Newspaper Page Text
! The L'Anse Sentinel. A KxtrOHLICAN NEfftFAlTK, Devoted to the Interests of L'Anse, Baraga, aud lb entire County. Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION 1.50 PER YEAR, Invariably in Advance. Entered at second-clan mail mat ter in the Vott Office at L'Antc. NOTICK TO U If HCHI HERS. Th date opposite aach aubacrib.r'a nam in t ' ariaiad addreaaoa each paper indicalaath. lime which the. jbscriptioa ia paid. Ily oha.rving th tubx-.riber may know al all timet )ul bow hiuu rrmiioi account Manila, and In cat. any error eaadein giving credit tor the payment of money on tubacription, ilia the Only 01 tne luuacriocr ah,anffira wilhcilll HnnlCCHirV dfllV. Usually the publither loutinuea lending th paper until it ia ordered oiaconiinuea, wnsinsr in hai tiDirad or not. If a aubaenberda I trca it ducontinued he ahould ao notify this office, and pay up airearaiea it there oe any. The Official Paper of Baraga County. COUNTY OrrlVKM. Jar A. HrnaitLi.. Circuit Jodge, Houghton, John H. Mild. Sheriff. L'Anae. Wat. K. H a vilakd. Prosecuting Attorney, VL"JI: -..a... , n,K... Baraga. Fe- tl'. O., Count Clerk and Register of Deed, Vt An M. Jam McKch, County Surveyor, Spuir EiT'stowb, Circuit Court Commissioner, U?y'" "d J- P McKt-'w. L'Anse, and Rioiiahd Fon, Baraga, Voot Comml loner. b0I.bkvI8OKS. John F. Hoiaiwaitn. L'Anse Township. Lawmncb J. Oallaoheb, Baraga fowaahlp. W. Bern Arvoit Townehlp. Johw Lyons. Covington lownshlp. William J. MiLBOT, SpurrTownnhip. BU1RO OF SCHOOL. EXAMINERS. M. J. McKanna, County School Commia' loner, Baraga. Miss K. A. CtiUBY. L'Anse, O. N. Fuller, L'Anse. State Ticket. For Governor 1IAZKNS. PING REE, of Wayne county. FOR LlEl TENANT OoVKRNOR OlilUN W. ROBINSON. Of Houghton. For Secretary of State JUSTUS S. STEARNS. Of MaSOnUjUeo.C.Jackujttii, For Acmtor General ROSCOE D. DIX, Of Berrien. For Attorney G enf.ral HORACE M. OUEN, Of Chippewa. For State Treasurer GEORGE A. STEEL. Of Clinton. For Commissioner of State Land Office WM. A. FRENCH, Of Pri-sque Isle. For Sr per i nt end ext of I'l blic Is- HTRI 'CTloN JASON E, HAMMOND. Of HilUlale. For Relents op University KL1 R. SUTTON, of Wavne. J. BYRON JUDKINS. Fv.-nt. For Mkmiikuh Bh.vrdof Kdi catiox Short term, E. fc JOHNSON. Of Washtenaw. Long term, F. A. PLATT, Of Genesee. .'orrP!islon;l. For Covurkss, Twelfth District CARLOS D. SHELDEN. Fo State Senator, 32 n District CHAP.LES SMITH, of fak'o Linden. Legi.HlutUe. For Representative, Dickinson P. HANDY, of Crystal Falls. Republican County Ticket. For Sheriff JAMES FLEMING. For Ci.Erk and Reoister of Deeds GEORGE O. BEEHLER. For Treasurer MATH IAS HANSEN. For pHOKEcrTiNO Attorney WALTER E. DOORE. For Circlmt Court Commissioner EDWARD L. STONE. For Coroners CORIDON JOHNSTON, ALEX. MARTIN. For County Surveyor JAMES McKERCIIER. A Missouri grand jury has in dicted Jesse James, Jr., for being a chip of tho old bandit. Tuesday the Spanish flag was hauled down on the island of Porto Rico forever, and the stars and stripes took its phce. A Chicaoo dispatch says 24 plan ing mills in Michigan, Illinois, Wis consin, Minnesota and Iowa are about to consolidate, with a capital of $15,000,000. A youno lady in Gladstone cap tured a lovely "cat" id the wood shed at her home one evening re cently. It happened to be one of those black "pussy cats" with white stripes down its back, and the lady in question will be obliged to keep out of society for- at least ninety days. In this world all is not gold that glitters, neither are all skunks pet kittens. ASSININS NEWS. Special correspondence to Th SiSTisiL.' Jos. Veretto sold his hay to Mr. Johnson, of Uaraga, this week. Dr. Zellen, of Skanee, was in town this week on professional business J. H. Benircman went to Hough ton with a load of herring this week The deer hunters are getting ready to go when the word go is given. J. B. Noah. Teter and Abe Wa wasong arrived here Thursday from Odanah, Wis. Frank LeClair and John Black wood, of Ontonagon, were in town this week. Chief and Mrs. Wm. Owen, of the M. E. Mission, attended the funeral of the late Thomas Teeple. . Those farmers who did not get through dizains their potatoes are now meeting with bad