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iSMBH POBLREOEUr ISSOCUIIDK. mm, TOL L. aSTOKIAj OKEQON, WEDNESDAY HORNlPiG. AUGUST 9. 61 OUR Stoves - Are not made from the crap-il or in a kindergarten school. Eclipse Hardware Co. W Glv Trod I a Htnmpn. Wfjj GRIFFIN RALSTON... HEALTH CLUB Acme Gluten "Farina, Acme Whetf A. AT Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Vegetable Fruit ...CAN Lithographing on San Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Writ Vm for Prleea Here Is a List Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices KALSTON HEALTH l'CUDS In great variety fresh from the mills. AROMATIC vSI'ICES uarantecd the finest. TILLMAXN'S I'UKE EXTRACTS. CHASE SANBORN'S COITEES are un rivalled. Together with host of other good things.- ROSS, HIGGINS & CO (leal Zealand fife Ifisonnee Go Of New Zealand. W. P. Thomas, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS. Subscribed Capital Paid-Up Capital Assets Assets in United States Surplus to Policy Holders Has been Underwriting on the Pacifio Coast over Twenty-two years. SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., Resident Agents, Astoria, Oregon Tinware BOOKS... Blank and Miscellaneous. PAPER... New Crape and Type-writing. Waterman Fountain Pens! Ilox Decorated Paper and Itnvelop--ioo. & REED Breakfast Food Barley Food Select Bran Yeast Cocoa Tlakea and Standard Hollfd'Oals V. ALLEN'S Metal Works spice an4 Syrup Tin a Specialty. Falrhaven, Wash. $5,000,000 . 1,000,000 2,545,1H 300,000 1,718,792 S Oregon Wild Blackberries W are now receiving theaa 4c llslou berries fresh tvrjr day. Yisterdiy'i Steamer Drought ill a trr and eplendld as sort two! of MVlt. corn and other California fruits and vegetables. In. dudlng wt notaloee. erg plant and pin peppers. By Railroad ' A 'splendid assortment of freah. crisp Oregon vegatsblss and fruit. Foard & Stokes Co. Your Wife Will Ilk It; io will tht cook. ;Star Estate Range I I isti.fy all who dm ihm. . If your batter hair do1 (ht eookiag. that la as addlthanel reason why there should ba a (tar Eaiata Rang a your kltrbea. The um of lhm prtv.nts worry and dleappolntment. W. J. BCCLLY. Agenl. 40 Bond Kraal. - . . t,B THE PROOF of tba puddlnf la In and tba proof of liquor IS IN SAMPLING That'i an artrumant rbat'a clualra a damanatrauotv Oura will atand tba teat. con HUGHES & CO. NOT EVERY KIND OF SHOES And entrance to our store. Wa bar the tort made ot poor stock fllmtlly put to. gather. Makers must deliver gooda which are up to our standard, and that's good enough, otherwise they axa rejeoted. Wa present every variety of style. These Items will enable you to Judge what two or three dollars will do here. Be our new cushion shoe. Petersen & Brown. OF LONDON. Els tabtl shed during th reign of fjuaen Ann, A. D. 1711 FIRE AND LIFE. ouoaanosd capital tijng.wMW Mta ll.iwl.tM N Surplm to policy holders 1MJK 00 Exclusive of paid up capital Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Subaoiibed or guirantaed cap ital $ 7,500.000 00 Capital paid up l.KK.tOO 00 W,u,saa w Catton, Bell & Co. Oeivwel Afentt, Baa Franolaoo, CaU. Samuej Elmore & Co. Resident Agent. Astoria, Oregon. is THERE WILL BE NO WAR Ambassador Choate Says the Alaska Dispute Will Be Settled Peacefully. LAURIER'S TALK a ' . I - Small Importance Attached to Premier s Remarks-Speech i Political Dodge. DEFENDER AGAIN BEATEN Columbia Wins ty Over Four Seconds It Tblrty-Mlle Coufse-Oru on t Volunteers Leave for Home. 1j.NDON. Aug. .