Newspaper Page Text
UUC DAILY A.STO&LAN FRIDAY MOKLNG. SEPTEMBER 1, 18M. V JOHN T. LIOHTCR, Kdltor. Telephone Mala t(L TEH US OF SUBSCRIPTION. "tXAILT. . Sent by null, pr year .. Sent by tnali per month M Served by carrier, per suonta. H 6SaU.WEKLY. nt by nail, pr year, la advance.. FVets free to suoeortber. .p.t Alt commas tcatloct Intended t publW satloa shoul be directed to tbe editor. Business coenmuntcsuioris of all kind ard remittance must b addressed to "The Astoria a.", Th Astorlsa roamntee to in sdver. tWrs tlx ;nsest elrcuUtioa of any newspaper pubilhd on tb Columbia river. Advertising rate can M tu wlU eeUoe to the business mui(w. O. R, Jk N. FREIGHT RATES. The East Orefonian says: It Is plain to b Men that much nor ot the wheat ot the Inland Em pire will ro down the Columbia river route to the sea. In future than In the past, to the advantage of Portland and the encouragement of the ope nine of the Snake and Columbia to free navi gation, from Lewiston to Astoria. Now. it Astoria will ceaae Ita gTumb- Uicf at Portland, and cease putting lta faith In bonuses and land speculation, and take hold of the open river ques tion with vim and vigor and never stop until there Is an open river, and with tome one to represent the people of the second district In congress Instead ot a politician ot the peanut, office-jug-gUng variety, who had the office thrust upon him because he could be In fluenced and controlled, the prospects of the entire section east of the Cas cades will be brightened and the coun try developed and Inhabited by thousands to hundreds that prosper here at the present time. When there Is an open river, no agreement that the railroads can enter Into can hinder development or retard settlement. Until an open river Is secured the peo ple will be. comparatively speaking. subject to the whims and dictation, and sometimes the greed, of those who make a profession of manipulating rail road stocks and bonds In Wall street There Is no reason why the ople In r ' Kc era Oregon should be subject to the dictation or greed of Wall street railroad manipulators. The East Ore gon lan knows well enough that the remedy for the present oppressive rates charged by the railroad combina tion for the down grade haul on the " 01 l iJTTftr rnvthe people's hands and -. N , can be applied whenever they wish. Let the legislature of Oregoffforce the - O. B. A N. out of the alliancthat now holds up Its rates to the Puret sound mountain standard. In other , words, let ns have In Oregon, for the benefit not alone of the producers of Oregon but of the whole Northwest, a Columbia river down-grade standard of freight rates. Let the freight rates . ; , ,of "Oregon's" road be fixed at a point which will leave a fair return on the money Invested, with the cost ot oper ation, and yet give the dwellers In the Columbian basin the rightful advan tages of their location and nearness to natural markets. There Is no section of the country where the people can so easily protect themselves from the un just exactions of transportation mo- noply as In the Northwest. The 0. R. t K. Ji the key that regulates the whole rate situation, and the people have control of that key. Let the peo ple apply that key not maliciously nor in a spirit of persecution, but Ju diciously and fairly, as their just de fense against the "manipulations" of which the East Oregonlan complains. As it Is now, the farmers of Eastern Oregon are oppressed by a standard of freight rates based upon the mainte nance and operation of the mountain grades into Puget sound, instead of tho water level grades leading to the natural outlet of the Columbian basin. If the East Oregonian and other papers ef that section would take up this ejuesMon the railroad combination could be brought to time without waiting for a session of the legislature. It would be to the Interest of the combi nation to make any reasonable conces sion to the Columbaln basin people, rather than force a resort to legislation. The rate question In the Northwest will not stand an honest legislative Investi gation. The producers of the Colum bian basin are contributing Interest on many millions of Investments which should be taxed against the people of other claws and sections. WHY BEEF IS HIGH. The statement that