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The diamond drill. (Crystal Falls, Iron County, Mich.) 1887-1996, June 04, 1921, Image 2

Image and text provided by Central Michigan University, Clark Historical Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96076817/1921-06-04/ed-1/seq-2/

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Mr. ItfJrhanU Droit Through From
JlenomJnee After the Delude
"I never saw anything worse tha
that' washout' was the way Mr. Rel
diardt of the Alpha Hotel described
the effects of tho big deluge that fell
In Dickinson county and stopped traf
flc both on the railroad and the high
Mr, Relchardt came through via
automobile from Menominee tli
morning after the big" storm; He met
"with the washed out uectlon about half
a mile this Bide of Wauceedah, on the
flat between the two lines of the
Northwestern track. At one p!ace a
tig hole was washed out of the road
and several -cars were stalled so
that the driver had to wait until they
got out of his way. A man with a
pair of wading boots was on hand
to help motorists through.
From that point on to well west
of Norway the road was all cut up
with gullies and the banks or Alls
Mere so washed away that one had
only the width of the automobile to
navigate over.
At the West Vulcan mine condi
tions were the worst. The crossing
"was entirely washed away and a new
one was being hastily provided. Mr
Relchardt had to wait while the
crossing was rocked and he went to
Bee a house on the location a short
distance away where sand to the
depth of two feet liad been washed
Into tho house. A number of men
"wcto busily engaged shoveling out
the sand.
All along the railroad grade, where
n was In tight Mr. Itelchardt could
fee two, three or four ties In
uumji entirely undermined and at
Norway the big washout of over 100
feet in length was viewed.
It will take both the county and
uie railroad company a couple of
weeks with big crews to repair the
damage. Trains nro running slow
over the affected section now and nl
most utl trains from the south are
n hour or two behind.
Read The Ads
A reduction of 10. effective at the
mines of the IMckanda-Mather Inter
ests went Into effect at Alpha on last
Wednesday. The reduction Is not
quite as great as expected and a eaves
the wages of the miners slightly
above the 191$ schedule.
At one of the mines on the west
fcde the second cut was 23 so that'
the Alpha mines have no real kick
Read Tho Ads
Mrs. Helmer and children returned
on Thursday from her visit with rela
tives at Norway.
The members of the Commercial
Club enjoyed a fish supper last Tues
day evening, the meal being prepared
by Charles Ogren and "Hob" IJcau
perlant from catches made on Sunday
and Monday by the club members. In
explanation it' may be said that somo
made catcher Rome didn't but all en- 1
joyed the feast. The members by pre- '
Arrangements For Celebration 3Iale
With Enthusiasm Wednesday Nlyht
Alpha does things and does them
with a vim. The meting held last
Wednesday night to make arrange
ments for the celebration of the
Fourth of July gave ample evidence
of that trait In our people.
The meeting was held In the town
hall and was presided over by Presi
dent IMwards and a report was made
from the Commercial Club, the Vil
lage Council, the Thomas Farrel
rost American Legion that these or
ganizations favored the plan and re
quested a general mass meeting to
make plans for the affair.
It was unanimously decided to go
ahead and celebrate and in order to
get the affair under way several com
mittees were appointed as follows:
Finance Committee From Ralkan
mine. Captain R. O. Whitehead; from
Judson Mine, John K. Hubbard from
the village at large, Ernest Samp
Tho general committee on arrange
Legion representative, Vic Olean,
Frank Kazllek. Alfred Forsman.
Village Council: Henry Veeset,
Mr. DeAmlcls and Fred White.
Township Board; Hugh J. McLar
en, William Argall and William Uren.
Commercial Club: William Perkins.
raul Houlmont and Charles Ogren.
Dunn Location: Anthony Davis.
Mastodon: Jake Holmes. j
Duck Lake: Tony Dora;
Baseball boys: Felix Demarasky.
Alpha Band: Louis Mottes.
Village at Largo: R. O. Whitehead.
R. P. Weeks.
A meeting of this committee will
be held next Tuesday evening when
tho general plan of the affair and a
definite nrocram will be arranged.
Every member on this general com- X
inlttec Is requested to be present and
help out' with this celebration.
Read Th6 Ads
Brozoznowskl, . Clemens T. Crystal
Barton Francis Iron River.
Braghlnl Frank Stambaugh.
Bettega August E. Iron River.
Cannon Morris L. Crystal Falls.
' Consolaro Mario Crystal Falls.
Coaaette, Amis Crystal Falls. t
Cox, Conrad Iron River.
Dezolt, Lulgl Stambaugh.
Eklund, Gust Stambaugh.
Gross, Wm. E. Iron River.
Gagne, Joe Iron River.
Glocomo, Zanotto,' Crystal Falls.
Gnody, John Crystal Falls.
Hakko. Mike R. Iron River.
Hendrlckson. llenry M. Iron River,
Javoroskl, Joe Iron River.
