Mrs. Koy Stobbins returned from
Escanaba Fridays
Mr. and Mrs. John Carlson and
family spent' Sunday at Alpha.
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Isaacson mo
tored to Iron Mountain Sundy.
Mr. John Mason of Crystal Falls,
spent Monday at Amasa.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibson motored to
Crystal, Monday.
Mrs. V. , jLtfito .entertained tho
Finnish Ladies' Aid last Sunday
Mrs. Andrew Dcrg left for Green
Bay Tuesday night'.
The Messrs. Lief Jacobson, Emll
Gustafson and Joseph Legault mo
tored to Crystal Falls, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pcntilla of Crys
Etal Falls motored to Amasa, Sun
day. Mr. Harry Vivian and family and
MlssLIlllan Wlckraan spent Monday
at Crystal Falls. j
Mr;, trnd Mrs. C. Anderson and
daughters. Myrtle and Ililma Stol
lerg, drove to Amasa from Crystal
Falls Monday.
Mr. Arvl Kansas spent" the week
end In Hancock, where he attended
tho celebration of tho anniversary of
the Suoml College.
Mr. and Mrs. John Alatalo and son.
of Alpha, spent Sunday at Amasa vis
iting relatives and'frlend3.
Miss Llllle Pari returned from
Iron Kivcr. Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nylund mo
tored to Amasa Sunday, returning the
sumo day,
Tho Misses Hazlo Uurge. Tyyne
Thompson, Edna Ret'alllc, Pearl Pe
terson, and Hila Bloomriulst. ppent
the week-end camping at Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. A. Berg went to
Crystal Falls Monday night.
''Mr. and Mrs. B. Gill returned on
Tuesday morning from Green Bay,
where Mrs. Gill had undergone an
operation for appendicitis.
Mr. Joseph Rueso of Menominee.
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. Bell.
TheMessrs. Hbnus Klskinen, Victor
Ikola and Walter Magnuson, and fho
Misses Agnes Holm and Martha Ells
worth spent Decoration Day In Crys
tal Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kuusala and
children of Crystal Falls, spent' Mon
day with friends) and relatives at
Amasa. Monday.
Mr. C. W. TTuirhM Attended tho
funeral of William RicJiard.of Crys
tal Falls. Monday.
The Misses Lcora Ellsworth. Geor
gia DuFrlsno and Lillian Wlckstrom
rode to Crystal Falls with William
Hermanson Monday and walked back
the same day.
Mr. Andrew Rloomqulst has re
turned to Amasa from Valpariso,
--J. j.-4-
Rfitomiey Saw
If jou do Justice fo tlies bargain jou nCl Judvre them by
their worth rntJicr tlian the prices we ask for them.
Here J really a remarkable chance for you to sate money
cn dependable rlglit non goods. You cant tifford not
to Investigate.
2 CO FFE E Badger Brand steel
Coffee In on pound car- O A
tons, at
( i
ized Crochet Cotton in white
and ecrue, 'sizes 3 to SO, at.. 1 1 C
COCOANCT N. J. C. Fancy Shredded
Cocoanut In 8 ounce pack
ages, at J
MEN'S SHIRTS Men' heavy Blue
Cambray Shirts, well made A?Q
sizes 14 H to 17, at cach...OC
BROOMS A special value In carpet
Brooms. Well made. While
they last, at
COTTON John Brown. Yard wide
unbleached Sheeting
at per yard....
Lautz Brothers Gloss
25 c
47 to 43 Inches wide.
Dark and Light.
ENVELOPES Linen fabric finish rag
Envelopes, seven styles, 23
In package, 2 pekgs
Iron Co.'n. best
road leads
to Amasa.
Spcc-Dco Cleanser per can
30x3 Rclincrs
30 x 3 1-2
Klaxon's Ford Horns
inside Boots
3 to 5 Inches, regardless of size
Flocdp TIRE CO-
where ho has been graduated from
the manual training department. His
brother. Louis Bloomquist remained
a few days longer at Valpariso in
Irdcr to bo admitted to the bar of, In
dlana on Friday.
