After nearly three years ot as game
& fight for life as a man ever made,
Uusaell J. Coodncy, son of Captain an. I
Mrs. S. G. Goodney, passed away about
10:00 o'clock a. xa. on July 8. Russell
developed - dlabetls. which showed
itself Just aa he was discharged froiu
the army In 1919 and, although he was
given every attention that loving par
ents could give, and he took every pre
caution In an effort to stop the disease,
It had gained uch a headway that it
finally caused his death. He was
game to the very last for, although
he paEned away resignedly, yet he did
not give up until tho very last min
ute. The deceased was 25 yearn of age at
death and was born at lshpemlng,
coming with his parents to the Crys
tal Falls mining district about twenty
years ago. His basic education was
secured In the Crystal Falls schools
and when his parents moved to Stam
baugh It was Just the time for Rus
sell to start his high school education
which he completed In the Stambaugh
schools and then went to Stout Man
ual Training school at Menominee
Wis., to perfect himself as a. manual
training teacher. He finished the
course in the summer of 1918 and Im
mediately Joined the American army,
going into training in August of that
year. Ho was assigned to search
light work, ft branch of the army that
calls for much night work that is con
fining. He was about to sail for
Franc with his regiment when the
armistice wa4 signed. While waiting
to be mustered out in one of the
camps he commenced t'o lose weight
and ascribed it to the hot weather. He
was mustered out at Camp Custer and
given a clean bill of health, although
investigation made rigm aner me ui- j
charge showed that his dlabetls was
well along in its strangle hold upon
him at the time.
He went to the sanlt'arium at Wau
kesha, Wis. and stayed there almost
continuously In an effort to regain his
shattered health. He gradually grew
weaker, although keeping up a cheer
ful front, even engaging in an oil
agency business1 to take up hi time
and attention.
These efforts proved of no avail and
he at last surrendered and his young
life passed out Just' as lts use
fulness Bhould have begun.
Hussell Goodney was a model young
hian. He early attached himself to
the Methodist church and was a faith
ful member. He was adopted into the
Masonic order Immediately upon at
taining his majority and the burial
Mghts of that order were performed
at the home on Monday last. af'er
which the remains were taken to the
M. K. Church In Crystal Falls where
llev. Uickford performed the last re
ligious rites over the remains.
The wort was taken from the
Thomas Farrell Pot of Che American
Legion to which he belonged. The
remains were taken from the church
to tho Masonic hall where they were
kept until tho following jnornlng
when they wero taken to lshpemlng
for burial. An Wort of the Crystal
Falld Masonic lodge accompanied the
remulna a.nd they were taken immed
iately from the train to the cemetery.
The deceased i survived by his
parents, one brother, Lester Goodney
12 years of age and by his grand par
ent. Mr. and Mrs. It. IK Goodney or
Those in attendance at the funeral
from out of town were, Mr. and Mrs.
It. I). Goodney of Stambaugh, R. J.
Goodney, of Chicago. W. G. Goodney
und family, of Stambaugh. Frank and
Alice Miukler and .Miss Helen Medic j
Waukesha, Wis.. Axel Shelgrvn, Chi
cago, und Mrs. Camilla Iven, Stam
baugh. Road the Ada
Th0 members of the inkers' recep
tion committee from Alpha, under the
direction of W. J. I'erklns, prepared
'a very novel und entertaining exhi
bition for the benefit of the inkers
on Thursday. The entire committee
mil the motorcade at tho "Alpha
turn" and, led by Mr. Perkins, the en
tire lxuid proceeded to the llalkan
mine pit. There- In plain view of the
visitor, four blasts were exploded
Und drill work was done. Many pic
tures won taken of tho big pit.
From the pit the procession proceed
ed throuKh tho main Htreet' of the vil
lage and on to Crystal Falls where
the Pikers &topjed for the night.
N, Ilead the Ads
Toe election for members of the
Iastodon Hoard of Education was a
very Quiet nffair last Monday. There
was-no Of position to the two member
mentioned fast' week, Mr. Ernest
Sampson nnd Mr. Itoy O. Whltehed.
A total of atout 40 votes were caet,
all of theni for tho straight ticket,
-i Read tho Ads
Robert Ueaupcrlant has resigned
lila position with the Olln meat mar-
COMING SOON Harvey's Greater
Colored Minstrels. City Hall Auditor
ium, Crystal FaJU. Watch for date.