-Jwph H. Ohoaae, Untied iltab ralmKJor to Orest Br. in. UwervWnvwi tJi)' by reprwMi. halve of the Asaocia'.rd Prwsj Io re. arl to che recent war or a rtU ration 1 hixi ili-lltvml by Sir WllfmJ LraurVer, OiK ladhto prwiifer. I aaM: "Thr will be no war. II la aarfa to m.y do amount of poMUtai talk by poll 11.1 una cvuid oi4oo war In tbla com omtkn." ("tKnao ik)M ntvxtaUana vn rotmr4ii. 'uf be aalJ. "they arp knr' and I ran any nocnlf i mt pnvmt aa to their amrua." l4ta the iVinukin parfcrnent waa on trie j (BawMitkw ki4 w kadora of jtmCh lanntva bad to apeak. Ctioaue j aMenl to ititnk rhat laiter oUvumxunca , exi!iml Sir Stbm) Laurler a pOHtibm j m he a-vui Iru-llrwl to antarii armaU 1m. piwtaiiva to tb pruroWa retnarka. Re. ! tiirtiti CtiwUe'a atavtoment, the Canaduin ! Iltoti (VmmJOurT Ufri Strwabcona anj, iMVunt Koyal, uil to a nwevntaxira of "atr WKw laurrttfa inira were ! meorty a rtrure o( apowh ami not a potn- tfti-al doilir aa rotemlvd by Mr. Uhonte. Sir Wilfred LurW "oulJ nwt dtnd to mti tiiiii, nor UM he In any amy mean tu ttMklfnire the I'ntted Statva. No m-n. tlle tiHUi ruuld nnrarU ar aa poaotible, birt (Vnuila la akniply biking a Ifaf out of the I'uMod Snauw book In dynauHltna; now what tlM I'rtfM SltUui detnanUoJ In VOU'XTBHItf UaWE FOR IIOJIK. The H.-KMtKUKt Leave Very Few 1U Be. hind It. 8.VN FRANV.M.X, Aug. 8. The Socond Oiion rii'"H'iu broke camp today at the ltvtnvllo and Hits afternMxi marched to the froy a-lth the hand of the Ne braska 'ilnt1U aiKl the L'th artillery BAtUiig an eeit. Tlte tmiu kt tr honw toirttt. The regiment hus very faw 111 be. hind It. The only one who la sere-'usry 111 as Hotel) kttw of uonnpany O. -ho has ooiwuniitloa. DKPBNDER AUArN BEATEN. OREBX11VRT. U I.. Aug. l-The Co. iambi dVMiitl Uie DorfendiT by' four roliiiMtv and we aoond on the first fun of the Now York Yaoht Club's oruiae. ifrom Now Londoa to OarOi tier's bay, ichlmy mllea. The Columbia, fairly distanced e-ery dtrter yht In the fleet with the ex. cwriUon of the Dufomler and Shee, too, was dVfowted by four minutea and one aecund In a 30 mile race. The old eup dtfetMbr, VWrUant, atia beaten by two flyetra neay an bour but much of Uhla ws no doubt due to the fortunate run of the Culumt and Defender atoi FUlier's Island slMre, .while tb rest of hn fltwt kept over on the other side of 'the Sound. Over fifty yachits) oromed tthe Una at Nw London, and nearly all flniahed In CfcuxlUuira bay, attihouR'h aome ot them did not gut In until toward night By far the greatest event of bha day .was tlie maarnlfliieiilt aewn mBes run of till Columbia from Ffchers Island to Orvt OuU Island, during a-loh abe aver aged okw to a 13 knot gait. It was on tihls Btrvnch. made very dose to wind, tjholt the Columbia pulled out so far on Che Defender, for while the boaui were but a short eighth of a mils apart, under FwlirtH txlnnd, tlwre aus aoarly a mtle and a half of waiter botraroen them at Orcwt Oull kCaml. Botti yxiu bavl aQ 4ha wlml Ihey ooukl ataarver undor and Ria Otumtaa htuM Aim a tier Jib top. a&n diirtnc 10 mlnulea IrttervM When K bar tha bardnat. Bna aot at up araia, Itnraver, wtim Ch Darnder twntta to pbrk up uti bU bar artvaneaire w tba fin, k waa a rd aiuar tet of mertta uf oil am) now tooaAa, and h taftter may bo put duwo a a wot four minutea (War ufvW preaent