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ME DING BMWER-NEWi 'Belding Digger and Better' THIRTIETH YEAR, NO. 19. BELDING, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 2, 1918.' THREE CENTS THE COPY. EEL V MAYOR GREEN - VISITS BELOIIIG WITH JAGKIE BAND TREATS BELDING FOLKS TO A VISIT FROM BIG HAND AFTER PROGRAM WAS CHANGED. Well, Belding had a visit from the famous Great Lakes Jackie band just the same even though Spanish influ enza broke out among the band which was scheduled to play at this city and kept them from coming here and at other places where they had been scheduled for. . The band reached here about 3:40 o'clock Monday after noon coming in autos from Ionia, where their, schedule had brought them for a considerable portion of the day. There were 30 of the boys and they presented a fine sight with their beautiful instruments and the music which they dispensed was well worth hearing and greatly pleased the peo ple. 1 To Mayor Fred W. Green of Ionia, must be given the credit of getting the Jackie band to come here. The band arrived at Ionia earlier in the day and played there. Ionia had many places where the boys could have been taken but Mayor Green, knowing that the cancellation of the schedule cf the'band which was to be here Tuesday night was a keen disap pointment to local people, made up his mind to bring the boys over to field ing and give the people or as many of them as he could on short notice, the treat of having the. band play here. He called up Secretary Byron F. Brown of the board of commerce and others here and the news' of the band's visit was spread go that at the time that 'they arrived, a crowd of perhaps 2,000 people were on hand to hear them. All of the silk mills and factories were closed in rder that the employes might turn out to the event. B. F. Hall acted as chairman of the meeting and he introduced ex-State Senator W. W. Potter, who was with the band and who talked to the gath ering on the urgent need of buying bonds to aid in. carrying on the war. He was followed by ex-Congressman Gerrit J. Diekema, well known here, who gave a very good and patriotic talk to the people along the same lines as Mr. Potter, onltf that he took up more time and dwelt on the indi vidual duty of each person in buying bonds. Mr. Diekema pointed out several instances where great acts of patriotism had been performed by people in meagre means and said that the man who could buy $500 in bonds and who bought less than that was not just what he ought to be. He gloried in the unity which we hav in ""this nation and with no north, no south, no protestant, no Catholic, but a strong and unified nation, we would not only, be able to go over the top in subscribing this Fourth Liberty ; loan, but would be able to watch the boys , go over the top over there in the drive toward Berlin. The speaking was done from the steps at the west tower entrance of the white mill and the band boys play, ed several selections which brought forth splendid applause from the crowd. The band boys, who were aboard a Pere Marquette train which left Ionia about 5 o'clock, left here by auto about 4:35 and were calculating to catch the train at Ionia. Mayor Green, the people of Belding thank you most heartily for your most thoughtful consideration of them in the matter of bringing the Jackie band to our city and w want you to know that we appreciate your action in this regard most heartily. ITad Big Meeting. There was a good big turn out at the patriotic meeting held in the opera house Tuesday night when Capt. J. H. A. McLean of the 110th Canadian regiment talked on the Fourth Liber ty loan. The Red Cross chorus sang several songs which greatly pleased the audience and Duncan Kerr sang several songs. Thirteen thousand dollars was raised toward the loan sales. This amount, added to the amount raised by voluntary pledges, leaves the city far short of its quota. Notice, Water Users. From now on there will be no more statements showing the amount which you are owing for water used within the quarter, sent out. The elimina tion of this useless practice will work no hardship on anyone and will result in material saving to the city. F. E. Conant, City Clerk. Girls Want Positions. There are several girls attending school here who will be compelled to quit if they don't find boarding and working accommodations soon. Call Supt. Skinner if you can help one of these bright young ladies out in this matter. "Liberty Bell" Avey. Just as the first rays of dawn were kissing Old Glory on Oct. 1, 1918 a little Red Cross nurse came to gladen the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Elleson Av ery, 217 E. Vincent street. Uoon being introdticed to Dr." Stanton she answered to the name of "Liberty UeU". bhe tipped the beam at 9 1-2 pounds and all are doing fine.