American beef of -the same quality Is sold In London from one and one-half to two cents cheaper than here, Is denied by the organ of the meat and provision Indus tries of the United States. In a recent issue the "National Pro vlsloner" denies these statements, and add that "Australian, New Zealand and American beef meats are not In any sense competitor ot each other in the English market. The former la from grass rs (range cattle) and 1 frosen. while the latter meat la hand fed and refrigerated. The respective prices at which they sell in the earn market show this.1 For the sake of proving this, the Provlsloner Institute a comparison which show that 'while American re-' frlgerated hind fetched Uc In the Smlthlteld Central Market, the froaen hinds from Australia brought only an average ot cents per pound. The actual sale ranged from Is. Ud. to la. M. for eight pound (short atoae). New Zealand frotea hinds sold at fron Is. M. to Is. W. on the same date for the same quantity, or from lc to an average of ?c per pound, the aver age tor American meat thus nearly doubling the price obtained from the frosen stuff from the Antipodes." The whole question ot the high price ot meats, this article asserts, la due to supply and demand. Much ot this serious cattle loss Is attributed to the cold weather, which was so protracted that with the great scarcity ot feed In the ranges, cattle there failed to recov er, and many of them died. , To Intensify this adverse range con dition the home and foreign demand became heavier. There was not the stuff to meet it, so the market crept up to the packer, who needed cattle, and, hence, the wholesale price ot beef advanced. To meet .he home demand and to fill regular export refrigerated beef or ders, which required about tOOO cattle weekly, the export ot live stock fell from 20.C91 head for the seven months ending July, 1S9S, to 19S.E0 head for the same period, -nding with the close of last month. The export of refriger ated fresh beef Increased from 134,511. .' pounds for the seven months end ing July, iS9S, to 1S770.43 pounds for the first seven months of this year. For July. 1?S9, alone the shipments of this class of meat exceeded those of the same month of last year by more than 12,000,000 pounds, even at the higher price for beef. Cattle cost the slaughterer. It Is as serted, from one to one and a half cent per pound more this year than last, and this makes carcass beet cost one and a half to two cent a pound more. A magnificent ex ample of wbai care of bealtb will do for s man Is pre sented in the life of Mr. Gladstone, the greatest states man of the ceMory. This "Grand Old Maa" at eighty-six veers of sge, retained a i f intellectual vigor on bat ed, sod had not lost the sinewy grip with which hp fastened upon nj rehject that interested Dim. Nesrly every aun kss it in hi power to live to s green old age like the great states man of Enr land It is tnupty a matter of a little daily thurtbt sad regud fur health. If, when s man ,ceis that ho is a little oat of sorts, be wiU report to the rirht remedy, he will neecr have to latituii to the more serious ills of life. ' Must men, when they have a headache, seel orowty during the day ssd are restlrsa da nog the sight, and find their appetite tilling off. pay little or no heed to these warning. The inceiuble result is some danfe-trow and po.-ioiy fatal maiauy. i ne oocv r rtay can it consump tion, malaria or bti. tisneae. or perhaps some blood or skin dU, u. Tt make but tittle difference. These -oablcs all have their inception in the ul r csuse im proper ana insufficient noun ment Dr. Pierce's Golden Medics! L;cot -ycerrects that cause. It makes the ippeJte keen and hearty, the digestion peri-et, ,'ie liver active and the blood pore an.: rich. It is the great blood-maker and fie:. SniMer It facilitates thr assimilation of u.