Newspaper Page Text
1^1 j , ^Weekly J ^VQL. 1 __SKOWHEGAN, MAINE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1909NO. 1 < FEDERATED CLUB! OF liMIEN Annual Meeting Water ville, Sept. 14,15,16 Program For Three Days Given li Foil. \ letter from Mrs. White, presiden I of the Maine State Federation of Wo men s clubs, enclosing the official pro pam for the Seventeenth annua meeting at Waterville, has been re ceived by Mrs. Edward W. Heath o tbe Waterville Womans’ club. Wi make extracts from the letter and th announcement of the hospitality com mittee and print the program in full Tuesday, Sept. 14, S p. m.—Uecep tion in Foss Hall. Wednesday, 8.30 a. m.—Meeting o board of directors; 9 o’clock, call t order; invocation, Rev. E. C. Whltte more, D D.; address of welcome ) jion. Frank Redington, mayor o Waterville; response, Mrs. C. E Flagg, 'ice president of the Ma'n Fe legation; introduction of ne\ clubs; greetings from guests; re ports of committees; rules, Mrs. I T. Neal; credentials, Mr». Anna AJ Drummed; reports of officers, re cording secretary, Miss Elizabeth K Hobbs; corresponding secretary, Mis Carrie Bradford; treasurer, Mrs. E 11. Houghton; auditor, Mrs. Morril N. Drew; report of reciprocity bu reau. Sirs. Eldward W. Heath; gen eral federation secretary, Mrs. W. E Hall; reports of district chairmen presidents report, Mrs. F. H. White report of art and literature commit tee; tribute to Miss Sarah Orn Jewett; address, Mrs. F. P. -Ybboti chairman. Weln sday, 1.30 p. m.—Club re ports; minutes of morning session address, “Civi' Service Reform,” Mis Georgia Bacon, president Massachu setts Federation of Women’s clubs report of library commission, Mrs. E M. Estaorook; report of arts an crafts committee. Mrs. Irene Stratton chairman; address, Asa G. Randal director of the Commonwealth Col ony of Art and Industry, Boothba Harbor, Me.; tribute to Mrs. Sarai Fairfield Hamilton, Mrs. E. E. Blake All are invited to visit the fine exhi billon of the arts and crafts commit tee. Wednesday, 8 p. m.—Organ solo Baratilli—Dubois, Cecil M. Daggett lecture, “The Fellowship of the Com mon Life," Prof. Charles Zueblln, Bos ton; vocal boIo, selected. H. P. Pqge (a)—Salon waltz—Morrison, (b —Scotch poem—Morrison, Don Morri ion, Margery MorrlBon at the pianc Thursday, 8.30 a. m.—Club reports minutes of previous session; repor of nominating committee, Mrs. Mar tha Baker Dunn, chairman; electloi of officers; business report of fores try committee, Mrs. J. A. Thompsor chairman; report of legislative com mittee. Mrs. J. T. Mascn, chairman | Education session—Report of com mittee, MIbs Hannah R. Page; repor of Federation teacher. Mias Mar guerite L. Clifford; address, “Medica Inspection and Playgrounds,” Mis Mary S CroBwell, M. D.; address .Mrs. Ed’vaid L. Marsh. Providence, B I. Thursday, 1.30 p. m.—Club reports minutes of morning session; report of civic committee. Mrs. George F Fiench, chairman; "Children’s Help, Miss Louise Thomas; "The Merl System,” Mrs. D P. Moulton; "Gooi Roads,'’ Miss Lucy Ames; "Yillag Improvements” Mrs. Elizabeth Mer rill; Public Health,” Miss Edith Me Alpine. S o'clock—Report of necrologist. Mrs Lida L. Brown. Report of resolutloi committee, Mrs. Edward Sibley, chair Mu; business; introduction of nev oBcers; adjournment. Guests of the Federation—Mis Georgia Bacon, preslden* of Massa chusetts Federation of Women’! clubs; Mrs. Edward L. Marsh, Provl fence, R. i The entertaining clubs have beei fortunate In securing the use of Fosi toll, the new, commodious dormltor; for girls at Colby college, with iti •djarent rooms for the use of guesti of the Federation. This will accommodate about om hundred, and will be reserved for thi ®rst applicants. I ft is situated about two minutes *®ffe from the railroad station, am ff'o minutes from the Baptist church ,twre the meetings will be held. The Hospitality committee will bi •» session at Foss hall, also the com a|ttee on Credentials; and all womei Bust present themselves here for as •fflunent of rooms, also for presen **tion of credentials. ! The reception will be held In thi Public rooms at 8 p. m., Tuesday, Sep fsmber 14. The entertainment is upon the ba of Article Two In the By-laws wlllch reads—“Officers and guests o fhe Federation and Chairmen of com OltteeB or their appointees shall bi •ffRible to entertainment at the an Pual meeting.” ff the expense of entertainmen Prohibits the representation of an; | club, provision will be made for it if (notice is sent to the president in ad vance. The usual reduction is offered by the rai^oads. Tickets will be sold the 13th good to return the 17th and 18th. A limited number of rooms in pri vate houses have been secured at as low prices as possible. The hotels in Waterville and Fairfield will ac commodate those who prefer hotel accommodations.” STRONG SERMON BY ™i The Watchman’s Editor Preaches at Bethany f Without Toil and