Newspaper Page Text
BARAGA DEPARTMENT. J. G. Turner, M.D.. L'ANSE and BARAGA. L'Anse Offlc at Residence, Railroad St Uaraga OOice oyer Jerry's Pharmacy. Ofllcn tlourt at Baraga 10 a. m., to 13 m ana 7 to a p. m. E9Telephone calls Promptly Answered Day or Nlsht. LOCAL ITEMS. This time it was one ou J erry . W M. Sago, of Minneapolis, was. . .. horn Saturday last. jTlsnui Mrs Charles Auge returned rrom rhaasftll friends yesterday. g Vlblb w- - " The farmers will doubtless get their hay cut at Schwalm's this season. ti. Moctor left for Chicasro and other points on business Thursday afternoon. Fobert Wilson returned from a business trip to the copper country Wednesday. tt C. Work, of Watertown, Wis., was calling on tho merchants in town Saturday last. j R Crcbassa has opened a grocery store in the lJurt building oa Ontonagon street. The tug Colton, ownwi by the ufur p state, is being put in con dition for the season's work. S. Rnemer, of Toledo, N. W. Ward, of Chippewa Lake and W. J. it.,hv nf Detroit, wero in town the lore part of the week. John McGuire, who has been lum berin" near Silver Mountain during the winter, finished work in that vicinity Saturday last. When In need of anything in the iine of job printing, call on Tin Skntinei.. All work guaranteed first-class and turned out on short notice. M.itt Armstrong, who has been at the Yellow Dog in the interest of known in this community, where the Nester estate for the past two they have maay friends who will r three months, returned nome ai unite in wishing them a -Thursday. township won the victory over the sulo in IJarag Citizen's ticket at the election housekeeping at c Monday. We were unable to get tie vote in time for publication this week THE BIG STORE, j. h. Mcdonald, DKALER IN to ascertain if the unfortunate man had any relatives and where they are located." Wanted A irood irirl for perioral housework. Apply to Mrs. John Funke. lljmcueal. A pretty wedding occurred in Baraga Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, tho contracting parties being Mr. H. W. Robinson and Miss Maude Iiryer, both residents of this city. The ceremony was per formed at the home of the bride's uncle, Mr. Alex. Martin. Rev. Allen, of Ishpeming, officiat ing. Only a few relatives and friends of the contracting parties were present. The parlors were beautifully decorated with choice flowers. The bride was attended by Miss Gail Robinson, sister of the groom, and John Wagner, of Chasscll, officiated as best man. After the ceremony the guests partook of an elaborate wedding The young people are both well nrosnerous and haunv future Mr. ana Mrs. uooinson win a and commence once. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Cash Store I Reduced Prices t SIMON DENOMIE, ASSININS, MICH. DBALX IV (ENERAL MERCHANDISE, ..Fruits and General Produce.. .."Wholesale Dealer in.. Lake Superior Salted and Fresh Fish. For Sale. On Anril 15th I will have for salo at my barn in this village one car load of good farm and driving hnrsp.'j. nnft rorload of fine bred cows, which I will sell at reasanable prices. .Thoso tlesirmg a gooa horse or cow should not fail to call at my barn on that date. W. S. Urkbassa, Uaraga, Mien. Mi-sa T. W.ihl invitvw thi lrulifs of Uaraga and vicinity to call at her n- . 1 t i . . i : 1 muunery panurs m u vnso, aim iu- Threeoime pupus 01 fspect ner new spring nats ana oon- jrradc of the Raraga High school J net3 Exquisite taste and a dash were successful at the teachers' ex- 0f style characterize each hat dis- .: :..