- life giving elements of the food, filling thr blood with the nutriment Ibat makes n-w and healthy fleb and nerve tissue. Men cine dealers sell it. "Ln aiinmer." write Mix Men fienel. of Kant Bethk-hem. Wnshinrwn Ov Ps "I was eoing into coouniptkm. X. Pierces Qoldea Medical Iiscovery completely cured me. ' A man or om who neglects constipa tion suffers from s; w poisoning. Doctor Pierce's Plesiant Pelli'- fure constipation. One little "Pellet" is a K-ntle laxative, and two a mild cathartic If you bave piles, cure mem. No use undergoing horrible operations tnst lm. ply remove the results or the disease without disturbing the disease Itself. Place your confidence in DeWltt's Witch Hasel Balve. It has never failed to cure others; It will not fall to cure yon. Charles Rogers. Amateur photographs, like amateur poetry, often fall to produce a sym metry In the feet " Pears' No soap in world is so cheap. No soap in world is so lasrr. th the An Excellent Combination. The pleasant met hi J and beneficial effect of the well known remedy, Smcr or Flos, manufactured by the CauroRXtA Fi Strui Co., Illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles ot plant known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them In the form moat refreshing to the tast and acceptable to the system. It la the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleaosimr the system effectually, dispelling colds, headache and fever gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Ita perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub ttanoa, and it acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or Irritating- them, make It the Meal laxative. In the proceea ot manufacturing fig are used, a they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatio plant, by a method knows to the CAuroRXiA Fia Stbt Co. only. In order to get it beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AW rBAXCKCO. OAI. utnarnx-t rr. nxw roax k. t. for sale by all Droaista Price Sue. per bMtl 1'ntll men have to keep their hat on with pins they will never know what women suffer In silence. Mr KarTs Gover Root Tea BesntHV the Complerloo, Purifes the "Jowl, 1 v Krh.CWr!ia. CumCaa tlpelina, lodlamtloM. and all EnnKkm. f the saia. Aa acrmMe Laialive Sir Tonle. Sold on a'Kolute rarnu by all oussiets st Sic, SOc. and 11.00. . C. WCLLS 4 CO., II HOT. N. V. sots eeeeeieToss For Sal by CHARLES ROOER8. Don't think you can cure mat siigat sttsck of dyspepsia by fiteusg. or mat It Nl cure Itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will cure It; It "digests what yoa eat," and restore th digs tree organ to health. Charles Roc era. In these days of progress many man discovers that his wife's pies are not like mother used to make, that they are. In fact, much better. J. D. Bridge, editor an nropntor of the Democrat, Lancaster, N. H., says; ' l would not be without On Minute Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled with a cough or cold. It Is the best remedy for croup I ever used." Charles Roger. Not one woman In ten can hold up her skirt in a manner that doe not seem to Indicate that she Is momenta rily afraid of losing It Pneumonia, la grippe, eougns, colds. croup and whooping cough readily yield to Oie kfirwte Cough Cure. Use this remedy In time end save a doctor's bill -or toe undertaker's Charles Rogers. There is one great Joy about not owning any Jewelry. You do not have to lie awake nights, fearing that burg lars will get In and steal It. Borne of the results or neglected dy. peptic condition of th stomsch are can cer, consumption, heart disease and ep. Ilepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure prevents all this by effecting s quicx cure in ail cases of dyspepsia. Charles Rocers. By allowing the accumulation m the bowels to remain, the entire system is poisoned. DeWltt's LKlle Early Risers regulate the bowels. Try them and you will always use them. Cnarie Rogers. We have grown so lazy that a book loses Interest for us as soon as we discover that we have to cut the page. There Is more Caittarrh tn thl ectlon of th country than all other diseafle put together, and until tzie last few years wus supposed to be Incurable. For a great many yare doctors pronounced It a local dlMje, and prescribed local rem edies, and by constantly falling to cure 4th local treatment, pronounced It ln curattle. Scien has pioven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires conntitutlonal treatment. Hall s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V. J. (1.eny & C., Toledo, Ohio, is the only cr.ntf i'.utloial cure on the market It Is taken lnterially In doses from 10 drops to a tapo.