ritiCK itimicnoN
On July 1, 1921, tbe prlco j
t The Diamond Drill will f
I rtxluctvl from J3.0O per
year to I3.S0. This rrduc
Uon In. duo to tho fuct that
tho prlco of print paper ha
vlropinxl connldPrubly from
Its high point, although it is
Mill far ftlovo what It woa
In 1914. When wo Increased
tho prlco wo promised our
Buhscribera that ns ioon iu
paper prices receded wo
would drop our nubscrlp
tloa prlco and thin Is tho
flrnt tcp In kep!nK faith
wltli our patrons. This re
duction applies only to nub
Bcrlbem on our regular lUt.
lubllhui Kvory ButUi-day, At Cryutal
Palls, Iron County, Michigan.
Entered at Crystal Palls, Mich., poet
cClco as aooonU clap mall matter.
Omdal paper of Iron county. Crys
tal Falli Township and City of Crya
tal Palla.
TEIUI3 $3.00 per ycr
Somo of our frlonda f tho legal
lrofccislon aro Jutt' now applying a
verbal gad to tho editor of tho Iron
Jtlvor-StanibauRh Keporter "because of
n editorial that appeared In a icccnt
it,8iio of that paper telling of tho un
navory reputation which Iron coanty
Iia, or Is supposed to have, becauso
of tho leniency displayed by Juries
In this county, especially In murder
Tho Reporter t-crlbu took tho recent
iiojulttal ns nn example of what Is
lelng done In tho county. Irrespective
of the merits of tho ease at lwsuc. nno
vannot well understand the attitude
of tho attorney In getting after the
'press of tho county unless It has come
Hon point whero 4t Is a caso of lease
auajeaty for a newspaper to crltclse
Anything that occuth In court.
It is probably truo that newspapers
iu unjust in their criticisms at
f2Qt'f It U tso probably truo that
courts err at times and It Is alo prob
able that tho bar Isn't always arrayed
in immaculate linen. Tho frailties of
tho human or tho creation of tho hu
man arc too numerous and too thor
oughly diffused to warrant tho as
pumptlon that' one human agency or
profession Is more boly than tho oth
er. Onet hlng is certain and It Is with
out a healthy public sentiment no
county or no community Is a -goad
plac to llvo in. Likewise, the news
paper that' honestly strives to arouse
or to maintain nuch a sentiment ought
Hot bo indicted because of Its effort.
We think that tho major portion of
tho thinking people of tho county
ulll agree that Iron county Is not
overburdened1 with nn upstanding,
licalthy public sentiment. It looks,
then, that tho censure in this case !
Jiot deserved.
ra n m
.Charles K. I.awrenco has on many
ttccaslons proved that he baa tho In
terest of all of Iron County at heart
Injt never did ho prove it more so
ll.an during tho past week, when
upon learning that the committee
working on tho new hotel and ex--erv!oo
men's home lacked a few
tUoufiand dollars of making the grade,
lie voluntarily came to the commit
tee with a subscription of fl,(V0. It
Isn't because It's Crynal Falls or p
pit project that Is favored that we
Mention this but hlniply to rfiterato
the statement that we have nntlo
Mf oral . times that Mr. Kawrence l.
J. cart and soul for Iron County all
of. it.
Vy the way you don't notice any
Ckao mail order bouses or Mar
quette printing establishment on
the'. subscription list of the new hotel
or tho Kourlh-of-July or base ball
subscription paper, do you? The
vat merchant or printer ts all right
"when you want something for noth
ing but when it comes to paving him
for his services It's different. Yon
Ln'l ntke n,e outside printing con
vert! telling about the c!.ool com
ivienccmcnt. the art exhilit. do you?
O, ho. They're ttv busy for that
vrcrV. lts the local merchant cr the
local pt inter that is tho pack-horse
txV carry the burden of the commun
ity free,
m n
An Apha gr.tloman is cor.srMuUt
lng tho Diamond Drill.cn Its expose of
charging for mine wte told how In
the early '.sj cf the village some
w.v-te rvvk was takrn frcm an aban
vorrd mine rock pile and the owners
prtcntcd a Nil to the Cvvancit. The
vouihU rrrtlM that te rock would be
vhccrfally paid for if the propertj
vwner1 really insisted but v! d c that
the vlllAfO would In turn Insist that
the rwk la th waste pll be pUcel
vn tho UrnU at tt M-Tal that
M st cb.arged for t. the vlllare. The
prop etty or.cr Tflfed Quickly.
