OCR Interpretation

The Windham County reformer. (Battleboro, Vt.) 1876-1897, May 30, 1879, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

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Windham Co.Beformer.
At No. 1 Market Block, Elliot btteet.
BraUleboro, VI., by
To Advertiskbs. The Rekohmeh'b
circulation is now larger than that oj any
other two papers published in Windham
County. Its local circulation, within the
county and in the towns immediately ad
owing on the east, south andwest, exceeds
the combined circulation of all the other
papers in the county. Advertising rales
low, considering the large number oj
readers furnished. Send for printed
rates, or call at the office No. 1 Market
Block, Elliot-st.
Travelers Directory.
Trains leave BraUleboro,
For Miller's Falls and Boston at 4 20 (except
Mondays) and a 26 a. iu., and 4 .if. p. m
For Springfield and New York at 4 20 (except
Mondays) and 10 03 a.m.; 4 26 p. m.
For New London and stations on N. L. N. R. B
at 4 2d p. in., and 4 20 a. in.
For Now York via. New London Steamboat,
4 26 p. m.
For White River Junction, Kntland, Wells Riv
er, Newport, Burlington, St. Albans, Ogdeusburg.
Montreal, and West, lu 30 a. in.
For Bellows Falls and White Klvor Junction,
and Rutland, 6 00 p.m.
For While River Junction. Burlington, St. Al
bans, Ogdeusburg, Montreal and the West, 10 20
p. m.
Does This Concern You ?
Insurance Agency.
KEARL Y $200,000,000 ( TWO HUN
Some ol the largest Fike Insvrance Companies.
The Largest Life Insurance Company.
The Best and Cheapest Accident Insurance Com
pany. Ail UmUKl losses Promptly, Squarely, and Liber
ally adjusted and paid.
Dealers in Bank Stock aid Real Estate,
Brattleboro, - - Vermont.
Business Notices.
Notices under this ticad, 10 cents per line each week.
No cliarge less than 60 con's.
Diaries and toys cheap at Carpenter's
--Frames are cheap at Cheney & Clapp'B
Box paper, 10 cents to $1, at the Re
former office.
Eddy's Tonic Beer for sale at Green 'c
drug store and Fisk's oyster market
Kirwan has a nice lot of basket
bottom rocking chairs. He sells cheap.
Fifteen cents buys a motto frame.
glass and back, at Cheney & Clapp's.
Wanted Two nice driving horses in
exchange for an organ or a piano.
C. W, Stewart.
The Holnian Liver Pad for sale by
Henry C. Willnrd, sole Agent for Wind
ham County. A local Agent wanted in
every town. 32tf
Wanted. A situation as salesman in
n country store, by a man who has been
engaged in a general mercantile busi
ness himself, and understands it thor
oughly. Only a moderate salary required.
Willing to work on trial for a while to
prove satisfaction. Address the Re
former office.
Book Binding Free.
Everyone in need of letter, note or
bill heads, or similar mercantile work
should call at the Kkfokmkii office and
examine the Storliiitr book bimJcn. One
or Its advantages is hat it Keeps note
beads, bill-heads, etc., in a compact and
neat form, nicely bound and covered
free from dirt or soiling, furnishing a
blotter, and still is ready for immediate
use. For a pocket check, note or mem
orandum book it is simply invaluable,
We shall be nleased to have vou exam
ine this method whether you wish to
buy or not. It is the best and most eco
nomical way to protect or cover your
magazines. Every reading club should
have them. Price 50 cents, when no
printing is ordered. We have the ex
clusive right for this county, but shall
make no extra charge above the ordina
ry cost of the printing, which you must
rememuer is as goou, anu lower m price
Looal Notes and Gossip
ao ion oAa 104 Sortx dudojP
Tliev buy the tan-colored stra'
at J. J. Hay's.
Gen. W. W. Lyndo and E. B. Camp
bell aru back from their western trip,
Howe, photographer, is out with an
elegant new sign, pnintoa ny o. v- wiv.
The post office was closed from two
to four o'clock tuis aitornoon.
