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THURSDAY—OCTOBER 7, 1943 Betrothals of Six Mount Clemens Girls are Announced Today Interesting Talk at Wesleyan League THE WESLEYAN LEAGUE of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Rufus Reitzcl, 1 Breitmeyer Place, Tuesday evening for an 8 00 o’clock des sert. Miss Christine Niemann was in charge of devotions, her subject was “Prayer.” Mrs. Gladys Swiney is the president, and presided at the meeting. She also introduced the guests. Miss Viola Ribe lead the group in community singing. Mrs. Pauline Stevenson introduced the speaker of the evening, Mrs. Roland Clarke, who is the sec retary of the Detroit Conference of W.S CS. Her subject was * Together We Go Forward.” She also discussed the history of W.S.C.S. and the structure of its organization and told of the work of the Wesleyan Service Guild and the wartime activities of the W S C S. The next meeting will take place on Nov. 2nd at the church with a dinner. Husbands of members and guests are invited. The committee for last evening's meeting were Mrs. Thomas Bab cock, Mrs. Herbert Semrau, Miss Frances Hummrich, Mrs. Stanley Worthington. Mrs. Georgia Carey, and Mrs. Peter Vladeff. C hns. R. ULLRICH AGENCY DEPENDABLE INSURANCE of Every Description 37 Macomb St. Phone 8751 A FLEXAIRE BRA makti Dinner-date Dresses... Day time Suit* ... Sweeten ... J Ail LOOK BETTER JL 2 FLEXEES Hove you noticed the sleekly-molded bodices of most ”ofter-5” dresses? They—ond oil your other clothes—call for the superbly modeled bosom lines you gain in your proper style of Flexaire Bros by Flexees long known for flexible foundation garments. Flexaire Bras bring you an unconstricted ”free-as-air” sense of comfort. Styles for Average, Full Bosom, ond Junior types. PIIXAIRE bandeaux— ln a voriety of beautiful fabrics: $1 • 51.50 • $2 PiiXAiRI long line BRAS— for Averoge, ond Full Bosom types. In firm, fine Batiste: $3 SO • Rayon Satin: S4M FLEXEES GIRDLES —from $7.95 | (P/iuho THeAcantifl* ] In Accordance With Our Custom For Many Years, Our Store Will Be CLOSED # I Saturday, Oct. 9th Until 6 P. M. MALBIN’S 70-76 Macomb St. Mount Clemens f t i MR. AND MRS. VICTOR FINK, 101 Church street, an nounce the betrothal and ap proaching marriage of their daughter. Evelyn, to Corp. Sid ney Gcrsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gcrsh. 220 Cass avenue. The young people are graduates of Mount Clemens High School and both attended Michigan Stat* Normal College at Ypsi lanti Corp. Gcrsh has been in the service for the past 14 months. He is now stationed at Boca Raton Field, Florida, where he is studying advanced radio and electronics. Prior to his enlistment, he was employed in the accounting department at the Ford Motor Company. Miss Fink is employed at the Macomb County Abstract and Title Cos. The wedding will be an event of late fall or early winter. ' iri,J lammSL ■ MRS SAMUEL KUZNF.SOFF announces the engagement of her daughter. Olga Denisuik, to Sergt. K R. Saari. of Maynard, Mass. Miss Desisuik is a grad uate of Mount Clemens High school, and is now employed at the Macomb County Treasurer's office. Sgt. Saari is a graduate of Maynard High school and the Lowell Textile Institute, Lowell, Mas*. At present he is station ed at the Atlanta Army Air Base, Atlanta, Georgia. No date has been set for the wedding. League Holds Business Meeting’ THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS held its regular monthly business nut-ting on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Paul Hirt. Reports were given by Mrs. Hugh Neale, membership chairman, who an nounced Mrs. r rancis Golden as anew member. She also announc and that Mrs. J. A. Normmgton is on the membership committee, assist ing her. Mrs. Alton Noe. social chairman, reported that the next regular meeting of the League of Women Voters will be held Oct. 19 at the home of Mrs C. H. Malbin. with Mrs. Normine ton and Mrs. William Lloyd as sisting the hostess. The program w ill be in charge of Mrs. Paul Hirt, legislative chairman, who anrouncod that Mrs. Walter Kull of Flint, a