OCR Interpretation

Belding banner. (Belding, Mich.) 1889-1918, July 05, 1916, Image 4

Image and text provided by Central Michigan University, Clark Historical Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96076641/1916-07-05/ed-1/seq-4/

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Thumbnail for PAGE FOUR

vi:dm:.si)ay, july 5, i9ic
pac.i: rom
f ' ' v ii
Cst in. 1881) and published every
Wednesday by Banner Publishing Co.
Editors and I'ublihhers
Cntered into the lieldinp;, Michigan
Fostoflice as second class matter
Subscription Postpaid
One year in Advance ....... .$1.00
Six months in Advance.". ...... 50c
Three months in Advance.....; 25c
Canadian, one year in Advance. $1.50
Display rates on application. Card of
Thanks, one cent a word. Business
locals on first page, 12 cents a line.
The Banner is read in more homes
than all other local weekly papers
combined in its territory.
Even if Carranza does not immedi
ately release' the American "prisoners
captured by the Mexicans at Carrizal,
there is still no reason for rushing
into war. . Mr. Wilson must feel the
absolute lack of enthusiasm for any
such enterprise. There ' is nowhere
any of the popular demand for war
which market! the last days of April,
18(J8. Mr, Wilson is himself largely
responsible for this by his insistence
that "big business'" certain yellow
newspaper owners and those who
have financial interests at stake are
the ones who heartily ,dsire a war.
Certainly no one else does. The
soldiers who are responding so read
ily do so merely because of a sense
of patriotic duty, knowing that there
is no glory in it nothing but suffer
ing and death. The instant was be
gins the unification and solidification
of Mexico will have taken place and
there will be a strong government
in Mexico City supported by every
Mexican the very things the lack of
which we have deplored. No news, in
short has come out of Mexico to make
any sensible man feel that war with
that unfortunate country . would be
anything else than an incalculable
misfortune, if not a crime, on both
sides absolutely the wrong way to
achieve the purposes which the lead
ing men of both nations desire and
eagerly wish to achieve. It would be
greatly to be regretted, there fore, 'if
the President should now decline the
mediation of the South Americans he
was so eager to have two years ago.
' Michigan Tradesman.
In, Mexico, if a defeated aspirant
for the Presidency were to start in
to recruit an army of 12,000 men, we
suppose he would be declared an out
law and shot at sunrise if he could bo
caught Our ways are not Mexican
ways. The forms of our understand
ing are different. Colonel Roosevelt,
at Oyster Bay, is said to have dropped
everything else to give his attention
to the recruiting idea; and of all the
millions who distrust his politics no
body, from President Wilson down,
doubts his loyalty or his public spirit.
From individuals and from organi
zations in all part of the country, it is
said, responses are coming in. A force
of clerks has been employed to hanlde
thef letters. Innumerable i offers of
eqiMprilent or money to pay for equip
ment are received. Shoes, clothing,
auto trucks, saddles and harness, field
telephones, armored" aeroplane are
being promised. The grip, of Colonel
Roosevelt on the imaginations of vat
numbers of Americans stands out
strong. It would not be made strong
er by creating him a major general.--Brooklyn
Eagle. ' :
Mr. Hughes has satisfied the bulk
of the Progressive party management,
including Mr. Roosevelt, that his posi
tion on the domestic and foreign
affairs of the United States entitles
him to the support of the men who
left the Republican party in 1912.
The issue before the Progressives
was "Hughes or Wilson." Although
tho Progressive vote in nearly all
states has fallen away in three years,
and has indicated disintregation, it is
probable that in a national election,
if Roosevelt had been a candidate,
it would have returned to something
like its 1912 figure. That would
have meant tho election of Wilson,
again a minority president. .
If Hughes, when given the oppor
tunity to speak, had revealed himself
as the type obnoxious to Progressive
principals, the third party might
have had reason for deciding that the
fight had to be kept up even if Wilson
were its result.
Wo think that the continuance of
an ante-bellum sort of national ad
ministration would have been a stiff
price to pay for any correction of
abuses in the Republican party, and
You Follows!
That arc about to go
on your vacation you
certainly ought to have a
ralm Beach
Wo have, them in Snappy Patterns. In Con
servative and Pinch Back Models.
Just received another shipment of SPORT
SHIRTS. They sure look good.
