Newspaper Page Text
The L'Ansc Sentinel. CCO. C. JACK1A3, EdK-r m4 PsblUhw. ''ANSE. I I I ' MICHIGAN. The Kows Condensed. . 1 " ... - r- . All n-4 important inicuicnco rrun u i CONGRESSIONAL. Proceedings of tbo Special Session. In thesenateon theth ult. progress on the tarlft bill wai checkca, mo plate para graphs urovVnK a source of controversy inminir throughout the day. As a result little mora than a page of the bill was d!- noscd of. A short session was neiu on tn Slat ult., but no business waa transacted The house met and Immediately adjourned Senator Pettlgrew Introduced a bill In the enato on the 1st to iirovlde for the submis sion to a popular vote at the congressional c-loctlon of of the questions whether congress shall enact a law providing fur the Immediate free and unlimited coinage of allvcr and gold at the ratio cf sixteen to one and to amend the constitution bo na to tirovldo for the election of I'nlted (States senator and of the president and vice pres ident by direct vote of the people. 1 ne tar iff l. Ill wan further discussed. ...In the house no business of Importance waa trans rt.,1 The senate made greater progress on the tariff bill on the 2d than on any aay since th debate opened, completing more than half of the Important metal schedule. The house was not In session. The senate again made good progress on the tarllt bill on the 3d, covering about ten page of tho metal schedule and almost completing It. ...In the house thcconferencc report on the Indian appropriation bill was adopted. Mr. Terry (Ark.) endeavored to bring up Cuban affairs as a privileged question, but was defeated. DOMESTIC Memorial day was generally observed throuphout the country. "Ilud" Franks, a horse trader of San Antonio, Tex., wound up a drunken spree by murdering Lis wife and then blowiu;,' out 1) is brains. Mr. Dannie L. Ilarr, her four-year-old bnbe and her sister, Miss Miittie L. Alexander, aged 14, were till drowned in a tank near the house in Abbot, Tex. A train (struck u wugon full of chil dren near Denver, Col., and four of the little ouch were killed and two others were fatally injured. The Cheyenne Indians went on the war path in Montana and lulled a dozen rnen, including five United States sol diers. The innnlh of Mny jus.t passed was the coldest on record. ('eorge Hepshirc and his son Herbert, lifted n and 15 respectively, were drowned at Shady liend, Kan., in the Valine river. A distinct curthrjuakc wns ex peilenccd throughout the south At lantic and middle southern slates. Uhilo driving from l'rimghar. In., to his farm between Sibley and Oeheydan F. I). Frey, un aged man, was frozen to death. Constat inc Kerr and Corporal Ilockin, of the mounted police, und Krncst Grim ily, postmaster of Duck Lake, Man., were shot dead near that pluee by In dians. A tally-ho, with jiarty of 21 persons from the Greene Aveuue Uuptist church, Drooklyn, N. Y was Ft ruck by a truin nt Valley Stream and five of tho young people were killed. The Hubbard Milling company at Mankato, Minn., failed for $500,000. Maria nnd Frances Dutler, unmarried Bisters about 50 years of uge, committed nulcide at their home in Lowell, Mass., because of financial losses. Miss Mildred lirewster, li years old, shot Miss Annie Wheeler, also 18 years of age, nt Montpelier, Vt., nnd then sent a bullet into her own brain. Jealousy was the rause. Snow fell at Oshkosh and other por tions of Wisconsin nnd in some places In Minnesota. The percentages of the baseball clubs in the National league for the week ended on the 31st uit. were: JJaltimore, .742; Cincinnati, .070; Pittsburgh. .072; 1'oston, .000; Clevelnnd, .507; New York, .519; Louisville. .500; Philadelphia. .485; lirooklyn. .431; Chicago, .XVJ; Wash ington, .300 ; St. Louis, .183. The visible supply of grain in the United States on the 1st wns: Wheat, 29,889,000 bur-.hels; corn, 12.217,000 bush els; oats, , 909.000 bushels; rye, 2.021, 000 bushels; barley, 1,414,000 bushels. The government receipts during May were $29,797,390 and the disbursements were $29,109,259, leuving the surplus for the montli $088,131. The deficit for the 11 months of the present fiscal year amounts to $32,273,121. The public debt statement issued on the 1st shows that the debt decreased $1,500,080 during the month of Mny. The cnsli balance in the treasury was $807,490,820. The total debt, less the cash balance in the treasury, amounts to $990,084,052. Samuel A. Jervis, a switchman, 41 years old, stabbed to death Mrs. Pertha Johnson, aged 30 years, at New Orleans, nnd then killed himself. Jealousy was the cauce. 