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For your. n i , J .A v.- CLOSING Ok!! Price $5.d0 now sell at $."..85 r,..V " " 4.15 7.50 " " 4.S5 8.50 4 4 4 4 .75 111.00 " 44 T.33 12.00 " 41 !.1'5 15.00 44 44 11.75 20. 00 44 44 15.85 cv n . For thirty days . only our line of Baby Carriages. TOHELLA & JOHNASOII, Opp. First HaM Bank,, H07 Trout St. AN AWFUL BREAK. a 6!i iiu Widow ASSINIXS NEWS. (fcwclal currrHpondvnec tu The Histiskl.) Niot ruins this week for gardens. Haymakers made hay at full speed this week. Mrs. John Mcfiuire, of Baraga, was in town Thursday. The Loonsfoot brothers returned from Keweenaw Point this week. Mrs. ?!ias. Majrnant. of the Day Shore, moved to this place this week. A number of men from here went to Lake Linden this week to load boats. One thousand pounds of fish were cauylit in S. Denomie's nets this week. Mrs. Thos. Shelefo and Mrs. Louis Crow left for Odanah, Wis.. Thurs day. Edward Morlev.. h'sh commissioner of Duluth, was in town Thursday on business. A. Chosa bought one of the cele brated MeCormick mowing machines this week. 11. W. Robinson, of Baraga, de livered a quantity of salt to S. I)enomk this week." Mother Cassilda. sister Philips and Mrs. Oanheb.J, of Hancock, were guests at the cuuvent this week. The Miss,' Ella and Ollie Corri pan. of Haueoek, t-tv nt part of the week with the sistersat the convent. Mrs. S, fvvoinie and Mrs. Win. Cardnell v'iitJ ?heir sifter. Mrs.A. Chosa. at the .Sturvou this week. Mother Julia and Mother Theresa, of St. Louis. Mo., arrived liere Wednesday mid are guests vf the sisters at the convent. Henry Choa. who has been ab sent from int for -the nast eiijht. i i ... i i .. year for 1A,w",uul, " ls ' fuuvwiay. -J would scarcely Jake time to eat, V I he Mission base ball nine played j trsmendously was I excited over the a game with the Swede Settlement foiv ot Heme and Ulanehe, Djalma club at that place last Sundav which f and Ad.nne, and ail my studies were ars ha been i.,ithir his parents Ut. Louis to a V r a few days and left for his home f t-ntative. Lac Deflambue, Wis., Wednesday. -j -awM Mother M'm Womnu." The fair pirl from Huston pazed upon Harold lit-nvley'M face uud a new feeliui? took possession of her, Pays th Cleve landi Leader, ll'e was one of Cleveland's most aristocratic young: men and a handsome as a (Jreek pod. After tliey had been introduced they strolled away from the crowd and he told her about his Maters and his mother, who were in Europe, and J'.tatrice MontjroniejT suddenly real ized that the flame of lore was begin ning to flicker in her breast. She talked vivaciously of her days at Wellesley and of her exploration in the rich mines of Sanskrit and of her investigations of the mahatmos and the occult flap-dood'.es of the far east. Then he told her about his horse and his rubber-tired traps, and they gazed into each other's eyes and sighed a lot of long-drawn fcifrhs and were beginning to feel that they had passed through thts pei.rly gates and were strolling through streets that were paved with gold. At last Beatrice Montgomery said: "You have told me about your mother and your sisters being in Europe, but you have said nothing about your fa ther. Is he with them?" "No," the handsome young men re plied, after a painful pause; "he is not with them. My mother Is a widow woman." When the doctors had flnall' succeed ed in bringing the fair Hoston girl out of her swoon she waved her hands at Harold Uentley and wildly cried: ' """lie that man away!" SUE'S "WANDERING JEW." It 6 Fasrtnatrd a Mioari Man That II Harcll Took Tlmn to Eat. "I remember what a wonderful fas cination Eugene Sue's 'Wandering Jew' hafl for me when as a boy I got hold of the coveted work I had heurd so much about' said L. M. Vincent, of Washington Post repre- THE EMR Dry Goods Clearing Sale . . We still have on hand a well assorted stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, etc., which we intend to sell out Pit ex Sacrifice . . Rather than carrying them "And Clothing Furnishing Goods .....Call on RBRENNAN, L'ANSE, THIGH. ..Choice Fresh Line of.. over for another season. So . do not miss this good oppor tunity to get most desirable and sea sonable goods at prices that will suit your purse. Call early and get the choicest goods at the Lowest Prices ever offered in this county. Thanking you for your patronage in the past, we remain. Respectfully, JACOBSON & LEVITAN, L'ANSE, MICH. resulted in a score of Vor of the Mii,r.s, to 15 in fu- im:n i xsu la ro i xti:ks. A dispatch from the Detroit Journal states that the blue berry crop promises to be an excel lent one this season, and the first berries are already on the market. The season will be at its hi;ht in tibmit two weeks, uud from now un til then the number of pickers en ;a;;ed in tfather:hj the berries in Marquette, Delta, Aljjer nnd Luce counties will increase daily until perhaps 2.11(10 persons will be en jiratfed in the work. The blueberry crop of Marquette and adjacent coun- j lies win oo worm iroin ywwnw to 75,uo