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THE ‘ I .k :- 0.06.); -’993- t? Q=h-.~!1 h! :msWMv-l frn-c about my c-~'lmr_\. sm“- Zr 3 ‘pit's {We um :11 pi;— ‘ h Volume XIX. WV ' -_ _ ')‘ 7 ‘ D .-\ IL) AL aL. o - _ ‘k.\.l.‘: \‘ 'i‘ I":‘L'\\. (me? ‘ ‘ ~A “I“ '." ‘ -.’3" Lu )1. t..~ .\. .'-t ". i" ‘r' ' "'Li . - \ A v Me 1% crhly grgus. PL: -1' A‘ ”r :-\‘. H 1...-7: r s'; 15. .\:~- : \ 'm :w Im. 0.x... .3 ‘ 1-- \1 rm:- :\\ Ma ‘ ~ 1 > ‘.M \l‘nu'h I“ ~ ;~»‘ C ..f ». -. .1: ... 0.3.3 1;. :»H, \ln‘ : :'H~l.\'m linn . ‘ - ..., ....s!._'-‘ “an. -_‘. ‘ .w. . u“ ur- 7;. < . ' - ~ ,: '-::.~.'r‘§‘v r'lun ms! .- . ... 4r 1 _ ‘- ‘l..‘. ‘3‘" Zl.-|>\x‘\i|?.‘z .\.}; 'i > I'. finlrlHSl. (H. W I'mn‘rz.~'~lu\.\l. “slurs. . JAMES 1). NHNKLER. M. D. P ‘11! TIJWNSEND, W. 'l'. {£3s. :1‘ : ' : ~- mup :t-Ail". .\mus '. .: m: and“ - .:. ::.AE. : -~vahr-r r-f Jul‘kiwn nnd l ..13. ‘!!l“[‘. D 1: C. \V. Hl'N'l‘. 1».-mist. m ::.,-H To“ SaESD, w. 'r_ ‘* .\‘run:-IXldc _':'.—. Wh -.’ or A‘h On-fnrm admin hhucl .' -r pumics- aunt-0110! L-eah. F. M. DREW, DENTI b‘ T ! Purl TuWth‘Ld‘ - - - - - \V I'. All work guaranteed first class. J. L MAHBOURG, M. D. O C Physman and Surgeon. 9' Oflice up stairs over Clapp & Feuerbach’s Bank. dtf Cu MI BALDWIN. M. D. Homeopathic Physmlan and Surgeon. fl” Otfice—MLCunly Block. Meme—{humbhe Red Men's "all, Maple Ave. dw 25:39 ___ “__._.__ GEORGE H. JONES, Attorney and counselor, Proctor in Admiralty. Notary Plll3llO. [may Block. Port Townsend, W. 1' c. X. Blummw. I. B. Sums. BRADSHAW & SACHS, run rowm, w. 'r. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Pnoorons u! Amtmuurr. _91113: In Hill-kudos New Bulld'lz. . WOVI. A. B. COLBAI. “on“ Any. -*"BAUIUIII I. WLEIAI. Attorneys-at - Law A!!!) P 3001035 IN ADMIRAL'I‘Y. Ma—Chpp building. 4- m wromndmm. D. I. Slam. Inn 1. Hum. a: In!“ All, "KAI-0A“ gm HOTEL. rou- mvxm. v. 1. Wm. Dodd. ”opm. tu- lonoe h NIW md NIWLY FURNISHED tad panama}! mo Appointment-of- FIRST—CLASS HOTEL. .‘m It: in applied with thebesx of Wines. flfinfm Billjui mum Mn. In the Bold. Nothing will 50 undo-o to E on Haul oecond to noun 1:: mm- M Port Townsend ' w a SAW M I LL’ ‘ _ ; Geo. W. Downs, ‘ AIUI'AC‘I'UBKR 0F Lmn. LA'l'H'.‘ ! “AM-u: moody; ud Dre-04L“ “cum-um. received {or dollar! 1- can or b t. a» : “__._—___. City Meat Market. ? eagle: pnnsu "“251” ALI_ egg-mam. ......“ - . Had Chum“: .Ilvnnoum. lone find 111-Is. laco- ud ml Lard. live us let“. satisfaction gunman. Mm mu 3nd gotta: £3lm to all Moo! 0. C. COLEMAN & 00., Pan mow-send. W. 'l'. “Ken door to I'm 3 m d- FOR SALE.‘ HORSE All! GAIRIAIEJ Hana h buck. young Maude. “ano! 8 3. 1". ”film BRIGGS 6a 00-, ALFRED COOK. Munan, HARNESS AND SADDLEBY.’ 9‘ Everything In our line warranted m ulvo nzbhcxion. Farmer! on the lower Sound an "quested to an! and exumne our stock. 8 16 w 1 yr PORT TOWNSEND Boot. 8r Shoe Store le-MBoy'mMe-H-l-CI’QICIIIM‘I BOOTS AND SHOES or run IEST QUALITY AID LATEST PATTEIIB I? I have a great. reverence ton-cub miomers. Joan Frrzn'rßkL STONE CUTTING. ALL mn- or Cemetery Work. 3’ Dnsub Sm" to order. tor (‘21:?le 1114 Bunnie purpoees. T. SBIDEL, Port roman. V. I. ll)‘ I: wkv M SMITH & HASTINGS. Attot'ne3's - at - Law. PIOCTIIIS II ADIIIALTY. Mud for Sale. Loans Made. Port Townsend, W. T. SE: f E s*w E ‘9 “BEA REE EEE E :54 WEE EE r. E; . E A- l E,l EEE E E"; ,l‘E‘E .g/l’ W 9 ' @x _ xv ~ _- E E E A E 2* Inl‘ormstxn asked ~l‘ Hon. L‘ :5. Voorhees. i .\ATIOSAI. x«rs—. ; 3h D 223 Sin: Reenggniziug )ull!'- ifit‘lf 3a tim principal ~; okeun m n {the Territory for the democratic pair ity. I desire to ask you for an r:- lplanation and defense of t. e (L). r~v of the g-vv'rnment. in loaninar t;.e lric‘ne‘t cor; orations in the ninth n. viz.: the National banks, $60,000,040, without any interesL My reason for askinlc,r information is that :o fur as I haw 5:611, no democratic newapa— [v : ". he Territory has attemptrd z: _. .- case; and \ie can but regard L. ...