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THE Oldest Paper. W Questions Inswered fro. Ibou! me mmnry. Bampla copies tree on appli ltiun. Volume XIX. ‘ U " DAILY AKU b. 13‘ uhl'lh EVERY .\lnl:\‘l.\|; HXI‘EPT Sl'NlLlY. mum by um). or Hurriur. sx‘lm'uu’Tl-m lH'l‘F‘.S~ o Yuir ... .21. (It ‘ ’l lem- Mamba” $2.50 a 1unb5........ you ‘ Um; Aluminum. Lu) In Athnun‘. FIR-r vnwk‘ ‘."uunlu; [myulrlu weakly. Advertisin; Yuh's {emu-had mmm-licaflon. 0"? El: a “1:11! grgufi c. a . i'l'BLlsdED sznv Turnauu'. hm Town-end, thingtnn Territory. TERMS UF SI'IL‘M‘MPTIUN: at Yuan... . ...: '.50 l Thra- Month-:., .75 cts lolt‘n‘. ... 1.50 One MOnXh..." 25a: Smgle copy, 10 cents. {‘9' Always in advance. a Rfl‘ES 0P ADVERTISING: 0 Inch. first innurtiou......... ........51.50 1 subsequent inwr11un......... ....... 50 .‘lnscib .t ulvonisiug Io lusun luunlon .100 be urcompauicd by cash. ALL Locum“.- urn-Lu) IOITHI.Y. ; ARGL‘S l‘L'BLlsulNG CO. ; _ PnormaloSAL CARDS. SAIES D. MINKLER. M. D. Punr rowsnkxn, v. I'. care, lwu tron! runnu. up Imin. Anew bulrdnng. We» on the‘uor or Junior: nud Clay are-m. DR 0. W. HUNT. lMutiut. m 9031‘ mwxanun, w. I'. mucus oxide gnu. alhur or chlorufonn Admin “ for painless exuoction of “Eli. W ,F. M. DREW, DENTI b‘ T I m Townsend. - ~ . - . W. 'l‘. All work guaranteed first olau. ' J. L. MARBOURG, M. D. O I fhysman and Surgeon. Q‘ Ofiice up stairs over Olapp & .mrbach's Bank. dtf c-TM- BALDWIN. M. D. lmatlnc Physlclan and Surgeon. "- ()flico—McCurdy Block. Woe—Opposite Red Mel's Hall, Maple Ave. dv m GEORGE H. JON ES, Attorney and Counselor, Proctor in Admiralty. Notary Pinblin. new Black - Pm Mum. w. r t I. Inn-luv. I. I. In”. BRADSHAW 8 “OHS. you awn-up. v. I. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. P 300103: 1! Alumna. ...—”Q I. Bib-Load“ In lulld‘ll. .._—”__— a-" 1 Mat- . LlOome "hi-(Ah. MIMI l BOLEIAI. Attorneys-at Law A" PBOC‘I'QBI IN ADXIRAL". Qua-eh.) MGM. * ht rum-mm I'. I: '. huh. Worm: I. Innu- SfllTl-l & HASTINGS. Attorneys - at - Law. 5 ' PIIIGTIIS II ADMIRAL". Ind for Sale. Loans Haas. ' Port Townsend. W. 'l‘. _ m _ ‘01:“ All) "IA-”LII. .mmn HOTEL. P 081! mm 7. I. Win. Dodd. hum-low. “ h 1» In.“ EWLY IUIXISISD all m an no ”pot-mono of I FIRST-CLASS HOTEL $.11“. W'fllmbflltd What. u s Iru'K-du‘ mum: mm and mm the Ilotol. Rubin; will to In“. lo .II M can“ to 1... ll ”torri- Port Townsend 1 ' SAW MILL '7-00. “7. Doxvno. AIIIMHDBIR or LUIBIB. urns. Emma: flooring ma Din-3041mm nldlmon-lonu. mind for doling h to“ a I. t. “w x City Meat Market. 9; 2 011310: IRISI nun-rs or “.3. ... ... WWI." awardmm M C u: .uxuyl on Ind. fluted Mam. laco- and Lea! Lard.” 1 _ CI. u I cal. Sui-lumen 3| ska-soot. ‘ * ”I ud 301:3: ::va to 311 pm 01‘ ‘5 0.0. COLEMAN & 00.." ‘ - rm 'Downund. W. I‘. "lm door to Wuhan”: a Ina. (I FOR SALE. “OISE I". GIIIIMIL' . . huh “.10ng And. nude. liq-In 0! I r punt-n BRIG-GS & 00-, ALFRED COOK, lawn. “MESS AND SADDLEBY. ._ I u w 1 n " ' PORT TOWNSEND Boot 81: Shoe Store “fill-rmlum’muu-kcumi ‘ 3001's 4xo SHOES ~ ‘ o! 78] “fl 20AM" All “TEST PATTERNS -‘ I hue a great reverence formal: Milan. ‘ , Joan Frrzm‘rlLl. W— . ‘ _ ‘l-L XIII). 0' ' Cemetery Work. . ...": Ha, Port Townsend. v.l. 3mm gum?! amelsm Swim BY TELEGRAPH. Tin: TENTH norm. London. Nov. 6.——The murder fiend added another one to his list of victims. A! 11 o'clock this morn» ing the body of a woman out into pieces was discovered in a house on Dorset street, Spitaltields. The pO - are endeavoring to track the murderer with bloodhounds. The remains were mutilated in the same horrible manner as those of the ‘women murdered in Whitechapel. 'l‘ln appearance of the remains w: flightfnl. and the mutilation w a .nu greater than in the previ ;ous Car .~. The head had been sev ered and placed beneath one of the arms. The ears and nose had been cut 03. The body had been dismem bered and the flesh torn from the thighs. The womb and other or~ gene are missing. The skin had been torn ofi‘ the head and cheeks. One hand had been pushed into the stomach. sssvr snow s'rosx. Kansas City, Mo. Nov. 9.—The hesvrest snow storm ever known at this season of the year began at 3 o’clock this morning. It is still raging with unabated violence The storm is general over the state. DISTINGUISHED ansrcxsx DEAD. Vienna. Nov. 9.—Heury Vonbam borugli, a distinguished physician, is dead. HOTEL human. 1 Los Angeles, Nov. 9.