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THE DINGLE! BILL An Outline of the New Revenue Measure Be fore Congress. Its Aim Is to Incrjasa BYe- DQ33 and Ezcoiiriga Industries Committee Aimed at a Compro mise Between tho Wilson and, the i!cKLnle7 Laws. Agricultural ltem$ Detail Co ton Schedule Not Much Changed The Free List Washington, March 1$. The new tariff measure presented to tlie lower branch of congress by C ta.rcan Ding ley, of the ways and iiiCans committee, is entitled: "An act to provide revenue for the government andtoeccouragethe industries of the L'lJted states." The date when the tew tariff is to fro into effect ia named in the preliminary draft submitted to the house as May 1, 1SD7. The bill, as a whole, is a pro tective leisure. The average rates are ittle, if any. below tLoe of the McKin ley bill. arid in tome of the schedules Ihey are sllrehtiy higher. Specific duties have been substituted, as far a icssible, for ad valorem rates. It is intended to raise from ii'i.'yj.Yj to Sv.cX',000 more re, teres ur.der the bill than is pro- tided by existing laws unicr siruiltr Lu-sicess conditions. When the of i;repcni;? a new b:ii was firU under' taker, thv ccrr.miu-e was disoed to f: very ccr.r.-rvati.e ar.d frirr.ea r-eas-v;re which would be a the nature of a com pre in is bet-er. the McK;ny !iiv .ni the present law. The foilowicij oiitliie of the v arious ch-d..!es itdi ca'es the f'Terai thiractr r-f the tneas-cr- and the more ircn-.r,: cha -. f.".rr, the prer.t law .hich liae been r- '. A. !a.: r.? with f h'-rr.!a;, re r.-arl;. "..k- .: ; i - K;.-... y b.., ut -hive ln rr.-iiv. r ; tr..- ?.-. :.t 1 r. ar.-J JO Co:-; ra : '.afcer. n-iid Jat:aS;c at o.' a cer.t j- .- ; i from th- rat r.l The ivj'.s cr-i'rl r t!.- rite ; !a.J :i rri i CM'--. r..-r.i' whit- ia;:.t I-o'.r. : "v! ar. i or 2 -rtsj'-r il ar. i ts pr lift ar 1 Su:;l.-.r ore is ;jtt:-r '' ' -d rr,ad- du'iaM--- a? 4' "-.ti ; Crsn- r:.. .ar is m-i i.tij'-..-.- at 3 p r ;o-..-. i:artbs and Lsrtlirnnurr. in - . f r. 1 ry. t.t 1,-. o-.-o.rr.' I d--,rl'-vV.i"i'j'-r''-' ot.- .- .r.:k. rr :.: :.' t- r- i cr ora -1 in any , per ft:.1 er a C'-ra:.-.:c-rr.o.-a:- ard ai! ea.-t ir'- : 1 f r I'or ar.d ? va: :-! at r.jt exvee !..-.? 4 ' '-r.t p. r tr fyj'.. f ;. ;-r s f.-.-,t: ex- ..ed. cer1. f r "T.are foot. 1 r e.vs t - foot and li j er cent. ' CeincBt. I.lme and Planter. Roman. p-,rt!an3 ard oth-:.- hvdr ccir.t In arre.s. : c f ' '. r.ti JAT of torrl r 1j pound tn r cement, ce' I..rr. r'iCv c f bar: -r ' f ),-.urr, prour.d cr cr ra. .'ally man- !-! rd. I! i r to I' jfiii' st or.-, wh-Ufac-t .ired. or. -half -i ay i cr ' ai fa'-t -ired. ti p tured. r. jt .;, act. l: per ton r. w.. r prov. i..-l f-.r in this a ( ia r kaci.r.e, I'. p-.r llarliirnnare and China. Common y llow and r rv.wn -arther."var". rr.r.ion stoneware and cruelties, j'j China. ston- and Ca " vr'.: h, !-) ;. ear.hc-n ; ry war, in' : ri;r.ij cix k tncut n..ov-ir,r.t, j .-laj vr: om.r;.-..t. uy-. - y t -t rir.-,1!, v ar. 1 .:.: ("-. -). tlr.'.-l, sta.r. '1. r.;.rr;. 1. pr.r.t'-d, i crotri'-r-w..i '!-'-. jra1- ! ,t ornarrr.t- i :- r man ner. "" r-r ' '-nt if p;air w ,; 1 . ir'no' superadded orr.amentation of any kind, ii per -.,: ;. All cthr china, '.or-' lain, r-iri-i-. ! L"- eanhti. atone and To-kr.- ware ard manufactures th' r jf. or of wi.: h same is the cc,m;.-.;.er.t rr.atrl of rh!"f val'ie. by wharc-vr name known, if t.ain" , tinted, stained., prirrtl, ir.i'i'd wr uunr( 'jrora:'i or ornamented In any manner, Vi per r ent. : If nr. ornamented and l"'-oratd. i', jr 'er.t. Artlel 0f earthen or mineral ubntanre, if r,ot (ieroratol in any rr..-.ner 35 rr f-ent.; If le-c,ratecl, 4', rr rent. Oa retorts, 13 ear h: lava tip or burners. 10 cents Kro.s and 15 per cer.t. : carrxjr.s for electric llxhtln and filter tube. Ci rr cent.: porous pots for electrto batteries, without mttallie connexions, 21 per cent, (laasware. The McKlniey rates on (daawware hav been restored throvurhout. with yrr. im portant Increases. Plate plas not exceed ing l'lv;4 Inches square has be-n Increased from 6 to S cents per srpjare foot- aove that, and not exceedm; ;ixlrch s'iure. Increased frcm a to 12 cent3. There it no In crease In the larger B(Zes over th McKln ley rates. Silvored plate R-lass and Ijkln(f-cUs plate not exceeiini ICxK IrK-hes giuar have bepn Increased to h cents per sonar foot: above that, and not exceeding 24x3) Inches, to 12 cents: ar.ove. ih.t, ftni not ex ceedlns; 24xW) metier, decrease- to 23 cents all above that reduced to J cmt. ' Marble and Mtoae. Marble or onyx. In blocks, not dred or made Into articles, y cents jer cubic foot: marble of all kind and onyx. m. ed or dreasel. Including marble or onyx slabs, paving; tUeji or moxalc cubes, cntalnlni lsa than 4 cubic Inches each, percub c foot; but In measurement no slab. tiU or cub hall be computel at lexs thii,n 1 inch in thickness. Manufactures of arate. ala baster, chalcedony, chrysolite, cornelian, sjamet, Jasper, Jet. malachite, marble, onyx or rock crystal. Including clc-k cases with or without movements. Ui -r rent. Freestone, rrsnlte. sandstone, Lme'mt and other ulldlna; and monumental stone, unmanufactured or undres-i, io cents per cublo foo. Bulldlns; arl monumental tone, except marble aoj onyx, hewn, . dressed or polished, W r cent, tdatc. slat chimney plecea. mantels, slabs for table, rooflnir seat aad all other manu factures of slate. 