Mrs. J. Wormwood. Mrs. C. Wrd
berg, Miss Blanche Wormwooi, Miss
Mildred Prcmo and Mr. .Ward Worm
wood motored to Crystal Falls Mon
day to attend tTio funeral of Louis
Messrs. J. T.' Gibson and John
Thompson went to Cryttal Falls
Wednesday on business.
A farewell party was given by the
Finnish peoplo of Amasa at tho Finn
Hall la honor of Nestor OJa and
Herman Abo, who are leaving for
Mr. Everett Stcbbin3 returned from
Escanaba Tuesday nU?ht after spend
ing the week-end at Escanaba.
A farewell party was given at the
home of Mrs. A. Berg In honor of
Victor Makl, who 13 going to Fin
Mr. and Mrs. John Fin3trom, who
recently lost everything when their
hom0 burned, are very grateful for
the raonye and clothes that have been
sent to them by the Bed Cross and
by their many friends.
Head The Ads
(Continued From Page 2)
Denis, Fred Gaasta.
Delmla, Peter Iron River.
Ducharme, Jos. Iron Itiver.
Dclago, Con Palatka.
Delkus, John Palatka. .
Erlckson, John I. Stambaugh.
Edllng. Albin-Iron Ulver.
Erlckson, Charles Iron Hlver.
Erlckson. Fred C Iron River.
Ellasson. GustIrttn River.
Everard, Felix Palatka.
Gormosa, Peter Crystal Falls.
Fochcsato, Attlllo--Crystal Falls.
Finn, GrovannI Crystal Falls.
Fronzene, Frick Stambaugh.
Fceley, James Stambaugh.
Flanagan, Clarence Bryan Iron
Fish. John Iron River.'
Fish, Fred Iron River.
Filipplni, Fietro Iron River.
Fontana, Antonio Palatka.
Ferandli August Palatka.
Fochesato, Blagio Palatka.
Fenlon, Peter Gaastra.
Graceonlo, Janatto Amasa.
Gllvanlo, Spcnato Palatka.
GregolaU), Rcmova Palatka.
Golin, Gracimo Palatka.
Chiotto, VIrgillo Palatka
GInl, Peres Palatka
German, Michael Stambaugh.
Geegan, , Jok. Stambaugh.
Gumbls, Peter Iron River.
Gustawskl, Anton P. Iron River.
Grocomo, Togsl Iron River.
Galbralgh, Morton Iron River.
Gordon, Isadoro Iron River.
Gcnkenson, John Iron River.
Green, Lyle Iron River.
Gtoacclinl.'I'eter Iron River.
Guigllko, Antonio Iron River.
Hanson, Fritz P. Iron River.
Henley, Thomas A. Iron River.
Halogen, Emll Iron River.
Holmes, Robert T. Iron River.
Hurken, Alfred E. Iron River.
Hill, Nester Iron River.
Hamilton, Charles Iron River.
Harvey, Ralph G. Glbb'9 City.
Hawke, Howard H. Palatka.
Holm, John Crystal Falls.
Harvey. Thomas Crystal Falls.
Hill, Henry A. Stambaugh.
Hamilton, Harry C Stambaugh.
Isotalo, Al Iron River.
Ikonen, Emll Iron River.
Johnson, Ossl Crystal Falls.
Johnson, Victor Crystal Falls.
Jacques, Heney Crystal Fall?.
Jonson. John B. Stambaugh.
Johnson, Axel Stambaugh.
Jones. Henry B. Palatka.
Jolette, Gliomas Palatka.
Johnson, Gust Adolph Beachwood.
Jomont. William Alpha.
Jonjak, Frank Iron River.
Jorgenson, Peter Iron River.
Johnson. Herman Iron River.