—A large tine? hotel at Long Beach was totally des- l troved by fire last night. The loss is’( estimated to be $90,000; insurance. $45,000. FERRY-BOAT toss. Calcutta, Nov. 7.—-A ferry steamer has just sunl- iu n collision and sixty persons are drowned. TERRIBLE RAILWAY ACCIDENT IN sussxs. London. Nov. 7.——A terrible colli sion occurred yesterday on a railroad in Southern Russia. Many persons were killed. snxcms. San Francisco, Nov. 7.—The cap. tain of the steamer Mexico, which arrived from Victoria yesterday, re~ ports that on Sunday night R. Charters, a steerage passenger, cre ated a sensation by jumping from the deck of the steamer. The ves sel was stopped as soon as possible. and a boat was lowered, but owing to the darkness he was unable to rescue Charters. a run. run. San Francisco, Nov. 7.—Esrly this morning ’.l‘hos. J. Gallagher, 8 well known attorney of this city. about 45 years of age, while under the influence of liquor jumped n{rem a third story window and was t ally injured. moment arms In comracrxcur. Haatford. Con.. Nov. 6.-—lO7 towns in Connecticut including Hartford and New Haven, shows a republic an gain on the presidential ticket of 1,340. mm. sumo m saw roux. . New York, Nov. 6.——9=15 p.m.— New York city is complete. For Governor Hill. 160,682; Miller. 96,- 199. Hill’s plurality is 74.482. Two hundred and titty-one districts out side of New Yor and Brboklyn show repkublican gain on the presidential tic eta 014,382. ALEX cum San Diego. Nov. 7.—The exposure of the foot that Postmaster Norman had in his employ British alien letter carriers andlclerks, contrary to the ex press stipulations of the postal ser vice, resulted in the tender of the re signation of Joseph Coalthurst and his brother to day. . l Seattle. Nov. 8—1:30. p. m.—-i ‘Republicans carry California five} thousand; Indiana the same; Newj IYork by over ten thousand. and this‘ morning Chairman Bryce of Demo- ; cratic committee admits defeat. ‘ ‘Hearty congratulations on your; ;haudsome victory. T. 'l‘. limos. IOXTANL Helena Mont... Nov. 7.——From re turns now in. it is estimated that Carter (republican) for congress has 3000 over Clark (democrat). Garter will be the first republican delegate elected in Montana in sixteen years. nuns muamcax. Virginia. Nev. Nov. 7.-The state is republican by over 1000. Bean licans elect Rarting to congress over Caseidy. democrat. wns'r vmcma. The latest from West Virginia says the state is republican by a small majority. A asruamcm aux. New York, Nov. 6-—406 districts of the state outside of New York and Brooklyn. show a republican gain on the presidential ticket of 5.633. saw mamas munucm. Concord. N. li, Nov. 6.—Harrison has about 2,500 majority in the city. Goodale. the republican candidate for governor, runs behind the ticket. but will probably be elected. Providence, R. I.—State complete. Harrison 21,968, Cleveland 17,496. Republican majority of 3,196. nw voax oursmn mariners. New York, Nov. 6.—Betnrns from 618 districts outside of New York and Brooklyn show a republican ‘gain on the presidential ticket 0! % 7,709. 1 unmfiébéxTyWu. Allen 168, Voorhees 97; Greene 8. Tucker 170. Baker 95; Weir 167. ‘Dcnovan 99; Power, Sherifi by 3 majority; Granny. School Supt. (Rep) 141, Lizzie Crockett 123; Coronor, Dr. White (Rep) 179, H. S. Hun 84; County Commissioners elected. Capt. Morse, (Ben) Purdy, (Rep) Naher. (Dem) ' ‘ The year 1888 will long be remem bered. not only as the year c! the three sights, but as the time of the great republican fled. . Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington Territory, Thursday, November 15, 1888. A Loyal Office! on the Police Force. This morning when a Seattle Times reporter called around to in— spect the police reports of last. night. his eyes beheld this significant ur~ fx'fitl Name, Grover Clevuland. Age, 49 years. Height. 5 feet and 11 inches. Weight, 600 pounds. Color of eyes. green. Color of hair and whiskers, blue. Date of arrest. Nov. 6. Cause. held a losing band. Condition of prisoner. bad. Property found on person, free trade. Court. American people. Remarks, given until March 4th to leave the White House. Arresting officer. Benjamin Hurri son. G‘ C. Phinney Loses $3.000 on Cleve land—How He Will Get Even. Mr. G. (J. Phinney has been hot ting lively and heavy on the result of the election for president. Dur ing the past few days he took every bet he could final on Ule veland. Now he considersthut in cash he is out just $3,000. “But,” said Mr. Phin— ney, “by Harrison's election Wash ington will become a state, nnd therefore my property holdings are worth fully $50,000 more than they were yesterday. I am willing to lose the d——n $3.000, for if the democrats won we would not be ad mitted as a state. It is the best thing that could happen for us.”