20 per cent. ' Tba Metal Scbedole. In the metal schedule the rate of the present Uw bars been pretty well adhered to as to iron arxj steeL Th McKinley rates M hoop, baad Ire, ate. havs been restored, wua toe exception that ootton ties will pay of on cent per pojnl in addition to tl duty Ins posed upon lb Iron or steel from which they are malt, !r.t.l of Z emu. la the present law they are on lh frea list. The classification Is changed la the para graph relating to sheets of iroa or steel. Inciudrs black tarrcrs. Iron or steel, by the addition of a cew class, thinner than No. t2 arire gaure. at 1 3-14 cents per pound Tia Plate. Tha duty oa tin plate Is placed at IS tt pound. Under the JicKlrJeT law It iru 2 I-10 cents, aad la the present law It it 1 1-5 cent. On steel Ineota. etc. the classification cf the frtK.t law is the same, ar. i the duties are a compromise abo-jt half way between those cf the McKinley act and the preet law, beginning with seven-twentieths of a cent a r'-ui'-J on ail valued at 1 cer.t a round or and running to ( cents oa all valued above 1 cents a pouxid. Wires. On Iron or steel wire known as crinoline w!r. etc.. the d-urty U Increased from i to J pr cent., wtt.n a proviso artKle-n manufactured from Iron er steel wire shall pay the irtilmun duty on wire and l'- ctrrTs per pound additional. On ar.chors. tnj.l imu, etc.. the rate is increase to e-balf cent oer pound. are re stored to" the McK!n!ey rate. Fcakalvee, Ete. There Is an entire new clasnlf.ratior. cf penknives Those valued at r more than cents per dozen are dertlable at S3 per f-ent. : a.i orner penarives navir.gor.e ciace, 5i cents a doxen arjj M per cent. : ail havjr. two Madf-s, tl a Joiefi and Zfj per cent.: ail havlr.e lhr-e Na4es. fl-W rr dcreo ar.d 0 pr cnt. : all having- f sur tiad-s or more, ti tr ien acd V) rer cent. In case the hand!n are pearl or tortoise shell, W cent are ad 'e-1 on knives of two blades and 75 cent on thoe of more than two blades. Mcfclr.ley rates are rWjjM on razor. TsM ar.d canlnr knives and fcrks hi- of iarl or Ivory will ray IS cents rer dox?n and 15 per cent.: with handles of Mrs or celluloid, li cents rr doin ard 15 per cr.t- On wares of Ircn, steel or othr n-.etal. enaraHed or r'.ared. the rate is Lncr-al from 35 to ) p-er cent. 5olU aad Other Hardware. Cut na.!!s are char.zsd from per cer.t. to s:s-tr.tha of a cer.t per po-jr.d: horv't nai: from 3D per cent, to i cert a pnunl: wire from i r r ceni. toore- .;rr.ths nr.d 1 cer.t a pour.d. ae :r.r to lie: mkes. n-jts. washers ar.d horwhwi from 13 per c-rt. al valorem to 1 cr.t p-r p;ur.d. S'e-d;- for kn;ttir.? r sewi.-.e: BKhir.n, f ,-jm is per cer.t. to Tl rr taou!'an3 ar.d ) per cent: all other r.eedl-r r.o: Fr-ciay provided for. from iZ i per rent.'.way f.shplare are char.r-ed frc-m 1" rr to or.j-ha'.f cn. a fj-J.-.d; rivets from T per cent, to 2 cr.ts rr pour.d: saws not specially prov)d5 for, frvm Zj to : per Cft. t'rr, a ar.d parol rib, ere., are r!a- r.n:r nrm. ar.l sreclr.? dut:e im d etuivant to th t uni.?' IwV.erewed fTeser.t ad rr ncur.d rr i-t ct:mor.y r-re is aicn rrr-. the Jre list ard taxed at three-fourths of a cer.t pvr pound. German Sliver, Brass and Copper. The fi-Klny rates are reimpos-! on Ormar. s.ivf, bra.s and eoj.p'-r. exce-t that r.r;er In ro!:d platen will t-e f- cr.'.i T' t y -.r. J lr.tead cf V, -t-r cer.t.. ar.cJ of whi-h co--per la the p rind pa! f;'.n-.;.r:er.t 2 rt per r-und !.-..:eai ti " r-r fnt. M"Kin:ey rates are r-s:orl or pell I-?.f. s:;vr leaf ar.l l-ad or tnd la-l. Mr a ! -J fr'm ; ; er cr.t. ts cer.M a r-o'jr.d ar.d !j --er ct. M-K!r-' rrt' are r'.rtore-l n t :rs and iv;-? rnal. Crrtr.c-rneters ere lrc-raed f m ! 1 jr-r rr.t. to 4'. a".-l and cl-jck fr: m j -r r.t. to !'. McKir.l.y rates ere ritirc-i or. tine. 1. ember Rates. Tn the iTr.r s;hedu: a!l of the ran. rr.-h-t jr or;r8t.d in th frv !it of the pr-. --r.t ii-v L.-e rtstc rr J to the d'-jtiaMe !!?t 't' the !!.iC;r.Uy r-t'tj. the exrt!' ,r. cf white j ;r.e. whi.h :n now cla----! with ' ? ru -e !.'. i pa:- n r t:w;and fet, in-s:'r-) cf ?! as ur.ier the McKsr.i'-y law. A '!a;!e ii -.;r.tA jrovid:r? for an '' cf ; j--r cer.t. a i valorem cr. 1 ia'. -r to f'.- lmr-e-l In retaMatl-.n in caoe a-y "jurtr l-nro d-s-r.rr.lnat..-. taxs c-n .rr..iar ar..-. - r'-7--'-i to Ve ex pert i th t."r.'.t1 S'atr. The tax or. t ''.-r.r:- Ls . '-rui.r.-l !rta c3 pec cent to . i j ;-r inousar.'j. St" OA It. td Valorem Rates Cbansred to Spe elflc The evr Dotiea. . r.e '.rir schedule 1 s; rs not a t.-ove .-. : cr. tank botvms t'ia. c-c nc ntra"' , Iuth star.-i-.rui. of cr.e m-:.'a ia. r.r.. tri in 'rt r : c-vnc-er.truteri tnoiu j-r ; )-..'.. ar.d for ever:.- &r! iltlora! d-. i.-r-r.r fr-j';tin cf a derr- shown ! y th'- i cent, r-'r r--uri ai d": i: -'and'c n rt'sa'r . a1.--. N:-. Dutch staniir! in color ar.i en all fruar which he. scne. throush a ir "' of r-flr.ini.'. l.;75 cents per round: rn i-i.-i-s '.'-s-:nf r.-.t above y, derrecs, 2 " ..n ;.-r trt.lon: tet:n? W, derr--j and a lvv. ; trt'. jr 4rl!cn; eu-ar, tanl-t I vtcrrj, ir:ru;.. cane Juices or leet Juice, m'-lada. cr: . r.t rated melada and ocneret ar j cor.. ' 1 mo! . tk r:-du--n c f any which pays cire'-t'y or :r.-: r"tly c. i.jr.ty cr. the export th'-r-of. whether !t;c.-;.-1 d.rctly ar.d m tr r, I. '. ?. a t,i;r.-I th'-refro-n or othe.-w.g-, .shall fay :.-: a 1 htion to the f-.resV.ny rats a d'.-.v fjual to s-:ch 1cur.ty. or so much ther -of .ia may be sr. exc.-j-; cf any tax cc-i-1' td by vjch country up:-a such article r ur-or, tho -eet or s,ne fr;m which It was ;riiu'-el. ProvMed, that twthir.r herein c-'-r.ta:r.' 1 xhall is ri construed a o al ro-va:- ''r ir. arv rr.? lrr.;'r or affect the ; r-,T !: --ns of the tr--aty of cornmer ia! r'. pro -..! cor..