Newspaper Page Text
3 GAINED 2a POUNDS IN s WEEKS From tha Dy-Stander, Macomb, I1L Alderman Louis V. Camp, of our city, has quite astonished hi friend of lute, by a re markable pain in weight, lie has gained 22 pounds in five weeks. Those of bis friends who do not know the facts of bis sickness will read with interest the following: "I was broken down in health and utterly miserable," said Mr. Camp to our reporter. "I was unable to work much of the time and so badly atilicted with a form of stomach trouble that life was a veritable nightmare. "I tried various remedies, but during the six months of my sickness I obtained no relief. I had always been a robust, healthy man and sickness Lore heavily upon me. "About two years ago I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink rills for Pale People. I purchased one box and received so much benefit that I used five more and was en tirely cured. I gained twenty-two pounds in five weeks. Since I stopped taking the pills 1 nave scarcely had an acue or pain. IntervUuHno the Aldrrman. "Dr. Willianm' Pink Pills restored me to health, and 1 most heartily recommend them.1 L. W. Camp on oath says that the fore going statement is true. W. W. MULOAN, Notary public. Following is the physician's certificate as to Mr. Camp's present condition: I am a regularly licensed pln'sician of Macomb, McDonough County, 111. -I have very recently examined Mr. L. W. Camp as to his general physical condition, and find the snmo to Ik? all that could le desired, appetite and digestion good, sleeps well, and has all the evidences ofjjeing in a good physical condition. SAM'I, RUSSELL, M. D. Subscribed and sworn trr-t'efore me this 80th day of September. 1897. W. V. Ml: LOAN, Notary Public. HE MEANT WELL. Bat lit Carelessness Got Him Into Trouble villi Ilia Girl. A young gentleman, whose gallantry was largely in excess of nis pecuniary means, sought to remedy this defect and save the money required for the purchase of expensive flowers by arranging with a gardener to let him have a bouquet from time to time in re turn for his cast-off clothes. It thus happened one day that he received a bunch of the most beautiful roses, which he at once sent off to his lady love. In sure anticipation of a friendly welcome he called at the house of the lady the same evening and was not a little surprised at the frosty reception he met with. "You sent me a note to-day," the young lady remarked, after a pause, in the most frigid tones. "I a note?" he inquired, in blank aston ishment. "Certainly; along with some flowers. ' "To be sure I sent you some flowers." "And there was a note inside do you still mean to deny it?" With these words she handed the rlum founded swain a scrap of paper, on which the following words were written: "Don't for get the old trousers you promised me the other day." Tit-Hits. Bute or Ohio, Citt op Toledo, J Lt'CAS Coivrv. ( Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that ho is the senior partner of the linn of F. , I. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dol lars for each mid every case of catarrh that cannot be cured bv the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. I'uamv j. ciii:ni:y. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my firesencc, this Cth dav of Deieinlx-r, A. 1). SKil. A. W.CLKASOX, Seal Notary Public. . ilairsCatanhCiire is taken internally and arts directly on tin; blood and mucous sur faces of the svsteni. Si nd for test imonials, 'ice. V. .1.