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-TuftDAY—OCTOBER 12, 1943 8 Navy Mothers Thank Public MRS. HARRY BATES. ch»ir man of the Navy Mothers Tag day which was held on Saturday. Oct 9, wishes to thank her helpers and all the people, who so generously gave their time, to make this tag day a success The Navy men are not the only people who benefit from this fund, the Seaßees, Marines, Coast Guards and Merchant Marines are all included. Any one having a son or husband in either of these branches are asked to send their address as toon as possible to Mrs. Harry Bates. Route 6. Box 805. Mount Clemens or the Monitor-Leader before the 25th of October. * 0 • MR. AND MRS. SAM GOR DENKF.R attended the summer term graduation exercises of their son, Leon, on Sunday, at the U. of M 0 0 0 THE EXECUTIVE COMMIT TEE of the Macomb County Chapter of American Red Cross meets Tuesday, October 12. at 8 o’clock at the Chapter Offices, 130 Cass avenue. (Calendar of (doming ddvenli TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12 DICKINSON SCHOOL surgical dressing class will meet, 7 to 9 p. m. GRACE CHURCH GUILD will hold a rummage sala at 88 Broadway. YOUNG WOMEN’S EPISCOPAL LEAGUE will hold a meet ing at the pariah house at 8:00 p. m. QUEEN OF THE SKIES, of the Daughters of Isabella, meeting at 8:15 p. m at K. of C. hall. SPECIAL MEETING OF M. C. CHAPTER NO. 68, R A M., at 7:30 p. m., Masonic hall, for the purpose of conferring the P. M. Degree on 8 candidates. * F. O E LADIES’ AUXILIARY will meet in Aerie Hall, 154 N. Gratiot, at 8 p. m. C. C. CLASS OF GILBERT MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH and their husbands will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vail Ellis, Moran Drive, for weenie roast and pot-luck supper at 6 30 p. m. DANCE AT U.S O. CLUB ON BROADWAY for service men and women at 8:30 p. m. Music furnished by Selfridge Field orchestra. THE MISSION SOCIETY of Zion Evangelical Church is spon soring a games party in the church basement at eight p. m. The public is invited. GRACE CHURCH GUILD will hold a rummage sale at 88 Broadway. THE QUEEN OF THE SKIES Circle of the Daughters of Isa bella will met tonight at 8:15 p. m. in the K. of C. hall. DANCE FOR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN at U.S.O. on Broadway at 830 p. m. Selfridge Field Orchestra will furnish music. CLEMENS SCHOOL RED CROSS SURGICAL DRESSING at 7:00 p. m. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13 FOE LADIES' AUXILIARY games party at Hall at 734 N. Broadwav, at 8:00 p. m STAR OF FREEDOM COUNCIL NO 48 hold their regular meeting in the Setton Township Hall at 8 00 p m, GRACE CHURCH GUILD will hold a rummage sale at 69 Broadway. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Waldenburg, will spon sor a luncheon and card party on Wednesday at 12 30 p. m. LUTHERAN WILLING WORKERS will meet for special all day sewing at the home of Mrs. Edna Matthew's, 47 Lin coln. MISSION SOCIETY OF ZION CHURCH will meet at 2 00 p. m in the parish house. FIDELIS CIRCLE OF ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH meets at 7 30 p m. with Gladys Bobcean, 252 Euclid avenue. UNITED WORKERS CIRCLE of King’s Daughters will hold a rummage sale in the Matthews building. Broadway, at 9.00 p m. SNAPDRAGON CLUB will meet Wednesday at 8:00 p. m., at 4497 Furton road, with Mrs. Elmer Martel as hostess. SILVER CROSS CIRCLE meets tomorrow at the King s Daughter’s Home at 1 30 p. m. HARRISON CIRCLE OF KING’S DAUGHTERS will meet at the Harrison Township Hall, at 7:45 p. m. Mrs. Wil fred Lowe, hostess SENIOR CHOIR REHEARSAL of Mthodist church will be held on Wednesday at 8 30 instead of Friday this week. No Junior choir rehearsal this week. CIRCLE 3 OF DORCAS SOCIETY will meet with Mrs. Ar thur Woltman and Mrs. Westendorf at 139 N. Broadway. GRACE CHURCH GUILD will hold a rummage sale at 69 Broadway. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH, at Waldnburg, will sponsor a luncheon and card party on Wednesday at 12 30 p. m. ROLLER SKATING PARTY sponsored by U 5.0.-N.C CS. at Mount Clemens Skating Arena. All service men and women invited. LADIES AUXILIARY OF THE FO E. games party at th# Hall, 73 4 N. Broadway, 8.00 p. m. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH, at Waldenburg, will sponsor a luncheon and card party at 12:30 p. m GRACE CHURCH GUILD will hold a rummage sale at 68 Broadway. WALDENBURG LADIES’ AID is sponsoring a luncheon and card party at 12:30 at the church club rooms. THURSDAY, OCTOBER M FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES will meet at Aerie Hall at 8:00 p m. DANCE FOR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN at U.S.O. on Broadway at 830 p. m. Selfridge Field Orchestra will furnish music. LINCOLN P T.A. RED CROSS Unit will meet at the Lincoln school from 1:00 to 4:00 p. m. ST PETER S GUILD of St. Peter s church will meet with Mrs. Elia Keats, 16 Washington, at 8:00 p. m. HAND IN HAND CIRCLE of King’s Daughters meet at the Home at 9:00 a. m. for all day quilting. Mrs. Ida Rosa will be the hostess. FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE will meet at Mrs. Virgil Nicaire, on Florence boulevard, at 11:30 a m. MOUNT CLEMENS COMMANDERY NO. 51, K. T. Knight* Templar Stated Conclave, meet at 7:45 p. m. at Masonic Temple. NAVY MOTHERS SEWING at the U.S O. on Broadway, in the afternoon. GIRLS OWN CIRCLE of King's Daughters, w’ith Myrta Bow ers at 8 00 p. m. LOYAL WORKERS CIRCLE of King s Daughters will meet with Mrs. Joseph Shaw, 109 Moross, at 2:00 p. m. DANCE AT U S O. CLUB ON BROADWAY for service men and women at 8:30 p. m. Music furnished by Selfridge Field orchestra. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15 MISSION SOCIETY OF ZION CHURCH will hold a Rum mage Sale at 41 Broadway on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 15 and 16. GROUP 2 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, will meet Friday at 2:00 p m. with Mrs. Alfonso Kraatz, 49 Kendrick. CIRCLE TWO DORCAS SOCIETY will hold regular meeting at 2:00 p. m. at the parish house. PRESBYTERIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY will meet at the church at 2:30 p. m. "~'X)D WILL MUSICAL UNION will presnt Sally Martin, of Con Chicago. 111., in a gospel song fesst, at 8:00 p, m., at tha >w Hope Baptist Church, New Haven, Mich. MRS VERONA MARSTON, president of the Civic chorus, succeeding Lois Harper, asks that all people who are Interest ed in singing in the chorus Join now. She stresses that this is not a professional organization and no try' out is necessary. The membership is open to all who like to sing • • • GUESTS over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Tryloff were Mrs Try loffs father. Vincent McCarty, and her sister, Florence Mc- Carthy, of Cleveland, Ohio. • • • MRS. HARRY S. DONALD SON left Sunday for Wright Field. Dayton. Ohio, where she will remain with her daughter, Mrs Daniel C. Doubleday and family, until they leave for Washington. D. C., where Col. Doubleday is now stationed. 0 0 • PHILATHEA CLASS of the Presbyterian church, met last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs William Fistler. A rum mage sale was planned for Oct. 26-27, in the Matthews building. Mrs. Ted Leonardson’s group furnished the refreshments. d^efrallied MR AND MRS FRED C. BALLOR, of New Haven, an nounce the engagement of their daughter Margaret Virginia, to Corp. John Anthony Popp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Popp, Almont Corp Popp is station ed at Tucson, Arizona, No date has been set tor th« w edding. MRS FRED VOTiKER has en tered Harper Hospital for an eye operation Mrs. Joseph Stark ac companied her there. 