The Metropolitan
A. FRIEDMAN, Prop. .
fortunately Hughes has made it ap
parent that there is no issue between
Republicans and Progressives. Chi
cago Tribune.
It was announced last Tuesday
from Washington that boys of 18
and over would be enlisted on their
own initiative and without the par
ents' consent. The order came in
a bulletin received at all the recruit
ing stations in Michigan.
Heretofore no male person under
the age at 21 could be enlisted with
out consent of parent or guardian.
During the enlisting period in Ionia
several parents were called upo,n to
sign this agreement before the boys
of younger years would be enlisted.
Under the new war department or
der the youth can defy the parent
indisposed to grant permission. The
department may.also enlist boys between-
16 and 18 with the consent
of parents. There is a general lean
ing of thevwar department for young
er men. The younger man is said
to be more enthusiastic, and responds
more quickly to military training and
can be moulded like the vine more
quickly and more satisfactorily into
the perfect soldier. y
The release of the twenty-three
Ampvirnn soldiers cantured at Car-
rizal raised the hopes as to the course
of Carranza which were dashed to
earth bv the memorandum published
by the Mexican War office. Although
it was a formal reply to the last
American note and such a reply is be-ino-
dplaved in a manner that might
be called insolent, in view of the acute
situation and our urgent request of
last Sunday, it deals with Secretary
Lansing's complaints seriatim. It
does not arise to the dignity of a state
paper and it is especially lacKing in
the courtesy which has characterized
Mexican official communications of
tho nnst. When it is not false it IS
quibbling. 'A note of impudence runs
through it all. In fact, it is impos
sible toassume that it was written
for us or for the outside world; it
was obviously designed for home con
sumption! Carranza, as has been sus
pected all along, is playing to the
Mexican galleries to hold his position.
His natural obstinacy is bad enough,
but it is no longer tempered by judg
ment. He is openly playing to the
nrnindirrs of Mexicans, doubtless
knowing that there are ambitious men
ronrlv fn kim7p tho reins of trovcrnmcnt
and the taxing power, which is worth
wnne, wun uie on pruperu,jj in ujiviu-
. x A. 1- - 1 1 A A 1 A
lion, me moment ne yieius io uie rutt
ed gringos.
The crux of the situation is that
Mr. Lansing has called the order en
fnrrod hv Cen. Trevino an act of de
liberate .hostility. Carranza has not
disavowed this order or put another
construction on it. Argument as to
thr nbilitv of the de facto government
to prevent further border raids and
to protect the lives and property oi
Americans in Mexico is aside from
iht. snnrifie nuestion as to what Car
ranza is to do about the act of war
committed against C a p t . Boyd s
trnnns. Until that is disposed of. we
cannot discuss the general situation.
Sending the cat)tured soldiers back is
not enough. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
' Just at this time, when the flower of
American manhood is offering itself
as a sacrifice in war. word'comes
from the Philippines that the Moros,
the most warlike tribe in the islands,
have forsworn war and settled down
to,the pursuits of peace.' Head, hunt
ing and tribal strife have crivemfclace
to agriculture andwhereoncethemar-
tial chief was busy hurling bolos at
his enemy he is now seen at no more
hostile occupation than turing the
stubborn glebe.
. There, tpo, as, in other places, base
ball has introduced its civilizing in
fluence, and instead of wielding the
barong the Moro has learned Ho use
the bat, and the bleachers do not even
express their dissatisf action with the
umpire by hurling pop bottles at him
at least not yet. On the bloodsoak
ed island of Jolo there has been es
tablished an agricultural college, and
the day is not distant, we hpe, when
its students will rival those of Illinois
and Iowa with their exhibits of corn
and potatoes.
Jam Omelet
One tablespoonful powdered sugar,
one teaspoonful cornstarch, three ta
blespoonfuls milk, strawberry jam,
five eggs. Beat yolks of the eggs light
with the powdered sugar, into this stir
the cornstarch dissolved in the milk.
Then fold in the stiffly beaten whites.
Cook in n buttered frying pan until
set; spread with jam; fold and serve
as a dessert Mother's Magazine.