— Seattle Times. Marine Notes- The Victoria Times of Nov. 7th says: On Nov. lst, in lat 32.15 north, long. 126 west, a large iron bark was passed by the ship Bzclena with fore topgallant~mast. topgallant and miz zen-mast gone, bound east. A fixed red lens lantern light will be shown on St. Helen’s jetty. Ore on. g Eight whaling vessels arrived in San Francisco from the Arctic re - gions on Sunday. All the Whalers can ht in the ice are now in port, disciarging their cargoes of oil and bone. On Monday last the Queen of the Pacific brought a cargo valued at $78,700, $14,200 of which was {or this province and the balance for eastern cities via the Canadian Pa cific Railway. The steamship Alki, Capt. Ben nett, sailed yesterday with 1045 ton. of V. 0. 00's coal for Portland. The Ski? Kenebec. Capt. Love, saibd on onday with 3305 tons of V. 0. 00’s coal for San Francisco. Theships America. 0. F. Sargent. Glory of the Seas and Wilna are now due at ‘Nanaimo for cargoes of V. 0. 00’s coal. The sh'ié) Elvira, Capt Evers, ar rived at - anairno on Hands from Willmington and will load V. 5. 00’. cos . The ship Valley Forge will com~ slew her cargo of V. 0. Co's coal to ay. the bark Amelia taking the next turn under the chutes. The steamship Costa Rica is due today for a cargo of V. 0. 00’s coal. The steamship Wellington. Cap tain Jordan, arrived at Nanaimo. from San Francisco via Gomez. and is now loading Wellington coal. Lucky Natal chtha Fatalists and those who firmly be-; lieve that what is to be will be assert that nearly all men who achieve fame, in this world were born either in the Fall, Winter or Spring months of the year, the Summer months not being‘ conducive to mature development. ost of the twenty-two Presidents of the United States only two were born in the Summer. Zachasy Taylor was born in September; ehn Adams, Pierce, Hayes and Arthur were born in October; Garfield and Polk were born in November; Van Buren was born in December; Washington, Lin-e ooln and Harrison were born in February; Madison, Jackson, Tyler, Fillmore and Cleveland were born in March! Jefl'erson, Monroe, Buchanan and Grant were born in April; John QuinciAdams and Andrew Johnson were t e only Summer birds. Both were born in July. June, July and August can claim only eleven of the seventy-six men in the Senator All the rest were born in the lucky months. Sir Moses Montefiore was born in October; Mahomet, Wendell Phillips, Cowper, Louise Alcott and George Eliot were born in Novem ber: John Milton and Thomas Car lyle were born in December; Lord Byron, Alexander Hamilton and James G. Blaine were born in Jan nary; John A. Logan, James Russell Lowell. Longfellow, Edison and General Hancock were born in Feb ruary; the great Napoleon was born in March; Bismarck, Adelina, Patti, Washington Irving, Charlotte Bronte, rolessor Morse and Han del were born in April. Heavy snow bull in Missouri. In fact it was a cold day for democrats everywhere. oven in Florida David Bennett Hill of New York has demonstrted that he in a bigger man than old Cleveland. Cleveland’a city, county and state went against him. What a change from the time when he was elected governor of New York by 192,000 majority! The American bark;Laura S. Ridge way, Captain Townsend, which sail ed from Tacoma, lumber laden for Shanghai, on August 14th last, is re ported to have arrived out on Nov ember ], in a disabled condition after a stormy voyage. Her deck load was lost overboard and her nails and rig ging were badly damaged. There are 83,679 children under 21 years of age reported in this territory of whom 36,673 are enrolled in the pnhhc schools. 3.455 in private schools, and 13,002 not. attending school. Total number of school age 59.833. The percentage of children of school age out of schOol is to large and some means ehould be employed to lessen iL—Ledger. I J efl'erson County Vote Allen, 634; Voorbeee. 443. Allen's majority. 191. A.{. Curry, 611; J. J. Hunt, 460. Corr ’5 majority. 141. R. G. O'Brien. 622; Hillary Butlex. 