Suffering, >'o Char j after Can Be Developed. ' Rev. Edmund F. Merriam, D. D., f of Sharon, Mass., editor of The Watchman, of Boston, one of the fore ! most of the Baptist denominational ' papers, occupied the pulpit of the Bethany Baptist church Sunday ' morning in place of the regular pas ' tor, his brother, Rev. George Mer riam. Had the day been a pleasant one, 3 undoubtedly a very large congrega ’ tiun would have been present, for Dr. Merriam is a man who is known through the medium of The Watch man to the great majority of fam ilies of the Baptist faith, and what [ ever he says contains the sage wisdom ^ that comes from close and personal , acquaintance with the events of the passing day. A fair sized audience however had braved the heavy rain and were well rewarded in their de . votional zeal. ' Dr. Merriam took for his text the following, found in Romans 5:20: . “But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” j He' said in part: Schopenhauer, the German philosopher, has claimed that the world In which we live is the . worst possible world. If we look , simply at the evil in the world it t may be thought that the German phil osopher Is right; but a careful study . of our text, and the world itself may lead us tc quite different conclusions. We shall find that while sin makes - the world bad, the grace of God makes it the best possible world. - Shall we believe Schopenhauer or the - Bible? First, let us observe that the world , as it Is is a necessity for the continu . ance of the human race. God first . made the vegetable and the animal ; world. The only difference between t the animal and the human being is - the freedom of choice which Is given 1 to man as his greatest possession. - For what the animal does, he is not , to be held accountable—he is not - morally at fault. Had God created another race of beings with a ten - dency to follow the good, God would i have dstroyed the choice which is - man's power to exercise. Therefore, 1 the world is a necessity for the ex 3 istence of the human race. The pos , sibility of sin, therefore, becomes a • necessity. It is one of man’s crea tions. i Second, the world as It is is a ne 3 cessity for the creation of character. • God created angels, but they have no character. Character is devel 1 oped by the stern realities of life. 1 Men who are ruling the world are men who have had to struggle. The ‘ rich men's sons are not so apt to reach the conspicuous places in life, as those of the poor men who have • had to fight their way from the be 1 ginning. As of men, so of women. At Colby college in Waterville stands ' Foss Hall. It is a monument to a woman who was obliged to fight her 5 way against great odds in the world. The woman who gave it was a fac • tory girl. She could not get an edu cation because of the poverty of her parents and herself. Having mar 1 ried, she and her husband, by frugal 1 living, amassed a comfortable fortune. It was one of her wishes in life that, 1 when able to do so, she would give 1 something to the cause of education In order that other poor girls might ! have a better opportunity than she 1 had. So Foss Hall today stands as , a monument to a splendid character. ! Without long struggle, without toil, without bitter experience, with out a previous schooling in the cold Arctic North, Dr. Cook could never have found the North Pole. His character had developed him for his success. The trials of life are our salvations. Without toll, no charac ter can be developed. , Third, this kind of a world is a necessity for the highest type of hu man kind. Paul said that we might become "partakers of the sufferings of Christ." It is a beautiful expres f sion. It was necessary that Jesus . Christ should suffer that we might i be partakers with him. We become • one with God through suffering. No one ever attained goodness and one l ness with God except through suffer - ing for God. Let us remember that OVER FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND VOTES IN THE REPORTER CONTEST Most Interesting Voting Contest Ever Held in County-Busy Day at Reporter Office Busier hours were never seen at the I office of the Somerset Reporter than those of Saturday afternoon last, the attention of the entire office force be- i Ing required to attend to the friends of the contestants in the Piano Con test who came prepared to turn in their last subscriptions and register the votes for the candidates of their choice. Quite a party of ladies and gentlemen from Bingham, represent ing the Grange of that town, were present, and those interested in the two leading candidates in Class two were in and out bitween the hours of 1 and 4. It was a jolly company as well as an earnest one. The repre sentatives of the different candidates greeted each other cordially, their manner fully demonstrating to all observers that, while the contest had been most spirited, and had been waged with full determination to win, everything had been done in a most fair and friendly manner and no feeling of bitterness was to remain after the result was announced. The polls closed at four o’clock and at seven in the evening the bundle of envelopes, containing over 500,000 ballots, were turned over to Messrs. Carleton P. Merrill, E. C. Butler and S. H. Bradbury, who had been agreed upon by the contestants as a com MISS BEATRICE SMILEY. mittee to count them and declare the result. These gentlemen completed their labors shortly after nine and gave out their figures as follows: CLASS ONE. Bingham Grange . 