(11 KXKY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by dniunists. "". Hall's l'aiiiily Pills are the best. A IllKllnrtlon. Stranger (to Highlander in full uniform) Sandy, are you cold with the kilt? Sandy Xa, mon, but I'm nigh kilt wi the caiild. Detroit Free Press. Give the Children n Drlnlc called (Jrain-O. It is a delicious, appetizing, nourishing food drink to take the place of eoffee. Sold bv all grocers and liked by all who have used it, because when properly nmrcd it tastes like the finest coffee but ree from all its injurious properties. Cirain-O aids digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health builder, and children, as well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Costs about J a much as coffee. IS and 2.V. TVatnral History. Teacher What can you tell me about the rabbit? Pupil Its left hind-foot is lucky. ruck. a bhake Into Yoar Shoes Allen's Foot-Kase, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, nervous, smarting feet and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of'the age. Allen's Foot-Kase makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, ach ing feet. Tru it to-uViy. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25 cents. Trial package FKKE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Koy, N. Y. Whenever we hear the women talk in dignantly because another woman is spoiling her husband, we hunt him up to congratu late him. Atchison Globe. Oh, What Splendid Coffee. Mr. Goodman, Williams Co., 111., writes: "From one package Salzer's German Coffee Berry costing 15c I grew 300 lbs. of better eoffoe than I can buy in stores at 30 cents a lb." A package of thla and big seed catalogue is sent you by John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse. Wis., upon receipt of 15 cents stamps and this notice. Send for same to-day. k 1 You know what you say about your poor kin? Well, thot's the way your folks who have money talk about you. Atchison GJobc. j -''There is no reason why a calico dress .should not look as well as a stun" dress if it be properly made. Get a piece of Simpson's Print and you can find nothing to equal it in quality, brilliaucy of color or beauty of design. The name Wm. Simpson & Sous on the ticket is the best guarantee you can have. The best man is he who tries to perfect himself; and the happiest man is he who feels that he is perfecting himself. Socrates, Coofrhlna; Leads to Consumption. . Kemp's lialsam will stop the Cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Iarge bottles 25 and 50 cents. Go at once ; delays are dangerous. Very few people care to he undertakers, yet a great many are willing to run funerals, Washington Democrat. I can recommend Piso'a Cure for Con sumption to sufferers from Asthma. E. D. Townsend, Ft. Howard, Wis., May 4, '94. No mistake. Thousands have been cured Promptly of neuralgia bj St. Jacobs OiL Ml JSJ EGGS IN ENGLAND. A Statistical Reformer Who Is ruins . I'p Trouble Ahead for Himself. There Is to be a national "poultry tent" in England beginning1 March '1, and in' anticipation of it Mr. Killian IJourheau Bnghot de la Here, of Iturbage hall, Leicestershire, has iusued a cir cular to "the agriculturists of England" wherein he states that the "object of the test is to set at reRt the vexed and oft debated question of profit or loss in volved in thekecping of fowls, more par ticularly as egg producers." The Brit ish public, he says, "are forever asking our furming community why they do not produce the 1,300,000,000 eggs we annually import? The only answer they get to this query is: Because we cannot produce them at a profit." It is the theory of Mr. Uaghot de la Bere, of Burbuge hall, Leicestershire, that the reason of the large and steadily increas ing importations of eggs into Greut Britain, which have increased in value volume from $2,000,000 to $20,000,000 be tween 1800 and 1800, is the failure of English farmers to apply