Newspaper Page Text
The Baraga Store Co. Casb Prices at S. Denomie's, Is Headquarters for. Asslnlns, TVUch. Fine Groceries We Have a Fine Line of . . . Lamps, Toa Sets, Chinawarc, and Glassware of all 'Descriptions. Ia Our. Gent's Furnishing Department We have a fine line oL Underwear, Socks, Gloves, Mittens, Shoes, Neckties, and a full line of the Celebrated "Gold Seal" Rubbers. ..Meat Market-. Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Chickens, Celery, Cranberries, Oysters, etc. : : : Our Business duriDg the past year has been a norit successful and prosperous one. Our steadily increasing trado shows that the people appreciate HnnEsi Dealings and Right Pricns j The Baraga i BARAGA, BARAGA DEPARTMENT LOCAL ITEMS. Joseph Belair was at Marquette Monday. J. W. Alston was down from Laird Saturday last. E. P. Fulton, of Duluth. called here the first of the week. II. L. Giflord, of Chicago, spent few hours in Baraga Saturday. - F. K. Balch, of Minneapolis, was in town the first of the week. , Otto A. Gollubec, of New York, was a visitor here Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. O. Gardner were down from the Wyandotte Tuesday. Miss Cora Reynolds, of L'Anse, was a Baraga visitor the first of the week. Alexander Henderson was down from Laird the fore part of the week. Lawrence Avoy, who has been out of town for some time, is visiting Iricnas ncre. 'v Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Butterfiela, of , ? Lake Linden, are Thos. McGillan. guests of Mrs. ' John Collins of Ne?aunee, and A. Mitchell, of Marquette; were visitors in town Monday. Civil Engineer H. J. Payne, of the South Shore road, was a Baraga visitor Saturday last. Mrs. Perry gave a pedro party to about sixty invited friends Friday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnett wero called to Whitewater, Wis., Monday, by tho death of Mrs. Bonnett's mother. Miss Louise Trudeau and Miss Mary Sigway returned from the copper country the fore part of the week. Harry Frenette, who has been visiting tn the copper country for time nast. returned home Saturday last. Our newly appointed village mar shal, John Cosgrove, is proving a most capable and efficient official, and the streets present the roost peaceful appearance they have in a long time. Store Co., j MICH. jj Hugh Nesbitt and son went to Houghton Tuesday. M. Wallace, of Houghton, was in town Wednesday afternoon. Sheriff Lean, of Houahton. was in Baraga Wednesday summoning witnesses for circuit court. W. H. Farrell, of Detroit, S. Jones, of Ashland Albert Cooney, of Dollar Bay, and M. Greenberger, of Milwauliee,visited town Saturday last. Edward Real left Sunday after noon for Toronto. He will also visit a cumber of eastern eitics, and expects to be absent about two ' months. Jerry Real states that he will re turn to Cape Nome during the inon-th of March. Jerry says, there is plenty of gold there and ho is bound to have some of it. A meeting of Baraga Lodge No. 164, Knights of Pythias, will be held Tuesday evening next, when work in tho second degree will be onferrcd. All members are urgent- ly requested to be present. The ialumet Evening News con tained the following in its issue of Monday: "Edward Manson, by his attorney, J. F. Hambitzer, has begun suit against the village of Baraga for $3,000 damages. Mr. Manson sustained a severe fall September lath last because of a broken sidewalk, which sprained his ankle and twisted the bones of tho ankle joint. Even now he is unable to use the -injured member. The case win come up in the circuit court at L'Anse during the spring term." ALIVE AND WELL. Telegram Received Tuesday from John McIntoHh-Stlll at . Dawson