgeon. 1" Olfice—McCurdy Block. Residence-Opposite Red Men‘s Hall, Maple Ave. (1w W ”GEORGE H. JONES, Manley 311 d Counselor, : Proctor in Admiralty.l __._ w New Pub] 10. 1 1m Block. - Port TownsemL W. I I. I. Bummw. x. B. Suns. BRADSHAW & SACHS, roar Towxsxxn, v.l. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Paco-lons m Ammmrn. mm: In Hilleandes New Build‘ng. -‘\l. mull. A. R. omm“. “Atty. CALHOUN a. COLEMAN, Attorneys-at - Law ‘ an P 30013038 1N mummy. woo—Blß’, building. l“ Port Townsend.W. T. I. V. saith. Wuren I. lhsnngs HOTELS A!!! STEAMBOATS. CENTRAL HOTEL, Pen TOWNSEND. w. I'. 1 Wm. Dodd, Proprietet. TM- lons. in NEW and NEWLY FURNISHED ud possum all me appointments of u FIRSTvCLASS HOTEL. '1“ Bar is luppued with the best of Wines. Minors and Claim. harsh I: am Billiard table and Reading room in the Hotel. Nothing win be undane IO ‘lO this How «003 d to non» 1n the Tan-i- Dry. W Port Townsend Geo. VV. Do\vns. ANUI'ACTL‘ BER UV LUMBER. LATHS. ud Pickett; Flooring und Owned Lum ot w dinon do“. Odo-i received {or “livery :- town or for “on. a." ' \ City Meat Market. 3 CHOICE muss" MEATS OF “,1 . kindn. a: whole“? and retail: 1.0 Corned Beef and lork, Bologna M Uud 01:03:16.“: .nlway: on hand. M Cured Ham. Bacon and Lcat Lard. Giv. In ten“. Salt-faction gu danced. Odo-I tabllld good- daliverod to nll parts of tho c‘uy. ‘ O. O. COLEMAN & 00.. ». -. Put Townsend. W. ’l‘. "lan door Lo Wswnnan .1: Kutl. dw BRIG-GS 82: 00-, ALFRED COOK. MANAGER, HARNESS AND SADDLERY. H‘ bathing in our line warnmzed m wive Inhalation. Fn-mcrs on she {-nwr Sound are agitated 2,och and exuunuo our stock. 8 16 w 1 yr SMITH & HASTINGS. Attorneys - at - Laxv. PIOfl’IRS IN ADMIRAL". land for Sale. Loans Made. for! Townsend, W. T. PORT TOWNSEND Boot. 85 Shoe Store le-‘lJhy'n,ladleu'dllue-‘ii‘hlldren’i BOOTS AND SHOES or rm: BEST 011 mm AND “TEST PATTERNS. 5' have a great revexence forum}: customers. JOHN l-‘rrzm'rmcx. m FOR SALE. HORSE mu canmm. { “0115015 black,_\‘ou:xg and unmie. Inquire ox ‘ ‘ u E. r. rummn. M ‘ I STONE (UTI‘ING. Ceznemx-y \Vork. 5-3 “Ilia-Eiflfitnsl: m nrdcr. fer LIETL‘HY :.11‘1 31”luaupurplm-s. 3021: wkv K.” D LOPED ;., Nmé-éivéwmhfifia "33% ' y " Egg 2% "f V ‘ ‘33:. . \ “1 t.“ ' ‘ , ,a, l /' ~ i": j 2 i r ; f G r“: 5 .»:. _ gnu-£32)" ~. ‘ 33; z 2 ‘2 p, 2C: ;‘ «sf 1;“ {5% FAQ} {s3?} :1 sll ' 1:2 7 '.-I ~—: .2 .v: .- 2 ', 2 1 ‘i 2 ”a s ' “.1 2u/ 2:... , ‘.- n 3 2 2 . , r; ‘3:- N . .21 " 51.» 9.,1 fix" . ! 2 ! .‘. «' '2‘“; '2 s'l 1 "‘ " GEE In! 271' E“ : ’=2 ‘ ft ' l‘7 -. 2, 2 ‘. , 2 -‘x :3? I 2 c 2 'F‘» I , 9 ..-H ‘ -1 ._‘ _s '“\/ 2| ,1£53- . K ‘F% a. 1% T i .3; l 2;-.. ’: }~ g . y 21%;,” :j‘ ,3..." 5.; :2 , .;._... [sf-Ly“): ;‘ \ I \g a /‘\. gig/1' 2‘.\“ I’\ \ \"'V- 2 / '4'; ' . Q,” ’ is; ,L;- 4" l :2? ’ 5‘ ' 2;?" Q Kn.) ‘ {IL- /"- '—/ / §§% - , » ! ABOUT THE JAPANESE. . __ ___ i'l‘hey Are a Mu:J Desirahlc ; Class of Peor‘ 'liinese 1‘ 4);!“ “.9 'g x;}_ ilw' I‘l‘ .nlhfl‘r \o- ..lvlng‘ul as ‘ ll‘lihl‘r ('ln' ..v king hug». Lr‘ ilging for Us 'I_V “12!. a ' if tho . " .4 LU“. H: ' ‘..a the excluA rlnl. JIO‘ Illilt, “’0 shall Hm q .—r of Japanese corn» ing wv. . A great. many are no ‘ in: It, do Sandwich Islands. and} swll _.rc ("lining tr: Victoria. vaornll Jaj ' ‘. with their \vivt-suru in Vin i tuli .. 1.. : '.vmnun Working as hens:- sm vants :‘nd their husbands as pur~ ter: in stares. "Tnoy art in some respects sup.» rior tn the Chineau, anal they miup American manners and ideas xnort readily. They aw industrial and faithful workers. There are some 130,000,000 of the-nu ”1 Japan, so that there are plenty to apart; for all the Pacific coast. Wages are a little but ter in Japan than in China. In the lath-r place servants work for from $5 to $6 per month, hoarding: thvnr selves, while in Japan you have tu pay $7. "The Japanese government. has always opposed the ith-a of the peo~ plo emigrating and if any were al~ lowed to have bonds must be given that tm-y Would he sent, back. But Japan has adopted many modern ideas and there will probably be a change in this respect. and it. is not unlikely that them will be many Japs here within a flaw yaars.