OCR Interpretation

The daily morning Astorian. [volume] (Astoria, Oregon) 1883-1899, February 28, 1890, Image 3

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Fhc ty gtstotum.
.. . LTUKUAHY 18 1600
(Monda excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors.
, ,, 1
atqrtan i,t-iuti. - cass dTr.KKT. ,
Terns of Subscription
Sened bv Carrier, per wrk ,
Sent by Mail, per Month
Sent by Mail, one j ear
Free of otagc u subscribers.
is cis 1
do cts
w 1
Tiik astoki.v Kuanrtte. s to is adver- !
users the largest ouctii.i'ioi. of am n-wii- I
iht published on ihe Cit.iimhu iit-.
- 1
To-night: "The Great Metropolis."
Reserved scuts
Xorolti store.
at the NVw York
The Astoria Drum Corps was out in 1
fnll force last eveniug.
Razor clams from Clatsop are not
very plenty at present; the most of the
clams now come from Shoalwatcr bay.
A little twine is being given out.
The Chinamen are competitors for
this kind of werk: knitting nets for as
low as ten cents a fathom, the white
man's price leiug 22'X cents.
The last cold snap started another
crop or la grippe sufferers. Snuffling,
sneezing and coughiDg arc both very
frequent now. The warm sun yester
day afternoon was fully appreciated
by thoo who were out of doors.
The Democratic state central com
mittee will meet at the Chemckete
hotel in Salem on the 19th of March
to call a state convention and appor
tion delegates etc, C. .1. Trenchard
is the committeeman from this
It would seem as if Astoria had a '
remarkable number of real estate 1
rirms but in comparison with both !
larger and smaller towns in Oregon
and Washington, as far as population I
is concerned, this city has less than '
the most of them. '
The jnn in the case of Wingatc and
Stone vs Herman Wise, disagree after j about a vacant building near the land
being out all day, and were dis-, ing. The man who was to purchase
charged last night at 0 o'clock by Judge j the cats was nowhere iu sight. The
Tavlor. They were about evenly country people were making inquiries
divided. The court then adjourned for him everywhere. A crowd
until 0 o.clock this morning.
The Republican stale central com
mittee will meet at Portland nest
Wedncsdaj to fiv on the time and
place of holding the state convention,
the nnmlx-r of members each couuty
is entitled to, etc Samuel Elmore is
the committeeman from this county.
Bat Will I'.e Chen This I.vni:i;r.
The Mnguire, Hial k. Morris com
pa arrived from San Francisco on
the steamer State of California at
3:3il yesterday afternoon. "They
were to appear in "The Great Me
tropolis,' but they had so much
scenery aboard that ihe lateness of
the hour made it impossible for them
to have it pro.crly placed.
So much depends on the nrrauge
incut and settiug of stage eflecLs and
in this case there is such a wealth of
scenery that the company wisely con
cluded that it would be belter to have
an artistic success even at the ex
pense of a little delay.
Accordingly the play was not put on
the stage labt night, but will be pre
sented this evening, and to-morrow
evening with all the careful detail and
scenic surroundings that have made
that piny so continued a success.
Worl. on it Will Kocin To-day.
Without much flourish of trumpets
the Messrs. Taylor have gone ahead
with their motor line project, pur
chased rails and other mntcrial, and to
day begin the work of building the
Grading will begin in the vicinity of
the Seaside cannery.
There will be about twenty men em
ployed under the supervision of H. Ii.
Tbiclson, which number will le aug
mented as the work progresses.
Mrs. Stout, of Sea View, is in town.
E. L McCouslland of Albany, Or.
is in the city.
Geo. Hunter, of Cathlamet, is in
K. Osboru has been appointed a
notary public
Alex. Bemslciu and L. L. Greeutree,
of Portland, are at the Occident.
L D. Austin, and S. K. Stanley, of
Sea Side came to town yesterday.
Geo. W. Williams, of Portland, came
down last night and is at the Parker
Jacob Yrongniist is tired of owing
allegiance to a Russian czar and has
filed his first papers for citizenship in
tliis conutry.