Rev. Geo. F. Pilior of Cnmbridge-
port, Mans., will preach iu tho Unitarian
church next Bunuay,
The Bnnuiil meeting of the Western
Aqueduct association occurs juonuaj
evening at the Vermont Savings bank.
The spring meeting of the Fort
Dummer Rifle Club, will be held at its
range in Vernon Wednesday,
The Amherst college sophomores
have their class supper at tne urooKs
House, June 27th.
Selectman Pratt left Monday for a
briof business trip to Chicago and other
parts of the WeBt,
Verv laree assortment of fancy shirts,
neck wear, struw and felt hats in new
and fancy colors at J. J. Ray s,
Rev. M. H. Harris will take his an-
nual vacation about the middlo of next
month- He preaches in exchange at
Worcester, Mass , aunday.
Sam Morsan. a Frenchman at work
for L. M. Adams, cut a bad gash in his
loot while chopping Friday.
E. Wales, Jr., thinks he can "go
one better" on any ess record yet
ported. He has four brown leghorns
which hatched 44 chickeos out
eggs set under them.
Mr. C. B. Rice and wife reached
town Wednesday, after several weeks'
soiourn at Aiken. S. C. Wo rcKft'l to re
port that Mr. Rice's health is yet very
delicate, though there is reason for hop
ing that Vermont air will improve nun
At the meeting of the creditors of
C. F. Thompson ifc Co., Wednesday F.
W. E.ooks and Ohas. N. DaveJiport wcro
elected assignees. Eighty two claims
were proved, aggregating about fl4,0U0,
During the summer months the ser
mon, not the service, will be omitted in
St. Michael's (Episcopal) church. Even
ing prayers will be said as usual at 7 :80,
p. M., beginning with June 1st.
There will be a meeting of the Su
perintendents and Text Book Commit
tees in tne uounty at JNewiane on satur-
day next, May 31st.
Mr. C. P. Gilson left again Tuesday
evening for St. Lawrence Co., New York,
and Canada, for another lot of those fine
horses, which he will soon oiler at great
Mr. Jerry Davis has sold the well
known trotter 'Lady Wilmouth, to
Attleboro, (Muss.) parties, for $1300.
Miss C. M. Dalton has purchased
the residence of the late Mrs. Judge Cuttp
the price being understood to be $7000.
Only six or eight voters turned out
to the special village meeting Monday
evening, l'eleg Barrows was elected
clerk and treasurer in place of Henry
Glover, resigned.
Mrs. G. W. Holbrook is arranging
to bring out "H. M. S. Pinafore" Willi a
class of 25 or 30 juvenile singers, whom
she is now training.
Quartermaster-General Kingslcy
names Saturday of next week, June 7th,
as "June training" and inspection day
for the Estey liuatu and duller Battery.
A line oil painting of the old Blake
homestead lias been presented to this
town by Dr. Blake of Boston. The
buildings, the remnants of which were
destroyed by the large fire in l.Sb'O, used
to stand at the comer of Maine and
Elliot streets.
Prof. Alexander announces a very
choice programme for his concerts at
the town hall Wednesday and Thursdny
evenings, and we doubt nott hat it will
be a real treat to our people of musical
tastes. Tickets 25 and 35 cents, and
can be obtained at the Professor's rooms.
A good many Brattleboro people will
ol linla
'f -
parade of the fihe dbpaktment.
The annual parade of the village
flro department Saturday afternoon pass-
ed off very happily, as it always does in
this place. The day was beautiful, the
people, quiet and orderly, and the oom
petion between the different engines,
though lively, the very best naturcd.
The procession, with its inspiring music,
the handrome floral decorations of the
engines, and tho neat uniforms of the
men presented a highly creditable ap
pearance. The following was its order :
Drum Corps,
Fire Police. 2 men. J. W. Hlmnnds. rsntAln.
Brattleboro Comet Hand, 17 nieces, Fred J,vight-
silnrer. ltiLlp!-. R. M. Amtlln. nrnm nmliir.
Chief Kngineer Wales, assistants llavis, ilowe,
i nrner ami m dies,
rhamlx Engine Company, No. 0, 50 men, C, C.