“—Ore gouian. They All Prayed to One God. A Republican. a Democrat and a. l’ronihitionist went up to the temple to pray. The Republican stood, and with his face upward; prayed: “0 Lord, we thank Thee that we are not like other men. “'0 thank Theo first ‘of all for the pure, incorruptible, holy Republican party. “'0 thank IThee that all Democrats are liars. and all prohibitionists are fools, and that we alone are good. We have no special favors to ask, knowing that to be consistent Thou must of necessity ‘be with us” The Democrat prayed thus: "0 Lord. Thou knowest that we do not often bother Thee with our prayers. Yet there be a few things wherein Thou canst be of great use to us. Bless Clewland, 0 Lord. but curse his civil service. Bless the Prohibi—l tionist in the North, but damn him: in the South. Bless Minnesota and‘ the little Norwegian. Knute Nelson,l but curse Pennsylvania and that. trnis tor, Sam Randall. Bless Brother‘ Browne in Walla, but confound that’ Little Giant Mills, who is deep and‘ designing. The rest, 0 Lord, you can safely trust to our care-” "The Prohxbitiomst. fell on his knees, as usual, and prayed: “O Lord. we have done alight else but pray. 10 these many years. Now we are going to fight, and do Thou, 0 Lord,'be pleased to stand by and see .fair play, while we show these l’hnr~ >isees and Sndducees that there is a LGod in Israel.”——.’llinneapolis Tri bune. They Wouldn‘t if They Could Com prehend the Situation. A dispatch from Tacoma says that politics are at fever heat in Washing ton Territory; that Voorhees is stumping and making speeches in every town and csoss roads in the country, and that the Democrats are straining every nerve to carry the Territory, though with little prospect of success. _ _ _ _ The only snrpise is that there are any Democrats in that Territory, in View of the action of the Democratic House of Representatives upon the question of admission. That body has stood squarely in front of the undoubted right of Washington Ter ritoro to become n State, and always will occupy that position so long as there is a probability of its being a Republican State utter its admission to the Union. No showing which the people of that section can make is of any avail against the obstinacy of the Confederate brigadler element in Congress, which is determined that the solid South shall not have its po litical influence lessened by the nd~ mission of new Northern States. If there are any two places where Democrats should be scarce—beside heaven—~those two are Washington and Dakota ‘l‘ei‘ritories. Ano man in either of those two populous nnd flourishing Territories who supports the Democratic party votes directly. for keeping his Territory out of the Union, and for perpetuating the period of pupilage under territorial government. They should know this without telling, and knowing it, lDemocratic votes should be very few. —-S. F. Chronicle. The "Encyclopzedia Britannica,”l vol. XXIII. published in 1888, con-: tains a sketch of the United States, i in which is included a section devot- 3 ed to manufactures. The record is tame enough until the protective era is reached, and then the British pub lication expresses itself thus: "The decade 1850—’70 was marked by a stupendous advance in the mechan— ical enterprises.” This is disinteres ted testimony, and at variance with that of free traders who te‘l us that the development of manufacturing enterprises is impossible under a protective system. The United States is the grandost and most prosperous nation on the face of the globe. It is made so by the policy of protection. which taught the people that in) section of the United States could benefit with out every other sectiun deriving an advantage. Free trzulvrs. on the other hand, have invariably appealed t 0 sectional jealousies. Had they continued to maintain thvir hold on affairs the countfi' would have been in the same slough of industrial (le~ spond out. of which it. was lifted by “11:. protective turifl' of BBL—Chron— ic . Po mend. Jefferson County, Washington Territory, Thursday, October 18, 1888. :‘rofvsssiou and England, mri 111-rally. ufllhiw. drHV lr«-~:’~ lhu nzhu-r day belon .m Ihr .\~'.h~(‘i:ltiun in which 1 llpd‘ usul‘jfi?! tlmt i~x well v.m:.,_. l?;~ run-Lluunnn uf lha- h-mll irate-ruin thinlzghunt zhu cguuny. He l'rndtnt 1.-:,;:ih upmx [lnonhsunlnyof ‘nu-u'L-Ju Z:.k_\-- .4 L whim; rxclnnwl)‘ 'u If rglnml fur 1:; .l -,.:l2\E.m('u :unl Lug “l'”: g YE)" him“ Inf lfn- luw nf c ”Amen. :.l ('.iillxllluri. T. a 21- Win Km l Xn'nb‘o fur l!l<’ whc-n the “urban irlgluul Stun-s \n-rv lirilzsh [rIUVIL-l‘t'n lint mm" that we have been an inns-panz-nt nulruu {or :n-Jrc ‘.lmu n. o-uturyltistnuulhut.