OCR Interpretation

The daily morning Astorian. [volume] (Astoria, Oregon) 1883-1899, April 12, 1896, Image 1

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96061150/1896-04-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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Th ASTORIA"! kli Hx larr.,1 LOCAL
5 TOOs.Y'1 WUTHn, f
2 ftractll hi WaiKlngls Hid OftfMI
1 Otmltail ihoaiii, I
Time, Tide
ets, Quilts. Etc., nt Factory
The One Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishei s.
IK) you need nnytliinj; in Oflice 8uplicn, I-t-Mi-r
Yvm Copying li.K.ks. JnkMumlx, Tulk-tH. InU Mink I
UtM.kH, IMuo Print I'tij-t-r, Vntt HkMn, Dnk Trnyt, Yvu
Kitcks, Typo Writing l'npcj, KiM-ona nul Carl on Papn.
If m, we can nupply you.
A new lot of Ploying CnrtlH
Jtmt received.
Griffin & Reed,
Citv Book Store.
Sucb Never Been
HirtJwirt. Granite Ware. Pope. Stoves. Iron
Pipe. Terra Cotta Pipes. Bar Iron, Steel.
Cannery Supplies, lorrerV Tools
At prices tbat defy competition.
Done by experienced workmen.
(In a Fixture nt Coat.
Sol Oppenheimer,
8. FKimMAN, lata ol Freeman A Hulmca.
Foundrymen, Blacksmiths, Machinists and Boiler Makers.
I rot? and Brass Casting.
Welch Patent Wheel, Ship Smithing and Steamboat Work,
Cannery and mil Machinery, Marine and Stationary
Boiler Built to Order
HrSpedally equipped for Loggers' Work.
Bay Foundry). Phone 78. Correspondence
"Do unto other a you would havi
other do unto you," I aympathetlcally
ahown in the following llnea, tha pre
emption being that aympathy la born,
or akin to pain or aorrow:
"Gentlemen: Plea a end Krauae't
Headache Capaula a follow: Two
boxe to Flora, Beay, Havanna, N. Dak.
Two boxe to Llllle Wilcox, lirookland,
N. Dak. I have alwaya been a great
ufferer from heedach and your Cap
ul are the only thing that relieve
me." Your very truly.
Havanna, N. Dak.
For ale by Chai. Roger, Aatorla, Or.,
ola agent.
and Creditors
Will wnit for no innn.J Tlicr
fore, the
of nen's and Boys' Cloth
Ing.Furnishing Goods, Hats,
Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks,
Valises, Umbrellas, Blank
Price, nt w
Offered Before In
Coll nnd Be Convinced
Trustee for M. C. CROSBY.
R. T. CARLE, lata ol Stockton. Cal
General Blacksmith Work,
Located on 18th and Franklin (Scow
Th Hop Lee Clothing Factory and
merohant tailor, at 43S Bond ttreet,
make underclothing to order. Bulta
and trouiera mad to fit perfectly,
Every order punctually on time and
atlifaotlon guaranteed, Good good
old cheap. Call and be convinced.
Citpttiln .lohnvin (ilvcn Smic Pacts
Cum-crninn, the Action of
the In Ion .Men,
mi: vii. ws of fishermen
The IuiH(io ut ike .Mr in Hcystd to Trapa
it Sasd Island happurted by t'ai
i0c Life Eadaiyercd y
Trapt at That flan.
Aatorla. April I. lKJt
Kdllor Aatorlun:
The flail murket men In town have d
nlnl ih follow Inn statement published
in your paper yeaurday:
"Th vurluua flat) mtrkei In lh rlly
yreteiday rvtvril noil, e Iroin th llah
rrniMi I hat It any iwlmon wr found 00
llielr alalia Ihey would b telaed and
thrown overl-oard."
j Tha alone communluallnn waa bandad
In Inn! evening with a requeat for lla
I publication. It shows upon lla face that
I Ilia reports rlrculatrd yesterday in re
I alard lo Die nhermn having taken atppa
j to prevent market men from handling
janlmon, war untrue.