4 James PobertB nnd his wife and three children were killed by an engine at a railway crossing near Alma, 111. The Merchants' bank nt Lincoln, Neb., closed its doors with liabilities of $50, 000. . .. ' Grlswold & Clllct, bnnkers nnd brok ers In New York, have made an assign ment with liabilities of $200,000. Five children wero burned to death In the residence of J, II. White, two miles from Keystone, W. Vn., during the ab sence of their parents. A railway engine blew up nenrChrls tlansburg, W. Va killing Joe Waskie, engineer, Jim Gillespie, fireman, and Flagman William Byrne. The reports as to the condition of the crops throughout the country show that cold weather has caused slow Urowth. . At Louisville, Ky., Frank Scnn low ered the world's bowling record, mak ing 20 successive strikes" before leav ing the alley. At a banquet of "the commercial clubs in Cincinnati Secretary Gaga in speech predicted a speedy settlement of the tariff question" by congress and a early industrial revival . I Thomas II. Peed, speaker of the bouse, received a letter warning him that un let, certain specified legislation was promptly expedited he would be as sassinated. The one hundred and first anniver sary of the admission of Tennessee into the union was appropriately celebra ted at tho Centennial exposition in Nashville. Mr. Preston, the director of the mint, says the production of gold in 1890 was $53,000,000, an Increase of over $g.2j0, 000 as compared with 1S93. The pro duction of silver was 57,700,000 fine ounces, nn increase of 1,900,000 ounces over 1695. Six persona were fatally burned nnd a seventh trampled to death durin u fire panio in a circus nt Lynn, Mass. Edgar Harris, a Pultimorc letter car rier, 32 years of age, shot nnd killed h'.n 12-yenr-oId son George nnd his daugh ter Ada. wounded his daughter hi la, aged 14, and then shot himself. He wns insane over the recent death of his wife. The International commercial confer ence was formally opened at the Acn-1-cmy of Music in Philadelphia with an address by President McKInley. John G. Carlisle, secretary of the treasury under Grover Cleveland, has opened a law office in New York. At St. Joseph, Mo., Lottie Adams threw red pepper into the eyes of Wil liam Mclntyre because he jilted her, de stroying his eyesight. Will Hall, n constable, shot and killed Russell Sullivnn and D. T. Pattison nt Bradley, Miss. John Borten nnd wife, living nenr Edgerton, Ind., were fatally injured in a runaway. President McKinley has appointed Miguel A. Otero, of Las Vegas, to be governor of New Mexico. The gold production In South Da kota in lS'JO was 235,413 fine ounces, u gain over 1S95 of 48,220 ounces. j'harles 15. Zcchau, receiving teller of the German American national bank in St. Paul, was arrested on the charge of embezzling $13,000. Fire in the wharf property along the river front at Alexandria, Va.. caused a loss of $100,000. Prominent growers predict for Mich igan a peac h crop this year that will not equal ten per cent, the usual yield. The Illinois senate killed n bill to al low 30 days' horse racing und pool-selling in the state. A 15-year-old son of L. Schwartz, of Greene, la., while attempting to unload gun accidentally discharged the weapon, killing his two sisters. A mob attempted to take "Click" Mitchell (colored) from' the jail at Urbana, O., where he was Ferving a sentence of 0 years for criminally as saulting a white woman, but soldiers guarding the jail fired on the mob, killing two men and injuring seven others. David Wilson (colored) wns"hanpe:l at Morristown, N. J., for the murder of i his wife on Jure 0, 1890. William M. Boggs, paying teller of the First national bank nt Dover, Del., con fessed that he wns $35,000 short. 