- .. Zer as u favoritism to rich cquUFBIIODS tth ought to be rebuk ed at the polls. The facts are these: By Mr. Cleveland‘s direction, Mt. t‘airchild, Secretary of the Treas~ nry, has loaned money to the vari~ ’ one. National banks of the country to i the amount of sixty m ‘llions ot dolA 1 law. This loan is without any in terest. At the low rate of 4 per cent per annum. this would amount to iii-100,000. This is a real dona tion to these banks, of that amount of money. Mr. Failchild in his re ply to Mr. 131 nm», confesses that. by purchasing U. S. bonds at their mar ket value, he Could have saved to the government 1 65400 per cent. per annum. Now this would amount to the sum of $9900”. This the government, by its deliberate action. refused to save that it. might acoom~ modate these great money kings to a value so great that the entire ju dicial, administrative and legisla tive expenses of this territory—gin cluding an Cficieyzt mail and cns~ toms service. could easily be paid from it—viz. $2400.000. Now this is the actual doing of President Cleveland. Is it. right? Should it be endorm-d by the people at the polls? But again, the government is pay ing these same banks interest on U. S. bonds which they hold. That is, they are creditors of the government, and receive from it annually interest to the amount of 35.000900. Instead of discharging its obligations to these banks the government loans them, without interest, enough to discharge such obligations, but can-- tinues to pay these great corpora tions the $5,000,000 annually. Is that sound business sense? Should such a government be entrusted with the handling of the people’s money? Can you honestly ask the voters of Port Townsend and Wash ington Territory to throw their votes for such a management? We de sire you to answer this question fairly in your speech to night. If there be any rational defense of such aprooeeding, please give it to the Port Townsend public. nan-rosin. xssuas. Did you not promise the people four years ago that if they would elect you to congress you would be non-partisan on the statehood ques tion! Did you not repeat this prom isetwo years ago? As a matter of Ifact, have you not stood squarely with the democratic majority of the 'lower house of congress in keeping ;\Vashington Territory out of the Union for political reasons! If you had really been non-partisan, as you said you would be, why did you not tryto get the House committee on territories to report on the Dolph bill to admit us to statehood—that bill having passed the Senate, and hav ing been sent to the committee in the House? Or, failing to get that com mittee to report on the bill, why did you not introduce aresolutiouealling for such report? Why did you not force an issue or the statehood bill in the House! Declining to favor the Dolph statehood bill, why did you not take this course with the admis sion bill you had introduced yourself, and which was never heard from after it was referred to the committee! Was not your speech on'admission (delivered in the House July as, 1888), purely a matter of bunoomhe'! If it was really intended to accomplish anything beyond the manufacture of ,a little electioneering capital, why‘ was it delivered when there was no statehood bill pending for considera— tion? The Congressional Record shows that it was delivered while the sundry civil appropriation bill was under consideration. The intelligent voters of Washington Territory are watching you, Mr. Voo‘rhees. They have had about enough of your sham pretenses—and unless you have a satisfactory explanation they will surely defeat you at the polls as' a public servant whose promises are not to be relied upon. 1!, as you claim, it is necessary to re—elect you in order to have a delegate in politi cal accord with the majority of the lower house of congress, how do you know that the next congress, or the ’ next administration will be demo cratic! As to the question of forfeiture: if you had supported the Dolph bill, as every consideration of duty to your constituents demanded, would it not. have passed three years ego—the other members of congress deferring to your wishes because the bill moat Port Townsend, Jefferson Copnty, Washington Territory, Thursday, November 1. .1888. l concerned an] affix-1t d your i'ohrlllu ants? I.‘ the Duiph hull. restoring to the pal lil- domain hearl} three and a-ha ? million acres of iaml in \\'.:.