Newspaper Page Text
-TUESDAY—NOVEMBER 30, 1943 2 Hearing Set in 'Pig' Raid Deputies Crash Harrison Spot' Mr? Mar Keide\ 37 vear-old lllfgi • • ■ if iHi township speakea.yv demanded cxaminat:oi M . when ar raigned before Justice of t k ic Peace Dora and Parr t ar.d wai* released r SIOO lx i pending hearing Dec 7. Mr> K- riel w < arrerted by Under - Sheriffs Ha: e> Ensign and Deput> Sherff Fred b ind er* earl; Sui d.<> n oir.irg in or home at 1008 Elm >t:eet where, officer? charge. ?he wa? selling liouor without a license Liquor estimated t< ir woith SIOO was confiscated by tie raiding officer* Auxiliory Poltccmcn To be Given Dinner A dimer w I be given bv tlir Mount Cl i- , np' « p e depart nier.t f r t ■ C «:i A.x ary Police on Ts irariav. 7JO p m at the S’ I n..i* hail on Crocker boulevard Franks .: *< =« pota to m. ad and beer are to he >erv «d. New Shores Theatre Mlfk * i Mint M 1 1 r Hd 1 TIM f? TONIGHT Robert T.ii f.ei>r|e Murph* in Batoon" pi i ' (nr Idw.itrt \nr rI • In "Sarong Girl" < mi on t \r inos Wed Thur? Dec, 1, 2 (harlr* I nnhier Maureen II Hm In "This Lond Is Mine" pi i - Walked With o Zombie" COM IMr i* i < V- IIIX ISP' aWsslai* "Jr"' WATERPROOF \ V' *' [ actual size Jk Jr 17 Jcwnc's 550.00 Skfc. 'Il4tU4/t ~}lJ- L Grccn <s-fo/j c&t »e*W TTos] This Week's Task tV Carrr w Rave the Piffrrrnre MEN'S 3 Pc. SUITS Beautifully Cleaned ond Pressed . . . "smartness* n% onlv M SUPER'S methods con do. Br.rg M M them m today. CASH ond CARRY LADIES PLAIN DRESSES S-UPER CLEANED mm a/yd PRESSED M fA*H AM) CAUT rdUd f«f *nfl f>»1l»»r»d •*» CIHIHS Albert A. W r gner Roger J. Quinn 4// The Name Implies ” Cor. Jones anc, Orchard Dial 6361 Out-of-Season Trapper Fined $25 and Costs William Sheldon, 36. of 38'*j Broadway, today has a better knowledge of hunting and trap ping seasons, after he was lined *25 and costs Monday by Justice Frank K Jeannette for trapping muskrat out of season. 1 lie muskrat trapping season, he found out, will open in the cariy part of Dei ember. Couple Injured in Auto Crash Vehicle, Porkcd by Roadside, Is Hit Two people are today m St. Jnsepns hospital with cuts and bruiaes as an suit of an accident Sunday 9.30 in the evening on Cira'iot avenue near MeKohnu road when an auto drivrn by C'.arlis \\ Schneider, Jr, of S‘ v a:r Shores coTTTdi t witn a paiked e.u nwnrrt by Anthony J Note, 21, of 2716 Chestnut avc n ,c, Detroit Injured were Her man Stern, 64 of 3611 Indian Trail mad and n.s wife, Mary. According to Nolo, he parked Ins car on the nde of the road alter nr suddenly got a flat tire Hr was gone seeking a.d when tne coll.sion occurred. Not Guilty' Plea Entered for Belcher Held toda\ bv deputy sher iffs in lieu of SIO,OOO bond, Al bert Belcher. 53, of 19335 Wal dron street, Roseville was re manded to the county jail by Circuit Judge Neil E. Reid yes terday, when Retclier, charged with statutory rape, stood mute during his arraignment. A plea of r.ot guilty was entered for t in but no date was set for hi.s trial. WYIFff NURSE—A small, sturdy, waterproof watch to serve the women who serve—in the WAAC. WAVE, SPAR, RED CROSS ond th# countless other organizations wher# their untir ing work is helping the war effort. The WYLER Nurse is non magnetic, has an unbreakable crystal, sweep second hand, luminous d<al ond hands. Designed in Solid 14K Gold with Fine '7 J Movement $45.00 Other Watcher $25.00 so $150.00 imp Detroit Autoist Gels a Ticket Interfere? With Work of City Fire Department While firemen were extin a small blaze at the home of Mrs L. T. Black at 237 South (iratiot avenue Sundav evening, in which one room was damaged, Joe Sclka. a Detroit motorist of 882 Delaware avo iiip, apparently tried to buck the Mount Clemens police who had detoured traffic off Gratiot avenue temporarily while the fire department was working Down Selka drove on Grat iot avenue, into the fire zone and over a water hose firymen Fad laid across the street Mount Clemens police officers handed the Detroiter n ticket Trial i ontinurd from Page One Tavern rd Barron Luke the night of September 11. 