\mer u'nu lawyer” in Hm am.” of the law iiwulcl (was? LI bs Brilwh prm'nxihlu and [ammo In. rv (‘lsmnpnhlan The ,vwnt major”) nf nnr lnwyera. lu quote lho language «vi Gnezx ml ”mu-“y. "iive r ‘UUHr—llill9t‘nt‘fllilnlh’ In England truly. and nut In the \Vurld." The t l'l'rcx t-l’ 11-h xs pmovptihlc not nnly xn lhu :ulministndmn of the law but also t » :4 great exlent in the cuuduct of public affairs. lhe H'uVll—h dependence ‘ upon English law insvnsihly snpathei spirit of natinunlily, which is Hm bush safeguard of «Mr 301.“! lir-un institulinus.‘ .\len wlm have fur yours livel intellect- ‘ nnllv in iiuglzmll c mnul haw that unav lilllh‘rill'ld pride of country possessed by theme who haw not been accustumcd to regard England as [he intelleelual center n! llwy‘orlgl. _ K The Bayarde aml the Plielpacs wliu still Inuk npnn tln- Uuih-d States as n surl. (If Brilzuh pruvinm Wunld have been an im pnsihle urcwlh 1 in American soil it it hm] nut lweu that they lint] been hmufllt up inn schnnl in which Hwy had necu taught to luck tn England fur guidance in the slmly of the law. Hence it has c ime tn pass that the Bayards and the E‘lwlmes stand ready not only tucoudnue but even to defraud the most glaring in justice if it is committed underthe armc tinn of English law. \Vhat Gen. llomlly has to say on this paint will commend use” to every thor ough-going: American. Here is the way in which he describes the absurdity of American lawyvrs taking lhclr law from England: ' . ._ _ “At this very moment Juhn Dillon. tlnn whom. by the admission of his po litical antugunists thcnnclves, no nine pure and lofty spirit has enriched the ‘ annals of his native land since the death to! Robert l‘linxuc'. languishes in the ihuspital at Dundulk Jail, condemned to fprisuu turn term nut to expire until December next. for Words which, \\ huu spoken, violated nu law, nnd became il lega‘, only by subsequent; executive and legislative notion. and this is the land whose uhhorent and barbarous customs furnish the basis ut our unwritten law. It seems to me that he to whom is aseigm ed the duty I perform to-rtuy huldsa brief in a persccthn instigated by the American bur against. itself, in which the iiccusetl is in danger of cunviction of uon-fensnnco, of the charge of doing in its day and generation less than might have been done for the reliefnl' suitors and the unpruwment of the law. An error which hugely retards the ad vance of legal educatinn amt progress is. it seems to me. the general impression among lawyers and tenchers ut the law that we need to study im other system than that or the common law." They are “Consmtent " 'l‘he silk badges with which the democrats have flooded the country:~ and which bear a picture of Cleves land, woven in them, are manufac tured by W. H. Grant, Taleshill, Coventry, England. They were or dered by the Cobden Free Trade Club of England, and sent over for distribution by the free trade clubs of this country. It is a most. appro— priate exemplitication of the demu~ cratic free trade idea that the indus tries of England should he favored to the detriment of American indus tries. The democracy wears a prop er badge—an English badge. The republican silk badges. into which are woven a picture of the American flag, are manufactured at Logan Silk Mills, Auburn, New York. They are made of American} silk. on American looms, and repre- l sent. the republican idea of protec- ‘ tion to American citizenship and in- ‘ dustry. This is an incident only, but it ex~ hibits most plainly and practically, just as “straws tell which way the wind blows," the difference between the two parties as to their politics concerning the interests of the work ing people—and all other people— of this country. The democrats declare themselves by lip service. the republicans by practice. The democratic clubs pro‘ vide their party a badge made of English material by English work men; the republican clubs provide a badge made of American material by American workmen: _ The proprietor of the Logan Silk Mills ofi'ers a roward of SIOOO for any silk badge now in use, made in this country, with the portrait of Presi~ dent Cleveland woven into it. All the democratic badges bearing the picture of'Mr. Cleveland woven into them are made in England, and on the return edge is seen the name and location of the English weaver. The democrats are remarkably consist~ ent in this matter and are wearing the foreign made emblem of their l faith.