Local Hull l'lajers Dulled (ame Out
In Lait Hal of the Mnth Inning
A baseball game 1 never won un
til tho Jast man is out in the Ut half
of tho ninth inning. That's n law of
baseball that was driven homo to the
spectators at Athletic Dark with n
vcngvaiico last Monday when tho Alpha-Crystal
TalU team hooked up
with their ancient rivals from Iron
In facf. tho epectators had it im
pressed uK)n their minds twlco in that
game, for tho way that tho local
etarted out in the first lnulng it
looked a if tho game was over then.
Threo runs wcro scorcU In the first
inning and one jn the third while Iron
Itlver Just couldn't put anything
across. It was not until along in the
tdxth inning that tho west sldo fellows
got to Thlbcrt. who was on tho mound
for Crystal Fulls. In that' inning they
tdiovcd across four runs and in the
first half of the ninth they put another
across making tho score stand 6 to
i with Crystal Falls getting another
turn ut bat.
When tho first man was out on an
easy Infield hit, it looked llko a cinch
the other way and tho fans started
to leavo tho field. Then came a revcla
tlon.Villiam Johnson singled. Bpinny
J'ultx followed with a doublo that
lauded "Dill" on third and Splnny on
Annear came up. Al hadn't de
livered all through the game. It was
a grand opportunity and ho proved
himself equal to it by doubling
through tho right fields ncorng Dave
and Splnny and winning tho game.
A man named Mllhreath from Mil
waukee was In tho pltchor's box for
Iron Ulver. He was hit hard tho first
threo innings but steadied After that
and pitched air tight HUl until the
fusillade was let loof o in tho last' half
on tho ninth. Ho was not as woll
supported as was Thlbcrt otherwise
he would hnvo registered a win.
Dennis played left field for tho lo
cals in place of John Kinney, who
had n foro leg. llo Is a capable sub
stitute but "Jack" was missed Just the
Tho gamo was a slow one but the
locals played a much keener brand of
Kail than on tho opening day. If they
continue to show Improvement us they
have done they will bo in tip-top form
by July when wo may expect to ml
pome tiasy Kail.
The crowd was one of tho largest
of the regular frame days and tho boys
feel very much encouruged thereat'.
Tho next ganio will bo with our
old adversary, Iron Mountain, on Sun
day and It is expected to lo a hair
The box seoro of Monday's game b
as follows:
Crystal Falls
ab r li poo o tih Fh bb
Dennis, If 411 20000
It. Johnson, ss ... 2 1 1 020011
Demrosky. 2b .... 4 1 1 220000
D. Kinney. 2b. .411 220000
Williams, c 400 10 0100 0
W. Johnson, rf .... 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Dultt, lb 3 1 1 9 0 0 0 0 1
Annear. cf 300 021 000
Thlbcrt, p 3 00 0 2 1 0 0 f
33 6 27 9 3 1 1 2
Struck out by Thtbvrt, 8.
Struck out by Milbreath, C.
L'h Hits lVeblos. '
2 11 Hits Williams.
2 D Hits Milbreath.
' 2 II Hits Dennis,
2 It Hits Demrosky.
2 D Hit H. Johnson.
Iron Ulver
nb r h po a e f b hh bb
rurcell. lb 50 0 13 10000
Heggelln, rf ..SO 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Smth. 2b . .
Williams. If
Jumes, Zb .
Peebles, cf
Da hi. c ....
Horan, ss . .
Mllbrath, p
40 C
0 0
0 0
1 0
0 0
0 0
1 0
0 1
2 2 0
& Total Hits
lo 11
Innings 1 23 U C 7 8
I. Ulver 0 0 0 0 0 4
C. Falls 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 C
Hox Score
Tho box score for Sunday's game,
played at Iron Ulver is ns follows:
Crystal Pall ft
J. Kinney, If.. I
Thlbert If ... .2
Dennis, If 2
H. Johnson, ss 4
Demrosky. 2b .5
Kinder,' P ....4
I). Kinney, 3b .&
Williams, c . ..C
W. Johnson, rf G
Pultz, lb ....3
Annear, cf ....4
Kinder, n 4
Daso on ball Pultz.
Hit by Pitcher Heggelln.
2 b hits Pultz-S. Kinney.
3 b hits II. Johnson.