City. i The following dispatch appeared in the daily papers a month ago: "Vancouver, Dec. 20. A Dawson dispatch dated the 14th, savs that near Ogilvie, Mrs. J. Rumbafl, Mrs. Dumbottom, Henry Kelly and two McNamara brothers, who had been passengers on the wrecked steamer o J For the Best Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, S Bran, Middling, Feed, Oats, 5 Fresh Salted Fish, and a J Complete line of . . . I O O General Merchandise. XJ & S. DENOMIE, Important Notice. The old Aetna Lifo Ins. Co. of Hartford, Conn., is the largest Life and Accident company in the world. For i! consecutive years the. Co. has paidincreasingannualdividends, a record equaled by no other Life Ins. Co. Before insuring your life get the cheap rates from L. J. Gal lagher, Special Agent, Baraga,Mich. Jo. Stringer, General Agent, tack, Mich. For an Fiasy Shavo or a Stylish Hair-cut, go to Wl.O'SULLIVAIM'S Tonsorial Parlors, Nr.sTEii Block. Baraoa. Mich. FERTILE ARMING For Sale at Low Prices Ami tlioiixiimU of norm of Government UmU ojwn for (n luxuuntciKlM. iMrge itrfm of lii'-'bly irmlurtlve agricultural lniU la Xlir Uptr Pi'iiinHUln nf Mlcliiirau, uloittf tlie DULUTH, SOUTH mwfefe SHORE ATLANTIC R'Y. NjoW open for OccUpony, 0er 200,000 ACRES ' choice furmioir land ownril by Hallway companion, l.nml rumpnulcn, Tliuhcr com jmnlei anil iudiTM iiitM, olTert-il for mult n.1 low prloeM, on lonir time payment. Timbered Iiinclx utul natural uieuduw IiiiiiIh, UiterHperHed with ltke and Htreainex, convenient to rail and water trunxportatlou and located near Important market. For further informutiou upply to 12. W. (Vine PHERRflN, Laud ComiuiiMloner, Marquette, Mich Stratton. from Minneapolis, were caught in an ice jam and the boat, bein small, was crushpd and all nerished. At White Horse, T. Smith, Fred Batty and John Mcin tosh, while salvaging the cargo of a steam scow, were struck by a heavy swell and their boat filled and sank. The men were not seen after the boat disappeared and it is supposed they were earned under the ice. The above caused much uneasiness in Baraga, as John Mcintosh, one of tho men who it was claimed had perished, is a resident of this vil luge, his wife being postmistress. Mr. Mcintosh has been in the Klon dike gold fields for nearly two years. Mrs. Mcintosh received a letter from him a number of days ago, but it was writtei before the date of the article above. Tuesday, Mrs. Mcintosh received a telegram from her husband, dated at Dawson City, stating that he was well, which was indeed pleasing news to the lamily, and Mr. Mcln tosh's Baraga friends. Thanks, Itro. Stevens. Thk Sentinel has received many kind words from tho press through out the upper peninsula regarding its receut anniversary. The follow ing is from the pen of II. L. Stevens, publisher of tho Rockland Reporter, who was formerly connected with a paper in Baraga: "With last week's issue This L'Anse Sentinel began thotwen-j tieth year of its publication. Tnr Sentinel is a paper of which any town many times the size of L'Anse might be proud. It is bright and newsy, well edited, and cleanly printed and free from the slang common in some other papers. We wish Bro. Jackuian success, und hope that twenty years hence will see him still at the helm of The Sentinel, unlein the meantime he will have made enough money on which to retire and spend his re maininjf years In pcacj." LMDS O O O O O O O O O O Co 0 O & ASSININS. O UPPER PENINSULA BR'G CO, MARQUETTE, MICH. By all Means the Best Beer Brewed. Beer delivered in L'Anse and Bar aga. All orders promptly filled and attended to. Family orders may be Bent through tho mail. FRED CLISCII, Agent, - Baraga. HOTEL YENDOJVIE, First-Class. nut. Newlj Furnished Through Raton, Si ppr Day. rvicKinley Hotel, FRENETTE A COMARTIN, Prop's Tho House has been thoroughly re-modeled and newly refurnished, Electric lights and all modern con veniences. Rates $1X0 per day. THE CHAPPELL HOUSE, BARACA, MICH., J ERRY G REENLEAF, Proprietor. The hoitttff hn Ihmmi thoroughly repaired iuit Eut In flrHt-c'lusMrondltioii, Kleelrle lltflllH and ath roomH. . iood Hainpln room for traveling men. Kaiert, $1.