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The daily morning Astorian. [volume] (Astoria, Oregon) 1883-1899, November 21, 1895, Image 4

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. r Look at thiA- Wash . vBowl
and ...Pitcher; whooe make is
it? "J. and J. Meakin of Eng
land. Ir was whisked across
the eoa v,h 2h rpore of its
mates, ad here they are for
yon at 89c. for the pair! You
have heretofore paid $1.25 for
them, po don't come late or
they will be gone at this fig
Local weather for twenty-four hour
ending at 5 p. m. yesterday, furnished
by the United State Department of Ag
riculture, weather bureau.
.Maximum tomperature, 61 degrees.
Minimum twin ppp.it lire, 43 degree.
Precipitation, none.
Total precipitation from September lat
1895, to date, 6.87 toicbeU.
Deficiency of preclpitalton from Sep
terrfher lat, 1893, to Uuto, 9.63 Inches.
Ask vour grocer for I to Blend tea. It
will pleaae you.
E. 0. Cough Syriip wfll cure your cough
For sate at Estes-Craln Drug store.
Royal Society ;
Art Silks,
, Six Skeins for 25c.
TerVatd Spool
Erptooidery Silk,
ioc. Per Dozen.
Knitting Silks
- at 25c. a Spool.
I filbert Darta 1
Meany Is the leading tailor, and pays
the highest cash price lor rur skins.
The coolest and best glass of beer In
town can be bought at the Gambrlnus
saloon, 12th and Commercial streets.
Those new perfume, Just received at
the Estes-Craln Drug Store are the finest
In the city.
Purest of wines, liquors and cigars
e'.egant free lunch all the dally papers,
at the Gambrlnus, 12th and Commercial.
Trade with Fourd Stokes Co., deal
ers In Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
provisions, flour, fruits and vegetables,
They will surely please you.
Hunger is a very disagreeable sensa
tion. There is a place In this town where
you can satsfy Us demands with the
cleanest and best 25 cent meal you eve
ate. That place Is Joe Terp'a.
Just arrived at Copoland & Thorsen's,
a nice line of high grade footwear for
ladles, an widths from A to BE. No
trouble to show goods, and satisfaction
guaranteed to every purchaser. Call and
examine them.
What brings people back to the Asto
ria Wood Yard after they have sounded
the possibilities everywhere else? May
be It's one thing, and May be It's another.
But the fact remains back they come.
And of course the Astoria Wood Yard Is
proud of It.
Until further notice tihe steamer Lur
llno will take live run of the R. R. Thomp
son on tho Astoria-Portland route, leav
ing As-torla from the O. R. and N. dock
at 6:45 a. m. dally, except Sunday, and
lNirttand fiom AHh street dock at 8 p. m.
daily, except Saturday. The Lurllne will
lake frelKht and passengers both from
her own wharf and the O. R. and N. In
this city an.l Portland. Tickets Issued
ly the O. R. nnd N. Co. or Vancouver
Transportation Co. are good on boat at
Pit her company.
lie seems quite fond of animal,
He thinks it Is a pity,
For he Is ring to the dogs
Because he loved the "kitty."
After the stormthe new moon'.'-.'
Col. John Adair, of 'Sunnyrrteiald, la In the
C. H. Callander, of Knappton, was pver
Geo. 'MciFartand, of McMInnvllle, is at
the Parker. ,
Dan McaJtiholt, of the Standard Oil Co.,
is in the city.. ... i.., .
A. Peterson, of Brookfield, Is registered
at the Parker.
J. M.
of the
Berry, of St. Louis, Is. a guest
E. A. SeeUy, of the Tcleiphone-Gatiert
line, Is In the city.
Mr. F. Stokes has
on a business trip.
gone to Portland
O. G. "Buer, of Cathlaimet, to .visiting
tola Astoria friends. ' id.,
: ; .1 ;i:
Miss 'Lund, of Foard and Stokeij, eays
it is going to rain again.
i.e.. no l;'
C. W. Haml'ln, of Clatsop, arent to Hare
last night on a business trip.? :xt.nc.
Chas. Ronenfeld, and Josephl Paquet,
Portland1, are at the Occident.
Jonco, of the contractors' office, lays that
m sorry to ibe relieved, of the mud.
dy trips" back anO-'forth to tiro big dltcn
You fap: purchase, a lot In morel cheap,
er than"' you can this-time next month
no Astoria Load and investment Co,
has the property for sale. Call amd see
taemj Txaiora t.io dhofce lota are all gone,
A unique gown for the opera Is trlmnne
up U.io skirt with, ruche of wane and
oiaoc truiie. xno gigantic sleeves are
rormcd of strips of china ribbon, dged
wUHvcrcam-colored Valenciennes, end are
caught on. the Shoulder with bum.hes Of
Ricas, Htfrsins & Co. eecurtd tile von
tracts for furnishing Wic supplies for the
Grasmere and the Vasca De Gamai. and
Ohrtetenscn & Co will supply idle meats
ror one uaigiite and the Pn.wyrn Castle,
Asiona mer.Mantj still keop in tho pro.