-ludcd between the t"r.:te-i S-ate an! the kin of the Haws':an i-:lan i -.n he .?"th day of-Jar.Mary. 1-T5. or tr pro-. )iiv:. cf any act cf c-or.jrr-s hcr tofore ji-! for the . execution cf the same. .Var-le Snrnr.- ;.f.o.r'!e urar ar.d mar-!'-- slr.p. 4 cr.ts rr pourci: t.-;-. if .or ?ra;-e irit'ar. Pj cen's ;t pound: suanr 'are ,r. Its nafaral r.a-e or :'a'.f r'-'J. l percent ad valorem. .-a- h-v.rir.e. ii i.-r pound ar.d per ee-t. ad vai.rcm. P-jj-ir candy a,-.d all cr.fec tionery ur.i ali other articles made wr.ollv - r in part cf susrar. value! at 15 cents per p-.ur.d or f.nd on surar after ly-;r.:t r'-fir.ed. wh.r. tinctured, colored or in nr.v way a lu::era:j. cent rr pound a.n-1 11 5 '" cer.t. a l vaJorem: valued at more tl.rr '.i c't.'.x i-r pound ar.1 nra more than y. c-r.ts r--r round. 12 cents pr pound ar.d ;r cer.t. ad vaiorem: valued at above S- ' pr pound. W per cert, ad vn!orn-.. The w.--i?ht rt paper ar.d other Immediate wn: pm, tie ke-tji. lals, can, cartons, boret or coverinrs other than the outer pa' l:iri3 e4Se or other covrlrjr shall be ln clu i' d In the dutiable weight cf the mer chandise. TOBACCO. Xothtoit Is Lower la This List Than McKinley Rates. Ther la no chanee from the McKlr.!y rate in the duty on leaf to'oacco suitable for clear wrappers, but all other leaf, un sterr.rned. Is Increased from 25 cents to 70 rents per pound, and inemmed from 10 to cents. laf toracco suitable for cltrar wrappers. If r ot mmeJ $2 rr round; if summed. T2.a per rind. Provided, that if any lofmcco Imported In any bale, box or pack age, or In bulk shall contain exceeins; 15 per cent, thereof of leaves suitable for cifrar wrappers, the entire quantity of to bacco containM In such bale, box or pack age or In bulk shall be dutiable. If not s'ernmed. at 12 per pound; if stemmed, at 12... p'-r pound. All other tobacco In laf, unmanufar. tured and not atemmed, Ci cents per pound; if stemmed, W cents per iurid. Totaco. manufacture.1, of all dcrln tlons not sper-tallv provided for In this act, 4) cerrts per pound. Hnuff a.v! snuff flour, manufactured of tobacco, around dry, or dejnp and pinked, scenfl or otherwise, cf all desciiptionii, 4) cent per pound. flgars. cigarettes. cherv)ts of ad! kinds, II U jr pound and 25 per cent, ad valorem: and paper cirsrs ar.d clirarKtes, Including wrajirers. shall be subject to the same duties as are herein Imposed upon clsars. ACniClLTlltAL. nates on Prod ore aad Pro-i-lsloiia Traasfers front Free List. With few exceptions the McKinley rates have len rewored throughout the aar! culfural schedule. The tax on horses and mules is reduce! from ttu to to t head, with a proviso that horses valued at more than 111 shall pay a duty of 7S per cent, ad valorem. The followlr.r articles have t-een taken from the free lis and made dutiable: Farina, cabbaeea. sauer-rraut. milk, cider, nursery stock. Sab for bait. data, bolcfn saussMrea, ondetrrottad chlr ory root. La. tow, wool a-rtse. rrapea. peachea. orweca. lemoca. umas. pliuaa an4 pr-jnea. F oil ywlns; la the arrtralrural aeeeloa. o mi tUng rxausa referred to abor. Cxinf rate oa horses: Cattle valued at lews than S30 a besxd. duty. M a bead : over tX. X- per cent. Hoes. II per hl gn-p. 1 year oi l or more. T5v per head: mm tfcaa l year Oil. .i cents per r.rul. Parley poua ia. j per KnlT Pukwheai. 13 cents per bushel cf ft-our.da. pounds Cornrneal. cents per bushel of ti pounds. Ma.aroni. TertnS?e!:i and sirtUar prep- aratlon. J cents per pound. Oats. 1J cents per bush eh oat hulls. P) cents c-er hundred wunda. Rice, cleane-i. J cents jr pt:nd: un ci .-onei rice. cents rer wusl: tadiv. thre-i-jar:ers of 1 cent per pound: r.ce C&ur. rice meal and r.ce. broken, which wiU iMn-ti i r'. ...,.4 , w- Rye. 10 cents p-sr bushel. Rye flour, one-hal of 1 oent per round. Wheat, K cents per bushel. Wheat Cour. ia rr cent, a-1 v-tlorem. Butter and substitutes therefor. 6 cents per pound. Cheese. cent per pound. MHk. freh. S cent per ca:!on. Milk, preserved or ccrdense-S. lncludlnr weight of pacicaxes. J cents per pound; sucar of mLk. 4 cents per pound. Beans. cents per b'.-ohel of 0? pounds, ttean. peas ana msr.rxrw. prepared or pre-sened In t:ns. ars. tot tie or oth erw:e. per cent, ad valorem. Broom com. 1 per ton. Ca.bajres. t cents each. Cider, 5 cents per raUon. T.ers. 5 cents per dozen. Kijs, yo!k of. 15 per cent, al valorem. Hay. It per ton. Honey. 2 cents per ejulon. Heps. 15 cents per pocr.d. Or.lns. ) cents per busheh creen, cent per tusnet cf n jw:r,.!i : tJ-a). cried. ? r er bushel: p-as. it) cer.ti per bushel of -o pounds: In canons. japrs cr other smail pack a a, 1 cent l-er pxnind. Plants, trees, shrubs and vires f all kin It, ccmrsor.Iy known as nursery stock. X rr cer.t. ad valorem. Potatoes. 2 cents p--r ttishe! df 0 pouris. Castor beans or seeds, 25 cents per bushel Cf K rounds. Flaxseed or ' linseed, poppy seed ard ether oil seeds, ) cents per bushel cf X pound. Oarden eeds, arrlcu'tural and oth er sei. pr cert, ad valorem. Ve?-tavIes of ail Jcie-i. prepared or pre served. 4Z per cert, ad valorem. Veyet-.neji in their natural state. 3 per cert, ad valorem. Ptraw. 3' pr c-nt a-1 valorem. T'.-areU. 5) r-'-r cert, ad valorem. Ar.i'hovie arvd sardine" in tin boxes rr.earjm net sor than 3 lr.