Turner, foreman.
Plirpnlx Rnvinp. drawn hv 4 hnrspfl.
Protoetor Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1, 36 men,
Harry iwiisou, ioreiimn
Protector Hook and Laddor Truck, drawn by
4 horKM.
Ilydropath Steamer Co., No. 3, 25 men, Emerson
Gibson, foreman.
Steamer drawn by 4 horses ; hose carriage drawn
Dy i norse.
Drum Corps.
Active Engine Co., No. 2, 40 men, Louis E.
Creene, foreman.
Active Engine, drawn by 4 horses.
Drum Cnrntt
Fountain Engine Co., No. 4., 76 men, Goorgo A,
nines, loreman.
Fountain Engine drawn by 4 horses, hoso cart
arawu ny v norses.
As usual had its meet oommemoratlon
In Brattleboro by a people who oherieli
gratefully the memory of the gallant
men who laid down their lives In de
fense of the Union. Floral tributes were
contributed In profusion, both by the old
soldiers and citizens, the day being recog
nized by all classes, sects and parties as
one of true patriotio observance.
The procession was formed at 2:30 p.
m., marching through Main and South
Main streets in the following order :
The line of march laid out in the pro
gramme was carried out, viz. : Up South
Mam Btreet, out Prospect, down Canal,
up Elliot and Church, through Whipple
lane, down Oak and Grove, around the
Common and down Main street.
The plays of the different companies
201 ft. 6 in. 3d prize
OBDKR or procession.
Brattleboro Cornet Band.
Chief Marshal MaJ. E. Wales, with his Aides, H.
M. Currier, E. P. Reed and Julius Whitney.
Kstey Guard, arms reversed.
Revi. Burehard, Miller and Martin, with choir of
male voices. ,
Sedgwick Post, O. A. R under the command of
Comrade N. S. Noyes.
Old Soldiers and Sailors,
Oasis Encampment and Wantastiquet Lodge,
1. O. of O. F.
Boys' Drum Corps.
Detachment of the Fuller Battery under
195 ft. i'A in. 6th prize
3in it. in. 4in prise
be pained to learn of the death of the
old favorite trotter, "Slate Rock ," which
occurred uy an accmem m
week. Mr. T. L. Johnson
years has owned the horse,
out to pasture and in some'
than any other office in the state.
Local News.
A D'eanui Anair at iMewarK.
A party of nine children drank Wednes
day from a brook at Newark, Vt., 10
miles from Island Pond, the waters of
which had been polluted by the carcases
of a horse and several sheep and were
poisoned. Seven died soon after, their
bodies becoming putrid and requiring
immediate burial. The others cannot
survive. A Mr. Morse lost two children.
Mr. Carpenter three, and two more are
reierred to as dying, taking his entire
family. Mr. Aldrich lost two. There is
great excitement in the community.
Several other children were poisoned,
though not fatally, by drinking from the
same brook a few days before as will be
seen by referring to our State items.
A later report says that 27 children
re sick as a result of diinking from the
bror-k. and that not half of them will
recover. It is said that potato tops poi
soned with Paris green have been thrown
into the brook.
Accident at Bellows Falls.
A young fellow by the name of Reed,
employed in a hotel at Charlestown. N.
II., attended the circus at Bellows Falls
Monday and got a little drunk. He suc
ceeded in running the toll bridge three
times without paying bis toll, hut the
fourth time he attempted it Mr, Buss,
the tollman, endeavored to stop him by
lowering the gate, which being rusty
fiom non-use,' only came down part
way and stopped. Reed was driving
his horse at break-neck speed, and wa
unable to stop biro in season so bat that
bis forehead struck the gate, knocking
him insensible and out of the back of
the buggy. At first bis skull was sup
posed to be fractured, but nnder the
skillful ministrations of Dr. Campbell,
it is now believed that he will recover.
Pecocious Tounir Americas.
A band of youthful burglars, its mem
lr bound to secrecy hv the strongest
oaths, has just been discoverad in the
dtaid old town of Royalton, in Windsor
county, numbering eight or more, from
the age of fifteen to twenty-two years,
and from some very respectable families.