-Head the Ad
A well U being dug at the pumping
plant for the collection of water and
to form a ruservolr for the same bo
that it will not be contaminated.
The well Is about SxS In dimension
and will 'be about two sets deep. The
water frfmi the spring will be piped
directly Into this reservoir where it
will be keDt cool and clean at all
times. ,
" The well will not be put down deep
er at this time because of tho uncer
talnlty that exlstB as t'o future water
supply. When the Cleveland-Cliffs
Co. starts work at Its new property
some change must be, made.
Head The Ads
We take this means of thanking the
many friends and neighbors who as
slsted us during our late great be
reavement. The Masons and Legion
members were especially kind, and to
all others' who contributed flowers we
aro very thankful.
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Goodney,
and Family.
rUad The
ll'n. V..t ,t 1-1...
us, Jjuiai, lauur . -
rat Rah er. labor 17.C0
J. J. Charon, .labor , 24.37
, Mr. Ernest Dadgoif, a gentleman
connected with the Michigan Board of
Health In charge of water supply in
spectlon, was here during the week
looking over the Alpha source of sup
ply. He was well satisfied with Al
pha water.
Wkn. Uren and family motored to
Manlstlque where they spent the week
end with friends.
Mr. Ilyron MacDonald, who went to
Houghton with the auto party that
visited the Edwards home on the 4th,
returned to Alpha during the week.
Lieutenant Moore and Sumner Hop
kins were In Alpha, paying oc te men
at tho Balkan on Thursday.
Messrs Thompson and Trestrall
safety first men for the Verona Min
ing Co. were In Alpha on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Olln spent the
week end at their Island lake camp.
They were member of a parn'y of 20
who were at the camp that week.
nead the Ada
Mr. Itomolo Eenettl who has run
a shoe repair shop Jn Alpha for sev
eral years, will move to Chippewa,
Falls, Wis.
Tho village crew has finished nock
ing the portion of tho Dunn road that
lies within the village limits.
Head the Ads
June 27th, 1921.
A special meeting of tho Mastodon
Township School Hoard held at th
Porter School at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on
the above date.
The meeting was called to order by
Pres. Hcbbard.
The roll call was as follows: J. K.
Hubbard, Anthony Davis, peter Swan
son, Krnest Sampson, H. G. Whitehead.
Nays none.
The minutes of the last regular
meeting, and upon motion by Peter
Swanson, supported by A. Davis, were
approved as read. Motion carried.
Tho report of the auditing commit
tee was read as follows:
V. E. Olln, groceries H ie,
4 4.00
2. SO
Joe Arcand, labor
Alfred Anderson, fire services
Alf.' Foreman, fire ser
Paul Ho'.mi, flro services
F. Kazllek, ilre ser .
It. Dengry, flro fer. ..
H. Putz, fire ser. . . . .... ..
W. Westlund, fire ser. .......
Joe Gremore, fire tier ........ 3.75
Joe Eeaudoln, fire ser 3.00
L. Mike, lire ser. ........... I. . . 3.00
Victor Olln, fire er ......... . 3.00
Wm. Equlst, fire er . . 3.75
It. Ikaupolant, fire ser ........ 5.00
Otto Chandler, fife ser. ! 2.23
V . L50
Dan Davison was In Crystal Falls
last Monday attending the school elec
tion. Manager Sampson has a ortw put
lln rock on Main ftreet from the
bank down tho hill towards the North
Western ttatlon. It Is much needed
Mln EfTl Thomas of Marinette Is
visiting wjtn friends In Alpha this
P. F, Itaher, repairs
H. II. Heed, supplies
Wm. James, labor
Alpha Tele. Co., services
Ho'.mont & Trudell, teaming ..
Clara Manke, livery
John Nasberg, asent', freight . .
John K. Hubbard, meetings, etc
Anthony Davis, meetings, etc . .
P. Swanson, meetings, etc ....
E. Sampson, meet. & postage ..
It. G. Whitehead, meet, etc
III. Elo-o. Co., friHipplIes
4th July Com., donation
Mrs. J. P. Edwards, teaching ..
Motion by A. Datia that the bill be
allowed ns read and orders drawn in
payment of same. Motion carried.
The report of the purchasing was
read and upon motion by E. Sampson,
supported by Anthony Davis that req
uisition for Supplies be allowed.