— Oregonian. Very Sensible Indeed. The following telegram by the Associated press is suggestive and very sensible. The Genesee confer ence is one of the oldest and most influential conferences of the Metho dist Episcopal church: Rochester, Oct. 9.—After a heated debate today the Genesee confer~ ence adopted resolutions disapprov— ing of high license by a vote of 131 to 58, many being absent and not voting. Strong resolutions pledging the conference to abstain from po. litical action of any kind or influenc ing members of churches in political action were adopted unanimously. It is difficult to imagine the Mary land widow’s feelings, who. having set a bear trap at her smoke-house door, found her first catch to be the very person who was trying to catch her. The fellow had been courting her for some limo. Had doubtless spent all his snare cash in trying to make a favorable impression. The widow was probably like most oth ers, fickle and frivolous. and had just rejected his suit. But all this did not justify him in stealing the widow’s pork, and both parties must ihave felt very muab embarrassed when they met. Gobbling up the Country. The Seattle Times thinks it a sug gestive hot that tho l’uyallnp t'unh IIH'I'I‘I’, of whit-ii our frivntl and fel~ l lti\\'~!¢l\\’!l~illl2l!l. John \Y. lle-lingtnn. i is the absentml lantllzil‘tl :tznl propri~ l r-tor. ('Hlllflihh nine or ten voinmns of l timber notions. It rays: "The fol— i lowing from an interview with treas— nn-r Sampson. of Tacoma. published {in \3'e.lne:al:u_v..~: U/‘r‘yrntitm. may throw sumo light on the snbji‘ct: "l‘ho lumber fiylltllCL'ic recently formed,’ said Mr. San‘psou. ‘is build ing a railrozal some thirty miles into their lumber tit-lila. lit-rent and now pending ill‘tllllsltitil)s will give. them about 100.0%)” acres of heavily tim beri-d laml.’ It may not he snperflu 0115 to suggest that it is extremely deflicult for a syndicate. to legally acquire lUtlJltltl acri s of timber land. Some deposed lauxl Commissioners, Gen. Sparks‘ special agents, might. pOSsiny find food for reflection in the advertising columns of the Com mcréc.” The statement of Mr. Samp son was doubtlsss a generous rope—i tition of the report that this compa~ i ny bought 80,000 acres of land of the i Northern Pacific railroad :—ompany.l Is it possible that tho company has i i designs upon the government land of! this region? But the time has pass- ] ed when timber en'ries can be madel' in violation of the law without great difliculty. THE I’RLK‘D CONVENTIIDX. A Generous \"elrome by the Citizens of Spokane Falls. Spokane Falls, Oct. 9.—’l‘he train ing on board the members cf the Torri torial Press Association arrived early this morning. The cars of the excur sionists were side-tracked. and shortly after 7 o'clock a reception committee of local newspaper men esot-rted the visit on] in a body. headed by a brass band, to the Grand hotel. where room-i had been secured. A session of the convention, at which a large numberof new members were elected, was held during the fore uoou. The remainder ot the day was passed in visiting the many points of in. turest about the city. The visitora ware delighted with their treatment. The cit. izeus generally joined with the members of the press in entertaining the guests. To-murruw the editors and ladies will visit (.‘(EIII' d'Alene. and in the evening will be banqueted at the Grand hotel. Following is a list of the Visitors: 5. W. Wall and wile. Seattle I’ost-Intelli gcncer; Mrs. L‘. M. Barton, Tocoma Led ger: Albert E. Joni). Tacoma Ledger; 'l‘. H. (‘.uvanangh, wife and two daughters. Olympia Partisan; S. B. Pettengill. Tacoma News; Thus. W. Preach, Seattle Times; Charles Prosch. Seattle Post- Intelli encer; Capt. C. M. Hulton ainl wife. Y‘itktma Republit‘; W. J. Boyd, El leanburg Capital; 1). J. St linebly. El— lenelmrg Loculizer; W W Ferrier, Port Townsend AllGUs; L. It Flowers, l’oit Townsend Call: Frank Uwen and wife. “'inlock Pilothl. T. Bell. Tacoma [lor tibulturixt; J. N. Money. l’nsco [lomi- Iiglil; W. U. Mnlon)’ and wife. Wal lnla; Empire; P. B. Johnson and wife. \Valln Walla Union; M. l). Egbert and Hon Walla Walla Journal; L‘. \V' Hot b'irt, wife and daughter, ’l‘ncuma Jour nul ....- - . All for Charity Mr. Isaacsteiu—r—l sell you dot coat, my front, for seventeen tollar; you take him along! Custom6r~l thought, Isaucatein. that you didn’t do business Saturday. Isn’t this your Sunday 1!. Mr. Isancstein (in a low, rown-nt tone of voice)-My front, to seil a coat like dot for seventeen tollm- vus not peesness, dot vas charity.