OCR Interpretation

Belding banner. (Belding, Mich.) 1889-1918, October 18, 1916, Image 7

Image and text provided by Central Michigan University, Clark Historical Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96076641/1916-10-18/ed-1/seq-7/

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Thumbnail for PAGE SEVEN

rntlon Does Not Confiscate Pro
ptrty, But Merely Forbids
Its Misuse.
Cao Raymann brewery of Wheeling.
T Ta., Is now the P. O. Rayraanu
ViP&ny, engaged in meat packing,
l. Uneeda-brewery, of West Virgl
ta, fcs now a milk and produce com
my. The Benwood brewery, of West
lsinla, is now a chemical and soap
ttzzL The Huntington, brewery, of
TJest Virginia, is now a meat packing
C.t. The Cedar Itapids brewery, of
ia. Is now an ice factory. The Iowa
Cy brewery, of Iowa, Is now a cream
4 produce company. The Star
Xwwery Company, of Washington,
IX, la now the Capital Paint, Oil and
Tiralsh Company. The North Yakima
Crowing Company, of the state of
tTaxainglon, is now a fruit by-product
Ctpany. The Salem, Ore., brewery
ts ow making Loganberry juice. The
Cscrs brewery, of Colorado, is now
caking a fine grade of pottery. In
Czz Issue. ;
Oard of Thanks. We desire to ex
tend our sincere, thanks for the kindly
papathy and assistance extended to
X by our neighbors and friends in our
tacent bereavement for floral offer
bjp and services at the last sad rites
T our wife, daughter and sister.
W. T. Wheeler.
llr. and Mrs. J. E. Chadwick.
Elliott Chadwick.
Chas. Chadwick.
Bessie Sprague.
Mrs. Hugh Nichols of Easton spent
Monday and Tuesday with Manton
Wilkinson and family. Mr. Wilkin
son and Mr." Nichols motored to
Grand Rapids for the day Monday.
F. H. McDonald and family of De
troit spent from Friday until Mon
day with the families of W. E. Dens
more and T. O. Hartwell. s
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Crane of Lud
ington Sundayed with Mrs. Luke
The four-months-old infant daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Adams,
Helena May, was found dead in her
bed in Orange Saturday morning last.
The coroner prounounced the death
due to heart failure. The funeral
was held at the home Monday, Rev.
Hanson of Lake Odessa officiating,
and interment was made in the Sarn
nac cemetery
Ambrose Wyrick sang to a crowd
ed house in Saranac last Monday
evening and wa3 greeted with much
appreciative applause. His accom
panist and the violinist were both
very fine.
The Rev. Woolley, who has been
pastor of the Congregational church
of this village for the last four
years, resigned his pastorate anl has
gone into the Oldsmobile shops in
Lansing. The family and good went
Monday. .
Mesdames Vaughn, Sadio and M.
Hillinger. Cobb and Chatterson and
the Misses Blanche Tower, Olive Ar
nold oiv.l Calra Billinger and Ilar.iy
Lowrey attended the Grand Chapter
meeting Of the 0. E. S. in Grand Rap
ids Wednesday and Thursday.
The grades gave a Tom Thumb
wedding in the assembly room at
school Friday afternoon which was
beautifully enacted. Songs, dialogues
and Victrola music added to the pro
gram, which was witnessed by at least
sixty of the patrons.
Ceptember 1 Cash on hand $40,908.88
raring District "A Note o,uii.i
Received from City Clerk for Contingent Fund
Received from City Clerk for Street Fund
Received from City Clerk for Opr. Water Works Fund.
