Newspaper Page Text
jS-1 -Ji i-? BARAGA- DEPARTMENT 0 LOCAL ITEMS. It. P. Stcinkich was on the sick list this week. William IJoskias returned to town this week. 'P. J. Rowlands, of Marquette, was in the city Saturday. V. II. Whitjemoro of Manjuctte, was in the city Monday. II. W. Roliinson is suffering from an ugly felon on his left hand. iheCanlo MediJine Co., U hilled to appear iu l)anvra next week. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Ly.san.ler 11 Armstrong, I'riday morning, a daughter. - M. O'Sallivan is having a neat hardwood Hour put in .liU loiisorial parlor. Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Camaehe were eoppcr country visitor.' Monday uud Tnesda)'. Mrs. Ferguson, of Sidnaw, is tin guest of her brother, M. O'.SuIliv.ia, for a few days. Mrs. ("!eo. Armstrong returned .Saturday afler uu extndod visit with relatives in the east. Misses Lizxio Hendry and Ifattiej Dovenport returned from Marquette Tuesday evening, where they had J been visiting for several days. A Tax Reform caucus will be held in the Town Jhill at 1 o'clock this afternoon for-'the purpose of plac ing in nomination candidates t'ur township offices. Monday evening at S oVloek a Oitizens caucus will bo Iicld at the Town Hull, in this village, at whii-h time candidates will be jlaced in noniinauon lor lownsnip oiaees. Alex. Martin, formerly proprietor of the Mc Kin ley House in this city, but who removed to (!reen Hay, Wis., last fall, was in town the fore part of the week. Mr. Martin may possibly decide to return to Riraga this spring. , Wliile turning the corner at MeMahon'.s Monday morning, a buggy containing three Finlanders, listed in some way. spilling the fK'cupants out in the mud. The in rident created no little amusement for the numerous spectators on the .treet, as the three Fins were laboring under a comfortable jag, and the "spill'' presented a comical sight. Adolph Trudeau was arrested Saturday by Marshal Fleming on complaint of Martin McQuaid. who averred that Trudeati had drawn on his exchccqucr for the sum of without the complainant's i-onsent. and McQuaid wanted his money baek. 1 rudeau was ar raigned before Justice Feore, pleaded guilty, and was .sentenced j to the county bastile for sixty ! lys. j Leslie, -months old son of Mr. ; and Mrs. William Scribuer. died; Monday evening at ti o'clock! from convulsions, after an illness of only about twentv-four hours. ) The funeral was held from the; residence in this city Wednes-j day . afternoon at - o'clock.) Rev. II. IJillinjrham, of L'Anse, con-j MUicting the service. The interment I took place in JIaraga village ceine-' ?ery. Mr. and Mrs. Scribuer de-j sire to return sincere thanks to j their many friends who so kindly aided them in various ways during j the brief illness and after the death I if their son. (Jit your liorsos t lippctl by t!n I "Vni(l electric borsc clijipcr on earth j at Sicot ti's blackMiiith sliovJA use' I'rico for tlic next thirty davs. only 1.."iU. ' ' ; ASSININS MJWS. 1M-Ial correspondence to This Mbntiski.. Election i now beinj; talked of. Win, Hu;jo. of I 'araa.wa around to .vn Wednesday. J. C. Fowle, of Mar.uette. was. in to .vn Tuesday on business. Mi'ssrs. .1. K. St. fiertnaiu and Fred Scliwalm were in town Tliurs day. : Miss Nancy Denomie has been uite sick tin: past week, but is now recovering. The maple su'ar business is now j booming and some tine suyar is be- j injj made. I Pr. J. (1. Turner, of IAnso.made ! several calls here this week. There I lias been ijuite a little sickness here i this winter. j Fishing operations on the ice are' nearly nt an end, as the ice is jjet-! tinjf danirorous. A blue streak of I water can now be seen from this place. Joe Harbano has commenced breiikini down the hemlock roll ways at the Carp river for M. Van Orden j iind ettinjf ready lor ramno; wnen the ice moves out..