449. O’Brien‘a majority. 193. J. J. Calhoun. for prosecuting at torney . (333. Allen Weir. 594; Chas. Donovan, 470. Weir‘s majoritz‘. 124. F. Hinckley. 468: Vm. Payne, 597. Payne’s majority, 129. couxry TICKET. Anditor—Seavey. 597: Dyer, 482 Senvey’s majority, 115. Sheriff~Delunty,s73; Sheehan, 504. Delanty’s majority, 69. Treasurer—Learned. 552; Dodd, 525. Leerned’a majority. 27. Probate J ndge— Wood. 643; Whit tlesey, 434. Wood‘s majority, 209. Commissioners Cooper, 586; Blanchard, 509. Cooper’u majority. 77, Huntington}, 574; Donovan. 486. Huntingford’s majority, 68. Way month. 628; Lake, 417. Weymonth’e majority. 211. Supt of Schools—Ryan, 585; Bud dreea, 488. Ryan’s majority. 97. Surveyor—Hammond, 516; Fort man. 455. Hammond’s majorit , 51. Uoroner—Wyckofi‘, 650; \Vill'iaon, 422. Wyckofi"s mnjorit , 228. Wrockmaeter Daligerdno. 601; {23“, 461. Dalgardno’e majority, All the foregoing majoritiee are republican. There were 4 votes for Judge Greene for congress, and a few scattering votes on minor oflicee. We give these totals to-dey. Will have full tabulated returns by pro. cincte in a few days. After the Battle- As the smoke of battle clears away the more evident is the complete rout of lhe democrats. The bad im pression created by the first dis~ patch from New York has been cons firmed by the later reports. Hill (for governor) ran far ahead of the ticket and polled more than the democratic strength, leaving the impression that some kind of com. bination was made whereby the re~ publicans traded 03' support to Hill for votes for Harrison. This was partly expected. seeing that the op portunities were exceptional]; good in this campaign for that ind of thing. The city of New York. like all the other large cities. gave Uleve‘ land a large majority, but it was swamped {the vote of the smaller cities and t 0 country. N o wonder then the republicans say “God made the country.” Indiana. though very close, was as might have been or pected, for Harrison, a native of the state. In 1884 Indiana was carried for the democrats by Hendricks. can didate for Vice-President. whose death has beena severe loss to the party. California. though also very close, has gone to swell the majority for the regublicans in the electoral college. his r not unexpected The difl'erence ‘nl vote cast for either par seem to difler greatl' last camper , ' placed gene complete revolutn. college. The only ...~ claimed bv Cleveland _are cut and New Jersey which an and unim&ortant compared with 1... others. eat Virginia supposed to beeolid democratic is said to be in doubt. What has brought about the change is not very clear to an out sider at this writing, though it was most likely general dissatisfaction with the administration. The fact that some of the largest mannfw tar-ing centers suppoer Cleveland does not indicate that his trade policy is wholly responsible. It was said to be a “campaign of intellect,” but the great majority no doubt voted against the President because he was a democrat just like they used to. Besides this, it is well to remember that the republicans had by far the most money. the best or ganization and probably the moat brains. Theae were at least united, which is the st sign of intelligence. The efl'eot of the change in Canada will probably be m‘l, though Cana dians would prefer to have seen Cleveland elected. because, up till recently at least. they believed him to has man of independence and high character.—Victoria Times. Hood)"- arena". ' Dwight L. Moody, the great Chicago evangelut. who has achieved wondera both in America and Europe. began a aeriea at meetings in Port Townsend yesterday. At the appointed time a goodly lined audience membled in the opera house to liatent‘o the eloquent divine. A large choir occupied the stage. u did Reva. Carnahan and Dan. iaon.paator| of the Presbyterian and M. E. Churches After a preliminary aong service. Mr. Carnahau led in prayer -—and the apeaher of the day proceeded to addreaa those membled upon the aubject of preparation by Christiana tor revival work. The addresa laated near ly an hour. and Iran very impressive. Mr. Hoody ia a heavy-set, fleahy man, with a large. round head. a kindly taco. and amake—np atrongly suggeative of force. Hie atyle of speaking ia easy. converaational, direct and practical. No flight. of oratory are indulgrd in, yet hia illnatrationc and expressions are ex tremely