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Lady Jlsabel's BY Copyright. 150G, by "Jlarjorie," said Lady Isabel, look ing at mo with great solemnity, "do you believe in the supernatural?" Do you mean, do I believe in my rttllglQn, Isabel?" "Of "course not." sho answered, look ing rather shocked. "I mean,' do you believe in paltnlsts telBng yon your future, and in presentiments and crys tal gazing, and clairvoyants, and all that aort of thins, you" know?" "Oh, you mean in superstition?" "Weii, if you like to call It that." "No, I don't." "Well, you're going to from to-day, my child." "Am I?" "Yes don't sniff, it's vulgar, and in opportune, too because I've found a really successful clairvoyant." "A what?" "A clairvoyant," she answered firm ly, "and she lives In Mock street you know, just off New IJond street." "What dots fcfce do?" "She puts' herself into a trance, and tell3 you your past and your future, loo." "Have you asked her to tell you how to make an income yet?" 1 said pleasantly. "My dear girl, I am not always thinking of money," said Lady Isabel, severely;- "besides. 1 don't suppose she dreams nf anything so sordid. Lady MaBsIusham is going - to her to-day, by the way, and I am going to meet her then', and Kvellna too you know, the dark one who Is so pretty, and dresses so well. Do coiue and let her tell yritir future too." I scoffed; but she Insisted, and an hoar later we were driving down to Madame Fanfare's rooms. The liht in the aute-ioom was so Ilru that for a moment I did not rec ognize Miss Klvaston, but I noticed a slight trembling ii the voico thai greeted Lady Isabel as she suldt "She's awful perfectly uncanny, Mabel." Ir little Miss Klvaston was almost in tears. ."What did ho tell you. Mona?" asked Lady Isabel playfully. "I do hope you haven't been a naughty 1 was growing more accustomed to the dimly lighted ante-room, and saw Mona Klvrston Miitli and bite her lip. . "No. of course not." she said hotly, with nun li lioulo i -r to ort." !a? Oh. no. please don't." i "STmU of hateful ijuefciiona jout nv? at least, I mean, she'd want Nlaow how much 1 ow, and all that 'mirt of thlug. you know." "AH rllit. I'll put her off," laughed Lady Isabel, who is always kind to and Adored by unmarried girls. ."Don't take what she says too much to heart. my dr girl," f.he added airily, "and. by the by" she lowered her voice and laid her hand on Mona's arm "take my advlc drop Lord Maasltihani, or you'll get In a horrible mess," and she nidtJed away before Miss Klvaston had recovered her voice or lost her color. 'II(?I!o, LveMr.a," I heard her ay a moment later. . A tall, handsome girl was coming towards na. with laughing eyes that were full of mischief. "Caught," fcho said gaily. "My dear lsabl. you've snt me either to a fraud or a perfect wonder; and she has told me everything I didn't want to know, xeeptlng how much I owe at bridge, and she even knew I'd' given up Bertie and cigarettes." "Marjorie has come toahave her fu ture told," said Lady Isabel gravely. "Indeed. I haven't." I retorted Indig nantly. 'I camo to hear yours Isabel." Lady Isabel laughed. "Oh. sho told aio mine quite u?;o; but she is .very wonderful, isn't she?" she added, turning to Lady Kvelina. "I met poor little Mona LI vast on just now, and she was almost In tears." "I I'm, she'll do some good with her rubbifh if she advises Mona to give up Masslngham. Ills wife is in there now. It's a pity Mona has taken such a fan cy to him. because well, really, Lady Massinghum is h!s excuse. Isn't she such a womau. ye gods! how do they ever get the men to marry them? Ta ta cherle, I have a party on at the Veringhams. and I'm late already. 11 faut que jo mo sauve," and shy rustled away and down the stairs. Lady Isabel and I sat waiting In the ante-room that led to the "Chamber of Futurity," as Madame Fanfare called her room of consultation. There was a heavy odor of some sickly perfume that came ever through the thick cur fj"d that hung between the rooms, ana I was beginning to feel quite taint mid sleepy, -and' th hot room was filling more and more with uerv ,ou3 people, when Lady Isabel said to ine In a whimper: "Hare. I've had enough of this, Mar jorie. I feel as though we were at tho dentist's.. Let's go In; she knows me, nd she won't mind; besides, 1 believe something has happened perhaps the can't? come to. or Lady Masslngham La strangled her." She Ubhed open tho curtains, and I followed her mechanically. ia ibe even dimmer light l' dis cerned a feminine figure dressed in tiowlng white, leaning back with closed eyes and a dathllko face, aod very dark, uulldy balr. Lady A:as- M; ham's back was turned, and ah med as though she was sitting very '-V.