modern meth ods to the egg industry in England, and he favors therefore what the civil re formers in the United States would call a competitive test. Mr. Bnghot tie la Bere has in view the application of arithmetical principles to the egg business, and he scouts the assertion in his circular that any reul dependence is to be put on the farmers' societies, for English farmers, he avers, do not understand the matter in the way he does and do not approach it from the same point of view. He insists on a practical test that is to be bjrgun on March 1, and this is the method of it: (1) Each flock subjected to the test shall number 40. (2) Each Hock of 40 shall be wired in and confined upon an acre of grass run. (3) Each and every flock is to receive the same description of food and to be fed twice dully; dur ing the six spring and summer months, upon grain only maize, wheat, barley and oats; during the six autumn and winter jnonths in the morning food with boiled roots mixed with meal, with whole grnin at night. (4) All food is to be puretinRed in the local market, weighed and stored in a locked shed. The oggs are to be counted daily nnd sold weekly in open market. No fancy price realized is to be taken account of. (5) Strict nccount is to be kept of the number of hours a week devoted to the necessary enre of the stock. () A state ment is to be made of the capital in volved at the start by the purchase of stock, cost of fowlhouses, nnd other nppliances. It is intended that there suit shall at the close of the year be published in detail in all the leading agricultural papers, as well as widely distributed in pnmphlet form, through the aid of county councils and other societies in touch w;ith the agricultural industry. It is nn undeniable fact that a very considerable amount of the food con sumed in Englnnd is imported from other countries. Milk, cheese, nnd eggs come chiefly from Denmark,' Holland nnd France, while much of the agri cultural land of Great Britain is unpro ductive nnd the farmers of England ex perionce the lack of a home market Whether the experimental tests in tho egg line of Mr. Bnghot de la Bere, of Burba go hall, Leicestershire, will have the results expected and set forth in bis circular, is conjectural and Mime American poultry raisers seem inclined to doubt it. X. Y. Sun. THE TERRIER'S MISTAKE. Impertinent Little Hour Wore Out the ht. llcrnnril'H I'utlenec. An incident Hint pointed n strong moral took place in Chestnut street one day lately. The street was thronged with promenaders, and the magnifi cent St. Bernard dog which a young woman was leading attracted much at tention. Xenr Thirteenth street the woman entered a stor?, leaving the dog outside. The dog was such a magnifi cent benst that several people stopped in admiration, nnd the dog nctunlly seemed to smile at the attention he wrtu receiving. About this time two giddy youths who were followed by a mis chievous fox terrier enme along and paused to see what was attracting the throng. The terrier, which was but a mit? beside the St. Bernard, rushed in and began snarling nt the big dog. The noble-looking benst paid not the slight est attention, nnd the youths audibly commented on the big one's cowardice. When the terrier began snapping at his feet, however, the big one gravely raised one paw and pushed his tor mentor a way. This angered the terrier, nnd its anger was fed by the youths, who told ".Tip," as they called him, to go in nnd "shake the big coward." JIp went in nnd set his teeth in the St. Bernard's leg. Suddenly the big dog lost Its forbearance nnd in a thrice .Tip was in its massive jaws. There was a crunching sound, a couple of shakes nnd .Tip was cast aside dead. The