Received from City Clerk for Ext. Water Works Fund.
b i r . t a i t- c:1.S T"1.. A
Received fro Interest on Dep. Sinking Fund
Received from City Clerk for River Ridge Cemetery. .
tMvivnl frnm f!it.v dork for School Library
Received from Taxes Collected for this Month 16,818.80
September 30 Received from Taxes Collected on Pav-
ing District "B" 2.8G4.21
Paid Clerk's Orders, Contingent Fund
Faid Clerk's Orders, Street Fund
raid Clerk's Orders, Opr. Water Works Funds
Extension Water Works Funds
Park Funds
Paving District "B" Funds
Public Library Funds
School Funds
Sinking Funds
School Library i
Street Light Funds
River Ridge Cemetery Fund..k
Cement Walk Fund
Ccfcober 1, 1916 Cash and Note Balance
i 1,803.73
$63,873.14 $63,873.14
C. A. ROWLEY, City Treasurer.
or More on each Pair
One Lot Women's $3.00, $3.50 and
$4.00 Shoes
DOLLAR DAY only $1.95
One Lot Boys' or Youths' Good
School Shoes, priced regularly
at $2.50 and $3.00 for
DOLLAR DAY only $1.50
OneLotMen's$3.00 Rubber Boots for
DOLLAR DAY only $2.00
One lot Black and Tan Shoe Polish 5c size 2 1.2c
" " " M " " " 10c size 5c
One Lot Infants Soft Sole Shoes 23c kind 12 l-2c
i . . J li w.l M A'. - J .l i J
U li it
" " " 50c kind 25c
rcrimjEftos ton
Are Opposed To Saloon And Tha
Use Of Liquor
If the saloon Is the "Poor Man's
Club," as Its advocates claim, whj
have bo many prominent labor lead
ers condemned the use of that term?
If the saloon is the 'Toor Man's
Club," why did John Mitchell, former
president of the United Mine Worker
of America, and one of the ablest ex
ponents of trade unionism in tha
country, say: "Almost every distur
bance in the ranks of labor can be
traced to some connection with the
Why did John Lennon, treasurer of
the American Federation of. Labor,
say: "The saloon is the enemy cf
the people. I am against it and will
do all in my power to put it out of
Why did James W. Kline, presi
dent of the International IJrotherhood
of Blacksmiths and Helpers, ' say:
"Barroom demagogues have caused
the loss of life, property and public
confidence and many times have
brought defeat to the cause of labor."
Yes, the saloon is the poor man's
club, but it is the club that is used
to beat him over the head and ren
ders him inaccessible to the ideals
and aspirations of the labor move
ment, and causes him to forget the
sound principles upon which the or
ganized labor movement stands.
Compare the amount of capital in
vested in the liquor industry with tho
amount of wages paid to the workers
in that Industry and you will find that
the liquor industry is tho most
cruel exploiter of labor under the
present Industrial system.
But the worker in the liquor in
dustry not only pays In low wages
tor the unique privilege of helping
make the brewers rich, but at a ter
rible cost of life.
The death rate among the brewery
workmen in America is 12 per cent,
higher than the normal death rate,
while the death rate among waiters
in hotels, restaurants and clubs, whero
liquor is sold is 77 per cent higher.
This high death rate has a direct
bearing on the question as to bow
much the worker receives as to his
"share" of the business.
The life of the average bartender
Is shortened seven years because of
the business be is in, according to
Charles Stelze, the noted trade union
social worker of New York.
The open saloon creates thousands
of industrial outcasts who are thrown
on to the' labor market This in turn
creates a cheap labor supply with
whom yon must compete.
Will you vote for the licensed sa
loon and thereby place your enemiei
in a position to undermine the labor
Every labor leader in the country
cautions his men to refrain from tha
use of liquor in times of Industrial
If it is a good thing for the worker
to stay away from liquor in times of
Industrial war, why isn't it a good
thing from him to stay away from
it in times of industrial peace?
Mr. Worklngman: What are yon
going to do about it
Celebrate Golden Wedding. Chil
dren, grandchildren and great erand
children to the number of twenty-five
gathered at the pleasant horns of llr.
and Mrs. A. W. Knee in Keen Bun
day, October 15, in celebration of
their fifty years of married life. Mr.