- of . If111 rht.nn (n'..l 1 luiiiiaiiuu uvm ----- - uiavt'u. the 'Gth ult.. and received their rertifieutes Monday. Tho members of the Baraga Are department will give a grand Easter ball at Grandvilte Hall, Monday evening, April 19. Olood music will be furnished, and all who attend are assured of a first-class time. Tickets one dollar; supper 4-xtra. The ladies of the M. E. church will give-an Experience Social at the Town Hall Wednesday evening. April 21st. Each lady will cam a dollar for the church and will enter tain you by relating her experience ASSININS. over from BARAGA MICH. FRESH STOCK - NEW GOODS. The United Homo Protoctors Build ing and Loan.of Port Huron, Mich. i Tofji) oiiut tar V20 month u follows MrmhvKhin fa I I5D jelVrtitifat fee 100 "50e per quarter expeoiwi 30 W "Sl-!iU !'- month (monthly In- o BtalluieiiU mO 09 Smoke the "Rose Rud"cigar the best 10-cent cigar on the market. Manufactured by Falk A Weber, Baraga, Mich. T3 3 Total f-tH 50 g j NelprotlU 21M5U?5 Fac Value of one hr 5i Total for l'JO mootb. m fiIh)w: . ietrHMTnnip lee.... a a soa b w SOrtiHonte fee .... 1 00.2 Medu-al examination I 7S 5 a. "SftOc pr quarter expense . .... 20 OO4 5 )c per 110O maturity cohI li 00 sil.SO x IJD mouth (montbt lc o r.lcKinley Hotel. BARAGA, MICH., ALEX. MART1Y. Ptoprletor. The Home has been thoroughly re medied, and tt the best equipped hotel In Barana county. Rates $l 50 per day. BAUER HOUSE BARAGA, MICH., W. J. BAUEK. Proprietor. rr--:.... .. f'hsniill Itnuie. I desire to inform the public that I whall ruo a atrictly flrat-Pla.8 Hotel, ine nouw biw. .ii.r....K.. j renoYated, and put to excellent abape. tlood naniDle room In connection. Kate 1 .00 and .' 00 per day. J. C. Crebassa was Sand Point Tuesday. Nejirlv all of the vouns men at this place have left for the drive. Sugar makers are bringing in some very fine sugar. S. Denomie and daughters Lizzie and Nancy, were at Hancock Fri day and Saturday. Mrs. Joseph Peters, of Baraga, called ou friends hero Monday. M.Mlmr M Justin went to Han- t'lUUUU lit. I lv I. -.v..... indoiiiL'sn. Coffee, douirhnuts and ; cock Wednesday. She was accom- rake will be served. Admission, in- panied by Miss Maggie Benson, eluding lunch, only 10 cents. The he, Misses Maggie Kebesadon ladies will also have forty or fifty d jjaVie Willett, of Lake Linden lancy and plain aprons ur haie dt callod on friends here Wednesday, reasonable pru:es. Be sure to at- . H.W. Robinson atallaieoUi... Trtal Net prolUn. ISO 003 a ... W9 75 S-g Fave Talue of 1 hhare ,...$&00W 5 f counts examined by State Bankinir Depart- amount certain. No aathnrtzed capital too It la Ihia InHtitatioB. P. M. OKTZBN. Sec'y, uaraga. Harness Stiop CARL SCUMEL1NO, Prop'l. All kinds of GARDEN SEEDS. Wilbur's seed meal, for horses, cattle and fowls. Prices Reasonable. Terns Cash. Ontonagon St., Opp. Town Hall, Baraga. Mich. tend and help a good cause. Tho following guests were regis tered at Hotel Vendomo this week: II. Wendels, C. B. Burt. H.O.Kuhl tnan. C. II. Buckley, Chicago; J. S. Williams, Memphis; C. V. Seeber. Houghton; J. I. Russell, Ishpemlny; Julia M. Smythe, Greenland; W. H. Houteii, nay Uity; li. s. ieau, wu lupiu E. Th -Milwaukee: J. W. Richards. Cleve land;W. A. Springer, Boston; H. ij iiorton, rwen. ipids; F.H. Brotherton. Escanaba; ; jnj Up. . Niehuls.Nestoria; Jas. McDonald; . lf , . hree Lakes; A. Daeyel, J. Koenen, " ;:imnol Tvin has taken a con tract to peel and sharpen a quantity of pound net pools for S. Peuonwe. Joseph Vasseur of Ontonagon, was at this' place this week, and is think ing of locating here. . . Fishermen are removing their nets from under the ice as rapidly i nossible. The ice is