-?tvs Jonc. 4 !r.ncs wi !e end Z'-i Inches deep, ; cents ;er who'.e Ykx: in half roxes. rn--asur:re not r-.ore than 3 inches kr.. 4 lr-he wide and !'i Inches deep. 5 cents earh: In quarter 'jc-xes. rot rx-re than 4- lrchs Ion?, 3'--. inehc- Wde cnl l Inches d.p. i-2 cent each: when import.! in any other 'm. j -r c-nt. ad vaiorem. F:sh. flklei. in '.arrels or half barr e!. an 1 mackerel or salmon, jlck.rd or al:e-i, 1 cn per round P:sh.;iar"d for prrva.t!on. ar.d frh flh. not ;i?:aily prvid.-i for in this act, three-four.hs 'I ! cent pr ;ijr.d; freah iai: fi.-h. one-half cer.t r-rr r v r.d. I-errrni. ti lled cer.t r'-r pound : herrings, fresh ne-Vvunh cer r:.h lr. ,K.r.? or ra:karee cx-irt nr- "h vieg or, 'J jr cent, ad a-Ur- m. Ar!es. ereen cr rire. 22 cents pr bushel. Appb.-s, Cried, desiccated or prepare! in any manr.f-r. i e-.-r.ts per pound. GrajKrs. " cents jr f arr-.l of 3 cub!-? f-, :-t ca;a-ity or fractional part there-: f: j!urns and 2 :.. r round; plr.c a; :!, 1 er.t- each an 1 !" pr cer.t. . 1- :-s. 2:j cr.t j er ; : ur. !. Orar.ivs. and llnr.e. In pa-Vass, at the rat of cent -r cubl-r fcot of ca j ac.ty; r. bulk, thr- e-f ;urths of a cer.t per jound, and m aiiit'.'n th-rto a duty of li ; er cent, ad valorem upon b;xt or car rel. B-als'.r., r-j cr.ts per rt:nd. Comfits, swt-etmeitji and fruit? r reserved !n u-ar. s.r-;.. m-nliM- or s; ir::s not ciSwy provide.! f -jt :n this act. anl cf all kind, ii f-r cent, a-1 v! irera. Fruit pr-??rv-l in their own Juices. j per cent, u i vaJorem. On.-.e peel or ler.-.on r'-el. I rescued or ca'-i:ed. 2 c-nts per p-.ur.d. Airn-i:-. i". net fr.el'.ed. 5 cr.ts per pourl: cl -cr aimer. 1'. j. 7'3 c-r.t per piund. F'.':"-rts ar.d wad nuts of ail kin is. net ;.';-!, 2 cents per pound; ihelled. cent-: N.: ' al! k!r-i. shil cr unh'-lled. not rr.'viie-l for n this act. l:j cents rr r- 5 a-- n and r.i.m. 5cr.t' f. monton end pori:. : fr round, vir.ii per pound, r. ed. li per cer.t. P !drat. pr;arc-J r j.m al Val jtZTi. il.Ttra.t of rr.ent. 2" cr.ts pep pour.!: f-::d extract of n.'-at. 1" cr.v jr pour. !. and no s-parate cr ad litre na! dvr.v shall le 'v!l:tel on su--h covc-nni-s ur.le t f-:ch they are B:.ita: a:, d c ppar-ntly d -:?r.e! f r uie other t.ian in tr.e i si porta tion cf rr.'-&.t extracts Itnl. 2 cents rr pound. I o .Itry. 3 cnts per ;our.3;!, . "-r.t per pound. Taliow, l'-r.t per pour.!: wo-.l, Irt ctud:r -f.i:t known con-.aierciaiiv as d' -.-ras cr br jwn wool grease, one-hail cent ;er round. .'M"ory root, burnt cr roasted, rrour. 1 cr rrantUat1. or In rolls, or otherwise pr ! arel ar. i not specially provided for in this act, 6 cents r-er jour.d; ihiiory. crude. 1 cent rr round. .'h'-oUte (other than cho"o!ate confer-, r i r. e ry u n d ch : o ! a t ? cc rr. rr. ere ia.1 1 y k r, o w n as s-V'j'f.r.e-d ohiailatei. 2 ce-.t. r-er jound. Ccci, er manufacture!, not srecial.y provided for In this act, 2 cents pr rour.1. ."." butter or cocoa, burterine, 2tj cents P'r j ounl. Da- leiion root an ! accrr.s prepared, end o-er article used a coff'e or as substi tutes f;r col.'ee. r ot ypecialiy provided for 13 this a.-'t. l'-j cents per joend. Sait In, Urr'ij or orth r r'lkares, 12 ce.-.t per hundred fur.d. in bulk. centi per hunlre.j pounds. Provilcd. that im-'"-rted salt In bond may be ued In curlns: f.h taken I y vessels liceriej n eng-ape la the fisheries, an! In cur.n? on the shores of th navlt-abie waters of the Vniled ftates. and ujon f rr' f that the salt has been u"-l for either of the purpose stated in this proviso the duties on the same shaJl be remitted: provided, further, that exporter of meats. whehr packed or smoked, which have t-en curel in the United S'ate with Imported Mlt shall, upon satisfactory proof, have refunded to them from the treasury the duties paid on the salt so used In such exported meats tn amounts not Jes than Jl'O. iv.arch. Includlr.jr all preparations flt for use a starch. 2 cents per pound. !xtr!ne. burnt starch, rum substitute or Britleh rum, l1 cents per pound. Mustard, rround or nreserved. 10 cents per rcur.d. fcpi-e. rrouna or powiereo. 4 cents pr pound: cayenne p-Pper. 2S cents rer pound: urrround sur, 3 cents per pound. Vinesar. 7U cents per rallon. There shalle a!lowed on tbe Imported tin plate used In the manufacture of cans, boxes, packages and all articles of tin ware exported, either emntr or filled with domestic products, a drawback equal to the d'tty pall on suh tin plate, leaa 1 rer cent, of suh duty, which shall be retained for the use of the United States. Spirits and Wises. The rat-, In the present law are rn rally maintained throughout the entire liquor schedule, but champairne and mineral waters are to be used as a bast of reci procity, with the omlsflon of part of the duty In return for special facilities for the importation or goods from the united States. COTTO AXD COTTOS GOODS. This Sefcrdale Ilallt Praetleally on the Wllaon Lines. In the cotton roods schedule thereare few chanres from the present law, except some sll-Tht Increases on the finer grades of froods. The McKinley rates are restored on ready-made clothlnr. on cotton chenille goods and on ho.Vrr. shirts and drawers not otherwise provided for. i nere is an entire new ciaaincvtion or faml'v hosiery, shirts and drawers. Hosiery valued at not more than 11 SO ter dozen pairs will pay 60 cents per doxen and 15 per cent.: valued at more than $1.50 and not more thin li per doaen, 75 cents per 1otn and 20 per cent. : valued at more than P per doaen. l per dosen and 20 per cent. Shirts and drawer valuer! at not mnM thaa tbiO per dosen, IS per cent.; valued at :i otaer Jive arjrra; ten pecia..y pro- : "- " ' . ; ' , 4 , , . t .v-iru -1 for la this act. rer cer.t. a i vaorem. : wn:cn ii increased frn the arley. cents rr bushel of rounds. ore-taif of a cert a P"pJ maJt, C cents per bjiti of M N'W r".1 "?f V .,.TV' ifV n5 aad sot more tnaa 13 per doaen. 