To err is human and the divine
part is'to keep from being found out.
ai yr
f.. 1 Ml
IllSlli P1IG11ED
After the locals expected that they
had the game with the Reliance En
gine Works won Saturday by a score
of two to one, the visitors pushed
over another run in the nineth com
pelling them to stage a ten-inning
game to decide jt three to two. It
was a close game from start to fin
ish and both sides worked hard for
vantage points. Brown of the Re
liance held Belding's sluggers to
three hits, passed one and hit one.'
He fanned six, scattering the retire
ments over as many innings.
It was Shorr's first appearance with
the locals. He came from the Grand
(Rapids Central . league, and he soon
won me connaence oi me ians. ine
feature play of the day was credited
to Schorr. With the bases full he
delivered a waste ball, which was
whipped to second to draw the run
ner off of third. The trick worked
but on the peg back from second an
overthrow resulted. Schorr, who had
shifted to back up Siner and was
thirty feet back of the plate, leaped
five feet in the air caught the ball and
with two long strides tagged the run
ner at the plate.
The winning run was mu le- in tin
tenth when Mahony took first on a
grounder advanced to third on
Schorr's single and came home when
Voss pasted through first. Score:
12 3 456789 10 R H E
Belding ...002000000 13 3 5
Reliance . . .0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 C 3
Batteries Schorr, Siner; Brown,
Bibbins. Umpire Riker,
Compelled to hurl ten innings Voss
led the local nine to another victory
Sunday 2 to 1. It was a fight for
advantage from start to finish, as the
teams were the most evenly matched
of any that have met on the local dia
moml.this year. When Belding came
up, in the overtime frame Mahony
went to first on a single, advanced to
third on Doty's rap through first and
scored on Schorr's smash to left in
field. Score:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 R H E
Belding ...000000100 12 5 3
Reliance ...0 00100000 01 7 4
Batteries Voss, Siner;. Walker,
Goulait, who opened the season with
Belding, has returned from the
Springfield league and was in a local
uniform Tuesday. He will remain for
a time at least.
"Lefty" Higgins, 1 who pitched the
eleveri inning game for the F. B. Q.
team here early- in the season has
signed with the local club to handle
tha mound from the left-hand view
point. s ' '
"Chip" AJtenburg, known to all
Belding fans, is home from Wheeling
recuperating. He appeared at the
game Saturday and may work some
on the local club to keep in practice.
Many Women Need Help
Women are as much inclined to kid
ney trouble as are men, but too often
make the mistake of thinking that a
certain amount of pain arid torture is
their lot and cannot be avoided. Yo'u
cannot feel young and energetic nor
can you have good health when your
kidneys are not in sound condition and
eliminating the poisons from your
system that cause backache, pains in
sides, sore, swollen, stiff and aching
joints and muscles. Foley Kidney
Pills will help you. They give quick
relief from kidney trouble and blad
der ailments. adv.
Wortley & French and Connell's
Drug Stores.
St. Johns
The Liberty Hell
(Ily Grif Alexander)
It is bulk without motion; a much
that knows lack;
A huge lump of metal; a bell with
a crack;
A giant grown weakly; a day with
out noon;
A song lacking music; a tongue
out of tune;
A tale still untold that it never
can tell
Sq why we cherish the Liberty
It was molded in glory and hallow
ed by age.
It was loved by the patriot; bless
ed by the sage.
Tis a composite poem by senti-
ment fed.;
The glowing oration of millions
now dead.
Tis a song that we love and we
. know very well.
Like the flag 'tis a smybol the
. Liberty Bell!
Forever vibrating v.ith freedom
it lives!
It gives what it's getting; it gets
what is gives.
The good it still praises; the bad
it still blames;
And all the world over its message
It speaks through our hearts! It
is we who must tell
The world of the word of the Li
berty Pell!
Nov Newspaper Conscience
The idea is growing fast that the
newspaper should not send into the
home an invitation to 'the boys and
girls thereof to visit this or that
snake hole, to tank up and otherwise
debauch themselves.
Th$ notion is becoming rampant
that the newspaper should not be a
strumpet, placing its columns on the
market for any old thing that can
command the price.
If there is any reason why. a man
should not become a solicitor for a'
rendezvous of vice, the same reasons
should prevent a newspaper from
playing .tho same game.
This thing of printing a sermon in
one column, a liouor advertisement
in another, a Keeley cure announce
ment, a patent medicine dope testi
monial, and then publish a lot of
moralization on the editorial page is
a policy that has brought untold dis
grace upon the publishing business.