99,725 Mrs. C. S. Adams . 37,449 Norridgewock Grammar School . 16,171 Della McDaniels . 1,007 Lana Nottage . 520 Cal la Giles . 10 Total .154,782 CliASS TWO. Beatrice Smiley . 180,728 Lois W. Hubbard . 162,200 Frank Hucklns . 24,550 Letha Savage . 9,868 Hazel Porter . 3,700 Alta Jewett . 2,935 Vonie P. Eaton . 2,392 Ella Emerson . 1,020 Skowhegan Grange . 800 Mildred Philbrook . 200 Total . 388,393 Grand Totals . 543,175 C. P. MERRILL | ERNEST C. BUTLER | Committee. S. H. BRADBURY | People from Maine to California had become interested in the matter and ballots had been cast by readers of the Reporter in nearly every state in the Union. The prizes were wor- i thy the effort of anyone and those who have secured the handsome ranges and the third prize may well feel that the ballots registered for them by their friends have been di ! rected to a substantial purpose. All connected with the Reporter feel to thank the candidates and their friends for the courteous manner In which the contest was carried on. No one seemed to seek an undue ad vantage and this made it very easy to preserve an absolutely impartial policy, from the beginning to the end of the contest, and, while rendering everyone all the aid possible in their canvas for votes, to extend no privil eges except such as all might avail themselves of if they chose. The Re all through his trials, Jesus Christ, by human choice, entered into suffer ing that he might be an “elder broth er,” one with us. These thoughts have beeji helpful to me. We are frequently oppressed be cause of the evil of the world. But if we suffer, let us remember that Jesus Christ was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Evil, then, becomes a necessity. By God’s grace the worst possible world be- j comes the best possible world, and , through the grace of God. pessismlsm becomes the greatest optimism. porter knows that no one interested in the matter was guilty Of any thing for which they need now have the slightest cuuse for regret and, after months of very sften 'cus contesting, this should entitle both winners and losers to very hearty congratulations. Extend Thanks. I wish to thank my friends and relatives who have so kindly assisted me in earning the third prize in the mammoth Voting Contest of the Som erset Reporter. FRANK HUCKINS. Your Friendship Appreciated. In behalf of my little girl, Lois, 1 wish to thank very heartily all who aided her in the Reporter Piano Con test just concluded. All friendship shown and all assistance rendered was just as valuable as if the result had been otherwise and 1 am just as deeply grateful for it. The contest was one of the most spirited ever carried on by a Maine journal and reached proportions, as regards the number of votes thrown, far beyond those previously known to the people of this county. This being understood it will be gratifying to the friends of both contestants to be assured that the feeling between the parties most concerned was most amiable, all the way through, and at its close no sense of injury is cherished by either side. 1 have been unable to answer all correspondence, especially that re ceived during the last few days of the Contest, and for those whose letters came at. that time I presume this ac knowledgement will be regarded as sufficient. HARRY S. HUBBARD. Onr Appreciation. It la hard to find words to express our gratitude to our friends who were so loyal to us in the Contest for the piano. But we wish in tills way to express our thaukB to each and every one who assisted us in securing the piano for our little girl. MR AND MRS. D. F. SMILEY. RURAL CARRIERS AT LAKEWOOD Address by President A. F. Sandford On Importance and Utility of Organi zation. Beautiful clear skies and a bracing air greeted the rural letter carriers of Somerset County ns they wended their way toward Lakewood. It was the previously arranged spot where they were to congregate for their an nual Rural Letter Carrier Association meeting. Upon Labor day, Septem ber 6, it seemed a great relief to them to be entirely free from their regular duties for the entire day. They came in numbers from the surrounding towns bringing their families and lunch baskets, the latter filled to the brim with everything good to eat. Upon