(2S-20) . -ELECTION NOTICE To the Qualified Electors of the City of IVjital Fulls, State of Michigan, Notice is hereby given that a epec 'i JoJ election will be held on Tuesday, August 10, 3921, at tho places in the several precincts as follows: Flrbt Precinct. Captain's office, Great West ern Mine,-Second Precinct; Basement of City Hall. Third Precinct: Base ment of the City Hall at which elec tion the following ordinance will be submitted to the voters of said city lor approval or rejection: AN ORDINANCE relative to the abolishment of th0 appointive offices of City Manager, City Attorney, Health Officer, Street Commissioner, and City Marshall and the placing in the bands of the Mayor, the responsibil ity for the prosecution of the business of the City heretofore handled under those officers. The City of Crystal Falls ordains: Section 1. The offices of City Mana ger, City Attorney, Health Officer. Street Commissioner and City Mar shall are hereby abolished. Section 2. The' Mayor is hereby t harped and empowered to ruporvlse the activities heretofore carried on under the several offices so abolished in such manner that the business of the City will bo in no way Impaired the public health protected, and the peace and security of the City assur ;1. He is empowered to employ temporarily such labor as may from Vin to time be necessary to keep the City's property in good repair atul h-. shall have the power to appoint foremen to direct the laborers who may be employed under this Ordi n. nice. Section 3. The Mayor shall have power to act in conjunction wttlt the City Clerk l: the matter of purchas ing supplies or transacting such oth er office or clerical work as shall lrom time to time be found necessary to keep the City's business up to its present standard of efficiency. Section 4. All laborers employed by the Mayor for the City, or by the foreman employed by him, shall be paid upon warrants approved by the Commission and signed by the Mayor and Clerk. Stev'ion o. The Mayor shall have authority to fix the wage of nil em ployees hired under this ordinance, which wage hhall bo dally or on u monthly scale, iy.t hi no case shall the Mayor be empowered to contract with any person or firm for labor or Mipplles, the tenure or term of de livery of which shall extend beyond the term of the fiscal year In which the Contract or employment agree ment was entered Into., Section G. The Mayor shall receive no extra compensation for any labor performed in supervising the extra work hereby placed upon him. but all extra expense Incurred by hlni In the pw?ccutlon of Buch work shall upon pjepentation of an itemized statement thereof, be -allowed by the Commis sion. Section 7. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty days after. It pas sage by the Commission, or In case It hhall be referred to the people for vote, In thirty days after the said voto is promulgated as provided for in the Charter. The polls, of said election will be open at 7 o'clock A. M. and will re main open until 5:00 o'clock p. m. of said election day. Dated July 21 1021. V. J. GRIM1LK. City Clerk. Read The Ads (2S-30) ltr.cisTiMTioN notice To the Quulliled Electors of Hip City of ejstal Falls, State of Michigan. Notice Is hereby given that in con formity with the statutes of the State of Michigan relating to reRlsitii tion, I, the undersigned Clerk of said City, will upon any day except'Sun lay and a legal holiday, or the day of an election, receive for registration te name of any legal voter In said city not already registered who may itpily to me personally for such reg istration, or who may make such ap plication by mull or me.enpen under the provi.-ions of Act No. 7 Public Acts of 1!1I, except that' I can receive no names for registration during the time intervening between the fecond Saturday before any general or Spec i..l election or official primary elec tion and tfie day of pueh election. August R. 1021, will be the last day for General Registration for Special Election to be held August Kth 1!21. All electors not already registered an.l tnl'endinc to vote at the Special Election to be held on Tuesday. Aug ust 16th, 121, should make applica tion to me on or before the r,th day -f August, A. I. 1021. Notice Is further hereby given that I will be at' the City Hall on July Soth I : 2 1 and Augun th, 1321. from eight o'clock. A. M. untl eight o'clock P. M. on each said day fr the purpose of loviewlng the registration and roist ering such of the nuallined electors :-i said City as r.ha!l appear and apply h.rrr.r. T'.'e name of no person but nn t u! r.