Knee is a veteran of the Civil war,
having served four years in the 44tl
Indiana infantry. A bountiful wed
ding dinner was served and a somber
of choice gifts were presented this
hale and hearty couple. Those pre
sent were: Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Duffy
of South Boston. Milton Hatch of AN
ta Louia, California, Mr. and Mrs.
John Knee. Mrs. Gail Sprague and
daughter. Thelma, and Arthur Baa-
sett of Coral.Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Knee
and daughter, Evelyn, of Lowell. Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Burgess and children
of Greenville, Mr. and Mrs. Max Ray
mer and children of Keene.
For Auld Lang Syne. Keene
Grange No. 270 will have open house
afternoon and evening of Friday, Oct.
27, to any and all who have at any
time been members of Keene Grange
Former members now located else
where will hold a campfire service
during the afternoon. W. F. Taylor,
a member of state grange executive
committee will give the address. Good
music, picnic supper, and a good time
every minute is assured.
Milton Hatch of Alta Louia, Cali
fornia, a former resident of Keene.
visited his old home neighborhood
over Sunday.
Mrs. E. Dale Bowen of 639 Rose
wood avenue, Grand Rapids attended
the Bowen-Sturgis wedding last
Wednesday and will visit relatives
and friends here for a week.
Misses Millie Zieman and Lottie
nop kins of Belding were visitors of
Mrs. Frank Daniels 'Monday after
noon. . '
Mr. and Mrs. Dell White of Grand
Rapids were among the guests at
tending the Sturgis-Bowen wedding.
W. II. Draper; and family of Ply
mouth, cousins of the bride, attended
the Sturgis-Bowen . wedding and vis
ited until Thursday. - - -
Mrs. Hiram Scott of Manistee is a
Fiest of her niece, Mrs. Ernest
inckney. ' Mrs. Rathbun 1 of Green
ville is a guest of her nephew, Ernest
Pinckney. ,
" A.rDaller and family attended the
funeral of Mrs.- Mary Werner at ths
Belding Catholic church at 9:80
Tuesday morning. - . 4 i.
Mra Oscar Moore and baby return
ed to their home in Middleville Sat
urday, after a two weeks' visit at the
home of her "parents, Mr. and lira,
George Golds. ; ;
A family has moved into the Wood
home. - - -.
. Leroy Nummer of Grand Rapids
was a caller at the home of Frank
Daniels Sunday. ' " i
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gage of Hosk
egon are visiting her partnta, llr.
and Mrs. A. I. Pant
Mrs. Ed. Trask is recovering from
a broken rib, caused by falling from
a chair.
Frank Daniels attended the funeral
of Chas. Jakeway and father-in-law,
Chas. Francisco, at the home of the
former Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Jake-
way was buried in Lowell, Mr. Fran
cisco with Masonic honors in Alton
cemetery by the side of his wife.
Grass is naturally green, but after
mnn hna lui m rwv n n BtrninRt. n trrnoa
widow he is apt to imagine he is color
Never form your opinion of an egg
until tho lid is off.
Idle curiosity is the busiest thing
on earth.
I Don't Mean To Re Mean But
There is no one so tall that he couldn't
be taller; . , j
There is no one so small that he
couldn't be smaller. .
There is no one so thin that he
couldn't be thinner.
There is no one so fat that he needn't
have dinner;
There is no one so mild that he
couldn't be milder;
There is no one so wild that he
couldn't be wilder;
And so on and so forth, this, that and
the other;
But, just for the fun "of it, here goes
There is no one so keen that he
couldn't be keener
But there are folks so mean that they
couldn't be meaner 1
Arthur J. Good hart.
Contingent Fund
Balance on hand September 1, 1916
T ! J M 1 TV
neceivea ior license anu rines
Received for Weighing on City Scales
Paid Orders No. 10506 to No. 10572. S 1.690.41
Balance on hand October 1, 1916.. -6,685.62
Street Fund
Balance on hand September 11916 ;
Received for Gravel and Old Plank Sold
Paid Orders No. 6684 to No. 6700
Balance on hand October 1, 1916
Cement Walk
Balance on hand September 1, 1916
Paid Orders No. 270 to No. 271 $
Balance on hand October 1, 1916
Operating Water Works
Balance on hand September 1, 1916
Received for Supplies and Water Rent
Paid Orders No. 6055 to No. 6068
Balance on hand October 1, 1916.....