Johnson. Odgen B. Iron River.
Keaft, Jos. Henry Stambaugh.
Keast, Wilfred Earl Stambaugh.
Klrby, Bednard Arthur Stambaugh.
Karvala, William Stambaugh.
Kreger, Ado-lph Iron River.
JColmskj, Jack Iron River.
Kelly. Patrick J. Iron River.
K cilery. George W. Iron River.
Kuehl, Frank W. Iron River.
Klhhtsom, John Iron River.
KloP.or, Frank 3. Crystal Falls.
Kalo-knk, Stanley Alp!:a.
Kahn. John Rlchad Alpha.
Krans, Evan Palatka.
F)pko, Lusi Palatka.
I.cnzlnio. Mark) Palatka.
I.arnnn. Victor L. Irrn River.
Lfnt'nf, Qulnto Iron River.
LarVi'i. Jnmrs J. Iron River.
Locato, G:istav Palatka.
Lautz, Co ir id Ganstra.
Lautz, llorln 1 1 -Gaahtra.
L.'il.tl. Moses Alrta.
I.ohfnon, Otto Amasa.
Lu!ow. Roy V. Sf.irnb.nigh.
Lr r f n . Axel St'amba'ugh.
Lundln, Pr G. Sf.imb.iugh.
Lor , Peter Palatka
L not,), Dornonlc Palatka
Lahtf, Elmer; palatka,
Inr n, I-iwrence Crystal Fall.
luirhtn, Gearso V, - Crystal Falls.
Leorotn, Pt'te Crystal Falls.
Lei It. WiUI.in Crystal Fall.
I,Uvrht, Waltor Cryptal Falls.
rvcrnoh, CelrIo F. CryFtal FallK.
Ihndln, Peter Iron River.
"ijtBello Jos Iron River.
iiiPlant. Lloyd Iron River.
LVkanltFch, MIcheal J. Iron River,
Marin, Albert B. Stambaugh.
Marcel, Joe Gaastra.
Montambo, Samuel T. Stambaugh.
Michael, Frank Stambaugh.
MalxnauJst, Iver Stamabugh,
Moselll, Jos. Alpha.
Mario, Dello Verchio Palatka.
Maromik, George Falatka
Marini. Patsy Palatka.
Marclatto. Agustlno Palatka.
Maywfsky, Max Crystal Falls.
Makl, Andrew Crystal Falls.
Marlgino, Michele Crystal Falls.
Magaraggia, Gulseppe Ama Amasa.
Mayyjasjajyk, Thomas Amasa.
Mlchlt, Harry Amasa.
Marano. Nlcoll Iron River.
Molerl, Gulseppl Iron River.
Makl, Jack Iron River.
Metros Venjamin C. Iron River.
Miller, Herbert W. Iron River.
Mitchell, Edward Iron River.
Malmberg, John A. Iron River.
Marian!, Eraerio Iron River.
Oswald, Jacob M. Crystal Falls.
Objewskl, Charles Iron River.
Olson. Rubin G. Ircn River.
Olson, Stelg C. Stambaugh.
Pretto, John Amasa.
Patt, John Crystal Falls.
Paulson, John Crystal Falls.
Peterson, Matt Crystal Falls.
Perkins, Erwin Iron River.
Purcell, Fravels Louis Iron River.
Peterson, Harry W. Iron River.
Pretto, John Falatka.
Pegorora, Johns Palatka.
Purgatto, Enrico Palatka.
Pcruzzi, Clrilo Palatka.
PeruzzI, Antonil Palatka.
Peruzzi. Crilo Palatka.
Fasarento, Joe Palatka. ,
Paccanare, Fortunate Palatka.
Poncaze, Ralmondo Palatka.
PIzzola, Francesco Palatka.
Prlnanto Rocco Palatka.
Paxxo Unberto Falatka.
Piello Grichino Palatka.
Pirolo Silvio Palatka.
