OCR Interpretation

The diamond drill. (Crystal Falls, Iron County, Mich.) 1887-1996, July 16, 1921, Image 6

Image and text provided by Central Michigan University, Clark Historical Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96076817/1921-07-16/ed-1/seq-6/

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hits 1.0 (jag 1y1iliil! to 1'isl'
Ttn Day of Ileal Sport .Swlrnnilns
t'hhlii. 'n'EierthJu'
A call for men is being Bounded by
Secretary Odgera and Chaa. It. Rich
ard, camp director. Boya who like
manly sport and parent who want
their boys to enjoy un Inspiring and
in.'.tructive camp vacation fchould
heed the eunuuons. Revelllle at C:45
morjiing dip at 7, swim," cats, athle
tics, campftro program, "tatao," and
final "taps" at AJ :.".0 embraces part of
tho beginning, end and in Vbeteween
of the ten days vacation program of
the Iron county boya umnier camp
which will open on the shore.. of Stag
er lake within a few weeks.
Mobilization will be In two sections,
the flrsf scslon of tho camp from
August 1 to J U will be for boys from
12 to 15. Tho Bccond period from Aug
15th to 25th for the fellows over IB.
Never before, boys and parents, ha
iron county boys camps xacea it
greater year. Lat year boya revell
d In the sport of It all; the fishing,
hunting, swimming, games, and the
military atmosphore. Tender, white
klus changed Into a rugged brown,
and apathetic appctltca Into Insatiable
Jiunger, soft muscles hardened Into
tendons that refused to ache; Inert
dispositions, lost tfyelr reticence and
unconsciously explode! amid the rev
elry of It all. Hut all the gayety, fun
and uport of a year ago will bo there
and more too. That much has been
a.xMirrcd by tho new camp director,
lie will be glad to confer with either
parents or boys relatlvo to the details
oi th0 camp plan. The camp is al!
tf t and rarln to go.
Applications should bo mailed to the
county Y. M. C. A. office, at Crystal
Falls, Michigan, box S54, before July
25th. A deposit of $1 mufct be made
with each filed application. The bal
ance of the $3 camp fee should be paid
upon arrival at camp. For further In
formation write tho above address.
Head tho Ads '(
Get Basj, kop busy.. .Is your Job
unsafe? Is It permanent? You want a
life-long busJnoes. You can get Into
uch a business selling more than 1S7
Wntkina lYoducta direct to farmers
If you own outo or town or can get
one; If you are under CO and con give
tonl with personal mirotles. Wo lxxk
you with big eelllng hchpw. 12 yoars
In buslne, 20,000,000 users of our
products. Write for Information
whero you can get territory. J. K.
WatWa Co., Department 112, Winona
Minnesota. (21-24 pd.)
Read the Ads
The law requiring chauffeurs and
driver of all veliicles equipped with
and using olcctrlc lights upon the
public highways of' this state, to ef
fectually apply dimmers to forward
lights so as to dim and lessen the
ranie to as not t'o Interfere with the
night or temporarily blinding the vi
sion of tho drlvera of any approach
ing vehicle, will bo strictly enforced,
well as any other of tho provisions of
Any p erson found violating this, as
Chapter S3 of tho Compiled Iawa of
the State of Michigan for the year
1915, as amended, will be arrested
and prosecute. Motor polteemen
have bocn stationed on the county
roads and are Instructed to strictly
enforce the motor vehicle law8 of
the state.
Dated this 3rd day of 'June, A. D.
Mrs. AnJrew Swan?on and daughter
Margaret!, are vlsltlcg at Manncuc,
Wis. this week.
4 Stationery-
Eaton, Crane & Pike
' Johnston's
J REZIN S Drug Store
Auto Owners!
Arc you
I Clyde Henry
pj; - ri-
Sold only
by dealers
The best fabric tire
madefor heavy service
or rough roads
Extra Ply Heavy Treat!
9 1
.AS. Qui) 2
1 A A
J p - 13 l i i
Reduction on all styles and sizes
A New Low Price cii Q
Ksiovn and Honest Product
Bnullng of Ildt Operating tlie Hand
San Shut Down (he Hunt Two
There was an enforced idleness of
two day at the mill of the Northern
Saw Mill Co. this week due to the
breaking of the hlg hlt that operates
the land paw. '
A new belt was ordered Immediately
from Marinette and It took but u, few
moments to put It on and get going
when the belt arrived. The mill is
In operation steadily and the supply of
Iog$ Is sufficient to keep going with
out nny ftops. A very Jarge cut' of
lumber Is being piled up in the mill
Head the Ada
The annual election for tho town-
It was tacitly agreed by those con
versant with school affairs that the
toulh end of the township, Sagola and
ItandvIHe, were entitled to tho mem
bers to be elected and with the end in
view of distributing the representation
equitably Messrs C. J. Hunting and
John Clark of Angola and F. J. Uowlah
of Randvllle were nominated for the
positions and their names printed up
on the ballot.
