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The "BESTM place to buy , . Is where one can get the best . . a . . for the least amount of money. . . Tonella ft Johnason, Marquette. Would be glad to show you their very complete line of Furniture at O 307 Front St.!r opp. First National Bank. WILLIAM CTLLKN HKYANT. (font In urii fmui are one.) seems to come a lime when the powers of the intellect are no longer productive of any great works. It was not so with Mr. Hryunt. He enjoyed the distinction of proving himself a great noet at an early age, and preserved tins distinction to the last. Mark Hopkins has said of him: "He had the wisdom of Age in his of louth in his youth, und-the tire i Age.'' f) The (parties wl ,hich chiefly dis tinguish Ilrvant's poetry are "sewenity and gravity of thought, an intense, though repressed recog nition of the mortality of mankind, an ardent love for human . freedom, and unrivaled skill in painting the scenery of his native land." Mr. Hryant had. a talent which is not possessed by all poets, in deed, if by many the talent of de livering discourses upon the lives and writings of eminent men. After the death of his contemporaries he was invariably called upon to act in this capacity. He appeared for the last time in public at Central Park, on the afternoon of .May :!!, 1S78, at the unveiling of the statue to the Italian patriot. Mazzini It was an unusually hot day. and after deliver ing his address, which was remark able for its eloquence, ho uecom pauiedCJen. J. U. Wilson, an ac quaintance of some years' standing, to his residence. General Wilson reached hi door with Mr. Hryunt leanini' on his arm: he pequamino pointers. (Hpertul CorreHpondrnre to Till Sintinil) J. J. Crane, of Chicago, made a business call here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Torn Donlan called on friends in town this week. Miss Minnie Jones spent Thanks giving with Munising friends. Miss Hertha Moore is the guest of Miss Lillie Thomas at L'Anse this week. " J. F. Hollingef returned Tuesday from a hunting trip with two fine bucks. Rev. Frazer 'deliver an excellent Thanksgiving sermon here Thursday evening. John Rothwell anrtjftabricl Ander son left for the camps at Skanee Tuesday morning. f!us Mearo left for Green Hav, Wis., Monday morning, where lie expects to spend the winter. Mrs. Philip Dexter and nephew, Ray, left for Hay City Wednesday morning to visit for a few days. Several people from this place aft tended the K. of P. party at L'Anse Wednesday evening. All report having had an enjoyable time. forward to open the door, and while his back was turned the poet fell, striking his head on the stone plat form of the front steps. It was his death blow, for, although he re covered conscicusness sulliciently to Skuuec Church and School Items. (tYirrfupotxlence to Tub Sentinel.,, It will no doubt interest a great many L'Anse people to learn how the rutlli mr of Mrs. ' TTolmstrnm 's took a step; q0, eabin" quilt turned out, and especially since luck would have it that somebody in L Anse should he the one to win the same. It was rallied at a meeting of the Ladies Sewing society last Wednesday at Mr. U. J. Lundbcrjj s. In all 2J.i Converse a little, and Was able to nmnhfi-s worn wild. Thr lnrW num. ride to his own home, his fiite was j her was 17(5, and the winner Mr. M ncaii-u. in- iiurv n-w uuui inv mum i.- v -ICO. )I h Anso. l ift nir'in- anel2th, when his capacious bcrs of tMC church should and do ing of June spirit passed, into the Unknown Two days later he. was buried beside his wife at Rosy In. Uayard Taylor, in speaking of Hryunt, has said: "Among modern authors not one has shown u finer ! feel thankful to Mrs. Holmstrom for her untiring work; and they also feel grateful to all the people from ! neighboring places, who bought so many numbers. Though everyone who hurl :l nimilipr on tlu miilt uaiuiui ii-iccMiiu 01 i m; .juaii- wuuju undoubtedly have liked to win ties ot blank verse, or has employed jt) Vet we do not envy Mr. Wallace that simplest, yet most ; difficult at all, since he and so many other measure, with more distinguished outsiders have done so much for the success. Whipple has said: "He is church. The proceeds from the quilt not. merely a worshipper at nature s jxliJ for avery beautiful $(50 chande shrine, but a priest of her symbol . ior rt.flc?c'tor, which now adorns the language to men. Ilockiti to be Tried Again. The trial of Herbert Hock in. of Detroit, on t!ie charge of criminal ass lult, result d in a disagreement of th. jury, the jury standing eight f tr conviction and four for acquittal. Tha strong features of the case were the victim's positive identification of the accused and the powerful alibi volunteered by Hockin's fellow workmen. These points presented a conflict of evidence that doubtless accounts for the inability of the jurors; to reach a unanimous con clusion The prosecuting attorney declares fiat he will retry, the case, being encouraged,' no doubt, by the ma jority vote for conviction. Such a course may be in line with his duty, but the public generally will hardly