conOirfitm, and wife hr atM maat In a ooupla of nUoutaa more. I'ltfUPl'lNB COURTS D3TABUHI1ED, WAiJHDTOTON, Af. t-fn orrWl of OtwnU OOa aMbflahiac oouru In tb I1lliiini bavo boo reoelvad by the tntx Tia provlnoa I dtvM. tit intu dlatrtobj and JVa, dlacrlct ait. lutvwya and iuatlcea of lb peaoe are nanvnl. All of tboat nmd have Vpanirfh taunea. ' BVRB Of ACgCITTAL. Iwvyfue Counevl 8uya (h Judgva are AInady Convinced ot Kla Innocence. NEW TORK. Au. I A dospMch to tt WVrU frum Rennea auya: Malt re imttort avlka with remarkable freedom on the af'Jtu'Je of- trie mlea. Tne currnqundent of the WVrld akexl him: "Do you feel aure of victory tbla time?'' "fee, entirely," he aaid confljentty. "The Judgr are already aawred of Dr!)fue Innocence. Only old Colonel Joiatust aeetna atiema atiat I aay afrukl, twt be wnar preJudVeed. 9o be a)i(Kra unneivsHarfly harab turwurd Ureyfua." "Do you think that aha general opin. Ion la that Drej-fus U too vehement?" "I'm yourself In Ma uiaw," answered Uiuorl wtOi feeling. "Naturally be la anxloua' to Impreaa bia Judgea. Wi wretched Joke hut alreudy taatrd too kmg." "Huw long will the trial laM, do you think r Lavbort ahrugKtd Ma abouldera. "Any. tatiera from eh daya to three month. 1 bare no ldea'ahat UcXtea the pttrm nh'Wa conRnhaaibner Intenda to adopt. ;1 am not In his confidence. AH these jflne axkbera keep an muoh from me as iey poiasllMy can." Ifudume Dre-fua waa not In the court bwauae of tha Inormsrd' number of aiMnymua leturrs abe doily receivea. i Her villa la now protected nlghX and day y an Increased force of avnriarane. De ! taut j . . . I uau ne ta wirtTiR-eu i no exavQHDMDOn of the much talkfd about "secrdt dossier,' -the war department'a mj'stehoua bud. . of dooutnenta on whioh Dreyfus waa oondemned n" yeara ago ail 1 not re-' quire more ttan two aenalona; He sahl: ! "Aa aoon aa they exhnait the documents j are wt:i puncture their famous secret 8at. and It ail! be shown that there i is nJHilng In It. Colonel Jouaust knetwa W. That la hy he ordered secret sat. Kings unUI further notice Instead of fof tour days as ws reonnmended by May or Carrlera." ' The gonentl InwesMlon Is that bottt CVirrier and Jouaut made a bad debut. Even the antl.Dreyfusltes are diasatia fted. They are heard on all sides saying that It la a trick of the government putflng such a redlculous person as Car. rlere In charge of the prosecution. When L&bort eumV- out of tne prison tonight he told a group of newapatier men: "Vt till I get some ot those strut, ting generals on the witness stand Metvier. Bolsdeftre and others. Then we shall all have fun. I am anxious Do get at them." General Botadeffre, General Gonse and ex-Minlster of War Cavalgnac sent a baakot of flowers to Madame Henry ilonlgbt. BIG CATCHES OF SOCKETES. Traps on the Sound Making Enormous Oatanea. PABRHAVEN, Aug. S.-Today broke all records for the cnfohlng of sockeye sal mon. At PaoJflo American Fisheries Ootn isuiy's cannery 138.000 were received this nunaliur- Of theae over etghlty thousand were sockwyee. ' . Report ccyrnlng in tlrom trains along the Ronuio Straits and the Gulf of Georgia, toll of an unparalleled catoh durinjg the night. Every trap has enormous os.tatx.TJ. DKAD HEROES RBMEMBBRBD. PORTLAND, Aug. l-Jderaorlal erv. fcee for Oregon's dead vdutwuer heroes aill be held In (the Marquaim Grand next Sunday evening.. GVJvemor Geer will pre etde. Two special features of the program will be the calling of the roll of the doad heroes, and the reading of a poem In memory of the stain; APPEALS TO THE POWERS AgQfnaldo Seeks the Reco.o!