The Corwin went out yesterday
morning on a cruise north.
Tho Santa Iloia leaves for Califor
nia this morning. Among her freight
are a dozen Columbia river fishing
boats for Alaska.
The Santa Jtosa came down yester
day and goes out to sea this morning.
She received quite an increase in the
aount of her freight here by taking
on a large supply of box material.
The Manzanita returned fiom
Portland and up the river yesterday.
She has done considerable work aud
the channels will be much improved
ia consequence by her arranging of
Imoys and removing snags.
Tho Slate of California arrived
veeterdav. In "the morning a report
was spread around town that she left
ednesday and hence would not be
bere before to-day, but to the surprise
of Bisny she came iu during the after
soon. The "Great Metropolis" com
pany were on board. She carried 38
toss of freight for Astoria and drew
17 feet of water aft Tho tide was
qajfe low audrhen the steamer started
from the wharf, the water became a
little muddy. Some observers stand
ing near by thought she ntst have
toacbed bottom, but in reality it was
the dirt and ashes which were emptied
ot Captain Ackley reported head
wiads nearly all the way up. This is
what delayed her arrival The list of
Bne&gers was a little smaller than on
Imt fonaer trip.
GeW glove buttoncr; return to Occi
ct hotel bar and receive reward.
A rellnc Army Turned IiOOc in .1 Tor.n
On the Mississippi.
i Three men two canuers and a A meeting of the executive commit
newspaper reporter were in a barber tec of the Oregon Pioneer and Ilistor
shop yesterday, waitinir their turn, ical society consisting of E. "NY. ?.Ior-
They looked at Pucl: and Harper's
and talked about the ice at The Dalies
and the prize fight that an ex-mayor
i"i" i' -v iur, anu iois 01 ouier.iu spec:;:! &uisiuu t.nu.i iu uou-
things, and at last got talking about sidcr a communication received from
"When I was living in a steamboat
town on the Mississippi," remarked
one of those present, "thero was a fel-
low who mit tin n vprv Tinnt inh nu lhf ,
inhabitants, against whom he must
have had some terrible grudge. He
came into the town one day and dis-1
tributed hand bills right and left, ink- 1
ing special pains to put as manv of
them as possible into the hands of
farmers, who had come in to sell their
'That was before the railroads came
1 to take business awav from the rier
towns, some of v;hich had an immense
trade. The place I was in had 8.000 I
I or 10,000 inhabitants and was the ship-1
ping port for all the grain raised Tor
miles around, :is well as the place
where the farmers obtained all their
"These bills that were .so freely
scattered about plated that the adver
tiser had a contract with a certain 1
steamboat company fur furnishing a
large number ot cats to destroy tne
rats and mice that were very numer
ous about the wharehouses at difier
ent landings along the river. He
therefore offered S3 for each full
grown torn cat, S2 for each healthy
female puss and 50 cents a head for
kittens old enough to get their own
living. All the cats were to be de
livered at a certain place in the town
on a Thursday evening the night
that a particular boat was due.
j "Well, that Thursday afternoon
I came and the .streets of the town were
just crowded with people. They came
' in wagons, on foot and on horseback,
i and every person carried a sack, some
j of them several. It reminded m of
1 the old riddle about St. Tves:
33ach wife had seven sacks.
Each sack had seveu caL,
Eich cut had seven kits.
Kits. cats, packs and wives.
How .nanj' were going to Si. Ives?
"13y evening between :,001 antlOOO
eats had been
fenceless eitv.
brought into that de-.
They were left in and '
of bows attracted by the eater-wauling
went to the old building '
and began amusing themselves by J
untying the bags and letting out the '
cats. Of couie tho cats began fight
ing and raised a noise like 10,000 de
mons. Suddenly a stampede occurred
and the animals rushed pell-mell into
the crowd, craw ling over people, jump
ing and fighting, and climbing walls
and loofs in a mad nice for liberty.