—l:- ingtou Tt-n'itt ry. Lml p:..~m J. Wood not this Hist “11'“ have l:.-e ‘- ”:Ntoru .l to tlm pill-lic dun-r 2; Lay ’z-Il n: y pt,x.~sil~l«- a;n~--.i_ :. if J 5) u'v'? As a result of {V n- xfzai‘urv: of ti.‘ ll ll 11 bin. La, ..ul tiw N-ai‘tlwru l‘au-itii- R ::lroad Cutig aLy lauzlt its Lu» west ward from Ellvhrlml'g to Puget , Sound “ithii. tl.o past three years. having that road iiCCrplud Iy the democr::'ic administration. and the C(lnp;ll._\’tuei-L\'iug tltlutu li-a lands Ctrbtignuus llltl't'lt)? It you should ‘ now enema-d in getting on not passed ‘ forfeiting those valuab a coal. miner al, timber i-U\l agricultural lands which the dr—mocrutic administration has turned over to the corporation you profess to tight. could the lands be restored to the public domain without due process of law before the courts? Would mere legislation ac— complish the result? As a matter of fact, Ct old you have served the inter‘ ests of the railroad company any more set'sfactorily to them if you had been in their employ! If you had helped to restore to the public domain the lands referred to in the Dolph bill, could you not have gone ahead with other and more sweeping forfeiture measures. without detri ment by reason of the Dolph bill? The people want to know the plain facts about these things. Mr. "001'- bees; and they have a right to expect you to be candid with them. No amount of sawing the air and ber ing yourself hoarse with denunciation of the republican party is going to successfully cover up the real ques tion. The people have got you down fine, Charley; just get right. to plain business and facta The Axons awaits your explanation of these matters, and will give you the benes fit. of publishing your reply—if you do reply. Mr. Voorheeu will be here to-day rehearsing what he has done for the people. The democratic territorial central committee has issued along address to the voters of the territory, claiming in behalf of Mr. Voorhee:l every measure of national legisla tion for Washington Territcry pass edduring the last fonr years, and also part of Mr. Brents’ work in congress. Some weeks ago the Che~ halis Nugget published a long arti cle enumerating a list of the meas ures for which it claimed in behalf of Mr. Voorhees the credit of ocean ing. The Axons took occasion to puncture the gas bag, and called at tention to the measures enumerated in that article, for which credit was alone due to Senators Dolph and Mitchell, Congressman Springer and others; and by the time the list had been brought down to just what not ually belonged to Mr. Voorhees it was quite slim indeed. The only answer made by the Nugget was to fire a half column of blackguard abuse at ns—afi'ording a plain evi dence that it had been treed lor want of argument or facts to sue tain its claims. We are quite will ing that Mr. Voorhees should have in generous measure all the credit which rightfully belongs to him-but when he even refuses to give God any credit for the blessings we en joy. when the most outrageous. ex travagant claims are made by him adn for him, we, in common with many others, object. A local paper’s announcement of the auspicious and eventful auspici onsness of the appearance of its little tin god in Port Towrsend to—day is incomplete. With an almost crimi~ nal disregard of an impending panic among the people, it fails to assure the public that every precaution has been taken to ballast the western side of Quimpet peninsula—so that the east side won’t sink out of sight when Voorhees steps ashore here. The so-called democratic paper; published by renegade republican. is kindly republishing some excellent campaign editorinls taken from the inane of two years ago; they are true of the situation, and of Mr. Voorhees—as they were two years ago. It is very kind of the mafia! democratic paper to thus circulate republican campaign literature Mr. Voorheea assisted to get an ad ditional appropriation for the Port Townsend public building. He wu going to be contented with 'a small amount, however, until Sonata Mitchell of Oregon moved to put SlfimOO for us among the items of the Sunday civil bill. Our Delegate is entitled to some of the credit-but not all of it. by my means. U. S. Attorney White has at last come to the frout with cxtravngnnt blaster and claims for Vuoxhees. It is a democratic trick to chum every thing beforehand- and n is a lumen:- ably weak state of nfl'airs in the dam ocratic amp that makes Mr. White’s blaster and bumbast necessary just at. at this time. A forlorn hope in bet ter than none at all-sometimes. i That “Acc.