—’l‘imr. No actor was ever cast in a harder part that was one Harry Fisher at Jersey City two weeks since. He left the bedside of his (lying wife (because, being poor, ho had no choice.) to lay the principal part in a bit of bulgoouery in which he was cast as first bufl'oon. For two mortal hours he faced a roaring crowd. stimulating their laughter while his own heart strin '5 tugged and bled. He finished at blength and hurried home, but not until his wife had died—so there was. cold welcome for him there. People must be amused in these exciting days, though sometimes at. what a cost! H. R. Lewis was elected one of the vice-Presidents of the United Typothetm.(a society composed of those employing printers) at Chicago recently, The next meeting will be in St. Louis. The primary purpose of the organization was for mutual putection against the eight hour labor movement, but it has naturally enlarged its scope to embrace various other matters pertaining to the inter ests of publishers and master print ers, including the adoption and maintenance of a regular scale of advertising ratea.—Orcaonian. In the long-distance throwing match for SIOO, the prize money of fered by the Cincinnati Club and the Enquirer diamond loukat, Vaughn’a record was broken by Sto vefl, of the Athletics. He threw the be 1 369 feet and 2 inches. Tobeau, tried to beat it, but only reached 353 feet Ned “ illiamson may go to Cincinnati to see if he can go ahead of the best record. Corkhill has not yet thrown. Do those enthusiasts, who refer to the poor of our large cities, and ask why do such conditions exist if protection is such a boon, expect to improve matters by removing protec tion? Let. them make a comparison of the poor of Lowell and the poor of Manchester in proportion to popula tion and the advantage will be large— ly with protected Lowell.—Pendle‘ ton Tribune. The Republican tarifl bill, places jute», manilla and all textile grasses and all fibrous substances on the free list when manufactured. That‘s good doctrine. Admit free such raw materials as we cannot produce, but give the work of manufacturing to the American workman and protect him in his labor.—l’endlutou Tri bune. It is now said that President Cleveland’s December 12395521549 to Congress bears a strong resemblance to James Buchanan’s first message; oven the aphorism that “it. is a con‘ ditiou not a theory that confronts us.”—Pendloton. Tribune. _ Judge Greene on Woman Sufi'rage. The following from the pen of (‘X‘ Chiuf Justicu (h'i'UHO will he uf grunt in'mrvrt to ”In wunu-n uf Hm h-n'i - tux‘v: T Whether or not women shuli iic voters in this territory Congress hm. as I understau'l it. conunith «i to tiu' pimple of this territory i!) determine 'for themselves. Such is llm plain import of the language of the terri~ . torial organic not. For purposes of i tim first election Congress in that act 1 expressly limited the exercise of suf lfi'ugo to males. but in the same breath provided that at subse~ Lun-nt elections the. (plaiilicutions of i yuters should. subject to ('t‘l'lillll lixn~ Iltzitions which have no relation to a sex. be as the legislature should pre— [SCl‘ii)t‘. The recent equal suffrage 1 law of our legislature was and is in imy opinion a valid law. I regard it;i i at pre: eat as a law in this territory, ‘ 'notwithstandingflre decision of our I territorial supreme court to the con trary. That decision I expect the supreme court of the United States to reverse if ever it gets an opportunity. Although the com prehensive question in the su.L frage case lately before our supreme court was, “Can, under existing ter ritorial legislation, the women of \Vashiugton territory vote 1?" the. main and much more interesting and higher question was. “Have the peo— ple of ll'ushiugton territory the power to make a law which will so cure to women a voice?" The former is a question of the particular free dom of citizens of the. female sex. The latter is a question of the gen-3 eral freedom of the people of Wash ington territory, male as well as fe male. Each question, inasmuch as it touches the liberties of the citizen. both in his or her rights as subject and prerogatives as sovereign. is one upon which an American public is peculiarly sensitive. but the latter question arouses a