'Jesse Wny was sentenced nt Indian apolis to seven years in the Indiana state prison for counterfeiting. lie Is 80 years old nnd has spent 45 years of his life in prison. ITolman Beeves' livery '-stable wns burned nt Marion, Ind., and 29 horses were cremated. The grcntest fire that ever visited Al exandria, Va., broke out in Bryan's fer tilizing mill nnd did damage to the extent of $450,000. Benjamin U. and refer M. Borland, formerly of Oakville, Cnn.. were killed by Indians on Mount Wnhsateh. Cnl. At Arlington and other portions of Teas many houses were destroyed nnd crops ruined by a tornado. The entire plant of Jones & Lnughlin, nt Pittsburgh. Pa., was closed down on account of a strike and 3,500 men were idle. The new armored -cruiser. Brooklyn sailed from New York, for England to participate in the queen's jubilee. Nine German Catholic pastors in Cin cinnati announce that hereafter ser mons in English ns well ns in German will be preached in their churches. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL Thomas A. Boyd, n member of con gress from 1870 to 18S0. died at his home in Lewistown, 111., aged 67 years. The tenth nnnunl convention of the National Republican league will be held In Detroit, Mich.. July 13. James T. Lloyd (dem.) wns elected to congress from the First district of Mis souri to succeed the late It. p. Giles. Mrs. Maria Pruett (colored) died nt Chillicothe, O., nged 104 years. Mary Ann Pheister, mentally sound nnd physically strong, celebrated her one hundred nnd second birthday anni versary at her home near Pntaskala, O. -Mrs. Christine Ivniser died at Hazel Green, Wis., nged 108 years. Charles II. Andrews, one of the pro prietors of the Boston Herald, died at the age of 03 years. William II. Crawford, one of the most widely-known breeders nnd owners of trotting horses in the country, died in Chicago, nged 52 years. James B. Ireland celebrated the hun dredth anniversary of his birth at his home in Skillmnn, Ky. The democrats of the Fourth district of Indiana nominated F. M. Griffith for congress to succeed the late Judge IIol mnn. Vice President Garret A. Ilobnrt cele brated his fifty-third birthday In Wash ington. , FOREIGN. During a Are panic in a cnthedrnl at Plan, Italy, seven persons were killed and 17 others wounded, three fatally. Sultan Abdul Ilamid has changed his mind , and James B. Angell will go to Turkey at United States minister. The premier, Senor Canovas del Cas tillo, tendered to the queen regent of Spain the resignation of the cabinet, owing to the difficulty the ministers experienced In carrying on the govern ment. ' .. ( ) -i '.'"'. . I. The report of wholesale burials ulive at Li man, Jtussia, of fellow members by Hussion religious fanatics has been con-fi-mcd, . Tho report, lhat Mark Twnlo, the American humorist, was dying in hum ble lodgings in London wns denied. The American steamer Valencia wns fired upon by the Spanish cruiser Maria Mercedes while coming out of the Gunn tannmo lmy. The Turks have signed the extension of the: armistice, nnd it was expected that peace negotiations would begin promptly nt Constantinople. It is officially nnnounced that nn armistice has been signed between the Greek and Turkish military command ers in Thessaly and Epirus, to con tinue until the conclusion of the peace negotiations. The steamer Massachusetts rrn down In the English channel during a fog a fishing boat and its four occupants were drowned.) The loss of the British ship ZcJUkn, bound from New York for Wellington, New Zealand, resulted in the death by .drowning of 12 men. LATER. The Fortieth legislature of Illinois adjourned sine die. There were 241 business failures in the United- States in the seven days ended on the 4th, against 214 the week previous and 234 in the corresponding period of 1890. The M. V. Monnreh company, n dis tillery corporation, failed nt Owensboro, Kv.. for $100,000. Henry White, nged 20, wns hanged at Columbus, Gn.. for his share