The boj's took after the cat, and tho ,
men joined in, determined to rid ihe
imui u i ie it-Hiii- iiivjiuers. ii.u next 1
morning there were a good many stray ,
cats seen aooivt in nack varus, ami a
good many dead ones Ijing in ihe
streets and alley. One boatman said
he counted over 400 dead cats in the
river. The man who perpetrated the
joke was never seen in ihe place again,
luckily for him.'
"Do you expect an bod to believe
this yam?' asked a man of about the
first speaker's age.
"Has aubody been aked lo believe
it?' was the rejoinder. And till were
silent, and the only sound audible was 1
the click, click of ihe touorial shears
echoiug through the shop.
I"it And I'nttr.iiw.
To-day the outgoing custom house
officials will turn over tho office its
hereditaments and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in any wise
appertaining to the incoming officials,
who, to-morrow will take charge
Tun Astohian takes this occasion to
express its sincere and grateful ap
preciation of the kindness and uniform
courtesy ot Collector Hobson and his
assistants, one and all, during their
official incumbency. None of them
were ever too busy or hurried to give
a reporter information, and the favors
in that line have been many.
In Mr. Ileilborn's furniture rooms
is a handsome chair; it is what may
be styled 4,an easy chair,' finely deco
rated, aud is a present from Messrs.
Higgins, Ferguson, Dealy and Boel-
hng io Collector Hobson on the oc-
casion ot his retirement rrom oihce,
as a mark 01 personal regard and a
token of esteem, as well as a memento
of the pleasant official relations sus
tained by those gentlemen during the
four years of active duty iu the cus
tomhouse. Pempsey Will 15e Hoard from Soon
Jack Dempsev, the
came up on the hlatc yesterday en
route to Portland, where his wife's
folks live. He was looking very well
aud in good enough condition for an
other fight.
He said that McCarthy was only
play for him aud that ho really pitied
hnn. His apparent sympathy for him
during the contest was not put on for
effect, but he knew the man was having
hard work to come to him at
the beginning of each round.
When asked about LaBlanchc and
the prospects of a fight with him, he
said: "LaBlanche knows he has got to
accept my challenge or go branded as
a coward, so he has made out this
foolish condition of putting up his
saloon. If he thinks 1 want cold which settled on her lungs; she
that saloon he is mightilv mistaken. ' a.s li"d a month by her family phy
I want a good, fair sum of monev as t c'cian imt grew vore. lie told her she
the stakes. That place of his iu San I IZZZffZTfJ'r'1 S
t-, . . , ., c-, -nn 1 1 isi it 110 lucdiciiie count run lier. iter
Francisco is not worth over Sl,o00 to , finj.rj, su""ested Dr Kin"- V w
2,000. It is hard for him to get back- j Discovery' lorl'.m-uusptiou ; w beugh: 1
ers since my set io with McCarthy, .a bottle ami to herueliht found herself I
which mav be tho reason why he dc-
he dc-
will be
.r t
pends on the saloon. I can
say this, that in a short time I
heard from, on La Blanche's offer. 1 1
will not let him get out of fighting if I
can help it"'.
There will be a social dance at Liberty
Hall on Satin dty evening under the
auspice of the Alpha .Social club. The
grand march will be played at oeiocir.
Ut7.ingcrs orchestra will furnish the
music: admission one dollar.
Do You Like a Geotl Cignr?
Call at Charley Olsen's, cast of C. 11.
Cooper's. He will suit you. A fine
stock of cigars to select irom.
For Fine rketegraplis.
Go to Misses Carruthcrs' photograph
gallery: Third street, opposite Mor
gan & Sherman's.
Wciuliarft' Brer.
And Free Lunch at ihe Telephone Sa
loon, fl cents.
TeicpheHcliOdKiB llense.
IJcst Ueds In town. Koomsper night
50 and 23 cts., per week S1J50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Iteinember the Austin house at the
Seaside i3 open the year 'round.
Of the Orcein
anl Historical
rison, president, John Hobson. vice.suiis Bom people; let them enjoy it
president, 11 C. lloldcn, recording sec- !,, if is onlv folly to lay down a gen-
relary, and Capt. J. H. D. Gray, met
the more recenth organized "Whitman
JIistoric.il society at "Walla Walla,
Wauli., of which I'rof. A. J. Anderson,
president of "Whitman college, is pres-
In view of the probable failure in
carrying out the original proposition
and 'intention of the founder of the
Oregon P. and H. society, the late Hon.