Motion by Peter Swanson, supported
by A. Davis that tho following budget
of appropriation for money bo submit
ted to the qualified electors at the next
annual school meeting to be held on
July 11th. 1921, for school purpo?es
for the coming year:
General Fun $14,000
Salary Fund 21,000
Int. & Sinking Fund 13.500
Building Fund 5.000
Wm. Uren, fire ser
Chas. Donero, fire ser. 1.50
J. Louis, fire ser 1.50
H. Pearson, fire ser '. 5.00
A. Peters, salary 30.00
First. Nat. Bank, int. ........ 420.00
H. B. Reed, supplies 16.50
E. Sampson, manager 63.75
R. P. Weeks, salary 10.00
J. NaEberg, salary 30.00
M. Gonyon. labor 30.00
R. Beaupolant, chief . ... 12.50
R. Bengry, fire practice 3.00
H. Pearson, fire practice 1.50
W. Mestlund, fire practice .... 3.00
II. Putz, fire practice . . 3.00
A. Peters, pound master CO.OO
Wm, Equlst, labor 40.63
Pat Raher, labor 37.0S
J. J. Charller, labor 40.93
Alf. Foreman, labor 19.50
Vic. Henderson, labor 10.72
Fred Marcler, labor 15.60
Arcand Trudell, teaming 56.2r
F. Beaudoln, teaming 30.00
J. P. Edwards, postage ........ 6.40
Kazlley Elec. Shop, services . . 12 60
H. Harvey, supplies 12.5S
Alpha Light Co., L & P ...... 187.60
1st Nat. Bank bond 5.00
Alpha Light. Co., sup ........ 51.6
Geo. Lareaux, repairs 2.10
Alpha Tele. Co., rent 9.13
Gould Mfg. Co., supplies 61.20
Nat Rub. Stamp Co., dog tags 3. 58
Alf. Anderson, supplies 15.00
J. P. Edwards, services 3.00
H. B. Reed, supplies 15.00
Taft, fire service 3.00
Beaudoln, drayage 1.25
II. P. Feeks, supplies 15.23
Alex Meyers, painting 40.00
Moved by White and seconded by
Goodney that tho hills be allowed as
read and orders drawn on treasurer
for same. '
Motion carried.
Motion made by Goodney, seconded
y Mottes" that the matter of Wm. Ar-
gall'a petition tor concession be re
opened for discussion. Carried.
Motion by Mottes, seconded by
Veeser that the matter of petition of
Wm. Argall for exclusive concession
rights at the pavilion be refused.
Motion made by Veeser, seconded by
White that a new rate be established
for fire fighters, same to be $2.75 for
regular firemen and 50c per hour for
volunteer services. Motion carried.
Motion made by White, seconded by
Mottes that the wage rate for unscale
labor, effective June 1st, shall be $3.50
P'r day. Rates for team work $6.75
per day. Carried.
The finance committee recommended
a budget or $20,000 for the ensuing
year to be divided among the various 1
fundi as follows:
General Fund $11000
Int. and Sinking Fund 9.000
Moved by White, seconded by Mot
tes that the recommendation of the
finance commltte for the amount of
budget to be raised for 1921 and '22
be accepted. Motion carried.
Motion made by White, beconded by
Veeser that WmW. Moore and Fred E.
Olln, with the assessor, constitute the
Board of Review for current year.
Motion carried.
Motion made by Veeser, seconded
by White that Building and Ground
Committee be authorized to proceed
with the painting of the various build
ings. Motion carried .
Motion made by Veeser, seconded by
Goodney that the welfare commltteo
be authorized to subscribe a nm of
money to J (By 4 celebration commltteo
for this year not to exceed $50.00.
Motion carried.
Motion made by GUI, seconded by
Goodney that Mr. Banche be paid $10
per month for services as village band
leader, conditional on providing two
free band concerts monthly. Carried.
Motion made by Veeser, seconded by
Gill that J. P. Edwards be appointed
health officer for the ensuing year
Motion carried.
Motion made by GUI, seconded by
Veeser that the matter of erecting a
village band stand be referred to the
welfare committee and to bring their
recommendations at the next regular
meeting. Motion carried.
No further business meeting adjourn
ed on motion.
May 2. 1921
A regular meeting of the village
council was held in the Village Hall
May 2. 1921. Trustees present: Vea-
ear, Goodney, Mottes, DeAmlsls.