St. Bernard then resumed his place uncon cernedly and the young men gathered up their dead terrier and went off to make complaint at the city hall. Phil adelphia Record. , i . Kestrels. The kestrnl is trueo its picturesque name, windhover. The small birds fear her not, for they know she feeds by preference upon furry little qundru peds nnd very rarely chooses a linnet or sparrow. Poised high in the air, the kestral fixes her dark eye on the ground below, nnd if n field mouse or beetle catches her attention she swoops down. Minutes nt n time she hovers over a field with gently beating pinions, nnd i nothing stirs, moves on. When her prey is captured the kestrnl is a pretty alght in her jealous selfishness; with bunched shoulders rand quivering wings, she warns off nil intruders. Chicago Evening News.'' Xatorallr fiot. She I give you my word, I saw the boat leaVe the pier! He Well, you didn't suppose it wat going to tow the pier along with it, did you?"- Youkera Statesman. Dewsr tho March Wind I Escane the risora of the winds this month by going South over the Louisville & Nash- vine juunroau. inn line nas a peneci through-car service from cities of the North to all Winter Resorts in Georgia, Florida, along the Gulf coast in Texas, Mexico and California. ' The Florida Chautauqua now in session at DeFuniak Springs; six weeks with the best lecturers and entertainers, in a climate which is simply perfect. Very low rates for round trip tickets, on sale daily. Ilomeseekers' Excursions on the first and third Tuesday. Tickets at about half rates. For full particulars write to C. P. Atmore, O. P. A., Louisville, Ky.. or J. K. Itidgely, N. W. P. A.. Chicago, III. A woman's idea of the best plastering is the kind you ran drive a nail into any where. Washington Democrat. Lane's Family Medicine. Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price 25 uud 50c. The most ludicrous being in the world is he who tries to be unhappy and can't. De troit Free Press. . Fits stopped free and permanently cured. No fits after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Free $2 trial bottle & treatise. Dr. Kline, 033 Arch st., Phila., Pa. peopl worst kickers when the mail is lnte. Wash ington Democrat. To Care a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. THE MARKETS. New York. March 2t n stuck-Native Steers 14 (it 3D mit'i'p , , Hops FLOI'K Minnesota Patents Minnesota Jtukers' W1IKAT No. 2 lieu May , COKN-No. 2 4 IK) fit 5 ixi 4 !!n 'it 4 4", 5 20 df r 4:. 4 8i It 4 .") 1 WVe 1 IT. M'V'I 1 "' 3'iV" 8'1'ii 3:iV.i 31 31 U't 31 Vi 1.'. ( lit 12 f,t 15 4 r ti $3 7.. tv r. m 3 Ml 'it 4 7d 3 7D df 4 3D , 4 '1 u 4 i;d 2 iD 'it 3 7.". 3 7'i 'n 3 W 3 1!V 3 ""'i 3 ID (it 4 7D 13 de IS 12 '. I'l 3 (i! H'i r.3 'a i mi dt ! s:, f H't'S" i" : M.-, '. s i.7'i 4 Ml 'it "i wi 4 4D r,i 4 PI 1 li fit 1 if,", :".iit '.".is 2V 4!i nt r.i'i 31 (,t 42 $ !! li'i Wi 4fi.i 5D 43'V'l 43- $ T'7 fi( 07U 2'iV4'i 3d 3n 1i Sii'i DI H S1U U ('i 5 SO 3 7' i 'it 4 I'Ji 3 fill dl 4 Ml 3 7D (it 3 M) 3 !"i (it 4 (HI 4 I'D tit 4 5l tn in 'i ." 10 3 l"i 'it 3 ' 3 i n dt 4 4.", May OATS-No. 2 UL'TTKK Creumiury r nciory .K,,, CHKKSH Part Skims isaas CHICAGO. CATTLK Bhlpplnjr Steers... Texas Steers..... Stockers l-Ycilcrs ,x Hulls HOGS M?ht Knlr to Choice Mixed RHKKP liL'TT Kit Creamery Iairy KfJUS CHKKSK Full Cream I'OTAToKS (,f.r l,u.) PON K Mess, May lAltI May HI US May Kl. U'H Patents SiralKlits GItA IX Wheat. May Corn, May Oats, May Itye, No. 2 Parley MILWAl'KBK. GRAIX-Wheat, May Itye, No. 1 Parley, No. 2 DKTHOIT. GHAtX Wheat, No. 2 lied... Corn, Xo. 2 Oats, Xo. 2 White Itye, No. 2 ST. 1-Ol'IS. CATTLK Native Steers Texas Steers ,. Sloekeis and Feeders HOGS Paekers Hoteliers' SIIKKP OMAHA. CATTI.K