Home Uun II. Johnson.
Struck out by Kinder. G.
Struck out by Marlfleld, 3.
Struck out hy Cclments, 1.
Iron Ulver
ab r h
Purccll, lb ...4 0 1
r b po a e sb eh
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0
2 4 4 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 4 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 2 0 4 0 0 0
0 1 6 0 0 2 0
12 110 10
1 1 U 1 0 2 0
3 2 3 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 1
lift to tlho main shaft which. ws left
uncompleted when the mine closed.
It wa while in prosecution of this
work he lost his life.
Ho was married In 1913 to Hazel
Brown, duughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.
M. Drown of this city, a Crystal Falls'
girl born and reared. Three children
were born of the union and t'iiey with
his wife survive hime. They aro Hel
en, 7 years; Merle 6; and Wllma 4.
In addition he is survived by a
mother, Mrs. W J. Ulchards, a sister.
Miss Kaster and a brother. Clarence
of Ilattle Creek a brother, Harold
Ulchards of Mlshawaka, Ind., a broth
er, Alvin Ulchards of Iron Mountain
and a brother Kussel Ulchards oi
William A. Ulchards wag a model
man in every way, one cf the best' and
most promising citizens Crystal Falls
had. He was modest and lovable. He
had no enemies. Everyone liked Will
Ulchards; no ono could say too much
In his praise. Dy his untimely death
Crystal Falls loses another of her
coming young men, who if spared,
would bo a creat help to her in after
years Just as ho has been the admira
tion of all duripg his short exemplary
life omongs-t ua.
po a
8 0
Heggelln. rf ..1
Gregg, rf 1 0
Smith. 2b ....3
Horan, ss 4
James. 3b ....4
Dahl. c 4
Peebles, cf ....3
Tegge, If 1 0
Williams, If ...2 0
Clements, p ..1 0
Innings 12 3 4
I. Ulver .0 0 0 0
C. Falls 0 0 2 0
i. o
o sb sh
0 0 C
G 6 7 8 9
0 0 0 0
v w m m r w. m -w
Tho subject of these few lines met
nn untimely death in tho Monongahela
shaft last yjeek Friday night and was
burled on Sunday "afternoon in the
Crystal Falls' Cemetery.
Ho was the second oldest son of the
lato Captain W. J. Ulchards. for many
years in charge of the McKlnney
Steel operations in Michigan and one
of the best known men in tho state.
Tho deceased was lorn at Sondan,
Minn., In 1SSS and was 33 years of age
at death. He came to Crystal Falls
with his parents when he was 13
years of ago so that his lato boyhood
and early manhood days wero ppent
right hero with us. He attended the
Crystal Falls schools and after fin
ishing hero was pent to the Michigan
College' of Mines where he completed
tho full course and upon graduation
took up the calling of a mining en
gineer. Will's benr" was actual mining oper
ations rather than the engineering or
olTlco end, and he Immediately com
menced practical mining and was rift
ing rapidly in Id chosen work when
cut off.
He worked at first under his father
and later with the Judson mining
company. For a short time he was in
charge of tho.Tully mine at Stam
baugh and left' thero to go with Cap
tain Martin as mining captain at the
Monongahela mine.
The closing of tho property about a
month ago led to hi being put in Dlckford having the religious Perv
charge of the completion of the new Ices, WUl Fldrcd as post chaplain
This young man lost hia life in the
accident at the Monongahela mine
Friday. He was not as generally
known as the other victim of this ac
cident' but everyone who was favored
with his acquaintance had a good
word to say for Jovial, good naturod
"Jlmmlo" Kinsman. As a miner he
had no superior. He was 39 years of
ago at death and was iborn at Cliff
mine, Keweenaw county. His father
was for many years tho head machin
ist at tho Chapln mine.
From there he came to Crystal Falls
about seven years ago and being i
miner above the average, he had lit
tle difficulty in finding steady em
ployment. When the call to arms came "Jlm
mle" volunterred and served faithful
ly until mustered out after the war
was over. Ho was with the 20th In
fantry and his army record was r
good one. He was a keen observer
and everyono enjoyed listening to
"Jimmie" tell of his army experi
ences. Immediately upon being mustered
out' ho resumed his work at the Car
penter mine, where ho continued In
the cupacity of shift boss until" the
tntno closed and he was chosen as the
few men to bo kept, at work in the
Monongahela shaft.