weather. S. Denomie has commenced tak- nir up his pound nets. He claims tishW was better with him this season than last. The two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. James Howe,of West Superior, Mamio and Ellen, are visiting their crrandmother, Mrs. Martin Kelsey. at Newtonvillo. Miss Lizzie Denomie returnim from Marquette Thursday and brought the good news that her sis ter, Nancy, is rapidly recovering from an operation which she under went in St. Mary's Hospital, in that ty. Thomas Teciile a resident of this place for tho past sixteen years.died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Barbno, Monday morn- U after a lingering illness. The funeral was held from the Catholic church Thursday morning, the ser- K-o being conducted by Kev. t r. eruorst, and was largely attended. Supervisors Meeting. Continued from page one. Spurr township ate tax . 450 M . 2.920 32 Couuty and rejected tux . 3,379 83 Fines and Penalties tieo. . Bonier, Co. clerk.... I E II. Oruisby .Justice of peace. 25 00 25 00 23 HO 84 50 ten-hard eore, " " " Geo. O. Beehler, Co. clerk Drr lU'eimeH..., f E n try f Court fund 100 50 20 00 S 33 M. J. McKnnnn, Co. commln Hioner, trHcber's itiMtilute fund lquor tax Tax ate Deikniueut taxes, fvea A iut.. Tutal receipt for the yar.. . Cain ou bund Oct. I. IW7..,. . T.i'iO 00 3.NS 44 Total Receipts, cuahou liiiuU.... lncliunnjr DISBURSEMENTS. state of Michigan " ' Icr lio-nNVH ..I hi 75 Ktiaie tax nil. by Twp.Trei.'. . 2,441 0 DUniient xtatn tax, ex- pfOKei and Interem 2.9(0 32 t 5,439 1 Arvon township Library fuml Primary "hKl int. fund.. DUnuent taxet and int.. 5 S3 I2 At 4.220 fil Baraga township Linrary fund Primary whool int. fund Delinquent taxeM and int. I 42 M ii,a 17 Corlna'ton township Library fund Primary whixil int. fund.. Deliuqueut taxes and int.. 93 S IX) 079 IS L'Anse township Library fund P 'imarr school int. fund.. l.MiuUHnl taxes and int.. Liquor tax 32 m 77J ei 2.:ui 55 VM 00 4,138 01 Hpurr township Library fund Primary school int. fund... Delimjueut taxes and Iut... 3 25 72 10 I, turn 35 1,83 70 BaraKA village Liquor tax Delinquent taxes Village of L'Anse Liquor tax .1 3.4A5 00 24 97 3,711 97 2,227 50 10.f5 23 Snperrlsors orders.. Poor orders Court orders Death return orders Insane asylum Insurance County Treasurer fees col lecting' liquor tax Total disbursements Cash on hand Oct 1, 18U8 Total disbursements, Includ ing cash on band 3,401 40 1,088 9rt I 25 422 18 102 60 72 60 fcS3.3l5 20 13,249 60 Kfl.VM 70 LEDGER BALANCES. State of Michigan General fund Arvon Twp Covtufrton Twp L'Anse Twp Hpurr Twp Baraga village..... Fines and penalties Teachers institute fund.. Hupervlsora orders... Poor orders Court orders... Death return order Deer license Entry fees Insurance.... Insane asylum Cash ...J 35 64 28,1 M 63 83 20 4 41 65 43 14 81 639 05 60 60 28 60 .II0.A5A 23 ,. 1.401 40 . 1,000 M 1 25 64 76 20 00 12 50 422 13 13,249 60 28.9H8 18 128.988 18 L'Anse, Mich., October 12. 1898. To the Hon. Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: Tour committee on examina tion of the County Treasurer' account, re port that they have carefully examined the foregoing statements, and the treasurer' voucher and book, and And them correct In very particular. Tour respectfully, WALfRED BEEN, JOHN LYONS, Thereupon the board adjourned GITY Also Choice Line or Canned Goods. C.P.BLANKENHORH, PROP The Best Skill, the Best reasons why Ishpetnlng Docs the very best work with least patron. Will you try It? O. until Wednesday, October 12th, at 9 o'clock a. m. At an adjournment of the annual meeting of the board of supervisors for the county of Baraga, held at the office of the county clerk in the village of L'Anse, in said county, on Wednesday, Oct. 12, A. D. 1898. All members were present. The meeting was called to order by tho chairman. The report of committee on in vestigation of superintendent of poor of Baraga township was ac- epted as read and the committee discharged. The report of committee in tho matter of sending juvenile criminals to the house of correction was read, and recommended that the clerk make a contract with the state house of correction for juvenile offenders from this county. The report of committee on L'Anse and Covington road was read and accepted and committee discharged. Claims were presented, allowed and ordered paid, by a unanimous vote of the board, as follows: Am't Claim'd. Wm. Henry, J. P. fees, et !. on In quest of John Lund I 12 88 Am't All'd (12 88 21 43 8 00 0 00 9 00 John Lyons, fees, Lund case P. F. Tracy, ' " " Abram Autlct " " " Albert A.Jones " " " ...... 