- ' , The old lof house belonging to J. J. IJyers caught tire and was burned to the ground Thursday afternoon. It was located at Fewsville, near T. W. Edward'-summer resort. Tuesday Mrs. J. B. Loonsfoot and Mrs. Chas. Papin returned from Little Travis Day. Messrs. Loonsfoot and Papin will follow in a few days, having finished their fish- in operations at that place. WENT TO JAIL FOR LOV2. Woman Tokri All the Illntiie for Murder Ilrr Flanr Comutlttrd. The supreme c&urt of Vexico hits asked President Diaz to partfon Maila Montil!lfKs, who, some time no, was teutencctl to CO years imprisonment iu UeU-m jail for a muruVr .she never com initial. The crime for which Kite is putTerirg punishment was the Kill i n of I'uM'aul MontaHo, In a!y q nr rcl. Miss MonttMl.'os lover, Torres, was the real nurde.rer, but ln eaiiiu sh? lnu-d h?in Mitia was wiilirjj to take the penalty, Mie toik u!I the blame for the liiunlcr ttnJ during; the preliminary i n i 1 1 r v by the tt.Iul nal judge, uiiil uftcrward i.t the trial by jury, Fti.ut'y niaiii1a;!:nl that the, ioiiI .he alone, was rc'j'or: !!'e for tie ih'Utli of Moi.t lfio, w hom she hud M'.I.mI, she.fcaiit, to free litru'lf fro;:) his crn Ftur.t -oi it s!; i and dij-liunnrable proposition. Tern s, then fore, rot oil wit fie", rtid the., as the murder was eonsiilired to have been committed under npravat il eifeem- etunces, was (ientei'.eed to 2 years In j prison, a sentence v. hleh f he eheei fully i accepted. T.ut Torres, when he ot j out, was unfaithful, ur:d jej'o'.isy then proved too much for Maria when she learned of this. She prc.'nted th : clearest proof that she was innocent ! and Torres jruilty. and showed letters , from Mm tr that eiTei-t. Her first nt- j tempt to erctire relief was made before I the superior tribunal and Was mistc-cr-ssfu'i. but the supreme court has just j set, aside that decision and aked Pre!- ! dent Diaz to grant her freedom. SHED THEIR TEETH. .1 Pernliarity Aliuut llie MoikellrnBe Flth. A few week a?o I ade.merd what was to me the curious information re pardinij the sheildinsr of its teeth by the mtiskeilunife 'Curing the Milliliter months, savs a writer in Purest ari"i Stream. I now hare eoiifiniiation on the matter advanced at that by Mr. II. i L. Stanton, of Chicago, and I believe j the phenomenon proper. y to be re garded us established. Mr. Stanton's observations were made in Wisconsin, and his .T!gtnal itiforirart had een the prenometic.n in Canada. Now eomc Mr. II. McCartney, of who has observed the mime thin in th; waters of Cass and Itaea oun ii? of Minnesota. .Mr. McCartney that last spring in. May' and June the 'eeth of a!! the nMivkeK' taken in Woman lake and adjacent waters wer. sound and .On duly b tie ex amined fish which showed jaws red and inflamed, und with some of the teeth missing. In.