- tlon df Filipino Inde-' pendence. ' ' " AGAIN DEFEAT FILIPINOS AlscArthDr Routes the Enemy With Heavy Loss-One American Killed. HORSES NOT CONTRABAND Export of Borsts and Pontes From China Is Refused to All Countries. JIANTIiA. Auk. S.-AugHoaldo baa ap pealed' to tha powera for reoogniaoa oC "FSf)iao Independence' la a document dtfod Tartuc, Jury t!, and abnied by Bm-ncnmlhlo. It baa been received by all -the forobjn ooruwb In Uanfla wioh the TequeHt thai they forward tt to their re. aneottve gwemmewa. The document then aaya: "Rev-ina; to one Spaakatt cotmntssloa'a requee to re1aae the prlaoners becauae Stain no longer baa podtlcal Interest In the kaaanda, we aaked for a trauty of peace and friendship between Spain ami the FUtpinoe. whereby tba priaotverB would be released, but the commissioners iVOgelkPjgjuee, It ..wauld mean tba reo ugnltaon of our Independence. Tbla It equivalent to saying ttuat the prkaonera tnuat stay la our bands Indefinitely be. cauate nheir poaessloo la our moat eOcau tioua mlM4 by whV to adjaat our ac- i count with Spain and obtain from her the recognition, of our tndtvendence." i The FUiptnot) ot&im Chant they oon quired aH the country except Manila and they cKMoperated In securing tne lawer'a caiaiuiatlon by surrounOiog U at the oon of trhouaanda ot Uvea. They jacso cml-n they conquered the country 1 unasaiMted. except for aixty guns that 1 Admiral Dewey gave Aguinaido and that Admiral Dewey and the British and Belgian consuls recognised the Filipino euveralg'aty by asking for passes to visit the country. They claim that they have letters from American consuls and gen. emlM rexnrfttxing their sovereignty and promising that the Americana would rec i.nlse their Independence "which was at tie diapoaillon of rhe powers." The. Ftliplns attempt to make capital o the sNtametst that Aitmtral Deiwey had confldenoe fhat Aguinaido would ob-str-e and fultill the rules of war; that he gave bim a hundred Spanteh prisoners slik the American navy had captured. FILIPINOS AGAIN DEFEATED. Battle Taktts Place Five Miles Beyond San Frenando. MANILA, Aug. 9.-12:43 p. m. -General ifuc Art'.mr'a force, oonsrarlng of four thoualond men, advanced Ave miles be. xnd San Fernando today, encountered and dad a Filipino force of (.000 men. The enemy retreated, leaving many drtul and wojnued. The American loss In killed and wounded was 20. KORSiiS NOT CONTRABAND. Law of China Prohlbks Export of Horses and Ponies. WASHINGTON, Aug. 8ome time ago GenetHl Otis made a requisition on te war department for 2500 borees to mount the oavuhy in the Philippines. He abated In tthe despatch ttvalt the horses in the Island were not swtistfaictory and itroalt contractus for them n China had failed, wnJs "ootntraband of war" being atlded. The matter was referred to the state Uyr Makes the food more (Kivfti ftjucnvo 1 I A dvarnvini for invMtaUon, atvl Utn a Conger on the fifth wfnu a letter V XTtury Hay encloaiitg tha oorrfpon4. nne that had paaaed beewern eh CMnea fwr-airn office and hanwhT rrtiv tli ref uaui of China to atlonr poraea to t sported. It appears from thai corra. apondenoe tnart T. 8. Dattnn bad coru t mooed t Tim Ttn fur 1i poirlea and 23 tnutee but waa refused export