- The Anvil Chorus. Ed. Anthony is doing his" part' cf the anvil cvhorug work now. He has opened up the West Main street blacksmith shop and being a veteran blacksmith and registered horseshocr is now ready for your business. Mr. Anthony is a fine fellow to meet and farmers, we Invito you to drop in and get acquainted with him. Notic f City Treasurer. Ceme in and rav vour taxe p?77 4 per cent will oe added to all taxes tid after Sept. 30 Oct. ID will dj the last day f'.r the payment of taxes. icempTiDeA date. Office open every afternoon And" evening. Yours reaper .iulivAn" - ' v Wm. E. Fisher. f Trjuur.r. 100 PER CENT PURCHASES AT BELDING FOUNDRY CO. The employes of the Belding Foun dry Company went on record as a patriotic lot of fellows early in the campaign Saturday when the records showed a 100 per cent sales at that institution, every man had subscribed for a bond of the Fourth Liberty loan. No argument was needed or resorted to in order to accomplish this but out nf the entire force there was not a man but who saw the need of the hour with the nation and cominrr to its rescue with all tho power that he mil Id rnmmnnd. boucht n bond and helped the boys that way. We doubt if there are many concerns wno can feel more pride in the display of their 100 per cent nags man can tne ueici inrr Foundrv comnanv ever the flaer which they fly us the result of the ac. tion of their employes, when they vol untarily made that mark on Saturday morning. LADIES LI CLUB HOLDS ITS REGULAR IB FIRST MEETING IN NEW LI- k BRARY -TELEGRAPH THANKS TO A. N. BELDING. The Ladies Literary Exchange club held their first regular meeting for the year in the new club room in the city library. The meeting was on the order oi a dedication, this being their first meet ing in the new club room. All who have had the pleasure of being shown through the new library, remember well the beautiful club room on the lower floor, which A. N. Belding so ithoutrhfuQIv wanned and lunusnexi for the comfort and convenience of the women's clubs of our city. To av that the L. L. E. C. was de lighted is putting it mildly as each and every member present raiectea the sDirit of appreciation and all en tered into the year's activities "with a vim. The meeting wag called to order by the president, Mary L. Smith, with all officers present. The usual business was dispensed with. Under new bus iness the chairman of the Kea iross committee of the club. Velma M. Ward, brought the work before the club in an explanatory way asking the cooperation of the club as a club. The club then voted to adopt a French orphan. The program in charge of the president and expresi dents of the club was: Original poem, Greetings. Mnu Martha Wooding: What the club meant to its members in the early days, Mrs. Rose Lamb; What the club means to its members how Teresa Ranney. The president and ex-presiaent men entertained with a burlesque. The impersonations were splendid and caused much merriment. At the close of the program the blub voted to send Mr. Belding a tele. gram thanking him for the beautiful hew club room. GREETINGS. We are nearly all here, You can readily see, President and ex-presidents Of the Li. Lj. u. u. We've been wonderfully blessed And so gratefully think Of our line of residents Without one broken link. Only two of us absent On this our "opening day 'Our. dear Mrs. Schlegal And Pearl Pollock, ar away. Wo surely do miss them, Had hoped they'd be here, But we know their hearts with us, So we've nothing to fear. Your presidents bring greetings, du in pi eacuw auu past, T T T TP r m.mttn.. iu uur t-tm xj. v. uitmuiiii, The old members and last. We welcome you all: The old members and the new, W are clad of the new members. The old members have proved true. Twenty-three years our club Have been journeying together, Whether the skies were fair Or stormy was the weather. We've taken many journeys With our lessons to con. We've crdssed the Mississippi To far away