The new newspaper conscience
which taboos these things and which
caters to the better side, of human
kind is spreading with gratifying
And the influence of newspapers is
correspondingly growing by leaps
and bounds.
Robert Beebe has purchased
automobile; so has John Purdy. '
Miss Butterfield returned to Battle
Creek Friday.
Mrs. Howard Bignell and Frances
of Bay 'City were the guests of Mrs.
Eleanor Dicken Friday.
Mrs. C. Gais of Belding has boon
visiting a few days with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Alfred Davis.
Miss KoDinson or rranklort is a-
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Condon.
Mrs. Chas. Condon returned from
Lansing Thursday. Her nieces, Ella
Varle and Albern Beedy came home
with her for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Compton went
to Grand Bapids Monday to viit
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Fey.
Next Gleaners meeting will be held
with Mr. and Mrs. Dell Purdy Sat
urday evening, July 8. Ice cream and
cake will be served after the meeting.
Almond Shandies of Midland visit
ed his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Vaughn
and family a part of last week. He
has made arrangemnts to move to
Belding in tho near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Bay Bailey left for
Rockford the latter part of the week,
to visit their auntand uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. G. Bailey.
Mrs. John Griffith and her two chil
dren spent Monday with Mrs. Will
John W. Cartridge and wif6 of this
place spent their Fourth with their
father and mother on the farm near
Greenville. Other relatives there to
celebrate the day were: Mr. and Mrs.
John Bunderson of Ionia a sister of
Buy your tires direct from our factory and save from
20 to 30 per cent.
These tires are twice as thick, through the tread as
ordinary makes and are a combination of the best brands,
such as Goodrich, Goodyear and Firestone. They are
strongly built and reinforced by a new, superior method,
making a finished product unequalled for hard usage and
pleasure purposes. Used by individuals and business
concerns. ,
Don't delay but order today and do away with your
tire troubles. To introduce in your territory we offer the
following prices:
$ 8.50
30x3 Vz
All other sizes also furnished.
TERMS: Cash with order. Make remittance by cer
tified check, draft or. P. O. money order. When ordering
be sure to state whether clincher, quick detachable
clincher or straight side bead is desired.
For five days we offer 5 per cent discount where two
or more tires are ordered at one time.
i Mr '
it ( k--x XJ U
in pipe satisfaction
is all we or its enthusi
astic friends ever claimed
tor it I
It answers every smoke desire you
or any other mdn ever had! It is so
cool and fragrant and appealing to your,
smokeappetite that you will get chummy with
it in a mighty short time !
Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say
so on the national joy smoke?
R. J; REYNOLDS. TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C.
Mr. Cartridge, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Wright of Belding and their
Mrs. Holt and son, Fred, and family
spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. John Griffith and mother.
Mrs. Delia Darrow and little grand
son, Harold, of this place called on
Mrs. Mason Bums and family of Beld
ing Monday afternoon.
Frank Foy and wife of near Beld
ing called on Mr. and Mrs. John Grif
fith of this place Sunday evening; al
so on Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Darrow be
fore returning to their home.
. " , '' ... ,
Mortality of Michigan, May, 1916
There were 3,602 deaths reported to
the Department of State as having oc
curred in the state of Michigan during
the month of May, 1916.
This number correspbnds to an an
nual death rate of 13.8 per 1,000 es
timated population. The number of
deaths of elderly persons, aged 65
years or over, decreased from 1,230 in
the month of April to 1, 141 in the
month of May. In addition to the
above number of deaths there were
334 stillbirths returned as deaths.
By ages there were 664 deaths of
infants under one year of age; 246
deaths of children aged to four years,
both inclusive; and 1,141 deaths of
elderly persons aged 65 years and
over. V
Important causes of deaths: Tub
erculosis of lungs, -215; other tuber
culosis, 53; typhoid fever, 35; diph
theria, 44; croup, 4; scarlet fever, 10;
measles, 65; whooping cough, 27;
pneumonia, 334; diarrhea, .enteritis
under two years, 73; meningitis, 19;
influenza, 22; cancer, 216; violence,
194. In addition the above, there
were five deaths from tetanus, one
from thicken pox, one from pellagra
and one from poliomyelitis.