Ed. VoiKlhard was In from NdhaJem yes.
trday with a four-3vorse team and took
out a load of supplies. He says that with
neip Tram the city and iwtCIhi what aid
the farmers on gilve In that eeetion, they
win noon mave i road w'hkth can be trav
e.l in winter us well as in oummer.
reweruay morning a logger named
Stephen A. Hansen, who had been at
iwork near Catlhiamet Head, was brought
to tne city, sullering from severe in.
Juries, Including a "broken arm, caused by
a log roiling on turn. Dr. Eetes Is
charge of t!he case and States that the
man win soon bo an good as new.
Thie St. Louis Interstate Grocer of the
15tih Inst, contains another long article
in support of the Astorlan and its con
slstent course with regard to the fall
fishing question. The Fame Issue also
pays a migh convpllment to Mr. Jumes
A. Duffy, of this city, late business man.
aiger of the A'storlan, whose briht ideas
on 'two value of advertising in connec
tlon with 'Ohe snlmon business have been
so widely quoted lately.
The ladles of the Presbyterian church
will serve a. turkey dinner at the Hotel
Tlghe Thanksgiving day. Dinner will be
from 1U:30 to 3 o'clock and from 6 to
Price, 23 cents. No reduction for chil
dren. The bill of tare will be published
Tueaday morning. All who Slave premis
ed to contribute to this dinner or who
wish to do so, will confer a favor upon
those 1n charge by leaving a'-l donations
at the Hotel Tlghe not later than Wed
nesday forenoon, November 27fn.
To Renlt-.Purn'lHhwl Ihouse of five. rooms.
Enquire for one wfck at this office..
Moetlng today n't 2 o'clock' of thft-.W. C.
T. U, ttt 'tllieJr roams at Re-snuo' Hall, '
John Grant, of the North Shore, was
yesterday In t'ne cily on a shopping trip.
J. Blncbvll, one of the keepers ofTllla-
mook Rock, Is a guest of. the "Parker
'Onackor Jack" let a train on his rounds
amd yeascrdoy called on his lAstorla
Airltlcles of agreement were signed yes
terdUy between John Wlison and Ed. Wll
Hams for. a twenty-round clove content
under the Mlarquls of Queenstnury rules,
to tike place at Long Beach the 9th, of
December. Wilson Is well known to all
Astoria, sportsmen as a plucky and con
stetem't iperformer wJth the gloves. His
opponent is tald to be a clever man,
aind no doubt a spirited contest will re
suit. Neither man Is to weigh more than
1-10 pound's. In addition to the gate re.
celpta la side bet of $500 has been made,
Th articles iwere executed In Aetorla
yesterday and were witnessed by several
Nothing so distressing as a hacking
cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer
from it. Nothing so dangerous if al
lowed to continue. One Minute Cough
Cure gives immediate relief. Chas. Rogers.
SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cougb
and Croup Cure, is In great demand
Pocket size contains twenty-five doses
only 25 cents. Children love It Sold
by J. W. Conn.
NcIjv Restaurant-Serves all the dell
caole-s of the tvsiijon at the lowest prices.
Open until midnight. Hpec'al attention
given to theatre parties. No. 571 Comincr.
clal street.
Nwwton iPtiliilps,
of San Fram'isco,
and S. M. Seellgsohn,
ore guests of the Oc-
Presldkmt T. H. OiiirMs, of the North
west OonMriretion-ICo., hmi rettirncij from
A. McPherson, of the Richardson It
Boyntton Co., was Plvnklng hands Wfttv his
frlemlu yesterday.,
Afrs. IC. J. Richards, of Portland, agent
of 'Richards' pa'tent hull- tonic, is 1n the
city ifor a few days.
The Wort SMe 'Whist Cub held
weekly meeting yesterday aternioon
Mrs. C. V. Fulton's.
Captain Rk'liuriisjn, of the Columbine,
who has Jusst returned frcm Desrruotlon
Island, reports that he landed Light
Keeper Hair.son anl broug'irt off Assistant
Keeper Virtue at Tillaiirtook Rock on the
out trip. A large amount of winter isup
pilea iwere put off at the rock. On the
return trip mall and freth provisions were
put alboard the llgiht smip, where all were
foun'J weii. Fromi the llelhiuihlp a trip
Was made to Destruction Island with
Lnimplg; MoClure on toaid, wWo took
'mlnutics of the repairs -to te made on
the government railroad on the Island.