arriving at their destination they found that through the kind ness and forethought of Brother Ed win Merchant, a furnished cottage, finely situated, with a grand view of the lake and surrounding country, awaited their occupancy. They were not slow In taking possession, and after an hour of pleasant reunion and chat a fire was started in the stove, the appetizing aroma of coffee soon filled the air, the tuble was loaded to the limit of its capacity, and the pleasure for the next hour caunot be described. The regular business meeting was then held, at which the former offi cers were unanimously re-elected, two new members were enrolled, and the usual business transacted. After this, the ladies who had finished their work, joined in a grand promenade and spent the remaining hours in in formal conversation. The time of parting came all too soon. With one accord the ladies ratified the decision which the gen tlemen had reached at their business meeting, namely, to make Lakewood their objective point on Labor day, 1910. The following address by the presi dent of the Association, A. F. Sand ford, of Skowhegan, which was de livered at the business session, is given here, as follows: Fellow Carriers: Another year has passed and we meet again to shake the friendly hand and enjoy each other’s society for a few hours. These meetings can be and are a grand thing for the car riers of Somerset County. They are so, first, as a matter of business. I say business first, the old adage 'business before pleasure’ seems peculiarly applicable to us In our work. We are continually re minded of the necessity of others and feel it a duty to serve them before ourselves. This, I believe, is the true principle of living, and while it is true that charity begins at home, yet this can be carried to extremes, and if we connive to make everything work to our own advantage first, we shall find ourselves growing selfish and narrow; and certainly we cannot do our best in our chosen work, what ever that may be. Then these meetings are beneficial to us by giving us an opportunity to discuss ways and means of perform ing our work in the quickest and most satisfactory manner. By so do ing we win the approbation of our patrons and are recognized by the great department of government which we serve as faithful and con scientious employes. The meetings can be made highly instructive and interesting. It is good to meet broth er and sister carriers face to face and hear from their own lips an account of their varied experiences and to be come acquainted; we are interested in the same line of work and should certainly meet for a day once every year to exchange views, to enjoy each other's company, and to relax care. We shall take back to our homes memories, pleasant and lasting. A few years ago. I believe it was in 18S5, one trial rural route was es tablished. Who dreamed that in so short a space of time there would be 41,000 rural routes spreading like a net over the whole United States, yet such is the case and a number of hundreds of routes are being es tablished every year. Fellow car riers, we know we are working for the best government on the earth. Do [ we realize that the postolllce depart ! ment is one of the largest and most important departments of our govern ment and that it is growing in size and importance rapidly; also that the rural delivery of mail is getting to be a very important branch of this de partment? It certainly is, atid is so recognized by the postoffice officials, congressmen, senators and all. Its growth is something phenomenal; there is an incessant cry going up for the laying out of new routes; Boon there will be 50,000 carriers, then 60,000 and it cannot stop much Bhort of the 100,000 mark. What an army of men! Think of a petition with 50,000 names attached being presented to the postoflice depart ment, not an unreasonable petition I nno fnmwtoil on iustlce and com mon sense, and from men who have taken civil service examinations and ure under bonds to serve with the best that is in them. The officials cannot turn a deaf ear to such peti tions. As individuals we are denied the right of appeal; this Is why it is so important to organize. Tljjs is not a union of labor against capital; it is simply a banding together for mutual Improvement, and is encour aged and sanctioned by the depart ment. The city carriers have had a similar organization for years. The postofflce clerks, also the postmasters, have their organization, why not we? I believe the two last Increases in our salary are directly traceable to the effort of our national association. I believe our next one will be, then the association can intercede for gov ernment aid in securing better roads, doing away with penny nuisance, longer vacations, standardization of boxes, and in numerous ways aid and protect the interest of the carrier body for all time. Our