' Coplulii J. K. A. Johnson, one of I ha
I oldrat ami Iwai known llahernien on tha
1 Columbia rlvr. and who la ona of Ilia
day. alalcd:
"My business aa patrolman of the
union la to attend to tha affulra of the
union along the river, tha lollo-ilon of
dm. from menilxra lo.nn a oulalda of
the town, and looking uftiT the general
Intervals of the union. Concerning our
attitude In regard lo Hahlng, I will alate
that there la no Intention on tha part
of the union lo Intimidate or forcibly
prevent non-union men from tuning.
We do not propose to attempt to prevent
ouleidrrs from flatting, either for the
j marki-ta, or for canm-rleo. The only
thing that the union l.hrrmen will do la
I to l.lt euch men and endeavor to per
I auade th m nut to nan for Iho pack-re
, until the price la ecltl d.
j 'I noticed In romlng down I lie river
j yeelerday front Portland on the alcam. r
Thompson that that boil curried thrr
I lHiira of Minion from the upper river
; w hi.ii 're d.-IUrr-d to the Eureka
1'ai'kint Company. The t'.ah wi re Ink, n
uu lHMir.1 from amall 'oila off tha W II
lowa I nlwi aitw a few lioata lialilng 0
poalte llume'a. Home wh.ela are In op
eration up the river, but are calrhlng
little or no riah.
"I wlh to make a atntemrnt. In ar
rordane with your Invitation nnd aaur-
ance th.it you are gl ut lo puhllnh the
facta on both aldea. In regard to the
matter of the trnpe at Kami Inland.
Illanclng ut ihe map of the lower Colum
bia river, you will nollcv that the for
mation of Peacock apll, Juat off Caie
llaiKilntmrnt. hua been materially
chained What waa omv a channel
through the mi l lie of It la now filled
with aand. The new channel rune from
Ihe lower end of thla apll In a jiortherly
direction between Ihe apll and Hand la
land. Into ltaker'a bay. Th pile for
the proiwaed trap which were pulled
the other day by the flahrrmen, lie Juat
10 the edice ot thla channel lo the eaat,
extending toward Bond lalnnd. Now
when we flahermrn are out toward the
bar with our neia act, and huppn to be
overtaken by one of the many audden
aquulin 10 which that region I aubjoct,
all we can, do la to make a run for
alielter around the aotith end of Ihe apll
In towurda Mnnd Inland The current
here la very awlfl. ami It la utterly lm
poaalble for a Imhcrmnn to withdraw hla
neia before being thrown axalnet the
trnpa. When there are no trapa on th
beach a man can count on being thrown
up on the aand, receiving llllle or no
Injury, or he can cut nla neia looae, al
low Init them la drift on the nhore. re
covering them the following day.
"The ftahermen have contended for
yeara for elenr poanemlnn of thla drlft
liuj ground, and It la ubaoliitely necemiary
for the pn-aervntlon of life that no trap
be placed on thla particular atrvtch ot
bench. Thla drifting pi ice hua been con
coded to the llnhermrn by n nuijorliy of
thou Interested In Halting mallei's, and 1
think I nm eafe in navlnn we have the
undivided aupixirt of every Aatorla can
neryman III our position In thin partic
ular mutter. Krom the beat of author
ity, we have an much rlKht lo pull piles
driven there na olhern have to dilvo the
plica, and It In not n question iieeensury
lo In, decided In Ihe court. In other
I words, there la no legal authority for
! emlaiiKcrlni; imvlgatlon In that partlcu
; Inr npot any more than In any other
channel of the river.