Opposition eprung up In various
quarters to the regularly nominated
candidates, Oie electors registering
their choice by writing the names on
the ballot," Many ballots with the
names so written In. were spoiled and
had to be rejected.
The result of the vote Is aa follows:
IVustce for Two Year!
C. J. Hunting C4
John Clark 6r
William Khay 7
S. W. W'tlard
John McColo 3S
ship school district of Sagola town
ship was held last Monday and a largo-Liiyiliam Feak 6
vote was present at the polls from
Sagola. The polling place Is at
Channing o that all the automobiles
In the village were pressed Into ser
vice to convey the voters from Sagola
to the place of meeting.
Tho ballot contained the names of
two candidates from Sagola and one
from Itandvllle, but there was some
opposition to the regularly selected
nominees which didn't amount to
much, as the Channing people recog
nized that the south end of tho town
ship' should be represented on the
Tho candidates from this end were
John Clark, C. J .Hunting and T. J.
-Itorul Tho Ads
The game of Utse ball played last
Sunday between the Sagola team and
tho Florence base balllsts was won by
the fellows from Wisconsin by a score
of 7 to (5.
It was a well played ganit from
start to fMsh with Carey and Marsh
pitching for the locals.' TJie two
teams were well matched which made
a good game of It from start to finish.
The attendance was very good, many
of the Channing people coming down
to t?ee the game as there Was no game
In Channing that day.
It was the flr.t game lu which the
new grand stand was used and that
feature proved to be very popular with
the patrons of tb.e game.
Head the Ads
Sagola will have an orchestra of Its
own according to plans that are In the
making by a number of our young
musician. Practices are being held
regularly at the Community house and
their effort? promise reward.
The members of the orchestra are:
Mr. Albert Smith, violin.
Mr." Paul Kramer, trap drum.
Misses Alvcra Droadlance and Mil
dred Hunting, piano.
The young ladkvs' alternate at the
Read The Ads
Mr. Itobert Erlckson Is tho proud
possessor of n new Ford car.
There will be a dance at the com
munity center tonight, with music to
bo furnished by tho Deep Water Four.
Miss Lenora Broadland. who has
been a student nt the Green Hay busi
ness college, Is home for the summer
Miss Edna Noretn of IJryant. WU, ii
tho guest of Miss Francis Knlsley.
COMING SOON Harvey's Greater
Colored Minstrels. City Hall Auditor
ium, Crystal Falls. Watch for date.
Head the Ads
F. W. HInkley 1
Thomas Carey 33
Trustee for 1 Year
V, J. Dewlsh '. CS
William Shay 30
J. McCole 4
I. A. Frlcse 7
Con. Carey , 2
. Head the Ads
Cliannlmj Yurds Are The Slackest In
Their History ThU Year
Coronen Jury In line .McNamnru Cm
Unable to Determine Who Was
Kesponsihlo for Death
The coroner's jury In the ca.'e of
John McNamara, whose death was told
about In last week's Issue, met at Ir
on Mountain last week Thursday.
After listening to the witnesses
brought before the Jury, the body de
cided that it couldn't tell who was re
sponsible for McNamara'a death and
they returned u verdict to that effect.
It is understood that the Jury has not
been fully discharged and that it will
be called to meet again If any new de
velopment arlfe that tend to show
who was responsible for the man's
Tho principal witnesses before the
Jury were Drs. Hayes of this village
and Crowell of Iron Mountain. Dr.
Crowelj performed the autop-y. H
testify! that Kvrrn ribs nn I the left
arm were fractured and the liver
crushed, tho latter injury alone being
siillu int to caufe death.
Ti- young men from Febh who were
supectM of lining connected In f.ome
way with t!i man's death, wore nut
present nt the Jury heirlng, nnl. ho
far a the member of the Jury could
leirn. they wer0 nov' wanted at the
coroner's inquiry.
The talk about the suspicions at
tichlng t.i thece mrn has diet down
cor. M w: '. end If r. re U any direct
cnr.-'tr j t pt !:.;? v. the p.ople of
Ch.mnmg know nothing of It.
