Q) Ti n: D iamond D rill. Mom a it rv (V)m.in Pi -v.iami its. ki-hI lHKI KMV HTI lilV 1 CRYSTAL FALLS. IKON COl'N I V. Ml III 'iS i LL III A , OFFCAL PAPER OF IRON COUNTY AND ' t KM A, Term: 2.00 per your, in advaim'. PATL'KPAY, AUlifsT M. 1 fa. :,sv-: vVV k y : v :v. O CD 3 t t3 CD CO LxJ and AM. North-Wustorn Time Table. TllAINi AKUIV ISO. No. a2...10:05 u. m. daily except Sunday No. 8 V 1 P m- No.:i3...4:2." p. m. No. 1 i..M:i' a. m. JunIit.v only. TltAINS PKI'AHTIMS. t (t 07 it. m. .daily CMcpt Sundiiy. Conm-cU at SUpT Ir P"! H,i, at Power for p :nt north and nuth. No m H:tO ii. ni.. daily fn !t Si'"' day. Connects at Stur ! point between Stager and Vatritm .-t. No, 33 5:00 p. nM daily iM.pt Sun day tor Kncanabu, and poiuti t-outb of Power. No. 31 1:5.", p. m.,d,ii1y except Sun day tor Aimm.i. f No. 13 i" ! Siiudayrt only lor Eflcanab.i with connection at Pjwcih for point nouth. or Field ami Hovl Fence Wire nd Motcl Mcr ';.. i- ? V 7 j lea in quality tiU price. l)eonpuvo m-tter mUeU fre. UNION FENCE CO.. Do Kalb, III. ..ITT no UIUC DCAPC M LCI UO nrtIL I LriUUi ilitions upon avIi'm U tin; United State- fc'uv;rniuv.it v. ill (onMnit to a peaeu tiv;ity is a it'iuaikably clean cut docuiiieiit, and adds an-othos- hue to U;- tuv.fo of the prv.'i)1 ;,.dm'n:;.-.t;,ation. It is rcniarlcabli; that In should, in such a short spac o- timo, forur:.ha; a tvply thVt would uio.:t with sufii approba tion. There ! ! el ai'i.'ty of opiiiion air.vn n-' people f 1 1ns fouiil i ; ' v w '-.'i'- Nve want e.-pcn.ial! la vu a ion with the Ph. Hip'.!".- H --d !he pnrJce.l !; ' !r. the islands teta.ir.od iy ..-. ..wU'.tiy In; would ha-, e :a t with a stona i'i oppO' 'i. ion. Had he conaMi!ed to' iv ai w ihvin to Spain lie v.oa.sl a'.-- h: v- met opposition, out vviiii wondiM' ful fore.-i?,'ii: ho I a - arranged matter, mi thai .aioriean peopi! an tm.y t'"o4 '.piestiou in all ol' .its dota I . a i l when they have made up tia i:- i:);iids just what iln.-y .;o..! I." is in position to c; a:y '"V t'.ieir wisiies. A REVOLUTION. Not in Cuba but in the lighting systems of the country brought about by AGENTS WANTED iUffif t'xuulfl Si )ill ' Utrnil t'ojmlar Jh-nuimt for .AMERICAS' WAR FOR HUMANITY TOLD IN PICTURE AND STORY ( oHiyiifi it ami ! n Uij SENATOR JOHN J. INGALLS Of Kansas. The most IjfiUuntly wntt' ii, most pro- fuiM ly n to J artiotirallv, illo-itrat-(l, ami niortt ititfii-t'iy popul.ir lok on ttiotul- jtct ol tla war itu pain. .'ai iy . ?OOnnrrhllli!ytr.i!inri froniPliotO'irODll Aufnt.s utv uiakitij S."iO l $100 u wrt k ftllinit. A vet itattli '.oii:imz.i for live Thk Republican State Central committee met at Detroit lasi week and decided to hold the stato convention at Detroiton the twenty-first day of September. Iron county will be entitled to three delegates in the convention. Among the present state ofli cials who will meet with no op position in the convention next September is Roscoe 1). Dix. auditor general of the state. Mr. Dix lias proved himself to bo one of the best othcers that over held the position and the fact of his having no opposition this fall is a tribute to hi worth. Universally conceded to be the best light yet invented. Odcrlcss, Practical. Simple, GO Convenient, Sell Regulating Xo Experience can vumm-i s. Apply for o'cm i iptlai, tot hih und toit itot v on )tu' 1o N. D. THOMPSON PUBLISHING CO. ST. LOUIS. MO. OR NEW YORK CITY. HOTEL ELDRED Thu best $100 PER DAY HOUSE on the Range. 