I "Now a regard the pulling of plies
opponlle Fort Htevctta last Sunday, I will
I any that In the drat pl.ice the Pnthllnder
hua not liccn engagid In the plle-pulllng
' bualnea. It enn lie proved that her prin
cipal employment la that of pulling enaga
which huve for many month cuuaed ac
cident and endangered the Uvea of IHh
ermen In nnd contlgtioua to the lower
channel. The pile which were driven on
the anda opposite Port Steven, and
which were to be uaed In th construc
tion of trapa, were partly In the channel,
and all of them were In the way of re
turning tinning boats, which, after dark
ami with a flood tide, cannot alwaya keep
In the .center of the channel. With a
stiff breeie and strong flood tide, a fish
ing boat driven against one of these plies
Is sure to turn over, and many a poor
fellow has lost his life In thla way when
his friends may perhaps huve wondered
what had become of him. I have been
In many accidents myself, nnd know of
what 1 am spanking."
From the best Information obtainable,
there wns no tinning yesterday nt Baker'
bay, nnd the new was received over the
government wire that the weather was
too rough to permit ot the opening of
operations. The was no fishing by
glllnettcrs on the lower river with the
few exception slated by Mr. Johnson.
The Oregon Ian aaya that the Portland
markets wero flooded with salmon, and
no doubt much of It waa put In cold stor
age. These fish were principally caught
at Oregon City and In the Clackamui,
while a few were shipped down from the
upper river. Thn policy on both Mi.la
earn to be a waiting one.
A remarkable tribute to the efficiency
of Mr. Ileerhohm Tree' Impersonation
of Bvengall ha been involuntarily paid
by a visitor to th Vlaymurket, London.
A lady In the alalia found herself suc
cumbing to the hypnotlo Influence direct-
ed ngiilnat Mlaa Hulrd ami had lo 1
((moved Into tha rorrldor. If the pro
reaa had gona little further rl,;ibly
Mr. Tree alone would have Ixrn aide lo
releaoe hla vhllm from her I rune.
8,'Cond Production of Ilia iipy I intitl
Iiat Evening. f
Klaher'a (era llooae avna packed Laal
evening by an audience onxloua the aec
Olid time lo wllnnaa the prodirilon of
Hi "Uyiiey Kuntimla." Tha perfornutnee)
of Hi Drat night waa tha aula topic ot
dlacueelon In other aa well aa aoclely
lirii.'H, and the ladlea vid gentleman of
AalorlN. diHplle the efforta of Olmerver
Orover lo "aiioll mallera," by a heavy
downpour, turned out an muaae. If poaal
lile. the aecond nlgtit'a performance waa
belter than Ihut of Ilia liret. probably be.
cauae any tloildneea vhli-h might have
eiialed had worn Off. M It wer.
I'aually, II la an effort fo alt through
an amateur production, eepeclnlly whera
rhllilren predominate; Ihey are filler
loo bold or loo lahful. Thla la .In moat
ly lo Ihe training they rwelv. Hut laat
evenlna'a entertainment tvaa tree from
all thla. I'nder I'rof. Ilegga' Ina'ruillon
the iierformera acted aa thouich at
hen nuil, or at home. That boldneea which
bo thoroughly dlaguata an audi."!', waa
not In evidence, and that tha unuaa. lining
arilona of Ihe performer wer niiprrclut'
ed waa manlfeated In tha tpid'iua which
followed each and every effort.
The flrnt number on tha iiroxrain waa
a tubleau promenade by the entlr cluea,
numlierlng almut fifty. Tha promenade
waa very pretty, and waa a fit opening
for part one. The neat number waa an
lrl.li lilt by tllddy McOra lltaUih Wora-
ley) and Corporal Btumpa inoaa Trullln
ger). Maatrr Woraley tirieraonaied Ihe
woman lo perfection, and tha pair mad
auch a hit they were forced to reaiond lo
an eneora.
A Highland fling by Mloaea Jennie Cur
lla ami Kay I-berman followed. The
little Indira, dreaaed aa Scotch lualee.
executed I heir part In a moat pleaalng
manner. That Mlaae Jennie and Kay
miKht catch their breath afler their fling.
minuet. In which three young ladba.
two young gentlemen and t'rofewaor
ll K flaured. waa preacntid. Hint
Jennie t'urtla and Kay Lebrrman and
Maetcra llulph Woraley and Itooa Trul-
linger next appeared In an Irlah reel.