The weatWer being thick last nlsht the
Columlblne could not enter tihe river, but
stood off the light ship all nln'ht, wiiiioh
'tihe capialn believes is one of tihe grand
est aids to navigation On ;fhe coast.
We have choice property in Van Du.
sen's, Aiderbrook, Adair's, Shlve'.y's, Me
Clure's, Tnylor's, New Astoria, Warren.
ton, and Astoria Addition to Warrenton
for sale. Also money to loan in sums of
'X0 to (J.OOO on good real estate security,
Cheaper to Travol Tiian It Is to Slay at
AiKMiaer cut imis 1een mndo In oceiiin
nvtes to Sam FarneiSL-o by tho O. R, and
N. Vo. Taking effwt at once, the rates
Owiiwcen Alsterki nd San Francisco will
x: 'Oalbln, 5.00: steerage. J2.B0. The 8.
B. State of California W.tt sail We.lines-
rtay morrtlng. (1, W. LOUNS'UKRRY,
Overcoats and winter wraps will be in
fashion. They can be dlscairOed, tempor
arily while traveling Dn he steaim heated
trains of the Ohlcagj, Milwaukee and St.
Paiul Railway. l')r solid comfort, for
speed amd for srafety, no other line cam
compare with this gveat railway of Uie
Three comfortaibly furnished rooms,
wltJh hrst-cUa table hoard, at Mr Hoi
(ten's, corner tth and Diaatie streots.
hcAird wittiout room If desired.
For the remarkably small sum of 11
cents one can procure an excellent chick
en dinner every Sunday at the popular
''Denver Kitchen," east side of 9th street
between Astor and Bond. Mr. Richard
son, the proprietor, also assures the pub
lic! that they can obtain at his place a
we.l-cooked, well served breakfast, din
ner or supper any day In the week for
the above mentioned price. Give him a
call and be convinced that he speaks the
For a dlnn served on the Dining cars
.-. i v..,cago, .Milwaukee and St. Paul
Railway, will be sent to any address on
receipt of a two cit potaw stamp. Ap.
ply to Geo. H. Hafford, tfctivral lessen.
Smiio!1"' ''4 C'"my I,l"M'"' Ohl?go.
Another gang of workmen were yester.
day inWrrnoon waiting on tho dock for a
boat to ta'ke tlhelm to the railroad camp.
Fur fine photognaiplha or crayon portraits
call on W. F. Snodgrass, 728 Commercial
street. The ibest and cheapest -pl'iee dn
town. ., '.I iitiit .'.
'Miss Nollle Flynn, of Vancouver, Wash,
cister of Mrs. D. Khatrahan, iarrlytd,Pun
day morning and will remain ovec.the
All of the stores are 'beginning ' to put
on tlhelr holiday attire, parWoularly the
Trtamets, wh'lcti are preparing for ye
turkey day. ,. .
W. E. Taipptn; Ttl. J. Kinney's travelling
man, has arrived home from a long Ulp,
liurtng wihidhi ihe vlsltel his old home In
. . ,: iv ,i
Now Is tihe Uime to pick out your lot in
Flaivel. Ca.il around at the otllce of the
Astoria Land and Investment (Jo and
see the plat.
Many people last night attended the
opening n't Herman Wkte's and1 adimlred
the hnn&'ovne store, Its decorations, r.nd
beautiful lights. - - . .
SLri'..liitenJou! IVVattls, a! the J'all
read construction work, came in from
coi.Tip yesterday afternoon nnd rnys that
the walking Is good.
I-iange beaver and fell hats trimmed
with velvet loops land 'bows, iwlt'h pom
poms cf ftial.lwris or of iilk of lighter, hue.
are piioiiuresnue for little girls.
The iwnfters of tlhe bay yesterday af
ternoon during the fihort storm were quite
rougih, and the White caps curling over
l'he di.ii:-k blue 'Wa'tetii made a bMuttful
Tliie o.i'ier ti'lght "Bcb" M'ay, the well
known Portland travelling man, won a
IKty-cent chrnr wlttout taking any of
the deadly enhances that rmia'Jy gj with
betting. He and a friend bearded a
Plflih street cable cur In Portland, and
on the way Bob proposed to bet a fifty
cent olgor f iat the car ihad a fender on
It. His friend took the bet, aind at the
next corner 'tHjey disembarked to examine
Ihie ci.ir, and found that no ifender was
alttacheJ. "I guefs I win the bet," snid
t'iio fi'ier.'J. "I gue-s not," remarked
Dob, and called out, "Come livere, George,"
At ehat a gentleman came out on the
rear platform. "Mr. Fender," said Bob,
"let m'3 malice you acquainted with my
frlonij, Mr. ," amd soon they arrived
at the Louvre, and clouds of a'.-o-natlc
vapors almost enveloped 'line winner of
tho bet.