-ptance." ; A member of tho democratic tmxi ‘torial central committee has made :: .pretnnse of ucreptiug my emu. new: to Mr. Voorheei; h r. :3: claigz‘ng, first, that Mr. V.» rLev. (mun it spare the time; second, (it-airin; to admin lute Kr. W. K. Sworn-“w illitt-er; third, by naming l‘ort 'l‘uWlm-ml :.~ the place, and I'm-s la}..o('l(|lwr3ulll. at 7:30 p. 111., as the time. l‘here i~' a real neat t?) litthl trek in this :n-tiun of the accommodating gnntlwunu from the other sidu. In tlm fil'ht platen. the prume-‘l meetingr is pnrpasuly timed so in to: exactly conflict with Hon. Jno. B.‘ Allen‘s adwraiaed luv-din)" In Pull, Townsend —smuethiug {which shows' that for “ways .bat are dark and: tricks that are vain,“ thu (lumucrutic; oommitteemanis "peculiar" enough? to double discount any "heathen. Chineo" who ever Ware a queue. I Secondly. Mr. Andrews is not run-, ning for any oflico. My challenge! was to Mr. Voorlwes alone, and for masons plainly stated. I am not. asking him to change any of his a»! pointments. I agree to accommodate myself to his convonience. If it would be such an easy thing for him to wipe me out of existence, all he would need to do would be to desig nate some one of his appointments 5 week ahead, and notify me with a statement of the proposition to be discussed. I Mr. Voorhees is the gentleman who was going to attack me in my dis trict,gand to do Mr. Donovan’s talk ing. He had plenty of time for that, but it is claimed in his behalf that he has no time for a discussion with me. The excuse is too thin and flimsy. Mr. Voorhees must face the music or admit that he is a trickster. I must decline to cancel any of my engage ments to meet Mr. Andrews. or any one else save Mr. Voorhees himself. I am, however. perfectly willing to meet Mr. Andrews. or anyone else whom the democrats may name. for joint discussion at any one of my meetings appointed ahead—where it will not conflict with Mr. Allen‘s ap pointment. l have several such ap pointments. and will cheerfully fur nish the democratic central commit tee with specific information if they really desire it. Mr. Andrews happened along in Mason county, with an appointment for Clifton, where I had previously arranged for a meeting. His ap pointment was fixed for a time with in two hours of my engagement. I suggested that we hold one meeting, divide time, and discuss the issues jointly. We did so. I learn this morning for the first time—through aSeattle paper hired for campaign service by the democrats—that I was "mapped up” on that occasion. It is claimed by a so-called democratic paper in Port Townsend that I have misrepresented Mr. Voorheos. If anyone will kindly point out wherein. or how, I will cheerfully apologize for and rectify the same. But, as a matter of fact, such a claim is the merest bosh. It constitutes a part of the mod-slinging indulged in by these boys against me all through the campaign. ‘ Trickery and sophism will not go down. Fair play is what the public will insist upon, and fair play is all that I ask. Anus Want. 7 The Can'- “Undoubtedly" Tho following characterintic efluaion is given from the Call. that it may and in contra.