deeper concern because it is more plainly seen and felt to involve in a menacing inan ncr two exceedingly precious rights, namely: the right of a pen; 0 to make for themselves laws which at fect simply their locality, and the right of a people to a substantial and potent re resentation in the making of every liaw which affects their lo— cality, which rights are the two most fundamental principles in the whole structure of American free institu~ tions, principles deeply enshrined in every liberty~loving heart, and for which has been waged every strug gle and achieved every victory for liberty in the history of mankind. Every sound judicial decision that has ever been rendered involving either of these principles hasinter preted and Construod the law liber ally in favor of the liberty of_ the subject. citizen or people an strictly as against every curtailment or limit ation of it. HOW IT WORKS IN IRELAND. Frank Hurd, the Ohio free trader, wlmm his constituents snowed under when he attempted to he ru-elected to Congrvss four years ago, has been trying to make 9. freo- lrudo urgunwut from the condition of Ireland— wborenpon Patrick Ford's New York Irish World tears him all up into strip. as witnnss the following from its columns: Mr. Hurd appeals to the statistics V l of Irish trade. Ireland sends outli more and brings in more than she ! used to do. and therefore she is pres- 1 paring! This increased trade is 1 merely an index of the country’s deepening poverty. It is the export t of food and raw materials—chiefly 1 the former—to pay for everything 1 else the Irish people use. He ap Hulls to wrges as proving his case. = equotes Mr. O'Connell as saying I wages ranged from four pence to eighteen pence aday in 1844 and that now they ran a from eight to ten shillings a weeg. From this we are to infer that the condition of Irish 3 labor has greatly improved. Now . remember that Mr. Hard is not com- I paring two periods, one of which was ‘ under protection and the other under ‘ free trade. but two free trade periods. : In 1814 Ireland had nothing protect ed but her agriculture. Her mamh factures had been ruined by free trade with England. The era of wholesale emigration had not set in. i The labor market was overstocked terribly and employment was not to be had. With a pulation of at least nine millions Sgpending on the . land alone wages were wretched ‘ enough. But in our day some relief has come by the transfer of more than half the people to other coun tries. Unly in this sense can we say that free trade has raised wages in Ireland: that it has driven out some five millions of the people and in this fine way reduced the competition of those who are left. This is the cause that the Irish laborer actually can earn $2.50 a week! Mr. Hurd makes a quotation from a “distinguished observer,” which he says is borne out by statistical tables to which he has access. The state ments of this distinguished observer, l whoever he is, are a tissue of fic tion, devised no doubt to justify the continuance of British rule in Ire-- land. Who is this distinguished ob server whose distinction is so great that it is not worth while to mention his name? It is not either of the two professors of political economy, Umrnes and ome Leslie, who taught in Irish colleges and saw lre~ l land for themselves. They have limited in the statement that they found no substantial improvement ini l the condition of the people einco the} ifamine. I: is not Lords Sperm-L. iCnnnzirvon or Aberdeen. who have i been Lords—Liaplenum in Ireland ll: ‘: recent 311.1": and represent both jing— llisli parties. They agree that Iran | land's wretcluulness is cam-mt- and ; that her manufactures are in a tit-- i plot-able s'nte. It is not Dr. Sullivan '0! Qllm'u‘s College. Cork, or any lother of the expert witnes-ns sum— moned before Sir Eardley Wilmot‘s committee on Irish manol’actures (1858), for they were of one mind as to the progressive decay of the na- tion's industries in the prCSPnco of every natural resource noedell for ,mnnnfucturing. It is not Mr. Mult llmll. tho umiunnt British statistician. lwlm s-nys that if lrt-lhnil's alt-ray Cun~ fiiunm as it did fur titty years part. '1!» (urinti'y will come to 12th bt-sidu [the I~::- cf Mun in I‘olnt hi. ~h I:thl imp-mutual. It. is not (lent-ml ;(,i.:r.lnn. who visited Ireland beforel i'uu startwl for lih'u‘tuum, and (lo— clared he had wen no such zniavry in any pun of tho mirth as the! misery of the Irish peammtry. It is not Mr. George Follow. the. Boaton lawyer. who viaitc-«l Ireland last year. looked at her condition through the eyes of free trador. and pronounced that the poverty of the country “is unequcs lionably extreme" and that things am growing worse instead of better. No! it is Mr. Hunt’s Great. Unknown whose more word is to be taken in this mutton although he contradicts the consontaneous testimony of every inteliigent man. American, English or French, who has looked at. Ireland with‘his own eyes.