21 43 8 00 8 CO 9 00 Q.O.Beehler, coffin, digging grave and livery, burying John Lund. 19 00 Q.O.Beehler, ditto, Frank Prevo. 10 00 19 00 19 00' Dr. J. U. Turner, Inquest ser vices, Frank Prevo 10 50 10 00 Frank Foote, deputy sheriff fees case Frank Prevo 9 85 9 85 Cord Johnston, coroner, Jury etc. fees 31 17 31 17 Cord Johuston, coroner, Jury.etc. fees, Inquest of Nelson Pennock 16 51 16 51 R. Feore, prlnjiug for Co. school commissioner 6 50 8 50 R. Feore, J. P. Inquest, Jury, etc. fees in case of James Druke.... ' 8 05 R. Feore, Justice fees 2 95 II. Seldcn, Justice fees... 2 95 Jas.Flt-inltiK, deputy sheriff fees.. 14 35 John Campbell, sundries for 8 05 2 95 2 14 35 court bouse and Jail Cord Johuston, extra services as coroner.,.. .. Jos. Varett, Interpreter, case of Mary Negauuee P. K. McKernan, legal services., 26 18 28 18 12 00 3 50 16 00 3 50 16 00 Jos. LoDuc, material and labor on sidewalk In front of Jail.... 15 00 15 00 Dr. J. O. Turner, Inquest of Jas. Drake 10 00 10 00 Dr J. G. Turner, certificate of death of Jno. Lund Chas. Smith. filing saws for Jail.. Thos. Valand, wood for Jail Louis Mesnard.drayage for Jail.. Hugh Nesbitt, hose and sundries for court house Tower A Lyon, balls and chains and handcuffs E. L. Btone, Inspecting Jail James McKercher, " " II. J. Kelfert, " " R. Feore, " ' J. Q. McKernnn. " " 6 00 75 7 50 1 75 6 00 75 7 50 1 75 23 00 3 50 6 80 3 00 3 50 3 00 23 00 3 50 6 CO 3 00 3 50 3 00 John Hlld. board of prisoners.... 279 00 279 00 John Hlld, court fees, summon ing Juries, etc 77 70 John Ilild. sheriff fees fc mileage. 23 10 John Hlld.attend'g court 2 terms. 30 00 77 70 23 10 30 00 G. O. Beehler, returning births, deaths and marriages 9 24 9 24 Octave Sicotte, repairs at court house 1 00 1 00 C, D. Shea, 16 days labor on court house grounds 28 00 Wm. Thomas, 7 day labor on court house grounds 12 25 G. N. Fuller, 6 days county school examiner 20 00 Kate Curry, 5 days county school examiner 20 00 H. Belden, team work at court house 6 00 28 00 12 25 20 00 20 00 6 00 Mrs. Spruce, cleaning office at court bouse 2 00 2 00 Village of L'Anse, water rents for connty, 2d and 3d H 17 00 17 00 Mary White, repairing flag for court house 2 60 V. W. Foote, deputy sheriff fee., 83 26 2 60 33 Dr.W. R. Btrlngham, Inquest ser vice In case of Nelson Pennock 8 00 8 00 John H. Hlld, drawing Jury S 00 8 00 O. O. Beehler, ' . 8 00 8 00 Oeo. C. Jackman, " 1 00 I 00 H. felden, " 8 00 1 00 Oeo. C. Jackman, ostatlonery and printing 28 45 28 45 J.O.Real, medicine for prisoner. I 26 I 26 McMillan A Olrard, livery for committee on Covington road,. 20 00 20 00 3. r. Holllnger, expense Baraga township poor committee 9 60 9 60 W. Been, expense Baraga town ahlp poor committee 10 00 10 00 W. Been, expense Covington road committee 28 00 26 00 L. J. Gallagher, Expenses Coving-ton road committee 15 00 18 00 John Lyon, expense Covington road committee 17 80 17 80 John Oolden, service Covington road committee It 00 '12 00 Continued on page eight, ( J MEAT MARKET IAnse and Baraga, Mich. All Kinds of Fresh and cured Meats, Fresh Butter, Ifggs, Vegetables. Fruits, Etc Machinery' the Best StarchThree the : l ' n i Steam Laundry wear. A fair trial generally makes a H. Sengebusch, the barber, ageot. SPUllIl AND MIC1IIGAMME. Special correspondence to Thi Sbktikil. C. F. Sundstrom went to the Soo Monday on official business. ' F. W. Read, of Marquette, was in town Tuesday on business. James Fleming, of Baraga, was in town Tuesday between trains, en route to Sidnaw. John Nclagon, of Oconto, Wis., was in town Saturday en his way to his camps, south of Spurr. Miss Jennie Biel is very ill and there is very little hopes for her re covery, at this writing. 