Newspaper Page Text
fi!- The L'Anse Sentinel A USfl'ULICAN NEftStMPKK. Devoted to the lntrU of L'Anne, Barntfa. knJ Itie utlr Comity. Kiitornd rubllsber. s inscription si.w per Vear, Invariably In Advance. Entered n nc'nnl-clat mail mat ter in the J'ont Ojfice at L'Aune. MlllK TO ltUtKIthK. rhe dale "piile each tuWriliet' name in the B rimect adde-on each paper itiilicjte the tune to hnMh ii.of iptK.u i paiu. y '"''"" ";' l,cribennav know t nil nmeiusihow 1,1. ul.- t .; .'.unt n tan... and in i-m: any error n in.nlciiwivitim.rclul.rih payment of m..ney f.n il.,?i..iii. Hi. me duty ..f U.e .number lo ''"r SrStL, .. l tpcrm.'.il it uricieil Uiv.i.iitii.iied. whether the iiIki npiiun ha exfiired or not. If a Mihv rider le- irr. it liiM.oiitinnej he lici:M s.o ii'rtily thu ollite, ,1 p. i( the : l.u The Official Paper of Baraga Count. ttllNTV til l M'K US. Uv A 41 nil 'I t.. Cirvuit JiKlt'i-, Houyhton. J.iiin II. Hn.i.. Sli-nlT. L'AitM-. Wm. K. Hn'atNK, 1'rosccutMii; Attorney. I'e- I U .1 111 I ! if K. I. srove, JmUf.-of IVolnl". H:iriu. ;. I . lti.KHi.1 k. County Clerk and k-jiier of I. An. it vvi.i i.v Tri-risiirpr. L'An. Jamieh'nUKkniiibn, County surveyor. Sj.uir Houiit.iin. K. L. Ston, Circuit Court lummioMoru.-r. liar. i .'a. . ... Jl. J. Stnf.iiT ami J. . McKkpisas. L Vivf, and Hn ii.wiu 'koki;, Jiuratfa, I'oor C.miui- siom-ri. Sl'I'MtVlSOHS. .Ioiin (a wi'iiKi.i.. CAii-.e Town-hip. Mil. s. ii vei l c, Ilir.iL'a f ou ushii. W. I!kk.s Arvint Ton nlii-. KiiKiiMti) K TltKHK ' . -iurr To i)-lii. Jons Lyons, Con iiiun lownshi). iiiiaiii) or SCHOOL. KXA IINKUS". M . J. MlKanv i. County Sellout Coninii.- sioiut, llaraiM. Mi- K. A. I I iiiiv, l.'An-e. J-: A. wii-EM i-n. sp'irr Mt Another fool jumped Irou!c!yn bridge to 't museum jol and only obituary. otT the it dime 'ot an It is stated that the late Harney ISariiato, wlio committed suicide liy j nm ! n from a boat .into tin; sea. left a fort line estimated at between OIIII.HOil ;,lri il'II.IIIMI.IMMI. and took his life because lie became wearv of earinjr fur Lis millioiis. I'oor nmrtal! w V did he iirlit to ut have .ive his aui : happy sufiici.'iit f vast fort tine to pour p. to work by tin day. be mihl have then bee N i.u -I'Al'Kits fr count ry i-t ii 1 1 ui :i -i uf a i'tchts and i of c-li-bi-at iny 1 lie This is nut tu I'M a!! p. it s iisuai) of the port- lea u.s as a re i-suit n't ii. ' i , V....1.1- i-.-ti at. and wi:l cunt nun' eae.i vcar as lony as j.eupli- are on earth and the explosives appl'o-lii'iat'- to the day are mamifact ured. It is nul un!y the youth who stuups over t In- "cannon cracker" tu see wllV it (lues Hut IX plod. plullllitiv. liut (mil -r peo,i!e as Wi ,', never realize the folly u until it is tuo lute, a; blown inlu eternity ui and thev I' Ml ill i'U 'I they arc perhaps ill, .HIM (i lur ll'e. V se l.lell a!ii nt. Foolish men are hasty, I r is claimed 1 hat mui tl ia!i (inn. iimi) lluy.s lir,. bouyht everv year by the ji 'ujile of thc-Cni ted States to display on the Fourth of J uly. More than lDO.oiiil.lMil) flays are tinny t" the bid ze on that day. The ll. iy business, today amounts to s.."iuii (iimi ,( vcar. and fully one Inif the yearly product is immediately destroyed. As more than one-hall the fl ays sol. I are used on the Fourth of July, it may be reckoned that s.".iMHi -orih of flays which wcie lispkivcd this year will be thrown away. All these will be replaced a year hence. Truly. Ihe flay maker has reason to bless tin .American habit of ceiebratlny patriotic an niversaries. Wil.t.iAM.1. I'ltVK. an architect of New York City, has drawn plans for a tower to commemorate the consolidation of Grtulcr New York. The propused tower is tu be . I 1(1 feet in hiyht. in ail icspeets the most, wonderful structure in the world. Th.- Kitlel tower in I'aris is US f'i-.-i in hiyht. or less than half t he hiehl ol the prupused ob servatory luvver fur New York. The tower is to be twelve-sided and Of steel. Tiie lowest l.ort ion will tie .;no Icet in diameter and will he I! inked hy four pavilion liiiiiiliiiu-s. yi viny t he st rin t are a base of 4. 10 I' ct. The outer walls will he of c 'incut and win-cloth. Internally 1'te tower will b.; a labyrinth ul'stei'-l columns, yirders. beams, plates and shapes in s'eel. 110 particle of wood h'-iny used . in const rui-t ion or li i sh. Fleet ric cars with reserved in itor power of compressed ab- will run spirally siruiind tiie lllil-l'oot central area, makiny a trip lo the fifth floor from the lop. ahutit a two and a half mile rid -. (-ivutest Nation on ILiflli. "The value of timber yearly cut 1 in the United Stales is double that ' of the output of all our mines;' one-third of the population pi this country iiiv church member-,;" "It l costs $(!bS.;2 everv minute durinir ine year tt run our yovernment ; j "r. kiiib'h Mew Discnvcry, huvh that "Uncle Sam's farms const it ute one- last hU wlf was attacked t I. h fifth of tlie national wealth;" Nearly Lt 'irlppe, and her case grew do iterlon. O half f the 8.001) OOO.OdO letters tnat h,.klan, at Cow.ien and Pana makiny up the world s annual mail, j could notblnir for her. It aeerned to ln?lony to the United States. " These I div. lop luto Hii'ty Cotimimptlon. Hv are but instances of the thousands j 'M lr- Klnjt'a .w )is-i.very In ntore, of wonderful facts about every phase ",,,,, '"t of It. he took a bottle . of the life and proyress f our coun- h"""'' H,,d lo """prlHw or all, he be try, from an illustrated article on 1 1!'". lleKr .V"0 "tl p flt-eutest V ith.i. V i. " ! hh,f u ,7Hn d"nr hottB crn her xnund v .7 xv if n iatlonT "n.'rth. f, wH.. i)r. Kind'. Xw UNcover. by William Georyc Jordan, to ; for Consumption, r0t.h and C.ld. l appear In the July number of the ; guaranteed to dr tht good work. Try Ladies' Home Journal. The article H. Fre bottles at S. T. iUrrU' pictures, in a novel way, America's I l)t nS Store. vat area, her matchles resources, boundless wealth, her marvelous de velopment, and shows how the United States leads the world. Sri'ItK AM) MICIIIOAMMi:. James McKercher 'was in attend auee at circuit court at L'Aii-0 this week as a juror. 