‘ “ -- ‘ All that Ireland needs, Mr. Hurd says. is a better land system. Will Mr. Hurd tell us on what free trade principle he will amend the Irish land system? Is Irish land an ex« eeption to the principle that “a man may do what he will with his own ‘2” Is .\lr. Ilurd prepared to throw that principle overboard in this case but to insist that it applies in every other? He speaks of the evils of ab~ sentee landlords. “'hat would he and free trade do with them? Would} he force them to reside in Ireland if‘ they did not wish to? Does he know lat what pains free trade economists ;have been to prove that. absenteeism is rather a benefit than a hurt. being] driven to that by the necessities of' the free trade theorof? \t ould he force them to sell their lands to the actual cultivator-s? On what princi ple admitted by free traders would he‘do any one of these things? No solution of thel‘tish land ques~ tion would cure Ireland’s poverty. It the wholo land of Ireland were divided proportionally among the people it Would give them but sl4 worth a head. That. would not. keep 011' starvation from them even with their present reduced numbers. The worst faults of the present land sys tem grow out of the fact that the land is the only means of livelihood. in Ireland. Create others and rack rents will be as unknown in Ireland as in Ohio. It is because they had a monopoly of the means of existence that the base element. among the Irish landlords plundered the people of the value of their improvements. They ‘ «n the free trade princi~ pin 0 "* letting) in the dean ' “* face can any ' “7 If 3 ple.. would ha». principle. And m- _ consistent free trader c 044 Mr. Gladstone’s two laws to chem. rack-renting as in defiance of the sacred prim-i pres of free trade. That was the ground Mr.’ Robert Lowe took in 1870 and the Spectator ad~ inittod the full force of his argu ment, hut. pleaded that it. was a case of chcssxty which justified Mr. Gladstone in riding rough shod over what i: and Mr. Hurd regard as the laws of political economy. To sum up the history of the mat ter a 1. Mr. Hurd admits unwittingly that Ireland derived great benefits from protection in 1783-1801. 2. All testimony shows that the country has been in a state of wretch~ eduess under the free trade policy introduced by the Union both be~ force and since 18-16. 3. He admits that Irish experi» once is a good guide to Irish-Ameri cans in voting upon the present issues in America. , _ _ 4. He admits that. the present is sue in America is between protection and free trade. One Dollar 8. Day- The Indianapolis Sentinel still ad deres to its assertion that General Harrison said a dollar a day was enough for a working—man. and every once in a while it announces that it is ready with its preof;but somehow the proof is not forthcom ing. To try and settle this question Harry S. New, one of the proprietors of tho Journal. has tendered to William English, the Democratic candidate for the Vice—Presidency in 1880. a certified check for S2OOO, with instructions to pay it over to any mart y or parties who shall establish ‘in a judiciously conducted examina-‘ tion that General Harrison, during the railroad strike of 1877, or at any other time. said that “one dollara day is enough for the workingmen.” By the terms of the challenge the matter shall he submitted to Napo loan 1). Taylor, Democratic Judge of Supeiior Cutll‘t of Marion county, and under his direction, under the rule-s of and procedure of his conrtfi evidence shall he submitted to a jury of tu‘elve Democratic freeholders of Marion county. Mr. English has de— clined to act as custodian in the mat ter. The Journal people state that the money will be tendered to Jos eph E. McDonald as custodian on [ hi§_retu_rn ‘to the-city. .. ‘ Now if the Indianapolis democratsl can prove their assertion they have 3“ chance. They cannot object to the; tribunal named. as it is to consiat of % a democratic J udgo and twelve claim 1 ocrntic 'urora of Marion county, in which I’ndinnnpolis is situated. It seems to have come down now to a question of "put up or shut. up,” and wolhink it will be “shut up.” The expression used is foreign to :my well conceived notion of General l'larrison’s character and disposition. ‘ lie is no purso~proud aristocral. but in man who has himself woriu -l for a :liviny. aml has uoL made a 7 riunv 'uut of Lira labor, e-ii'nc-r. Hm does in“: ‘.wlicm that a dollar a dag: is lotiough fl‘ any wurliingmuu. and ’ sincu lm «la-es not believe it, lli.