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Newspaper Page Text
0 i " ...... . v O o o o o o New Potatoes cash pbiees S. Denomie's ...At" For tla.o. ...T2I BIS S22B! We will have a Large Consignment of Quart . . Mason Fruit Jars. . About Thursday. ALL GOODS ABE FRESH AHD PRICES AWAY DOWN. , Mail Orders Receive Careful Attention. The Baraga Store Co., BARAGA, MICII. Famous King's Best Flour,0 Washburn Crosby's Choice Gold Medal Flour, and the Consolidated Milling Company's "Whole Wheat Flour. o Bran, o Oats, Etc. Middling, Feed, A Large Lot of the Celebrated PIERCE'S BUG- Qkiller. o o o o It kills all kinds O of bugs and : : J worms, and helps the plants at the same time. If you did not know of it before, try it now. fr You will win. q g A complete Line of CHOICE g S GROCERIES. 2 Also Headquarters for Choice POUND o o Mail Orders Promptly Attended to and All Goods Delivered. O .rV Style 4661 1 I Style 444. I ii 0 We carry the best littc of. n 2 I jj 11 ' . (Totjsets 1 I; ooo wr :" -- j S I ; ' 'r I J I . v " hi the Comity, j jjl Our NEW FALL -! . STYLES are now $2iftro " ?-Vj?A I"' 4 Corsets In all , W:g;f g l .... gpr I Jos. Cohl, Baraga. O BARAGA DEPARTMENT: at LOCAL ITEMS. Additional Baraga news on page eight. Jos. Cohl and M. J. McKanna spent part of the week at Marquette. Edward Real and Jos. Coach vis ited Pequaming yesterday. J. B. Crebassa transacted business at L'Anso yesterday. S. D. Devenport visited the cop per country Monday. Grant Lcc is spending a few days in town. Attorney W. E. Dooro and family left for Sault Ste. Marie Thursday, where they will reside. Mrs. James Burns and little son went toIshpcming Wednesday to visit friends for a few days. Mr. Smith, one of the night crew employed at the Ncster mill, is numbered among the sick. Mrs. L. W. Giddings, who has bean sick for a number of weeks, is still confined to her bed. Miss Fannie Moore, of Marquette, ' was the guest of Mrs. II. Wilcox Thursday and Friday. Miss Annie Duffy.of Toront,Ont., is visiting her undo and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Burns. Hazel Wilcox entertained about thirty of her young friends at her homo yesterday afternoon, the oc casion being her ninth birthday. A Very pleasant time wad enjoyed. Jos. Cohl will leave for Chicago next week to purchase a large stock of fall and winter goods. Alphonse Cody received a very pilnful injury while working on the tram at the Nestor mill yesterday and as a result will be laid up for & number of days. .) The "Old Uncle Jed" Comedy company gave a very creditable en tertainment in the Town Hall Thursday evening, to a good-sized audience. Martin Gallagher received a tele gram Wednesday afternoon stating that his father, who resides at Elm ville, Ont., was seriously ill. . Mr. Gallagher left for that town on the night train. Joseph Coach returned from Mar quette Saturday last, and Tuesday evening was entertained at a party gotten up by a number of the boys. It is rumored that the Mass Min ing Co. has secured a stamp mill site near Fewsville. Thomas Doyle, an aged and simple-minded man, was run over and killed by a T)., S. S. & A. train near Chassell Monday morning. The old man had wandered away from the poor farm, where ho had been taken but a few clays previous. Summer Goods Must p! Our Last Sale has Proven That our Prices . . Must toe Right. Good Chance to Make Money. Stitzel A Reynolds, of Chicago, hare rented A portion of the Ulld building, opponlte the Town Hull, and will pay the hlfrbvat murket price for ull the biuoberrle they con pos Mbly got. On the Little Plalnti, Hit niHea WMt of nar. aga, and ;the Big Plain, twelve allien, there are hundreds of buttht'la, vand the above named firm desires to secure them. It Is an excellent chance ior every person so