Tlf'a excellent company, which Is to ap
pear at Fisher's Opera House tomorrow
and Saturday nights, is worthy of the
rnont liberal patronage. The criticisms
of Uhelr performance all over tlhe county
are inert flattering and it to fair to pre
sume that all lover of good drama In
Astoria will R'lve them a rousing flrwt
night. The bill for the opening night will
be a double one, the sparkling comedy,
"The Arabian Nights," and the remam'Ic
curtain raiser, "The Violin Maker of
Cremona." On Saturday evenlnif, their
farewell night, they will present the
fitrong romantic seiml-mllftary drama,
"Hermlnle. or five iCrosj of Gold." Not
wiltllvstandlng the greuit expense Incurred
In ibrlnglng tlhe company here, Mnnager
'Beggs has aranged the seals of prices
at 23, 60 and 76 cents.
Mnch Business Transacted Last
Ctty Agrees to Pay the Special Po
lice Engaged During the
Waterworks Strike.
Corner 1-lfh and' Commercial Streets.
All kinds of fltJh and poultry on hand
Including a lejted stock of cigars nd
tobaccos, candle., fruit, etc. Give me
trial. MRS. FEAKES
nlLiV- H10wr ling d..ntlstT
inrf t?, ""wess of crown and
S.n.2f WOrk ai ts and 1114s
teeth wlthoutpoJn. . . , ,
tru.'h. -'!"" but "i" clea'r-cut
i statement that to secure pr-
L!tltr D'1 " ln "i
" IZTZTT'!'1 Prlees-you must
go to- ths firm of John Hahn Co.. 7
Commercial strMt. . . .
ROYAL Baking Powder
has been awarded highest
honors at every world's fair
whera exhibited
Qeoige Klnnetson, Fred W. Johnson, Al
bert Danleiison, and Chas. Peumson, wiiio
were over from Fort Stevens yesterday,
silent t.h'O dny vtsrKlng r niHTierous
Ieavv your orders at tHus "Pat" Mar
ket, 571 Commercial street, for Thanki
giving turtteys. On thbuyand poundB
evime direct from Southern Oregon this
Jc'ui Mittson has re turned from Fin
land where the epei.t a year or so. Mr.
MUKflin was .witil Mer. Fonnl
Stoke for a THimibw of years tbtfece he
left for t'.io old country.
People have watted a long time for
i'lio FJaveJ property to toe placed on the
market, but t.ve time lus come at Inst,
'Tb Astoria Land and Investment Co. has
tihe pit ready for Inspection.
Cory Ilrotihcrs' office haa been recently
llt'red up with a new counter and cah
ier's d.iiartiment. The final coat of paint
as iput on yesterday and the otllce now
rreaenis a vfry neat appearance.
Phobably three quarters of the house
keepers of America us. Royal 'Baking
powder. W'.iy?
T!k . workmen on the railroad 'grade
above .Tongue Point have struck asy
dirt to work in wet weather. It la large
ly a 'couipuund of sanl and gravel, and
good rror-! can be made through It.
Holders of StiaUe Insurance Co. policies
will p.va?s bring polities to me, and I
miiil re-wrife. them-., ,v i
'' A. R. CYRUS. Agent.
Th liiUJ of tens Congreatlonal churrti
rrJ:t ccriia'ly Invite yenr to attend) re
ception given in honor of your own birth
day at '.Mrs, M.. A. 8tev-nn', b& Franklin
vom?. Friday ewnlng, November 2M.
Tie big or xct ln Uppertown a 111 be fin
Isitr 1 tocjjy or tomorrow, and Ca.hler
I Drkfast.
1 Halved Oranse
I Fried Yellow Meal Mush.
I Minced Veal. Sliced Ham.
1 Flann-1 Cakes. Honey
'' Lundheon.
'l'r.Jo Bisque Soup. Wffers.
Hot Biscuit. Jelly.
Sou?. Cream of Bnkevl Beans.
Curtrled slices of idlallbut. Boiled Rice.
Turnips, with Wtiitlte Sauce.
' Ittuee Salad. Frem-h Divisslng.
Boiled Cablnelt PihMing.
" Coffee.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Mt Perfect Made..;
' 40 Years the Standard. .
A regular meeting of the city council
was 'held in the city hall last evening.
Mayor Kinney occupied the chair and all
councilmen were in their seatc except
Thomson and Seherneckaiu.
The following Is a summary of the busl
nera transacted:
A petition for an electric light on 14th
and Bond streets was referred to the
street ccmimlttee authorizing it to place
a llgiht at What corner.
' A petition from H. F. Bruhn asking per
mission to pay his bond street assess nent
on tho installment plan, referred to the
street committee with power to act.
The petition (from the Postal Tekgraph
Company asking 'for permission to erect
poles In 'tlhe city WmtU was referred to
the same committee.