Oregon. In our own United States We spent a whole club year, And in studying other countries Found nothing to compare. Time forbids us to tell Of the far distant lands, Which were not overlooked By our L. L. E. C. bands. - Again we bring greetings to the new And to our dear friends of yore: We greet you and welcome you all Through our new club room door. No More Water Statements. Elsewhere in the columns of this paper appears a notice of tho city clerk who is also clerk of the water board, to the , effect that hereafter there will bo no more water rent no tices sent out. In other words when you wish to pay your water bill you will first have to go and find but how much it is. The city clerk ays that the practice of sending out state ments to the users of water in the city costs the city in the neighborhood of $100 each year and that this amount can just as well as not be saved and put into thrift stamps, b gosh. Entertainment. There will be a meeting of the Mo thers' and Teachers Council club on Tuesday evening, Oct. 8 at 8 p. zn.. at f?"is schoolhouse with music and re- Xi v .hments. . V Bertha Mclfahon, Secretary. FAMILY QUARREL . EIIDS 111 WIFE L G MRS. WM. HATTON SENDS .32 CALIBRE BULLET THROUGH MAN'S HEAD MONDAY. Mrs. Carrie Hatton, aged 47 years, is lodged in the Mcntcalm county jail at Stanton, Mich., on a charge of mur der, following the shooting and kill ing of Wm. Hatton, her husband, early Monday morning at their farm home two miles north of this city, which followed a reopening of a quar rel by Hatton which began several days previous and which was caused, so it is alleged by Hatton's being in a semi-intoxicated condition for seme time back. Charles Scott, who was employed by the Hattons as hired man, had arisen and went out to the barn to do the chores. Mr. and Mrs. Hatton had also arisen and Mrs. Hatton had pre pared breakfast, which Hatton was evidently beginning to eat. when he was shot. Mrs. Hatton claims that her husband started in to quarrel and that he struck her and knocked her down, saying as he did so that he would get the axe and fix her and she claims that she procured a revolver, to frighten him with and that it went off, the bullet entering his right tem ple and going straight through his head, emerged from his left ternple. Neither Scott, who was at the barn, nor any of the neighbors heard the shot. Two children, Elsie, aged 11 years and Billy, aged 6, were sleeping in the house and were aroused by the shot. Elsie ran to the home of Smith Nichols, about 40 rods away and summoned help saying that her pa was lying still on the floor with some blood by his head and her ma was on the floor groaning. Scott coming in from the Darn, found them this way. John Raymond, a neighbor, ran to the home of Floyd Bush and called Deputy Sheriff Murray. Dr. Dutt and Justice Lapham, who were soon on the scene but owing to the fact that the murder was committed in Montcalm county, they notified the sheriff 's . of fice at Stanton and Sheriff Ford and Coroner John Reynolds came down about noon and took charge of the body, which they sent to Greenville. They also arrested Mrs., Hatton on a charge of murder and took her and the two children, Elsie and Billy, to Stanton. The Hattons came here from Stan ton about three years ago and for some time had been living on the old Murray farm owned by Nick Gottinjr. Scott, the hired man, came also from Stanton and just what his relations with the family have been are conjec tural. Neighbors seem to have a rather good regard for Mrs. Hatton and regard Hatton as a bad man. Some of the neighbors think that the trouble in the family was caused by Scott's presence there and this seems to be borne out by the statements of Stanton people who knew the couple for many years back. , Hatton, previous to May 1, when the state went "dry" went to Grand Rapids and brought back a supply of whisky and he had been drinking rather heavily of this for a time and was about half intoxicated all "the time for some time back. Mrs. Hatton claims that she shot to frighten and i the shooting was acci dental and in self-defense. On the other hand the bullet was from the side, indicating that Hatton was not advancing toward, nor going from Mrs. Hatton. Only two overturned chairs appeared as evidence of a struggle which would lead one to be lieve that there was not much of a struggle. Some people who