AV. H. Gray, who was a colleague of
the martvr. Dr. Marcus "Whitman, to
erect a S20,000 monument to the mem
ory of "Whitman on the spot where he
was massacred by the Indians, the
"Whitman Historical society now pro
poses to erect a suitnoie monument
within lb grounds of Whitman col-
lege, at "Walla Walla, and ask that the
contributions to the original "Whitman
monument fund, now in Ladd's bank,
Portland, and under the control of
the Oregon P. aud 1L society, be trans
fencd to the Whitman college monu
ment fund. The following resolutions
was presented
by secretary Holdcn
subject to the rati
and adopted
fication of the members of the
Oregon P. and II. society,
who will have an opportunity to ex
press any objections they may have at
n special meeliug of the society, to be
held in this citv on Thursday, March
I!uolcc(l, That the fund now in
hand collected by the Oregon Pioneer
and Historical Society, an 1 contrib
uted by the donors for the special pur
pose of causing a monument io be
erected to the memory of Dr. Marcus
Wliiimnn lir Irrmcfnrrot ! lo mmi.
tiirWktif Tfltwl rT flirt "WMif i rryrk-n "lTiz:4rni
cal Society at Walla Walla. Wash.,
and that the secretary be and is
hereby authorized and instructed to
take the neessnry steps toward trans
ferring the same.
lii.solrul, That the Raid fund shall
be so transferred only on condition
tliat it bo used in carrying out the
object for tthich it was created, viz. to
aid in the construction ot a monument
commemorative of the massacre by
Indians near Walla Walla of the dis
tinguished pioneer and martyr to tho 1
cause of Christianity and civilization, 1
Dr. Marcus Whitman.
The meeting was then adjourned to
the 13th of March next, when the
members of the society at large will
be asked to ratify the action of the ex
ecutive committee if they think proper
lo do so.
Cnod fur Sto(h. 1
J State of Oregon vsHenrick Nelson;
It is a lucky thing for the people of I for sentence, two years in the peni
Orcgon that they caunot raise corn so lentiary.
cheaply as thoe of the Missouri valley 1 B. linrk vs Victor Hansen; appeal
regions cau. Of till the food ever pro- ( dismissed on motion,
dnced Indian corn is the most tempt-. J?. L. Jefierv vs 11. W. Tompkins;
ing to the careless or lazy feeder. It . on trial with tho following jnrv: M.
-g po eagv lo ther arms full aml
habl.ci(s fnll anil llirow oufc lo Uiesiock
or omplv wagon loads over ihe vast
cattle Ileitis, or io leave the
eorn on
ihe stalk3 for tho cattle lo help them-
sehe'. ho when corn is very cheap
why feed anything eke? In this state of
things disease soon breala? out among
stock aud the secret ot disease is in the
lack of bone-making qualities in the
grain. As bone, hair, skin and nails are
constantly growing and falling off from
the lxnly, food must re-supply what
ever is lol. In time the horse,-, get
big head or their legs break under the
animal's weight. Thousands of re
markable incidents could be related j chorus recently imported from Eng
in proof of this. At pom experiment land, says tho Boston Globe.
stations hogs have been confined to s-ofl
water and corn for some time when
their lgs have broken by the effort
made in getting up. Prof. Sanborn of
the Missouri agricultural college re
ported several such cases. Horses
walking along have
broken 1
tneir legs wnen maicing a
harder pull. Examination ot the
bones prove them to be honey
combed. No growing or work animal
should be fed com. The rule is to
fatten Ihe stock with corn for a few
weeks just prior to marketing. It is
:us a faltener that com liecomcs the
grandest of foods. Yonug hogs fed on
corn are stunted into mere gobs of fat.