Johnson, Alfred Crystal Falls.
Hammerer, John Crystal Falls.
KoylkowBkl, Joe Stambaugh
Lanzlmio, Mario Crystal Falls.
lLndquIst Emll Amasa.
Langcndorf, BenJog Iron River.
McKernon, John F. Crystal Falls,
McDonald, Alexander Gaastra.
Manapase, Matty Crystal Falls.
Masln, Jos. Iron River.
Nauskewltz, Chas. Iron River.
Nllson. John Iron River.
Olson, Albert' Stambaugh.
Patrossa, Stephen Caspian.
Patrossa, Lewis Job. Caspian.
Panquln, George Iron River.
Quirt Ben L. Iron River.
Roberts Lionel C. Crystal Falls.
Russel Goodney Is home for a short
time. Ho has tho upper peninsula
agency for "Oildag."
Read the Ads
Efflrt to (Jet Iron County's Soldiers'
Records Is a Difficult One
Every since the end of the war Iron
county has been active in an effort
to get a complete record of the men
who left Iron county to enter the
navy and army of the United States.
Tho work was started first by Thom
as Conlln, who was. appointed by the
board of supervisors as historian.
ater Mr. Conlln was appointed by
Gov. Sleeper to be county enumera
tor for the state compilation and the
board of supervisors at his request
selected Ole M. Olson to do the solic
iting. Mr. Olson has completo records
of 771 soldiers and sailors, partial
ecords of forty-nine. In addition he
has the names of 328 men who went
from the county about which he has
bsolutely no (Information.
In order to help out In this work
arrangement went In all directions we are publishing herewith the 32S
and to oil ftreams to fish. Fred names. We ask you to read them over
Olln and a party went away to State carefully and If you know any of
Line. Wis.
The Johnson Brothers are shipping
their logs banked north of tho North
western station. They have about n
month's work If they ship nil of them.
Mrs. Frank Levlgne of Menominee
Is visiting her brother. Host Itel
chardt at the Alpha Hotel.
Mrs. Thomas of Marinette, is in Al
pha visiting with friends.
The baseball game played at Al
pha last week Thursday between the
Porter school mine and the Amasa
school nine resulted in a victory for
the locals by a score of 10 to 8. Alpha
was shut out until the game was well
along when tho Alphaite got to whal
dng the ball all over the field and be
foro the Amasaltes knew It the Alpha
boys were two scores to the good.
Alpha feels pretty well satisfied at
having won two games from Amasa
this year.
The rocking of the road being built
to connect the Indian Lake road with
the Buck Lake settlement' road 4s now
In progress and will soon bo com
puted. The new way makes a much
safer and better way to get to the
farming section.
Tho Sewing Club will give its next
party at the Y. M. C. A. camp at
Stager Lake with Julia Belskl and
Mary Rccla as hostesses.
C. A. Goodrich, inspector of 'high
schools of Michigan, was In AlrWia
during the week looking over the
Porter schoofc Mr. Goodrich was
very well pleased with our school and
placed It upon the accredited list of
tho stato university at Ann Arbor.
Mrs. Sam Peters of Florence, was
In Alpha, a guest of Mrs. John Lew
is last Wednesday.
The Social Set was entertained
last Wednesday by Mrs. Lewis and
Mrs. Leltoux. Card were played
nnd refreshments served. Tho first
prize was won by Mrs. Dahlgren and
the consolation prlzo by Mrs. Nel
llc. XI'. n:- J ' t. -I-IJJJI '
theso or where they can be found tel
ephone to this office or write Mr. Ol
son. Please do this little bit to help
lut In this work:
Anderson, Arthur Crystal Falls.
Anderson, Oscar Crystal Fulls.
Benuska, Joszi( rystaj Falls.
Bartoldt John Palatka.
Bauer Casper J Crystal Falls
The World's Best
Lubricant for
Report of the Auto
mobile Club of
The Automobile Club of
America had a Special Gra
phite Committee, and its
Technical Committee test Oil
dag. Their report showed
that before using Oildag the
Club car developed only 30.74
horse power, while after us
ing Oildag and running 500
miles it developed 33.70 horse
power, the Increase In power
being 2.95 horse power of 9.C
per cent. Summing up the
merits of this lubricant, the
report of the committee said
1. Increases the efficiency of
the engine.
2. Decreases tho smoke from
the exhaust.
3. Decreases the quantity of
lubricating oil.
A. Retains compression Jn
5. Causes the engine and
gears to run more sweet
ly. C. Decreases the liability of
bunlng out bearings.
7. Increases the life of all
For further Information
Box 215, Alpha, Mich
iyxo (srr Ei5
"73 (.Krai AL rALLj MUIUK tU.
UIthe !l
DON'T let your engine knock your car.
The first time you hear it knocking bring
it hero and wc will perform a slight oper
ation on it. If you want to avoid car troub
les let us inspect your car frcquenty.
Rosstttl, Anton Iron River.