in the slaughter of three policemen on the 14th of last October. A scow blew up in the river in Chicago nnd six men were killed. A cyclone swept over a territory 20 miles long nnd a hnlf mile wide in Genessee county, N. . Y;, '. doing great damage to property and killing Mrs, Charles Cook nnd her little boy. C. B. Barrentine and John Brown, liv- fiiy nenr Cabot, Ark., fought a duel and both were killed. AVillinni P. CInrk. Sr., died in Indian apolis at the ngc of 87. He is supposed to have been the oldest newspaper man in the country, having seen continuous service for 75 years. President McKinle3' has signed tho bill revoking Mr. Cleveland's forestry reservation order. Three men named Bottcher. Blick- stone and Holinque were killed while trying to cross a glacier near Frince William sound. James Lewis (colored), convicted of criminal assault on Mrs. Keidcli, wns hanged nt Fairfax, Vn. Reports from many business centers In the country say that the commer cial situation compares favorably with that of most prosperous years. Lady Henry Somerset hns been re elected president of the British Wom en's Temperance association for the eighth time. Two lives were lost nnd ten citizens were wounded in a riot nt Urbnnn. O., nnd five hours Inter Charles Mitchell, n negro, who was the cnuse of the trouble, was taken from the jail by infuriated citizens nnd lynched. Chnrity Green,, nged 105 years, died in Boston. She wns born in Portsmouth, Vn., n slave. Richard Caldwell (colored) killed Mary Jenkins (colored) nt Cniro, Ill nnd wns himself shot dead by Deputy Sheriff Moore while resisting nrrest. John Anderson and Andrew Johnson were drowned in the lake neur Gothen burg, Neb., while fishing. Canovas nnd his conservative cabinet nre to remain in ollice in Spain. The queen regent hus ugain confirmed Canovas ns premier. The French boat Liberto, engaged in the Iceland fisheries, wuf lost with 23 members of her crew. A fire in the factory of the Standard Biscuit company in San Francisco cost three firemeu their li'-es and entailed a property loss of $100,000. .'John Walters, an aeronaut, fell from his balloon nt Centerville, la., a dis tance of 40 feet nnd wns killed. Nikola Tesln, of New York, announce that he has perfected his scheme of sending telegraph,.. messuges without wires. An earthquake shock wns distinctly felt in Decorah, la. No damage is re ported. At Sal em, W . Vn., John Nicholson ond Ida, members of prominent fam ilies, were married, and hoodlums w ho went to their home to hold a charivari fired n gun and the bride wns killed. J. II. Mnybury, of the University of Wisconsin, broke the world's running record for 220 yards, going the distance In Chicago in 21 2-5 seconds. Peter Pluckermnnn, a farmer living nt Mishlcott, Wis., shot nnd killed his wife nnd then killed himeself. Do mestic trouble wns the cause. I Violent earthquake shocks rocked buildings at Butte, Mont., nnd miners report that the shock wns distinctly felt 1,500 feet down in the enrth. The' town of Foyil, I. T.,.was de stroyed by a cyclone and one persou was killed. The percentages of the baseball clubs In the Nntionnl league for tho week ended on the 5th were: Baltimore. .727; Cincinnati, .007; Boston, .657; Pitts burgh, .550; New York, .545; Cleveland, .520; Brooklyn. .528; Philadelphia. .500; Louisville. .444; Chicago. .389; Wash- Ington, .273; St. Louis, .211. The United States senaie had a period f speechmuklng on the 4th. and ns a result little progress wns mnde on the tariff bill. The advance covered about two pages, nnd bronght the work nn to the wool schednle. the first item of which wns considered, but not com pleted. The nomination of Ellia Roberts, of New York, to be treasurer of the United States, was received from the president. - The house waa not in session. When the United States senate laid aside the tariff bill on the 6th It had reached the sugar schedule, which had been the subject of so much interest and ! conflict. The house waa not in session. -t- "DOT DISOOCLE." Some Sace Observations br. Here pfunrheltaer. Rneakir.ff of bisoocles. 