-rful. It acts directly on th blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars i.nd tarUmoniala Address . CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. DrutsU, 75c Family Pl:!a art th best. rSI if V - 6 k wsr I XSold by BUSINESS WINTERS.., -Jeffs U Whit cook. "Ih oty restaurant. Beet It-cent meal, Rising gua retail, rant. 111 CocuneevJai street. For that hungry reeane try the up to date New Boston restaurant. Our Ice cream la warranted to be made ot pur cream. The Parlor, next to Joha Haha's. Biggest and beat weal at Denver Kitch en oa Ninth street, u cent. WMt cook. Try K, Beet Caltfomaa wtne M osnto per gal. too. Ale OUbert. sole agent tor As toria. Telephone B. Cream Pure Rye. America's finest whiskey. The only pur good, iisaran. teed rtoa and meUow. John L, Carlson, sole agent. Kelley transfer wagons deliver box wood ! any part ot the city en short aotlos. All order left at tepfa rural- tur More, at Commercial street. wtU re. celve prompt atteatioa, Telephone UM. The concert hall opened by Chartle Wis at No. tit Astor street, 1 the on and only popular resort of Us kind In that vicinity. Mi1. Wis la doing some thing new among concert hall. He U nt only selling a class ot pur liquor, but la giving hi place a management which Insure gentlemanly attention and treatment to hi patron. The good muslo and the crowd will be found at Charlie Wis' place. The bicycle girl thinks lov an end less chain of delight, while the golf girl talk only of the way It links two soul In unison. AMERICA ADVANCING. American locomotives are hauling English train and th English trains and Englishmen are rolling over Amer ican steel rails. Our machinery Is sold all over the world. A great remedy. Hosteller s Bitters. Is gradually work ing Its way to all parts ot the globe where dyspepsia and Indigestion thrive. Like all American products, It Is honest, and does just what It claims to do. The most stubborn rases of constipation, bllllousness, nervousness, liver and kidney troubles must yield to it. It Is the most perfect remedy j ever aevisoa ror weak stomachs. For Arty years It has been famous for Its astonishing efficacy. It la a perfectly ""n no ,ionry rvs:toa " .,r.l .h .....m-I' ELE3ANT VEaTtOl'LE TRAINS. to eo,uil It. See that a private Itevenue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. WHY NOT BCY SHOES. At the Boston Shoe Company's store? Ladles' Fine Kid Shoe for $1.15. worth 1150. 435 Commercial street UNIVERSITY OF OREOO.N. Tuition Free Fir Jt term begins Septenber U. 1S9S. Excetteat course In ancient and modern languages, science, mathematics, etc. Graduates from the tenth grade and from all accredited schools admitted without examination. Students not fully prepared to enter. tan take studies in walch they are de aden t, la the Eugene city high school For catalogue and further Information addres th President, or Hon. J. J. Wsi. ton, 8ecrrtav-y, Eugene, Ore, If you suffer trot tenderness or ren nets oo th rtgbt side, pains under th shoulder hlifl. eofutlnatlon. hlllmuaeaa llck hMUcn( ,o4 fMl 4ulI sleepy, your liver 1 torpid and eon. rested. DeWltrs Little Early ' Risers will cure yon promptly, pleasantly and permanently by removing the congestion and oa using the bile duet to open sad Bow naturally They are good pllla. Chart Roger. A woman's way Is to get the best of an argument, and then cry a though her heart would break because she ha done so. For many year science ha studied liquor. Result the whole world uses whiskey. It has proven the best stim ulant and doe not Injur nerve and tissues like coca wine and other drug ged compound. And Harper Whiskey is the Ideal whiskey. Bold by Foard Stokes Co, Astoria Oregon. ASTORIA'S GREAT 8 UK PRISE. Boston Shoe Co., Ladles' fin kid slippers and ties, 7S cents, worth $1.60, iiS Commercial street ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. sv. PORTLAND. Arrive. 6 00 a. m.lPortland Union Depot. Ill :1J a m. rM p. m. for Astoria and Inter; :0 p.m. . imeoiat point. I ASTORIA. 