11 Kirk, of Miehiamme. left for Deorton Monday, where he has ac cepted a iosition with J. C. Fowle. Mis IAx.'w Lvons.who taught the school at Covington lust winter, has been enfa,'ed to teach at Michigam- rilp next term. "1L ULAl l-1 '"' Carpenter, wilt) hilS beeil j ' v J ' "'' . i principal of bpUlT SfllOOl tor tllO 1 1'"- two years, left for lower Michi- j .ail Mondu.V. lllS family UefOlJl- . ,1 t,,,,. j The firemen of Michiumme irave 'a dunce at Odd Fellows Hall Mon i (lay evening. The attendance wa , i a rife and the occasion a very en ; joyable one. j A. 0. Johnston's shingle mill at Three Lakes is now running full : b'ast. Tin' mill has a capacity of 4'U.imi shinyles per duv. A iar,'e , (,.vcr Jia alsO been added New York Fashion Letter. Now that the vachtiur season has euiiie the subject of suitabl ''owns fur traveling.', yachting ami eye'iny I is UDDt rillOst 111 the World Of fash- ! !OII.' J'or traveling costumes, tweeds and cheviots, in jjrey and brown sliades. are more popular than any I other materials. They are made. j with plain skirts rather narrower! than last year. The bolero is almost j tnii ver.sallv used for those costumes and pivttv silk ' blou.ies are W.uril i Unuer tljelll. .Mail' Ot Our lai'e houses are tritnmin"' these suits j . , . . . , . , with a narrow braid of decidedly ! ,,,i,i iv,t ! t, .r r-ntiii' Tlii tnn ni- f.nd ' e ,r i , i .i ,i sucii u'linini-trator may l,e a!i,ed. and that j news oi the .skirts, also the collars. ! Im ,llV ,ji,.arf .u!utiu:strator of said : revers and cuiTs of the jackets are jestatel i ,,. , .... . . - t , ni ,1 Thereupon it is o-.-.lered. that Monday. t!io MiLiiinu nun umi'j. ..iviiuj. ui int. b"!'TOs are ellt Uli in the back, but I are cut up in hie t of them reach to the waist line a.l around. Uaie and white serye are always tin- thiny for yachtiny. Th: water dues not sput or shrink -them and tiiev are warm without bein? too ; ii.-av.v. .Many ot these sKirls are; made without any lininy and are ' tiuished around the bottom with a ! triple hem about six inches deep, j The idea of makiny these hciiis triple j ; is to keep the feet from showiny be- ; , t Wei ll the bottom of the petticoat1 ami the lower edye of the skirt. I Some outiny dresses fur older i j !..u'.ie are made with cape jackets j instead of tin? bolero. Tin? body , ' part of these yarineiils is made with ' i. ad tiyht lilt iny with sliyht ripple over the hips and in the back. The; , .'all cape sleeves are lined with silk. , u-uuily the same a the blouse waist that is worn under it. These yar-1 :-p'hts are very comfortable for t i'.i ve.'iny because they yive perfect I freedom and ease in iisiny the arms. : Mure care is taken in inodeliny j and linishir.y cycliny costumes than j In rctufurc. Hrilliantine makes aj very cool dress for this purpose and ' is well liked because it 'does not' catch the dust. Skirts are divided j and nut very wide. The bloomers I .are made scant around the hips and ; !pdte full below the knee. The j-.icket., worn with these costumes are made t iyht fitt iny in back with ; lu double breasted front. We are indebted to A. McDowell I J. Co.. 4 West 1 It!) street. XewYolk, j for Ihe above information. Tiiis : linn publishes the only chief iin- pi rtcd fashion journals sold in this I country. ""La Mode de Paris' is .?u.."i0 a year. u." cents a copy, and ' French Dressmaker is .'