Absent: White and Gill.
'Quorum declared by president
Reading of minutes of last regular
meeting and approved a3 read. Tho
following bills and salaries as Dassed
on by Finance Committee was read.
Pete Raher, labor 63.00
Carl Kaston, labor H.70
Nick Vojodlck, labor 2.93
Wm. Ekqulsi; Manager 63.75
A. Trudell.labor 26.23
P. Rahor, teaming 41.70
Paul Hollman, labor 17.10
Wm. Equist, labor 26.33
Carl Kaston, labor 17.55
Ed1. Youngell, teaming 7.50
J. J. Charlie, Jabor 22.43
E. Sampson, Mgr 63.75
O. M. OLSON, Agent
Tho EqolUllc Life Assurance Society of thd U -S."
It. P. Weeks, treas 10.00
J. Nasberrg Clerk 30.00
Mike Gonyon, labor 33.00
Robt. Beaupolent., Chief . 12.50
R. Bengry, practice 3.00
H. rearon, practice 3.00
W. WestoauniL practice 3.00
Henery Pultz, practice 300
A. I cters, pound master 26.00
P. Kazclik, supplies 2.70
J. Bauer & Son, Supplies 3.60 if
tivxi ui-uuuyiu isitijiug ,, .v)
Alpha Light Co 167.SS
First Nafl Bank, Treas. Bond 50.00
Balkan Mining Co., Supplies . . 3.50
C. A. Jennings, Supplies .... 2.53
Alpha Telephone Co. Rental .. 9.15
Diamond Drill, P. & Supplies.. 24.60
H. B. Reld, Supplies 9.90
First Nafl Bank. Int 450.00 1
0! HE
First Nafl Bank, Int. ....... 195.00
Moved by Mottes, seconded by Good-
neythat blll bo allowed an read and
orders drawn on treasurer for same.
Ayes, Veasar, Goodney Mottea, Do-
Ainlsl. Motion carried.
Moved by Goodney, seconded by
Mottes that bill of Mastodon Town
ship for $103.50 for repair on Dunn
Road be referred to Street and Side
walk Commltteo for thel recommen
dation at the next meeting. Motion
Moved by Mottes, supported by De
Amlsls that garbage man bo paid
$30.00 per month effective May 1st,
1921. Carrlexl.
f J fsssr r
w some
HPIRE chains are to an auto what a rudder
it to ship. If you don't want to skid into
troubIeequip your tires at once. Chains on
your tires are not as expensive or trouble
someas chains on the wristt. Sensible prices.
Total 53,500
Tho secretary was instructed, to get
prices on car soft, 1 1-4 Inch lump
There being no further builness the
meeting wa$ npon motion adjourned.
R. G. Whitehead. Sec.
Itwut tba AAv
June C. 1821.
A regular meeting of the village
council was held June6,
" Trustees present: Veeser, Goodney,
White, Mottes, Gill. Absent: DeAmlsis.
Quorum declared present by Tres.
Reading of tho minutes of last reg
ular meeting nnd approved as read.
The following bills and salaries as
passed on by the finance committee
were read:
E. Sampson, manager
"w 1 iuvui lit
ifodin, by toasting
Prince Albert's a new
note in the joys of rolling 9eml
Talking about rolling
your own cigarettes, we'll
tell you right here that
Prince Albert tobacco has
'cm all lashed to the mast I
You've got a handful-of-happincss
corning your di
rection when you pal it with
P. A. and the makin's
papersl For Prince Albert
is not only delightful to
your taste and pleasing in
itsrefrcshingaroma,but our
exclusive patented process
frees it from bite and parchl
And, for a fact, rolling
up Prince Albert is mighty
easy I P. A. is crimp cut and
stays put and you whisk it
into shape before you can
count three! And, the next
instant you're puffing away,
to beat the band!
Prince Albert is so good
that it has loci four men to
smoke jimmy pipes where
one was smoked before! It's
the greatest old buddy
smoke that ever found its
way into a pipe or cigarette I
Ptlmtt Albtrt la
mold in toppy rtd
Kot, tidy r. Una.
hmndaama pound
mnd halt pound tin
humidor a mnd in tho
pound tryttal glaio
humidor with
apongo moUtanar
tho national joy crno:?
r '
CojTrfU tilt
n. j. Kcraoi
Tbao C.