He is survived by a mother, Mrs
James Kinsman, who resides at Iron
Mountain, a brother, Jake Kinsman,
now dn Crystal Falls and seven sis
ters: Mrs. Chester Thomas, Mrs.
Thomas Nash, and Miss Nettie Kins
man of Crystal Falls, Mra. Krim
er of Detroit, Mrs. George Jayne, Iron
Ulver. Mrs. Fred Concertina and Miss
Phyllis of Iron Mountain.
Uead the Ads
Continued from page 1
a Spanish-American war veteran,
whoso eloquent words were listened
to attentively by the very large num
ber of citizens present. Thoso who
havo been in attendance at affairs?
of the kind for tho past ten years
say that last Monday's crowd was the
largest that ever was address dn the
Crystal Fa 11 a cemetery at one time.
Following the memorial services
the laying away of the remains ol
LouU A. Dowman was conducted aft
er tho military regulations, Hev. Wm.
and the firing squad under the direc
tion of John Shomky.
Ulchards' Funeral In Afternoon
The funeral of William A. Ulchards
was held promptly at 2:00 o'clock P.
M., the funeral being under the au
spices of the Masons,. ThQ great' pop
ularity of the deceased was amDly tes
tified to by tho very large number of
people who assembled at the resi
dence to pay their last ead tribute to
the deceased.
The funeral procession, headed by
a very largo number of tho Crystal
Falls' .-Masonic' lodge, moved from the
home to the cemetery and stretched
the entire length of Superior Ave.
The religious services were con
ducted at the home by Uev." Dlckford
and followed by the Masonic services
both at the home and at the grave.
Many of the workmen who had been
under the direction of the deceased
were present to pay thedr -silent trib
ute to tho departed and tho floral
offerings was very great.
Uead The Ads
Contributions to dat'o, June2. J1.0S5.40
Farren Tost
Shushan Class, Amasa Sun
day School 20.00
Presbyterian Sunday School,
Iron Ulver
Eastern Star, Iron Ulver....
Collected and given by Jex-
yay and Partner 7.00
Alpha School y.oo
Total $1,150.65
This will close the collection for
Iron County.
Mrs. Scadden. on behalf of the
Stato Committee wishes to thank all
thoso who aided In raising tbis fund.
Specal thanks are due to the Diamo.id
Drill for its advertising; Mr. Dregger
of the Gem Theatre. We wish also
to thank the several posts for the
dances given, and the Woman's Olub
of Iron Ulver for its' co-operation.
County Organizer.
Uead the Ads
Tho law requiring chauffeurs and
drivers of all vehicles equipped with
and using electric lights upon the
public highways of .this state, to ef
fectually apply dimmers to ' forward
lights so as to dim and lessen the
same to as not t'o interfere with the
sight or temporarily blinding the vi
sion of the drivers of any approach
ing vehicle, will be strictly enforced.
Any p erBon found violating this, as
ftell any other of the provisions of
Chapter S3 of the Complied Laws of
the State of Michigan for the year
1915, as amended, will bo arrested
and prosocute. Motor polifcemen
have been stationed on the county
roads and are instructed to strictly
enforce the motor vehicle laws of
the state.
Dated this 3rd day of June, A. D.
Sheriff of Iron County.
Tho Present Prices
Ice Cream sundae
3 for 50c
Ice cream soda 3 for 50c
Banana Split 25c
Soda Water any flavor
3 for 25c ((
Yo u m ay have been
zv earing the wrong
corset all y o, u r I If e
w i thou t h n o zv in g it
But never without suiTering from it in
appearance, health, temper or all three.
Your first
G 5 S A E
frtnl Littnt
scientifically designed, carefully chosen,
properly fitted, may very probably mean
''i n total change in the way your dressmaker
lock j at you and the way you look at
We offer these original front lacing corsets
nt moderate prices well within the reach of
every woman, and we will assume full re
sponsibility fcr your complete sausfacdia.
For Sale By
Herman Ruwitch
The climb np hill to a nice wnlng
account may be n little hUff -bat the
outlook Is great when jou got there
Yon CAN Mie If yon
PLAN to WTf. This
bank nants to HELP
jou sate. Start
Crystal Falls Nat'l Bank
Crystal Falls Cash Market
Is now open to serve your
wants with the very best of
everything in our line.
This Standard of Quality Will Positively bo
C rystal Falls Cash Market