Their operations have ben upon stores,
hops and dwellings, and they have com
mitted nine or ten diiferent burglaries.
Five of the boys have been arrested and
some of the property recovered.
Fire at South Vernon.
The house, barn, tobacco sheds, etc
known as the James K. Priest homestead
and owned and ocrtipied by Miss Carrie
Priest, were totally consumed by fire
Kiturdav afternoon. Insured for 24i.
The fire is thought to have been set by
children playing alraut the premises.
Arrest of a Eonrer.
C. T. Tracy of Boto was arrested at
that city yesterday (Friiay) and held ia
$ 1000 bond, on the charge of having
frH-gni in 1876 the ane of R. 8. Buxton
of Sooth lywdooderry, by which forgery
91000 was drawn from the Uaioa savings
bank of New York.
uixuiiw, j - -, , r I.. I.
i, M- T T. Johnson, who of In",
wav he fell
shite ouarry, wlier
m iCffnd diwd rriiiireduy morilillg
A drunken row with much
swearing and some choking, in one
the liquor saloons, Sunday afternoon,
a company ot beer guzzlers, among
whom was the editor of one of our lo
cal papers. Record.
Why, Chandler, "who'd a thunk it?'
You and your "wicked partner" should
keep out ot such places!
'I he 13th JN. . Regiment passed
inrougn jiraiiicooro again jnuuav morn
ing in their 14 special cars, on their re
turn from the celebration of Queen Vic
toriu's birthday at Montreal. While
passing near the Connecticut, 560 men
of the Regiment were clumped out of
the cars titiike tutir morning wash in
the river. They were banquetted at
Hartford Monday noon.
About 40 Sir Knights of Beause
nnt commanderv, acconpinied bv the
Meacham drum corps, and Uil ows Falls
bretheren, will attend the annual con
clave of the Grand C'ommnnilcry of
Knight Templars of Vermont, to be
held at Burlington, June 10th.
Occurred Sunday between Tom Con
nor, who teems to he winning a good
deal of local celebrity, and Patrick
Horr, a railroad hand. They bad been
drinking cider at Trendall's hou-e. near
the camp ground, atid got to quarreling
as to who paid for it. Atler thtv had
accused each ether of lying back ami
forth for a time, Ci nuor knocked the
railroad man down, and his r-oy jumped
on him and kicked him, until a crack in
his skull 2 or 2 1-2 inches long had been
made above his right eye. Dr. Gray,
hovtever, attended the wounded man,
auJ he is now upoa the street, though
perhaps one of his eyes may not be very
serviceable for a time.
The following is the list of the let
ters remaining uncalled for in the post
oflice under date of May 2ord:
Ladies Miss L. B. Armstrong, Mrs.
Ella Butlerlield, Miss Ella Crowning
shield, Miss Johanna Flavin, Miss .lunette
Howells, Maggie C. Pre -don, Mrs. Aman
da Smith, Mrs. Henry F. Stevens.
GentsWm. Crosby, Wm. Cain, Ru
pert DeVere, John M. Flynn (2), W. P.
Fisher, Dexter A. Deggett, L. II. Heed,
C. F. Stearns, Willie Sanderson. Chas.
F. Thorn (7). Frauk VWwier, L. A.
Miscellaneous Whitehouse & John
son, Newton & Thompson.
Saturday evening about 10 o'clock,
w'jile James Griffin was meandering
along Elliot street in a slate of intoxica
tion, he tipped from the sidewalk above
the bulletin board into the old Revere
House cellar, striking his cranium on a
rock at the bottom. He was picked up
insensible soon after, from quite a po 1 of
blood, and taken to Greene's drug store.
Drs. Gale and Gray were summoned and
dressed the wound, though it did not
prove to be very serious.