have known the woman for a long time claim that she has staged gun play before and credited her with being a good shot. Mrs. Hatton was, prior to her mar riage to Hatton. Carrie Ward, a vau deville actress, traveling .with tent shows, etc Her mother. Mrs. Han nah Ward, resides at Ionia, , Coroner Reynolds, of Trufant, im pannelled a jury composed of Smith Nichols, James Antcliff. George Hag adorn, Vern LaDow ana August (Bel cher) Bakeman, who rendered a ver dict that Hatton came to his death as a result of a bullet from a revolver in the hands of his wife, Carrie Hat ton who shot in self defense. Hatton's body laid where it fell, from about 6 o clock, the time of the shooting until after two in the after noon. Mrs. Hatton's trial will be held at Stanton, the crime having been com mitted in Montcalm county. Mrs. Bee Leach and Mrs. Floyd Hartwell of Stanton are daughters of the couple. ) "HEARTS OF THR WORLD NEXT MONDAY AND TUESDAY AT THE EMPRESS THEATRE ''Hearts of the World", David W. KJriffith's masterpiece of the present .war. will be presented at the1 Empress Hheater for two days, matinee and evening performances, commencing 'Monday, Octobe 7. "Hearts of the World" is the greatest picture yet (produced, dealing with the present war. , This picture has been acclaimVd, 'wherever shown, as the best story as to love interest, the rnost touching heart appeal ana the greatest exposi tion of tne cruelty of the war and the meanness of the powers that crush to rule. I Mr. Griffith went to France to vis ualize tho war and the rack and ruin 'are not studio properties but actual scenes and actual battles, as he wit nessed them and had them produced by the camera as historical matter for future generations. .'Hearte of the World" has been running continuously in New York for Vseveral months and in Chicago is at iiib ueKinninjf ox uie sixin monm at the same theater. , Beats now selling for -the evening Terf ormances on Monday arid Tuesday rOct 7 and &.1 Two performances uaiiy, afternoon and evening, zlake frcur reservations early. COOKS CORNERS HAS 14 STAR SERVICE FLAG At the dedication of the community' service flag Friday evening, F. L. 'Moon acted as chairman, calling the meeting to cder. After singing of the national songs and invocation by Rev. H .S. Ellis, Major F. R. Chase was called upon and gave a good talk on our boys in the service, also on the present Liberty loan. Abby White and Irene Deitz placed the starg 'on the flag as the names were called, there being 14 in all: Frank C. Hubfcard, Archie Gray, Wal. lace Updyke, Clarence Green some where in France, Robert Reeves, Glen Burnie, Md.; Joseph Fisk, Lawrence Bradford, Dallas, Texas, David Sower. Orva Foss, who were at Long Island last week and expect are now sailing, Allen Kimberly. Vancouver. , Wash., Don White, Syracuse, N. Y., Ernest Eggleston, George King, Camp Cus ter, Harry Reeves, Moline, 111. After placing the stars, Rev. Ellis gave a very pleasing-address for his thoughts were for the boys over there and the lasting peace they are fighting for. At the close a collection was taken for the Red Cross which was $22.32. PERMITS HOi'J HOT FARM BUILDINGS LUMBER FOR FARM . IMPROVE MENTS UP TO $1,000 MAY BE SOLD WITHOUT SECURING uPERMITS. Washington, D. C, Sept. 27. Reg ional Retail Committee, cooperating with National Retail Dealers' commit. tee, secured a modification of Circular No. 21, which circular prohibited all new building of every description without permit The modification permits local dealers to sell up to $1, 000 for new construction without per mit, this for farm purposes only. The situation regarding building operations that can be gone ahead with without permits is this: Farm buildings of any kind, costing not in excess of $1,000. and renairs of or extensions to existing building either city or farm, costing not in excess of $2,500 can be erected with out permits, ana any kind of material required for thir construction, in cluding lumber, cement, hardware, or any other material may be sold. MANY ATTEND 7TH DIST. CONVEHTjON OF W. R. C. The annual convention of the 7th district, composed of the Corps ' in Ionia Clinton and Gratiot counties, was held in Hubbardston Sept. 26. The president of the Hubbardston COIDS. Edith Bennett- called to order 'and introduced District President Mary E. H. Coville of Belding, who called the convention to order at 10:30 