Water Works Extension
Balance on hand September 1, 1916
Received for Supplies Sold ,
Paid Orders '.No. 1371 to No. 1373.... $
Balance on hand October 1, 1916 1,053.44
Street Light .
Balance on hand beptember 1, 1916
Paid Orders No. 221 to No. 224.
Balance on hand October 1, 1916
Fire Fund
Balance on hand September 1, 1916
Paid Orders No. 297 to No. 307 $
Balance on hand October 1, 1916
Park Fund
Balance on hand September 1, 1916
Paid Orders No. 290 to No. 295..;
Balance on hand October 1, 1916
Public Library
Balance on hand September .1, 1916
Paid Orders No. 99 to No. 202
Balance on hand October 1, 1916
General Sewer
Balance on hand October 1, 1916 $
Balance on hand September 1, 1916
River Ridge Cemetery Fund
Balance on September 1, 1916
Received for Lots Sold
Paid Orders No. 1 to No. 4 S
Balance Overdrawn October 1, 1916
Sinking Fund
Balance on hand September 1, 1916..
Received for Interest on Deposits
Paid Orders No. 10510 to No. 10540 6,240.00
Balance on hand October 1, 1916 12,027.82
School Library
Balance on hand September 1. 1916
Received for Dog Tax Collected
Paid Orders No. 10492 to No. 10564 $
Balance on hand October 1. 1916
Paving District "B
Balance on hand September 1, 1916
Paid Orders No. 1065 to No. 1067.. 6,849.19
Balance on hand October 1, 1916 10.321.39
$ 546.82
1 32.53
$ 1,567.37
$. 564.19
$ , 67.50
$ 374.86
On Saturday, October 21st
Dollair Day
I will sell any 18 size gold-filled watch case, fitted
with any 18 size movement which I have in stock
I will also sell at cost four sets of knives and forks,
teaspoons, fountain pens, smoking sets, mesh bags, coat
chains, and many other articles. Look for ray
At Cost
how Window
I will also have a window full of fine merchandise at
$1.00 each.
Geo. W. Thomas
BeHiimgs Greatest Dollar Day Store
The Store Where Your Dollar Will Buy the Most
in Merchandise-Satisfaction and Service
This advertisement contains a great deal of interest to every woman
visiting Belding on Dollar Day. Large quantities of merchandise not
mentioned in this ad will be on sale.
"We Teach Your Dollars to Have More Cents"
Five 25c Turkish Towels, large size $1.00
Two yards 65c Table Cloth $1.00
Ten yards 122c Outing $1.00
Eight yards 15c Outing. $1.00
$1.25 Bed Blankets $1.00
Ten yards Bleached Cotton $1.00
Five yards 29c Plaid Silk Ribbon $1.00
Three pairs Ladies' Muslin Drawers, 50c vaule. . . .$1.00
$1.25 White Waist ...$1.00
Men's and Women's $1.25 Umbrellas $1.00
$1.50 Corsets for.. $1.00
This lot contains discontinued numbers, all in good style;
$1.25 Lace Curtains....... $1.00
Wizard Mop, polish or duster, $1.75 value for $1.00
We will give 20 per cent on every Q you spend here for a New Coat, Suit, Skirt,
or Fmv This means if you buy a $5.00 Skirt you will pay; $4.00 for it, a $10.00
Coat will cost you $8.00 arid so on. For 0 Day Only.
A Nice New Line of Skirts and Coats Just Received.
With each 25 cent Cash Purchase we give Belding Retailer's Tickets. Good for
Valuable Premiums. See List. '
Como and Goo UcOn Dollar Day

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