“ with the report of Mr. Weir'- spooch. taken from the Mason Co. Journal. Call: And undoubtedly during Mr. Weir’s canvass of his ietriot he has not treated Mr. Voorheee with the courtesy and respect that one gentleman would expect from anoth er. I! Mr. Weir behevee that he has a license to misrepresent. hereto and unjustly censure his political oppo nents, he need not take any excep tions it. they explain his personal malignity. Journal: On Monday evening Mr. Allen Weir, republican candi date for joint councilman, favored our citizens with an instructive and entertaining talk upon the " litical issues of the Jay," and the little ia~ sue of his own as well. Mr. Weir presented his remarks generally from a non—partisan stand oint. One re~ treahing feature—andJ it is a rare one in campaign meetinge-ie that the speaker took no occasion to refer die} gagingly to his opponent. who :51 . Uhaa. Donovan, of Whatcom, M. J. Cochran also addressed the meeting. Mr. Weir spoke at Union City Tuesday morning. and had joint debate with Meaara. Ward and An drews at Clifton that evening. with 1 W. A. Reynolds as his second, The Seattle Press, which'the dam-i ocnte have hired fog'thepempaignf this your, is worried with the gripee‘ over the “irrepressible Weir." We will prescribe for it a liberal dose of bromides to quiet its nerve; The democratic central committee is cruel in its neglect to take care of its bire mg. Voorbeee has time enough in his public speeches to villify and abuse the country editors; but he hasn't time enough to meet one of them in honorable debate. He wants to send his bind mun—like Cleveland did once upon a time. BY TELEGRAPH. a rsssa EDITORIAL. New York, Oct. 24.—The Sun. edit orially commenting on West's letter, says: “If this letter is an audacious forgery, Lord .\‘zickville should de nounce it as sllvh without an hour's. delay. 15* it he genuine. )Ir. Bayard should send his pziaspol'tstlefore to~ morrow night." MINISTER wasr‘s LETTER. ' \Vashington, Oct. Lit—The puii— lislied copy of Mizii~ter West‘s lt‘ill‘l' to a friend in California. advising him to Vote for Cleveland. was. shown to .Secretarv Bayard last night, and he; said: '1 have only this to any, will»! ? out full authentication, the private letters of Lord Szickvilie West. which ,‘ , upon their face were not intended for i ' publication, cannot be noticed by thei government. ‘ i \Yust has acknowledged the zm~ ! thorship 0f the letter. and defend: lhis position by stating that he fails lto see that. he has infringed on prop~ er diplomatic usages. l on THE macs. ‘ Oakland, Cal, Oct. 24.—A section ‘of the overland train while running ott’ the steamer Salauo at Port C )sta this morning, jumped the track, bail ly shaking up the passengers and se verely injuring several of them I'. J. stuns n SPOKANE. At the Republican rally here this evening Hon. T. J. Humes spoke to a good audience. a names BUILDER KILLzD. Spokane Falls, Oct. 2L—George Anderson, an employee of the Seattle, Lake Shore 8: Eastern road, work ing upon the construction of one of the company’s bridges, was acci dentally knocked ofi' by a piece of timber. He fell to the und. a distance of 60 feet. and diegriou a few minutes. He was married and leaves a wife and two children. Vic'roma warns A Ban-ta nun. szavma. Ottawa. Oct. 24.—A petition ad~ dressed to the governor-general has been received by the department of state from the inhabitants of Vic toria, B. 0.. begging for an improves ment in the mail rervice between ,Victoria and San Francisco. The petitioners say the terms of union are not being complied with, and ‘ their requirements are not met as i they should be. i SMALLPOX ox smsoaan. i New York, Oct. 24.—Steamship g Elbe, which has been detained by i quarantine, is reported to have two ‘ cases of smallpox aboard. 1 manna or were Burnout). 3 Wilmington. Del., Oct 2L—The ; Academ of Music was burned last {night. {loss $50,000; fully insured. ‘ a rnnswoam ACT. 1 New Haven. Oct. 25.—Daniel Hand, an aged resident of Guilford. Inear this city, has given to the Amer }ican Missionary association of New 1 York City $1,000,000. to be held .In trust by the association, and the in wrost to be devoted to the educa tion of the colored people of the old slave states. rm; PABmL memar. London. Oct. 25.-—Before the Par uell commission to day Attorney- General Webster resumed his ad~ dress. He said the Land League was originated in America, and the conspiraeilwas efl'ected by American money. ‘ embers of the league in America were dynamiters, and ad vocates of murder. and they had Pare nellites as accom lices. It's absurd to say that Parnegl had no relations with Patrick Ford. A host of facts proved an intimate connection be tween the two. The counsel for the Times had snbptsna served it n Thomas Power O‘Connor to-dgv. summoning him to appear before the commission. racmc coasa' laws. San Francisco, Oct. 24.