7: a. m.lPor Portland and "in-111:30 a.mT :0O p. in. I termed late points. ll:p.m BKA91DB DIVISION. ip.m.a.m. a. m p. m. 4:00 IS 1:10 1:10 l:Wn:5!Lv .Astoria.. i. 7:401 7:l 5:K!H:SS!Ar :52l 6:J0( l:MiAr ....8-aalde.... LvJ :15 SPECIAL SEASIDE SUNDAT TRAIN Leaves Astoria at 1:10 a. m.; arrive at Seaside 1:41 a. m. Passengers may return on any tram shown on schedule on same date. ALL TRAINS to and from Seaside run to Flavel and New Astoria via Warren. ton. All trains make close connection at Ooble wtth all Northern Pactflo train to and from the east or Sound points. At Portland with all train leaving Union depot At Astoria with I. R. & N. Co.'s bosl and rail line to and from Ilwaco and .Norui Beach points. THROUCJH TICKETS oo sals at As toria for Sacramento, Ban Francisco, all Eastern and European points. City ticket office Astoria, S24 Commer. Hal street. J. C. MA TO, Oen'l Frt and Pass. Agent. TODAY AND 'NOT TOMOWtOW, Now Is the time, Do not delay In buying your foot wesf, but torn at once and select what you want and need, ' Style I combined with economy at the Boston Shoe Co., 431 Commercial street. You have probably noticed that only level headed people f will 'ou. Oregon Short Line Railroad. TUB DIRECT BOUTS TO Montana. Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Oiree choice ot two favorll routes, vt the Vnlon Paclflo Tast Msll Line, or the Rio Grand Scenle Line. LOOK AT THE TIMS 1) Days to Suit Lnke 2 Pay to lVnvor 3 Days to Chicngo A Days to New York. Free reclining ohalre, upholstered lour bt sleeping oar, and Pullmaa palace sleepers, operated oa all train. For further Information, apply to O W . LOUN83EP.rU, Agent. O, H. I Or Astoria, Oregon. C. a TERRY, W. B. COHAN. Trv. Pas Ag:. Oen. Agent. 1M Third St.. Portland. Or. WHITE COLLAR LINt Ootumbe River and Put und Navt- gallon Coxnpany. Rsiley Ontsert leaves Attorta dally, tl. ot flaturilay. at I o m. Imvws Portland dally exverx Sunday at 1 a. m. S"hii Collar line t!okt lnrir-riang. onllatJny ll:r(, O. It A N steamer T. J. otUr and Haslo for At"rta and sll way points. 1-el. Irwisvv, eVavlrw, iine- iinuei sna arvocia. u. b. rrr Atona At. PresJeal. Telephone No. Ul nntrAT . TICKETS 11 RAIL"A POINTS EAST Through pa'.tce and tourist sleepers, ' pm. ' Llnl'.ed leaves Portland st 1:11 Limited arrives Portland at I X No I a. m. For rate, etc., call or sJlre.s 0. W. LOlN8BERRT. Agent 0. R. N . Astoria. or A. B. C. DEN.VI8TON. C. P. T A.. Portland. Or It T UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL 'ntiss "Konn.weitern Limit!" trams, - electric lighted throufhout. both In side and out. and steam heated, are. without exception, the flneit train In th world. They embody tb latest, nwei and best klaa foe rnmftwt. ,miiimm and luxury ever altered th. traveling pwvMv, ....u,i i . m wosi com Plat and apltndld production of th ear builder art. These Splendid Train Connect with The Great Northern The Northern I'aciric and The Canadian Pacific AT T. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge tor then superior ac commodatlon and all classes of tickets ar available for passage oa the famous "North-western Limited." All trains oa this line are protected by tb Interlocking Block system. W. H. MEAD, T. C. IAVAOB. Oen'l Agent. T I Portland Or. I if i? C " I A familiar nam for th Chicago, llll wauke A St. Paul Railway, known all over rh Union as th Oreat Railway running th "Pioneer Dmlted" train every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "Th only perfect train In th world. Understand: Coonactlon ar mad with all Transcontinental Line, assuring to psssegenrs th best service Known. Lux urious coaches, electric light, steam heat. of a verity equaled by no other line Be that your ticket reed vta 'Th Milwaukee" when going to any point In th United State or Canada. All ticket igent sell them. For rate, pamphlet, or other Inform. tlon, address. J. W. CASET. C. . EDDT, Trav. Pass. Agt., General Agent, Portland, Or. Portland. O.r Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflciallydlgests the food aoraldj Nature In strengthening and recon struct! nf? the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovered digest ant ana tonic. No other nrcDaratlor can approach It in efllclency. It Id. sianny relieves ana permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Heartburn. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlcltHeadache,GastraIgla(Cramps,ana cuiuLiier renunsui iniptfrieciaigestloa rr.porao oy a. k,. uewitc at CO., CI)lcoge. For Sale by CHARLES ROOXR. . . aJLUBt CAM WBA1I HOBa. ' 0 atse smaller after using Alien's foot Case, a powder to te atilken fwo the shoe. It makes tight or new shoe feel easy; It give instant relist to corns end bunion, It' th grewtest comMrt dls eovery of th agss, Cures swell test, o uters and oalloua spot. Allen's root. Kas U oertam eur tor I narrowing nail, eweatlng, hot, aonlng IVea. At all druggist and sfco store, eenia Trial package fre by mall. Addres Alea V Olmsted, La Hey, N. T. Th les a woman trie to h Irr statable th more ah I. Oo to th Columbia Klectrle. 4 Its pair Company for all kind ot new and repair work, from a eambrio needle to a bicycle, boiler or englae. Quirk work and aatlafaollon guaran lead. Logging machinery of all kinds a specialty. Shop opposite Roe, lllg. tint A Co. NOW IB TUB TIMB. To buy chlldrsn' school shoe for M cents worth II and ll.ts, at th Ilo ton Shoe Company, tU Commercial treat TUB BALE FOR TIIIRTT DAYS. Paby shoes, M cents, worth Tt osnt, at Boston 8ho Co., i( Commercial sirvei. TUR BOrrON BHOB COMPANY, 0nt' French Calf Bhoea. M, worth K iH Commeroial trsL Andrew Lake 84 COMMERCIAL BT, ...Merchant Tailor... Perfect Pit Guaranteed. Low l'rlcc.. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly Don. J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Bulkier Ilouw-iiioving Tools for Rent. L LEBECK Carpenter and tlssllclor ar)r1 Contractor HOUSE RAI3IN0 AND MOVINO A SPECIALTY Light pluc your house of buslne and with Incandescent Vapor Gas Lamps lOO-candl power at a cost of la tor three hour. MlllCf & HiTlLlktTZ, AffCfltS 441 Bond Street. Astoria. KOPP'S f Tb North Psolflo Brewery, of wblob f HrJobo Kopp U proprUlor, make beet I for oBestfa) and export trad. North Pacific Brewery W. F. SCHEIBE, A tail llae ef PI dm a5seker' Artless. 4T4 Commercial g. THE Seventh and SHASTA MINERAL WATER, PEN'ER, NOHLE, HICKORY AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQL'OKS, WINES, DEER AM) CIGARS Served Day and NlgHt. AUGUST KRATZ. . I N jT" i MANHOOD RESTORED afi Unn nl a f avms-Hiai It'ssaasik .i. ...i.. inl . ... l, rv. - Mmnlea. tlnSlneai Coiutlimllon. 1 1 Btronc ND AFTER : ' k l.liif r anil th- eh, ...u.n Praaialllla. V, sit, Awrliwnsu Adsrss vAvoif siCDii.1 ;., p, o. ng m3 RatrensUienaandieiiUieeaimallweaknniaiis, 1 trwi;kNIC...n7 l'.M."J:L'".? J!!0.?:.1"'"'1 .'' ' !'. due n.,l ,'ami m iwmaiini eirl Those who hav delayed buying. HMttiitior I'ootwtfir are fortunate. They van save at teaal a third on th usual cost of high grad hoes. W are closing out all of our summer tan shoe at great reduction. We hav them fr men, women and chlMren, which should bring everyon t th store. They are psw good which hav oversuyed their time, CunslJer these figure. Petersen Is Brown. THE PROOF of th pudding la In th od tn proof ot Mquor IS IN SAMPLING That' aa ajvuswanl that' otuesre a oWnsotHWriMaoa. Our wQI stand th test. HUGHES & CO. mi! 5 mi: on.113 "mm rurttaiid DeTarT A salts reel Msll SB. at. Mat, l.k. It-.- h Worth, llm.h. K.tJ '" Baa I'llv. Ml ; Stall I lllcau an SaV rilsn fle tlOp.S) waiia nail. Hfan. Mllineau,ill..SI.I'aulJ HpoSsns riruf a. ra. imiuih, Milwaukee, I'likaae aud Kaal, fieaa Astoria OCBAI UKAHAtll" All Salllni tt tub Jrel in rhane. I For San Kianeen-Nl sen. I 10, i, tv r r m si Ru. Hilar IsssaesMo Colrmbta River ; olay teaaier 3 p m Tne To Portland aad Tuur fti; Way Laaduuja ,1 p ni ft T l at lliea. Thur, Buu. WUIsm aad VsasJ M'W.Ved, Slid rn. kill Hirer. Or'n t'lty, lieytoo, Way-Uaadlnia, Soak Klver, tU pari lo Lew Is ten. Kllsrls Ua.s dlyj Le Uwlsta IS a is daily I sua i TortlsliJ WIUSMKTTg HiVKK IJe.1. Wed! Oregon t-ltv. .(., Tu,7 rrWsy I haleniA Way-Unas gslur.lar I S3 u. Th gaturdsy a w, IsOUmBERRT. ageat AMeela, w. b. BirtuiUstr. Om. r. Art. rsruaa. Or, BEST So.aLIjaL ti si. ' Tuee.Tbui aud Ksl, A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Bottled beer for family nae, tu beer inppl4 at an Una, dllvery 1 o city ire. Aiwayet wl labia ' La Belle Astoria" Clfar Scbelbe's Optra Star Schetbe'a Special And nthor Brand Astor Street.- - . M'nnncrer j- "OUPIOKNf ThHreiVeuhl vlullurlieprmiiriH ,C-r-. w im viiaiisar.llisprn ..u iiirwimn. wi l an tb vi.m ..... -n U. Vr. i'"'.'" '.'"V !?''. U-hllHy. ! all l, f v . ' !,',", V ,Y """'I Siit urinary nrsana ot all luuiuMUaa '"P"'""-r. 't:jr.elvaussUuiUsr. Uii m SdlP.ti rsd, LOUVRE 0. Commercial Si.