a. m. Department Counsel lor Maud Holmes of Eaton Rapids, and Past Dept. Inspector . Cora . V. Perham of Ionia were present and presented to the convention. ' There were1 80 members registered, 43 were voting delegates. ... The ad dress of welcome was given by Hub bardston corps: response by Mrs. Van Horn, I'ortland. . The convention will meet next year in Alma. Officers elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. Par dee, of Alma; senior .vice, Mrs. Lil lian Grast, Lyons; junior vice, Mrs. Preston, Elsie; treasurer, Mrs. Wal ker, Alma; chaplain, Mrs. Emmons, Elsie; , secretary, to be apponfcedv Delegate to national convention, Lois Dougherty, Lyons; alternate, Mrs. Van Horn, Portland. Reports from all corps in tha.dis- trict found them gaining in numbers and busy working for the Red Cross, sending contributions to the desti tute and suffering, buying bonds, thrift and war savings stamps doing all they can in a truly patriotic wav to win the war. A very interesting report was given by the delegate to the national convention, which was held in Portland, Oregon, the week of Sept. 19, 1918. Hubbardston corns i noted for their hearty, cordial welcomes and royal entertainments. There were 135 guests seated at the well laden tables and all served to a mo'st ex cellent, well Hooverized dinner after which we were treated to a fine pa triotic program consisting of music, singing and readings closing by all singing "Star Spangled Banner." At 5:30 p. m., after a day well spent we started for our homes by auto, vot ing unanimously that the 25th "con vention was one of the best and one to be long remembered. Florence A. Crawford, Press Correspondent. Gets Safely Across. Thomas Bracken, of the Hotel Bel ding, is in receipt of a card stating that his son, Thomas jr., had safely reached European soil. Goes to Ann Arbor. Ernest Rummler went to Ann Ar bor Monday noon, wherehe will en ter the student officers' training school. Ernest has been working in Detroit for some time past. 1 9 Some Questions i Am I the . American I ought to l be 7 l Am I the man the boys "over mere ' minic i am i I What are my reasons for notf i buying a bond? L AreHhose reasons good and suf-1 I ficient? v i Why am I not boosting for the i success of this loan? I I Why should I wait until the? i committee visits me with a re-7 i quest to buy? . .. ;l ?I 7 'm Why am I unpatriotic? r nt J - Wher is th nearest bitf 4 NECESSARY TELLS OF FINE TRIP TO HOME III GOLDEN WEST MISS CLARA "MOULTON, JiOW A RESIDENT OF PASADENA, CAL. WRITES TO LOCAL FRIEND. We are pleased to publish this week a part of a letter which Miss Clara Moulton, formerly and for many years a resident of this city recently sent to Miss Kate Lamb, who with her in valid mother, lives at the home cf John Rossman, just south of the city. lhe letter is a splendid word-picture of the trip and owing to the fact that it is too long for complete insertion in one issue of the paper, it will be carried over until next week's issue and continued in it. Miss Moulton's letter is as follows: Pasadena, Calif., August, 1918. Friend Kate: I am going to begin this letter but I am net sure when I will finish it This is certainly a wonderful country, but think one would enjoy it much better to land here along in January some time as the contrast would be so much greater We had some very hot weather when we first arrived, but I see from the papers that it was all over the country the same Last week most of the week was rather cool and cloudy which was very unusual for this place, so the natives all said, had a slight shower one day. There is scarcely a day that we do not hear an aeroplane and of course kid fashion I have to run out and look also from some points in the city one can see as many as eight balloons up at one time over at the aviation field. I have always thought in my own mind, that cedars and evergreens were grown in colder climates, but I guess I was wrong as I wish you might see some . of the giant pines here, they also have wonderful cypres hedges, which I do not care for much in a city; they might be all right on a ranch for a wind break. They have over 200 different kinds of Eucalpti trees, some have wonderful blossoms, I have .seen the red ones in blossom and it is a sight, they have what they call the blue one, I have not seen the blossom on these, do not know what it is but the young trees