.00 a' year. I'o i-.its a copy. Kach journal yives rTijiiilhly a lesson on practical dress- mnkiny which is very valuable to both the professional and amateur (iress maker. If V011 Want to lie Loved. Dun't find fault. Won't, helieveall Hie evilyoj hear. Dm t jeer at evervbudv'a reliyious be:ief. Hun t le rudt sof-ia! iusitioii. tu your inferiors in i ; . V. ' Si1''" " Don't iriplcrrate anythiny liecause y u.l don IpO'isess it. Don't yo untidy tin the plea that everybody knows you. Dun't cunt radiet people, even if yu i are sure you are riyht. Dun 't conclude that you have nev er had any opportunities in life. Dun t belit ve that everyone else in the world is happier than you. D ni't be impiisitive uiuut the af fairs of your most intimate friends. Don t yet into the habit of vulvar- i.iny life hy makiny liyht uf the sen; imeiit til' it. Don't express u positive opinion , UiN ss yo i pcrteetlv understand i you are talkiny about. N. V Li -deer. MIMKTtll.UU TO IlKPh.NU OX, Mr. Jum-. Joiicn. of the t! nut firm of J tie He Sun, Cnwilen, 111.. In h peak fiix 13 from Cleveland to Mackivac am) rkitrx. $7 irm Toleimj t Mackinac AN! RETl'RX. t from Detroit to Mackinac AND RETURN. The above special tourist rates will be put into effect June 'JUth. via Detroit Cleveland Steam Navi gation Co. 's new mammoth steel pasens.'er steamers. The round trip from Cleveland, inoludiujr meals and berths, costs $!. from Toledo S14. from Detroit. $11. o. Send 2 cents for illustrated pamphlet. Address, A. A. SCIIANTZ. fi. 1. A., Detroit. Mich, rir-t pub Juik- .M. Iat July 17, STATE OF MICHIGAN. I County of Barn u. t At a esttn of tin Prol.itte Court fnrK.-ihl i-..untv, lild at tin PilMt otMi-v. in thf villtik'e of L All-, on tli it'At iiy of Juiih. in the yctir one tlntuxaiid .'ut huudred und ni n-t.v -vrii. Prfui. Kdwanl L. Smiii". Jm-j of rrolmti. Iu tin mutter of tlie K-.t.ite of MiWiuW t!ilti dfi-fa-d. on rciidltiz anil tiling tli petition, duly veri lied, of Minnie titii. ra.iii u.l iiiiin--tration of Kttid H!tiit may lie Krantl to on- or mone other -nitiiWf tiernti. Tliereiioim it i or.lered, ThHt Min iy. the nineteenth day of July. next, nt 10 o eloek in the forenoon, lie nineil for the heai ui. of ai.I etitioti.Hiul that tlie several lieirat law of aid !e,-e:ei. nun nil otner er-in imereMeu n aid e-late, are reoitired to ,'iiienr at a I -Ion of x.'tiil court, then to lie Uulilen in tiie j Proliate (Irtlee. in the Villniie of L'.tnw, and ' how eiiue. If any there le, why the ovayer ot I the itetitiolier -ilolllil Hot le k'l'llllte.l: Hlid it further ordered, tlliit nin jietltlotier wive liotii'e to the illltet'ellt leroll llilerfle. 111 llhl estate, of tile l.elidelli-y of ollid 1'l t.tioll. und the hearin thereof, l.y rajmaii.vo( s-vn" m''. a ne, printed and eir. niate.i ' ounty. tlire.-',3. ikti-iv wem pie i vions to sai.l day of liein-iiii;. EDWARD L. STONE. Jude of Proliaie. First pub. J;ly 3. I' last July 21, 1? STATE OF MIC H I' i AN, i. County of Uara.a, I At a se-ion of the Pru'm'e Court for said county, liehl at the Proti.tte Ortlre ill the village of L'Anse. ou tlie seeoml day of July, in the year ol.e tliouaml ei'it j hundred ami tiinet v-even. l the ma'.ter of the Estate of James M. Finiiei.ii. de.