pathetic—carrying lineman at timu irreaiatably into uncontroleable feeling. In the evening the opera house val fairly crowded. , The evangelist deliver— ed one of bin typical. practical talks on the text. "Whataoever a man coweth. that ahall he also reap." An after meeting waa held. for prayer and in guiry—to which a large portion of the ‘ congregation remained. ; Mr. A. Finney, contractor. etc.. Quud ‘re street, bu just returned from Atkin ‘lOD Point, three milu from Vancouver, where he has completed a contruot for 'pnttinu up a fog horn building, the first on thin count on Canadian eoil. Mr. 1". also placed the machinery in poution. There are two tog horns, but it: in mi ble that one may be placed on Discovery Island. oppoeite Rose Bay. In a one bu already been selected at the point for the pnrpore. It rests with the deputy min ister of marine. and be may decide to impert another from the east. Hereto forc whi-flea have only been used on 80- count, but these lately erected are the genuine toghoru; —Vioton'e Standard. ‘ THE MIND CURE. WHAT IS ASSERTED BY THE APOS TLES OF THIS OPTIMISTIC CREED. The System Held in High Esteem as Ancient Athens—Mind and flutter. Xenon-lieu and Hysteria—.l Hopeful Slgn—Semi-luvailds. ShakeSpeare, the Universal, seems to have formulated the theory of the new school of healing when he makes Hamlet my that “there is nolhing ei'hcr good 0! had but thinking makes it so." Perhaps we should not speak of that system as “new" that would appear to havoheen in high esteem at ancient Athens, and that had an extraordinary vogue in the east at the beginning of our era. At first thought the present interest and excitement in the subject seem unreal and anachronistic. But, after all, is it not natural and fitting that the mind should be most easily and absorbingly occupied by matters pertain ing to the mind itself! To accept the doctrine of the mind cure, as we understand it, is to believe that health, sanity and virtue are the normal attributes, the birthright possession, of man. Disease, dementia, sin, are negative conditions which it is weak, dishonorable and sinful to harbor. “Refuse to believe In illness, deny pain, resist weakness," say the apostles of this optimistic creed, "and illneu, pain and weakness vanish, because they exist only in your thought of them. Suffering is simply that stats 0! mind that makes you imagine that you suffer. You have only to get above suf. fering." The influence of mind over matter hardly needs assertion. The old illustra tions of the moral philosophies alone are proof enough. The miner dying of (right on finding his sustaining rope too short, in the pitch dark mine, with his feet in reality six inches from the ground; the blindfolded man fainting in the belief that he was bleeding to death, when only warm water was trickling down his arm; the workman undergoing the horrible manifestations of cholera because he was told falsely that a cholera victim had just died in the same bed—show the effect of belief. The madness of the insane, which in bath perverted and exaggerated will power, gives them the strength of a dozen sane men. And quite lately the shock oi the earthquake in the Riviera roused a bedridden woman to rush down fotu flights of stairs to the safety of the street. wusr nu: LANCE? sass. Even The London Lancet, which is nothing if not conservative, asserts that in some cases mind has such an effect upon an organic disease as to cause new and healthy formations. This, it will be seen, goes far beyond the old admission that “nervousness" and “hysteria” were subject to mental influences. There is no doubt that the tendency of the medical profession has been decidedly material istic, and that any leaning toward spirit ual methods, as shown in “magnetism," "hypnotism," “clairvoyance” and their like. has been made at once disreputable, so that any germ of truth they may have possessed was smothered out of sight. Yet the little we know of the potency of the mind over the body shows us that there must be an inimitable field for its action, if we could but find out how to set it at work. And it would seem that our help must come chiefly from within, not from without. “ ’Tis in ourselves that we are thus or thus." ‘ It appears to us a hopeful sign of a more wholesome life that large classes oi women take time and spend money to hear this theory of the reality or spiritual existence “Pollnded. After the poet, they are discovering that “soul is form, and doth the body make." They are semi invalids. They have entered. They have allowed their thoughts to dwell ‘on their pains and limitations until "ave come largely to fill their men ‘ fi‘heu- talk is of sickness. ‘l9. among the well to do "inure symptoms and file topics of con be worse, it be ‘ taste 0! of got "uc's griets m..