Native Steers Cows ami Heifer Western i'ii'cra HOGS AVWge tabic Preparation for As similating the rood and Regula ting the Stomachs andBowcls of PromotesT)i4esUon,ChccifuI ncss and Hcst.Contains neithep Otnum.Morphirie nor Mineral. TSOT NAliCOTIC. Bug rouo-swLiZEavnsa IKampkm Sell MxJtnna ZixAmlU SJit -Ami Jtnt ftvrmSttd' Clarified Suoir Aocrfed Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fevensrt ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of TEW YORK. 5P? rXACT COPT or WRAPPER, SEND FOR A BICYCLE llsh tirade 'lit Model 14 to MO. CRCAT CLEARING 8AL.I of ?7 ni M , modela, bent tnakrl, St. TO to 18. Srnl on approval withau$ a cent payment. Frconne i of wtrri toonr nm. t mo lorour new .pin. How to r.orn n Ille--" ana mans fit "97 rnooVia f uliirluijr ahopirornl, IO II "A1? iMh. Wmtfrnr Arhl,,,aiu'nlr book of art, VHfcfc fur aiamp whllo they Uat. T. W. HEAD CWL.E CO., CIIIOAOO. . Allen's Ulcer lnt Mnlv In the only aure cure Id tho world for ht-onlr I'lcrra. Hone l lrrra, HoroTuloaa Ulcer. Vnrleoae Ulcer a. While Stwelllnc, Fever Moreja, ami sll Old Morea. It never (nils. Drnwaimtali polsun Have exicnie nnd ailfTerlns. hirn pormnneiit. 4let aalvo for Holla, t'urhunclrs, I'llea, Halt Rheum, Hnrna. Hta nnd all Kreah Waaadt, Ht tlinll.nnuill. Xllcj In rue, IVxik frno. J. 1. AI.LIX MF.IIIIDil ;C, Faul, MLau. Maid b DraisliU IC Yflll IRC Johnann's Pstent Bora. IT lUllflllai loillns snd Brsn Hoap III VtlAlini Pit witu fin 7"i lintneiilat nd TROUBLED WITH pormsnrntrellcf. Aoi iiwwwa.a.k it ;4ka nmlUfd on receipt (tAnillC ' eenta atamns taken. I jIJ tr lil Ol Manufactured br Emms TENDER FEET tn TIT Ken Arcane, UKOOkLtR, . -Y. rBtiITniliHiiZillliHW ti 0 5V"7"r!i"iHEl j H Ij Ww S ISiSii I .pyjff'y '..,. U For Infante and Children. rg (MdlDDini These two words emphasize a necessity and indicate a remedy. Spring the season when the blood is most impure as a result of tho win ter's closer confinement, higher liv ing, slower action of the kidneys and liver; when humors of all kinds, boils, pimples and eruptions are most liable to appear; when the weak, languid condition of the whole bodily struc ture demands and welcomes help. Medicine that to which the millions turn at this season Hood's Karsnpn- " rilla. Tho original and only prcp- tiration especially adupted to the pres ent needs of the human family.; that which makes the blood pure and clean, as shown by its thousands of wonderful cures of drendful blood diseases; c rentes an appetite and cures dyspepsia, as shown by its "mngictoucli'Mnall stomuch troubles; steadies nnd strengthens the nerves, as proved by people formerly nerv ous, now calm and self-possessed, thnnks to America's Greatest Medicine, A KlwuUIke JNeur Hume. (treat movements of people from one rectum of the country to another . are brought about by the very natural and laudablu desire of mankind to better his condition. When the news that gold in hvi? quan tities had been found in the interior of Alaska was tlashed over the wires, men from all over the world were ready to risk their lives and brave all kinds of danger to reach the new Kldorado. A few will succeed,. the balance will fail, while the average would have done better to have joined tin' bin ini miratioiriiovcmcut into the (t. Paul and luhith Country in Minnesota. Over One Million Dollars was paid for the potato crop alone at half a dozen towns aloiitf the road, to say nothing of money realized for tiraiu, cattle and other farm products. It is the coming country in the Northwest on nccount of its superb location between St. Paul, Minneapolis, I'uluth and Superior. It is blessed with a healthful climate, pure water, good soil, enterprising citizens and all the benefits of a (treat