member of the state executive committee, will be the speaker at the Oct. 19 meeting. Re ports were also given by Mrs. Robert Silhar and Mrs. C H. Malbin, Child Welfare chairman. • • • Desert Luncheon Enjoyed by Circle THE SILVER LINING CIR CLE of King s Daughters met at the King s Daughter's Home on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Harry Helzer was the hostess. After the dessert luncheon, a business meeting was held. T* e circle pledged to give a gift of $lO 00 to the T. B. Clinic, also $lO 00 to the King's Daughters' Home Delegates for the convention, which is to be held at Howell, on October 21. are to be as fol lows: Mrs. Alfred Slocum, Mrs. F.arl Burke, Mrs. Ru ell Glas gow, Mrs. Norman Simms and Mrs. Clarence Robertshaw The alternates are Mrs. Harry Hclz er. Mrs. Lloyd Lewis, M r s. Wil liam Tucker and Mrs. Eric J. Ryser. The members enjoved a game of cards, with prizes going to Mrs. Norman Simms. Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and Mrs. Eric J. R>scr. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Lew is, on October 19th, ft 7:30 o'clock. ■ f (Lharming krtdeS-10-ke MR. AND MRS. GUSTAVE G. FLEMING of 223 North Walnut, announce the engagement of their daughter, Dolores Mae. to Ja'mes Francis Benoit, R. M. 3 C, U S. N. R. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Krause. 172 South Walnut, and is now sta tioned with the Armed Guard Division of the Navy, now on active convoy duty. Miss Fleming is a M. C. H. S. 1943 graduate, and was a mem ber of tiie Girl Reserves, Junior Red Cross, A Capella choir, and served on the school paper. Her fiance is a 1941 graduate, and was active in sports and joined the Navy in November, 1942, later graduating from the Navy Radio and Signal School at the University of Chicago, with a third class petty officers rating. No plans have been made for the wedding. MRS. JAMES NUNNELEY and daughter, Florence, are vis iting Mrs. Nunneley's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Fowlkes in Mt. Pleasant. A sister. Mrs. Harry Henke, of Seattle. Wash , is also a guest at the Fowlkes home Mrs. Nunneley and daughter will return the last of the week when Lieut. Nunne ley will be here on leave. + # * JO N BREITMEYER. SR., underwent a serious operation, at the Jennings Hospital in De troit. He is reported to be prog ressing satisfactorily. artful sintplic ■ty i»y ft Expecting him home on leave? . . . Doing the town •» . . Avenue or cross streets? Drr*s the part. Femininity plus line quality plus workmanship ■ ‘‘Crepemaeter'’ .. . All flnfS plus MrKETTRICK. #lB Colors: Blark. Frown, Green. Sizes: 12 to 20 *.A superior ravon fabric I A Featured In / J An||nat ijHf Mademoiselle H mklßMm Elga ■ nuUl ■*fer • / K ißni w«- \ TIM#/ <«/-, /1 fffi r .BPHivj .a : iy > M /f , / i U ■! // soso. \ :j and t iiuc<>>aiiu.: MONITOR-LEADER •* . . ROMAYNE SWITZER of De troit, formerly of Mount Clem* ens. announces her engagement to Robert H. Miesel of Detroit. She is the daughter of Mrs. Lil lian Switzer, of Detroit, and Stuart Switzer, of Mount Clem ens. Mr. Miesel is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Miesel, of Detroit. Miss Switzer is a grad uate of Dcnby High School and has been employed at the De troit Ordnanee District for the past year. No date has been set for the wedding. Recent Bride Honored THE B T M. JUNIOR SISTER HOOD held a party last evening at the home of Beatrice and Sa die Rosenblatt. S. Gratiot ave nue, in honor of Mrs. Raymond Fishel (Freda Furstt, of De troit, recent bride. Gertrude Bernstein assisted the hostesses. Mrs. Fishel was presented a gift from the club. Gin rummy ./as ie diversion of the ‘•veiling and . buffet sup per was served. Tl.e table was lovely with fall greenery, and was centered with the center piece from Mrs. Fishel’s wed ding cake, flanked with white tapers. • • • THE W. S. C. S. of Meade, will meet at the home of Mrs. Nellie Bates on Tuesday Oct 12 instead of Wednesday Oct. 13, as previously announced. w* > * • % V X i r, r s*i m d\ n r ■' MfcraV : i i > » « dQflr m A M w. w <tA «iMHIFf ■■ M I JHHI ■% MR AND MRS