-l'bnt of the piclnct t the rn,. -,f lecMrutton and ml HIM un I. r the- ronuHntlon. If remalnlntf ueh -Id nt, to vMc at the next el.- tl'o til hi :itend In tle regMrntlon w. J. c.unim.i:, City Clerk. , Jtead tho Ads HEMATITE TOWNSHIP Contlnuedfrom Page T. Sandrl. labor rN Hurja, livery Gr Mrs. Ceo. Prcmo, laundry .... Mrs. Dallaflor, milk 2.C0 Harry Vivian, account, ...... 20.00 Current Events, papers 3.00 Men. S. G. Works, supplies .... S.Z0 Charf, E. Merrill, supplies .... 2.2S A. N. Palmer Co , supplies . . . . 2.06 Dall Steel Prod. Co., supplies 21.00 Mil. Dust. Brush Co., supplies. 5.25 Am. Book Com., text books ... 8.14 W, N. Welsh Mfg. Co., supplies 1.21 J.auson & Lanton Co., buddIIcs w. u. lllli. services r Diamond Drill printing HAO Marshall Wells Co., supplies .. 4.S2 Mich. Tel. Co. 2.50 Hematite Mer.. Co., supplies .. f:t.8l Iron Co. L. & P. Co., coal .... 1(13.15 Standard Oil Co., gas 43.10 Harry Vivian, auto hirt etc 150.00 Hulda Maata scrubbing 10.00 Emily (Justafson, scrubbing .. 10.00 L. Ae.schllman, truant officer .. ' 10.00 Fin. Tern. Soc, rent 15 00 Mrs. Ellen (Justafson, Janitor 20.00 Mrs. Eric Macki. Janitor 15.00 Harry Vivian, J.tnitor 140.00 Mildred Wilson, teaching .... 1)7.50 Hilma Puotlnen. teaching 97.50 A. Valen. teaching , 112.50 A. C. Purge teaching 122.50 L. Wlckstronv teaching 107.50 II. Wormwood, teaching 120.00 Agnes 1). Holm, teaching .... 112.50 Leora Ellsworth, teaching 112.50 Theresa Webber, teaching 112.50 Ceo. Morrison, teaching 137.50 Minnie Caspers, teaching .... 122.50 Mildred Premo. teaching 122.50 O. Dufrisne, teaching 114.12 C. Mathews teaching 112.50 II. Norinsky. teaching 127.50 Julius Anderson, teaching 147.50 Florence Purge, teaching 117.50 A. A. Ellsworth, teaching .... 210.00 Upon motion by A. (1111, supported by Thompson that the board of edu cation hire Miss Johanna Holmbirg to teach the 4th grade for the ensu ing year at a salary of $1,150.00. Mo tion carried. Upon motion by Iver Olson, support ed by Win. Purge, the meeting adjourn ed. Motion carried. J. F. Thompson, Sec. I. John F. Thompson, secretary of the Board of Education, of School Dis trict No. 1, of the Township of Hema tite, Iron county, Michigan, do here by certify that the foregoing Is a true. perreet ami complete copy or a tcsoi- titlnn rn uar-rl hv k:i1i! Thonrrt of erhl- ......, v. . - - cation at a meeting hereof duly call ed and held on the 27th day of May. A. 1).. 1921. and that the same has been recorded In the minutes of the board. Witness my hand this 27ih day of May, A. p., 1921. J. F. Thompson. Sec. Jtead tho AG UASTOOON TOWNSHIP June 6, 1921. Meeting called to order by Super visor McLaren. Roll call: present: McLaren, Uren, Argall, Kazllek. Ab sent none. Minutes ef last meeting read and ap proved as read. Moved by Uren and seconded by Ar gall that the Township board tlonate a like amount as the village or school board for the 4th of July celebration, but not to exceed $50.00.' Motion car ried. . . The following bills were read and upon motion of Uren, seconded by Ar gall that the clerk draw orders on the, treasurer for same. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND H. McLaren, labor-livery .... 50.00 Frank Kazllek. labor, postage 30.C.2 Bauer & Son. supplies 5.35 J. H. Shultz & Co., printing .. .74 H. B. Reid, expense 4.5o Alpha Light' Co.. lights 5.4 W. A. Holmes, surveying 15.no Victor Olson expense 2.00 Highway Imp. Fund Bk. Rlv. B. & C. Co.. culvert .. 6S7.4S Wills Hdw. Co.. supplies G.G0 Plekamls-Mather Co. explosives 7 0T Pic k.-Math. Co., explosives . . 70.50 Sorrenson-Charron, services .. 5.05 Wm. James, Overseer 112.50 Frank Ponchaud. labor 84.00 John McLeod'ilabor 7G.O0 Alpha Li&bt Co., lights 5.42 B. II. Brdge & Cul Co., culverts 121.50 H. C. Hartung, surveying .... 