-e.ied in readme and ttliii? tne pet'tl in. duly ver:- tied. .f c. ja. kman. udmiiiuirator of said estate, praylna that lii f.tiul ai-coi;iit as ,.:, ,lav of Ju.J. nevt. at ten o .'loek in the f jienoon. lie as-lyned tor li.e Hearing oi sain pennon, ana tuai tile several heirs at law of said and all other person Inter ested Iti aid estate, are l e'i'liiv.l to np;eai' at a e,-i !. ol said Court, then to lie liolden ill the Proliate oiM.-e, in the village cif L'Ali-e. and show aiise. if any there why the livaver of the net it ioiier slioui'l no! Ie granted : :Ami it is further nr.iered. that said petai.mer notice to the dure relit I said estate, of tlie pelideu f said petition. and the lieai iu tliei ent, l.y i-ruisin a eopy or this order to In-put. iishe.l in Tnr. I.'.tv".. si:v tinkl. a new spaper prin;el ami Cirr'.ila'eU in aid e ounty of Hnrava, three sm-i-essive weeks previous to said dav ,if hearing. KUWAi;l I.. isTuNK. Jud.'e of Pi-ol.a'e. Ki:-st pub. July : last An. T, KC. NOTIC- FOR PUBLICATION.- Land ork at Mar.u'ette, Mi. July 1st. Isi Xotleni lien-l.y t'lv,'H that the folimvin.-. liaiM-d settler has liletl II. .(ire of his in;. .ii t. nial.e tinal proof in sitjipurt of his riaiin. and that s,,id pyoof will lie made l.ef.n e the lerk of tne eirrtiit i-oiift of Uara.a ,-m;!i-tv. at I." An--, li.-h.. on Ar.i'iist ln'.i. -,C u : .lo.eph hd. applieut ion Xo .Vvr. f..r the s i, ot h v i4, ti w 4 of s w . and s of w -ee p;. tp s. i, r t w. He names the!oiii' vl;neses Improve Ills I'OIlt illllollH resilience (.poll l,tn! ell", iva- thill of said, 1. Al.i-ain Alitlle. 0,-tnxe Snssi,.. Halph !lestli'k. John Lyons. tU of Co iu'loii, Mich. J'r.Ttl". riSISK.M , I.e.ister, First puli. July ;i; last uu. 7. K. NOTICK I OU PUBLICATION. Land tilHee at Mar-ilette, Mieh., J uue .sin. Not left, herchy ifheu that tiie following, liaiin . I settler has tl.e.l notice of hl i:.!-l,ll- h lo make final proof in support of his-claim. 1 and that said proof will lie made l-loi-e tne t lerk of til. eourt of 11.ii-h'.i eouiiti . n August tMh. is;.;, vi: application No. JiWII. (.r ill L'Anse, Mieli , 1 William Walker, lnl. f tlx :i. tp 1. ti r ;i.i He unities til.: his coie.lntu.ti. of. .aid land. Susli. Willia'n Covington, Mie folinwaiu' witnesses topi sidence 1 1 1 1 1 unit cultivation viz: Lew is Xich.ilson, Octa-.e lirai.t, Uohei-t Vouii. 'i of Pktui Pnetrvf. Keslster. First puh. -I); last July .11. 1 s:r. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oflice at .Marinette. Mich.'. June ilrd. ISiC. Xotice Is hereby aiven that the follow in.-, naiiied settler h-is riled notice of hU intention to make fluitl jn-oof in support of hi-i-iaini. j and that said pi-oof will !e iitinle I el. ire tile t ierk of ihe C ircuit Court of Il.u a.a eouiity. at L'Anse, Midi.. 011 Aui'ii.t - J 1 1 . Is;i7. i.: 1 .lame. I i.vlrltn. lid itpiill.-atlon No. Hisr.1. for ' th s w of w V,. 