Inclined to make good money. iSWE must make room for the large stock of FALL GOODS which will soon arrive we will make Great Reductions in all Summer Gpods. FATAL ACCIDENT. Julius Stearns Met a Sad and Un timely Death ThurHday Evening. Julius Stearns, a log scaler in the employ of the Nester estate, died at 10 o'clock Thursday evening as the result of an accident which happened about ft o'clock. Deceased was 44 years of age and bad been employed In the mill for nearly two years. When the mill closed down at 6 o'clock Thurs day evening Mr. Btearas passed out ?at the rear end of the building (as was his custom) and started to walk down the Incline where the logs are hauled from the water up Into the mill. Be apparently missed bis footing and fell a number of feet, striking some logs. When picked up he was unconselous, In which condition be remained until death. The unfortunate man leave a bereaved wife and two daughters, the children being 17 and 4 years of age, to mourn his sad and untimely death. The remains left on the 4:10 train yesterday afternoon for Menominee, accompanied by the family, where the funeral and burial will take place. M. E. Church Directory. Services will be held in the M. E church in this village tomorrow as follows: Sunday school, 10:30; the Bible class subject will bo "The Book of Judges." All are invited to attend. Evening service at 7:30 'clock. Subject, "I Have Played the Fool." A solo will be rendered by Miss Lena Daily. Bit. J. II. DiLact, Pastor. c c 0 ) C m B CD at m - 1 It will Pay You at at at at Clothing, Dry tfoods, Furnishing fe Hats, Cap and Shoes, ot us. at at Ct : at To tftk'e' advantage of theseTreat Offer ings an4 buy your supply of i : : 5 .: CD .f & CD ((0 Cd CP CP CD CD CD CD CD O D CD vD CD CD CD CD. CD CD CD Goods, CD CD CD CD CD CD CD NEW STORE, MARTIN BERG, Baraga, Mich, Dealer in FINE GROCERIES The Sentinki. offlco is headouar- tors for everything,' in vtlio job priming line. D CD Provisions, Flour, Feed, Oats, Bran and Middlings. Fresh Liuo of Canned Goods. owest Prices; Give mo a call. H Jerry's Pharmacy j j. o. v. mm, m. i L'ANSE and BAKAGA. LAnse Office at J.O.Turner's Residence, Baraa Olllco at Jrry's Pharmacy. Ofllce llours at J5araga, 10 a. m. to J3m. EgTTeloptadc calls I'romptly Answered V&y or Nlirht. at cd 4 ' CD C) CD Mj) Complete flfc Line of.... !: C) CD a) CD urugs, cd a) ivieaicines, cd at . cd at Chemicals, at , rancy ana, Pioneer Cigar Factory- Baraga, Mich., hjerman "palk. prop. TWO FLAGS and BARAGA, leading brands, Try them. Factory in Uycrs oiocic, iain oi. HOTEL YENDOME, First-Class. Newl Furnished ThronRh- oa t. Rates, $2 per Day. OtVE CAN ASSURE YOU A OEAT SAYING ON ALL CD a at at at at o at a ct ct ct Ct One!Price to All. ooooo PURCHASES. fllDen .Grabow CD (D CD CD O O CD CD O O Baraga,-Mfch. O r- A Fine Lino of THE CIIAPPELL HOUSED BARAGA, MICH., JERRY GREENLEAF, Proprietor. The houne ha been thoronirhly repaired and put in Brut-clan condition. Electric Huhtnand bath room. ood sample room ior irnrum men. Ratea. 1.00 to fe.00 por day. Special rate by' week or month. c CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD ((& vHairBrusii"s Per- CD 15- CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD 6t at Toilet at at Articles. at at o at o ai at at at at at BARAGA,' MICH. Dealers In Choice Imported and Domestic Wines, liquors and cigars. Head quarters for : : : DDOdETS Oil UnflSTMl Pun Ijl. McIntosb Bcildiho, Maim Stkzxt. fumery, Etc. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. ... .Our Stock of... . at cd at Is Complete and warranted CD Ci cenuine ana oi ine f((r ((p S! NiRht calls promptly at- ? Ct tended to. Mail orders will VJ receive prompt attention. (gj Ct c o o 8 Jerry's Pharmacy I) it o o Baraga, Mich. o 000C0C00CC03O