To the tun of tha "Irian Waaherwoni-
on." ihey danced for aeveral minute, a
buret of applauaa following their exit.
Mr. Paul Trulllngrr, In a Bcottlab
aword dance, received julte an ovation.
which he richly deaerved. Mlaa Amu
Trenchard theji executed a shadow dance
hlch waa ona of the moat lileaeln
fealurea of the evening. Calcium llxhta
were thrown upon the Jantvr. whoa
graceful movement In the dim.-ull per
formance were out-lined agoluat a white
curtain. Mlaa Anita waa luplauded vo
ciferously for her excellent radlton. bul.
aa Ihe young ludy aiiprared In Ihe n. XI
number, the audience waa deprived of
an encore which It earnestly dralred.
Mlaa Anita then appeared In a prlnoeaa
aklrt dance, which waa executed with
perfect jrac. Calcium llgtila were ngnln
ue,t. and the effect waa magnificent.
The Amnion minuet. In which th fol
lowing young Indlea pnrtlrlpaUnl. waa ex
cellent: Mltwca Reba Hobaon, Nelll Ut
linger. Alice dray. Bertha Scheme, kau.
Mamie lwla, Anita Trenchnrd. 'Maya
I'txlnver. Totay Ilarlh. Ileaale Reed, Myr-
tie Welch. Gertie Stockton. Jennie Cur
tis, Kttn Strauss, lone tluwr. Mudge So
vey. and ray Leberman. Mr. Paul Trul
llrucer, In a hornpipe, which wsa artisti
cally executed, was loudly appaluded.
Thla number waa followed by a May
pole. In which these took part: Mlaae
Muye I'txlnger, Ktta Strauss Kay Lot
man, lone Hawes. Mndjie Sovey, Jennie
Curtle, Resale Reed, Urti, Stockton.
Masters Jamie Taylor, Burr Oabiirn, Has
Trulllnirrr, Ralph Woraley. Austin Os
burn. Ted Lewi. Charlie Wright 'and
Lloyd Hawe.
Part on waa closed by the Llltpultan
minuet by four little boy and four little
girls Mlaae Ada Kendall, Pay Leber
man. Nanette Adams, and Hs-I Robh;
Musters Jamie Robb. Freddy Newell,
latwrence Rogers and Wllaon Stelne.
These cule little persons, togged In old
folks' attire, were the source of more
genuine enjoyment than anything ever
seen In Ihe city. How such childish
minds could comprehend the many diffi
cult positions of this minuet. Is account
able only In one manner Professor
ltcggs' ability as a dancing! nstructor.
The "Utile eight" respond ,1 to the hear
tiest encore ever given In this city.
During the time between part one and
part two. Miss Genie Lewis, one of Asto
ria's fairest daughters, and an accom
plished musician, delighted the audience
with several iicuutlful selections.
The Gypsy Fantn.Ha was produced In a
manner most pleasing, Miss Grunt, as
Arllne, a Gypsy countess, was the admi
ration of all. Mr. Will Helcher. as
Thttsieus, Ihe Gypsy countess' lover, was
nite, nnd his solos were warmly applaud
ed. Miss Itelia Hobson rduyed the jwirt
of the fortune teller to norfecMon nn.i a
! solo rendered by this vnnnir ln.lv ,.
highly appreciated. Mr. Terry McKi-an
was the king's Jester, and a .lolly good
fellow was he. In A solo he laved the
way for nn encore, hut would not allow
the applause to continue, going on with
hla part.
Miss Nellie L'txingcr, ns Aurora, a
Gypsy queen, looked nally beautiful.
MIkb Nellie Is a pronounced brunette,
which, with the lovely dress she wore,
made a Gypsy who would capture the
heart of any prince. Masters llurr Os
burn and Ralph Worsley, as Gnome king
and the king's chancellor, were excellent.