now break h aud family removed to Marquette Monday, where Mr. has secured a position with the: Bead Kiver lurnoer conipauy fur the season. Upper Peninsula Brewing Co., MARQUETTE AND NEGAUNEE. EXPO RT & TABLE BEER For family use. Brewed absolutely from pure malt and hops. Mail or telephone orders will receive prompt attention. mwmmmwmwmmmmmMmMrmiim,,hriiiMtV " mum "urn mmm i (A. FALLETT, WATCHMAKER, Dealer in Watches and Jewelry The Repairing and Adjusting of- S Fine "Watches a Specialty BAUAOA. MICH. Single) and Double Harness, RoIms, aud Horse Furnishing Goods of Kvcry Description. All Kind of Hume Medicine. Fred Stewart, Veterinary SurpnX Dentist Graduate of the Toronto Veterinary Col Hge, N located at McMillan & Girard's Livery Barn, BARAGA, M1CO. I ra prepared to treat all dUeaso of llorrcs and Cattle. Lame Horse a Specialty. Colts Castrated. tWMj Trices re Monerate. I have secured the Agency for the Robinson Thermal Bath Cabinet, W. E. DOORE, Attorney at Law, BARAGA, - MICH. Law, Real Estate. Convey ancing? anu insurance. JAHE3 MclO-HON, DKAl.EK IK Choice Imported aod Domeftic WINES, LIQUORS THE BEST PLACE To Get a First-Class Hair Cut Or an Easy Shave is at Chas. Evans' Tonsorial Parlors, Nester Hotel Block, BARAGA, V MICU Call and be rnnrlnred. AND CIGARS, BARAGA. MICB. Oeadqaarterc for SCULITZ'S CELE BRATED MILWAUKEE LGER DEER. William Coach, of Raraga. administrator of the Gregory state, Lake Linden, Friday of last week made a big sale f lumber in behalf of the estate and himself. The purchaser I is John Dalzell, representative of J Lumber Co., of Boston and Detroit, and the sale amounts to $200,001). The Gregory mill at Lake Linden was in operation scarcely two full months during last summer, whil.' the coming summer will see it run ning continuously day 'ind night with a full force about seventy-live men. Already a force of men is at vork in preparing the mill for the summer 'si cut. and it U expected everything will bo in readiness by tho lfith Inst. The services of Mitchell Dellaas, of Marquette. have been secured as mill foreman. There are at present a considerable num ber of logs at the mill and no delay will bn occasioned from this source. Wednesday a fine deer was seen on the ice on tho bay running to wards Baraga at a lively gait. If the animal could talk it might make a complaint to our game ana iwi -The... -Greatest -Known . -Health... -Protector and -llestorcr. A " Dog-iroue" Trick. A certain druggist (who, by the war, does not live over a hundred ..,:!.. j r,.,m H!:vnU'enhorn A L'O. S i null ..... - meat market) a few days ago owued- a real, live, cocker spaniel dog with j i. - ...I.' 1. ... ...l.J nnir.ilillll a pedigree imu uuiu t"w Nester 's skit burner. But that famous dog recently died, and fit- j ting preparations were completed; for its-interment. As the funeral) procession moved slowly up thej street, the iearly tears were seen j . ,.mnAi from Jerrv's eves, but whether from sorrow for the dear -Treatment -in your -own home -by the -use of this -Cabinet. Cash Meat Met M. KENEFICK, Prop. r FresH and Salt Meats Fish and Canned ;ood., Etnts and Gutter. Poultry, Etc.. ail iseleci stock. Also choice, frMb Oysters, ', Olery, Cabbage aod Vagotablus, Kto.. Lie. Dealer in. High... ...Grade BAND SAWED LUMBER. Custom Sawing a Specialty. Baraga. Mich, John A. Cochran & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Lemon pop, strawberry pop, vanl'la p p, fdnfter ale, leltztr water, iaraparlll and root beer. Goods de livered la L'Anse, requam lii(C and Baraga. Each Treatment costs Only 7 cents. ..Call and Iscertsli Full