As compared with the month im
mediately preceding an increase is
noted in the number of deaths return
ed from other tuberculosis, typhoid
fever, diphtheria, whooping cough,
cancer and violence. A. slight de
crease is noted in the number of
deaths returned from tuberculosis of
lungs, scarlet fever, measles, pneu
monia, meningitis and influenza.
. 17.50
37x4 V2
the national joy smohe
y'OU'LL, find a cheery howdy-do on tap no
matter how much of m atranier you are in the
neck of the wood a you drop into. For,
Albert is riht there at the first place
- H
pass that Bella tobacco I The teppy red
. bat me-11 for a nickel and the tidy red
tin for a dime! then therm'm the hand-
H?v ' aome pound and half-pound tin
Xs humidor and the
cryatal-glaaa humidor with
Mnontie-moiatener too
that keep tha to
jk , bacco in mmch
Contagious Cheerfulness
The man with the grace of gvnuine
cheerfulness is popular among all
classes. The newsboy watches for
him. Things have gone wrong. He
has lost his pennies, or the boy at the
other corner is getting most or the
trade. The man with the smile
comes along. "It will bo better to
morrow, sonny." Why, the world is
a fine place, after all I Hopefully the
boy begins to call his papers.
In a roomful of people there is con
straint.- They are not congenial. Ter
haps they, have no interests in com
mon. Ond after another they lapse
into silence. The hostess is in de
spair. The evening will turn out to
be a total failure!
A radiant face appears in the door
way, immediately mere is a cnange.
An all around hand-shaking takes
nlace. It is as though the current of
cheerfulness had passed from the gen
ial hand to other hands, from the sun
ny face to other faces, from the cheer-
tui heart to otner nearts, cnarging
all with life and beauty. Constraint
is gone, the guests assume easier pos
itions, tongues are loosened, and jov
c become the
v V headquarters for
'motoring supplies of
this locality through our
policy of striving for
steady patronage rather
than big profits.
The f;oods we sell, as well
as the service we render, are
such that will inspire your'
confidence and make you
one of our many friends to
spread the good news of our ;
kind of service.
Whenever you want a tire,
tube, rim, .or accessories of
any kind, we will give you
that extra big measure of
value that goes with the name
Wc have, just received a
new big shipmenjt of the
handsome, stylish Firestone " ' -
with Red Side Wall and Black Tread. This
extra value of' fine appearance added to Most
Miles per Dollar is winning new Firestone
users daily. Let us equip your car.
lz e r g
delight, because
-its flavor is so different and to
delightfully good ;
it can't bite your ton jus;
it can't parch your throat;
you can smoke it as long and
as hard as you like without any
comeback but real tobacco hap
On the reverse side of every Prince
Albert package you will read :
JULY 30tm, 1907"
That means to you a lot 'of tobacco en
joyment. Prince Albert has always been
sold without coupons or premiums. We
prefer to giye quality I
Covrri 1t 111!
hf H. J. RernoUU
Tobacco Co.
I !!! ' "!MI !l Mllill II I I I
. i'ii'inm iii i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mffmvmv
li ril'il. ! l !!'!HI llllilllilllllft II III 1,1
Winston Sajlem.KC.USA.1
T1U U the rererse tide of th
Princ Albert tidy red tin. Rd
t tLU M Patented Process" menage-to-you
and realize what it means
in making Prince Albert so much
to your liking.
iality and good-fellowship follow
freely and naturally.
Other callers may be denied admit
tance to the sick-room, but not tho
man with this charming optimism.
Tho discouraged patient, after a visit
from him, sees life from a brighter
viewpoint. The physician readily un
derstands. "Ah,"hexsays, "you have
had a visit from the man with tho
sunny face and the glad hand!"
Like an epidemic, cheerfulness
spreads with amazing rapidity! It
cannot be penned up in the heart. It
is as a light set on a candlestick it
cannot be hid. It shines' from the
face, it speaks from smiling lips.
There are better things ahead. The
clouds lift tomorrow. Business will
be better next month. Success has
eluded his grasp, but it is coming.
There is evil in the world, but the
good is sure to win. "Sorrow may
endure for a night, but joy cometh in
the morning." This optimistic outlook
influences the whole community.
Blessed is. the man or woman who
is spreading this beneficent contagion
of cheerfulness among friends and
neighbors! Editorial in The People's
Home Journal for May.
JX yv,v
BUI 99
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