county, state and national associations give us a prestige and standing before the ! whole nation which is of the great est importance to us as government J employees. If only enough numbers j are present to give us a quorum, | whatever they say goes for the senti I ment of all the carriers in the coun try which is manifestly unfair, but if I they cannot be prevailed upon to at | tend a meeting they have themselves I to blame. I wish to impress upon you, fellow carriers, what I believe to ! be the duty of us all, namely, to ex haust every means to induce all the carriers in Somerset county to join |'our association, thereby enhance our '■ own interests, and thereby augment ! and encourage the entire Rural Let I ter Carriers' body. RURAL CARRIERS MEET. Fifth Annual Convention Held In Augusta Monday. ________ 1 The fifth annual convention of the I Maine State Rural Letter Carriers' association was held in Waterville, Sept. 6 with a large attendance from various sections of the State. Mat ters pertaining to the service were generally discussed. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, J. S. Hutchins, Beth el; vice prelBdent, John N. Ersklne, Augusta; secretary, W. H. Lovett, Lincoln Center; treasurer, J. B. Welt, Waldoboro. J. S. Hutchins of Bethel and Wilbur Holt of Clinton, were elected as delegates to attend the na tional convention which will be held at Rochester, N. Y„ next month. It was voted to hold the next conven tion at Auburn, Sept. 7 and 9, 1910. Davis—Monahan Wedding. Oscar T. Davis and Miss Lemuel W. Monahan both of Skowhegan, were united in marriage at the Centenary church parsonage on Sabbath even ing by the pastor, Dr. Leitch. I r - Dr. Cook Reaches Goal Of Explorer's Hope Success After Long Fight With Frost urn! Famine. I)r. Cook, the American explorer reached the North Pole April 21. 190*. according to a telegram just received at the Colonial office here from Ler vik, Norway. Cook was on board a Danish gov ernment steamer which passed the Shetland Islands at noon today on her way to Denmark. The telegram announcing Cook’s achievement was sent by a Greenland official on board the steamer, it states that the Es quimaux of Cape York in the north west part of Greenland confirm Cook's story of his journey. The Paris edition of the New York Herald yesterday morning published a signed statement from Dr. Freder ick A. Cook, which is dated “Hans Egede Lerwick, Wednesday,” on his experiences in the Arctic regions. "After a prolonged fight with fam ine and frost,” says Dr. Cook, "we have at last succeeded in reaching the North Pole. A great highway, with an interesting strip* of animated nature has been explored and hie game haunts located, which w 11 de light sportsmen and extend the Es kimo horizon. “Land has been discovered on which rests the earth's northernmost rocks. A tfiangle of 30,000 square miles has been cut out of the terres trial unknown. "The expedition was the outcome oi a summer cruise in the Arctic seas on the schooner Bradley, which ar rived at the limits of navigation in Smith Sound late in August, 1908. Here conditions were found to launch a venture to the pole. J. R. Bradley liberally supplied from his vessel suitable provisions for local use. My own equipment for emergencies served well for every purpose in the Arctic travel.” Dr. Cook and a party of eleven men with 103 dogs and eleven heavy sledges left Greenland on Feb. 19. 1908, crossed Smith sound and Nan sen sound to Land's End. and on March 18 reached the southern point of Herbert Island. Six Eskimos re turned from there, and three days later two more Eskimos turned back. On March 20 new land was discover ed in latitude 84.47, longitude 86.36. From that point on there were no signs of land and no signs of life. When within 200 miles of the pole they began to eat the dogs. On April 21 Dr. Cook and the two Eskimos reached 89 degrees and 59 minutes and 46 seconds and were in sight of the pole. The remaining distance was quickly covered .and final observation were made. Two i days later they started on their re turn. Dr. Frederick Cook, the American who is reported to have reached the North Pide, is a resident of Brooklyn N. Y. For many years he has given his attention to Arctic explorations. He started on the present expedi tion in the summer of 1907 from Syd t ney, C. B. Cook's plan set aside all tradition by making a dash during the winter when the elements were considered least advantageous. Noth ing had been hear! from him for IS months, and two weeks ago a schoon er sailed from St. John. N. F., for the combined purpose of taking supplies to Robert Peary and bringing back Cook if he could be found dead or alive. Cook was born at Calicoon Depot. New York, in 1865. and was married In 1902 to Mary Hunt and his wife, who kept calculations, has believed all along that her husband had achieved his goal. The Geographic