1 haf gathered Bonio supertitootioas rich I vill gif to der fraternity so dat dcy may be varned by time in, nlretty. yust like desc: , It la a sure sign of death by drownd ing If a veelmuu passes py an open draw fridge. To bo chased by a large, open-faced bulldog is a sure sign dot der veelmans vill got his goff soxings tored up by his legs on. if you ceo a Email boy buying a baper of tax it foretells a puncture py der near future in. If a veelman pas3 a von-eyed man rid ing horscpack py a von-earcd mool on und dot veelman doan'd Kay: "Squld dledevinklovinks" fampf times he vill meet up py an accident right avay qvick. , if your vife sends you py an errand ouid'und you forget all abouid it und go by your veel' for u epin on it it is a sign dot your dinner vill bo cold for several two or t'rec days. To sit down suddenly py der cold, cold ground onis n srga of disappoint ment und severe pains. If you buy a bisooclo suit fdr zwei dollars ,tind got caught by a rainstorm ould- it is a cure sign clot you vill hav to go home by a barrel In. . To ride any distance close py dot cleveated roads under is a fclgn dot you vill got your bisoocle clothes unfit fox publications. To ride ofer a large hole py der street in is a sign dot somebody vill had to call dernmbulance. Make a visit ven you pass a load of empty barrels und it vill conns Itrue. If it doan'd yust hunt up dot rWn vol he own dem barrels und told him vol you t'inks of him nlretty once. If vou ttub your right toe und your left knee und der back of your head all py tier same times it is a sure sign uoi dem Adirondax mountains have topped your veel from going any fur- der. If you break n looking-glass vile ouid riding pv vour bisoocle on It is a r.ign dot you haf left der street nnd hni climbed py n furniture vngon inside, nin'dit? . If der lamp py your veel on goes ouid it is n sing dot you vill get py a con versations in r.:it n policomans. To drop your veel und climb py 0 hurry up in under n barb vire fence s n sign dot a bull is chasing you. To see dor new moons py your right shoulders ofer is a sign of good luck, but ven you fee der new moon unci zwei million stars ell py a heap in it Is a rigu dot your bisoocle have stopped sudden ly und has fired you py a rock und your head on, nin'd it? If a veelmans he is getting $15 a veek und he pays $100 cash for a bipoocle i is a sure sign dot he viil not go py dersca shores dis summer, vot you don'd t'inks? Ven your sveclheart doan'd vant no more ices cream ur.d says dot you should safe up your moneys mid be economical it is a sure sign dot you vill haf to buy a tnndems built for zwei right avay qvick purty soon. If you pass a telegraf t pole it Is a sign dot you vill got home in time for sup per. It is a pad omen to haf your tire road house In ven you aret'irsty. 'It is unlucky to meet der cowcatcher by an express train on ven you arc going ofer n railroads crossing. It is n bad omen to have j our tire punctured by a meat nx. It is unlucky to ride ofer n precipices. It is a sure sign dot dare is a Held near py ven you run py a stone fence into. N. Y. World. HE WAS NEW. In the Uarncan, Hut Didn't Propose to Give It Ana;, When a young man marries and opens up a home, one of Lis chief de sii cs is to appear master of the situa tion cud as. much like a veteran us possible. Bluetou, who would be wide ly known by his real name, is a new benedict, and just "settled." 1 1 era is a sample selected from his almost con tinuous conversation at the telephone. "Send fne up a pound of carpet tacks. Number? I don't know anything about the number of tacks in a pound. All you've get to do is to fill my order. And say, Bend me half a peck of nails. Ten pennies? I'm not asking the price, am I? Yes, half a peck, that's what I said. Now I want a saw. Don't j-ou know your business? This is a private resi dence; Mr. Blucton's residence. It's no lumber mill. I don't want any buzz bow or gang saw. Throw In n hammer nnd n hatchet nnd a step ladder; nnd say, I want a good strong stove leg. We broke one in moving. None of j'our business who made the stove. All