1943. Mrs. Rogers took the stand in her own behalf yesterday after noon and began unfolding a tale of sadism and enslavement rarely if ever equalled in local court records. The of Mrs Fingers, who is accused of murder, is being tried before Judge Glenn E Warner. A jury of fourteen was completed late Monday fore noon, two extra members being included in the panel. Eight of the jurors are women - Cass county mothers and housewives. Prosecutor A-,a K Ha.vden of Cass county caused surprise when he suddenly rested the state's case after calling a few witnesses to the fatal shooting Following a lengthy statement to the jury, in which they sa*d the ( would endeavor to prove that Mrs Rogers and An derson had reached a point in their relationship where ?he had to kill him to save herself and her husband and daughters from being murdered by her jealous lover, attorneys Stuart B. White and Charles F White of Niles, Mrs Rogers counsel, called her to the stand as the first defense witness. By afternoon the Cass county courtroom was filled with spec tators who hung upon every soft spoken word of the defendant who has freely admitted that she shot and killed her lover after he refused to terminate their re lationship and threatened to “wipe out’ the whole Rogers family. Trees CdJQtinued from Page One America's national forests, and sold with a red tag attached to show they were properly cut to benefit the forestland. Some metropolitan dealers in the east prediet that the supply will lie only 10 per cent of nor mal and the WPB warns that tin* tiers may not be as per fectly shaped as those in pre vious years. J. Hofert Company, Seattle, Wash . one of tin largest Christ mas tree shippers, expects ship ments m the U. S. to be nearly normal this year, although its formerly large foreign business will bo limited to Mexico and Cuba because of transportation problems. Classed as a non-essential in dustry. Hofert has been forced to use women and boys this y ear, but ha* found the new em ployees satisfactory to handle small trees and light work. Crews have been working seven days a week, but cars have been scarce. The company usually ships about 3.000.000 two to 10 foot trees in 50 cars from Washing ton, north Idaho, western Mon tana and British Columbia, be tween Ov tuber and the begin ning of December Its Canadian unit generally ships more than 2 000.000 annually. None of ttii dealers seems to have a suggestion ft r a trrp sub stitute, tint some point out that trees can be rut in half so that one can do the work of two. And there s no particular shortage predicted for the processed min iature table sues. U. S. Soldier to Hang for Murder of Girl LONDON. Nov. 3n A U. S Army court martial ha.s sentenced Pvt. John H. Waters. 38. Chicago Heights. 11l . to hang for the murder of Doris Staples at Henlrv on Thames Oxford shire July 14 European Thca irr of Opci at ions headquarters announced today. '4l Olds 4 dr. sedan. Original black finish, radio, heater, seat cov ers, hydromatic shift. Don't miss this for value. Terms or trade. 15 months. Priehs Sales Cos. 103 Macomb Phone 5011 MHHHIILOSV ’SMOKEV COUPON If \. ti.iv e a relative in the uniform of the armed forces, and if h lion r was in Mount Clemens at the time of his en try into \> it -ci vice kindly fill out the following form (please print) and mail AT ONCE to THE MONITOR-LEADER Monitor-Leader Bldg Mount Clemens, Michigan The MOUNT CLEMENS GOODFELLOWS will then send a carton of cigarettes to the man you have named as thc.r contribution to his Merry Christmas. NAME COMPANY REGIMENT CAMP A. P. 0. NO CARE POSTMASTER (Pie, -e state whether New York or San Francisco) 7 l 'lll, the Colors LIEUT JACK SYRETT, of the Canadian Royal Air Force, received h 1 mgs at Alymer, Ontario, o, Krulav, evening. His mother and s.-ter, SFiji ley, also Miss Minerva Allen, of Pontiac, were present t the presentation. After a short furlough he will report to Rivet Manitoba, as a N’avigal on 1 iruetion Lieut. Syrott ha- two other brothers in the Service 1... ut Harold Syr ott, who is with the Ferry Com mand m the \\ on..', and Corp. George, at Camp Davis, North Carolina. LI El “J WAYNE W. ADAIR, JR, L' S Arm i, an vied home this mbining on a 10-da.v leave to v i it lus wife and parents at their Mount C’U mens residence, 128 New street. Lieut Adair, formerly of the Monitor Leader advert is mu. st.dl i- stationed at Fort Bennmg, Ga Pacific Continued from Page One Liberators damaged on - ' war ship in an attack on two de stroyers and a freighter off the north coast of New Britain while other bombers and tighter straf ed ad .