Khare, Ins confidence in the ability of the pflVsecution to secure a convic tion on the next trial. Twice the alibi which was forthcoming with out effort on the part of the accused has served to prevent the fastening 'of guilt upon him, and that it will impress other jurors is certain. reasonable doubt to which the law says the accused is entitled. . The people will regret that the case did not conif to a definite issue. The unsavory matter has already been too long in "the minds of both f old ami youhg. and it is a great pity that it must be rehearsed again. INTO Till: YUKON YALL12Y. Iitsy Route by a Railroad Hum Been Discovered. San Francisco, Nov. 21. The de tails have been received from the Pierre Humbert Alaskan exploring expedition which sailed from Seattle October 15th. The party is located ten miles up the river from Chilkat inlet- Tho course is being surveyed on both sides of the river and the explorers have already located a church. Last Wednesday the Ladies' Sew ing Society of the' Lutheran church met with Sirs. C. S. Lund berg. To show what the. good ladies have done for the church the past year, we submit a few facts and figures. With about $100 cash on hand at the be ginning of the year they have since gathered together by socials, auc tions, etc., over $300 more. They have furnished the church with pul pit, pews, carpets, painting the in terior, altar cloth, etc., all amount ing to nearly $400. What church of about HO, communicant members can show a society that has u better record? The dedication of the church took place August Kith. Last Sunday, the Sunday school teachers and officers held a meeting and decided to give a Sunday school, festival Christmas week, us cus tomary heretofore. A young people's society was or ganized about three weeks ago. It was a, very rainy evening, and the atteftdancQ was small. Twelve joined at the organization. They are, hovever,assurrcd of as many or i It-l l,lonumy more memoers ut ine next is nrettv sure, at least, to raise thtU Pf,;"nf to bl! neltl December 4th, when a program consisting of decla mat ions, readi ngs, two short speeches and vocal and instrumental music will be given. The society will meet once a month during the winter. " Tho enrollment in the public schools is as follows: Dist.No. I, has 4:1. and Dist. No. 2 has ten pupils enrolled. The teachers are Mr. A.C. Youngdahl and Miss Sarah Lawson, both graduates of the class of '1)4 at Augustina College, Rock Island, 111. pass over tho range 2.500 feet lower j ness than cither the Chilkat or the cnil coot. A perfectly ' feasible and easy route for a railroad. into the valley has been discovered. The Sentinkl office is headquar ters for everything in the job printing line. SI'Ultll AM) MIC1IIOAMMK. (Special correspondence toTnc Bcmtinkl.) F. W. Read, of Marquefte, was in town Tuesday. Michigampie merchants . are get ting in their holiday goods; Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scanlon, Saturday last, a son. C. F. Sundstrom went to Sault Ste. Marie Tuesday on official busi- A. G. Johnston was at Sidnaw most of the week on business con nected with his 6tore. Tho dance" given by the Michigan me Glee club Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows' Hall was a grand ' success, both socially and financially. LEADER For your. Call and See Our .i Large and Elegant Line df... JEW GOODS. o o o r O WE CAW SAVE YOU MONEY. o o o o JACOBSON & LEVITAII. L'ANSE, J1ICH. CALL AND Our New Stock of Dry Goods, Dress goods, Furnishings, Clothing, Shoes, f - ' Hats, Etc. a A Large Stock!of New Groceries, Provisions, Canned goods, Etc In faotwe have Everything in the General Merchandise Line. . JOHN CAMPBELL, Cor. Fronts Brood Sts. L'ANSE, MICH, Dry 'Goods, Clothing And Furmshitig Goods .....Call on P.BREINNAN, L'ANSE, MICH. , o ,. ..Choice Fresh Line of... Groceries and Provisions . .a. ..jit Vf." At Lowest Market Prices. LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES. P. BRENNAN L'ANSE, MICH. CO TO H.TT. INGERSOLL L'Anse, Mich., For your Groceries and Provisions. Stock al ways fresh and at the lowest prices. Try our Jamo Coffee and Bask et. Fired Tea, the best there is. The National Bank Houghton, Mich. Capital, - - $150,000. Surplus, - - $75,000. 4 PER CENT. PER AKXUM PAID On all Sayings Deposits. ' OFFICERS: Wright Pr"4l!en a m. nkaiikr VIce-PrfHidriit " "" -X Cannier Johm L. Hie. A.Hi.tant Ca.bter ' DIRECTORS: J. H. Btngrr, R. R. okIp11, W. K. rrnll. v. w rijfni, j. b. cooper, T. L. Chadbonrn. Dtflutl). 8otli Shore I Jt lantie Railway, GEO. C JftGKMflN, Justice of the Peace. All Justice Court work Promptly and Carefully Attended to. Office in L'IKSE SEXTIKELilUG, L'ANSE, - - M'.CH. i i TIME TABLE. In Effect Sept. 29th, 1897. Trains Leave L'Anse. For Detroit, the East, Besrenier mod tbe Gogebic RanVe . dally except 8unday flO:20A. M. For Iloujrbton and tbe Copper Country,.... 13:05 P. For Cblcasro A Marquette 4:2'J P M. " Houghton and the Copper Country f5:53F. M (Dally, f Dally eicept Sunday.) For ticket, time tablet and other Id formation apply to 35. A. Mack, . Ticket aent. ,-VAose, Mien-