The great bono producers are beans,
Ieas, oats, barley, and Avheat. Slrange
to say that turnips, ruta bagas, bcels,
elc. fed to stock enlarge their diges -
tivc iwwers and enable them to take
double tho quantity of flesh that ex
j elusive graiu feeding will
So alfalfa,
' clover, and timothv
ire also great
. .
Tiie Ator:.i AbMrart Title suil Tnt-t Co.
Articles of incorporation were yea-
' ttS11 lCT!y (f
!?JP,?fe, ."a1.,fila.C
Title and Trust Co. The duration of
the incorioration is unlimited. The
' object is to buy, sell and manage real
estate, and construct, lca!e anddis-
duct a general real estate business.
examine title-, to real estate, make ab
stracts or titles, etc. The amount of
the capital stock is 11,500, divided
into 200 shares of the par value of
S72.50 each.
The incorporators are E. Z. Pcrgu
son, C. .T. Trenchard and .T. E. Hig
gins. Rt-iti:irkabl I5esr:i.
I 31rs. Michael Curtain. Plaiu'ielii, IN.,
makes list' statiiiiiMir Hint sln r.innlit.
hent lited from first do. Hie fontin
lK'Utlited from fifet rioe. Hie tontin -
I "I'd "N '1 after taking 1 -n bottle
I f,,l5,"l hiTM'ir xmiid and well, now dots
her hoitM-woik and is as u ell a- she
-er was. Tree trial botlli s f this great
Discoveiy at J. w. Conns Drug More,
laige b tiles, 50c and 1.
Mas. Wixm.ow's SooTiuxo Sykup
should always be used for children
teething. It .-oothes the child, i-ortens
the puins.allaj all pain, cures wind
chohcandis the best ivmedv fordiar-rluea.Twenty-f.ve
cents a botile.
3Ica(s Coo tie it to Order.
IMvate rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, myct to Foard tfc
Coilee and cake, ten rents, at the
Central Restaurant.
Ludlow's Ladies' S3X0 Fine Shees:
also flexible hand-turned French Kids,
at I..l. Goodman's.
The latest style of Gents Boots and
Shoes at p. j. Goodman's.
GbiULreii GryferPitclier's Castoria
PSll?riSia!nS,,.tlie ai"J Ien1i'Ha ord ahrw ; ' stiff abed i
;?? f f T' d-CCt ren?,and thought this was strange, you know,
act as agent and depository, and con- ,. , 1 .iu...i 'V - w,i
No General Knle Can Be Laid Down on
the Subject.
All the talk about early rising is
moonshine. The habit of turning out
of bed in the middle of the night
crn nlie upou the subject Some men
nre nt lor notumg au uay aiier mey
have risen early everj-morning. Their
energies are deadened, their imagina
lions are heavy, their spirits are de
pressed. It is said you can work so well in
tho morning. Some people can, but
others can work best at night; others,
again in the afternoon. Long trial
and experiment form the only con
clusive lasts upon these points. As
for gelling up early because Professor
AU-Gnmmon'lins written letters to the
papers proving the necessity of it, let
no one be goose enough to do it N
We all know the model man, aged
1 80: "I invariably rise at 5; I work
three hours, take a light breakfast
namely, a cracker and a pinch of salt;
work live hoars more; never smoke,
never drink anything but barley-water;
eat no dinner, and go to bed at G
o'clock in the ecning.' If any
body finds that donkeyfied sort
j of a life suits hnn by all means
1 let him continue it. Bat
few people would care to live to 80 on
these terms. If a man can not get all
withered and crumpled up on easier
conditions than those it is almost as
well that he should depart before he
1 is a nuisance to himself and a bore to
everybody ele.
Schoolboys and young people gen
erally ought to get up early, for it is
found ihat nine tenths ot them can
stand it and it does them good. But
M no one torture himself with the
1 thought that he could have been twice
1 as good a man as he is if he had risen
everv morning at davligh t The habit
kill half of m in lev than five
eiirmr rouiiT pnormuxus,
Feb. 27
C. Hansen vs. E. Iledgei
Taylor J. '
and ill. ,
Devol; judgment on verdict.