0 0 0 MRS WII.BURT CAMPAU is making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Eschen burg, 24 Eastman street, where she will be glad to receive her friends. 0 0 0 GUESTS AT THE HOME of Mrs. M. T. Beatty, Murdock Place, over the week end were Mrs. Edith Parkhurst of Detroit, and her sister, Mrs. Lucy Van- Buiskirk of Kalamazoo, who left Monday to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. Dorothy Mulhdland in Detroit. 0 0 0 MISSION SOCIETY of Zion Evangelical church will meet on Wednesday at 2 o’clock in the Parish House. It is important that every member be present. OUR HOARDING HOUSE OUT Oil! WAY NOU SAY MMOR. HOOPLEr OH/ IN WAITTWIGGS/ HAS FLOWN TO chile TO / THAT c ASSJ EGAD/ HAR-HAR/ INSPECT UIS CHINCHILLA 4 ERNbE OF COURGE I’M RANCH? HOVO ODD/—I’M, TV \NHAT T y AT PRINCIPAL OF THE: HIGH g TOLD NOU ! ] DIDN'T THEN TELL SCHOOL. AND VOEWAKJT HtM y I’M, * fs YOU 1 HAD POT TO COACH THE ECOTBALL ) 30ST AM \ OFF MY TR'P ? / TEtAM,/-~THE CAPTAiM J ANUNESIA OF THE- ELENEM NISITED / \T [\\ S 4 MA TOR HOOPLE HERE- 1/ FROM. \ \ L-*-^,,-,•4, YESTERDAY, BOTIF—PEORIA-' J ■ . siir ,l4' v.l pNELL, NOW THAT IT'G V MS 1 HODOINI settled Nod’ll mar/-*— \c> rigat/ COACH OL>« HIGH { / um(of COUR.Gt/—-Y APTER HE’S SCHOOL TEAM, 1H A NUTSHELL,SIR, JcOACHIN^G. HOOPLE, (?) X'M. INNENTIMG A & A \NEEK J We’ll eypect noo ’V grid style, M the foot- TO START AT ONCE/ J BASED DPON THE Y> BALL- 4 —-THE \NAV, J DECEPTINE GENIUS V TEAM, WILL WHAT I9NOUR \[ OF HARRY HOUDINI A DIS^PPEAR.' SYSTEM ,THE W\NG - YAS / . BACR OR. THE *’T" J jfIJU A l Ja 1 .! EGAD,OOVS/-~AMATINiG HO\U MM FIGURE STUL RETAILS ITS L x DOhVT v( WEAR A ATHLETIC. LlrtES/~~HEH HEH/ & THINK W BOMBER f AS COACH OF THE HIGH SCHOOL RTHERE ARE } BE SURE TO ELEVIED WOULDN'T IT BE ODD P SO MAnN < A<=M FOR A IE PEOPLE SHOULD MISTAKE j SIEEPWALRERS\SMALL ONE ME FOR ONE OP THE „ _ AROOsiD . \ 50 THEM PL AHIER.3 . ] ( NOiJOADAMS: yT WON'T | I Marriage Licenses Joseph A Snyder, 24, East Detroit, Mich , to Barbara Jean Portzel, 23, Mt. Clemens. Arthur C. Strut/, 21, Lenox, to Betty J. Botke, 19, Lenox. Bernard R. Brinl r, 22, War ren, to Sylvia Redlawski, 18, Warren. Joseph Gogortk, 50. Cleve land, Ohio, to Elizabeth Liga, 46, Cleveland, Ohio. Gerald Keating 19. Roseville, to Ilene Curtis, 17, Roseville. Robert Duboy, 39, Mount Clemens, to Catherine Allor, 22, Mount Clemens. Walter L. Bowles, 63, Rose ville, to Ida Rowell, 46, Rose ville. , Harold W. Curtiss. 31, Ypsi lanti, to Geraldine A MacPher son, 21, Utica. David F Felber, 28, East De troit, to Edith Heaton, 24, East Detroit. Joseph H. L. Parteneau, 21, Roseville, to Elaine Barbara Davey, 16. Detroit. Norman T. Sutton, 42, St. Clair Shores, to Ruth Newton, 31, St. Clair Shores. Donald E. Voelker, 23, Pigeon, to Viola Strieker, 20, East De troit. Earl C. Roseburg. 31, Mount Clemens, to Joanne Keil, 25, Mt. Clemens. Harold McMulkin, 37. Hazel Park, to Agnes Lashbrook, 25, Detroit. William Remsing, 23, Detroit, to Ara Vee Jean, 24, Van Dyke. William Redlowski, 52, Utica, to Helen Torney 44, Utica. • * • MRS THOMAS GRIFFITH, Kendrick avenue, is entertaining her contract club at luncheon, today. SAN FRANCISCO—Ray Lil lie, assistant manager of the St. Francis hotel, was unable to find a single clean sheet for the next night’s guests. He rounded up eight desk and elevator girls and conducted them to the laundry. He rolled up his own