20.00 Frank Ponchaud, labor, 20.00 Thos. ' Harvey, supplier 37.24 Diamond Drill, printing 24.20 lit. Nat. Bank, bond &2.50 Highway Imp. Fund Wm. James, overseer 76.50 L. Johnson, labor 45.00 2.1 1R. James, labor 43.00 Will Holmes, labor Pete Nelson, labor C. Nelson labor . . 4.00 7.50 4.00 C. Hartman, labor 20.00 Td. Belanger, labor 16.00 A. McLeod, labor 12.00 John McLeod, labor 8.00 Will Davis, labor 52.50 Emll Hager, labor 37.50 John Johnson, com 85.00 F. Kazllek, livery, etc 31.25 II. McLaren, supervisor 50.00 John Johnson commissioner .. 17.00 L. Johnson, labor 8 CO May 25, 1921. Meeting called to order by Super visor McLaren. Roll called: McLaren Uren, Argall, Kazllek. Absent, none. Bills read and motion by Argall. seconded by Uren that Clerk draw orders on treasurer for same. Mo tion carried. No further business meeting adjour ned. Highway Imp. Fund Dave Leonard, labor ....... Angus. McLeod, labor ...... Ed. Belanger, labor C. Hartman labor Thos. Davis, labor 4C.C0 03.00 50.00 G2.00 30.00 '.9.00 Ed. James. labor 84.00 Stan. Rockwell, teaming .... Emll Hager, teaming J. Hendrlckson. te.imlnc 37.50 S. Stankovitch, teaming 33.75 Pete Franc, teaming 15.00 Pete Nelson, teaming 7.50 Will Davis, teaming ... ... 15.01 Kodney James, labor 12.0' Frank Rys, lalor 12.w Joe Wunsky. labor 2S.0O Lawrence Johnson, labor .... 15.0i Wm. Holmes labor 4.0O D. Pulongo. labor 20 00 F. F. Kazllek, Clerk. Road the Ads CRYSTAL FALLS TOWNSHIP. Juno 24, 1921. A meeting of the Crystal FnHs Town-hip Board was held In the Township Hall a tthe Tobin Mine on the above date. The following mem bers were present: Uren, Jarvis, Bertrand. It was moved by Bertrand and sec onded by Jarvis that the following bills and payroll be allowed as read orders drawn for same. GENERAL FUND Xavb r Jarvis, Justice of Peace 20. S." John Frlbley, Justice of Peace 12.50 Chas. Uren, Snpervisor 150.00 Frank Bertrand Clerk 75 00 Henery Liberty, Treasurer... 300.00 Frank Bertrand, Auto Hire.... S.00 Olo P. Oss, Bd. of Review 12.00 Wm. Poysef, Bd. of Review.. 12.00 Victor Koskl, Fire 3.90 ROAD REPAIR FUND Henery Mattson, Labor 47.52 Adolph Savageau, Labor 3.90 John Takolo. Lablr 19. SO John Takolo. Teaming 4.00 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT FUND Henery Erlckson, Teaming.. 0 1 .00 Hcino Eckoia Labor 47.52 Alfred Naccli, Labor 47.52 Geo. Lombardo, Labor.. 43. 5G Ebert Larson, Labor 07. 32 John Solmeen. Teaming 144.00 Henery Neva, Teaming 13G.00 Anton Juhola, Labor 23.70 Iver Mackl. Labor 23.76 Wm. Trevarthen, Labor 23.70 Adolph Savageau, Teaming.... 4S.00 Oscar Long, Labor 19. SO Chas. I,ong Labor 21.78 Gust Palo, Labor 19..S0 Henery Sa'.mi. Teaming 4 ) 00 .. 40.00 . . T3.7R . . 35.04 .. 31.GS 23.7G . . 11. SS S.fO . . 39. CO . . 41.5S . . 31. OS 31 .GS 27.72 . . 23.71 . . 23.7G . . 27.72 . . 21.78 . . 11.88 7.92 John Eckoia, Teaming. John Outala. Labor. ...... Isaac Williams, Labor.. Ralph Savageau. Labor.. Andrew Weeks. Labor... Fred Stevenson, Labor.. Fred Saevenson, Teaming Wm. Jarvis, Labor3...... Sam Lada Labor Joe Mazork, Labor John Phillips. Labor; I Henery McNiel, Labor.. Frad Johndrow, Labor. . Matt Sippl, Labor Alex Sl'wensky, Lalxor". . Bruno Osterburg. Labor Gust Jacobson. libc r . . Andrew Phillips. Labor Walter Jarvl. Labor 7.92 oojserflino Faurl Labor 52.00 i:t. weigreen. i.anor -uj.'hj John Johnson, commissioner .. 150 00 No further adjourned. bulrie:i on motion ,u F. F. Kazllek. Clerk May 2. 1921. Meeting called to order by Super visor McLaren. Roll call, present: McLaren. Uren,' Argall, Kazllek. Ab sent, none. Reading of minutes of last meet ing. Moved by Uren that minute, stand approved read. Motion by Uren, recondM by Ar gall tliat the following ratct vt pa; be allowed for road work for the en u!ng ye ir : (V:r.i;i'Mt hb;r. ?!. Overseer, ft.M. Teaming. $7.f.'. ( VmmlKsloner, f.V0:i. M"tlin by Uren, seconde 1 by Ar gall tli it bl!N be allowed n. read and clerk draw orders on treasurer f)r fame. Mot lm carried. No further business, motion to adjourn. V. r.KazucK. GENERAL FUND Bertal Peterson, L:.1or 25. G Neilo Saluo'cn, Labor 23.70 John Riverside. Labor 7.92 Fred Busk, Labor 3.96 Nbk Eckoia, Labor 17.82 John Eckoia, Iubcn . . . John Palo. Labor Cha. l.enn. Teaming . David Loftls. Teaming 17.82 23.7G 72.00 G.H.00 41.58 128.00 101.91 8.00 25.00 100.00 50.00 23 70 12.00 5 94 94.50 7G 50 Henery Johnson.oT earning . Henery John-on Teaming Arid Johnson, Labor .... Alfred .lohnosn. Labor .... John Leppiaho, Contract . . Elward Jarvis, Contract .. John Walstead. Uom'raet . . John Suuva. Labor Amos 1- iiuiv, Teaming Amos I.