-auk barges along the coast- of Bougainville and New Guinc a. The Nav.v Department an nounced m Washington that is lands in the Gilberts are “being developed according to plan," and that a lew enemy stragglers remain in the northern end of Tarawa Atoll. Seventh Air For(*e Liberators gave the Japanese no letup with new raids against Nauru and the Marshalls Bob miles northeast o the Gilberts. At Pearl Harbor. Maj. Gen. Holland McTirre Smith, com mander of Tarawa's ass a u 1 t forces, said that Atoll, where American ca-unlties were heavy, might have fallen at less cost if there had been longer naval gunfire and aerial bombings. He was quick to add, how ever that the overall picture had to be remembered, and “the r< i« 1 •• fore assault' the more liable we are to attack by sea, under sea and the air. Chut, iking made no mention of the fighting in t Fie “Rice IMItKIXf; I 111 IISIIAV. FRIDAY A All SATIRRAY >" V MONITOR-LEADER PVT WALTER DUBAY. who is stationed at Los Angeles. Calif, was called home by the death of his brother Arthur, last Monday. FREDERICK A FINK, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Fink, is re ceiving specialized army train ing at Fort Bennmg, Georgia. LIEUT. KENNETH ROBER SON, his wife and baby, are vis iting his grandmother, Mrs. Dorge Roberson. 9 Brooks street. Lieut. Roberson is sta tioned at Pine Camp in New York. MRS. LLOYD BRADBURY, 116 Huron avenue, has received word from her husband, a sec ond class cook and baker in the Merchant Marine, who has been stationed in New York, that he is expecting to leave for overseas duty soon. Bowl” area of central China, hut announced American aerial support to Chinese ground forces on the Salween River f out. Oth er American planes attacked the Japanese airdrome at Luang Prabang in French ndo-China. Medium bombers sank an enemy freighter in the Gulf of Tonkin off the Indo-China t,»a>t. All the raiders returned safely. Harmon Continued from Page One the Japanese offensive, which the Chinese said was finally stalled at Changteh. Lt. Jordan Robing, Jr . of Dal las, was shot down on tne same mission and he, too, was rescued by the Chinese and is returning to base. Last April, a bomber Harmon was piloting crashed in a squall over French Guiana in the South American jungles and Harmon and the six-man crew bailed out. The former halfback hacked through the jungle until he reached natives who guided him to a settlement. (Harmon was all American in 1939 and 1940. Between hi« South American and Chines-, escapes, Harmon was a Light ning fighter pilot in North Africa.) JOIN THE WACKS.... AND SEE THE WHIRL I Adolphe Martha menjou scon IN Hi ■ ■ l . i I mm Middle WITH Pola Negri, Dennis O'Keefe Billie Burke and June Havoc Morals Charge Faces Man, 41 Girl, 15, Tells Sordid Story Norman Mallow, 41-year-old, partially paral.vzed Clinton township war worker who, of ficers charge, brutally belabor ed a 15-year-old girl m a jeal ous frenzy, is held in the Ma comb county jail today on a warrant chai ,ing him vnth rape. The man had maintained il licit relations wit her since she was 11 years of age, Prt ecutor Wilbur F. Held said. Attention of officers was at tracted to the sorciid case when neighbors called deputy sheriffs Mondav evening and reported that a man was beating a girl in the Broadacres district. Arriving on the scene officers found the child m a ditch with the man nearby. The girl told Under - Sheriff Harley Ensign that the beating had followed the mans discov ery of a letter written by Her to a boy. If) She said he flew into a jealous >ge and started to strike her w ith a strap and that si o fled Mallow, partially crip pled, and unable to ov—»nke the child on foot then jumped into his car and follow her down the road to the scene of the con tinued beating which led to his arrest. Held said. Prosecutor Held was to ques tion the 19-year-old y.uth this afternoon and said that a war rant mas lie issued against him on charges of morals offenses against the child. K of P Continued from Page One man from Macomb county ever to attain membership in the state supreme court, other than the late Franz Kuhn, for whom the M ount Clemens lodge ,s named On Jan. 9 Judge Reid will have completed a full half-cen tury of service to the county and to the state. Beginnng as court stenog rapher January 9 1894 the Su preme Court Justice-Elect func tioned in that capacity until his appointment as probate judge, June 10, 1910 As probate judge he then served the county for slightly more than 13 years until, on Aug. 2. 