Potrosso Charles Palatka?
Pastl John Battista Palatka.
Palumbo. Emll lo Gaastra.
Peterson, William S. Gaastra.
Teterfon. Wanfred A. Stambaugh.
Puteonen, George Alpha.
Peiropan, GrovannI Crystal Falls.
Peato, Joo Crystal Falls.
Peruzzo, Pletro Crystal Falls.
Plichta. August C Crystal Falls.
Przybulskl, John Iron River.
Pearse. William F. Iron River.
Peterson, Harry H. Iron River.
Peterson, SIgnor Iron River.
Pottesl. Paul Irin River.
PucylowskI, ZIgmond Iron River.
Parks, Murrill 1). Iron River.
Panialowskl. Walter Iron River.
Baffin, Ernest Iron River.
Rosscttl, Eronl Iron River,
Ravadl. Antonl Iron River.
Roslak, Steve Iron River.
Ranncr. Matt Alpha.
Riley, John Albert Gaastra.
Rosso, Domenll Palatka.
Randon. Grocomo Palatka,
Randon, VIndlamale Palatka.
Ryonlo. Ba'rmelo Palatka.
Retzlor, John Palatka.
Russoo, Antonio Crystal Falls.
Ross, Daniel W. Crystal Falls.
Rocco, Panerazio Crystal Falls.
Rospato. Marco Crystal Falls.
Rossato, Gaetmo Crystal Falls. ,
Rossato, Attlllo CryMal Falls.
Regonl, Tom Crystal Falls.
Richards Harold Crystal Falls.
SJoqulst Garfield Iron River.
Senslba, Cyrus Iron River.
Splsak, Anral Crystal Falls.
Smith. John Crystal Falls.
Sexton, Virgil B. Crystal Falls.
Sandri, Graorno Crystal Falls.
Swanson. John Henry Crystal
Stefan!, Frank Crystal Falls.
Seaberg. William C Crystal Falls.
Sodermah, Axel Crystal Falls.
Soderman, Emkl A. Crystal Falls.
Sutter. William Crystal Fa IN.
Sgaggero. Glrolamo Palatka.
Schlavo, Louis Palatka.
Spadaro, John Palatka.
Strand: Edwin StamlK-jugK
Sku!, Stanl Stambaugh.
Snnonherg. Gustav Stambaugh.
Seeblnsky, Julius Stambaugh.
Smith. Max Stambaugh.
Sauerls, Lester M. Iron River.
Fboqulst. Herbert Iron River.
Sofoa (Sofia) Aurelius Iron River.
Sail!. Arne Iron River.
Storowsk!, Mike Iron River.
Savage, Adrlen S. Iron River.
Shel.?ky. Tony Iron River.
S' .bavtlancll!, Sllvano Iron River.
Srely. V. Stuart Iron River.
Sandora, Bartola Gaastra.
Tcgge, Raymond J. Iron River.
Tomcano. Eugene Palatka.
Toff inello. Gulseppe Palatka.
Ti?arl, Gulseppe -Palatka.
Todo r, G u y Pa 1 a t ka.
Tlbaldo. Domenico -Palatka.
Trent In, G inch! vo Palatka.
Thompson. Arvl St. Stambaugh. .
Thorr.bery, Ja'lmer Stambaugh.
Toifiilo, Antor.!o Alpha.
. Tokozwkl, K.i7lw!elz Ama,
Turbcssl, P,Inirl Crystal Fal!..
Tomllnsan. Charles W. Crystal
Traverp, Frr.nrs Iron River.
Tranqulll . ('.intoTU'siI Iron River.
Tunnnflr. Ar'l Iron River.
Trimiti-1 !. Pele-Imn IHver.
Frban. Wlilinm Peter Iron River.
Van Den f-'.irdf, Frank Stambaugh.
Vei.d . Jol. ti - Crystal Falls.
W -e n t J n . Are r nlo Crystal Fa ll.1.