Our neighbors the Record and Phir
niz are having an interesting little fami
ly quarrel about the amount of reading
mailer they respectively give their
readers. As the Ktn ik EK gives a vant
amount more than either and has more
subscribers than both pat together, per
haps we can afford to let tuetn Dave it
out alone. But as they are burling
charges of falsehood so violently at r.v h
other we have taken the trouble to make
some comparisons, and judging f-vm lh
kind of tvi we suppose each to use.
should say that the I'hvuix gives alxiut
two columns tne most, as ltclairas ioi.
However that may be. very fe will
q 'lest ion that the Phrnix is the most
honest and intelligent ot the two papers.
Either ot them might jnt as isroixrly be
called an almanac as a local r, but
there n a differrnoe in the dryness even
i n) 1
i F
Fountain No. 4.
Plnenix No. 6,
Active No. 2.
Hook & Laddor. Engine No. 2. 2111 ft. 6 ill. 2d prize
Steamer Co. & Fire Poliue, Enpine No. 1,
2U it. in ist prize
Alter they had all got tlirougn, and
when most of the firemen and specta
tors had left the ground the steamer
threw a splendid stream through 350
teet ot hose, 1-inch nozzle, 2z7 leet and
2 inches, thus beating the best record of
tne iinv.
1 lie Actives anu tne hook a' L,aauer
hoys used the old Ilydropath tub, the
latter plavinu under the direction of
assistant engiucr Davis. Tilt Police and
Si earner companies played with the
Fountain tub, of which two members of
the former company were ex-foremen.
It should be said in justice to Fountain
and Phoenix companies that they doubt
less would have done better had not the
wind blown their streams from the
boards although they made good records
Seven cars of the freight train on
the New London railroad were wrecked
near the bridge at Three Rivers, Palmer,
Mass., Thursday morning, as the result
of a broken "frog." Several of them
were so badly demolished that one would
never dream what they had been used
for. Edward Mercer, a brukeman from
this place was somewhat bruised by
jumping off the train.
Keal beauties in the cattle line, were
the nrize Durham enw and nine months
old heifer which W. F. Richardson pur
chased of S. P. Miller of Fayetteville,
last week, ihe cow, which is seven
years old and tiiree-iourtiiBiniriiam oiooa
weiL'liea isuo, inter oeinc anven irom
Fayetteville, and the calf, which isseven-
eiL'litlis Durham, UtlO pounds. Competent
slock ianciers say mat in point ot com
bined size and beauty, tliey nc ver saw
liner aniiiialH.
C. H. Nash of Snrinirfield, Mass., was
arrested by Sheriff W jod, Monday morn-
mir, as an absconding debtor, on a claim
of ?I2 which he had been owing Chas,
,S. I'rout v for years. Ashe hud a valua
ble watch in his possession, he was una
ble to take the poor debtor s oath and
forked over the money when he found
that he couldn't help it. Nash is one of
those fellows who always have money
enomr h for anv ntirnose except to pay
honest debts and a little modicine of this
kind is trood for them
Upwards of fifty highly esteomed old
lady residents, wnoso ngw muu uum
50 to 88 years, assembled at Prof. Alex
ander's rooms in Kindergarten hall, on
Wednesday afternoon, where, for two
hours, they were treated to a pleasing
mnaicale given by some 70 children as
sisted bv some of the older local talent,
was indeed a nappy as won as a rare
tertainment, representing, as it did,
two extremes in Ule. ihe entertain
concluded with a banquet and the
eily" gathering will long remeni-
ol. Alexanders nospiianiy.
he Congregational council which
be convened the 2d of July, for the
mination and ordination ot Rev. G. E.
Iartin, will consist .of the following indi
iduals and representatives of churches:
Jtroadway and Park Cong, churches,
'Norwich, Conn., Paysou Cong, church,
fi.-. .i -sf n ,
cnbuiani jiiiu, lutinc, uuicaiiuuai
church West Brattleboro, Chuich of the Re
deenier and Third Congregational church
of New Haven, Conn., Congregational
church, Hinsdale, N. 11., Rev. Timothy
D wight D. D., and Rev. Geo. E. Day,
of Yale theological seminary, and Rev.
Geo. P. Tyler. The examination of the
candidate will commence at ten o'clock
on the morning of July 2d., and the
public exercises of ordination and in
stallation will be held in the evening.