1 All of the teachers at Sp(rrt went to Baraga Monday to atterld the teachers' institute held in that town this week. John Meldon, of Houghton, a member of Co. F, Thirty-fourth Michigan volunteers, died Monday night from fever contracted in Cuba. Other members of Cos. D and F on the sick list will recover. Harry Meredith, formerly of Ish peming, but for a number of years foreman in the office of the Menom inee Democrat, was drowned early Monday morning while duck hunt- , ing. First pub. Oct. 22; last Nov. 28, ItrtW. Notice for Publication. ' Land Office at Marquette, Mich., Oct. 2Mb, mw. Notice is hereby given that the following named settlers have filed notice of their Inten tion to make tiual proof in support of their ciuimv1"" mat said proof will be made before the Cierk of the Circuit Court of Baraga I'ounl. u f ' A M...V, .... V. ........ V... OM.h j 1X4, viz: -ona M. Petterson. h'd application No- '"-l"- for the s w i sec 2U. tp 5J n, r 30, 'w. I Also jonn .iiciomo, n t application No, 732a, for the s w "i sec 27, tp 52 n, r 30 w. They name the following witnesses to prove their continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of mild laud, viz: John McComb, Anna Zellen, Oscar Zellen. John Zellen, Hotla M. Petterson, Olof O. Wick, Olof Olson, all of Skauee, Mich. THOM.Vt SCADDEN, Register. First pub. Oct. 15, 1 808; last Jan. 7, 18K9. Mortgage Sale. Default having been made in the conditions of a certain uiortgaire, bearing date the 21st day of January. A. D. 18H7, made by James It. Johnston, of the township of Baraga, couut.v of Baraga, state of Michigan, to Karati E. 'Mc Donald anil Edward L. Stone, of the siiinn place, which mortgage was duly recorded tu the office of the register of deeds of the coun ty of Baraga, state of Michigan, on the 22d day of March, A. D. xy7, in Liber 7 of mort- I gages on page 224, and whereas the amount' claimed to be due ou said mortgage ut the ! date of this not lee, for principal mid interest, is the sum , of two hundred and twenty-four i dollars, mid In addition thereto an attorney's fee of fifteen dollars as stipulated and pro- ! vliled for in said mortgage, and no suit or pro- I ceediugs at law having been instituted to re cover the amount now remaining secured by i said mortgage, or any part thereof, Notice is i therefore hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained In said mortgage, and j in pursuance of the statute in such case made aud provided, on Tuesday, the 10th day of January, A. D. 18119, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of that day, at the front door of the court house, in the village of L'Anse, county of Baraga, slate of Michigan (that being the place for holding the circuit court for said county), there will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, the premises desei lls'ii in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage as above specified, with the Interest thereon and the attorney's fee, costs, charges and expenses allowed by law, and provided for in said mortgage; the said premises being described In said mortgage as all those pieces or parcels of land lying aud being situate In the township of Baraga, county of Baraga and state of .Michigan, aud described as follows, to-wit: The north half of the northwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty-nine 29l, lots one (I), two (2). three (3, and four (4) of section thirty (:, In township fifty-two (52) north, of range thirty-three v33) west. Duted October 15, 18118. HAKAH E. MtDONALD, KDWAKD L. H TONE. ' Mortgagees. PHILIP R. M( KERN AN, Attorney for Mortgagees. . First pub. Oct. 1 : lailt Dec. 21, 1898. Mortgage Sale. Default having been made In the conditions of a certain mortgage, bearing date the 13th day of Dei ember, A. D., 18U7, made by Peter lOetzen and Meuresa Getzeu. bis wife, of the village of Baraga, county of Baraga, Michigan, to Lizzie Oallagher, of the same place, which mortgage v.