(K) to t'-W jwr day. rJpnnittl rates by week or month. William Sanderson, KKAI.KK IX Choice Imported apd Domestic WINES, LIQUORS ri AND CIGARS, hi JAMES McMAUUN'S DRA(A, MICH. John A. Cocbran & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF Lemon pop, strawberry pop, vaoiMa pop, (jlnprer ale, seltzer water, larsaparllla nd root beer. Goods do llvered In L'Anse, Pequam lng and Baraga. POSTOFFICE, BARAGA. Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway. TIME TABLE. In Effect Nor. 26th, 1899. Trains Leave Barapa. For Houghton and the .' Copper Country.... For Detroit, Duluth, Mlun., West Super ior. Wis., and Oo gcbto Range points dallyeicept Sunday. For Houghton and the Copper Country. . . . For Chicago via Negaunee and C. A N. W. R'y (through sleeper at tached) and for Mar quette and Intermed iate points For Chicago via Champion and C. M. t St. P. K'y (solid through traia t4:S9 A. M. f9:ia A. M 18:10 P. M 4:l P. M with sleeper attached.. For Houghton and the Copper Country.... ' For Sault Ste. Marie, St. Ignaceand all points East, also for points on theOogeMc range, Duluth, West Super ior and all points west, (through sleep ing car Calumet to Sault Ste. Marie).. 5:3S P. M f:00 P. U U:28 P. U (Dally. Dally except Sunday.) (fDally except Saturday.) For tickets, time tables, and other Id formation apply to F. A. GA.HS09, Ticket A rent, Barara, Micb We Have Just Received A Large Line Ladies' Shoes. Jos. Colli, Baraga. Cash Meat Market M. KENEFICK, Prop. Fresii and Salt Meats Finn and Canned (Soods, Kgg and Gutter. Poultry, Etc., all select stock. Also clmlcc, fresh Clery, Cabbage and Vegetables of all kinds. Price Reasonable. Call and be convinced. J.O.Y. Mi. III)., L'ANSE and HAKAOA. L'Anse Office at J.O.Turner'u Residence, llaratta Ofttce at Jerry' Pharmacy. Oftlco Hours at Baratra, 10 a, tn. to 13 m. tSTTelephone calls Promptly Answered Day or Nlht. ' 'T'T't 1 9 1 Pioneer Cigar Factory Hara'a, Mich., TWO FLAGS and BARAGA, leading brands, Try thorn. Factory in Ilyers i blocif, Main rst. FOUCAULT ft TIIEOBOLD BARAGA, MICH. Dealers iu Choico Imported and Domestic Wines, liquors and cigars. Head quarters for :. : : DEKHET'S Old Underoo! runs lye. MclMosn Bcilmno, Mais Strekt McMillan Girard, BARAGA LIVERY Single or Double Rigs with or without Driver. Flhlnz or hunting parties furnished with Comoetent Guide. We keep nothing but good horses and wagons and give good atten tion to our Patrons. McMillan & girard, It will pay you to take THE SENTINEL. Only $1.50 Der year of o "QUEEN ...QUALITY" Tiir SkntiNkl oIliiM is headquar ters for everything iu tho Job printior line. 0) i0 Jerry's Pharmacy (Simple to IAna of. . . Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, o o m m tit m Fancy and. .. A v Toilet i to Articles. i to ci Q) O (1 to -(i 01 A Fine Lin of C! to Q) Hair Brushes, Per- 0) f urn cry, Etc. to to to to to Physicians Prescriptions oarefullj oompounded. to to to ....Our Stock f.... MEDICINES to to to to Is Complete and warranted genuine and of the BUST quality. to o to to to m o a Night calls promptly at tended to. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. 3 Jerry's Pharmacy 11 Baraga, Mich. t) oooooooooccoo 3