A petition from property holders in the
vicinity of 7th street and Grand avenue
asking for the placing of an electric light
on that corner, referred to the street com
mittee. Petition frdm certain residents on
Bond street, calling attention to the fact
that a house of prostitution is a'bMit
to 'be opened on that otreet, and reques:
ing that ifhe necciary stepa be taken to
abate the nuisance, referred to the com
mittee on health and police.
Petitions for liquor lleeness from Ut
zlnger & Hock, Harry Hamblett and Har
ry Jones' were granted.
Petition from the A. and C. R. R. R. Co.
for a 'franchise across the streets and
hlglhijvays tit Astoria was placed on file.
Cominvurtlieation from the water convmte
fion ln regard to the payment of the
special policemen engaged during the wa
terworks otirlke was on motion of Coun
cilman Welcih adopted and the auditor
Instructed to draw warrants for the pay
ment of the several sums.
Remonstrance agalns: planking road
way between Salmon and 18: h rtre-ts
until some time In the future, was placed
on file.
Remonstrance niiaint the proponed im
provement along 17th street, was placed
on file.
Remonstrance against the Improvement
of Irving avenue from 18'h street ".o 24th
(street referred to street coin-mllitee.
Preposition from A. S. Bennett on the
a 'segment of his city property was re
ferred to tlho eoonmlttee on wayij and
Report of the commltce on streets and
public ways on ttie Daivid Airthi propjst
tlon recommending tihat It be accepted,
was adopted.
In the matter of the petition for the
Improvement of lftth street from Com
mercial to Irving avenue, too city sur
veyor was Instructed to report on grades
before any notion be taken.
In the matter of the petition for the
city to build an approach to the ferry
aerofls Young's bay, the committee's re
port that when the county built the
brklge the city weald fc Its sliare, was
The report of the street committee on
grades for Second street was read and
adopted. -
Report ifrom committee on health and
police on the bill posting petition of
Oiarit'j Simpson requesting that an ordi
nance be drawn up ln accordance with
Bhe request, was adopted.
Report fron sundry persons neklng the
council to donate $100 to Mrs. O. Peter
son was adopetd and petition granted.
Report from t'.ie commltee on streets
and public ways on the estabHshiment of
grade tor Columbia avenue was adopted
Report of saime commute for grades
on Alameda avenue, adopted.
Report of committee on streets and pub
11c ways on bids for limbor was adopted
Ordinances appropriating the sum of
$1041 for the .benefit of L. Leback for
street .wiork: arioraprlallng out of the
14tlh street fund for L. Leback the turn
of $S4CT.ri0; fixmir Hie compensation for tne
city Sexton at $10 perimonitih: transferring
$500 from the police fund to tlhe cemetery
fund for the purpose of keeping the
cemetery in proper condition, were read
first and second times.
Ordinances were parsed regulating the
manne- of conducting city cleotiors; ap
propriating out of the 45th street fund
for uhe ibenellt of S. Normlle the turn
of $412.16; appropriating to the same party
out c'f tihe general street fund for the Im
provement of ero'dlngs on 4oth etreot.
he sum of $111.38; appropriating out of
the Duane rftreet fund for the benefit of
N. Clinton & Sans, the sum of $3a04.98:
appropriating out of the general street
fund for construction of ciwlntM or.
Du.iiie street, for the benefit of N. Clin
ton and Sonu, tfhe sum of $t!3; and reg
ulating ti'vt Ueens'Ing of theateis.
A 'motion was made nnd carried that
tihe council hold an adjourned ' meeting
cn Weimfilay evening next, at 7:30
o clock for the purnop? of ' further con.
slderlng tub railroad franchise ordlnam?e.
uMiK'.imira ne:cn gave notice thit at
ttie adjourned meeting to be held Wed
mwuay evemng ,ne wou.ri ntroduee an
ordinance imiklng the suiry of the aud
itor and police Judge $HK) per month
KeHo.utlon deeiirinir the rtn'wrminntin
of tlhe council to hniprove 8th Nreet. from
south line, of Commercial to oulh line
c magara street, adopted.
Resolution directing the board of n
seom to make the assessment for the
improvtmeiH or 14th street, aduntnl.
Reiioluiion directing the boanl of asses-
soru to imuKe the assessment for the
lmprovumeni or IMiune street, aJojited
tkraoiutions providing that notices be
given of the filing of the ropons of the
lev.ui ase.w.nents for Wie Improvement
vi wun street, and Irvine avenue, a.lonf.
rlesirous of retiring nnd says tlhnt.Jie
l,it-s his .best wlsJies with tola successor.
Ju what business he win emage in ho
has not announced, but now that the
railroad Is assuerd he will protmibly qnrry
out ecMenios long cJicnaruM.