PartlCHlars ..or(ml hp for inv at observing a The fill loan nt Ij t.tton from the utt.U of Milwaukee cominr his way Wipeining Iron Ore of Saturday last: iu the hands of a friendly saloon 'J;iiipsi vi,;, .i inmtu.rnitin. ilicii I i-n,i- w left for the reader to de- Xunduy morning at tho camps of the! termin'o. At any rate, he bathed bis griei in ins laviuire twu., the final resting place was reached, A Complete Line of the... Nester estate to the north of this ty. Deceased had been in the camps bat two days, coming from ne of tho camps doing business in that locality, ilo was sick when he ameand was advised to go to the hospital at Marquette, on which he tala an admission ticket. Ho begged to be permitted to remain where he 'as, however, saving that he would bo all right in a few days. The re mains were brought to this city Sunday evening. Coroner Prin viewed the remains Monday morn ing and decided that the man had died from natural causes, it not be g necessary to empanel a jury. The body was deposited in the vault Tuesday morning, where it will be held untilthe snow disappears. In the meantime efforts will be made whore a oretty grave had been pre pared, aud the chief mourners lowered into the grave a casket of ...Atio.1 tit hoi snwdust. When niiai jtuiv. v. Jerry and his assistants returned and found tnat a nuge jokc uuu uwu him their irrief new no bounds, and at the present writing the "strongarm" is going up over the hill by a circuitous route with the genuine corpse, and possibly a Duriai may taae lawtt lias rltwa ited two dol lars with his private secretary to be given anyoociy wno wui iu, hut he sava it must be the .x,ni not a rouirh box. as he knows how to plant boxes himself Celebrated Dr Smith's Hottest John Trusses. The Best Truss Manufactured. J.G.REAL, Druggist, BARAGA - MICH. I'rW Kasoitabi. Call and r-a ronviuo. POSTOFFICE, B.--E. IBBOTTSOJf. ...DEALEU IN... Choice Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars VOTIirNO BUT FIRST- CLAS GOODS UANDLED. BA.BAOA, CO It. MAIN AND ON TOXAGON ST3. Mien. BARAGA. i HOTEL YENOOME, MRS. E. BURT, Prop'r, First-Class. Newlj Furnished Throuli- The EAGLE LIVERY DARM... William Crebassa, Proprietor, ' Huston's Old Stand. Baraga. Mich. Horses and Vehicles first class, and Prices rery reaso able. ... Stable open daj and night for the Accomodation of the Public. E. H. ORMSBY Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. PartlenUr Attention pld to Collections. Call and eo me. Office in TOWN HALL, - UARAGA, MICH. DR. VU. R. STRMGIIAU, BARAGA. MICH. Office in New Drug; Store, Postoffice Block. PIONEER CIGAR FACTORY. Baraoa, Micu. FALK & WEBER, PROPRIETORS. If vou want a first-class smoke, try the following choice brands ot our ten-cent cigars: Spanish Favorite, Rose Bud, Senate Bouquet, Double Luck. Thev cannot be Surpassed. W also manufacture the choicest line of 5-cent cigars to be found in tne state. C. McMillan & Girard, BARAGA LIVERY Single or Double Rigs with or wlifco Driver. FlohloK or hunting parties furnhheJ with Competent Guide, We keep nothing but good horsei aoi wagons and give good atten tion to our ratrond, McMillan & girard, Duiuth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway. TIME TABLE. In Effect Jan. 31st, 1897. Trains Leave Baraga. For Detroit and the East dally and Een dally eicept Suoday Houghton and the Cooper Country, For Chicago & Marquette For Houghton ana tue Cnnnar l..tiintr. (Dally, t Dally except Sunday.) ror ticneto, umt taoies, ana om - formation apply to , C. L. Rochb, Ticket Arent, Baraga, Mia 10:00 A. M, f 12:93 P. M. f:30 P. M fl:lT P. M.