- ‘ one’s pains n.._ cure can be mat. subjects it must resto. glee worse than wasted; time and money; it would ms. world into a joyous one; it would. - {Ly past calculation the sum of hum. pplness.——Hsrper's Basar. A “Ids and Suggest". lieu. Mme. Jananschelr's suwess is unques tionable, for she is Meg Merilles even in the respect of hardly having even to make up for the part. and because a warp of imagination, a susceptibility to supersti' tion and a collective feebleness of aged powers are a gilt from nature or a contri~ ntion by time oi! precisely the qualities which art would have to supply to others filling the role. I know of no other in stance than this one in which the weight or mental and bodily failure which pre scribes a retirement from the stage has been organised into a test which insures s definite continuance upon it. The field it opens is wide and suggest ive. Consumptives can be cast for Ca mllle. Starving and emaciated actors can be cast for the apothecsry in “Romeo and Juliet." From old men‘s homes Adams to go forestward with Orlando can be drawn. The Fat Man's club can keeps. line of Falstaifs, in whom, however, all the lines are curves. The opponents of high license can an out orders for any number of Sir Toby Belches. Tramps could be utilized as gypsies and rabble and other lay property, while Roman citi zens and policemen would no more have to be recruited from fatigued dray men and tired 'longshoremen.—Brooklyn Eagle. Construction of Tornado Caves. In some localities tornado caves are be ginning tobe regarded as a part of the wary equipment of every dwelling and farm. The construction of a cave de serves serious consideration, and it is en— couraging to see experts giving their at tention to the matter. Recently a Bur lington, [:., company offered a prize of S2OO for the best design of a tornado care. There were 12! competitors and the award was made by Lieut. Finley. ot the United States signal service. The Burlington Hewkeye published sketches ot the cave and estimates its cost all the way from ‘154 to 3345. The suggestion is made that these shelters should be equipped with everything necessary for the comfort of their occupants—Atlanta Constitution. Women as Meat Inspectors. A French woman's rights Journal, the Citoyeuue, suggests that the placa ot inspectors of meat markets should be given to women. Women, it says, buy the meat and cook it, and should there tore know more about its quality than the lnexperienced gentlemen who are some limes appointed. Chins nos ilve timu as much coal lands as all Europe, and her silver, lead, gold; sopper, tin, iron and marble depmite an as large and profitable as those of e" flier country. -—it is claimed that the best apples to be had on this coast, and a: good as there are in the world. are ranged on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, at an altitude of two to three thousand teen-San Francisco Watching a. Chinese Juggler. In a quiet cross town street a. little aide walk audience was gathered the other morning watching a (“Home juggler per form some extremely deft rents in the un compromising publicity of the open air. The juggler was a gray old chap with a foxy face auda cunning eye. He had a LA“ hairs on his upper lip and a few on his chin that hristievl out like the whiskers of a cat. lie wore his native dress, or such approach to it as we are accustomed to see here, and his only apparatus was contained in 1. little hand satchel made. 0:1 of woven reed. liis tricks were simpl». consisting mainly of feats of palming, a! which he was wonderfully expert. lie juggled with halls and knives and forks very skillfully indeed, and had a pack ui cards which he [USSOII in the air, causing them to vanish and reappear apparently at will. The most thrilling of his feats consisted in driving a threaded darning needle through his arm, pulling it. out. on the side opposite its entrance without draw. ing a drop of blood. This performance Win the climax of his ghow, and when it was done another Chinaman went around and gathered in contributions. The crowd settled up, evidently expecting other (cats to follow. When the last copper had been extracted the pile was handed to the juggler, who held it in his hand, for all to see that it was there. and then put his hand to his mouth. \Vhen he opened the: hand again it was empty, and so was the month, which he held gaping liken cavern for inspection. Thereupon he bowed and stepped oi! so swiftly that. he might al most. be said to have vanished.