State of Oregon vs. Joe Baker;
pleads nol guilt' aud former acquittal
on same charge. Trial Saturday
Wingate and Stone vs. Herman
Wise: on trial.
E. P. Tarker s. J. A. Richardsen:
,u,tir 'l'PoiuunK . x. uoown .0
' 1fce,seiTc oE comI,1nt- . . .
ateof Oregon vs. ang Hi; ctals.
1 :ii i.i fi tt.i
motion made for separate trial, denied.
Bergman & Marion vs. H. A. Smidt;
motion for judgment for want of an
swer and motion for continuance. Both
denied and given until 3 r. si. to
Deveretix, F. Sherman, A. H. Sale, J.
W. Conn. W. A. Johnson, R J. Mor
rison, John N land, Joe I)clauey, Jno.
Caswell, L. B. Howard, John Hender
son, L. M. Henry- Non-suit allowed.
Astoria & South Coast By. Co. vs
George Hill; demurrer to answer, arg
ued. A Cood Washington Hotel.
Harry Askin, who travels ahead of
the Casino opera company, tells a
good story about fun-loving Jimmie
Powers and a member of the Casino
Tne company had just arrived in
Washington, and tho Englishman
asked Powers for information about
the hotels.
"Oh there are lots of them here,"
answered the comedian. "There's the
Willard. the Arlington, the "
But 1 mean a bloody good 'onse
for iwo and a 'alf or three a
j "It's a bang up hotel you want, is it,
' my lxy? Well, there's the White
t house, now'll that strike yon?'
"Is it a good 'nn?'
.None better in tuciand. Tne pres
ident and his wife stop there all the
"Let's get a cab and drive hover.
I'd like to se& his polw, you know.'
1 Arriving at the gate leading io tho
1 While Hous, Powers told his friend
to go and engage the rooms. He
. would wait outside. In less than
tnree minutes tne iJritisuer returned,
looking ferocious enough io chew
tne joker into mincemeat, it was an
hour or so before he became suflicient-
! 1 calm to appreciate tho joke. Final-
1 Iv, however, ho recovered sufficiently
JJ tfnfg6 So "SoS dorfrcher
kiio'v a ' ? E&iStf c&ddiap in
buttons answered the bell. Whin I
asked un where tho clerk s desk was
he looked'at me like as I was crazy,
an' said as there was no clerk at tho
the black bloke if, I could
'ave a room. Then the blarsted
snoozer burst out a-laughing, an' I got
mad, and when he said as ow they
didn't run a 'otel 1 thought as he was
a-joking of me, and was a-going to
pnuch 'is 'cad for 'im, when he told
me the presidents private residence
was no 'otel. Then I knowed as 'ow
you ad joked me."
flippy Hoosicrs.
Wm. Timmons, postmaster of Ida
viMe. Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters
!i::sdon more for me than all other
medicines combined, for that bad feel
ing arising from Kidney and Liver
1 rouble.' John Leslie, farmer and
.stockman of same place, sas: "Find
Klectiic Uitlcrto be the host Kidney
and Liver medicine; made me feel like
a new man.' .1. W. Gardner, hardware
j a new man.' .1. v. (turclner,
merchant, same town, say:
Hitlers is just Ihe thing fi.r t
haM run down and don't cat
a man w ho
care whether
he lives or dies: he found newstrength.
good apjKtite and felt just like he had a
newlf.i-e on life. Only 50o. a bottle, at
.J. W. Conn's Drug Store.
The West One-Half of Block
McCIure's Astoria.
Onlv three blocks south of the Odd Fel
lows' oulldinR. There is a line dwelling on
this choice property that will rent at top
figures the year round.
For further pariiculars inquire of
JPojcucl for JE"Lon.t
With forty-five head of cattle for half the
increase. Call or write to
Vesper, Clatsop County. Or.
As Filed la The Coaaty Recorder's Ofice
E. P. Thompson to Jno. A.
Walem, lot 9, blk 11, War
ren ton S
Laura Stanley to S. K Stan
ley, EK SWK. sec 15, WK
SW, sec 14, T 6 N, R 8 AV
C. J. Hall to Titos. Dennv, lot
8, blk 6, Columbia ....'.