have quite a bluish tint from the distance. One can hardly picture Fucshias growing as high and large as small trees, ger. aniums as high as the tops of the windows and higher. The Bougan Villa is a beautiful vine, grows very thick and one can scarcely see the leaves when it is in blossom, some small bungalows are nearly covered with it: it is one flaming mass of col or: I do not know iust what you would call it, but it looks to me like what we used to call Magenta. The ole anders are wonderful and as large as good sized "cherry trees, many of them. The roses are of 'course won derful because there are .so -many of. them and they blossom all. the year around.- There is another tree, I do not know as . I can spell these and I have no dictionary at the present; it is the Jackaranda, the leaves are much like a fern and the blossoms are large clusters of purple hlossoms and each blossom looks' like a bluebell. Than there is the Crepe myrtle which has a. beautiful old rose blossom on. To me the trees are wonderful for of course our maples do not have much of a blossom on and about all we have are the fruit trees and once in a while a loctus. The Ragged Robin rose makes beautiful hedges. Then there are what they call the Acacia trees; they are black, yellow and blue; the yellow are very fragrant: We have not been on many walks as yet, we are quite aways from down town, it isn't I know, but sometimes it seems nearly as far as it is out to your house, of course we could take the car but have to save a little now and then so walk most of the time, and when we have been down town and back that is about all the walk we want for one day. 1 We. did go one night up to what they call Monks' Hill, it is quite high and we get a wonderful view of Pasadena, Altedena and the moun tains. This is the place where they go to have a sunrise prayer meeting orT' Easter Sunday. The mountains look near enough to reach out and touch them at times but I guess I will not attempt to walk to them for a time at least as I think they are about eight iiiiles away. If I should have asthma and hayfever there is a line about three or four blocks from here that they call the Asthma line above there jio one is supposed to have it. We have not been to Los Angeles but once as yet; we were taken over one day to the Allied War exposition but spent our time out there so did not see much of the city. That even .ing we stayed in and attended the Michigan club meeting. I will tell you a little, perhaps more than you want, about our trip. I have written about this same thing to several people; I made copies; I could not work my brain enough to think the whole thing out so many times and then it saved work. I wrote a couple of friends in Belding and asked them to pass it on to some of my friends, then I wrote my broth, er, George, and he sent itto Howard somewhere in France. We had his first letter from there, or rather his folks did and sent it on to us. We left Belding, as we planned, on Thursday afternoon, the 18th of July, stayed .all night in Grand Rapids and left for Chicago the next morning. It was a very dirty and hot ride to Chi cago, we arrived there somewhere along about 3:30 p. m., I should judge, were transferred to the Union depot by the Parmlee bus line; it certainly looked queer to think of a company using horses on a bus in this day and generation but such was the case; we went to see about getting a berth for Denver, nothing doing. We then went to the Morrison hotel; it was -a very nice hotel ; we had a room on the 22nd floor, a lovely room with bath, and everything in, some style for a couple of country guys, even ice water from- 'faucet in the wall, a nic desk and' dtak lamp, and a nice light by your bed go one could read ia bsd if (Continued Next Vcc.) , CHRISTMAS TRADING TO START IMMEDIATELY Sec'Byrcn F. Brown received a let ter from Sec. Lee H, Berqe of the Grand Rapids chamber of commerce confirming our statement in last wetVc's. issue concerning ChriUtmaa trading. No merchant will be allowed to hire more clerk help than at any- ordinary time of the year. He will not be al lowed to keep his store open longer than the usual hours and will be com pelled to take care of the Christmas trade in those hours. The government wants the people of the nation to start their Christmas shopping now and continue it through the months of October, November and