country. Land is inereasini: rapidly in value and every man who settles there may be assured that' he will have a small Klondike of his own without the discomfort and danger nt tending a trip to far away Alaska. Ilelluli'nll Feminine. ' Mother I don't understand you nt all. You are constantly praising Miss Whirlv now, and you used to insist that you could n't bear her. ' Daughter Hut I didn't know then, mam ma, that she was jealous of me. It is just too sweet of her. Detroit Free Press. McVlckcr'n Theater, Clilcntco. Thomas M. Keenc, the eminent tragedian, comes for one week, commencing March "J7, in a repertoire of standard Shakespearean plays. A man may provoke his own dog to bite him. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature of You Have Always Bought. TMC eiNTHUS COMMNV, NCWVORN BlTT, EXCURSIONS To the FBF.KUKAKT I,AlMof WKMTEKN CANADA, where twenty live suit thirl r buahclaof wheat are itrown to tho srre. will bo pcnumalljr conducted by a, Canadian UoToriiuivnt representa tive on March 23rd and 30th, and 6th April, lesvlnR Ht. Paul on those dates, for particulars as tosiieclally low paasvnitur and frelnht rates, apply to Department Interior, Ottawa, Canadn,ortoC. J. IIUOUUIITON. m Monsdnook Hulldlns. CBIcsko, 111. I T. O. CL'UKIK, HtoTons Point, Wis M. V. McINNKSt. No. 1 Merrill Mors,- Detroit. I). U CAVKNH. Bad Ae. and JAM ICS OUIKVK. Hoed City. Mich. i N. I1AHTIIOUJMKW, Des Moines, U II. Ml lU'lltf, Blratford. Iowa., i V T.arfreat srowera of Ornoe and Clever Reeds m In America. Aoao acres. Our Orana Mixtures last m a llfctlma. Meadnwa sown In April will sits ST pnK.I..nfi I. Jnl Prim, riipt r.ttmmn U.m. V roualns crop in July. Frlces dirt cheap. moth cataloviia and II put. (Iraaa and Oralns, ss w ihki for out loo, ana tnis none. ;aiaiogua a, mf uatVo, jons t. SALtsa sssa Co., lacsossb, wis. (s iKiGodrs the vir ( Jfv The ftft Kind m Only those who have been relieved of great suffering can fully appreciate the gratitude with, which the testi monials overflow written in favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Just read this: "C. I. Tlood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen: "My first experience with Hood's Snrsnpnrilla was when I used it ns n tonic and spring medicine. It did me so much good my faith in its because it cures when all others fail. fWAVi'iVVrVirtjiViAVAi PAifiT ;;:; walls CEiLitiGS. Gaicimo Fresco Tints FOR DECORATING WALLS AND CEILINGS pai-SliMffir YOUR proci-ror puint dealer oud Uojvour -I-..! . . 1 1.. ...!.. 4 ill, . nlr.lrl..u l. .... liririr mill milb'd S. twenty-four tints and is superior to any coneoetion of (Jlue und Mntlu: 5 that ean possibly 1 mmln lv linnd. To UK mixkd with Coi.u Watek. !E rMOIl vnil SAMi'M! COLOIC 'AltIS and if you cannot S purchase this material from your local dealers let us know and wo will S; :S put you in tho way of obtaininfr it. 3; I THE WIURALO CO.. NEW BRIGHTON. S. I.. NEW YORK. MIIlUlllllliJ-MllllllilllIl-- fib " EAST, WEST. HOME IS BEST." IF KEPT CLEAN WITH HOIV9ES Cat there. The climate is well-ui-rh perfect, this air beinjr dry and free from f miliaria. An ahundanco of pure water is found. It is it tfrcat Stiite for g stock raising and feeding. TIhto 1 iio Stal In tli Union wlirrou lianl-workliit? iarinor can lo mo well. Thousamls of poor men luivej , & become rich in Nebraska. Farms can now lie bought on easy terms. Prices fl ii?iiro low. A handsome illustrated p:imihlet describing1 Nebraska will be sent free on npplicntion to I". S. HITS TIS, (bneral Passenger Agent, Chicago. j) fWIJnrriTln ly tuli u till f THE RUSH to A A 100,000 Prospectors this Year Is there Room tor The A The Best Routes to Dawson Gltu, and what to take A Methods of