—I‘he Southern Pacific Railway Com any has filed a deed of trust to the gen tral Trust Com; any of New York to secure the payment of $38,000,000. The mortgage is on all the property of the railroad and its branch lines. The deed recites that the branch roads have turned over all their pro~ party to the (tummy and that the atter assumes al their debts, and the mortgage is to provide for the payment of these de ts. The bonds will be secured by a sinking fund and $200,000 a year will be paid out of net income to the sinking lund. oamosm or m you. Home, Oct. 24.—The Pope has contributed $60,000 to the anti slavery movement. xuansa axe smomr. Colfax, W. T., Oct. 26.—David Gates. a barkeeper, shot and killed his wife and then himself this morn ing. Gates left a letter, stating his great love for his wife and that her failure to return it had driven him to desperation. l rLoon mrnovmo. Heidelberg. Oct 26.—The condi ion of James 0. Flood, of Califor nia, is somewhat improved. SIALL~POX cases xx ’raisco. - San Francisco, Oct. 26—A sensa— tion was created at the health ofice this afteran when a report reach ed there that six cases of small pox had been discovered in the city and county hospital.’ ‘ ' sacanuz was-r r 0 as aroma. New York, Oct. 20.—The Wash ington correspondent of the Herald telegraphs this morning that it. is understood that Lord Sackville \Vest. British ambassador, will be} recalled on account of his letter on, American politics. Imam asscrxnnn. Berlin, Oct. 26.—The decree for bidding the sale of Dr. Mackenzie’s book in Germany has been reminded. 'rwrx'rr-on mass in nu: PEN. Kansas City, Oct. %.—James Talmage, son of the late general manager of the Wabash railway, was found guilty at Keyhes. Mo, last night of murder in the second degree for killing U. P. 'l‘itU. tel-'- graph opera-(Ur. lust Junnzny during a quarrel over orders for a. {nun of which 'l‘nlumge was cuuaim-Lr. Ho ; was sentvm‘ed l 1 t.vm;ty~ mu ,- ears 'l'“ HlO [-~'!il!viili~lr}'. .\.;iuuz. ('F ‘.nk; .\zumv E'Et- ti ::usm lx’uS'Zv Sm 'r’i'uiiciwa. ”vi. 275. \‘u-amu -t\l‘ill:l‘d ::l'l'h'flil lt'uu Ii 1:; h 11: s‘. 1 o'clock lli3< £tl'-‘F!l\‘t):l. 5'4;- 9 '.sz - by \V:t_\’ Hf Hait'tifllll. where 13" {U- =1 lof her Chirp-w.- p:i<~~i.gcr~ w: ru ‘clroppel 03. Th! .\T-‘I‘IJ ‘.‘rus :iit" -! Vt'>.‘9l\vlllt'll ln-ft ll ~.: : {lung Eva-l .forc ti;-~ c-xr-Zn; lJll ::a-t v. 31; into U." ‘ fuel. I E“ SESSAX‘IUNAL At‘L‘L'S‘Tl‘JN “Y A {REINFDI ; 3153'. l ? San Francisco, Oct. 26.—-Dr. J. .\l. i’Bom-rr. who is under sentence ofl [death for poisoning his wife. made, ‘usensational acmtsrition in (in in l terview to- day. lie char-_;es Mrs. ' anhayou with the murder of lir-rl sou Henry. whose my>terious death ‘ a your ago created such an exam» ment throughout the Coast. I ' (soon NEWS. Pierre. Dak. Oct. 26,—Abont 200 Sioux Indians, under a while ghost from the lower Br'ile agency. passed ‘up the Red river yesterday to rein~ 1 force the Standing Rock Indians in rat rumored coming,r tight with Crow {lndiana It is expected that Char-g get will join them at the Cheyenne agency. The Crows are out in force, and were expected to strike the blow while the Sioux chiefs were at Wash ington. but they were too late, as the latter have returned. ‘———-.~—_ Growth of the Coal Output aft]: 2 Worm ' In twenty years the growth of the annual 'coal output of the world has increased from 185,000,000 to 406,~ 125,372 tons in 1887. Its details are as follows: Tons. Great Britain. . . . .. . . . . .159,000,000 United States. . . . . . . . . . .10'2.0000,000 Germany................ 76,000,000 France...................‘1L000.000 Belgium”... 17,000,000 Austria Hungary . . . . . . .. . 17,000,000 ltussiu.. .' .L 500,000 Nova 5c0tia...............1,250,000 5pain.....................1.000.000 Other countries. . . . . . . . . . . 