-August ti!l nior; teeth were found to be aWem iu speci- in September it was the rule that no I teeth nt all would be fj"i:ul in the mouths of the niuskellunge taken. Thi I taken . in (tetober ad showed perfect teeth. .' "' VJ"" ' next year. He dees not know whether the teeth are shed yearly or rot, but ; kuows that they are shed sometime. ' DEBTS Or TWtNTY-TWO YEARS. Old Mitn Tit U on Prlilr In l!nittlnlp 111 Oner SHlUtlrJ A ( use of rather reiiiarkalde eonuner-el-l honesty has just come to lilit. In lsT" one of SprinsrtieM's well-known shoe dealers found himself so eiubiir ijsscd li.v depreciation in vulue of. stock ai:d I be ditticulty in i-ollei-tinci-ocnt.s that he failed mid made a eon;prni's with his creditors of iu cents ou the dollar. After 22 year, reports the .orlnq; field (Mas.) He publican, t he mcn-huut, now eonsiderably over TO jours old, has settled all those old claims in full, pnyinjr the balance unpaid at that time, umountiiiff to several thousand dollars. There was no claim on him other than that of Ids conscience. All his creditors had de;r.ed a pnpor neknowledcins' their satisfa-tioii, and. hi fact, a large number of the original papers bad been destroyed, so that the merchant had to fettle in accordance, with the figures lie bad in bis posses sion, paying over money in some eases tn hens, or to surviving partners who nothing or bad nothing to show of the original transaction. The ronseientions old shoe dealer Is j very anxious not to have his name np- p,.:ir his not would lose in merit j through advertising, he says. , A MAN OF NERVE. Stepped Klrrrt Car to Present III) I Wife to a Friend. j There are nervj- men and nervy men. , One nervy man was on a rythian street j our the other afternoon, say the New Orleans Times-Demoerot. lie was rid- j big home with bis wife. The car I w asn't very crowded. When he reached the corner the conductor rung the bell. The car utopped, and he start ed out with his wife. On the way out lie saw a friend of his and hailed mid way down the aisle. "Mr. .Tones." naid the nervy man, "th'm is my wife." "I am glad to meet you, Mr. Jones," aid the wife. "I am churmed." ald Mr. Jones. ' Then everybody shook hands. (3ood-by, Jones." said the nervy man. "Good-by," said Jones. Then th nervy man left the car. which had been standing still during the ceremony of Introduction, expres sions of delight and farewe"s. "Well, I'll be durned," said the con ductor, and the passengers who had been looking on wide-mouthed laughed. Illiteracy Bnlarla, la Bulgaria only ?ya per cent, of tat 1 population can read and1 writs. The Big Store, : "". "lit" Headquarters for General iMerchaiidisc. t!oods the very best ; l'riecs w asoiiabh ! XJnOC Sec New. Oar o o o o o o o Ladies' Spring Shirt Waists. ' ! J6s.-.Cohl,S5S??; J. G.Turner, M.D.. I.;.NK d bAKAd.V. !:'Ane ?'?!''" at K' idence, K.iilrnud St lUrajja (MlieH over Jerry's Pharmacy. Ollice l(..iir at I.ira,'a 10 a to I-. and 7 to S l.1i.! i-., I' I I lav or Nlirht HOTEL MRS. Iv VENDOME, BURT. Prop'r. Flrt-Cla, out. Nci!) Fura ULed Throiiijh" K.itps. nor Ilay. BAUER HOUSE BARAGA, MICH., .1. IS.U'KK. I'mi'i letor. bus In-pi) tlmrouilily repjuril ami coiiillttiin. Kiet'lrlo liulil' uiiil limn) :nii muni lur ii j vmiiiii: )'il in tir-t Iiu-li. t'irl i I t.l)i to IfJ.i") M ! in. ml i. l:i-- likr ill ciiinicctiiiii. K;ili' liy. I'liii ritn'n ly wi'k G. E. IBBOTTSON, " ...IiEAI.f.U IM... iChoice Imported ! and Domestic j Wines, Liquors I and Cigars. jvoTiiiNu nur fiust- class liuiina ii..ui.r.i. (OK. MAIN' AND ONTON'AOON SIS. Mich. Baiiala. DR. WM. R. STRINGHAM, BARAGA. MICH. Office in New Drug Store, Postoffice Block. John A. Cochran & CO., MANUFACTUKKKS OF..... Leronn pop, mawberry pop, vanilla pop, Klnirer ale, seltzer water, ar-aprllla and root beer. Goods de livered In 1Ame, I'equam inK and Itaraga. POSTOFFICH, McMillan & Girard, BARAGA LIVERY Slocla or Double Rifts with or wlthoal Driver. Flhln( or hunting parties fnrnMhed with Competent Guide, Te keep nothloir but Rood hnres and Ttagona aod ulre good atteD tion to our Tatrooa. McMillan & girard, d. H- McDonald, "proprietor. 