VanWagner, Floud Iron River.
VnnWflgner. H.irold-Iron River.
Vocco, Cornr.'ce Iron River.
Vervl'.le. Joe Becchwood.
Wexler, Abraham AmaRa.
Winters. Arthur W. Crystal Falls.
WIIIp, Kenneth E. Gaastra.
WUijerFkl. JoL-Palatl:a.
Williams, Stanley Beech wood.
WalUkimnr. Pete Alpha.
Wolf, Paul M. Alpha.
Wuttenlenl. Wulua Iron River.
Eirzonck, Adolph Iron River.
Xotto, Glacomo CryFtal Falls.
Yakel. Fritz Iron River.
Zacozkskl. John Iron lUvcr
Zaboikl, Julius .Iron River.
Zatll. lul vino Iron River.
Zaraplcl, August Palatka.
Zencre, Eugeno Palatka.
Zulpha. John Gaastra
Zinl, Louis Crystal Falls
Read tb Ads
Crysiiil Falls, Mich., May 2, 1921.
A regular meeting the Commission
of the City of Crystal FaJls. Mich.,
was called on tho. above date at 7:30
o'clock P. M.
Roll Call Members present: J. J.
Gaffney, mayor, (absent.) Commla
sloner, Arvld BJork.
Thero being no quorum present tho
meeting was adjourned to Tuesday,
the Third day of May A. D., 1921, at
7:20 o'clock P. M.
City Clerk.
May 3. 1921.
An adjourned regular pession of tho
City Commission of Crystal Falls,
Mich., was held at tho Council Cham
ber of tho City Hall on the above date
at 7:30 o'clock. P. M.
Meeting was called to order by J. J,
Gaffney, mayor, with the following
commissioners present:. Arvld BJork.
Minutes of meeting held1 April ISth
and May 3rd, 1921, tco4 and kudo ap
proved. It was moved and carrie
that tlio monthly report of tho City
Marshal Im accepted and same filed.
Ayes J. J. Gaffney and Arvid BJork.
It was moved by Arvld BJork and
seconded by J. J. Gaffney that tho
City remit the sum of ($10.3G) Ten
Dollars and thirty-six cents personal
taxes assessed to Victor Salttla, for
tho year 1920, and tho City Clerk is
sued an order for tufcid amount pay
able to C. E. Henry, City Treasurer.
(Ayes) J. J. Gaffney and Arvid BJork.
It was moved by Arvld BJork and
seconded by J. J. Gaffney, that tho fol
lowing bills and pay roll for tho last
half of April, A. I). 192i, be allowed as
audited, and approved by the City
Commission anl tho Clerk draw or
ders on tho City Treasurer In pay
ment' of same. (Ayes) J. J. Gaffney
and Arvid BJork. Carried.
rajr.Koll Last Half of April 1021.