you've got to do 13 to send up a leg." After swearing for a few minutes, Blucton was rattling away at the gro cery: "Three pounds of steak. What kind? Beefsteak, of course. We're not eating horse steak or sheep 6tenk at our house. Three yards of sausage. Never mind, now, how other people buy it. I always buy by the yard. A gallon of coffee, two dozen frying onions, half a bushel of oranges- yes, half a bushel. Now whose make of canned goods do you handle? AH right, send us a couple of cases of selected, a quarter of a section of cheese, half a bale of lettuce, two of those clgnrv shaped loaves of bread, a pnil of but ter and a sack of sugar. Yes,- just a regulation sack, you know. And, hold on, put In a basket of sprlngepgs. This spring's. Good-by." Detroit Free rress. Three Warn n Crowd, ITostess (entertaining two lady friends, to herself) Oh, dear, I do wish one woild go I have so much to tell either of them about the other! Tit- Bits. . V ' Aceordinc to thrt most (latent nerimenta of the most favored scientists the heat of th lunar rnya which reach the earth, is scercelr Um twelve mil lionth of a degree. ABYSSINIAN ART CRITICS. A 04t jBdctaent tor Menellfc wit Friend and Form Distributed. As the Egyptians, Etruscans and Greeks weio artistic, so, it teems, aro the Abyssinians. As is known, a great organ has been ordered from Berlin for the cathedral of Adis Abeba, the resi dence of Emperor Menclik, and a cele brated Russian painter, Vladiscow, is going there to paiut the Negus as he appeared at the battle of Adowa. The cathedral of Adis Abeba is composed of two churches, one iuside the other. Tho outside one is open to all tho faithful, while the inner is reserved for the sa cred person of the Negus and his family. Emperor Menelik, it seems, has an artistic fancy. Be wished the outer walls of the Inner church to be decorated with religious pictures, and ordered, under the lirst Crispi cabinet, the pictures in Italy, Bending the meas ures of the walls and the windows which break them. The Italian govern ment received the order with great pleasure, and commissioned several artists to paint the pictures, which were almost finished when Eas Makonnen tamo to Italy as ambassador extraor dinary. At Turin he saw the pictures, but they did not please him, the artists having given them the appearance of tapestry, and they were forthwith re fused. The commission was again given, this time to artists in Rome. Ras Makonnen called to examine the sketches, ap proved them on the whole, but suggest ed certain changes. The interpreter wns embarrassed for words to convey the exact idea, and tho Ras, waxing impatient, seized a piece of charcoal, nnd, stooping, drew the design he wanted on the tile floor in a primitive, but thoroughly intelligible manner. The pictures were soon finished. One represented a kind of universal judg ment; in Paradise nre King Humbert, Queen Margherita, Emperor . Mene lik, Signor Crispi, Count Antonelli, who had been Italian representative to Shoa. the Ras Makonnen himself, etc., while in inferno stand Ras Alula, Ras Mangascia and others. The canvases were sent, nnd now, nfter Adowa. one would much like to know if the above mentioned personages retain their re spective positions in Paradise nnd in ferno, and when the 1.000 for them will be paid. Pall Mall Gazette. THE "SUMMER CUTTERFLY." S mnll Tradcnmon Who Torn Cabmen In London. I wonder if you know what a "rum-r-xir butterfly" is? If yon were skilled in tho ways of the cibby, you would know that it is tkerntall trades men who turn cabmen during the pea ton, returning to their legitimate oc cupation when autumn sets in. "But ttrflich', are being gradually weeded out by the police, and a man is allowed to take out a cab-driver's license only when he enn prove, that ho is what he represents himself to be. A cabman's earnings greatly depend, I may say, oa luck; accordingly, the weekly wage am j range from as low as ten ehll'irig to ns high ns two pounds at certain seu pons. The hours, ns you know, are ex ceedingly long. Supposing a man turns out at ten a. m.; he