‘ never isuitl it. A crsrc-fn‘ t-sfimutu « f the cam urup 05 the United Slates fixes the muunnt at the enormous figure of UV.) billion hush els. This is assurance that Americans need not starve this year: -- ~- ' “xx \ \\\\\\\\\h\s\\¥‘\“‘\\‘“\“‘ V ‘ ~. :~. ‘ g ' ;:;».,.; mitt-1:7 .’ «x AL V _‘ . ...; r -' , a ' 2 3:; . 9 , I‘_-. » ‘1 ' , J“ 2:l’ ' ,‘ . 5 7ft.» 3'"? 5.5- F . ,". ’5 : I‘3; :3; 35:32. {:2 :7 '- _ - z. » 43¥3?2’:.:;-.-.v -:~‘ » . ’ 6.‘ a ~ 'l’23‘§-¥:‘;2l'?;?»;~§£‘.»..\ §x§max€€§s§t¢¢ks§§§¥3§xxfi¢ I» -. _ I for Infants and Children. W “Castor“ is so well adapted tochfldren that (Satori: waeslCoUcfi Consématgn. Irecommenditnssuperiononnyprtscnpu'an Squr Stomac , {‘f‘” (Pa. c tion. knawntome." ILA. Alanna. 11.13.. “2:533:35. "“5 deep' mm a. 11180. OxtoniSL. Bmoklyn, N. Y. 3 Without injurious medium THE CESTAL’R COMPANY, 77 Murray Suect. K. It" DWIGHT'S , 35:2. I THECOW BRAND. __ TO MAKE __ DELICIOUS BISCUITS OR WHOLESOME BREAD USE ”mews flow-Ema SoIAonSALEmus. ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. Be sure that there is a yiclure of a. Cum on your package and you wlll have the best Soda made. TEE COW 3m m - 3 DRUGS I v€>>DRUGS l _ ' 'r-<" , r.,,.~ , ... _ ,J 3"”. N. D. HILL’S SONS. ' ——\Vbolesale and retail dealers in— Pamts, Oils, Varmshes, Stationery Medicines, Chemicals, Trusses, Glass. Paints, Oils, Soaps. l’omades, Perfumery. Hair Oils, Wall Paper, Brushes, aha And all articles for the toilet. Patent flfcdicines of all Kinds. Quick Salrs and Small Profit; FRANCIS W . JAMES. Ouincy St., Port Townsend. '1 foreign exehnuge, purchasdcity and “In. ' “c and other negotiable paper. Agent for the Guion Line of I‘:l>: Mann-hips . .. tickvts In and from ports in England. lh‘lflllll‘ In .i, by mil In all puns uf Hm We’d" mid «Imm fmm 51 ...i, :rlssL'l-JD A'l' Low EST i:.\'l‘£a‘..:¢;l ('nrrespundenu- solicitnel. Huron-mu». L}, [iUTILIiShiOzL 111:; 1! mi; of IL-iinh Com -1!. Ll. and Sun Punched. Cal. JAS. W. STOCKAND, DEALER l.\' .\u. VARIETHZS 0X" Furniture, Bedding and Upholstery, CHAMBER SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, LIBRARY SUITS, DINING SUITE Book Cases, Writing Dvsks, I‘:Il'., in Walnut, Cherry, Oak and Ash. Also :1 choice mlcctinn of Baby Carriages, l’irturcs and Picture Frames, Him Windnw Curtains, Etc. , if FURNITURE REPAIREDs , O EISENBEIS Brick Block, Sea ‘Vall, I’grt ’l‘oxvnscnd. Suan' 1. PETTYGROVE d: 00.. —DE:\LEI:S IN— -0 General Merchandlse, ; 1 1J . i P 01: T TO H'NSEND. W. 'l'. We carry the largest and most complete stock ofméfj , 3 ' Men 5, Boy 8 and Youth’s Clothing 5%” Of any house in Ha. (15' ‘ ,3 q ’2 . ~ (3mm; 55 Emmshmg @ggéa. We an: bcadqlmrtcrs for. and our linua are full in cvcry pam'm. I-lats, Caps, Boots &. Shoes Are to be found in our store in the greatest varix-ty and BEST Ql'ALl’l’lu GROCE R I E S . “'6 can cater to the must fastidious and curry by :u 11w Pn-sl assorlul (as d Staple, and Run-y “TOP-'.‘l‘ics to In: immd mm {115: [ Hnou. Country Produce tags; a 1 the Egbes! Paces. 1 WA]! Goods delivotcd to any part of the (‘Zty Fun: up 0:151:55. CM { Orders solirttcd and BEST .\'I‘I‘E.\'TII Ix (il'AßAN'l‘FdiD. F 0 R. SAL E ' l —AT ._ Ppl l H a .u . I i Calhoun 3 gamimassora ouse (ironud [Nu-(l, pv-r (on. $625 3 No‘v Cllfilll‘ (Soul, $845. lira“. " " 9:23 ; .-\pp!vs, pvr box. 7. ()Illh‘, " " '3 ! ! l’t-ul's. “ “ 7. Pure \Vhoau, " " ‘35 l’lxuns, " " ‘0 (.‘llickun “ " " 2:0 . AlpU JEZS'S.“ 1': )1: .‘J l I'CUIILL .‘L' LEWIS "o'3 ‘ ___ . ‘ 3. N . iFarm Wagon: Eager M- ’7 n. rrlag‘es, ' , ‘ Fal‘minég EZLL‘ .. J .1138. ' .\lm, (Kw-Liv .t Hullll-E l‘~ 3w rt ’i'unuu- Mlppuats, “hick Ho ‘9 1"“ w.“ 4.qu lhe run vim For fmhcr pui’liculul‘: ru-;u r: ”I n: “tile 1:. l R 4 C- CALHOUN & 00., Port Townsend, W. ,- ARGUS REAL ESTATE AGENCY FOR BARGAINS. Number , 35.