11 of s and ti w ;4 of s e see .'I'., tp I'.i, 11 r .1; v. I He uaiucs the follov iiiir witnesses to prove I j hi. continuous residence upon, and cultivation I of. said land, vi.: John McVlahoti. of j j Ilara.a. Mich , Martin Main-. Ti.nntiiy IliiVy, I of L'Anse, Mich. ; Daniel X. Case, (if Ilumifn, 1 I Mi.-h. rKTKB rKIMKA'-. Hetri.Hter. ' " I L'AXsK LODCK, NO. 445. Saturd.iv veiiiir at 1 " 1P o'cl .k.nt riremf rnt' Hall I Vi-itinif broiliera are i-ordiallv wel.iome. ', Thomas ClIAfKI.. 'John (WUIIAM. Secretary N. O S. miai LI.. ver. lrt floor Savin?. Hank Iliock. Muniielie. Alich. All Irani I liiisiness win rei-ei ve.pioinpt and eurefnl at tention. JJ-J-.V-I Star Livery Stable, M. Wallace, Prop. Main St., L'Anse, Mich. Groceries ! I have purchased a choice line of OROCKRIES. CANNED GOODS, ETC., which I will sell very reason able, i BAKERY.- Fresh Buns. Cakes and Pies al on hand. Special orders filled on short notice. MRS. A. SIEGEL, Prop. Third St, L'Anse, Mich. riir minrmv citnntl I IIC rilUCIIIA )MLUUIIfit Samuel OToimell, Prop. Dealer in CtlOiCG Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Evcryniiny First-Class. Main si opposite Court House. L'Anse, Mich. HAU6 & SCHEURMAN, Architects Superintendents, SAGINAW, W. S.. MICH. THOMAS HOTEL, L'Anse. Mich. Tlie house is supplied with all modern onvenienees Rates. $).() Per Par. fy facturer's . Surplus Stock Sale . . ! The warm bai-kward season I has found Manufacturers with i la rye stocks or. hand, and make reckless saerinves to realize ready cash. I have iut re- ! turned from tlie markets after seeuriny the yreatest Haryains ' I ever bur.yht. This now it"ans the yreatest chalice of vour lifetime . These are induce ments which cash alone has secured and ONLY CASH CAN BUY THE 31. .woman Mid child in soiUtely I llhh after puivhasiny examine the stock and be con vine at the same time yet the most benefit l KIT. McMillan & Girard, BARAGA LIVERY !S!nle or louble Klc with or without Driver. Fihlnj nr l.nnttn? parMe. furnl.Le. with Compo tent (iiii1. We keep r.othl.ii but miod Imr-.H and wai:ofi and c'vp zood atten tion ti our Patrons. McMillan & girard. MT'T'T'T'T'T'T'fTiyifiTH GEO. G- JflGKMflN, Justice of the Peace. All Justice Court work Promptly and Carefully Attended to. O'iiCS in L'ANSE S3hTIKEL UUTLD1NS. L'ANSE, - - MICH. --..------ .'-.-..-..-...., ..Palace Steamers. CiTYOF ALPENA. Low Rates, Quici Time For Detroit. Port Huron. Sand JJeaeh. Oscoda. Alpena. Che b tyv'an. and all points East and South, Leave St. Igntiee, Wednesday. 8:33 a.m.; Saturday. 1:39 p.m. I Jet ween Detroit and Cleve land daily at 1 1 p.m. Sv'nd for our illustrated pamphlet and rates to all jMiints, and addres vour asjent. or A. A. Sch a n t z,G . P. A. , De t roi t , M ich. Tiie DETROIT i CLEVELAND Steam Nav. Co. wJLiyery and Feed Stable L'ANSE, MICH.. 0. Johnston, Prop'r. Lake and Front streets. Ml. nso cnoice CP. S3 LAN KEN HORN. PRQp LAKE LINDEN BICYLE WORKS. H. M. WIEDER, Proprietor. . . High Grade Bicycle . . pairin a Specialty. Builders oltbe "0. P. SPECIAL" He- All work iirst-class and done on .short notice. Will pay express charges cue wav. Fnr 4 3D Wonderful snaps in.Clothiny. Wenderful baryains in Hats. Wonderful baryains in Dry Goods. Wonderful baryains in Men's. Ladies' and Children s Sho" and Slippers. Wonderful baryains in Capes. Skirts and Shirt Waists. Wonderful bargains' in every thiny we have in stuck. J 1ST IN More of the Ir.'