—-Altred Trumble in New York News. A Life Saving Invention. Robert F. Fenney, employed at Win chester’s, who recently invented the idea of having dangerous shafting inclosed in a tin jacket, which would not revolve with the shaft in case of an otherwise dangerous contact, has now shown ton number of mechanics who approve of it his latest life saving discovery. Instead of. a pulley on an ordinary hanger he pro poses to have a weight attached at the back of all belting running through the floors of a factory. This would be at tached to the binder pulley, which press ing against the belt tightens it by chains. Two long spiral springs are fixed in front of the binder pulley, to give it- a quick mo tion when released, as here described. The weight, hanging by tongs such as ice men hnve, would be fastened to a life line running the whole length 0! the shop—say 200 feet. in case of a man getting caught, anybody, without running the whole length of the room, by pulling a line hanging from the life line opens the jaws of the tongs, when the weight drops. and aided by the spring; the binder pulley i> in n. moment thrown out from its beating on the belt, thus stopping the machinery. The bell pulls are at intervals, within reach of the workmen or WOTkWOlllt'il. The same device can be used as in the or dinary tight and loose pulley system, ila weight being so attached as to hold tla binder pulley while the shutting is in mo tion—New llaven Register. The Bonnets of an Emprcu. Tho Empress Josephine once bong: thirty-eight bonnets in one month. \‘v'i do not know at what number her might} husband drew the line; but it is afam that, having learned that she had in dulged herself with the acquisition of 113-: large number, lie—when he one day wwi into the saloon leading to her apartment and found in it Mlle. Despeaux, the milli ner, with a huge pile of suspicious looking bandboxes—was so indignant at the idea of his wife making fresh purchases, that he flew into such a passion that every one. ran away, leaving him to decide whether he would vent his rage on poorJosephiuc, who was a prisoner with her feet in a foot bath, or on the milliner herself. He did a little of both. lie wasso angry with Josephine that she was speechless with terror; am] he sent for Savary, his minis— ter of police, and ordered him to arrest Mlle. Despeanx. She was sent to La Force immediately; and though her fear of Napoleon and horror of a night in prison made her ill, her fortune was prob ably made by this startling outbreak of imperial temper Next day nearly every m. in Paris flocked to see her, hear her and eondole with her. She never e lacked custom after this.— We in Japan. ‘n be treated to t man-ing a l'Anb wlty are now u. lower circles. captivate tho public athletes dealing strono other amid a crowd of am. tors, the whole surmounted by a . flags with the royal arms of Engla the top. The letter press informs tn. public that tho Sparring and Wrestling company proposes holding its ilrst meet ing on the sth inst., at l o‘clok, in Ko bikicho, Sanchome, and that the prices of admission are to be from 1 yen to 10 sea. 0! course, the performance is vigorously pufled, the public being informed, inter alia, that toreign wrestling is a combina tion of the three Japanme accomplish ments, jujutsu (gymnastics), kenjutsn (fencing), and sumo (wrestling), and that all men of muscle and spirit should not fail to witness an exhibition so edifying. The performers claim some sort of con nection with the American champion, Sullivan. They promise to exhibit them» selves during a period of ten days, but we do not anticipate that the speculation will prove a success. -—Yokohama Mail. Cheese Blade from Beans. Cheese made from beans is largely used in China. For fertility of expedient the almond eyed Celestial can double discoum the most ingenious Yankee. While