-as duly re corded in the office of the register of deeds of the County of Baraga, state of Michigan, on the 14th day of December, A. D. 1897. in Liber 4 of mortgages on page 121, and whereas, the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage at the date of this notice, for principal and In terest, Is the sum of One Hundred and Three Dollars and Fifty Cents, end In addition thereto an attorney's fee of Fifteen Dollars, a stipulated and Drovlded for In 6 said mortgage, and no suit or proceeding at law having been Instituted to recover the amount now remaining secured by said mort gage, or any part thereof. Notice Is therefore hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained In said mortgage, and In pursuance of the statute In such ease made and provided, on Tuesday, the 27th day of December, A. D., 1898, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the front door of the court house, in the village of L'Anse, county of Baraga, state of Michigan (that being the place for holding the circuit court for aald county) there will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, the premise described In said mortgage, or ao much thereof a may be necessary to satisfy the amount due on aald mortgage, a above specified, with the Interest thereon, and the attorney' fee, costs, charge and expense allowed by law, and provided for In said mortgage; the said premise being described In said mortgage as all that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being In the village of Baraga, In the eounty of Baraga, and stale of Michigan, aod described as follows, to-wit: (Lot Seventy Two (72) in 8, L. Smith's addition to th village of Baraga, according to the plat of said ad dition now on file and of record In the register of deeds' office of said Baraga eounty, Michi gan, with all the building thereon. Dated October 1, 1898. LIZZIE OALLAOHIR, PHILIP R. McKIRNAN, Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortgage. Call and Inspect J ? Immense Stock of New 9 rs And 6 9 H Get.. 9 p Oooos prices- ? I Wm. ICitCo. - J 6 BARACA - - WUCH. O 6X00OK00- Flrat pub. Oct. 15; last Nov. 19, 1898. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Marquette, Mich., October 12. 1898. Notice la hereby giv.av that the following- named settler baa filed notice of her Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Circuit court of Baraga county, at L'Anse, Mich., on November 21st, 1818, via: Eliza Abts, h'd application No. 72f2, for the Hofnmnwof n e X and a e H of n w ii, sec 2. t 47 n, r S3 w. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vlx: Edward Nichols, William Walker, David Carron, and Benjamin Nephew, all of Nestoria, Mich. ' Tuoxus Scaddin, Register. First pub. Oct. 1 ; last Nov. 6, 1898. Notice for Publication. Laud Office at Marquette, Mloh., fcept. 2Hth, 1898. Notice Is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Baraga county, at L'Anse, Mich . on November 12th. 11. vli: John Laub, h'd application No. TUOS, for the e . sec 10, tp 50, n, r 35 w. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Tefore Durand, Charles Dorsey, Henry Duchaue, Neil McPhee, all of Buraa, Mich. Thomas Scadpew. Register. First pub. sept, 24, last. Oct. 29, 18US. Public Land Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of instruct lous from lue I oiuuilssloner of the Oetierul Laud Office, under authority vested iu htm by Section 21Vi, V. a. Kev. Mat., as amended by the act of Congress approved February 26, lxitt, we will proceed to offer nt public sale on the Slst day of October, 18V8, nt this office, the following described tract tif laud, to-wit: The N W Si of N E Si, sec. 9, T 47 N. R 33 W. An)' and all persons claiming adversely the nbove-described land are advised to tile their claims in this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale, otherw ise their rights will lie forfeited. Dated at the I. . Land Office, Marquette, Michigan, Septemlier 17, THOMAS SCADDEN. Register. JOHN JONES Receiver. Fir..t pub. sept. 24; last Oct. 21', 1898. Notice fur Publication ' Land office at Marquette, Mich., Sept. 22, 18WH. Notice U hereby given that the following, named settler has tiled notice of Ills Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Ilmighton coiwity nt Houghton. Mich., on October 31st, Isils. viz: J oh an Sinii, h'd application No. 7o. for the w t, of u w '4 ; s e i of n w -'t and s w ! of n e X, sec 5, tp ho n, r Sri w. He uumes the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon und cultivation of, said land, viz: Amlru I.ehto, Jerry Sul livan, of Laird, Mich.; Jacob Kiuta, Sum Hill, of Baraga, Mich. Tuoji a Sx-AitDrn, Register. First pub. Oct. I ; Inst Nov. 6, 18'jtj. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office. Marquette, Michigan. September 24, I8U8. A sufficient contest affidavit having liecn filed in this office by Moses LePnge.contestatit, against homestead entry No. 6rt44, made All gjist 2, I8W), for s e H seel Ion 2.1. towusliip 49 n., rUnge l w, by Christian P. Hllson. i-onlestee, in which it Is alleged that said Christian P. Hilsou has wholly abandoned said homestead and changed his residence therefrom; that he never cultivated said land, or any part of it' that he never built a house on said land; that said homestead has been totally abandoned and that said entry ought to be cancelled suld parties are hereby notified to appear respond and offer evidence touching said al legation at 10 o'clock a. m., on November 8th I8U8, before the county clerk of Houghton county, at Houghton, Michigan, land that final hearing will he held at 10 o'clock a.m. on No rem be r 15, 1898. before the Register and Re ceiver of the United States Laud office in Mur queue, Michigan. The said contestant having. In a proper af fidavit, filed August 15th, 18DH, set forth fa ts that after due diligence personal service of this can not be made. It ts hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. ' Thomas Scadden. Register, John Jon us. Receiver. First pub. Oct 15, last Nov. 6, 189. Prooate Notice. State of Michigan, t County of Baraga, f At a session of the Probate Court for said county, held at the Probate office in the vlllas-e ofLAnse, on the 11th day of October, in the efghi0"" iUound elahi n"dred and ninety. ProbaTe"'' Hn' Bdwrd " 8ton' 3& of deceased""' f 8Ut f Jo"PB Boyer, . ,n T1", J?d n,ln" the petition, duly verl. In,e,ipryJ,, ,or wa-ons there ii?r.t.h .dBjr nxti r hearing aid petition, and after a full examination l5 the premise., that the aald court adjudi cate and determine' who are or were at tha time of hi. death the legal helrl of st d de" ceased, and entitled by the law. of thU .tate to Inherit hi. real estate, and the share o? po..V.oa.V,eeo, th cn ad heir wm entltied to at that time, and the rlgh " utJ aod Interest that each of them or their 'heir or-?""ltrn" mm' now therein. ereX.n .V" ordred' th Monday, the eventh day of November 10 o'clock In th assigned for the hearlngof aa d petition, and that the heir at law of aald I de. aid estate. are required to appear at a se tk0'. "'i-cofrt, then to beTolden In u Probate office In the village of L'Anse and show cause, If any there be, why the nrat'.?, the petitioner should not be granted P a J u I further ordered, that aald Mimn'n.t J. MldsStef0"1 tSSafi: thl. order to be'pabll.hed Vibe tlnel, a newspaper printed and circulated Is XXSWtZZ?"1" p-vTou. i 1DWAjS-Df,KftV First pub. Oct. 8; last Nov. 12, 1898. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Marquette, Mich.. October 4th, 18UH. Notice Is hereby given that the following, named settler ha filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In eupport of his claim, and that said proof will' be made before tha Clerk of the Circuit Court of Houghton county at Houghton, Mich., on November 14th, 1KU8 viz: Cius Peterson, h'd KnnM.,in x, for the se4, sec 8, tp 49 n, r 36 w. ' tie names me following witnesses to prove : -- .u nuu cultivation of said land, vlx: John Dub I berg, Peter N el sou, of Baraga, Mich.; Andrew Dahlberg, Thomas Scaddix, Register. First pub. sept. 17, last Oct. 22, 1897. Pule Land Sale. Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of Instructions from the commissioner of tbn General Land Office, under authority vested iu him by Section 2455, U. 8. Rev. Stat., as amended by the act of congress approved February 26, 18U5, we will proceed to offer at public sale on the 2th day of October, 1898, at this office, the following described tract of land, to-wit : The N W hi of N E k, Sec 14, T 47 N, R 36 W. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims in this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. Duted at the V. S. Land Office, Marquette, Michigan, September 12. 