.ndsume SILVER- WAHK and HR'NZE CL CKS 11.. ... . .1 1 i in auu n;oi e in icresi to t nc sale ' vvA yladd.-n t he heart of every Harajl'a county. We yive them si wav ab d.nyof us s.Ti worth, of y. ....! ... Call earlv. l that evervthiiiy i sis advertised. of unrLi's STOCK SALE. BARAGA, H!CH. DUlutti, Soilt. Store i Jit. TIME TABLE. In Effect May 3th, 1807. Trains Leave L'Anse. For I'etroft, the East, IJeseltr and thiv (io?fbk' Iltn.i? ditllyj fSi-ctit Siindiiy. .... For uou.liton and the -Copper Country,.. . . For Clileaifo Ai Marquette " llouuhton and the Copper Country 1 1 0:15 A. M. 12:t3 ?. M. j 3:4 P. M. f'i:0 V. M. (Dally, flatly except (Sunday.) For liekf ts. tlrtie table? and other In formation apply to L. A. Mack, Tic ki t .trent. L'Ars. Mich. l. ('. WILLIAMS, REAL ESIATE AGENT, L'Anso, Midi. Taxes paid for non-residents. Lands bought and sold o i commission. All business etitrnT to my cure will reseive prompt and careful attention Correspondence Holicited. 9-7 The National Bank Or Houghton, Mich. Capital, - - $150,000. Surplus, - - $75,000. 4 PER CENT. PER ANNUM PAID On all Sarin. Iiepoalts. OFFICERS: Z. W. Wriort J. Ii. All Bit . J. II. Rid John L. Rem.. Preulilen Vlce-Pril.ltiit ... C'axhler . . . AUtant Canbier DIRECTORS: J. H. Beaer, It. It. Ootxtll, W. K. Prnll. Z. W. WrlKlit. J. B Co,,,Wr, ' T. L. Cbadbounie. 1 1 I -3i L'Anse and Baraga, Wich. All Kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats; Fresh Butter, Egg8, Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. Line ot Canned Goods. HTINGRSOLL, Dealer iu Hardware, Crockery and Groceries, will act as Ajjent for Daraga Count v. THE piT PLACE To Get a First-Class Hair Cut Or an Easy Shave is at Ghas. Evans' Tonsorial Parlors, Nester Hotel Block. IiAKAOA, - - MICH. Call and hn ('nnvlnceit. FINE WALL PAPER I have taken the ayeney for the POTT EH WALL PA FEE MILL, of Chieayo, and have a larye va riety of eleyant samples to se lect from. Call and vt iric,s. J. A. (I INC HAS, 3 13 t f L'Anse. Mich. 9 ESTABLISHED IN I860. The L'Anse Sentinel The OM and Re liable Xt'vvaver of Baragra County. It is Read in near ly every home in the County each Week, and also has a larjre cir culation through out, the State. z 9s Subscription Price only $1.50 per Year. As an... Advertising Medium It is... ..Unexcelled JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT... The Sentinel's Job Printing De partment is one uf the largest and best equipped in the Upper Peninsula. All machinerv.type. etc., is brand new, and of the verv latest styles, there by enabling' us to turn out all print ing in the neat est nianuer, and on short notice. Our Prices are al ways reasonable, and all work; guar anteed to be entire- yy satisfactory. VIipii you iiool AnyUilnff in tlie l'rlntliiff Line, give us a cull. A Successful Business ...Man Advertises... His Business.