J. H. Sanders, manager $ 137. SO
W. J. Grlbble, clerk 87.50
Lucy Shlells, deputy 35.00
C. I) Dwycr, Attorney 40.00
C. E. Henry, Treasurer 27.50
Dr. Haight, Health Officer. . . 27.50
C. A. Burkha.n, Analy. Wat... 15.00
Joo Leonard, Janitor C2.50
William Broad, marshall. . .. 75.00
Ell Massle, night watch C2.50
Curtis Ceney, fireman 62.50
Joe Chesky. fireman 62.50
Walter Keast, nigt fireman.. 8.50
Albino Mott'es, night fireman 8.50
John Kammerer. rem. sex... 50.00
Cyril Varney, pound master. . 50.00
John Gitzcn, Engln. plant.... 65.00
Fred Schmidt, engln. plant.. 65.00
August Schaal, engln. plant.. 65.00
William Lynch. Electrician.. 75.00
Henry Grattan, electrician... C3.S4
faddy McKornon, Utll. man. 6C.C9
Alfred Hailey, Water fore.... 62.50
Isaac Anderson, street foro... 77.22
Sabino Batt'an, street lab.... 48.41
Abra. Johnson, street lab 46.53
Eric Engstrom, street lab.... 48.41
John LaPlant, street lab 48.41
Victor SJostrom, treet lab... 48.41
Joo Hoiekr, street lab 48.41
E .Van Martcr, truck driver.. 60.48
Sum Rollback, teaming 27.00
Joo Twa, teaming....". 34.20
John Lap!, street lab 27.26
ivtcr LaPlant, fire 3.00
Anton Eecel, lire 3.00
Casper Bauer, fire 3.00
Dr. Nortstrum, fire 2.00
William Eldred. fire 3.00
Rlcard Walsh, firo 2.00
Chester Nettell, fire 3.00
Walter Keast. fire 3.00
Albino Mattes, fire 4.00
Wm. Grundlund, fire 2.00
E. Van Manor, fire 3.00
Joe Bittner, fir '. 1.00
Chas. LaPlant, fire 2.00
Elmer Carlson, fire 1.00
Willis Bregger, firo 1.00
Thos. Aberle, fire 2.00
Clyde Hf nry. fire ' 2.00
Henry Grattan, fire 1.00
W. F. Jacka, election 8.00
Fred J. Pfeifier, election.... 8.CO
M. C. Roberts, flection 8.0)
M. J. Shiclls, election 8f0
E. H. lMyvcan, election 8.00
Casper Bauer, election 8.0n
O. M. Olson, election 8.0
F. Richard, flection.' 8 00
0. E. Gundstrom, election... 8.00
1. IT. Jjuk'on. ebvtion 8A
W. K. Davison, election S.n-"
Frank SVfl''en, rb-ctirm 8.0
W. J. Boranko, election.'.... f
Nwn..an Ci - :i, sate keeper. . 6 .(
W. J. Grlbble, copying; namei
register 6.91
Mrs. J. II. Johnson, hum Is
election board 20.CK)
Mich state Tclu. Co. tcrv.... 18.63
Oiterberg & Co.. sup.. ....... .63
Fred J. FfelfTer, meals elec
tion board... 4,00
A. Rablchaud. frgt. & dray:.. 18.21
Sorlnson Charrou &. Son. per. 18.10
Art Varney. frgt. dray. etc... 27.12
Webb's Garage, supplies...., 3.68
Wlll'a Hardwaro supplies. . .. 17.00-
Acmo Chemical Co. sup 21.98
J. Andrao & Son. sup 281 54
Duluth Elec. Supply Co.
supplies 142.25
Detroit Mfg. Sup. Co. sup.... &5.0I
Doubleday Bros., sup 4. SO
Graitud-Quarfot Dice Co..
supplier 75.9S
Gen Elec. Ca, sup 214.31
Tho Goulds Mfg. Co. sup 25.79
Gundstrom Garage supplies,. 6.75
F. Meuller Mfg. Co, sup 7 73
Marshall-We lis Co. sup...... 2C1.21
II. Neldecken Co. sup... 6.79
Chas. Folachock Co. sup 21.56
C. A. Robinson rent vie... 4.00
Rochester Germ. Co. fup.... 19.75
Standard Oil Co., gas, etc 131.51
Western Elec. Co., tup 2:0S
Total $2,401.02
Total Disbursement last half
of April 1921 $4,311.79
There being1 no further business on
motion meeting adjourned.
W. J. G RIB RLE, ,
City Clerk.
Read tho Ads
LAND FOR SALE: 360 acres of
good farm land with buildings, locat
ed near Micliigammo and Door riv
ers and Vj mile from railroad. In
qulro of Wahletrom Bros., Iron
Mountain, Mich. (18-21-pd)
1 Piano, lato style, A-l condition.
One Organ, good as new, a real bar
gain. I range, a beauty, used 90 day.