1923. he was appointed to the circuit court bench where he has served with distinction ever since. AMAZED EXPERTS Last Spring Judge Reid, con ducting his first campaign for state office, amazed political experts with the energy and thoroughness of his efforts and emerged easily the winner in a four man run-off for two va cancies on the state's highest tribunal. No successor has as yet hern formally named to the Reid cir cuit court vacancy which will become available Jan. 1. but it has been generally understood that Gov. Harry F. Kelly will fill the vacancy about Dec. 15 The names of Christian F. Matthews, former state sen ator, and of Prosecuting Attor ney Wilbur F. Held have been prominent|\ mentioned as those of possible appointees. It! Y WAR HOADS AND STAMPS Bulletin Continued from Page One kara claim to know the plan ned meeting of Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin is to take place at Teheran.” “The same circles have been heard to remark that Roose velt and Churchill already are in Cairo where Laurence A. Strinhardt, I'.S. ambassador to Turkey, has arrived hv air apparently to see Roosevelt. Since Steinhardt has already returned to Ankara, it is pre sumed that Roosevelt and Churchill also no longer are in Cairo, hut already are en route to Teheran,” continued the broadcast from the Inter national information bureau, an Axis propaganda outlet. From these and other indi cations the same circles infer that Stalin already is in Tehe ran. Chian* Kai-Shek and his wife also are said to have been seen in Iran and they too are to participate in the confer ence,” the agency said. Russia Continued from Page One stem while the Nazis steadily re treated toward the old Polish border. Mow than 200 miles to the south in the great bend of the Dnieper, anther Russian army launched a renewed dri\e on the west bank of the liver between T "iev and Kremenchug The charge drove the Germans hack eight miles west of Cherkas. 1- 500 Nazis fell before the Red Army guns, the communique announced, and Soviet troops stormed into Russia A Polyana and four other towns, including Dube Evka, near the rail junc tion of Smcla. Special Service There will he a special Advent service in English at the Trinity Lutheran Church, corner of Dickinson and Gibbs streets, on Wednesday. 8 p m. The scene is based on Hebrews 1-3. ‘ Jesus Christ is our prophet.” FREE | 1 A J f V 'JTk BUY A I -# T BONDS TOAIOIIT AAD TOMORROW B ' -JO j Jts JPv 1 jffl Yearning t'oolr lyn ond A*- bteu*' $ 'g i\ 1 FATHER O r n Do*« oil- F * j ■* . . . nr\d I I M A r ;pn Mon 1 | What guys! What guts! Whdt a victory! I Hl * m *" ,wo, » •* •• • ■IHBMpiLU . Preston FOSTER^LIoyd NOUN • flam BENDIX 2q Richard CONTE • Anthony QUINN i—irnmß TOAICHT AND TOMORROW S&MJSSM \\ n* 1 W /y |nt|i • UviM IWNtt • AllMllN Jj Two Big Feature% I A PirimiuM PlihiM WENDY BARRIE MOUNT CLEMENS, MICH, Police Seek Missing Wile Note Indicates Despondency Authorities today are search ing for the 34-year-old wife of Steven Kalisz, who is missing from her home since Sunday evening, after leaving a note be hind saying that she had become despondent. Returning to his residence in Clinton township at 11 30 Sun day night, Kalisz found that his w’ife had taken about S4O wuth her, and had driven away in his car. Police authorities found the auto abandoned a mile from his home. Suspecting suicide, search of the nearby river banks made by Deputy Sheriff proved fruitless. Juror Brightens Up Court With Flowers Lady Gardener Proudly Exhibits Chrysanthemums A msall hut brave bouquet of chrysanthemums are proudly ex hibited today on a desk in Cir cuit Judge Frederick W, George's chambers, a gift of a friendly woman juror. who along with the other members of the jury, has sat for four long weeks through a condemnation case now going on in the third floor circuit court. Mrs Laura Schulz, who brought the flowers to court this week, explained that she picked them out of her garden, and wanted to show the court how' iate in the season flowers still grew in her garden. The gift al so explains the recent appear ance of a chrysanthemum in court officer Edward Schoen* herr's lapel. The case, a condemnation of property to be used as a public park, has been in progress for four weeks, and is scheduled to go on for several more weeks.