December so as to help the mer chants take cdre of the Christmas trade in conformity with the wishes of the government. Do not mistake this as a suggestion on the . part of the government; it is a war ruling and will be strictly enforced. SPANISH "FLU" MAY BE SPREAD BY GERMAN SPIES DISEASE BREAKS OUT SIMUL TANEOUSLY IN MANY PLACES MANY DEATHS DUT TO IT. Hubert M. Engemr.nn, one of the editors of this paper, who has. been stationed at Glen Burnie rifle range for some months past and more re cently placed in the United States Na val hospital at Annapolis, Md., arriv ed home unexpectedly on the evening train up from Grand Rapids Friday night. When asked why he had not sent advance information 1 about his coming. "Hub" said that he could not do it owing-to the fact that he had practically no advance information of the matter himself until the hospital authorities told him to clear out for home. - ''Hub" says that he had been in the hospital for the past. month and was getting along nicely when the Spanish influenza got to work among the ca dets at the naval academy at Annapo. lis, Md. When the first few cadets who were taken with the disease came down and were brought to the hos- fiital, he was placed at doing some ight work, such as carrying bedding, etc., for making the sufferers comfort, able. More kept on coming and fin ally the hospital authorities had him setting up tents to take carp of the patients who by this time were more numerous than the hospital could take care of for lack of room. There are about 2,100 cadets at the Annapolis academy and the ambu lance Drought over 65 of these the day before Hub left there for home. Hub said that the physicians at the hos pital fearing that he would get the disease, and not wishing him to run the risk which he would have to in case he should contract it, ordered him out of the hospital for a period of 14 days' and that he was thus given a ten day sick leave with four days' travel time. He left the hospital in a hurry, leaving by a basement door so that he would not come in contact with the influenza, stricken cadtet who were being brought in by- the regular entrances. Hub said that there was some talk that the disease was spread by Ger man agents or spies, but .was rather inclined to discredit this himself, al though he said that there was nothing that the enemy would not stoop'to do. He was of the opinion that the recent cold snap which swept over practical, ly all sections of the country, caught the people really unprepared for it and tharit is in fact very hard cases of grippe, which when not attended to at-the proper time, rapidly devel ops into pneumonia and it is in this way, according to his ideas, that the death rate ha3 been as high as it has been among the fellows who have been taken sick with the disease. Hub arrived home on Friday even ing and on Sunday morning he be came sick with the disease himself and is now confined to his bed at the home of his mother, Mrs. Lena Enge. mann, 914 James street. He is in hopes of being able to get up and enjoy a part of the sick leave which he ha3 got visiting with friends and relatives around the city. Hub is stationed at Glen Burnie, 'Md., when able to attend to duty and I this is the same place where his brother Martin ana noDen jueevt- are located. Arthur Dehn, another local boy, is stationed at Annapolis, Md., and when Hub left there for home all of the boys were feeling fine and he did not think that they would get caught in the "flu" epi demic. Nephew is Killed. In writing to Thos. Bracken, Rev. Fr. J. M. Zindler, of St. Joseph, says that his nephew, Ed. Melcher. was killed in action in France on Aug. 28. Melcher was cited for bravery by General Pershing on Aug; 10. He was a corporal in a machine gun bat talion. Arrived Safely Ore seas. George Whitney writes his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Whitney, that he has landed on the other side all right and the first thing that he did was to take a look around for the kaiser in order to get a shot at him. F. M. fluarterly Conference. The first quarterly meeting for this conference year will begin Friday night in the Free Methodist church. Meetings will be in charge of Rev. B. T. Hicks, the district elder. A cor dial invitation is extended to all. J. F. Iulg, Pastor. v About now the boy who only last year felt honored to have the busi ness men notice