4 ' Situated near the Celebrated Mineral Spring Railroad Depot. Q Best Accommodations Coarantecd. Wm. Eld red, Prop. A fresh and first class line of groceries: No Increase in Insurance. MEATS. PROVISIONS TiiK congressional racte in this district is beginning to warm up considerably. Mr. Sheldon is hustling about the district evi dently realizing that his friends, in whoso hands he consigned his political future borne time ago. needs considerable personal as sistance if he is to win out against Mr. Stephenson, who seems to havo the upper hand. DllCEST roUTK . The following is taken from tho Iron Ore but it applies so well to Iron county affairs that wo copy it: It pays to be decent in politics as well as in any other lino of business. It pays to he honest, and to deal fairly .with all poople. There must be differ ences of opinion regarding is sues and candidates, but the light can be respectably handled. It pays to keep one's pledges and to stick to the coure that appears to bo right, it is a poor plan to try to make all people boliovo you are with them in their claims and desires for one position. No honest man can can complain because he is not tho one to be selected for a job that mav ho seek. Hut one ran' possess it, and none but tho one you favor should be encouraged. That is the decent way. it is tho only right thing to do for the candidate. Tho fellow who tries to suit all people generally concludes by pleasing none. Tho slinging of insults never made a vote, while honorable methods have pulled many a bad caso to victory. 'ittrs u:tj. uiiwr.i). The reply of Pres. McKinley to tho inquiry of the Spanish Government containing the con- n:.t.:: is a t i.su. It is universally ,a-k;uwi-dgod that the cud ol' the war with Spain is in sight. Tin Spanish government has approaihod President. McKinley through the French minister, who, by-the way. was fully accredited to act for the Spanish government, and has asked the ruiulitions upon which tie: United Stales will consent to peaee. Tin pres ident sent his reply in a remark ably short time saying that the United States will be satisfied to negotiate a peace treaty, under the following conditions: The withdrawal of Spanisu sovereignity and 'the immediate evaeaution of Cuba wii: :h is to have s.df government under United States prole . t..n, The cession of l'oito Uieo and all other Spanish possessions in the West Indies, except Cuba, to the United States. The lession to the United States of one island in the Ladrones. The re'ention of Manila and Manila hay by ihe United States and the appoint ment of a commission from the the two belligerent countries to determine the future of the Philippines. The Spanish gov ernment has asked for some information on minor details but it is generally agreed that the they will accept the terms. THE WORLD'S 13HST. Prices as low as the lowest. R. B. WEBB, Agent. Crystal Palls, Mich. W.J. H order, Amasa, Mich Trachors' Exnm.n.itlcvi A tr.lrlirtV I NMIilHi I I In!) fur IlOM t-oiint v w ill In' 1i Id a' 1 in' IujIi h( lioul huildins in t lio vil.rio of Ci!il t'al'i 1 tt I fl ' I io 'I (Mil rll.l V , I : 1 - t IS, IV.'S Tins I tl i.lv i'x:i!,iii itiiiii III il will lidd t Iih t ill .uid ;t'i mt nil tt io li- in til 1 1 1 im ( ouu t v .u.. I liar iu (cMili cili' ui'M iitlnal lint i anr.n.i 1 ion IVi t if'oa t e i of .til :;r.i 1. n w il! U- -t.inti-il. An r.tiim'u.i I iin Ir iron '--ifr.i to tin; A Jt o ultor.il lohi-.v w.U ! I.. Ul .t 1 1 s.'iin' tiiw ,oi I )i.o- . 