Koad'Th Ads
Char.nHig' is the hctdquirters for
Sjgoia f5wrb'p sc,o.ls and tse elec
tion fr memturs cf tJ e bard of edu
cation l.vt week brought cut a larger
r.unrr cf vcte tan was exrenl-
The putting on of two spot Jobs at
Crystal Falls this week has caused
Just u little Interest in ore circles
bout Channing where the dullness Is
the greatest of any summer in the his
tory of the place.
The two Jcbj are at the Carpenter
mine where the shovel was started
up on Monday and will continue load
ing until a quantity, understood to be
20.000 tons will be leaded up.
There are faint hopes that other
loading Jobs will be started at Crystal
Falls and Iron River but the otllcials
here havo no Information as to any
new one.;.
During the week the mine buildings
at the Dates mine at Iron River
burned, causing a-suspension of opera"
tlons there for a time and that acci
dent will cut' off a possibly supply of
ore for a time.
A total of about 80 cars of ore per
day Is being bundled through the
Channing yards, which Is a mere bag
atell of what is usually handled In
the ore reason, when fully 1,000 cars
per day are sent forward. All or the
ore on the St. Paul system comes to
the Channing yards, no matter where
the traffic originate.
Read The Ads
The teachers who are to officiate in
the Channing school next year have
been hired, bo tho school board Is re
lieved of the worry of getting instruct
ors. The teaching' force will be the same
as last year, the member being.
Prof. Vaughn Principal.
Miss Everhard Grades
Miss Tubbs Grades.
Read Tho Ads
Mr. and Mrs. John Coullard who vis
ited at Ecnraukee, Wis, the past week,
are back homo again.
Mr. E. A. Henry of Crystal Falls
was a business visitor at' Channing
last Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Gage Is doing a big business
these days, or rather evenings, at
Sawyu" lake where he maintains n
bathing beach. Fully f0 cars per
evening are parked along the road at
the lake each evening. The lake re
ort Is a great relief to the Channing
and Sagola people these hot days.
Mr. Louis Thiely, who has been vis
iting with relatives at MarshfieJd.
Wise. Is back home again.
The Glfford Stock Company Is play
ing In Channing this week at the Lib
erty Theatre. They play three nights
and go from here to Iron Mountain
and Escunaba. Mr. Glfford says that
the business in the Iron country Is so
stagnant Just now that he Is passing
up most of the larger places.
Mis Gladys McClure Is home from
her visit with friends at Iron Moun
On. July 20th there will be a dance.
with mu.slc by Cavalnl and IUnzo. On
Thursday, July 21, a picture.
Mr. Theodore Sciphle of Chlcio
came to Channing during the week
with his family, to do some fishing
with his nephew Ed. Vermulen.
Mr. F. O. Rochln, agent for the
North-Westeru at Crystal Falls, visit',
ed with Wm. Tobln last Tuesday after'
Miss Rose Wortner, of Marinette; Is
a guest of her sister, Mr. W. J. Trum
mel. '
Miss Anna Mae VanOss spent the
week end with her sister, Mrs. U. J.
Ouellette, at Florence, Wis.
Miss Viola Mogan is home for the
summer months. She has been em
ployed by the'Western Union Company
at Green Day, Wis.
Mrs. Marvin Brisk was an Iron
Mountain caller last Thursday.
Misses Alice Mae and Florence Din
woodlo rpent the past week at the S.
W. Johnston home.
Mrs. 11. L. McGregor was called to
Green Day last Saturday, to her fath
er's bedsides, who wa Injured when
bouid by bandits while at work Fri-1
day night at the St. Paul Ry. depot at
DcPere, Wis.
COMING SOON Harvey's Greater
Colored Minstrels. City Hall Auditor
iumr Crystal Fullrf. Watch for date.
Miss Irene Durffee of Wausauee, is
a guest of Mrs. J. N. Erlckson.
Wm. McNulty returned from Jersey
City Saturday afteriinesslng the big
fight. "Mac" ha grVat newg for un all.
Mrs. A. WllHon, o Dear Lake Mich ,
is making an extended .visit at the
home of Mr. D. R. Herman.
Mr. H. Comdard and sou, Joseph,
spent the past week with friends at
Mr and Mrs. I. A. Friess and daugh
ter are spending a few weeks with
relatives at Milwaukee and Saukvllle
Mrs. George Bloomer and daughters
Audrey and Mary, spent the past week
with Mrs. L. Thlbedeau at Hartford, a
sister of Mrs. Bloomer.
Mrs. A. B. Worthing made a business
trip to Crlvitz, Wednesday, returning
Miss Margaret Kramer of Sagola
spent Sunday here with her sister,
Mrs. George Carey..