1898. THOMAS SCADDEN. Register, JOHN JONES, Receiver. First pub. Oct. 1 ; last Nov. 5, 1811. Notice lor Publication. Laud Office at Marquette, Mich., Kept. Srith, 1898. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settlers hare filed notice of their Inten tion to make final proof iu support of their claims, and that said proof will be made be fore the Clerk of the Circuit Court of lluriijii Co.. at L'Anse, Mich., on November llth, ls, viz: Octavus Snesse, h'd application No. tWM, for the n w of n e ! s w of n e 4 aud lots 7, 8 and 9, sec 24, tp 48, u, r 34. w. Alsi Patrick Pilon, h'd application No. TM, for the s w 14 sec 8, tp 48, n, r 33. w. They name the following witnesses to prove their continuous residence upon und cultiva tion of said land, viz: Louis Nicholson. Pat rick Pilon, Edinond Marchaud, Joseph Hobil lurd, Octavus huesse, Jobu Lyons, all of Cov ington, Mich, Thomas Scadpex, Register. Flrnt pub. sept. 3, last Nov. 5, 1818. Election Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, office of the Secretary of stale, Lansing, Aug. 27, I88. To the Sheriff of the County of Burnga: Sir You are hereby notified that at th general election to be held lu this state, on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of No vember next, the following officers are to be elected, viz: A tiovernor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Auditor (ieneral. Attorney (ieneral, Superintendent of Public Instruction nud Commissioner of the State Land office; also a member of the Stale Hoard of Education in place of Eugene A. Wilson, whose term of office w ill expire Decern bcr 31, I8HH; also a member of the State Board of Edu cation In place of El I us F. Johnson, appointed to till vacancy : also a Representative in Con gress for the Twelfth Congressional District of this state, to which your county lielongs; also a Senator for the Thirty-second Senatorial District of this state; also n Representative iu the Stale Legislature for the Dickiuson Repre sentative District, comprising Baraga, Dickin son nud Iron counties. You are also hereby notified that at sold election there will be submitted to the people the question of the general revision of the constitution of this state in accordance with Seetlon two of Article twenty thereof, and Act No. 7 of the Public Acts extra session of I8!8. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Michigan, at Lansing, the day and year first above written. WASHINGTON OARDNER, Secretary of State. j 8KAU j. State of Michigan, I County of Baraga, . t as. rttra-rr-v nw rrTrr- ournfrr. L'Anse, Mich., September 2, A. D. 1898. To" the County Clerk of the County of Baraga, luwuMiip i tern 01 ine vanou Townships in said Couuty: Notice is hereby given that at the general election to be held on Tuesday succeeding the first Monday In November next, there are also to be elected the following county officers: One Sheriff, One County Clerk and Register of Deeds, One Couuty Treasurer, One Prosecuting Attorney, One Circuit Court Commissioner, One County Surveyor, Two Coroners. l 1 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I 4 hal have heretofore affixed my j f signature this 2nd day of Sep- -"V ' te tuber, A. D. 1898. JOHN H. HILD, 8herlff of Baraga County, First pub. sept. 17; last, Nov. 6, 1898. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Office of the Secretary of State, Lansing, September 13, 1898. To the Sheriff of the County of Baraga: Sir You are hereby notified that at th general election to be held In thl state on Tuesday, November 8, 1898, there will be elect m'"lbrof the Board of Regent of the University in place' of Oeorg A. Farr, who MP looted to nil a vacancy caused by the rrrifVi? of Cn"-1" H. Hackley. whose 81, 1908. Wonld hT P,rd '' nA1"? thT W,H fleeted a member of the u.Vi. Z Kj;Knl of th University In place of Hen,, a. Dean, who wm appointed to All a I!5 ZfJ r e death of Henry How; iL T"..term of office wonld have expired December II, I8V9. IN TESTIMONY WHKRBOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Oreat Seal of the state of Michigan, at Lansing. thdy and year nrst above written. WA8HINOTON GARDNER, Secretary of State.