7t u. Hnn and fi ts-ceoa. : valued at mors utaa S per dose a. ti per doaen aad rhSient rate remains oa cords. braJda. etc.. ar. J oa all mavnufao vires of oouoo not acciai.y prorjceu ior. flam. UraiB aad J ate. Ia tha Ca. ? acl it achedule all v. iribK t,laii on the free l:st In the reter.t law are reejrvi i i uu;iai.i OaKes. cordage and t :r.e rot otherwjss xt I t.zi.zt twine, when irnperted from coun ' trtes p'.acirc a dutv on the same article ji frta the l'r.:te-i Slate. ve-:en:hs of 1 ! rro :ied f.r are taxed at 1 cer.t per pour.a. cert ;er pound: and cor-aBe ci 1 hr. : ce!t per pc-Jh hem ip ar. i lute j carrv.. $ cents r-ersa-ua-e arvl ar.l per " : turUpa. excpt cottcn I eicht-ter.ths ct a cent a pound ar.d 15 per i cer.t: truriat bars f:r rrau one-half ot.'.t etc wr.en ma cr yam r.oi hlcher than Ns. II It 1 taxed lScntsjer ' Ft5ur-J , N jr.l and 15 percent: cner than o. a to 2 cents per pcuna arw ia per cf r.i : cenr per pouri and 15 ;r i r, fner than No. " ti No. U 4? ce j per 1 rr cer.': finer than No. W t' Ct-:.I"f r round and per 1 cent : f than No. ... cents per pour. 1. Threads, twines and cords cf hemp. Tax cr ram:, r. M nnr than 5-'.:ne. 12 eer.-.s ' rer p-unl: finer. flve-e:rhths of a cer.t ad- j d. for each l:ne. Yams of hemp, j fax or ramie, valued at 1- than 12 cents i per pound. 1 cents per pound and 1) p-er i cent.: valued at above 12 cents per pound. ; 12 cents per round and 25 per cent: collars ar.1 cuffs ccrnpose-d entirely of cotton. ce-.: a a xn p-ru.; coc.(-.a cf whole cr in pan of l.r.en. W cents r-ei irxen an! r-er cent: shfrts an.1 uroer- ware; apparel n?t fT-ectal.y provi-ic-a ior. ccrr.r. ei in whole or la part of linen. M per ceM. Lares. emtpDilere. rJ'-Mnr. trlm window curadns and other tam boured ar.i:!es an! articl-s mad wholly Icr ir part cf above-r.araed art.cies. co pcsel of fiax. Jute, cottcn cr other vege taMe fiber are taxed at Ci per cent. aJ va- The basket clause In the fax. htnp and Jute schedule imposes a ccmpour. ! duty on all cortaintr.r not mere than 10 threads rr eiuare nch and W rr cent on all above :.' threads. THE FREE LIST. List of the Articles That W ill Pay Revenue. Ac!l-Arser. cr arsenious. fluoric hy- dr:hi;.-le: or muriatic: nitric, phosrh or rrusij ur.d :l;clc. Aconite, acorns, abates. unmanufac:urv! : ailus-.en. aiiia.-in. arater. as:bergri3, a:.i l.r.e Silts. Any animal imported srecial'.T for brVed Inc tur--cse snail be airr.itte-J free. Pr" vi !'.-!. that no such animal fhadl be admit ted free unle-AS pure bred of a reeopr.ised tr-.-ed ar.i d::lv repistcr! In the twOK of record established fcr that t reed. Ar.irn-iJs trough: into the I'r.Hed States f:r a period not cxceeJ:.-.j 4 month. f or the purros cf exiilt ::i n or conc.'-rtttiJn fcr pr.2-s offered ly any as: ri .u.turul or racing assocration: but a bor.i shall t-e triven in ace-oria-nce w-th r-'-fila-ti'-ns r r--!cr:'or i by the seer-'. ire of the treiury: also. t-rr.s cf animal., inciu-lins their harness ar.d tackie and the vcae-i-ns t r c thc-r vehicle actually c wr.e 1 1 y jers ' r.s e irratir.ff from forela-n countries to the fr.. tei Pti'.. with famlh and in actual t:e f rr the rurj-ose of tuch etnurrn t.on unjer s :cii r-eulations r.s the sc -r tary of th tr-asur:.- may prescribe, ar 1 will animal lnts,J(d for t-shiMtbtn In z:l:?ial coi!-cr:on for scientific a.t ! du--at:cnaJ- purjoses, and tot for sale cr roucou, roueoa or crleans. and all extracts f f. Ar.t:rr.y ere. crude sulphite of. Apatite, arrowroot In it natural sta ar.d not manufa tured. Ars-nic an ! ul phll of, or orjimnt. Arsenate of ani line. Art educational stops, composed cf c!a-s an I metal and valurd at not mere than C certs per pros. Ar.i 1-s in a crude state u fn dvclrc or tanning- not spe;lally provided fcr in this act.. Article the rrtrth. nrol'jce and mn-.-'f-- -ture of the Cr.ited States, when r. turr.i-d, after havlric teect exror.ed. with out having te-n advance! In -alue or im-rrr-vej in condition by any rroc rf mar.-ufa' or fther n-r.?: cusks. tarreis, vars an! other vessels cf Arr.r' can manufacture, exported, flllf-l with . .-. nr. j rj :-. :rr.ed fiiied uts or exptr.ed r-mptv ar. d h for.-ii-n rroduct. lr r. u : -k r-s K-irr. r-ox: a. ck!lvr f!a:k cr lottle-s. of d rrntic or f Tvicn;fa-f.:r-. whi'-h sval! have bn a'-t:i!lv njvr'-l from th Unite 1 Sta'es; but proof cf the il r.t:t" of such nrt::!;-s hall be re- le un der p---rnl rer-Wi-ior to b- rrvnit-l I y t.t" s-r-t-iry of the trenvurj. bi t the x-enept:'-n cf Ki fr-jm clutv shall arn'.y r' t f-h domestic ar p. mv b imr-t rt'd by the exporter thereof, ar i if ar.v such ar!-le are ir.t rnal tax'nt the time of exportation suh tax shall le r-vd to have .eer. p-'l hefir- rxpor'a t: ,n ar.d rot refunded. iTovHed. that this rsrttcrarh shall rot arrl" to ar.v artic! u-on wh ' h en allowance c f druwha -k ha . mad", th r'-imroratlcn rt which I by rrohibltel et-'pt upn r'.yn-.'r.t of .i..-s tTi;ai to ire .-jr-swr at ic alliww'- cr f any article manufa-tvr-d' In l-.nd-d WH:hoi:es anl exported fr.-br ar.v r ro-v::'.-, ft law. and t-rovldd. further, that when manufar-t'.'r'd tobacco which han deer, export-! without the- payment of In ' 1 i"--veT;e tx hr.!l l e r"i t r-or d . it s'r r.U M r-fnir.' l In the .:!,ti'y of the li-rt--r c f ms '-.rtil Ir.te-rr.l revenue 'amen in piyment cf ths lejra! dutle shall I -' r ' "! thereon.,8. in its natural state atvtakon fr-rr. the earth, ret a. sorted; purlfTied or advar.