Misses Madge Sovey and Fny U-bermnn,
aa Tltanln and Stnrllghl, two Ovpsy prln
cesea, looked like two fnlrle. Those
little ladles executed several pretty
dance, much to the delight ot the audi
ence. Master Ross Trulllnger made an
excellent Oberon, a Gypsy prince, and
Misses Jennie Curtis and lone Haw, a
Sunbeam and Mist, two Gypsy princesses,
were much admired In some neat dances.
The Fantasia closed with the following
beautiful lines, rendered by Mis Kate
And now the veil upon the scene must
Gypsies no more, we bid rurewell to all.
'Twas but a dream a glimpse at fairy
la ml,
Where dancing elve aport gaily, hand In
The vision' passed, and hushed the mng
lo strain
That niled the air. We've come to earth
If sounds discordant reached your tor
tured ear,
Do not condemn with judgment too se
vere; We're not proficients, but we thought our
dance and song,
Though simple, might please the listening
Mrs. H. T. Crosby accompanied the
solos, while Mis Oenle Lewis furnished
the music for the dances and tableaux.
The entertainment waa the lilggeit suc
cess of any local production, and Prof.
Beggs, for hi excellent training and
superb production, la to be congratu
lated. It la to be hoped Mr. Begg will
give more public exhibitions ot thl high
clas of dancing In the future.
Al'ML 12, 18'JO.
Democrats Kill Take This Action to
Draw Support from Gold
Dcaocratlc Xoeiiice lor Conjreu Quit to
rretcit Bciig DiKkarijcd way Now
(Iocs lor t Lcttl-Headcd Hal
froa This) District.
Portland. April 11. It I likely there
will be a sound money candidate for con
gress In the Second LHatiict. He may be
a Democrat and he may be a Republi
can: It ha not been determined yiu
A number of aound money Democrat
held a meeting In thla city tonight and
dlacuaaed the advisability of putting a
aauad money man In the field. It Is un
derstood none of the persons present
were delegate to the late convention,
a It waa considered they were bound to
a certain extent by the action of the
Democratic convention, and, ahould they
Inaugurate a movement for a aound mon
ey man. they would be viewed In the
light of bolter.
Ther I a probability tbat A. 8. Ben
nett, th nominee for congre, will be
asked to withdraw, and allow the sound
money Democrat to put up a candidate
against Kill, the Republican nominee.
In th hope of drawing support from
sound money Republicans.
In rase Bennett refuses to withdraw.
It ha been pretty well settled that an
Independent candidate will be put In the
field. In the event that the Democrats
faU to put up an Independent candidate,
ther 1 a probability the aound money
Republicans, will put up a candidate
agalnat Elll.
Portland, Auril 11. A. & Bennett, the
Democratic nominee for congress In the
Second district ha declined the nomina
County Convention at Tacoma Declares
For Free Silver.
Tacoma, Wn., April 11. The Democratic
county convention held today, resulted In
complete victory for the "Kid" Dem
ocracy over the Old Guard. George
Haaaard, of the latter faction, was ruled
olT the floor because be endeavored to
vote on a proxy. Thirty-five delegates
were chosen to the state convention,
which meets here Tuesday, nil of them
favoring the re-election of Hugh Wal
lace aa national committeeman.
Tho convention ws poorly attended.
only fifteen out of the tony-right pre
cinct being represented. Stephen Jud
son and other county Democrats are
shouting "snap convention" because the
state convention wo called o early.
The county convention passed a resolu
tion favoring the free and unlimited coin
age of gold and silver at a ratio of 16 to L
Port Townsend, April ft. At the Dem
ocratic county convention here today
eleven delegate to the state convention
at Tacoma were elected. The present
Democratic administration was Indorsed
as being able, honest, patriotic, econom
ical and successful.
A resolution waa passed Instructing the
delegates to the slate convention to vote
for only such delegates to the national
convention as favor the free tolnage ot
sliver at the ratio of 16 to 1. The con
vention was unanimous for free silver,
although It was composed largely of
friends of the federal officer.
A bitter nght ho been on here between
the administration and anti-udmlnlstra-lion
Democrats, but today's convention
wns quiet and harmonions.