- T 41 V .a a. vir there is something el ; 1 I .aa. ' Clairvoyant NEISH Joseph B. Howies. have to tell. I still see her no, It is all dark still," the low voice mur mured thrillingly. "Ah! Yes your question your husband. I see him now she is with him, this fair girl her name her name; it is Mona be careful wctch him Be "more ami able to him, more loving more gen tle, or he will lcve you and go with her it all lies in your hands your fu ture life" With an only half-suppressed scream, of rage Iady Masslngham sprang to her feet, and Lady Isabel drew me quickly back to the little ante-room again. "Well, she's doing poor old Masslng ham a good turn, anyway; but she'll never make that cat amiable, In spite Qf-" She broke off suddenly as Lady Mas slngham camo sweeping out of the room, looking very flushed and very angry, and, without even seeing us, passed down the stairs. "Now, Marjorie, It's your turn," said Lady Isabel. Dut for once I ig nored the compelling hand arid, run- She Sprang to Her Feet. nlng down the stairs, stepped Into the automobile and drew u deep, glad breath of London air.' "Of all the rubbish" 'Marjorie! don't you ..- crossly, "please don't think I'm such an abso lute fool. That sickly scent, the wom an's ridiculous pose and voice, the whole thing was an obviou3 fraud." - "Unbeliever," sho said gaily, "go yourself and see how soon you'll be converted." lu the park we ran across Iady Masslngham. "I saw you at Fanfare's," said Lady Isabel, speaking very sweetly, "Just as you were coming out. Isn't she a mar vel? She told me r.uch wonderful, wonderful, things." "She Is very uncanny." said Lady Masslngham with a slight shudder; "but I would rather not talk about her please." l.ady Isabel deftly changed the con versation and soon afterwards we drove away. "What did that fraud charge you, Isabel ?" "Charge mc? Why, nothing at all, of course." "When I say you, I mean her cli ents," I said. "What does she charge the silly women who go to her?" "Three guineas a visit, 1 believe." "Three guineas!" I echoed, aghast. "Why, I thought the very worst of them only charged a guinea." "Well." said Lady Isabel, "you see. she Isn't real clairvoyant, so there's my share too for her to pay." "Your share," I echoed; "but whore do you come in?" . "Oh! I don't come in," said Lady Is abel, as she gracefully bowed to a passing man, "I only give her the Information." Got Hit Revenge. It was during a Christmas dinner. Christmas dinners are but occasional things. Many of the society folk of tho city were seated around the great table. They wero happy and many were the witty remarks' passed. At the end of the table a young man was engaging n lady In conver sation. Why shouldn't he engage her in conversation? There was no rea son why he should not There was no one else to talk to her. lie helped her plate He wan. do ing this when "be was Interrupted. Tho young lady broke the sllenco. The young man was evidently giving her too much. "Why why, my plate Is not a cart." ''Of of course not," replied tho young man. and desisted. So tho dinner went on. Kveryono was merry. Why not? It was Christ mas. Jokes were passed, witticisms v'ere current. The man at the end of the tab was as happy as anyone tbere. The lady, la tho coursa of time ate all that the-young man had given her and still her appetite wos not ap peased. . ,. . I "John, will you help me to the tur key?" ' ! "Sure," replied ibV faithful John, "liaci jour cart ' - ' : t ' 1 ' Lord Iveagh has one of the most ca rious hobbles In the world.. It Is the collection of old silver potato r!ng3, which are large silver sockets in the form of rings, Into which the wooden bowl used for potatoes used .to be fitted. They are much prised by bric-a-brac hunters. 