Mining, and all about the Alaskan Gountrr m THE FIRST AUTHENTIC AND THOROUGH ARTICLE. With Illustrations. By S. S. Biish, President of the Chilkoot Pass Transpor THE PREVENTION OF LYNCHING. The Problem In the Southern States. By Edward L Pell, D. T THE BLOWING UP OF THE BATTLESHIP "V Spain and the United States. THE ZOLA-DREYFUS AFFAIR. k ' Interviews with Zola, Nordau and Drumont. Another St Barthof SILVER IN THE NEXT CAMPAIGN jjjj These articles, and fifty more, are in the I MARCH REVIEW OF RF x? No up-to-date American should mi- 'Xr This mnirattnit Is Invnlnnhlo for the country itiylcln. Inwjror. c iyA the InU'lllKuiit ruriiuT. ItKlvusall tliu liKltliuoU) uuws, Willi uuurl KUN nlrlurt-n. ovorr moiitti. PRESIDENT 0ATE5. OP IOWA COLLHOE. wys: "Thf other current literature In the Enrllsh language so brilliant i events In every part trf the world." BISHOP JOHN H. VINCENTl "Ireeard the Review of best means of aid for the busy man who wants to be faml! time.1' THE LATE FRANCES E. WILLARO, PRESIDENT "The brightest outlook window In Christendom for busy Is going on the worid.1' CYRUS NORTHROP, L. L. D., PRESIDENT t'NIV " The Review of Reviews Is Invaluable. More than ar reader into communication with the whole thinking woi SEND 25o IN STAMPS FOR THIS NUMBER Special Offer to Readers of tti The regular price of the RevU-v of Re the magazine to readers of this paper on r months for $i.oo. Cut out this coopor- Address THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS CO., 13 $15 l WtEK and riprsnee fur honest, artlve man or woman, . swial rrimntMlre In thvir lelnity. K-tNinMlil llnunri rapvrlrnF nn. aawn.ary. a KiasranurK, rnuadripnia, i- I Dat Cotik-h Syrup. TuteaOuoil. Cae I I tt; In time. (Vilrt hy druggists. I I r-- '1 j J merits became very strong. About two years later I had a running sore on my foot. It developed into erysipelas and affected the entire limb. At that time I was v Very Much Run Down, as I had been troubled with dyspepsia. The drain on my system was so sever and my stomach was so weak I became a ready victim of malaria. I feared I could never regain my health. My stom ach rebelled at the simplest food, nnd tho medicines prescribed for me gave but little relief. I sent for a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I had taken this medi cine but three duys when I begun to Im prove, Continuing with it, I am now better and stronger than I ever expect ed to be. It has purified my blood and given good circulation. I have had nr return of my old troubles since." Man, W. Kane, Media, Pa. Hood's Sarsa parilla Is Tho Modlclno For You Decausc of what it hns done for others; bemuse you ought this spring to take that which will do you the most good. Ho sure to get Hood's. own kal- WMi-Wiiil-s wuniniriL'. Ill ' 4 O i i.:ni, ..t ..i, 1, reapaippBlla remeniher tliis: Nehrasku'B soil is rieli H and easily tilled. No rocks and stumps. All f-rains and fruits that succeed in ; other states in samo latitude llourbh i s s v- , the otntVt Dayf KLOND VIEVS. Ssit lerin. tncrohant. anl m boiHlred portrait aud re eshftff be found In any A Interpretation of passing Reviews as the latest and tar with the language of the WORLD'S W. C. T. U.i people) who want to sea what cRSITY OP MINNESOTA! y other publication, It brings the Id at once." C0NTJ. .ININQ THE KLONDIKE ARTICLE. is Advertisement : . views is $2.50. We will send trial subscription for six Utor Place, RE YORK CITY, . 1 1 UUUtUUU (afaj Iwhl SMKki , aaafi rasa mawoutis. w. ii.eaawroMii a co., isaimiia UICI I MACHiNiV-Ort. MMi4y Mi IIULL LOOMI NY MAN. Tiff IN. 0 A. tt. K.-A rnM WRITIM- TO. V1XCT1 Olasw etas UavS SMkW tSkSJ Aatw asxnS 1st SrM o- I lllr, laita. x ifti isOlon Co' W 170 "Mil I, ..-U-f-,