Newspaper Page Text
L'AiiHe School Hoard Proceedings OFFICIAL. At a meeting of the board of education, of the township of L'Anse,dulyheld in the clerk's office, Tuofdiy morning, November 21st, 1S'J9, there were present: President P. Urennan, Inspector P. It. Mc Kernan, Trustee Robert 13. Rey nolds and Clerk Martin Voetsch. Absent, Trustee Charles Ilebard. The minutes of the meeting of September 18, 1899, were read and approved. On motion the following bills were allowed: . Goo. C. Jnc-kmuo, printing Annual report W M MM envelojifH i! Sim report carl. I W 110 00 Cora Campbell rleanlng Nextorlu Hrhool tnillillnir n u............ i..u,lu llntwru. nil. i.urtalim. etc 5 C. II el in ll A Noil, 4M ft ptne llllybcr.... .. 0 SiH A. C Mi-t.'lurir k Co., Hext MMik 'MM Euerlmvli Nou, pnyweai appriu up- pll.M WW K. W, A. Kowleit. ih-IiooI Biipp)!en .1 fH Ainerit'itn UooW Co., peim aul pencil ... . I HO l'ulilli- School Printing Co., report book. 8 70 liinn i-.... iit iukiIm 4- ;7 I'runtf Kit. Co., klntlerpiirten nuppllei. , .. 9 H4 T. Charles Co., kliiilercarleu tiuppllvH t Wt I. Meunrtl, drayairn 12 1C. L. Bower, bookx, expreMM, etc 7 44 .1. PifkaniU A Vn., Wi toim coal 1W) M I.. KevnolilH. eleaninu MImhIoii bulldiiitf.. & IK) J. K. Hrennan, 3t-hM-k W I bookoane W 40 00 C. Pli-anl, ten tiers wood 17 ISO A. Anne, hulillnir lumber 2M I). Iletlell, ten titr wood...... 17 Si I. K, MeKeriiun, expreHH, freight uuU Orayatre '.J A "3 Yeas -IJrennan, McKernan, Rey nolds and Voetsch; nays none. On motion the resignation of Louis ColumjSus as janitor of the Mission school building was accepted Yeas IJrennan, McKernan, Rey nolds and Voetsch; nays, none. On motion Louis Reynolds was engaged as janitor of the Mission school building at a salary of four dollars per month while school is in session in said building during the present year. Yeas IJrennan, McKernan, Rey n lds and Voetsch; nays none. On motion the meeting adjourned. Mautin Voktscii, Clerk. P. IJrennan, President. Pointed Paragraph. The Prohibition party is trying to reiicli the White House via the water route. It must have been an Englishman who said: "lie who laughs last laughs best. " Too ninny men and women spend their time in trying to make trouble ' for each other. Mien's Phapmacy IJrennan Iilock, L'Anse. New Store New Stock Complete Line of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fancy and Toilet Articles. Full Stock of : : MEdlcinES. We also keep a Large line of : : Choice . . Confectionery. Prescriptions fartTully Compounded All kinds of Hunters' Am munition. ZELLEH'S PHARMACY i 4. 1IOHAKT IS I)KA1. Continued from pwre one. great whock to all New Jersey, and jgs were lowered to half-mast on in slid All men are born equal, but tht lull the public buildings and man' ajority of them find it easier to ' stores and dwellings throughout the than to climb, I state. IJut few people are able to ap- In all about five hundred mes pnv'ute a good thing until after sages of sympathy have been re lose it. jceived by Mrs. Hobart. 'All thn world's a stage and all the I 1,10 funeral was hekl from 1,10 Ople thereon would rather j)Iuy ehurch of the Redeemer at Paterson tnii work j at J o'elock thih(Saturday) afternoon. ,dn " ' , . IJy the death of Mr. Hobart Seu- Meii fcomctunes denounce gossip, ,,... n r i , . ... , ,t ,! ' 'ator William P. Frje, of Maine, be- but not until they have listened to )ro8,dent pro lompon? of the every word of it. to wjn dljJt.h ull ll)e It takes the average man about ,,..,;,. nf viiT-mWuVMit ns im?sulinir lodis"oilicer of that body. The senate ! iml.'a uitrtr-ific:ilt v urovldo that no Asa rule tha saloonkeeper puts j nation is necessary at the begin 1iU money to a much better use than njnr Gf the session. Senator Frye any of his customers do theirs. i accordingly will continue as presid- average girl nOver turns up I ing officer till the end of President her nose at the man who knows ! McKinley's administration, unless enough to turn down the gas. J he chooses, to resign or the senate An elaborate tombstone and a j wishes to elect another senator to contested will is about the only j the office. notoriety wealth brings to some men. j Garret A. Hobart was born in t'nve-seore and ten years over that he isn't a genius. What this country really needs s some kind of a reform movement that will not interfere with any body's convenience. A Massachusetts lunatic imagines he is the discoverer of the North Pole. It is just possible that he at some time tried to make love to a JJoston girl. Glorious News Comes from Dr. C B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electric Hitters has cured Mrs. IJrewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doc tors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excel lent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Hitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and fnitntncr Ron. It stimulates liver, kidney and bowels, expels poisons,' 1814 at Long Hrunch. He graduat ed from Rutger's college in 18(50 and bgan the study of law. In IStJ'J he was admitted to the bar. In 1872 he was elected to the state assembly, of which body he was chosen speak er the following year. In .1876 he was elected to the state senate, and chosen its president in 1881. From 1884 until 18UG Mr. Hobart was a member of the national Republican executive committee. At the time of his election as vice president, he was director in no less than sixty different companies. Through his business connections and law prac tice he built up a large fortune. It Is a deplorable fact that idle curiosity keeps a lot of people busy. Does It iay to Iluy Cheap? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right.but you want some thing that will relieve and cure the mora' severe and dancerous results of throat and lunir troubles. What helps, digestion and builds i up trie ? Q R warmep anJ strength., Uniy oy cents, pom oy . -. . .. ? y ,f ia j. ...... iui. i 4U " i 117 T t.imrn T.'Ansc. nn V V . 1, iMuxi, , - -7- Real, Baraga. Guaranteed. y .116 Fooled the Surgeons. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson.O., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was performed; but he cured him self with five boxes of Bucklen s Arnica SaUve, the surest pile cure on earth, and the best Salve in the world. 25 cents a box. Sold by W. T. Menge, L'Anse, and J. G. Real, Baraga. Guaranteed. sible; if not possible for you, then in nithoi r.usA laWfl thp ONLY rpniedv that has been introduced in all civil ized countries with success in 6evere throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's flfrman Svrun. " It not onlv heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the crfcrm disease, but allays inflam mation, causes easy expectoration,' gives & good nigni a rest, ana cures the Datient. Try one bottle. Rec- nmmAnflffl manv veara bv all drutr gists in the world. Sample bottles at John Campbell s, u Anse, anu j. O. Real's, Baraga. . Eft w We have just received a large shipment of : : : : PARLOR :;.LAiiPS fMackinaws, t S Sweaters, O O Rubbers, Pacs, S Gloves and Mittens, Also a large line of PLAIN AMD FANCY DISHES Call and see them. Prices very reasonable. o J acobson & Levitan, L'Anse, Mich. t a.ra ; .u-i-ji.a .a.u - it u a m - - a M it o o o o o o t o o o o o o o o p o o o o ifil t Kersey Pants. it Lowest Prices, s p. - brennan! O L'ANSE. - MICH. J ohn Campbell, The National Houghton, Mich. DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE n ' U n n u a n it " 1 n n " Headquarters for Everything in the Line of n U M 51 a a H H Dry Goods Dress Goods! Furnishings, Clothing, Shoes Hats, Caps, Etc. o o o Large and Complete Line o! ITRESHJ GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CANNED GOODS, Etc. Prices the VeryLowest. Capital, - - S150.000. Surplus, " v 0,000. 4 rffl CENT. 1'ER AKK1JM I'AIDv Ua all Savintfi Deposits. OFFICERS: Z. W. WnmilT. J, II. . ,t. a. nit-K .... . John L. Hees.. Pri'lilpn .... Vice-Prt-slili'tit .... Cn.liler ,AMlstant Cashier DIKECTOr.S: J. II. S"MT-r, K. It. tlomli-11, W. K. rarnall, Z. W. Wrl(.'li. J. U. Cooper, T. L. CliullH'rue. o o o 0 JOHN CAMiPBELL, Cor. Front and Broad Sts., LAnse, Mich. 53 First National Bank -OF Hancock, Mich. Capital, - $200,000 Surplus, - $67,000 3nCD HCIIT P""' annum illoei on rtlf Vtll I nil H.W1NOS OKI'OSIT. DIHECTORM. Sum "fl B. HarrlH, Ocorire K. North, Mli-hael Flun. A. J. Koolt. Thumim II. Dunntun, Wm. 11. UuberlH, Adolpli KnUl. orPU-KHS. Samuel B. Hnrrln PriBlilent ArelilbiiUI J. Heott Vlce-rrexl.liMit Win. Condon Cnitliler FJUST NATIONAL BANK ....OF.... Marquette, Mich. Organized January 1'2, 1804. Capital, - $150,000. Surplus, - $50,000. Pftfr Wiittb .' Prpnlilfiit K. II.Towaii '. Vlee l'reMilen K. .1. Jknmson ..... ... . : . ..1'nnliie Eliw. S. llu K AshIhIuiiI C'UNlile MHKI'TOKK. Pt'tT Wlillp. E. II. Townr, ,1. M. ImL'venr Fi eilt i li k W. It. ml, Joftluh tl. Key iioIiIh. DUlua Soiltti Sliore I IV lantie Railwan. GEO. 6. JfiGKMflN, Justice of the Peace. All Justice Court work Promptly and Carefully Attended to. Office in L'AKSE SENTIKEL UUILDIKG, v J L'ANSE, - - MICH. L'Anse and Skanee U.S.IJail and Stage Line CORIDON JOHNSTON, Prop, trT Rkne dlly HMjrttiiJy. l-K a.m.! nrrl L'AnM II . m. Rrtnrnlog, let L'Adm 1p.m. Urer; tm cvaMClton. . TIME TABLE. In Effect May 28th, 1809. Trains Leave LAnse.. r For Houghton and the Copper Country For Ietrolt, huluth.Minn. West Superior, Wis., and Gogebic Kanve point dully except Sunday fl0:15 A. M. For Houghton and ine Copper Country, .... For Chlcaito A Marquette.. For UouKhton and the Copper Country, ... . For ShuH Ste. Marie, St. lauace and all points Fax', alfo for points ou the (Juifehlc ranee, Duluth, Went Super ior and all points West, (through slopp ing car Calumet to Sault Ste. Marie).... f4:0P A. M. 12:06 P. M. Uvi'i I M. f5:48 1. M. ll:47 r. M. (Dally. fDally except Sunday.) (Dally except Saturday.) For tickets, time tables and other la formatlon apply to 'E. A. Mack, ' Ticket aaent, L'Anse. Mlrh. W. R. Strmgham, II. D. "Physician and Surjfeon. Office over I. M. Strinxbam's Drug Store, Wallace Block,' LrAnscr Mich