House Talks Two Days and Then Passes
a 13111 I'pon It.
Washington, April 11. After a two
days' detmtc the house today, by a vole
of ISO to M, passed the Grosvenor tilled
cheese" bill. The Democrats voted solid
ly against the measure, together with
eleven Republicans. Practically the only
amendment adopted was one reducing
the tax on retail dealers from $40 to $12.
The bill requires the manufacturers ot
filled cheese to pay n tax of jltx) annu
ally, wholesale dealers 20, and retail
dealers tlS: and. for the failure to pay
such tux, imposes fines from JW to tltxx).
It also requires the branding of "tilled
cheese" and Its sale only from original
packages. The penalty for false branding
Is a tine of from toO to SoOO. The bill
requires ail retail dealers to post In con
spicuous places the sign "Filled Cheese
Sold Here." In addition It Imposes a tax
of one cent per pound on tiled cheese,
the tax to be paid by the dealer. Im
ported "filled cheese" Is subject to a
duty of eight cents per pound.
Denounces the Administration and the
Press of the Country.
Lexington. Ky.. April ll.-Senntor Till
man's opening speech In the free silver
presidential campaign, drew to Lexing
ton today the leading silver men of cen
tral Kentucky. Senator Tillman de
nounced the Cleveland and Carlisle finan
cial policy and then went after the pres
In the most vigorous language, laying
among other things that the pres of
the country had been subsidised by the
money power of the country.
Tillman predicted that the next na
tional Democratic convention would be
controlled by the free silver wing of the
a i
New York. April U.-The New York Fi
nancier say this week:
The statement of the Associated Banks
of New York for the week which ended
April 11, for the first time In .sixty days
shows an increase In the reserve, the
gain for the week melng nearly one mil
lion dollar. The banka gained In cash,
according to the report, tl, 264.1)00. Thla
result, In view of the changes Incident
to Ihe week, waa not what had been ex
pected, aa th preliminary estimates plac
ed th loss to the banks from sub-treasury
and gold exports at about liTOD.OuO.
Th net Interior movement had probably
been greatly underestimated, however,
Inc the loose mentioned w.r not only
made up, but the statement bring th
bank out with one and on quarter mil
lions more cash than Ihey reported o.t
hand at th close of the previous week.
The next few weeka are destined to
bring mora Important change In the
money market.
Much Criticism Over the t'nlted States
- Senate's Action.
(Copyrighted, W9, by Asaoclatcd Press )
London, April 11. An Improvement In
trade ahows In the returns for the first
quarter of the present year, and ha
been greeted with great satisfaction; and
It la pointed out that the Increase are
due to n all. around development of
trade and Industry. In addition, there I
a promise of further progrea being '
Mliftwn ,l,,rfn th. aw. .....I I
The only two Import decrease nn In whlngton. and Got. Lord, ef Oregon,
dutiable article of food and drink and I had conference In thl city today re
raw textile materials. Home export In- gardlng th troubles between the gUlnet
creased In every Instance, and, moreover, .-a ,h. ,, ,K ...
the increase, present a fair advance . " tnf"ata tb Columbia,
price. Besides, ther ha been aa ex- riv,r- GoT- McOraw said:
panslon of trade In many Instances. j "I hav come to consult with Governor
lu"lon "xJ"ced hr Call In Lord m to the best means of proceeding
the I nlted States senate In the case of .
Mrs. Florence Maybrlck. the American i brlnln' J"te the perpetrators of
woman who la undergoing a sentence of J the high-handed outrage at the mouth
Imprisonment for life, having been con- of th Columbia river, where the property
victed of causing the death of her bus- , ,-. , ,,, .hMI
band by poisoning, ha causvsd n any ot of Washington, fully abiding
sarcastic comments In the press. Some I 1thlB the law of that state, was de-.