Society and the committee who organized the relief expedition are elated at the news. ANOTHER CLAIMANT 10 NORTH POLE Lieut. Peary Has Also Reached Pole The following dispatch was re | ceived in New York. Sept. 6: Indian Harbor via Cape Race, N. F.. Sept. 6: "To Associated Press: "Stars and Stripes nailed to North Pole." (Signed) "PEARY.” Commander Robert E. Peary’s friends have for several weeks past | been expressing a belief that he had 1 already reached his goal and that the 1 news was delayed only by the diffl- j culties of transmission. The receipt of the above message Monday is taken to mean that the re- , lief ship Jeanie which left here a month ago has reached Ktah, Green land, and established communication with Peary at that point. It is pos sible, however, that Peary sent word by a chance whaler. The last, word caine front Peary prior to his message Monday was re ceived Oct. 7. 1908, front Harry Whit ney, a wealthy resident of New Hav jn. Conn., who was left, by the ex pedition at Ktah in charge of Peary's provisions. He said that the Roose velt left Ktah on Aug. 15 on its north ern journey. I.ieut. Peary left Sydney. N. S., on July 17. 1908. in his third attempt to reach the North Pole. He arrived at "ape York, Greenland, July 31. On Aug 11 the Roosevelt was at Ktah which point he left Sept. 26. He had a good supply of Kskiino dogs and provisions. Information concerning Peary in dicates that he was about 500 miles from the pole at last account. SUDDEN DEATH OF Superintendent of Port land Public Schools Born in Norridgewock and Student at Iiloomtield Academy. News of the death if William H. Brownson, superintendent of the pub lic Bchools of Portland, was received here Tuesday morning. Mr. Brown son was well known to many citizens in this section of Maine as he was born in the town of Norridgewock, was educated in the public schools of that town and at Bloomfield Academy, and was graduated from Colby col lege in the class of '77. It is inter esting to note that his college class produced some well known men and women, among the number being the late Josiah H. Drummond of Port land; also Rev. J. M. Foster, presi dent of Yashon college, Washington; Hon. AYm. H. Looney, Esq., Portland; imas. r. meserve, president Shaw University, North Carolina. and Louise Helen Coburn, of Skowhegan. Of the death of Mr. Brownson, the Portland Argus has the following: Superintendent of Schools William H. Brownson died at his summer home at Loveitt Heights, South Port land, early yesterday morning, (Sept. 6), after a long illness which necessi tated two surgical operations, but from which he could not rally. Supt. Brownson was born in Nor ridgewock in 1854, being a son of Rev. S. S. Brownson, a Baptist clergyman of that town. He graduated from the Skowhegan High school in 1872 and from Colby college in 1877. He taught school for five years, then came to Portland and associated himself with the Daily Advertiser, with which he remained until chosen superintendent of schools to take the place of Supt. O. M. Lord at the time of his death. Previous to his election as superin tendent Mr. Brownson served for some 14 years as a member of the school board from Ward 3 and when ever Mr. Lord was absent from the city for any extended time Mr. Brownson acted as temporary super intendent, thus having a good grasp on the duties of the position when he came to fill it. Other activities have been his in terest in the study of ornithology in which he has become a recognized authority during the past ten or more years, having contributed a large number of articles on birds to the Ad vertiser and to other papers and mag azines as well as serving as an offi cer of the Maine Ornithological So ciety and editor of its official paper. He has also been connected with the Portland Society of Natural History and has been one of its council for the past three years. Death of Lafayette McKenney. Lafayette McKenney. who was stricken with paralysis, Aug. 21. died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Edward Holt. West Front street, oti Tuesday, between 3 and 4 a. m. His age was 02 years. Mr. McKenney was well known in Skowhegan, where he had been employed for many years ns a carpenter and millwright. When stricken he was at work for the Skow hegan Lumber Co. A widow, the daughter mentioned above, and one son survive. The funeral will be held at 1 o'clock this afternoon from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holt, Rev. B. B. Merrill officiating. The remains will be taken to East Madison for burial in the family lot in the Lower Mills cemetery. To Onr Correspondents. On account of a rush of copy, it has been found impossible to give space to all of the county news sent in. As teoon as the new offices for the paper are established and the work gets more into routine, the county cor respondence will be properly taken care of.