1847 19C7. ' CO years ago Allcock's Plasters wero f.rst introduced to the public. They are to-day the world's standard plasters. This Invention has been one of tho greatest blessings Imaginable and af fords the quickest, cheapest and best means, ever discovered for healing and relief of certain ailments Allcock's are the original and gen ulno porous plasters and are sold by Druggists all over the world. Toime and Tolde. Mrs. Hooligan was suffering from the common complaint of having more to do than there was time to d-a it in. She looked up at the clock and then slapped the iron she bad lifted from the stove back on the ltd with a clat ter. "Talk about toime and tolde wait In' fer no man," she muttered as she hurried into the pantry: "there's tolmca they, waits, an' toimes they don't! Ylshterday at this blessed min it 'twas but tin o'clock, an' to-day it's a quarther to twelve." everybody's. BABY TORTURED BY ITCHING. Hzsh Covered Face and Feet Would Cry Until Tirei Out Speed Cure by Cuticura. "My baby was about nine -months old when cbo had rash on her face and feet. Her feet seemed to irritate her most, especially nights. Tlrty would cause her to bo broken in her rest, and sometimes r.he would cry until she was tired out. I had always used Cuticura Soap myself, and had heard of so many cures by the Cuti cura Remedies that 1 thought I would give them a trial. The improvement was noticeable in a few boars, and before I had used one box of the Cu ticura Ointment her feet wero well ar.d have never troubled her since. I also used it to remove what is known u.i "crad!o rap" from her head, and it wortcd like a charm, as it cleansed and healed the scalp at the name time. Now I keep Cuticura Ointment on' hand in. case of any little rash or insect bites, as it takes out tho inflammation at once. Per haps this may be tho means of help ing other suffering babies. Mrs. Hat t'e Currier, Tboinaeton, Me., Juno 9, 130C." ONE WAY OUT OF DIFFICULTY. Match Twins with . Twins, Was the Fond Mother's Idea. A little woman entered a dru? stoce nnd asked the proprietor if he had "an other picture." "What kind of a picture doyou mean?" the druggist asked. One like this," said the woman, holding up an attractive advertising trim. "I may have one or two of them left," the proprietor said, "but I baven't many cf them." The woman said the only wanted one, and her tone Indicated that she was anxious for that one. She ex plained that the one she had with her had been given to one of her children. Another child, she stated, was dick, and was trying for a picture such as his brother had. "That's a bad way to bring up your children," ventured a woman customer in the store. "Do you try to give a child everything he cries for Just be cause his brother is more fortunate?" "Hut." said the mother of the chil dren, "you don't know. The children are twins and what one has the other wants." "Suppose." objected the moralist, "when your children get older, they fail In love with the same girl, what will they do?" Hut the mother was ready. She promptly replied: "Find twins and fall In love with them." DREADED TO EAT. A Quaker Couple's Experience. How many persons dread to eat thefr meals, although actually hungry near ly all tho time! Nature never Intended this should be so. for we are given a thing called appetite that should guide us as to what the system needs at any time and can digest. Put we get In a hurry, swallow our food very much as we shovel coal Into the furnace, and our sense of sppetlto becomes unnatural and perverted. Then we cat the wrong kind of food or eat loo much, and there you are indigestion and its accompanying miseries. A Phlla. lady said, tho other dayr "My husband and I have been sick aril nervous fcr 13 or 20 years from drinking coffee feverish., Indigestion, totally unfit, a good part of the time, far work cr pleasure. Wo actually dreaded to eat ntr meals. "Wo tried doctors and patent medi cines that counted up Into hundreds of dollars, with little if any benefit. "Accidentlly, a small packuso of Poutum came into my handa. I made some according to directions, with sur prising results. Ye both liked It and have not uied any coffee since. "The dull feeling after meals has left us and wo feel Jettcr every way We aro so well satisfied with Postuni that we recommend, It to our friends who have been made itick and nervous and miserable by co free." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. HeaJ the little book.'-'The Head to WclKine." In pkze. ; "There's . Rea Sua." V ' ' ; ." . DONT DESPAIR. Readlthe Experience of a Minnesota and Take Heart. It aches, and you feel veak and miserable day after day don't worry. Doan'a Kid ney Pills have curefl thousands of . women in the same condition. Mrs. A. Ilelman of Stillwater, Minn., says: "But for Doan's Kidney, Pills I would not , be living now. They cured me In 1S99 and I've been ce. I used to have such pain ack that once I fainted. The secretions wero much disor dered, and I was so Tar gone that I was thought to be at death's dcor. Since Doan's Kidney Pills cured me I Tetl as If I had bscn pulled back from the temb." Id by ail deaer3. rD cents a box. FostlT-Mllburn Co.. Puffalo. N. Y. Photonriphs Sent by Wire. Irof. Korn, of the Munleh unjver- has greatly improved, his appara- for transmitting pbotosrarhs over 'raph wires. . lie has succeeded in ling photographs and sketches six yva Inches square in this manner Munich to Nuremberg, a distance k0 miles, in from 10 to 15 minutes. 