drives the same horse from six to seven hours.and then, c?ianging horses, goes on till threw o'clock in the morning. There is not much difference between hansom-cab drivers and the foiir-v.lw?el men as the public seni to imagine. Not infre quently drivers change and change at)out; thus a four-wheeler nho feeU that the moving of heavy boxes is past his strength will take a han&om; or, r.gain, the hansom cabby who finds that his exposed position brings on rheu matism and kindred ills, will change in favor of the more jog-trot vehicle. Ihere is scarcely a well-known cab tlrivex in London but haa his own spe cial appellation generally given to him in view of some physical or mental pe culiarity. Some idea of the literary at tainments and wide knowledge ofeabby can be given you by the fact that among the nicknames may be found "Trilby," "Lord Randolph Churchill," "Flop the Beadle," "Ulster Jack," "Sweet Apple Joe," "Busy Bee," "Garibaldi," "Nico demus" and "Four-In-Hand." Not In frequently the men ore known to one another only by their pseudonyms. London Sketch. Early Man In E a rope. Judging from skeleton found in Europe, palaeolithic, man was short of ft at u re and hud a low retreating fore head; it is supposed that ho had a yel lowish Bkln, which was covered with coarse hair much like the ninu of Yezo. He was strong in body, but he hnd the diminutive mind of a child. Wild and fierce, he knew little of pity or of love; he was lower In savagery than any we know, but he bore the germs of abet ter race; he was only a hunter, living on the animals he had slain and tho roots and nuts he could gather. At war with his neighbor and at war with himself, his Ufa was nicked with fears and torments, and his mind filled with debasing superstitions, which civiliza tion has hardly yet wholly eliminated. Harvey B. Bashore, laLlppincott's. Reflections of a Bachelor. A girl who wears bloomers and a man's "hat hasn't any feelings to hurt. A wiso woman knows that the mad der her husband Is the harder he'll pound uhe carpet. The woman who sings for an hour and wins the applause of the public isn't generally half as happy as the one who does a hard day's work with some one at the end who- puts his arms around, her and asks her all about 11 Si. Y. rress. Lack of Jurisdiction. Stranger As I was going home late last night somebody fired a pistol at mo nnd shot this hole through my hat. Western Judire What th mluciiUf have I got to do with that? This ain't a bat store. If the man shoots a hole through your head, then come to me and Fll seo what can be done about ltv N. Y. World. . . A Blind Man's aBat7T A story vaa toW the olbcr davbr.t yer of au experience that a Lreth?iV s blind maMiad a few days 8inoe'J was in the city from & small toB 'V sey, where he resides, tionett and stood street street, with pleasure, madam," he responds! !fj offer no- her i n arm W L n eJ-N Broadway, crotwinff in safety. "'ri,nf I very much!" said the woman V mmlam. It is 1 who am thankful '. l inieg. TUe Uraln-O Lair Suit. Rochester, N. Y., May 19, isp- I treat $M,(Xi damage suit instituted'"!!. Miehican Cereal Co. ainst the (ienU l'ura rood Co. is at an end. Tlicv ..tiuT .rwl t.U if f ......... f... 41. ' i! Mace ot coir,.u new friends it is niukinir every dav as well as the adult, may drink with Ikentfo will be furnished in unlimited qimntitin 8uits may come and suit may to Ornin-O goes on forever. X.iY.'jfliii uS Express. . ' ' ' Ilia MUfortnnc. ! i Vyc8'.HB?iJ' 4,1 "m '1 toi'my nedi. debt, but it is my misfortune;, not ioult." " . ' "Your misfortune?" "Yes. You see, 1 have a faculty form4 ing such an excellent impression 'unon n pie that they still jnirsiiit in trusting me Chicago l'ost. A Stout Unekbone la as essential to physical health ns to po& ical consistency. Vor weakness of the tack, rheumatism, and disorders of the kidneyi, the tonic and dietetic action of Hostetten Stomach Hitters is the one thine nftdii 'J he stomach is the mainstay of every oiha orpin, and by inviKoratini; the digrtttoi wun vius preparation, tne spmai eolaan,) and all its dependencies, nre