him, has become a commissioned officer and bankers and manefscturers are proud to be ?cn with klru SPLENDID LETTERS FROM HOSE Gil FELLOWSJER THERE 6T0RIES (TELL THAT MICHI GAN'S REFUTATION WILL NOT , FAIL BECAUSE OF BOYS. Another list of this week to de light our readers with and we know they will cause joy because the letters are from boys who have snatched just time enough ott from duty to write a letter back home to let everyone know that they are still all o. k. and ready 'for the next'' trick which they hope will be socn. The first letter is from Lloyd Kelly, a brother of Mrs. Ross Kelly of this krity and son of Mrs. C. W. Todd, of Greenville. Lloyd has many friends here who will be glad to read his let ter which is as follows: France, Aug. 11, 1918. Dear Mother and All: Answered your letter a few days hgo but this is Sunday night and I have just time to drop you a few lines before going to bed. I sure have tot lots of letters in the last week but have them all answered so thought I would write you again. I got two letters today, one from Claribel and bne from Viola and they sent me lots of clippings. I wrote to Claribel last week the same time I did you and (sent her a souvenir card and you one. I put a French one and two cent piece in Claribel's letter for Louis; suppose lie will be glad to get something from LFrance. Got a letter from Ross and Besrsie. they sure had a nice trip wth their car; wish I could have been there to have gone with them because I have never been to Will's or Musk gon. They sent me a picture they had taken at a lake on their trip. . Well, the weather is fine over here. ns nice ana warm in tne aay time ana (cool at night; our camp is in a big woods' and I sure get lots of sleep as PRVT. LLOYD KELLEY. long as the aeroplanes and big guns don't make too much noice. We can 'hear guns shooting most of the time tend can hear or see aeroplanes at all (hours ot th day or night. The planes are sure tniCK as ines nere ana 1 (have seen many German planes shot down, have a few souvenirs off. of them. There isn't much left of a nlane after it hits the Ground. rooay a tot 01 us went to a Dait 'game our Co. A played Co. E about 10 miles up the line; they took us bp and back on the little railroad. On our way back we saw an Ameri can aviator shoot down a German balloon; it was all on fire and was febout 5 minutes going down. ' There is lots going on all the time; we are building railroad all over the front and some times we get so close we have to work at night and sleep in the day time. Lots of times w are 'lose enough to hear the German machine guns but they can't see us. Th Germans are sure getting their belly full as you can see by the paper and I hope it won't be long till we all are on our wav back. f One night about a week ago I was over to the Y. M. C. A. across tho Toad and it was about 10:30 at night. We have a colored camp up the road fend a lot of the colored fellows were 'down by the Y. All at once we heard some guns start to shoot and soow some German planes were ovzr us. We all got out in the road to fee what vas gaiii cn but it wai too dark to ee much. In a few minutes 'we heard some American planes com ing and the machine gun lire started. It wasn't long till one of the German planes dropped nine or ten bombs just at the edge of our woods and you ought to see those colored fellows shake their, feet up the road for camp. 1 was laughing at them and trying to run for a,tree when my foot got tangled up and I took a header in 'the grass. 'I got under the tree 'and stayed there until it was all over 'and got back to camp o. k. The next morning we went over to see what the bombs did. Some of the holes were about 15 feet deep and 30 feet across so ycu can see what they would do if they had hit one of our barracks. We have to take our gas masks ev ery place wc go and half the time Isleep with them around our neck. 'Haven't heard a gun shoot since sup- ?er so guess I will get a good night's leep, so will close hoping this finds you all well, as I am. Write soon. As ever, your loving son, " Lloyd. Prvt. L S. Kelley, Co. A, 21st Eng., A. E. F., via N. Y. ' The second letter is from Rollin Donovan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donovan of G rattan. Rollin is well krorwn here and is with the medical corps ' in France. His letter is as tfoQovra: , (Ccnthcci cn Pc Crrca) m 1 1 a. m 1 11