sucl cheese would not seem to be very palat able or nutritious, yet it is said to bequit salable and profitable to the manufactur ere. Introducing it into the English mar hot is talked 0!. Owing to its low price it will probably encroach to some extent upon the product at the old reliable cow. Poor people will buy anything cheap that is good to eat. Their pecuniary condition compels them to do so, so this substitute will probably find a large sale. At all events it is extracted from a harmless substance—New York Market Journal When One Is Ham. When one is happy, one does not seem to go forth into a strange country, but to enter into one's own land. When one is happy, one feels no consciousness of re straint or limitation; in short, when one Is happy. what is it but to feel tree? 1 think in the last analysis this is happiness —a Icnse ot freedom—“A Week Av'm' trom Time.” There was recently sold in Paris 1" $l,lOO an eight page manuscript of I' first Napoleon. It was port of nhistu of Comic. which he wrote In 1790. —Candor was a. merit the Chancellor Kent. possessed in an eminent degree. and when upon one occasion he in. formed an individual whom he detested that he was pleased to meet him. it caused a. friend to express surprise that he should so diverge from his known frankness and sincerity to express pleasure at meeting such a man. "That is all ricrht. my dear sir," replied the jurist, in his quiet, easy way. “I was glad to meet him, but I should ve P lery so 11 he he _been x can wiry-"rrjlyw flange , for Infants and Children. “ "awash-owndnpudmchndmm: MM 00 m [recommend in. superiorto my prescription 39‘" Smpmflu- mm. a. inty-atom" B. A. Luna. 11.0.. m ww' 3"“ sloop. w”W mummmnmx. wufifixfimm Tu Cut-nun Damn. 7’: Hum, Smut, :I. Y. —AT— CIh ’ C ' ' H Ground L‘cvd, per ton. 8‘35 | Noxv Castle Coal, 88.50 Bran, “ “ 2‘: | x\|)[)l(‘fl, per box, 75 Oats, “ “ f: l ! Pours, “ “ '75 Pin-o \Vheut, “ “ $35 l’llunu, “ " 50 Chicken “ “ " .20 I ALSO AGENTS FOB:MITCUELL 8c LEWIS CO'S Farm Wagons Buggles, C arriages, AND ALL mes or ' Farming Implements. Also, Cassitly & Oldfielu‘s Patent Tongue Supports. which no pale wagon should be run withM‘ For further particulars enquire of or write to R. O. CALHOUN 6c 00.. Port Townsend, W. 'l'. FRANCIS W . JAMES. Quincy St., Port Townsend. Will buy and sell domestic rnd foreign exchanbile, purchase city and con. warrants. mill and shipping drafts and at or negotiable papor. MONE¥ EEEENQEB 3311’ 36% 3353!! On Approved Security. ‘gefl'céfiis'fiffi'é‘fln'fll%?{a'l‘3‘ifiifii’s 3‘3‘l’fill’iffifi‘ufii 323?; $3331: $335}. {iffiz‘zéi‘f’ by mil to all parts of the West, and druna from £1 stern-g up. availnblo u unto. wlsstkzu AT Low 2.5 T runs.“ Correspondence aollcited. References. by permission. tho Bank of Brlulh 001mb“. w ' B. (3.. And San Francisco. Cal. W D. T. RUFFIN. F. B. TURPm. 1 ‘1 ’0 POl t TOWllelld Phal macy, Successors to R. K. Latimer a Co. I I Wholesale and Retail Druggtsts. ‘ ORDERS PROLIPTLY FILLED. Ma Gard/g Block, Port Townsend, W. T; w W I} ‘3l-1‘ I“ ' .l THEOOWBBAID. —-TO MAKE— DELICIOUS BISCUITS on WHOLESOIE BREAD USE mews Bow-Bum SODAMSALEIIA'I’IIS. ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORI All) FULL WEIGHT. Beunthntthanhnplcture 0!; Mon youpochgondyouvmhw “10 N“ 50d- M m cow man. may . lug. mm; ‘ w “-.'-l ‘ ~IL _, @3132; I; "F 33 N. D. HILL’S SONS. Wholesale and retail deslorl ll Pamts, OIIS, Varmshes Stationery. Medicines, Chemicals, Trusses, Glass. Paints, Oils. Soaps. Pomades, Perfumery, Hair Oils, Wall Paper, Brushes, etc. And all articles for the toilet. Patent .Medicines of all Kinds. ’ Quick Sales and Small Profit: PETTYGROVE & 60., ———DEALERS m General Merchandlse, SHIPPINM UIIMMISSIIIN MERGHANTS PORT T 0 WN'SEND. W T. We carry the largest. and most complete stock offi Men’s, Boy’s and Youth’s Clothing 3'o: any house in the City @QQB’Q Emmighmg @Qedg. We an- headquarters for. and our lines are full in every particular. I-lats, Caps, Boots 8;: Shoes Aw to he bum! in our slurr in Hm greatest variety and BEST QUALITIEI. GROCER I E S . _ “/0 can cater to the must {glfili'liu'w and v 1"“ "~\' ;~ 13w u... :punrtmi mar 01 Staph- aml Funry HM: :3 ~ 7-. - Country Produce taken a: a»; 5% -ma macs "All Goods dclivctml to any part of the City Fun: 0! CHARGE. Country Orders solicttcd and BEST ATTENTION GUARANTEED. ARGUS HELL ESTATE AGENCY FOR BARGAINS. Number 39.