-cd In e.r.y narn-r. Ashes, wood and lye of, and teet root Chs. A!r-!ia!t!m and r Stumer., cridc, not dried cr o hrwi ad-.-ancel in any manner. A ?afcH-t!-!a. Palm of Oilead. I'ark. from which quinine may be ex- tn.-te-J. Pd.-vtAt. Iiau-ite. T-wax. V.:t. Sir.? twlr.e. except sueh as Is Im ported frcm a country which lavs an !mp"r '! :ty on ilke articles imported frc-m the Ur.itd States, whkh sh:.!l be subjr-rt to a du'tt cf one-half of 1 cent rer pound. P.:, I rcVen. and bel! metal. P.irl-t, 9fifrel. Plrd ar.d land and water fowls. Pisrr.-Jth. J lers, crude or sa!ted, for preserva tion cr.iy and manufactured. Piood. dried. Pones. Pock. er rravlr.?. photorraphs. etch Inr. for the use f tho library of con gres. Prazll raste. PrazJiHn pebble. Rreecla. Ur! sties, crude. Proom corn. Pullion. gold or allvc-r. Beirnindy pitch. fad ml urn. Calamine. Camphor, crude. Castor oil. castoreum. fatifut. whipgut or worm gut. Cerelum. , Chalk, crude. f'hromate of Iron or chromic ore. Civet, crude. C!ay, common blue clay. Coal, anthracite, and cool stores of Amer ican vessels. Coal tar. crude, and pitch of coal tar acd oad or creosote oil. Cobalt and cobalt ore. Cocculus Indicua, Cochineal. Cocoa, or cacao, crude. Toffee. Coins, rold. silver and copper. Coir ajid coir yarn. . Old copper. ' Copper and copper cement. Coral, marine. Corkwood or cork bark. Cotton and cotton waste. Cryolite or kryolath. Cudbear. Curling stones and curling stona handles. Curry and curry powder. Cutch. Cuttlefish bone. Pandeilon roots. Diamonds and other precious stones, roti eh or uncut. rivi-din. Iraron's blood. rrurs. Errs of blrtfa. fish aad lnaeota, Kmery ore. Frgot. Fans, common palm leaf and.palm lsaf. Feldspar. Felt. Fibrin. Fish skins. i f.v v-r irn tow ex r.erri I'. FUt Fossils. Fruit. , Furs, undll I. Fur sklaa. GrSief and fiber Jut. . alaal a ass, sunn and all other textua grasses or fibrous vegetable substaace not Jrersed. not specially P'v'11.f,ori.P,. (eold beaters molds and gold boaters Grease and oils notapeciadly provided for. (Juar.o. manures. Gutta-percha, crude. ' . ,.i. Hair of horses, cattle or other animals, tut unmanufactured, not special y pro vided for in this act. and human hair, raw, unclrtned and not drawn. Hides, raw or uncured. whether dry. RlteJ or pickled: Angara goaukins. raw without the wool unmanufactured: asses skins, raw or unmanufactured and sklna except sheepskins with the wool. Hide cuttings, raw. wltn or without balr ard all other glue stock. Hide rope: hoofs, unmanufactured. Hop roots for cultivation. Horns and parts of. not cut. sawed or oth erwise manufactured; horn strips and tips. Ice. InJ'.a rubber, crude, and tni!lc of. and old era s or refuse India rubber. IndiTO. Icuine. rude. !tecac. Irdiuna. Ivory tusks, sawed vertically across the grain, with cuts not lw than 4 Inches apart, and not otherwise cut or manufac ture! or advanced In value from lbs Dat ura! state and vegetable Ivory. Jalap. - Jet. ur manufactured. Jos stlca or Joss light. Junk. eld. Kelp. Kiesc-rtte. Kyanite. or cyanlte and kalr.Ite. I ic dve. seed, button, stick and sheil; lac spirit, lactanne; lava, unmanu factured. Leeches. Licorice root, unrround. Lifeboats and life-saving apparatus ea- rreotAl'.v in-.twrteJ tv socloiies incornorated cr established to encourage the saving of human life. . . Lime, citrate of; lime, chloride of. or b!ea-hin(t powder. Litnograpnic etones, not enjeravea. Litmus, prepared or not prepare!. Madder and munjette. or Indian mad der, ground or pret-ared. and ad ex tracts of.!te. or native mineral carbonate of rr.asriesla. Magntsium, Manj-anese. oxide and ore of. Marna. Manuscripts. Marrow, crude. Marshmaliow or althea root. Paves or f.owrrs. rtural or unmanufactured. Meiali of sold, silver or copper, be stowed as trophies cr prizes. Mt-v rschaum. crude or urmanvfartured. Mineral, crude, or not advance 1 in value or 'ordition I y ref.nlr.c or or by other ic3ot of manufacture, not si-eclaiiy pr ).-! ; J f -r. Moiel of Inventions ard of other 1m rrovemer.ts in the arts. Including ;i;terrj fcr cuchSnerv-. Mos., friwi-f ! and vecetab! u!r stances, crude cr unmanufactured, not otherwise spe.- ;!: r rovid'-d for. Musk. -rude. In natural pods. Mrrvhou.-.. Needles. ij?.n! se-wir.e an! darninT. Ne-"vrarr and periodicals, the lartr mea-ir.y unVound or pc.px-r-M)Ver-d p-.i llcatior.s ccr.'tair.irff cvm-n: literature an! is-.':-! at stated rrioils. Nuts Brazil nut, cream nuts. paJri ruts ard palm nut kerne-is: cocar.u-..s in the F.;.-il and Lr:kr. coooanut meat crco;ra, nct phreddeu, desiccated or pre-; ared in any mar.r...r. Nut v:n!ca. Oakum. "'.; al.e. ;1 A.-ib r, crk; ! of rectiled. amlersrrls, r.r.:e er '.n:s-i gc I. ar:ii.-.i .-ajeput, rara way, cednt. chamomi.e. civet, a.'.ut, fennel. Jasmine or Jas;m!n. JUKlan-iiUtn. Jur.irer, naw, or orar.e nowi r, r."t oils or oil of ruts not ;-'!y prsvldtd fcr. olive or olive oil foot Ininorte-d ex pre!y for tsianufaot urine or mechanical jur-Tics and ::t cr.iy f:r Kjch tiie, palm,, thyme,, red or white: valerian anl nlo s; e-rr.'.acttl wrni'.e and other tish oil of Arntrtnr. fisheries .rd all other artlcl. s the r rod'icts of such ftsh'-ries: petroleum, crude cr refine-!, rrovid-I that if there 1 !m;:r.eJ Into the United States c,-:de I'etroie-urh cr the product of crude jttrv!