The following transfers of real estate
were filed for record In the county record
er's office yesterday:
B. C. Kindred, and wife, to F. W.
Johnson, lot 18, Block 10, First
Addition to Kindred Park, $
R. IL. Boyle and wife to C. C.
WanwMt, Lot 9, tin sub-dlvislon of
Lots 1, 2, 7, and S, Block 66,
Adair's 'Astoria
George Btirtley to S. E. Utlngzer,
all right, title, and interest in
saloon and fixtures known as the
Minnie E. Barrett to Duncan Scott1
Lots 12 and 13, Block 9, Railway!
C. C. Warwick to J. I'. Peterson,
Lot 9, In sub-division of Lots 1,
2, 7 and 8, In Block 66, Adair's!
C. R. Hlgglns to Aug. Takalo, Lots
3 and 4, Block 3, 'Astoria addition
to Warreton
Noffce Is hereby given that sealeJd pro
posals will be received by the committee
on ways and means of the ctty council
or tlhe city or Astoria, Claitsop County,
Oregon; untiii ieoemoer l&tfh, 1895, at 2
o clock p. m., ror tlhe saCe of Astoria mu
nicipal bonds in the sum of $50,000 at six
per cent for twenty yeairs.
For full particulars addres K. Osburn
Auditor and Police Judge, Astoria, Oregon.
The right to reject any and all bids Is
hereby reserved.
By order of the Comlmon Council,
Attest: K. OSBURN,
Audlitor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, Ntov 11th, 1835.
A twister In twisting
May twist him a twist,
For In twisting a twist
Three twists make a twist;
But if one of the twists
Untwists from the twist,
The twist untwisting '
Untwists the twist. " '
That Is, when it's twisted' with
other twine than MARSHALL'S.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed plans,
specifications, strained diagrams, and bids
will be received by the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Clatsop County,
until Monday, January 6th, 1896, at 2
o'clock p. m., for the building, erection
and oon-RVructlon of a bridge across the
Lewis and Clarke River, in Clatsop coun
ty, Oregon, acordlng to such plans, spe
cifications and diagrams, at a point where
the county road leading from Clatsop or
Junction City, to N. E. corner of land of
C. N. Hess on Young's Bay, crosses said
river. Each bidder thai! deposit with his
bid, cash or certified check payable to
the order of the County Clerk to the
amount of ten per cent of his bid, which
snail oe rorrenei to ttie county in case
the award Is made to him and he failB,
neglects or refuses for the period of two
days after such award Is mode, to enter
Into contract and file hiis bond in the man
ner required by and to the satisfaction of
said county court. The plans, specifica
tions and diagrams will be subject to the
approval of the Hon. Secretary Of War,
of the United States. The payment for
said contract to be mode by an order on
the County Treasurer. The right to
rejeft any and all bids Is hereby reserved.
By order of the County Commissioners.
County Clerk.
Dated, November 7th, 18J5.
If tou want a sure relief for pains in the back, aide, chest, or
limbs, use an
leocks Plaster
Bear in Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits and imita
tions is as good as the genuine.
The Loiaest Prices
and the largest Assortment I
Foard & Stokes.
. .....-... .-. . .....
lOllltS .
Columbia livcr
Ghat m&hi if far
When vou hnw r I MAvVn..UM.. .. '. '
Whaf you &re qettino
Ait L e AOirJo
("!Cfl!S Is THf Wo5
Royl Sca1"J
Snap R jodak
at any man coming out ol
our store and you'll get a
portrait of a man brimming
over with pleasant thoughts.
Such quality ln the liquors
we have to offer are enough to
Conje and Try Them.
Leave your orders early.
iaiuiion tiecjaring the inu-itlon of
:ile council ro improve Grund avenue from
one east line of 8th to the went line of
i.e.i street, was adopted.
me Toiiowing resolution was intrdni
by CoimcUman Young and referred to the
committee on inealth and police.
v nereaa, n nan Been reported to the
scmmoin council that J. E. Fcrsmson
nuts erected a building on Bond strset
wj oe usea aj a mouse of 111 fame n,i
thtit said house Is soon to be occupied by
wfii RiivA-n i.voman or file town, nnu-
ttherofore, be It
Resolved, by the common counoll ih,i
ttie ch!ef of police be and he Is herehv
ordered to notify the said J. E. Fergu
son tiiat said hoLbe shall not be used
for a hoube of ill faime, and ttiat women
of tiw town shall not occupy the same.
rne following claims against the rltv
were read and an order made that war
rants be drawn for their payment: Dally
Aatorlan, $11.21; Foard & Stokes. S2: Clat.
ope Mill Co.. $1.: Foard & Stokes, $r,.io;
I. H. uelllnger. K1.50: J. B. Wvatt. ti.K-
Griffin A Reed. $1: same. SS.30. R gi
$6.; C. S. Gurtderson, $tii.75; Clatsop Mill
Company. $IS.j6; same, iw; tame. $1S.T5:
lime. $1.92; same. $t.S0; H. F. Prael ft
Co., $1.60; same. K2S; ame, $j; c. S
Gundwson, $2125: R. R. Marlon, ill- As
toria 'Box Co., $68.13; sam, $1.76; Fisher
Bros., $1.50; O. Osmundian, $1; James
Petty. $10; Scow Bay Foundry, $1 50; Dal
glty Iron Wcrka, $iU.2i; Astoria Transfer!