Bods, dressers, Springs, Dining tib
lc. Parlor Rockers, Parlor Suites.
Rockers, etc., your own price. Det-r
tor call today and investigate. Those
are real bargains.
City Repair Shop.
FOUND 33x4 Goodrich tiro on rim.
Inqulro at Standard Oil Statlon.(19-0
Read Tho Ads
FOR SALE: Lot 10, Block 11, 1st
Addition to tho Vlllago of Alpha.
$125 If taken at once. A. J. St. Ouge,
Iron River, Mich.
House for sale: I will sell my
houses In Maplo Grove on very reason
ablotcrms. Knud Nelson.
Read the Ads :
1)K, A. J. H0CO50S
Crystal Falls - -
Read tho Ada .
: )
Approve 1 :
lusm rsi:.m i:TS
April 1921.
J. Bauer & Son Hdw. Co. Sup. 11.70
City IU pair Shop, Repair.?...
Diamond Drill. Printfii;: E'JCO
Electrical Review 3.00
Anton K.v.l, Service;. ..... 1.50
F. & A. Lbr. Co., Sup... ...... 21 '.59
A. L. FloM. Sip.,... 700
W. J. Cribble, St ret lights.'. . . T.'.i 20
W. J. Grlbble. hydrant rent.. 03.10
W, J. Grlbble. city hall Igt... 213.39
W. J. Grlbble, lights to pr. 13.00
W. J. GrlbUe.omcc, ttc 23.00
W. J. Gribble gas nr.d oil.... 78.57
W. J. Grlbble exp. and stpsi... 6.11
Tho Probate Court for tho County
of Iron.
At a session of said Court, hold at
tho Probato OHlce in tho City of Crys
tal Falls, In said County, on the 28th
day of May, A. D. 1921.
Present: Hon. Fred F. Murphy,
Judge of Probato.
In (he .Matter cf the L'state of Ar
lid Gustaftton, DmfaiHML
Ellen Nordham, having filed In
paid Court, her petition praying that
tho administration of said estate bo
granted to herself or to gome other
suitable person.
IT IS ORDERED, That tho 18th day
of June, A. I). 1921, at ten o'clock In
tho forenoon, at fcald Probato OWcc.
bo and Is hereby appointed for hear
ing paid Petition;
public notlco thereof ho given by pub
lication of a copy of this order for
three successive weeks previous to
fald day of hearing, in tho "Diamond
Drill," a newFpaptr printed and cir
culated In eaid County.
A true copy. '
Judge of Probate.
. May 23; Juno 11.
Read tho Ad
ruoBATi: mitici:
T!ie Probato Court for tho County
of Iron.
At a session cf a!d Court, l."l M
th0 P.-obato Oirice In fan (!ty rf Crys
tal Falls In-said County, :i t!. 21-it
day of May A. D. Pi.M.
Present: Hon. Fr-tl F. M;irp,.y.
J.i 'go of Probate.
In the .Matter the T ai f
Joseph Slrlk, Beef :nl
Ixyls A. Henry bavlt;- f.h'd la .!,!,
court lis petition pryin ? thai' (!;, r.d
mlnistratlon of sald e.-t'.fo 1 r 'rurl '
to Richard Nichols or to .wio rt;..r
HuitaMo perhon.
IT IS OilI)i:UED. Thr.t C i da
of June A. D. 1921, at ten o'cV-lt ii
tho fortiu'w-n, ai' a!d pr,.b,tf '.'--.
ho and l-i hereby appolntcl for Ir'v
ing said pti(Un; r
IT IS F CRT HER OllDI'Ri'l). Tit
public nctlco thf-rrof be ftlVin by - -Uratlon
of a copy of (hi ord'r. f t
s.ild day of l.a:ir,, in th Di-'Vir!
Drill, a r.rwspujir ptiiucd an4 dr
culated In tnld county.
A True. Ccf y.
Judge cf Probate.
May 2S; June 11.