-:-i!m pr-jduce l In ai.y country which ,mpoes a duty on petrcletim or Its r n'-o'uct txpomed fre-m the United States th re shall le levied, paid and col lev tr 1 upon said cr'ida petrolet'm or its proluou sc lm;crted O r-er cert, a-1 vadoretn. Orchil cr orchil liquid. Or. s of pi'd. s;!v-r. rorrr or nickel ar.d r.Ii-lt-l matte: of told and silver. :i:: Palla li' P.:e.- stok, crude, cf every b--ecri"t!--n. ln--!ud:i-.i.' all sr.-tsses, f.iv.-., racs t'other th-.n w o'.i, rate, shavlre. clippings, tld par r, rope nd.. was' r-i e. wat bag g'ts and pr r-lar or other woods. Par-him-nt and vellum. I'ear!. motlier of, and shells not sawel. cut, pe"!!rhe 1 or otherwise manufactured or 4dvaree. tn vaJ'.ie from the natural tit. Personal efct. not tnivkar.a;e. of cit izen of the United States dying In foreign corr.triec. Pewter and o' 1 brltanrla metal. Phosphates, crude or native. Plarts. tre.-3, shrubs, root, seed cane ard s tmrjrt-d ty the government. Pla-i't-r rex'k of gypsum, or tern albn. crude ar.d not calcined, ground er other wise advanced from the natural state. Platina, In tn?ots. bars, sheets and wire. Platinum, unmanufactured, a'rd vases, rcort and other apparatus, vessels ar.d parts thereof composed cf platinum for chemical uses. I 'lumbago. Potash, crude, or "black salts:" nitrate cf potash or saltpeter, crude: sulphate cf pota h, crude or refined, and muriate of po;ash. Pulu. Oulnia, sulphate of and all'alkalolds or salts of cinchona bark. liars, not otherwise specially provided for. Iernt, raw or prepare!. Saffron and safflower and e-xtract of. and saffron cake. Sa;o. crude. Slac'.n. Seeds Arise, caraway, cardnmon. cot ton, cummin. fenn'I. fenugreek, hemp, hoarhour.d. mustard, rape, St, Johnls bread on bone, sugar bee-t. manclewurzel. sort-hum or sitear cane for seed and all Kower and grass seec-: aa the foregoing not specially j.rovldcd for. ??.!- or saloup. Shotgun barrels, forerd, rough bored. S;ik. raw. or as reded from the coxion, but not doubled, twisted or advanced in manufacture; silk cocoon and silk waste. bi'kworm eges. Skeletons and other preparations of anatomy. Sr!a, nitrate of or cubic nitrate and chlorate of. Sodium. Specimens of natural history, botany and mineralogy, when Imported for cab inets or as objects of science. Srlccs Cassia, cassia vera and cassia buds; cinnamon and chips of: cloves and clove stems: mace, nutmegs, pepper, black or white, and pimento. All the foregoing when unrround: ginger root, unrround and not preserved or can dled. Spunk. Hpurs and stilts used In the manufacture of earthen, porcelain and stoneware. Stone and sand: burr stone In blocks, rough or unmanufactured; cliff stone, un manufactured: rottenstone, trlpoll and rand, crude or ur.martifaenirod, not other wise provided for In thl act. Storax or st rax Stronten. oxide of and protoxide of stron ten and strontlanlte or mineral carbonate of stror.tia. Sulthur, lac or precipitated, and sulphur or brimstone, crude In bulk, sulphur ore a pyrites, or sulphur of iron In iu natural state, containing In excess of 25 per cent, or sulphur, and sulphur not otherwise pro vided for. v Sulphuric acid which at the tempera ture of fiO degrees Fahrenheit does not ex ceed the specific gravity of 1.2Si). for use in Il?wAJaftur1n'f uP'TPhosphate of lime or artificial manures of any kind, or for any arrleultural purposes. Provided, trhat upon fil'.CSJtT10 Ti" ,mrrl from any coun iTfei. i tn'r ,ndeP?.nent or a dependency, which Imposes a duty upon sulphur acli linnortd from the United States there shall be levied and coliocVrd a duty of enc! fourth of 1 cent per pound. Tamarinds. Tar and pitch of wood. Tea and lea plant. Trrr2,Ja"c.0r unmn"'ured. ar?rinl'nCfJ,i,;rlt,', b'Pk oxide of tin inuiated. br' Uoci"' or grain or Tobacco stems. TunTAc-. TnqUa ' T(,nk bB Turpentine, Venice. Turpentine, spirits of. TnrttM. Types. rM and flt only b bs retnx-Kir. tured. Uranium, oxide acd salt. Vaccine virus. Va Ionia. Verdigris, or subaceta-te of copper . Wax, vegetable or mineral. Woarlng apparel, articles of personal rsdomment. toilet articles and slmUartet: sonal effects of persons arriving n th. United States. But this exemption sh?n only Include such articles as actually ,7. company and are In the use of, and as nee essary and appropriate for the wear sn5 the use of such persons fcr the Immediate purposes of the Journey and present com. fort and convenience, and ahafl not bo held to apply to merchandise or articles in tended for other persons or for sale, and in case the persons thus arriving are clti tens or residents of the United States th. articles exempted shall not exceed II in value, r.or shadl the exemption apply to rea. Identa of other countries enitrinr ih. United States mors than once In each ve Provided, however, that all tne weartng cL panel and other personal effects of residenti of the United States, returning, as m have been taken by them out of the United States to foreign countries and which have not been advanced In value or Improved in condition by any process of labor orrnani. facture In such countries shall be admitted free of duty without regard to their valus upon their Identity of being established under appropriate rules and regulations to be prescribed by the secretary' of the treas ury. Whalebone, unmanufactured. Wood Logs and round unmanufactured timber. Including pulp wood, firewood handle bolts, shlnrle bolts, run blocks for gun stocks, rough hewn or sawed; hon poles, fence posts, ship timber and sh'n planklnr; all the foregoing not specially provided for. Woods, namely, cedar, lie. rum vltre. la nee wood, ebony, box, erana