13,500,000 Refining Sugar. ‘ There is a big building in Brook— lyu. formerly used as a flour mill. in which sugar is now being refined by an electric process. It is rumor ed that the concern is owned by an English firm and that the new pro cess turns out refined sugar in three hours. Nobody not employed in the building is allowed to enter, and the method of refining is being kept a profound secret. The process is now. it is said, in an experimental state, but final success is anticipated. The members of the sugar trust are endeavoriug to fathom the mystery of the process with no success as yet. } A Collecting Dodge. The grocers of New Brunswnck, N. J.. have hit upona novel method of bring ‘ing their debtors to terms. At a secret ; meeting, it was resolved that the associ :ation ot grocers employ a person to don ithe debtors in this manner. A wagon is} to be purchased. one side of which isl pa.nted in glaring latters. ‘ New Bruno-l wick Grocer's Association Collecting Bureau." The driver is instructed to draw up before the door of edebtor, and after waiting a reasonable time for powers by to notice the object of the visit. to ask for the amount of money outstanding. This plan to be repeated until the debtor for shame's who pays the bill. A similar plan was some time ago declared illegal in a New York case. _._—“___... In Adam Smith’s “Wealth of Na tions" there is a passage which reads thus: Those who live in another country contribute nothing by their consump tion toward the support of the gov— ernment of that country in which is situated the source of their revenue. [Book V. chapter 2.] And yet the free traders contend that the people who manufacture goods in other countries, and who of course do not help to surport our government, should be al owed to place their products on our markets on more favorable terms than the home producer who does help sup port the government. A Return to Duty. This is alwsys desirable, and the speedier it takes place the better. Doubly welcome is it in the ease of those ‘ usually industrious little organs. the kid-l ueys, which. when they go on a strike—‘ so to speak—and drop work. seriously‘ imperil health in more than one way. . First and foremost, their inaction begets their disease, which is hydra-headed. in cluding such dangerous maladies as Bright's disease and diabetes. Next. when inactive they fail to assist in re moving from the blood impurities that beget rheumatism. gout and dropsy. Third,their inaction weakens the hind der. All this is preventable and reme disble by the pleasant promoter of organ ic action, Hoststter's Stomach Bitters. at once a tonic and a regulator. This gently but efl'ectit'ely impels the kidneys to return to duty, and strengthens them ‘ and the blsdder. Upon the bowels. stomach and liver it likewise exerts a re gnlating and invigorating influence. and it strengthen the system. and everts and remediee malaria and rheumatism. \I AIL BOUT] 'E I .L l . rev: STEARIER h gagEVA N Gr E L , ‘ Morgan & Mann. Owners. beams Port Townsend ovary M-mday and Thursday mnmings,at 9 o'clock. fer [lung-here. Pun Angoks, Unseen! Bay, Pyrht Ind .\‘dnh 3333-. Also. lane Port Townsend every Matur day morning at 5 o’clock for Dung-w»: and Port Auzcles‘ ‘ Capt. Ju. Max-gun's Steamer, DISPATCH. will be used as a lender and inggly bum on the Ibove mum. and for lowing, 30 mg. am. Good scans tux weighting ONLY FORI’Y CENTS. 1n postage mumps for a new Nick!» Muted Stan Windar and Sam Seller lech. just [ul- mm. in? BUY JACKSON. Box 13.311 14:11th in ‘NA' In mammalian. . m '7‘ 1..... "53*; Ej.“;;;_:z-:m;g§.;_ ~ ramww4‘raf'r?" 3.3 m M>~~MN f ‘-'3l’ W' I “fit."r :..3 53:; - bf «, , '~ . 121.: ' . . 3 . :.«y’ _ .g.~., .\...- -’~ --'~. / . .. . . {I ' g: z, ;% ::gy’ y .' A , , 3 ~ >.. : d 'x‘. : . f‘ ‘- 3 ,5 -' ~‘v‘. EVE-- T iii “2“?‘13 §.3 :35! .1 j i“; " . it" 6—“ ~‘ 1 ;:= "‘1 i . ,6 ,‘1 ax“ 32x ‘52:, 3 5’ i -;:. :_:.s: I. pin ,9 n 3.3! :. A V ; 3 -SL ~. v .3): 3...: -. __3 f, : _ g 1 4";é‘ "7 4*" 9¥§*-/51‘2{:¢ Q 2534» 1.: .{%§‘ - ‘ . g f €533 “ ‘ _;x v: ;':.,.3-!. ‘7»; 11's!" “~me . =.