sleeves, too. Afternoon production: 500 sheets washed and ironed. UNITOR-LEADER ROBERT DONAT, star of 4 The Adventures of Tartu.” as he ap pears with Valerie Hobson in the picture which starts at the Jewel Theatre on Thursday. USO Trouper Finds Alaska to His Liking AN ALASKA ARMY POST— (U.R)— Will Ahearn, well-known vaudeville performer no w a USO camp shows trouper, has found that the color of the uni form and the insignia on it don’t mean a thing in Alaska because “it’s everybody's war.” “Asa matter of fact, we re not sure for whom we re work ing,” Ahearn said. “The Army’s special service officer arranged the tour, the Navy brought us in. and both blue and khaki uni forms are in the audiences. And to top it off, the schedule for our first big post was worked / ANTELOPE/ B/JT B v \ /MOT Ft M K / The TIME SHE \ L V } THROUGH THE AoOKV / i W-NOW WHICH MAVT . / l OF 1R.O! TIklG I- I *' l - r -■ ’ - \ \ TH6RE THEY’LL BE \, THE ONE. WHOD J? T ' V GOME AMO SHE WON T ) \ LEI HER. MSS ,1 ER j nrv. SEE 'EM/ y V TH* OME WHO S \ V \ HNcFS HESI ■ ■ /U'.'T Mr. £rv*.-9 5 V> AA i,\ r A tv ,V>. ’^ r ~*' ~ /WOULD OME OP \ / WH> HF \Y HE DOESm'T, \ NOLI BOYS LIkE \ . / TO: P THAT \ &JT HE HLW\ TO FINISH UP ' J OTHER MAM l TH PAV PART \ THIS GARDEN y* \ T- : T'ThE A FiRST an WE ) AMD GET IT IM \ I P-vs 7mat / HEARD TH' / SHAPE FOR A NEW' \ )HE DON T / LABOR PART \ % ONE NEXT TEAR ? / KNOW A v FIRST- IN) A WAT I’LL PAS VOU WEI L/ ( Th MC- \\ WE RE QU CkCR J abolit j > BIbb&I HEAR -IH Y°H n ' S ST/m&Er N/hERE'S OmE OF , { ROAQ ** ) M AQVE LOOS/ 1 HE PE’S A \ A WATERFALL** V HEAP IT? / OUST LIKE / ) PITCHEPOF ] WOULD the / DOES IT \ MOU WAS V A L'ONJ •-i ROAP IKJ ASC A / SOUWC7 I STAMDIM \SEE IF AT LL GO \ NATURAL? ) Pi&HT OK' TH' \ kiMDA PQAP \ OOOD WITH V BEACH LOOKIN' ) WILL CO GOOD \ A WATER- J V AT IT--OKLV OF WltH A FALL j-vT y BCPhLTHigT' too ; -•% * Man of Mystery out by a Red Cross representa tive. AMERICANS PI’LL I‘OG ETHER ' This work mav not have any direct bearing on the outcome of the war, but it certainly dem onstrates how we Americans are pulling together.” Two weeks be lore Ahearn and his troup put on their first show before an audience at an Aleu tian island outpost, he had land ed at Miami, Fla., after a tour in tne equatorial South Atlantic. Ahearn said he was prepared for the worst when he was told his next assignment was in Alaska. “1 guess we made the usual mistake,’’ he said. “We came in for a week of the most beautiful weather of all our travels—and breathtaking scenery. We had fine food and more comfortable Terms U-Boat Threat Serious Knox Reviews War Front Tour WASHINGTON, Oct. 12— (/P) .—Back at his desk after an ex tended tour of European battle front, Secretary of the Navy Knox asserted today that re newed activity of German sub marines in the North Atlantic can be considered "very seri ous.” Questioned at his press confer ence about reappearance of the U-boats after the late summer lull, as evidence by a recent at tack on an Allied convoy in which several ships were sunk, Knox stated: “It is very serious. Let’s not make a mistake about it. Sub marine warfare will be serious to the end of the war.” On the other hand, Knox re ported he had observed, on an inspection of the Atlantic coast all the way from Refice, Brazil, north, a “competent defense or ganization,’’ and particularly praised Brazil's contribution to the fight against the submarine. He referred to Brazilian air bases as becoming an increasing ly important factor in that fight. Brazilian forces, he said, are be ing instructed by “the best men we have.” In addition, he report ed Brazil had a growing fleet of ships for use against the U-boat menace. “The Brazilian