Miss Anna Stycula Is visiting friend
at Elkhart Lake, Wis.
Mrs. R. E. Doll was called to her
mother's home at Milwaukee, Tuesday,
where her brother Bartol, Is seriously
Read The Ads '
State of Michigan,
County of Iron ss,
John F. Thompson, being first duly
j sworn, deposes and say on the 14th
day of May, 1321, I posted one copy
of a notice of a special election of 1
school district No. 1, of the Township
of Hematite, in the county of Iron and
State of Michigan, of which the fol
lowing I a true copy, to-wit:
That at a special meeting of school
district No. 1, of the Township of
Hematite, In the County of Iron and
tate of Michigan, to be held at tho
Town Hall, at Amasa, In said Town
ship on the 21:-t day of May, A. 1).
1921, at 3:00 o'clock. P. M.. there will
be submitted to the qualified voter?
of said school district the proposition
to borrow Seventy Eight Thousand
($78,000) Dollars for the purpose of
completing and furnishing the new
School house now In the course of
construction at Amasa. In said School
District and to Issue therefor Hie
bonds of the aid school district, pay
able In the discretion of the Board cf
Education within thirty yearr. with
interest thereon at the rate of C,c per
annum. .
The polls wT.l be open on said day
from 300 o'clock P. M. to 7:00 o'clock
P. M. Said vote shall he by ballots
and such ballot shall read as follows:
Shall School District' No. 1,-of the
Toyishlp of Hemallte, Iron County,
Michigan, borrow the sum of Seventy
Eight Thousand ($78,000) Dollars. for
the purpose of completing and furnish
Ing the new fchool house, now In the
course of construction In said school
district, and Issue therefor the bonds
of said school district, payable In the
discretion of the board of education.
Mr. Peter DelSento was taken to an within thirty years with Interest there
Iron Mountain hospital for treatment on at' the rate cf 6 per annum?
this week.
Many Channing people motored to
Sagola last Sunday to witness the
game of base ball betwen S;igol.i am
Florence. All who fiiw It wore well
p!e lied at the exhibition.
The Channing base ball team play
ed at Ontonagon Ht Sunday with tho
strong team of that place, holding
them to the core of S, while our boys
put f run across. The boys feci that
they nude a good showing, as the On
tonagon team i on of the members
of the copper country league.
Mr. Fred Peterson has moved into
hi new home here.
John Sullivan, assl.-tant train mas-.iy posted,
tor. was calhd to Camhells; ort, Wis. J J. F. THOMPSON,
this week by the serious Ulnr-.s of Subscribed and sworn t before me,
relatives. ' ! notary public. In nr. 1 fcr said county
( ) YES
( ) NO
At eich of the following named
places in raid school district, to-wit:
One copy on the bulletin board on
the front of the Township Hall; one
copy at the post' office; one ropy on
the front door of the High School
Building; one copy on a telephone
post at the Nortbwert rornor of the
street by the Hematite Mercantile Co.
Ftore building: one copy on the front
door rf rural school tub-dlstrlct No.
2. being five (u) of the most public
places In slid school district and siid
notices were consciously an. I secure-
Mr. John Coullard motored to Arcl
ton last week with Prof. Vaucn.
Mr. El. Vcrmuled, owner of the Lib
erty Theatre, was a buf'.ncs, vMtor
at Gre;n Pay dijrjng the weik.
Ed Vermullen'. fimily und parents
mo.urel down to Lena, WU. and bark
durlv-g t' e wt"k. They .report il
ro.vl a in pod condition and the
ecencrv xte;ir.t
this Hth day of May. 1021
Notary Public. Iron County. Mich.
My Commission expires October 23.
Hematite Township.
Iron County Michigan
May 21. 1521.
At a spec.al clfoticn of Sthool Dis
trict No. 1. of the Township of Hrrn-
The proeram for. ! Liberty this j f?e. County of Irrn. and Stile of Mi.h-
VtCK mtlUolS lilt" j..hmh v '.it.fr.' ti-i.v f Jiu, trfitvn n-i utr .
from tho 15th to the lTth Inclusive r.iittir.g to the qua'.ir.cd voter? cf a!d
school district, the proposition of bor
rowing $78,000 for the purpose of com
pleting and furniihing the new school
building now being erected, and to Is
sue therefor the bonds of said school,
district, was held on the above date at
the town hall at Amasa, In &alc school
district. That being the place where
the last regular election of said echool
district was held. Inspectors of elec
tion were organized and clerks and
gatekeepers appointed In accordance,
with the statute in such cases made
and; provided. All the members of
the Board of Education were present'
and acted on the board aud qualified
voters present elected Louis Aeschlb
man to serve, on the board a provid
ed by statute.