Co.. $1.50; Mrs. T. O'Erlen. $l.'..ad: Frv.1
Overbook. $28.50; ine. $10 50,'
Oeore BarJey 'has sold the Gambrlnus
nwort to Messrs. L'tslnger and Hoch, who
rlll bereafter carry on -rtie business. The
Mil of eule was fllej for reoord yesterday.
For wsn time past Mr. Bartley has been
Notice Is hereby given that 'by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria to
me directed, dated tho 17.h day of Octo
ber, 1895, and ognlntst
W. E. and M. S. Warren, -Commanding
me to levy upon Lot No.
Block No. 61. MeClure's Astoria friended
ed by Cyrus Olney, a.nd collect tlhe ass
ment due thereon, moimt1ng to $43.76, for
the construction of a sewer on 12tih street,
I 'have this day levied upon paid de.
tserlbed property, and on the lTitt day ot
December, 1893, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said
duy, at the court 'house door In the city
of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, wl
proceed to sel-l at pulbllc auction, ral'
prcper'ty to the highest bidder therefor,
to pay stiid aaMriment and cotu and
exp,nses of sale. Said eale to be for
United States gold and silver coin.
Dated Astortas Oregon, November 16, 1896
Chief of Police of the City Astoria
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria to
me directed, dated the 17th day of Oc.o.
ber, 189G, and against
W. E. and M. S. Warren,
Commanding me to levy upon Lot 6. In
block No. 61, MeClure's Aatoola extended
by Cyrus Olney, and collect the asse
ment due thereon, amounting to $23.76, for
the construction of & fewer on 12tlh street
I have Dhls day levied upon ea'd de
scribed property, and on the ITth day ot
December, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. n. of said
day, at the court house door In the city
of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, win
proceed to sell at public auction, raid
property to the highest bKJder therefor,
to pay iold ae9ment and costs end
expenses of sale. Said eale to be for
United Stntes gold and silver coin.
Dated Astoria, Oregon, Novenher H. 1896
timet or 1'otlce ot the City Astoria
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria to
me directed, dated the JTwh day Qf Oc:o
ber, 18sto, and against
W. E. and M. S. Warren.
Commanding me to levy upon Lot No. 8,
in Block No. 1, MeClure's Astoria extend
ed by Cyrus Olney, and collect the astseL's
ment due thereon, amounting to $43.76. for
the construction of a sewer on 12th street.
I have this day levied upon ea'd de.
scribed property, and on tfhe lTtfa Aiy ol
December, 1895, at 2 o'clovk p. m. of said
rLiy, at the court 4iouse door in the cily
of AwtorU, Clatsnp County, O-vg n. will
proceed to seS at pulbllc aactton," sld
property to the hltfiest bKJl.r therefor,
to pay Wd nswniMt and casta ana
exposes of sale. Sail sale to be for
United States gold ami sllwr coin.
37S Commercial Street
WUnted A good girl for general house
work by Mrs. J. T. Lighter, corner of
15uh and Franklin avenue.
Waniter to rent A oentrai&y located
house of seven or elgthlt rooms. Address
M., this office.
WANTED Agenls to represent the
old National Life Insurance Co., of
Montpeller, Vt For further informa
tion, address O. M. Stolp, General Coast
Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, San
Francisco, Cat.
Manufacturers of every dmrlption of
viungea, Mattresses, etc.
Grocers, : and : Butchers
Astoria and Upper Astorls
Fine Teas and Cofffei. Table Dellcac es, Domestic
and Tropical Fruits, Venetables, Sugar
Cured Hams, Bacon, Etc.
Choice Fresh and Salt - Meats.
WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
some office work, and manage agents.
You will deal through your leading mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. We pay all expenses. Position per
manent. Send four references and ten
cents for full particulars. John Finney
Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo.
FOR 'RENT A "Densmore"
Enquire ut this office.
FOR RENT Furnished room on ground
floor in private family. 414 Exctenge St.