Brattlelioro's valuation this year is
$2,524,300 an increase of $74,500 over
last year, which is due to the method
pursued by the listers, in bringing per
sonal proporty, money at interest, etc.,
to the light. This, with an increase of
51 in tiic number of polls, very nearly
makes up for the falling off by the quaj
rendium appMsal of real estate last year,
and will yield the town $14,000 in taxes
this year, instead of $13,600, as calcu
lated at the town meeting. The benefits
of this year's method of listing are so
obvious, that we hope it will not only be
continued here but adopted in every
other town of the State, as the law un
questionably authorizes it. A similar
method was tried in New Hampshire
this year, and the returns show that $10.-
000,000 of interest money, hitherto un
taxed have been unenrili, d; a million
and a half of it in Cheshire County
alone. It can be made one of the surest
equalizers ot taxation.
Michael Finn, a titchburg railroad
trackman, was killed by the cars not far
from the Greeeficld depot yesterday
morning. IIo was lying so near tho
track that the engine struck his head.
Me had attended a wake on Ihursday
night and probably fell down drunk be
side the track while going home.
Uncle Uzziah Wyman and wife of
Cambiidgeport will have to take a back
seat. An exchange reports a couple,
Simon Gould and his wife, who were
married nearly seventy-three years ago,
onif are l,.i;'if with their son. who is
sewnty years ufd, near Montpelier, Vt.
llie husband is in his ninety-nintu year.
and his wife in her ninety-sixth. They
nave lived npon the same farm all their
married life.
Rev. A. II. Clapu. V. D.. of New
Yorki formerly pastor of the Congrega
tional church in this village, is confined
to his house with nervous prostration.
A Boston paper savs that Miss Liz
zie Scauster ol tnis pltce. daughter of
I'rof. Schuster, and granddaughter of
llie late Rev. A I n Brown, "is called
t e dios prom ijr pp:l at the Boston
Art Museum."
Il'UVrt G. Hariic, r. ar an art stu
dent ia Paris, baa just received a very
gratifying honor, one of his portraits
having lieen admitted by tne jury of the
ion 1 to ilia eieat annual exbiiution
of works of art in the palace of the
Champs E ysers. The jury which passed
ibis favnraolr jadgnunt on Mr. Hurdle's
work, is composed of some of tbe most
eminent painters in France.
Nathan Con ant is one of the veter
ans of Guilford. He is 87 yeaus old;
served in the war of 1812; for a half cen
tury has been known as a cooper
throughout all this section, and was at
one time the land onl of the bote! at the
Centre. He was clerk of school district
No. 5. when J. G. Holland, tbe poet edi
tor, taught there, nearly 40 Tears seo.
Henry S. Chase, C7 years ol.L for ni-uiv
years li.wil superintendent, who has
of almanacs. The PhtnU notes one i mnht 55 terms himself, also remembers
fart of which we heir considerable com
plaint among tne very few intelligent
resulrrs of the Record, vis : that it u. or
has been furnitJd to one cli of snAvtrt
bers for half dollar kst than to other.
Mr. Holland's presence in the winter
of '39 and '40. as do several of his pupils.
C. Chase has examined and given
ct rtinvaies to about 300 teachers, and is
quite a local historian.
onmmnnri nf T.leut. Hrluors.
Grammar School Hattalion. two companies, CapU.
Tucker and Ilastlnirs, commanded by
MaJ, Charlie Stevens,
The firing of minute guns by tbe
Fuller Battery, while the procession was
on its way to the cemetery added much
to tbe solemnity of the occasion.
Arrived at the cemetery the company
were formed in front of the speakers'
stand, close column by division. There
the exercises consisted first of a dirge by
the band, finely rendered ; a feeling prayer
by Rev. H. Burehard ; and a song, the
"Soldiers Requiem," by a choir ot male
voices, Messrs. Taylor, Taft, Muxhaui
and Stevens.
