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W Ao. ' l'JqlJA..l'iifetii ; | fr r > ifr t , T . . f _ . . V. . . " . , 1 Tlbe Conservative * Rights Cases" (10 ( ! ) U. S. Sup. Cfc. Reps. 25) ) , says : When a man has emerged from slav ery , and by the aid of beneficent legis lation has shaken off the inseparable concomitants of tlinfc state , there must bo some stage in the progress of his ele vation when ho takes the rank of a mere citizen , and ceases to bo the special fav orite of the laws , and when his rights , as a citizen or a man , are to bo protected in the ordinary modes by which other men's rights arc protected. Under republican institutions there is place only for "mere citizens. " We can offer no permanent asylum beneath Uho-A'niprican flag for either "special ' 'favorites ' of the laws" or national wards. A nation which is committed to the prd'position that all men are of inalien able right equal before the law , can make no provision within its jurisdiction for subject peoples. Our failures in the treatment of the Indians and the Chinese , to say nothing of the negroes , should lead us to hesitate in the presence of a proposal to acquire "a full line of islands , " more or less remote f rom oiir shores and peopled with alien races with out training in , or fitness for , self gov ernment. The New York Post signifi cantly inquires : "If other races are rightfully to bo held subject to our own , what moral basis is left for democracy ? If taxation without representation is just , how long since it became so ? If dark people have no rights that white people are bound to respect , what was the significance of the abolition move ment ? " The nation may very properly hesitate when \irged to abandon the policy of a century , under which it has prospered and wielded a growing influence in the larger world. That the United States has suddenly become "a world power , " that it now has "world responsibilities , " that it is moving forward at the behest of "manifest destiny , " furnishes no rational solution of the grave problem of the hour. What international duty has our country in the past loft unperformed ? When and where has it refused or failed to share in the "work of the world ? " In what precise particulars should it now 6hango its attitude to its neighbors ? What are its now duties , and to whom are they duo ? Is our new policy of ag gression of general application , or docs it extend only to our defenseless neigh bors ? Is it to bo a mere expression of brute force , or a moral crusade ? Is its motive a desire for empire , or a disinter ested love for humanity ? Wo may frankly concede that a for eign policy which was wise in Washing ton's day and for a century thereafter , may require re-examination and oven revision. The real question is , what should now bo the foreign policy of the United States ? This is a question of self-interest , having duo regard to the rights of others. Our government is formed "to entablhh justice , provide f < the common defense , promote the yencrul welfare and m'curc the bk'nnhnjn of liberty to otirxch'cx and onr pontcriti/ . " Its duty lies entirely within these purposes. The presumption is great that wo shall still , as in Washington's day , best promote justice and the general welfare by cul tivating "peace and harmony with all" nations , and by "diffusing and diversi fying by gentle means the streams of commerce , but forcing nothing. " Wo have long since reached the time which ho foresaw , "when wo may defy ma terial injury from external annoyance ; when we may take such an attitiido as will cause the neutrality wo may at any time resolve upon to bo scrupulously re spected ; when belligerent nations , under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us , will not lightly hazard the giv ing us provocation ; when we may choose peace or war as our interest , aided by our justice , shall counsel. Why forego the advantages of so pcciiliar a situation ? Why quit oiir own to stand upon foreign ground ? American civilization has substituted a state of peace for a state of war. Its fundamental idea is that the government exists for the people , not the people for the government. From this it follows that the nation can have no interest or duty apart from the people's welfare ; that no question of national honor or dignity can properly arise which is not directly related to their material or moral well being ; and that it is the chief end of their government to main tain justice and peace , so that nothing shall interfere with their fundamental rights to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is a gross abuse for such a government to appeal to the patriotic sentiment of the people in support of a meddlesome foreign policy touching matters in which they have no percepti ble interest. There are still those , even in America , who held that no objection based on their material interests should be raised to any demand upon the people in sup port of whatever the jingoes choose to say involves the national honor. What they mean by national honor is derived from the duelist's code. Their ideals of glory come from a military ago whoso clouds still obsciiro the modern sky. These ideals belong to a theory of gov ernment which rates ships and guns and armed men above ideas , and which still proclaims that might makes right. The truth is that the achievement ot permanent peace , opportunity for the steady pursuit by all the people of their wonted avocations , over vast areas of the earth's surface , wliich our century is the first to witness , is the greatest triumph of civilization. The possibility that this condition may bo extended iintil the whole world shall become an arena for the cultivation of the arts of peace by the entire race is today our most splendid vision. Our civilization rests upon a/ vast sys- tern of trade and commerce , which ex tends around the world. It is the basis not only of oxir material but our moral well being. To give these vast interests : free play by administering justice at- home and cultivating peace and harmony with all the world has become the end1 of government. It has long been the glory of America that wo are free from the military burdens which have so long rested with crushing weight npoii the nations of Europe. For the moment , forgetting Washington's vision of a na tional life that shall impress the imagi nation of the world by a spectacle of peace , liberty and prosperity , we have been brought to consider the surrender of our unique position , to inquire whether there is not something nobler in national life than may be realized from the cultivation of the arts of peace. The aggressive foreign policy , whoso first fruits wo have but tasted , does not become xis well. It is a reversion to a lower type from that to which we are accustomed. It should bo wholly aban doned before it becomes a national habit. Whatever wo desire , and wo may pro perly so desire , our country is to have an increasing influence in the councils of the world. Even now her voice , when she but speaks in the ordinary tones in wliich gentlemen converse , is heard in every capital of the world. Already her strength and disinterestedness are so re spected that she has only to speak words of soberness and justice to bo heeded as well as heard. Why forego the advan tages of so splendid a position ? Why quit it to stand upon lower ground ? The time has como to preach and be lieve that the problems of modern life demand moral , rather than physical , courage. "Lifo may l > o given in iniuiy ways , And loyalty to truth l > o Hailed As bravely in tlio closet an thu fluid. " Mr. Cleveland does well at this crisis to remind us of our achievements and of our promise for the future , of "what wo have done and what remains for us to do under the guidance of the rules and motives which have thus far governed our national life. " We are surely "en titled to demand the best of reasons for a change in our policy and conduct , and to exact a conclusive explanation of the conditions which make our acquisition of now and distant territory either justi fiable , prudent or necessary" Ex-Secretary of Agriculture T. Ster ling Morton has issued at Nebraska City the prospectus of THE CONSERVATIVE , a weekly journal to bo published for "the conservation of all that is deemed de sirable in the social , industrial and po litical life of the United States. " Mr. Morton's now publication starts off with a largo list of subscribers in advance , and under his vigorous and skillful di rection it should wield a powerful in fluence in molding public opinion in the Far West. Philadelphia Record.