The constitutional oaths of cfllce
were then administered to the Inspec
tor, clerks and gatekeepers, which
said oaths were in writing duly enter
ed In the poll books used at said; cJeo
tlln. ,
The ballot box'was then, examined
and prepared for the reception of the
ballots according to law. At 3:00 o'
clock p. m. the polls wero declared
open and proclamation was. niacin
thereof. At 6:00 o'clock P. M. pro
clamation was made that' the polls
would close In one hour. or at 7:00?
o'clock P. M. At 6:30 o'clock P. M.
proclamation was made that the polls,
would close in a half hour or 7:00
o'clock P. M.. At 6:45 o'clock P. M.
proclamation w-as made that the polls
would bo closed In 15 minutes at' 7:0i
o'clock P. M.
At 7:00 o'clock P. M. the Chairman
of the Board of Election Inspectors
annoenced that the polls were closed
and proclamation thereof was made.
Tho ballots were then publicly can
vassed according to tho statute In
such cases made and provided. After
the ballots were counted the result
thereof and the number of votea re
ceived and the number of votes for
and against the proposition were then
and there publicly declared.
A statement of the result was then
prepared and duly certified by. the in
spectors of election os more fully ap
pears In the office of the secretary or
the board.
The whole number of votes given on
"Shall School District No. 1 of the
Township of Hematite, Iron County,
Michigan, barrow tho sum of Seventy
Eight ($7S,000) Dollars for the pur
pose of completing and furnishing the
new school bullying now being erected
In said school district and issuo there
for the bonds of said school district
for a period not to exceed thirty years '
In the "discretion of said board of edu
ca tfon, to bear interest at the rate of
6f,o per annum," was 73 votes and
they were given as follows:
Yes received 53.
No received 15.
Total 73 votes.
And It was then declared that tho
bond Issue had been carried.
Clerks of election J. F. Thompson.
Louis Acschllman, Inspectors of Elec
tion. J. T. Gibson, Iver Olson William
Burge, Abraham Gill.
Statement of the votes of the Spec
ial School election of School District
No. 1, of the Township of Hematite.
Iron county, Michigan held on the 21st
day of May, A. I)., 1921, In the Town
ship of Hematite in said county.
Statement of votes on bond issue.
The whole number of votes given on
"Shall School District No. 1 of the
Township of Hematite, Iron Connty,
Michigan, borrow the sura of Seventy
Eight Thousand ($78,000) Dollars for
the purpose of completing and furnish
lng the new school house now in the
course of construction In said school
district, and Issue therefor the bonds
of f;ald sciiol district, payable In tho
discretion of the Board of Education
within thirty years, with interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per centum
per annum," was 73 and they were
given as follows:
Yes received 5S votea.
No received 15 votes.
We do hereby certify that the fore
going is a correct statement of the
votes given In the Township of Hem
atite, County of Iron, and State of
Michigan, at the special school elec
tion of school district No. 1, of the
Township of Hematite held on Satur
day, the 21st day of May. A. I). 1921.
J. T. Gibson, Wm. Burge, J. F.
Thompson. Abraham Gill, lver Olosn.
Louis Acschllman. Inspectors of Elec
tion, of said School District No. 1, of
the townr.hlp of Hematite, Iron Coutk
ty. Michigan.
Read the Ads
Onions tH Oldest.
Onions have caused more tears for
mure yours than any other subject In
tlie world; they have Utai wept over
since Uforo the pyramids were built.
Then; are hieroglyphic tentrs on an
cient nhtdlsk ,.f the land of the Phar
ohs showing that the Ktptlun shmn
had tbeni for lunch. In point of no
ttqnlty the onion H the old.5t and
mt nrWor ratio of vegetables.
Envy Found Evecyvhre.
Envy it uid that grows In nil
folln nod cIIntatt H. and H no less lux
uriant In the tvnntry than In th
court; is nt eohr.nwl to any rat.k ef
men or extent of fortune, but rasres
la the breast of all degrees. I rd
FOR SAt.E:4a ticro of lard 4
mllo Co. Eart cf Swana Lake, Partly
timbrel, with rniaJl charing
(H-27) rail' Location.
A Dciatlfnl Completion !
TrrT nntn fn tmrr' t)r ei
Mwrfl rrrvJurt f ., attnrh. P.

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