Rev. G. E. Martin's address which
followed, was both scholarly and
eloquent. At the outset he laid
down, as fully as the time would
allow the philosophical and political
causes of the civil war. He said that
the trouble really dated back to Aug. 10
1019, when a Dutch vessel unloaded
cargo of slaves at the James river, 16
months from the landing of the oil
grlms, and a full century alter slavery had
been abrogated in England. 1 ne itiuy.
flower and this Dutch trader landed up
on American soil the two principles
inevitably to clash the one ot constitu
tional liberty and personal equality, and
the other ot an inordinate and destruc
tive desire for irresponsible state govern
ment. The principles of Plymouth
rock extended southward and those of
slavery northward until the meeting in
lines of battle. Tbe speech was nearly
free from partisan bias, and when allu
sion was made to the present negro exo
dus,it was onlyin illustration of the hope
and growth ol tne principle of freedom
He paid eloquent homage to the services
ot lirattleboro soldiers in the held, and
quoted fiom history to show the sturdy
patriotism ot the town. Its military
record, he said, dated back z'J years be
fore its charter was granted by the royal
Governor of New Hampshire. There
are recorded the names of 41 soldiers
from Brattleboro who served iu the Rev
olutionary armv,some of whom were with
Washington, through that dark winter
ot the patriot cause at valley forge.
Brattleboro als.) contributed its quota to
the war of 1812, and a number of its
brave sons were with Decatur at the cap
ture of the Macedonian, and over 3!0
Brattleboro boys, or nearly 10 per cent or
the town's population, fought in the civil
war.The speakerclosed with a few earnest
and beautiful words to tne people, to
keen ereen the memory ot the heroic
sons of the town by devotion to the
oriind nrincinles for which they fought,
After the oration and another
sons. " Decoration Hymn " by the
elinir. the souad was broken the Odd
Fellows proceeding to decorate th
craves of their fallen members, the
Kstey Guard and Fuller Battery paying
a like tribute to the deceased from their
ranks, while one detachment of the G.
A. li. decorated the graves ot the hospi
tal soldiers, and a second detachment,
under command of E. P. Reed, of the
Marshal's Btall', and escorted by the band
proceeded to the Catholic cemetery to
honor the graves of the comrades bur'pd
The exercises were all admirably
planned and conducted, reflecting very
creditably imoii the ceneralshin of Mar
shal Wales, himself one of the most gid-
lant soldiers that Vermont sent to me
The Grammar school battalion ws
armed with lances, like those used Uy
the Boston school battalion, and whicli
were a present from Col. L. K. Fuller, i
In the evening the veterans adiourntid
to G. A. R. hall for their customary
'camu fire." so vividlv recalling, with its
fund of jollity, stories, songs and remin
iscences of the dead and alive, the renl
scenes, happy and sad, of the soldier's
life. Comrades Pettee and Chase the
Chase who was so much chased by rebel
bullets, as Comrade Currier put it wittilv
called up many of the camp and battle
field incidents, while Chase ielated an af
fecting hospital Btory of a poor soldier
wnom ne saw writing noma to his wife
and children while he knjw that he was
dying. Belleck made a very eloquent
speech ; Comrades Tucker and Piper read
some appropriate poems, and Tavlor.
Max ham, Taft and Stevens, with Miss
Addie Currier, enlivened the occasion
with Bongs. Revs. D. E. Miller, G. E.
Martin. H. Burehard and Col. L. K. Ful
ler who were present, were pnlle.l mmn
and gave expression to their deep re
spect for the soldiers as the saviours of
tne nation. Refreshments in the wav of
hard lack, coffee, sandwiches, etc., were
iiuuieu aim paruiKen ot with soldier
ike zest, even by the ladies, and "home
patriots," who were present iu goodly
Curtis has a well solected stock of
dry goods bought before the advance
which be is selling proportionately low.
Those wishing to purchase should not
fail to Inspect bis assortment before buy'
Trout fishing I the order of the day.
E. W. and F. Arnold loading off with a
string of 235 of the "speckled beauties."
Artie Wilkini has just returned from
Boston, where he has been for treatment
for his eyes, mncu improved.
Lucius Abbott Is carding wool over
Sbattuck and Goddard's grist mill.