-mny, Jr, labor ... Paul Davis, commissioner . Htnrv NcYi!. i,erseer Paul Uavls I'very 20 25 G. ('asslgrandi, central t 200.00 E. Cas .ignndl, contract 75.00 Tova Erlckson. labor , U M Juhn Ro-enlof, labor M.SS Aiw'. Roionild, tcannr:g 20.n0 Art. At si hli.-nan. labor 79.2'1 II. A" :l;m an. b.bor 79 20 Wm. H i!sre'. surveying 50") K. R r-rldge .V C. Co.. culverts 157.20 Ga-t H'.liT.att. contract 30.ro City f C. F., road lights 20.25 Ed' IMd contract ?,.on Motion carried. The following resolution w.vr In troduced by F. Bertrand, who moved its adoption and wa seconded by X Jarvis. witmrAsI t fhA annual Towr.Fhln Clerk menlng of the Township of Crystal Falls, Ircn county, Michigan, held in the month of April, A. D. 1921, In the Township of Crystal Falls, it was de. Jtermlned to raise, by taxation, for ; highway improvemtt fund purposes. me sum of $0 000.00, and, WHEREAS, it was deemed neces sary to borrow, in anticipation of the collection of such tax, the sum of two thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars; the Township Board for paid Town chip board of Crystal Falls, that said Township be authorized to and shall borrow, in anticipation of the collec tion of such tax, the sum of two thous and dollars, as provided by law, for the purpose of paying for labor ma terial, tools, machinery and other expenses in connection with the lay ing out, buildig and Improving of highways and bridges of the township and that the interest on moneys so borrowed be paid from the highway Improvement fund. Be it Further Resolved, that the ship be and hereby are authorized to execute and deliver proper evidences of debt for moneys borrowed. Motion tarried, all voting aye upon roll call. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Iron ss. I, Frank Bertrand. Clerk of the Township of Crystal Falls, Iron Coun ty, Michigan, do hereby certify that the foreirolng is a truo and correct' copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Board of Crystal Falls Iron county, Michigan, at a meeting thereof, duly and lawfully held on the 21th day of June, A. D. 1921. In Witness Whereof, I have here unto set my hand and seal this 25th clay of June, A. D.. 1921. Frank Bertrand, Clerk. Tho 'following resolution was in troduced by Frank Bertrand who moved its adoption and seconded by Xavler Jarvis. Whereas, at the annual meeting of the Township of Crystal Falls. Iron County, Michigan, held in the month of April, A. D. 1921. It was determin ed to raU(. by taxation the sum of $10 000 lor road repair, for the en suing year and, Whereas, the said Township has not sufheient fund3 on hand In said fund, and It Is necessary that money be ex pended at' once for road repair pur poses; Now therefore, be It resolved, that the Township Board shall and do bor row the huiii of three thousand dol lars, for the purpose of paying for" labor, materials, tools, machinery a,nd other expenses in connection with repairing the highways and bridges' of the Township, and that the interest on moneys so borrowed be paid out of the road repair fund. Be it Further Resolved, that the Supervisor and Clerk of said Town ship be authorized to execute and de liver proper evidences of debt to cov et the moneys so borrowed. Motion carried, all voting aye upon roll call. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY OF IRON SS ' I, Frank Bertrand, Clerk of the Township of Crystal Falls, Iron County, Michigan do hereby certify that the foregoing Is true and correct cop of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Ioard of Township Of Crystal Falls, Iron County, Michigan at' a meeting thereof, duly and law fully held on the 24th 'day of Junuc A. D. 1921. In witness Wlioreof, I have set rny hand and seal this 25th day of Juno A. D. 1921. Frank Bertrand.Clark. The following resolution was Intro duced by Frank Bertrand who moved Its adoption, and secontd by Xavler Jarvis WHEREAS, it appears that' the office of Supervisor of the Township of Crystal Falls will be temporarily vacant by the reason o' the absence