dllla. mahogany, rosewood, satin wood and all form of cabinet wood In the lor. rough or hewn only: briar root or briar wood and similar wood unmanufactured or r.ot fur ther advanced than cut into blocks suitahlt for the articles Into which they are In. tended to be converted: bamboo, rattan reeds. India malacca Joint and sticks of portrldK. hair wood, pimento, oranr mvrtle and other woods not specially prol vlded for In this act. In the rough, or not further advanced than cut Into lengths suitable for sticks for umbrellas, paracis sunshades, whips, fishing rods or walk Inc canes. Works cf Art Artistic paintings, stat uary and specimens of sculpture, the pro fe,lonal productions of a statuarv or sculptor only: etchings, drawings, er.crav photocraphlc plertures. artistic work In terr cotta. parian. bisque or porcelain; antiquities or artistic copies tr.erecf in metal, marble or other material, anyefths forerolnir Imported for free exhibition, soleiy for the promotion and encourage ment of science, art or Industry, anil not in fr sale, shall be admitted f r e of duty unjer such reculatlons as the ecre tary of the treasury may prescribe, but bonds shall be given to the United States fir such duties a may 1 Imposed i v law upon any or nil such articles as .shall rot t- exported within 6 months after s-i'h in portaticn or for the rnymer.t of lawful duty whkh may accrue if any cf th- art! ! aforesaid be sold, transferred or otherwise used contrary to this provision, ar.d such article. shall Is? subject at any time f : ex amination and Iftspectton by the rropercf fWr -f the custom. The se.-rtarv cf the trc-aury may extend such per!l fcra further term of months (n ch where application ts made, and the privileges cf this section shall not be adlow-l i ao clation. corporations, firms or ir.d:'. i i ;a' engared In or connected with business cf a Private or commercial character. Yams, seaferrv RECIPROCITY. Provisions Aimed to Aid Our I'erelga Trade Relations. It was the purpose cf the eemrr ltt t de vise a provision that will r.abi rci-pro-'lty treaties to te made. nt ti se cure the larger imrortatl"n cf Ar.urcan manufactures into the South and Central American countries, but also to o;-r. trie marke's of European co'tntries, piirt leu la rly Germany and France, to the fr-vr ue of American mca(e.s)ui.d agri. ultural products ter.crai'y. It has alnady b.en decide! to phi the following articles In thw-lis; of Koo ! h:rt will be used for reciprocity arrange rru si wi-h other countries: Surar. Spirits. ChampsTnes. Silk seods. Gl.oves. Mincrvl water. Ariioia. f'hu-le. FeAther and mlllinerv crnamert. On all the for-sir.r articles, Impcrted rrir.cijHy from Great Priialn and f the duties will Ie reduced In cons: b-ration of removal of restrictions ar.d f . r e 'er reciprocal Brran?errents m of Amer ican jrdtKtts, such as breadstuff?-, l:vs stcek iind meats. No ihiintes are male In the a lmtris trtetlve features of the exi.stln hnv. Tl'.e prevent Internal revenue aro r.t t jut hed at all, elthe-r as to ratc-s c-r rt-u-latlon. MURDER IN THE AIR. A Terrible Experience Among llbtod Thirsty and Merciless ItatlvrM. During the recent Mashona uprisir,? it was reported in iontrland that V. E. r.ratitl.a vounir rirosncctor-hail he-on niur- elered by the natives. He afttrwaiJ ca Hex! from Fert Salisbury that he waj afe. In a letter to his parous, wlio liod nt the Iiistow. iu North Devon, he par rutes hii f xperiences. Amonjj otber thlucp be writes: "tirovca atid tuyself started from Lo Mn-undi on' June 10, two days before the war broke out. with scroti 'boys,' two Mashouas and five Zemizi. I w1 two jKilicemen oa the road. 45 mile from town; next mornirjir both '.tore murdered. I reached the store on the l.'th and met Groves there. We 'eft the store next mom mar and started for Arig-we, 30 miles olT. As we pn.ocl cIoriEr we thotifht th,-r was sotuethil? suspicious, as the nijrirers all iiad pur.s and were hiding in the loniif prass. 1 went up to a kraal and asked for to? thirds which I had left there five months njro. but they refused to give them up. so I cleared. "Wo finished our work at Ang-we and came back. When ww got to the store we saw four men who had been brutally murdered, evidently by battle axes. They were lying on their stomachs, and had been drnpejred out of the store Into the veldt. They were blown out to a tremendous size, and when we turned them over their faces were eaten away. We walked to Jameson's camp to see If we could find any more bodies- "Then we walked on to Ayres farm. 25 miles, where we thought we should be safe, but I had to shoot both mjr Mashona for safety, and lucky for me that I did. We arrived at Ayres at seven a. m where we thought we were going to have n good breakfast, as we had had nothing to eat for two days, I rushed up to the huts Hk mad, "and just as I reached the first the brutes jumped up oil round us. with buttle axes and knob kerrles, and yelled. They fired about 20 shots at us before we cleared. AH the 'toys were shot, and then they chased us. One gave me a blow on the back with a battle as, but cut only through my coat Yin shot six and ran across a place like the Burrows, bullets tearing tip the groun.1 all around us, but fortunately never hit us. 0n bullet went through my hat, which wa not pleasant. At last we got away. There must have been 300 or 400 of the brutes. We got into a wood and dodged x and then my legs gave wa3', and 1 could go no further. - -Wearrlved at Fort Salisbury like two broken-down tramps." N. Y. World-.