Solda Gilinda Stambaugli.
Selmo, Joe Palatka.
Sinskancl. Anton Gaastra.
Szyraezyk, John C. Iron River.
Vamvoorhees, Roy M. Gibbs City,
or Iron River. .
Wester, Mannle Ixuls Stambaugh.
Yelland, Conrad M. Stambaugh.
Znososkl, Alex Iron River.
Angelonl, Stefano Iron River.
Anderson, Carl S. Stambaugh.
Andreoll, Louis Iron River.
Alesslo Paul Palatka.
Angelonl, Vlttorlo Iron River.
Antonio, August Palatka.
Anderson, Gustav K.-Gaattra.
Arturo, Pezzplato Crystal Falls.
Alblero, lilacomo ralatka.
Allegro, AntonPalatka.
Duvld, Stanley Iron River. R. 1.
Dellln, Ignatz Iron River.
RloomQulst Johannes Iron River.
Dorns, Henry E. Iron River R. 2.
Dolcato. Giovanni -Csystal Falls.
Rergnor, Herman-Stambaugh.
Burg, Edgar Iron River.
Rlewltt. Edwin F. dJessemer.
Dedard,- Lewis Palatka.
Bassanese, Massllio Palatka
Bergnara, Dattlsta Palatka.
Bartete, Charles Palatka.
Bondarlk, Alex Amasa.
Batllco, Joseph Crystal Falls.
Barilla. John Crystal Falls.
Brlnkkl, John Iron River.
Bengston, Guslof Stambaugh.
Brlstto, Lulggi Palatka
Benson. Alex Iron River.
Berredetto, TassorrI Palatka.
Dohenco. Emtl Iron River.
Berglund, Gottfred Stambaugh. "
Balsin, Peter Palatka.
Bemls, Muron George Crystal
Bauer, Walter Crystal Falls.
Breen, Louis Iron River.
Baker. Ncls Stambaugh.
Baslllo, Valette Iron River.
Bastlanello, Domlnl Palatka.
Copodogle, Clezo Iron River.
Comlsh, Fred-aastra.
, Comlsh, Jim Gaastra.
Carlson, Victor Eric Gaastra.
Croaco, Joe Gaastra.
Dinrlnl, Nldo Alpha.
Calllarl,' Ollrer Palatka.
Crepean, William Palatka.
Cofole, Paul Palatka.
Cattanl, Ernest Palatka.
Calllgan, James W. Iron River.
Cantara. Callce Iron River.
Chomanko, WasseJav Iron River.
Clspoco, Jos. Iron River,
Cameron, Paul M, Iron River.
Capralazll, Fleze Iron River.
Coffey, James T. Creclund, Mich.
Carlson, Elmer Amasa.
Carlson, Elmer Crystal Falls.
Challancln, Luciano Crystal Falls.
Camp, Harold Crystal Falls.
(Continued on Next Page)
Read the Ac
Six room house and lot for sale on
lower Marquette Avenue. Call per
sonally or Thone 113. Alfred Cribble
FOR SALE: Day old chicks,
straight' from the egg, 15-cts each.
Eggs for hatching Jl.pO rcr 15. Par
cels post or express. Write or call
Luckaw Bros., Box 81, Florence, Wis.
FOR SALE: Household furniture,
and Ford Sedan, Inquire of Miss War
ner, Red Cross rooms. (19)
. -n TT' ' r " ' . -,"Mn' .. 1 V- f-nifi mt T-',f . .
It always gives
100 per ct.
Let your order be
At all Reliable
'f ,1
Youll enjoy the
sporfc of rolling
'em vith P. A.!
f rfot I Albtrt h io!J
in toppy rd begt.
tlJy fj tint, hand '
9n pound mnd halt
found tin humidorm
and In tht pound
rryttal glatt humU
dr with tpongt
riisitner top.
il l n -1 i -
FIRST thing you do next
go get some makin's
papers and some Prince
'Albert tobacco and puff away
on a home made cigarette
that will hit on all your
smoke cylinders!
; No use sittingrby and say
ing maybe you'll cash this
hunchiomorrow. Do it while
the goings good, for man-o-man,
you can't figure out
whatyou'repassingby! Such
flavor, such coolness, such
more-ish-ness well, the only
way to get the words em
phatic enough is to go to it
and know yourself I I
rA,und.' bcsides Priiico
Albert's delightful flavor,
there's its freedom from bite
and parch which is cut out by;
our exclusive patented proc
csl. Certainly -you smoke
A. from sun up till your
slip between the sheets with
out a comeback.
Prince Albert is the tobac
co that revolutionized pipe
smoking. If you never could
smoke a pipe forgct itl
if you use Prince Albert
for packing! It's a smoke
revelation in a jimmy pipe
or a cigarette!
Copp-UM 1921
tr H. J. Rmed
Tobec Co,
IMlfPR? An TTTiri
national joym smoka

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