pwt. Klntater Conger upon inveAltgaUoo ftatnd that the refusaf waa baaed upon the law at CMna prohibiting the tvrrt of borsea and ponies. Ruaala has been. raftaed as well aa other oountrlea. and The Chine foreign office aaid they could jot mak an eioeptlon In favor of tba United State. Xo suggewsiun la made wast the ponies are oontrabnnd of war, and General Otis must nave been misinformed aaien b9 sent Mjjdsepaicai) to tb war department. X EOOTf ATJ0N9 ARE RENEWED. MAXILtV. Aug. t The authorities at ttadrU hartre ordered tin Spanish com. umrmssHn:? cot to return to Tarlaa, and It la reported two special commas. alonera. Sen-.-a Caprilea and Cutrtio are Cwir way ber from Spain to conduct wfrtkktluoa br the aurrender of tha fpanidb prlaoxrs now bold by aha Fill' pr-noe. BOOMING VAN WTCK. Democrats Meet In Conference at Near Tork to Bring Out tha Tammany Man. NEW TORK. Aug. l-A apectal to the Tribune from Saratoga, says: Jos. WSUst. of Alabama, rhe bead of tha ovntinget of southern democrat pro. noting the presidential boom of Augua tua Van Wye, and who waa expected to arrive in Saratoga on next Friday, telegraphed from Ann! sum, Ala., that ha) a delayed by legal business and could not reach here until August 14. A conference ems held at the Grand Union ndtel bexween Augustus VanWyck. WWflam F. Harrity. of Pennsylvania, Exhamman of the democratic nation! commtttee; "Free" Rasin, of Baltimore. Fleming DuMgoo, of , Georgia; Oeorga Ralph Walker, of Georgia; Colonel Jos. Clark, of CaUfornia; Colonel William H. JVu-kjon, of Tenntaeee: Colonel Dick Brljh, sergeant at arms of the UnKedl Statea senate, and James Shevtta ot Brooklyn. , ' It waa nutk-ed rhaK none ot Tammany'a people were In the conference group. ft as undersoood that the Van Wyck ftCIowing will hold a regular conference, as aoon as Mr. WWett arrives. SHIPPING SHOT TO JAPAN. A Cargo Goes Out on the Pelda BOjeved to be Intended for the Ftipiaos. aN PRVXCI3CO. Aug. g.-Th Ex. arminer today says: ; Tie Cy of Pefcln. -Mch sailed on Sat. urduy for Hong Kong by way of Hono. lulu and Vok-iiama took among her cargo JlJ.iW potiniis of shot, the flrst shipment of the kind that has ever been made to Japan. In addition there were sen 1,-," Z'A r eJt I . 1 .... - (vi. wv "v J ir.i v4 B nlll a uu ill, JOS) j uounik at shot lead. S Just ro what use this unusual fhipmenit is going to be put U not known, but suggeutlons have been made that It may be intended to smuggle Into Manila for the use of Auginaldo and Ms army. DISASTROCB TRAIN WRECK. BUTTE, Mont., Aug. 8. A apecjal to the Miner from Mlatttiira, says: A ctls. aatrous freigiht wreck ocoured on tha Bitter Root branch of the Northern P. ciflo this alltemoon, caused by the sink., tng of the track. The freight was goinar at the usual rate of speed when at a point about one mile west of Florence the engine suddenly sank and seven cans piled upon each other. Engineer Beeba was found deed under the engine arul waa probably INttanuly kilted. Flreimn Mill was badly scalded and will not live. BRITISH SHIP SUNK. TORQUAY, England, Aug. l-Tha Brinish buitiUeahip Sans Pareil, while re. turnbrg from manouvens, sank the British, ship Bust Uafclan, Oaptain MoFarlain, 1SS9 tons, kuat nht, off the Liaard. On man was wounded. The warship com rminkwted the neiws to other ahlpa of the fleot by wireless Wtegmphy. iovpsB delicious and wholesome POwwit eoM ttcw yowk. ' f - r.