s iiipathetically ttrcnRthened. The dyspeptic and hiiioul will tind it a pure vegetable btimulutnind tonic. Trnde I'snsres. "Here," said the city editor, "ynu ar ft' burstlar was caught at his wJik. fhiti Wionc;." "Why?" asked the preen reporter, "A burglar never works, lie p!i nefarious tailing." l'hilntle.'phi.i N,ni American. Snmiiirr Vncullon. , Interesting illustrated UiokYt pertaij ing to Massachusetts Seashore. an. Inland and li(Jnill Jvevnts, nre issued lv tiic in wngcr department oi the Fall kuvr Lin, the famous route lietween New Ycrl; nnd lioslot). Newirt, Cape Cod, .Manila's Viu vnnl. Nantucket. Jlar llailioi. il..- Whut Mountains, etc., etc., ete. List .of the hook lets will lie. mailed iion loeipt i out- rent stnmo. .Vlilrtss II. lavtur. ,en J l'fl?s'r ARcnt, Ki.ll, INvcr I.ii;r, New Vorii. A Respite. "You won't le wnntrj for two more days yet," snid the ihuf pur veyor of Mhwpk'a to his prUorrr. "Your mnto promises to last -loncer t'an we an ticipated." "Hi'l." said the i!or in the case, "wns always a hard man to Jhwiu Indianapolis Journal. - Not Ills Lor. "Five dollars, please." said the fnsVior Hnntiv lifter nxtpnctinn tile tuolh. "Uut. doctor," protested the vuliwl only came here to nave my toot a pimu -Philadelphia 2sorth American. A Good Hale. "Have you u foot rule you couM Grumnv?'' "Yes. Don't wear tight shoes." Detroit Jt ree Tress, Dropst is ad read disease, but it lia W Ita terrors to those who know that II. H. (ireen & Rons, tho Drops v Bpchlwu of Atlunta. Georgia, treat it with si;. U mat success. Wriio them for pamphlet piv full information. First Nijrhtcr "The man who write u dramatic criticisms for your naper li' know a jrood play from a bad one." EM J "I know it, but what can we !? HJ the only man on the staff who U tall cnougit to see over the bonnets!" Tit-Hits. "I suppose von mav snv the linnevrnooa i at an end when tlie'husbnnd bepins to U out latd at nieht?" "Not exactly. L doesn't really end until the wife inn Pt sleep nain without lielicvuig what new to say for himself." Truth. It takes np most all of our time ref ing to buy things from agents. J We often think it Is a waste of time to live. Atchison Globe. Nervous Thousands are is this conditio They are desiwndeut and gloomy, cannot sleep, have no appetite, no energy, ambition. Hood's Harsaparllla soon bringi help to such people. It gives them paid rich blood, cures nervousuess, creates u apjietitc, tones and strenttthens u stomach and imparts new life and 1 creased vigor to all the organs of the bod;. croosou vigor bo an i Mood PSarsa- O nanlla Is the best In tact the One True Blood Puruw Sold by sll drutfKlsu. ti; six for . soiqpysn druggists, ti: six for fo. Hood's Pills U&1SJ2&& iTry Grain-0! I Try Grain-0! Ask yonr Grocer to-day to A show yon a package of GRAIN-O, the new food A drink that takes the place of coffee. ( The children may drink It without Injury as well as the adult. All who try it like It GRAIN-0 haa that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it Is made from pure groins, and the ' most delicate stomach receives it with out distress. K the price , i of coffeA. ; ' , IS cents and 85 cents ' per package. Sold by all gTOcers. Tastes like Coffee . U l t ha A.. the blind man wrs without i ood on the corner of T-... and Broadway, wishing to r T While delmtinir with V. ,' whether he would try it alone rw , H hceman, a woman came up nnd nl, i.1 him, saying "Mister, woud "on iTF enough to help me ocroxn th0 htYirP n if, such a jam of trucks nnd can. L. r1 in i n iu iu iry 10 cross n nno." blind and you helped me to avoid a dangerous crowitiR very nicely," ,i man. "Oh! 'said the woman in m.rL 1 1 ful tones. "You horrid man! Whv ' have been run over." N. Y. Times' ls1 UIVUW, Bui, iu nuiu in iwi mm, ax a iractini Z snlt, Cinun-U is in greater dcinitnd tt, ever. 1 he new plant only jimt completed . to be duplicated so that not only th3 friends of the delicious food drink wku completely lakes th Ue brljfh And lea halls M.m-loi Their r They Vjod ralr ii We ga dew They m 111," Or gW ing eve Tl lo on Tit w't: 80 life csi