MORRIS T. BRFW, 73 Washington Ave . an nounce the engagement of their dauv.ntrr. Sally, to Naval Avia tion Cadet Edward John Mandel, son of Mr and Mrs. Robert Man del 77 Hubbard avenue. M ss Brew is a 1940 graduate of the Romeo High school, and later attended the Western Mich igan College of Education. Kala mazoo She is now employed at the Macomb County Abstract and Title Company, and an ac tive member of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority. Cidet Mandel graduated from St. Mary’ High School in 1939, and has been in the service for the past nine months. He is now stationed at Corpus Christie, Texas. The wedding date lias not been set. but will be an event of the winter. MRS. ALBERT HOLDCROET, of New Baltimore, formerly from Mount Clemens, delight fully entertained her pinochle club last Friday evening. The occasion marked tiie 11th anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cottrell, of Conger Bay Drive in Harrison Township. • * • MRS FRANCES FRANK spent three days in Akron, Ohio attending the fu; ~r«l of Mrs. Anthony Krause, who was a former Mount Clemens resident. 1^ .tv* VAX [ till* !llU^4MAiil(t^ * i MR. AND MRS W ALTER WORMSBACHER. 181 Clinton street, announce the engagement of their daughter. Mary Jane, to Pfc Elmer J Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs Charles Lewis, of Cole man, Michigan. Pfc. Lewis is now stationed at Fort Ord, Cal ifornia. Mrs. Mead Hostess MRS. LORIN MEAD of 2 Community Drive, Selfridge Homes, entertained the Jolly Dozen Club last evening at her home. Bunco was played and prizes went to Mrs. Dan Thurs ton. Mrs. Walter Ostrom, Mrs. Fred Gregg and Mrs. Albert Carter. A travel prize was won by Mrs. Fred Gregg. A new* member, Mrs. Walter Ostrom, was taken into the club. A lunch was served and little yarn dolls were used as favors. The next party will take place on Oct. 20, at the home of Mrs. Dan Thurston. 38 Greenway. BOWEI WORMS CAN'T HURT MSI That’s •rhat yo* think! But ugly round worm* mar be inside you right now, caus ing trouble without your knowing It. Warn ing signs are: uneasy atomaeh, nervous ness, itching parts Get Jaynt’a Vertnifug# right away I JAYNE'S is America's leading proprietary worm medicine: scientifically tested and used by millions- Acts genUy. Be aura you get JAYNE'S VERMIFUGE I r \Uk9 cwe v& W&ANiPO* X SPO* T f They're here In At MY RUSSET leather. Rugged, easy-going *Moc' Toesl Ghilliesl Saddles! Side Tiesl... perfect for day long wear! Choose yours from these rubber and leather soled Classics. MOUNT CLEMENS, MICH Gladys Parrish Honored at Party GLADYS PARRISH, who will become the bride of Donald Chaltron, son of Mr. and Mr*. Chaltron, of Romeo, on Oct. 23, was honored at a miscellaneous shower last evening at the homo of Mrs. Harold Chaltron, 124 N. Wilson. Mrs. Walter Rinard, Georgine Goraere. and Mary Lynch were the hostesses. Monte Carlo whist wa* tha game of the evening, with prizes being won by Patricia Daniels and Doris Chapman, and house prize by Mary Nilan. Tallies were in the form of wed ding bells with pictures of the engaged couple on each one. Miss Parrish was also honored at a miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Harold Chaltron last Oct. 2. • • * THE LADIES of Immanuel Lutheran church held a meet ing at the home of Mrs Arthur Bantle, Meade, on Wednesday afternoon. Plans fn- a luncheon to be given at the church in Waldenburg were completed. Cards will be player and prize given for each table, also 5 house prizes. Mrs. Byroi Weiskirch •and Mrs. George Weber are co chairman for the party. The ladies are also planning to have their annual sour kraut supper soon, date to be announced lat er. A bake sale will be held in connection with the card par ty and luncheon, which will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 13th. ■mil -3- JCike punier Styles ?, Wear Misses' Sizes? K \V wen ft 14311— Young *s today Two piece rayon err pa glittering with intneato acquin embroidery and gilt heading Black,Grey. Caramel Tan Suea 10 to 18 5 25 BUY MORE WAR BONDS TODAY! jflarsy(? LADIES STORE 85 North Gratiot 7 JJ4