Notice is hereby given 'that by virtue
of a. warrant Issued by the Auditor and
PoMee Judge of the City of Astoria to
me directed, doited the With day of Octo.
ber, 3895, and: against
Laura. M. Whalley,
Commanding me to levy upon Lot No. 4,
ln Block No. 18, Adair's Aistosfa, and col
lect the assessment due thereon, amount
ing to Two Hundred Dolans ($200.00) for
the Improvement of 39tlh street from the
noirtdh side of Franklin avenue to the
south side of Duafc a'.reet,
I have this day levied upon eaid de
scribed property, and on the 16th day cf
December, 1895, ait 2 o'clock p. m. of said
day, In front of he court house door in
the city of Astoria, Clateop County, Or
egon, will proceed to sell at public auction
suiid property to the hdgtiest bidder there
for, to pay said assessment and costs and
expenses of sale, haul sale to be for
United States gold and sliver coin.
Dated AstorK Oregon, November 16, 1895
Chief of Police of the City Astoria
Notice is iherelby given that by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria to
me directed, dated the 17th. day of Octo
ber, 1895, and against
D.- K. Warren,
Commanding me to wvy upon tot No. V,
In Block No. 56V4, MieClure s Astoria Ex
tended by Cyrus Olney, and collect the
assessment due thereon, amounting to
$23.i6, for the construction of a eewer on
12th street.
I have this day levied upon eaM de
scribed property, and on the 17tili day ot
Deceimfber, 1895, at .2 o clock p. m. of said
day, at the court ihouse door In the olty
of Autorla, Clatsjp County, Oregon, will
proceed to setl at public auction, said
property to tlhe highest bidder dlierefor,
to pay suld assessment and eosla ana
expenses oc sale. fcaiu sale to be for
Unite! States gold and silver coin.
Dated Astoria, Oregon, November 16, 1895
Chief of PoMee of the City Astoria
JAPANESE GOODS-Just out Just re
ceivedJust what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 643 Commercial street.
T.iie undurstigned will seill his farm in
Tillamook county, Oregon, at a reasonable
i'.giu.e and on easy terms, 16 or 20 acres Is
In ginass, the whole containing 158 acres,
r.-ie p.ae in situated ristiit or. the county
road. There Is both bottom and ililgin
lamlH, iwMcih can be cleared easily. There
Is also a lot of fine timlber.
1746 FranMln ave., Astoria, Or.
MONEY Apply to
Title and Trust Co.
Astoria Abstract,
$75,000 PER WEEK using and selling
Dynamos for plating watches, Jewelry,
and table ware. Plates gold, silver,
nickel, etc., same as new goods. Dif
ferent sizes for agents, families and
shops. Easy operated; no experience;
big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co.,
Clerk No. 14. Columbus, hio.
The Resort
473 Corumeroihl htieet. is Hie place
where the hiisinesfiiian and the laborin
mnn go for what is called "BUST ON
THE COAST." or a nice cool driuk of
the celebrated Oambrinns Wei. Sand
wiches of every kind made to order, nnd
an elecunt free lunch served evrv rlnt-
Hot Boston Iluked Beans served
other afternoon. You are weloome.
Grosbauer St Brach.
Notice Is hereby piven that by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Aud.tor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria te
me directed, dalted the 17;ta day of Octo
ber, 1895, and against
Fulton Vt, J
C. W.
C. Dement
Special attention paid to steamboat re
pairing, first-class horseshoeing, etc
197 Olney street, between Third and
"and Fourth Astoria. Or
Commanding me to levy upon Lot No. k,
In U.Oek No. 57. McCure's As or extend
ed Dy Cyrus o.ney, anq collect the as
sessment due thereon, amounting to $35.71
for the construction ot a tew or on 12$
I t-.ave Dhls day levied upon fad de-4
scribed property, and on the lT'.b day ot
Is there a man with heart so cord,
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which they all could find
In articles ot FURNITURE of th
right kind.
And we would suggest at this season,
nice Sideboard, Extension Table or se
of Dining Chairs. We have the largei
and finest llpe ever shown In the city
and at prices that cannot fall to pleas
h" -losest buyers.
drop a Une to A C. Sheldon.
,Be"1 of the "Burlington
2 ill Waahlnvt.ro i . - j
He will mail you fi r
Decwriber, 1896, a 1 o'clock p, ro. of rUa :! ttDI. and advise you as to tha
Dated Astoria, Ore-ron, NwrtT IT, 1SX
Chief of Porjce of The City A: tor la
cuy, at the court Kouse door In the c ty
of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, wl l
proceed to sell at public auction, f,;i
property to the highest bidder therefor,
to pay fuld assessment and costs ana
expenses of sale. Said eale to be for
nited States roM and silver coin.
Dated Astorta, Oregon. Novemb r !S, 1S3u
Chief of Police of tfte City Astoria.
Are You Going East?
If so.
.. .r. . -iu m.uj poin , reserve
UiS "Wnodatlohi for yon,
h d f"rnl,n you with through tickets
I1 ne Northern. Union. South!
ern. Canadian Pacific, and Great North-
nb?b?ead' rt the V ' -tea
The Rurllngton Rnute Is generallv

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