D. K Warren to H- C. Thomp
son, part of the donation
land claim of J. G. Tuller in
T8N.R10W 1,770
Harwell Young to Wm. Tagg,
lots ii3, 24, blk 12, Alder
brook J. H. Mansell to Frank Spittle,
10 acres in section 30, T 8 N,
R8W .
W. L. Bobb to O. P. Inderg
gard, lots 11, 12, blk 2, East
Silas B. Plimpton to B, Mc-
Math, landin T8 N, B 6 W;
lot 1, SWK, sec 26; lot 4,
sec 25, lot 4, John West do
nation land claim; SWJLf of
sec 36, portion of lot 5, sec
36, portion of SWi sec 36. 7,000
Previously reported tni3 year 846,381
Total to date 856,906
Blade by Joy Vegetable SaraapazlIIa.
Mrs. Leiden, an aged and feeble lady at 613
Mason St, San Francisco, after foln down
steadily for months was completely restored
and is now well and healthy.
J. II. Brown, book-keeper, Petaluma, cored
entirely of bis Indigestion and constipation.
Miss Clara Melvin, 138 Kearney street, S. F.,
cured of aa aggravated case of indigestion
and constipation.
J. R. Fouratt, Chief Wharflnari foot of
Clay street, S. F., cored of pains In tho back,
liver trouble and sick headaches.
Mrs. J. Lanmherc, 1243 Market street, a P.,
had been under physicians' care for two
years for liver complaint With the third bot
tlo she regained her old acenstcoed health.
Fred A. Blocker, Baldwin Hotel, B F., suff
ered for years with dyspepsia. Felt better
tho first week and Li now cured.
GustavSolomonof.223ValanclAitnNtt.3 p
cured of elck headaches andliyer tr mble.
Edward Nestell, 7) Everett street. S. F..
cured of pains In the back and chronic btV
And over 1000 others.
Old Reliable dothler and Hatter
Occident Hotel Building.
By Special Bepest
Twenty Per Cent Off
Now is the time, don't wait. All these goods are marked in
plain figures. The above percentage will be deducted on all
cash purchases.
i. .......
This is no Peter
asEMiiC. H. COOPER, m
Marshall & Co.,
Sou Net Twines
For Sale by D. SMITH, Agent,
Offlce at Wherry & Co's.
Thompson & Boss
Carry a Full Line of
Choice Staple and Fancy
Give Us a Call and Be Convinced.
Carnahan & Go.
Comer Chenamus and Cass streets.
Morgan & Sherman
And Dealers In
Special Attention Given to Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered In any part of the city.
Office and "Warehouse
In Hume's Nw Rutldlng on Water Street.
F. O. Box 153. Telephone No, 37.
Wall Paper and Oil Paintings
Sign Writer, Graintrand
"Ornamental Painter.
Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria,
Wm. B. Adair,
N. E. Cor. Olney and Third Sts.
P.O., BOX 438.
Particular attention glTen to Properties
In Upper Astoria ;alo to pvrcbaM of Tim
ber Lands.
jLMaWSffv'w -. g 9HeS3B9E3&ssa SssiSBEj!
Funk business, but straight goods.
Block Twenty-Six
Hustler and Aiken's
This Fine Residence Property, Overlooking Young's Bay
on Southern Slope, is now on Sale.
Taylor' motor line and projected cable car line will pass in front of this Block.
Lots level and all cleared. The
Most Desirable and Valuable Residence Property in Astoria
John Hobson, Esq., will build a fine residence on this block in a few months.
Good neighbors make property desirable.
Wimp! te M ifoma
This Property is situated at the head of
Young's Bay and only thirty min
utes walk from TJ. P. Dock.
For Further Information 'Call on
Elmore, Sanborn & Co.
Flp, the Tailor,
Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings.
He buys for Cash, at Eastern Trices. He Guarantees the Best Workraa
on all garments. Call and see for yourselves.
Berth's Block, Astoria. -
f Zl J
v "rtJ '
5. .; v.

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