of th newspapers here Intimate that the i atrored by men coming from the data
"nTn,"; everybody's bust- ! of Oregon, simply because the methods
' . . ...hi. v. am i r. jn ui l K. ana r
s portion ot the pre, think the
ale' action will be beneficial to th un
fortunate prisoner. Friend of Mrs. May
brick are aevere In their criticism of
United States Ambassador Bayard. They
even go so rar a to aay that Mrs. May-
brick would have been free by this time j Ic In bis declaration that the law wni be
had any other man occupied the poet enforced, and that such persons who '
of ambassador of the United States here. 1 may hav participated In th destruction
They claim that Bayard is now so afraid of flah trap at Ilwaco will he promptly
of transgressing what ia termed "dlplo- surrendered on requisition, and the iber
matlc usage" that he healtate to take ; 1ft and twcaecutlng attorney of Pactno
action In the matter. county ar prepared to Identify any oC
Although the Washington petition, with ! the principals."
weighty signatures, was transmitted :
through Bayard by the state department. ! - ' NEW CURE
neither the foreign office nor the home j .
oflice informed the United Ststes em- Discovered by a Young Doctor for Tu
borny of Its recent decision In the May- : berculosts.
brick case.
Details of the Destructive Work of In
surgent in Cuban Towns.
Havana. Cuba, April II. The rebels still
maintain their offensive attitude, and,
despite the announcements of govern
ment victories, they are th ones who
make the attacks, though tbey are some
times repulsed when they attack a su
perior force.
They attacked the town of San Nicho
las, province of Havana, but were driven
off by th garrison there, who ia rarely
outnumbered them. They thin maroned
to Melena del ur. In the same province,
which place they attempted to enter.
Aaain they were repulsed, but not be
fore they had sei hie c -.n-r 0(
houses. They then proceeded to Cut
nabo, twelve miles eaat of lav-ana, nnd
burned the village. after which they
went to Hoyo Colorado. During the at
tacks It Is said that five women, two
children and three negroes were killed.
Thirty-live persons were afterward found
wounded. The rebel loss Is unknown.
Altogether IS bouses and huis were
Various report locate Gomes near the
border line between
Banta Clara and .
In an engagement between Colonel Vas
quei' column and BOO rebels, the insur
gents lost nineteen killed and three
wounded. The fight lasted four hours.
An Insurgent bund led by Seayas at
tacked the town of San Juan de las Ve
rsa. Th garrison made a heroic de
fense and repulsed the rebels, who
burned several houses.
Prince Henry Admires the Bravery of
the Italian Solders.
Rome. April 11. An Intimate friend of
Slgnor Crispl says that King Humbert
has summoned the ex-premier by tele
graph order to express his Indknatlnn at
the campaign of calumny against the
crown and to consult with him on the sit
uation. The tension between Prime Min
ister Budtnl and the king It Increasing
The statement that the Italian troops
will co-operate with the English expedi
tion to Dongola Is Incorrect.
In nn Interview with King Humbert,
Prince Henry, of Prussia, expressed, bis
admiration of the bravery of the Italian
troops In Abyssinia, and advised the king
to conclude peace with Menellk on ac
count of the complications which n.ny
occur In the Mediterranean.
Spaniard Said to Be Able nnd Willing to
Fight the United States.
Madrld, April 11. News comes from
Barcelona, published In that city by the.
Noticlero Universal, that a well known
commandant of volunteers, who took an
active part against the Ctrllsts In the
late war, has offered to raise X".,100 Cat
alans to make war against the United
States In the event ot the recognition of
the Cuban Insurgents. All bo asks Is that
the Spanish authorities should supply i
Mauser rules and land nls forces on
United States territory.
The report that the government con
templated the mobilising ot HW.CCO men
for exigencies In the Cuban campaign Is
quite unfounded.
Liverpool, April 11. Wheat, spot, firm;
demand, moderate; No. 2 red winter, 5s,
8d; No. ) hard Manitoba, 5s 7d; No. 1
California, 5s 8d.
Hops Pacific Coast, 1 1'n.