~ * * -’ ~ ‘ § 3 e, , D . for 35:33.15 and Children. : nt;~xa-- _ ’ "Cutorlssso wellaiapwi Lochildm: flat I Casuzfla cumlgollC. WES“ lru‘mmzw;..l L! haiupcfiL-I‘LI a:.v phat 54:54:: 59‘" ‘.Wm‘ . mutant, 1 c k ' - - \ ind mom di . umwuwmxv." IL A. 5:113:11. ‘2l D . K‘fimgfif“ 5"“ “an W ,’ 11.1 Ba. OM 5;. limit, .\. Y. wunou; mum-lons m ‘ Tn; 0:31:11: (‘uuPAsxz T.‘ Murray vat, N. Y. I I I I" 0 R SAI. E ' ; WAT _ = I I Caihoun s Commisswn House (}r.>uu:i [Nu-d. ::I-z' :uu. 93255 .\o‘v ( 'u~l h- ( 'o3]. $8.50 Itrnn. " " 'J‘:f .\ppluu. IM'l' lynx. 75 (hits. " " 'J I I I‘M-firs. “ " 73 Pure \VIIx-ul. " " '37- ' l’lunn-x, “ “ 5O (..‘llil'lit‘ll '- " " °"". ALSO .\(H‘l_\'\'< PHI: MITCHELL ‘t LE\Vl>' (o's Farm Wagons Buggies, Carriages, AND ALI. msns n 1” I-‘rS‘rIIL-er‘lli;{lagtxtrx’umzninzXr‘:xxlllur'uftfi’Wl‘ ”‘- “hit“ no pole “Mon -lmulv! be run without R. C. CALHOUN & COV Port Townsend, W. 'l'. D. T. RU? FIN. F. B. TURBIN. . 1' ' ‘ ~. , Pelt To“ mend Phalmaey, .\‘uvvw—wrfi to 1:. K. Lutimer & Co. I I Wholesale avid Retail Drugglsts. ()RI)EI{S PR ()RIPTL‘.’ FILLED. 31c Curdy 131001;, Port Townsend, W. T. DWIGHT'S mm“ mm. TO MAKE DELICIOUS BISCUITS 0R WHOLESOIE BREAD USE [Mews now-Bum SonAonSAlsmus. ABSOLUTELY PURE. > ALWAYS UNIFOR. AND FULL WEIGHT. ' amusements-picture otaCouon yourpoehgendyouvmhflo 33° W: 30‘“ M‘- m cow mun. m ’_ A Vg ’ k DRUGS 1 A 3 DRUGS l .4 _7/ _ 1 _‘w :3: - ~41? ”; ._ ,4 - ._- - , N. D. HILL’S SONS. Wholesale and retail dealers in I I I I Paints, OIIS, Varmshes, Stationery Medicines. Chemicals, Trusses, Glass, Paints, Oils, Soaps. Pomades, Perfumery, Heir Oils, Wall Paper, Brushes, etc. And all articles for the toilet. Patent . ll't’dicilu‘s of all Kinds. Quick Sales and Small Profits. w FRANCIS W. JAMES. Quincy St., Port Townsend. Will buy and sell (_lomestic rud foreign exchange. purchase city and county warrants. mill and shipping drafts and other negotiable paper. “, , 3 ’ Q, . I: , MGRnE’ ADYAHGEB Elf SEW RE“! Ou Approved Security. Agent for me Gu‘on Line of (as! stwamihi' i between Liverpool end New York. Prepaid m tickets to and from p 0“: in England, liehmd, Denmark and Sweeden to New York. then. by rail to all pans of the War. and man: from £1 sterling up. available as Ibo", WlSeL'l-JU AT Luw EST RATE-L 3 Correspondence solicited. References. by permission. the Bonk of British Common. m B. (3., md San Francisco, Ca]. m ..- _,,___ HENRY LASDES, l‘re:zl‘t. N. D. HILL. VicePreul't. R. c. mLL. Cuhlo 03-9031? TOWNS ann..w.r.'r. oe, . H Authorlzed Capital - $200,000 A General Banking Business Transacted. Deposits Received Subject to sight draft or Check ‘ loss! 1.0.1550 ox Aprnovan antenna.- ‘ Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on (iay’of collection I Sight. and Telegraphic exchange payable In all the principal Cities of tho iUnited States and Europe. . _ _ _ CORRESPO\ DENTS z—Loxnox —The Anglo Californian yank (Lxmxted). Bnux—Gebruder Meyer: NEW Yum: —— The Hanover hetioual Bank: ‘ Catwalk—Continental National Bank—Sn fuselage—The Anglecm fornian Bank (Limited); Pom-Luv. 03.. The First hahonel Bank; xcronu, B. 0.. Bank of B» .tish Columbia: 11AM”), Non Scorn, The Bank of British North America. Hong Kong, The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China . . Agents for the American an‘l Red Star Line of Steamshlps. Ticket. for 93!: [a and from all parts of Europe. . _ [B‘ We have a scour? and cumumdious Vault. where we Will receive ni nables on :mragn at m I‘lx‘rhtt‘ charges Steamer EVANGEL. [ J. \V. T 3275, 3! n ‘ t. wm leave St-anle .\iunv’m. 1' a ' . (- uhmoo vxa l'or: 'rn\\'n+n '. w. i a. ~ - - "‘A\‘) on Thur—day. '2 .z. 1:: . fnr l' r' V\ 1 ~ l . :‘nrt ‘ Townwwl un-t IMNJ}, ~~ ' t . in: ~'.!Ht‘ 1 day‘lp. nu anVa 1' u. I' . ~-- . ;.._\'<n! . 81. m. L'o.;:zovl both \Tu-- u z-; erru \\ I'h 1 Mean: launch [land (”[s3an ‘l.’ =.n.~ h srzuz<;-or- ‘ union to: passengcm wimcua extra charm. . APGU" REEL 11“.: AGEFISY FOR BARGA I .\. s. )ii‘l' l!’\l ;. Q (I l- . 33% s r DISPATCH. Y V “ORGAN. later. ’ ' - \lnndagennd’rbm 1' z 'I sz. Bny. Rev Dun wees. ' 1 ' . .. ....i way porn. 1.- tnmfnzcd \\'e.!x'.:x...._.< - (1 Fridays. Towing and charters at has-nab“. mes. We hue a 13024.2: scow {2r freighlinz purfiseudflued‘viu g u I] n for k-upinz goods . 3:130:13?“ to L. 3. Hunting: or 0.2. I‘m a.