1 I. .1 J. I'dM K, l ' i: il C, mi. ). i " - M r i if m Ik Vory l.- .v It Vi.i tla: North W hioti I !i K' ts w il! If t.'tutil hiTiil , t ; MlM-"lipl '" o !v l.cld .lutu- l!S-.iO. -t i.i I. iv. Pvriir- M , t ;i f,i f r:t 1 t .i ? ' t Tr.it i ' -.-ii I II ill!) tu iC I'of (l.lti ot f.l)i,' tc, ABSTRACTS Of Iron County. Farming Mineral and Timber ..Lands.. Coi rcspondi'iUT Solicited. Do not lny property without n corfi'tt Abhtno t of tlir Tltl Mnpriainl Diautitnirt fuiti ii-betl to order. Onu. b.i-k of Mi-e.nirt'H I i t o re U tlV ry. ijpty lo lu'onls ("liif.io A Noi t li-Wi t- rn li'y. - - Excursion Tickets to tho Omaha ExooRltlon Vit Hip Norl li-Wtftri it I,lii i!t Ih'oii hU ilnily, ixTjinnir.g .Innr 1, 1 i -n 1 1 - f ttrk 1m providmz for l'n:''vr ot fdmrttT Kfijourn, iirrorditis to tut' Tl is V,x t -it ion will lw wi It wortli w in. Tor futtlu r , inform. thou upply to ii' titr Chionno ami Nortl'VvVteri liailw.iy. Land lor Sale. tim: Michigan lanp & ikon com i'asy iidniT:i)) ocn:i:srot:sAij: toO.OOO ACKIOS of IjiihIih at ti riiM nnd in ipimtity to suit tint puicloiMT Tlux an- Kod li;inlood lantlrt enrrying u iuMvy itnp iif Maplf, Itirth, (Vdar, r.iMswood, 111 in , lltinlocU and Spiuci tiii.b" r. Tin' prices tanc from Hotcntr to $i.0() an ikic includini: tho tinilvr. Loni: timr- and ino.ltiato. down payment a-dosl frotn m t t!'is. TIck' lands an near tins src.it mini nil fields, of the nortli, tin Miiopiet to and Mniominee iron ranges and tlic Keweenaw Peninsula Coppi' Country. They urn contiguous to Ihe Iiuluth, outh Shore A Atlanta Kail mad, the Chicago, M il v .i u Un St. Paul Kailway nnd the Chicago tt Noith- Wcctci n Kailwn.V Id I'ot further information inquire, of HORATIO SHYMOUR, riarqnette, Michigan. Having Decided lo Make A Radical Change BE pUI(E ARID EE . . . OUft FINE LINE OF In our business wo will close out our entire stock of ?t 1 Boots, 9 Uudkoo.m Suits, Childrun's Beds AM) MATTkUSSUS.' . . ALSO AN ELEGANT LINE Or . . COMIMNATION BOOK CASUS, LlIUMUY Casus, Ladiiis Writing Dusks, I:TKNSIQN AND PARLOR TaULIIS. Cents " Furnishings Wli MAKlf THli PKICli RIGHT. And everything pertain ing to that lino at and Below Cost FOR CASH ONLY. LEISEN & HEMES BREWING COMPANY, A. L. BACH fC C p i3 LL in ytl Vory Low H.-iten to Denver, Col. Via Ihe North-WYnferri I.m Mxeur sion tickets will U o!d nt pre.it Iv ducid r ites .lime 2, t, nnd limited to tetiirn .? tint '2 to duly )( inclusive. Apply to nyents Chicago A North-Went t ru li'y. )US. II. II. A A. M. DAKMNTJ. K. II. Iiuu.tNO. Office at Alctcalf Rc5lJencc, Third St. O flint Hours: 1 :t0 I o L' .'U) p. in., ji ml c veninjj. A. M. lUtu.iNO. Office In Idntl5Ay Iron Huildin;. Ollkc Hours: 1U:U0 to 1 1 ;.'?0 a. ui. ...MENOMINnn, MICH, Our keg und bottle beet popular wherever tried. Our "Nuernberger" over tirteon months old nnd prescribed by physicians ns .1 Health Tome. Our new -Silver Brand" is fast gaining popularity an a family drink. Try a ease. JACOB BAUER, Agent.