Portland, April U. Wheat Valley. 60o:
Walla Walla, 57c. '
Highest of all in Leavening renrcr. Latest U. S. Govt Report
4tinataiii ma target, ur.ncnAL circuit- ,
B, as Hit targMt TOTAL lrelall f a
tail fi aablithed In aitari. &
NO. 85.
McGraw, of Washington, and lord, cf
Oregon, Discuss the Troubles
of Canaers and Fishers.
ror Dcstrsctloa of rropeity it ike float el
Ike iw rerpetratore Kill Be
Sirrtsdcred sad Tried ia
the Other State.
Special to the Aitorian.
Portland, April U. Gov. McGra of
used In Ashing on th Washington side '
differed from those practiced by the Ore
gon men.
"My talk with Governor Lord baa beea
eminently satisfactory, he being emphat-
(Copyrighted, 186. by Associated Pre.)
I Berlin. April 1L Intense Interest has
! been aroused In medical and other circles
: here by the announcement of a young
I physician. Erich Langhcls. at the Inter
national physician' congress, 'hat h had.
dlcovered a new remedy for tuberculosis,
named Antl-Mlcrobla. Its principle In
. gredlents. It appears, are osone and cod
; liver oil. applied by subcotaneous Injec
tion. In the experiments of the past five
years, he explained, the greatest difficul
ty to overcome was that of keeping the
oxone pure and easily available Of
ninety cases of tuberculosis he tasted
In the Moablte hospital during Uie past
year all have been cured.
ul.ohf. Anril II. Although the
government bm officially an
nounced that the missionaries) In Asia
Minor will not be expelled, so long as'
they "comply with the laws." it becomes
more and more apparent as .'acts leak
out that the Rev. Geo. Knanp, of tha
missionaries at Bitlls. has been expelled
In spite of the understanding In his
case arrived at between United States
MlniMer Terrell and the Turkish govern
ment, axter ic naa oeen propoeeo 10 iry
Knapp on the charge of Inciting the Ar- :
menlan to revolt against the govern-.
Almost dally negotiations on the sub
ject take place between the United States
charge d' affairs, and the Turkish minis
ter for foreign affairs, but the matter s
still misunderstood and seems to be as
suming a graver aspect as time passes.
Berlin. April 1L The North German
Gasette reaches the concluMlon. from a
study of the situation In Cuba, that Cap
tain General Weyler will eventually find
himself quite unable to fulfil his promise
to suppress the rebellion. If he prac
tices severity, the Gasette says, the
Americans will find a pretext to Inter
fere In the Interests of humanity, and
without resorting to severity he will fall
to succeed.
The club met with President Estes In
the choir, and Miss Estes at the piano.
Miss Busey being 11L Devotional exer
cises, Lieut. Hubbard, of the Salvation
Army. A remarkably large audience,
considering other attractions, and the In
clemency of the weather, assembled and
received pleasure and benefit from the
following most excellent proKram:
W. C. T. U. selection. "Decllno of al
coholism in good society: drinking hab
its quietly frowned down: good example
set by many ladles of highest position
In all lands." Mrs. Parker.
Humorous reading, "Mumford's pave-
, ment," Mr. Thos. Irwin, who responded
to on encore with "An appeal to young
1 Recitation, "The Mend that curse mnn-
kind." Miss Ruth Kyle.
Song. "Mollle and the Baby," Miss
Maude Palmer.
Song, "God Pity Willie, the drunkard's
lone child, Lieutenant Hubbard, who.
was warmly recalled and ssng
In the
; Village Churchyard.
Pointed and pertinent remarks by Dr.
O. B. Estes, who alluded to the beauti
ful custom in China of liberating a cage
ot birds at the launching of a ship as
for superior to our senseless habit on
such occasions.
The committee on program for next
week Is: The Y. P. S. C. E., Miss Ltxxla
Busey and Mr. T. Irwin.
There was one signer to the pledge.
DeWltf Sarsapertlla la prepared for
cleansing the blood. It builds uo and
strengthens constitutions impaired bv
disease. Chas. Rogers.
SBjajnsssM j UO tr'-mi mf " v

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