of the Supervisor from the State of Michigan, und WHEREAS, it Is the desire of the Towaship Board, in accoranco with the law, to fill such vacancy ternpor rfrily; Now Therefore, Be It Resolved by tho Township Board of the township of Crystal Falls that E.J. Oswald, of said Township bo and he Is hereby appointed to temporarily fill tho va cancy caused by the absenco of Char les Uren, and that the said E. J. Os wald shall discharge tho duties of Supervisor of said Township with all the rights and powers of a duly elect ed Supervisor, until the disability of Charles Uren be removed by his re turn. The vote upon the foregoing res'o Mothn carried. All voting aye. STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF IRON S. S. I, Frank Bertrand. Clark of the Township of Crystal Falls. Iron Coun ty Michigan, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a truo and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Board f the Township of Uryi-tal Falls. Iron County, Mich igan, at a meeting thereof, duly and lawfully bdd. on th" 21th day of June A D. U2I. And I do ru"ihr rertiTy that the saM IX J. O'wali hss duly accepted the raid nri''iUm nt nn 1 taken the required -T'.th of ff ico. und has fully and duly qualified as Supervisor of the township of Crystal Falls, to fill In Witness Whereof I have fct my band and peal this 25th day of the vacancy. June A. D. 1921. Frank Bertrand, Clerk. There b'lng no further business before the meeting we adjourned in due form. Frank Bertrand, Clerk. Continued on page 2 NO : DEFENSE Its Q77UTHOIZ OF V jTNB SCATS OF WE MlGHTy" X ?J&lefbSfe err fjCOPVreiGHT, BY SIR GILI3EBT PAR,rCER yyNYONE who has read the fascinating yj romances by Parker knows what it is to S fmd him at his strongest, as in this tale. The setting te Ireland, England, the Atlantic Ocean and the West Indies, with some connections which carry it to the shores of America, during tho stirring days of the French Revolution. The story . has a dramatic sweep of action that te irresistible. The author with penetrating insight and great artistry, has contrasted the Irish and English temperaments; as a result, many deft and tragi humorous touches enliven the tale. In all respects a very unusual romance, we have selected it for serial reproduction in these columns. Regular readers are requested to watch for it end others should subscribe now in order not to miss the first installment. Sir Gilbert Parker fa A Splendid Story by a Great Writer I Only n very limited number of Canadians have received the distinc tion of knighthood. Among them Gilbert Parker stands out moat prom inently, for he haj tho unique record cf acquiring th honor aolely as a recognition of hia literary gifts. Sinco mnking him n knight in 1002, the Hritiah Kmnire has conferred ad ditional honors upon him. He was created a baronet of the first elnrj in 1915, a privy councillor In 1910 and Inter made honorary colonel of the ancient nnd nristocratlc Kent Koynl Garrison artillery Ho also has a col lection of regular nnd special college degrees, f To moft of us ho ia more Impres sive as plain Gilbert Parker, on of the foremost novelists of the day, who vns once a oor boy and who rose to his present prominence through the sheer force cf ability. He has written about thirty novels, a book of poem, several Fuccesaful plays and rome booki on travel. It was the grent Canadian story, "The Wght of Way," which established hlra firmly. This paper has secured one of his very successful stories, "No Defense," for serial pr1ntir.g. It will start soon. Do not miss It. No Defense By Sir Gilbert Parker Seldom do you get an opportunity to read a story by Gilbert Parker In serial form. As a ruto they appear as novels, the minimum prico of which is $2.00. Only recently haa the great Canadian author " con sented to their publlca t i o n otherwise. W e have taken advantage of the opportunity and secured for our readers "No Defense one of his mo3t popular tales. It te a real Parker ro mance with the higli lights and deep shadc3, Bwiftly moving plot, unexpected and unus ual developments tho warm human love nnd absorbing interplay of soul upon soul, which distinguish his writings above all others. Watch for the Opening Installment inThU Paper I