this year. The following dispatch from Marquette, under recent date, will be of eoniderable interest to a number of homehteaders in this vicinity: '"The eourt of appeals at Cincinnati has aflirmed the judg ment of the lower eourt. and ex Ileeeiver of Public; Land Moneys .Mead, at the general k.nd office at Marquette, and his boudsim n, will iave to make good some which Mr. Mead received from persons for land grants which they never ac cepted or utilized. These persons were entitled to the return of their money, but Mead refused either to refund it to them or turn it over to the government." The ceremony of laying the corner stone of the Sacred Heart church, the inest Catholic church in Houghton ounty,took place Sunday afternoon. T'esides the hundreds present from Calumet, great numbers came by :raia from Hancock, Houghton and Lake Linden, who were met by the J tend. Hibernian Junes. The i if th Infantry, Laurium, ' Austrian, lied Jacket, "iufney Excelsior and Lako Lindisi undo were in the procession and the 'ollowing societies, marshalled by George Labby anil aides- on horse back: Co. U, Hibernian RifleSjlan eock Division, A. O. II.,' Lake Lin den Division. A. O. H., St. John's Society, St. Sodalitv, Garibaldi So lety, San Martina Society, St. Jean fJaptiste Society, Calumet Division, A. O. II., Austrian Society, Christo pher Columbus band, Italian Bene volent Society, Polisa Hussars, St. Stanislan Koskl, Young Men's So ciety. AH the clergy of the Cath olic denomination of the copper country were present at the laying jind blessing of the corner. Father Raphael, of Cincinnati, officiated and preached an eloquent sermon. There was a great multitude present. Calumet News. neglected till the lat pnpe of tho har row iv.g story had been perused. The other day by accident & vPpy of tha, lonp-ppun-out romance feil into my hands while travel'infr, and I thought S VI beguile an hour o? 2 ln. reading a chapter here and there. "Cut lees than an horn; vtis suiiiclent 'c fxe!te eueh profound dlsfuft at the liook that eauffht ny youthful fancy, that I tossed it aside with contempt. How a prown-up person with any lit erary taste could read ueh Jitter rot Is past my comprehension. It la a vile story, vilely told. In contrast to tliis I eould not help but think of my read ing of The Antiquary' for the second time after the lapse of 30 years. The prace of its telling and the charm of it characters were even stronper than in those early days. The product of tEe muster appeals to all fenerations, and the time will never come when such lieautiful stories' as The Antiquary' will not count their readers by the ten of thousands." FLtLS AND WASPS. 'Hnndretl of the Vent Killed by th '"""- Hawk Inarrtt. Hy coiamos npreenient the unsp is accepted as enjblematical of irritability and 'petty nialipnity; but even this inuch-abdsed hyuienopterous insect plays a beneficial part in the work of nature. A number of wasps were seen by Mr. I;. M. J'.arrinR-ton, an Irih naturalist, buzzing alout his cows. Closer inspec tion revealed that they were all busy catching1 flies, and pouncing with the rabidity of hawks after bilMs on the flies as they tried to t-ettle or rebt on some favorite part of the cows. One white cow drew more waps than any of the others, Wen use the- moment a fly alighted it was seen nt onee Binst the kin. When a wasp catches a ily it Im mediately bites off both wings, some- Jin$s a leg cr two, occasionally tue Mr. Barrlngton saw tome of the wasps when laden with one fly catch another, without letting go the first, and then fly away with both. There was a constant stream of wasps carrying away flies, probably to feed the larvae in their nests, and returning again to the cows to catch more. In about 20 minutes Mr. Darrington estimated that between 300 and 400 flics were caught; on two cows lying close to where he stood. The SalUa nr His CMldrca. According to the "Diary of an Idle Woman in Constantinople," the sultan of Turkey is a domestic man, intensely food of his children, for whom he has a liny theater, wherein they play small parts for the delectation of their papa. The principal bete nolr of his majesty the sultan is the bicycle, which he de clares immoral and dangerous to the state. CALL AND Our New Stock of Groceries and ProvisioDs At Lowest Market Prices. LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES P. BRENNAN L'ANSE, MICH. H.T.I NGERSOLL L'Anse, Mich.. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Furnishings, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, ETC. A Large Stock of New Groceries, Provisions, Canned goods, Etc In fact we have Everything in the General Merchandise Line. JOHN CAMPBELL, Cor. Front Broad Sts. L'ANSE, MICH, Hay, $15.00 per ton. Corn, 45c per bushel. Oats, 32c per bushel. Bran, $14.00 per ton. Peas, $1.25 per bushel. Beans, $1.50 per "Bushel. Flour, $4.75 per barrel. o o o The above prices for Cash only at H. T. Ingersoll's. Buy your- Paris Green, Insect Powder and White Hellebore At s. T. Harris' Drug Store.