picture,” he said, “is one of marked and gratifying progress.” Secretary Knox said the Brit ish submarines which have im mobilized the German battle ship Tirpitz operated 1.000 miles from home with two man crews. quarters than we could have im agined. "We came up here exacting to finish our tour in two months, but we found out you don’t move around that fast in Alaska. Now wo don’t care how long it takes to get out.” FAMILY AFFAIR PHILA D E L P H IA Two hands went up when a professor came to the name “Locher” in roll call at Temple University tyo years ago. Ensign John L. Locher, Jr , and Miss Evelyn Locher, not re lated, invented on the spot a story that they were brother and sister. The masquerade has just end ed. They're engaged to be mar ried. CHlCAGO—Josephine Skiy>- denis, 25, told Superior Judge Sabath that her husba n and, Charles B. Skrodenis, 29, was an avid reader of detective stories. He insisted, she testified, on testing out fictional theories with her stretched on the floor in the role of the corpse. “It got so that she was spend iing a good part of her evenings as the reluctant •body’ in the case,” Mrs. Skrodenis’ attorney told the court. She w’as granted a divorce. JOHNNIE’S BAR ,# N Gratiot ot Huron j 'Tj OPEN 8 A. M. DAILY Plenty of Parking Space • Hot Doga • Hamburgers • Home Made Chili tr Soup Beer and Liquors WHEEL BALANCING We Do Our Own VULCANIZING Work Guaranteed Official OPA Tire Inspection Station No. 36 WM. G. HATCH AUTO PARTS North Ave ot Scott Bled. Phono 9312 TILL VICTORY We are here to service your car Bring your service problems ,to us. AFTER TOTAL VICTORY . . We will be here to sell you an ew car that you will want . DESOTO or PLY MOV TH 'Pot' 'Rube' McEVOY and DUNLAP 165 N. Gratiot Phone 2288 MOUNT CLEMIFNS, MICH The Moni’tor Leader 1 MOUNT CLEMENS f 45*51 l % S:3O 4. Ml TO » P M M COPY DEADLINE VfM) P. M l)ay Preceding Publication CHAFsCf E RATES 3 LINK MINIMUM 1 Day 18c r/et tin*. 3 Consecutive ihuci. 14c per tine per Issue. CAST! RATES 1 Day 18c pus r line. 3 Consecutive Issues, 12c per line, per Issue. No Extra Charge, for Box Office Service No cancellation J rivflewt on three ttmu Insertion orders. Take Advantage of th# Low 3-' Time Kate 3 Lines 3 Times SI.C3 CM SH RATE The right is ireserved to classify, re vise or reiect may advertisement. Contract rates will be quoted upon appllc; Jon. The Publisher tvlll not he responsible for more than o incorrect insertion NOTE—Classifu»c, 1 advertising eched .led for Thursday’s tc onit Leader « run in the S«vtrd i Macomb News, l l ie same day. with** t ext’ < charge How ever. copy muse be placed by 4:00 p. m. Tuesday. Cord of Thunks A 2 We wish t 5 thank our friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown us during our recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs A C. Hansen. Personals A-4 INCOME TAX SERVICE BookkOv*p : /i ig weekly or monthly basin. Public stenogra pher; notary with seal. Real estate. 18 Years of Dependable Service. Latest Equipment E.A.SCHWARZKOFF Funeral Director AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone l;tic* 2411 Stote Lrquiati re approves; PER SONAL PRO«<RTY FLOATER, ef fective July 30. 1943 All risk, pol icy including FLOOD DAMAGE, colt u» for full information. MACOMB INSUR*«HCE AGENCY Hm T. Krlly Wlllirr H (irrlirb PIIONE UM Ml. (Ifmrn* Saving* Hank Bldg. Hr. t 11. Wootl VLTKRIWHY HOSPITAL lormrrtf the Fwelt Small y umal Hotpilal 22 GRAND AVE. Mt. Cleitv »ns Dial 2171 Attention given I* this area to larise animals, poultry and pets Save Your Tires! Many thousands oi' miles may be added to your tire*, by wheel bal ancing. AM recap ped and repaired tires should be balanced. EQUIPPED TO SERVE