9 -I l S m 4 si BEER j " ;!,.'' O J- O "f N i Z .i .. . o j 0 Call and Examine m Use c! j Toilet .Articles. You can find hundreds of Beautiful and Useful Articles at our Store at The. Very Lowest Large and Elegant Line of lV'ifuines. Jerry's Pharmacy BARAGA - MICH. W. E. DOORE, Attorney at Low, BARAGA. - MICH Lar, Real Estate, Convey ancing' and Insurance. Cash Store I Reduced Prices I SIMON DENOMIE, ASSININS, MICH. PKAI.EK l-V ...QEWERAL MERCHANDISE ..Fruits and General Produce.. ..Wholesale Dealer in.. Lake Superior Salted and Fresh Fish. Upper Peninsula Brewing Co, MARQUETTE AND NEGAUNEE. Vov family u-e.YTirwi'd utoliilely front pnr' malt mid hups, or telephone ordersTCill receive prompt attention. JL- FALLETT,- WATCHMAKER. Dealer in Watches and Jewelry The Repairing and Adjusting of fg Fine Watches a Specialty ISAItAUA. JAHE3 MoMiHOU, DKAI.KIl IN Cholen Imported and Domestln iWINES, LIQUORS AND UVKAtiA, CIGARS, xi MICH. Headquarter for StIIII.l l.'S CKI.K IJKATHI) M 1LWAUKKK LAtiKK UKFK. H.W. All kinds of GARDEN SEEDS. Wilbur's simm! nu-ul, for Ihivm's, cuttlound fnwlx. liur'o stock of dairy salt, tablo salt, and stock salt, : : : Prices Beasanslile. Terms Cash. Ontonagon St., Opti. Town Hull, l!;ir:iya, .M'n li. j FALK & ANEERSON, Props. j Munufai tun-rs of th' very bist 10 ci iit and Ti-iHUit brands of rijjars on the market. Save iikuii'V by patron I i.inir luuiic iixlu-.t ry. K very box of : t i.rars lias a uarantci' of yootl. clean I i i.:.. i... ir i r i.' r a i i.t Ill hllliUtnllljl lll' IIIJIJ I'J lUiiiviHir iivwowju HARAtJ A. - MICH. NICHOLAS THI-OBOLD, PROP, Dealer in Choicu Imported, ami Duinestie Wines. li(uors ami eijrars. Head quarter.s for : : ; DENI1HEY S Old DnderacI JPure Rye. - Main Stukki For an Stylish Easy Shave or a Hair-cut . o to M .O'SULLIVAN'S ( Tonsorlal Parlors, Xkstkk Hiock. - Hahaua, Mirn. Architects ancTv Superintendents, sac.inaw, w. s. MICH. A Successful Business ...Man Advertises... His Business. An advertisement in I THE SENTINEL brings the best results RoDinsoi) j . . . . . .. . IIArii SCIIIILKMANN Mail MICH. Harness Sliop CAUL SCiIMKI.IN(J, I'rop'r. Single and Double Harness, Ilobos, blankets, sleiirh iiells, uml neek and open horse bells. All kinds of horso medicine. JOHN FHE, Dealer in. High... 'l J ...Grade BAND SAWED lumber: Custom Sawing a Specialty. Baraga. Mich. Cash Meat Market M. KBNKKICK. Prop. Presli and Salt Meats Flli nnd Canned Ctoodx, Kifirs and butter. Poultry, Ktc. all elect Mock. "Aluo cliolci'. fresh Oynters, ' Cilry. Cubbuxe und Ycgcublus, Etc., Eli:. I I- i -! K''ii-(iii!thln. Cull mid t-e con vl nod. Duiuth, South Shore & Atlantic Railwav. 'tImb table. In Effect Dec. 8tlt, 1897. Trains Leave Barapa. For Detroit, the East, lieaaetoer and point on the (ioacblo Range dally except Sunday For Houghton and the Copper Country..;. For Chicago ft Marquette For Ilougbtoo and the Copper Country. . . . tl0:03 A. M. 12:17 P. M, 4:20 P. M. tO:U P. It. (Dally. fDally except Sunday.) For tickets, time tables, and other It formation apply to F. A. (Iashost, Ticket A-g-ent, Barag-a, Mlok ! ; - o f J