'Clover & Oralis Seeds. u-borly lovos luU und hits' f CTovei mm for ho, cows, Mieip und swino. We are known ni the hrjr-Kt Krowera of iT.8s.en, Cloven, Oat, Hurley, Coin, Po toes ami Farm Seeds ia America. Ouer- tA over 5,000 utres. V FKEE Our mammoth H3-pag rnUlog in mailed lee to all intending bujerr; or tend X . '&0 IS STAMPS nridt. tire nij?', of "perfect .mi lance ra tion uraH Ktcd," "lO:?.Mier with Fodder I'lanU, Clover, etc.. etc.", ti.rJ lr.'font alii Seed Catalog free. John A. Salzer Seed Co., Hox W, La Ciomm;, Win. Laudable Ambition. Myrtle Why is Helen to marry Mr. Much wed? lie has already had three wives. Jack I don't know. I su prose she's marrying him to reform him. Important to Mothers. Cxamtatt carefully every bom ot CASTOTUA. bkif and rare tvinuy tor tiifaut ud children, and tec that II Bear Ibe Signature of to Um For Over 30 Yeai. Tfr luud You liar Uwr Bou'iit. Transvaal's Gold Yield, ... In the Transvaal the average yield of gold Is half an ounce to the ton. The expenses are, roughly, $G-2 ton of ore. Kow's This? W offer On Hundred p.illkr Reward for aoy rave of Caiarrb tUat cannot bo cured bj UaU'a Caiarrb Cure V. J. C1IKXKT A CO., Toledo. O. We. the ODdemtgne'l. he Limwu K. J. Ctirnry for i La Utl 15 t en. aod hellrve tilin perfectly hon orable in all liiilne trauom lion and able to carry out any htlKikD made ly hi briu. Wll.llUB. blNNAM & MaMVIM, V hole-ale l)rn "l"t. To'.e!o O. Hall' Catarrh Cure It taker) loieruatly. actltig dlroctiy upon tiio MchiJ and tuucou aurfact-a of I no eyHtem. Tr-tltniTitrila rem free, l'llce i tetua pel bottle. Hold ht all Dmi'iiUm. 'lake UttU'a PH- fr cnn!ptlo. A good housekeeper keeps her ket tles and her temper from boiling over. i . wpma If your K slck.j languid well Is In nyy Uld;ve3 One of the Important Duties of Physicians and the We!!-Infonaed of the World is to lt?nrn as to the relative str.nJinjr nml rfii.ilility of the leading manufactur ers of medicinal agents, as t tic most-eminent physicians arc the most careful as to tho uniform quality and perfec t purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well known to physician's and the Well-Informed generally that the California lrig Syrup Co., by reason of its correct method. and rerfect equipment and the ethical character of its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name, of the Company has become a guarantee of the excellence ot its remedy. TRUTH AND QUALITY appeal to the Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish lo call the attention of all who would enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of light living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is tast each hour of recreation, of enjoyment, ol contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a sinlple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won the apoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-Informed localise of tin; excellence of the combination, known to all. and the original method of manufac ture, which is known to the California l'ig Syrup Co. only. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of Syrup of Tigs ami has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and n:i its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well knowa to physicians and the Well-informed of the woild to be the lest ol natural laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of l:gs and Klixir of Senna as. more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get it4 lcneficial effects always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California .Fig -Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front ol every package,' whether you- simply call for Syrup of Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Ivlixir of Senna as Srtip of Figs and Flixir of Senna is the one laxative remedv manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. and the heretofore known by the nsme Syrup of Figs which has given satisfaction to . millions. The eemiine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United Slates in c rlgim.l packages of one t.i;:e only, the uvular price of which is fifty cents jcr bottle. Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, it Washington, I). C, that the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June oth, iooC. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. -?4 Louisville, Ky. n j Mr, W!nlowa Soothing Syrup. For children teetblnff, softens too gurat, reduce t fluaniailou. ftllajrt pala, curt wind collu. 26c ft bottle. A young man always sneers at the love affairs of widower. Mwv refunded for each package of PUTNAM FADELESS DYKS if unsatis factory. Ak your druggUt. Some men blame their wives everpr time it rains. Take CarnVld Tea, the mild Herb lax ative, to purify the blood, eradicate dis cane, and maintain Oood Health. It Isn't always the people who Jolly you most that are your best friends. OX I. TONE BROMO QOIMINK" That it UAXA'l'IVK HIIOMO Oulntno. Himllrl, Daiuefl retuedie Miuctiiut deceive. 'J' tie flrt ftud oriKlol Cold Tablet U a WU1TK fACKiU W wlin blark and red leierlOtf. and liar Itatj igolur ol JC. W.OUOVK. Vice President Fairbanks nearly always walks from his residence to the capltol and back, and often after dusk goes for long strolls through the northwest section of Washington. In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder. It cures painful, smart ing, nervous feet and Ingrowing nails. It's the greatest comfort discovery ot the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by all Druggists, 2Gc: Accept no sub stitute. Trial package. Kit KG. Ad dress A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y. The End of an Intention. "What a ptetty little gown that is you "have on!" they exclaimed. "So soft and fine. Such delicate, lovely silk. All you'll have to do will be to take tho yoke out of it to make it an evening gown." "I like It," she said, complacently. "This Is the way 1 happened to buy it: I went into a department store to buy a sturdy, thick, heavy woolen gown for mountain climbing It was in the fall and they showed me this, which was marked down fcr that day, so 1 bought it. What are you laugh ing at?" LYDIAE.PHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPGUHD Is acknowledged to be tluMnost suc cessful remedy in the county for those painful ailments peculiar to women. For more than 30 rears it has been curing: Female Complaints, such as Inflammation, and Ulcera tion, Falling' and Displacements, and consequent Spinal Weakness, Backache, and is peculiarly adapted to the Change of Life. Records bhovv that, it has cured more cases of Female Hi than any Lydia B. IMnU ham's VcgtaabIeT6a5poinil dhl 1 umors ai im ear y wage or development. Drugging uirouscau, pnlu,welght, and headache are relieved and permanently cured by its inc. , It corrects Irregularities or Tnlnful Functions, Weakness of the Stomach .Indigestion, llloatinjf, Nirvons Prostration, Headache, Gene ral Debility; also. Dizziness. Faint mM Extreme 7 8itnde. "Don't care andwantto belcftalone" feeling. Irritabilit v, Jcr, isness, Sleeplessness, Flatulency, Melancholia r the "UlneH." These aro mjco indications of fcmalo weakness or some organic derangement. 'or Kidney Complaints of either ex Lydia E. IMnkham's Veretablo Compound i a most excellent remedy. Mr5. Pinkhatn's Standing Invitction to Women Women FurTcrinrr from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs rinkham. Lynn, Mass. forrulvice. She is the Mm. l'lnkham. who has been advising1 sielt women free of charge for more than twenty years, nnd before that, she assisted her mother-in-law Ly.liii B. Finkham in advising. Thus she N well oualiCrd to lynide bicU women back to h.inlth 11 t- r.... I I i ..... j w i uu iim; u nit u I Siin rranciscc, Cal. U S. A London, England. MUSCULAR AILMENTS W'-n-3V v The Old-Monk-Cure will straifhten out a contracted muscle in a jiffy. JUL Don't play possum with pain, but 'tends strictly to business. Price 23c and 30c Positively cured by these jumie cms. i They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia, lo oUgcst.ton and Too Hearty Citing. A perfect rem edy fcr Dizziness. Nausea, Drowsiness, Dad Taste In tho Mouth. Crate. Tongna, Fain la the Bids, TOitriD liver. Tasy regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL SUALLDOSE. SUALLPR1CL Genuino Must Bear Fffi-Simila Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTE!, other one renW Wii ?j ;if IJM II I. New York, N. Y. I a- I CARTFRS riiTTLE I flVER CARTERS IflVER II Ml