Zero Babbitt U now In the employ
of G. A. Ayer, tbe railroad contractor, as
a secretary and bookkeeper. Mr. Ayer
has a large gang of men at work on tbe
new railroad here, but wants 100 more
to work on his job.
The Presiding Elder will hold a
quarterly meeting Monday evening at
7 1-2 o'clock, June 2d, at the M. E,
A large black near was seen on
West hill Friday by Ellis Bruce.
Rev. F. H. Butler preached his fare
well sermon Sunday to a erowded house,
and has moved into "York State," after
a pleasant and profitable sojourn of 8
years among our people- Four new
members were baptised into the church,
Mrs. J. D. Colburn, whose husband
is a missionary at Rangoon, returned
Monday with her little son from Boston,
where she has been with him for treat
ment at the Eye and Ear Infirmary. His
eyes were in so bad a condition that one
of them had to berjoved to save the
Tbe Union Sunday school officers
for the year ensuing are superintendent,
Dr. T. Good willie; ass't superintendents,
G. F. Gould, M. I. Reed; treasurer, Dr.
Goodwillie. The school is in a prosper
ous condition.
While plowing on Frank Hickey's
farm recently, a skeleton was found, and
a little digging for two feet below the
surface resulted in the throwing up of
another. It is said a shanty used to
stand on or near the spot where these re-
maim were found, while the railroad
was being built, but further than this all
is a mystery.
Decoration Day observed in tho
usual manner.
D. D. Dickinson's bouse is receiving
a new coat of paint.
The fine cherry logs to be cut into
wood for spirit TcvVds came from the
farm of the town clerk, D. A. Dicken
son, and were lumbered by him from his
own woods.
Some milk buyers have talked of
holding s mass meeting in the square
between Mr. Sherman's store and the
hotel, in view of putting down milk
from five to four cents per quart, but as
yet nothing has been done beyond select
ing a la caucus, a well known citizen to
preside. The good quality of the milk,
ample measure, the social virtues of the
sellers and the sweet tempers of the buy
ers, all conspire to occasion delay. Some
say milk can be purchased now at four
Mrs. C. C. Fisbnif, widow of Hon.
Nathan Fisher, has gone to Saratoga,
Y., to spend the summer.
Misses Lilla and Luella Newton of
Brattleboro aro teaching ' districts No,
10 and 11 with vary ftrnt ying success.
Bev. L. E. Rockwell will give the
first or a series of public readings from
Dickens and Sliakesponre.at the Murphy
club, Monday night.
James and Lynnn
tore the grand jury at Greenfield in Au
gust next.
There seems to be an unknown dis
ease among bees that Is spreading in tbe
eastern part of the county with dire re
sults. Damon G. Cheney of Orange has
lately lost 40 swarms in an unaccounta
ble way, E. D. Andrews of New Salem.
20 swarms, and other neighboring farm
ers a smaller number. The bees hare
pined, and finally died with honor
enough in the bive to support them.
Berkshire oounty bee-keepers have auf-
iurea in a similar waj.
Notice to Advertisers,
Regular Advertisers desiring changes oj their Ad
vertisements, must give notice qf the tame before Tues
day noon, and must hand in their copy by Thursday
nam at the latest. New Advertisements should alio
be handed in on Thursday uhen possible.
Notices of Births, MarrlaRes and Deaths Insert
ed free: all Obituary Poetry, however, will inva
riably be charged for at the rate of 10 cents per
Hai is In Northfleld. Mass., May 21, a daughter
to Adolphua It. aim Miner n
Hale. Foskktt
Msv 4. a dausrhter to Edwin and Carrie E. Fos-
Howard Burrows was recently In-
veigldd into the state from New York,
and arrested to answer to a charge
of bastardy at Pittsfield. He
waived bis examin ition and his father
became his bondsmen to tbe court and
gave his check for $600. Now it turns
out that after father and son got back to
New York state, the father stopped pay
ment of the oheck and the young man is
again out ot the dutches of tbe law.
Ihe officer, however, is confident that
be has a valid bond, and that Burrows
will have to return to the superior court.
A fire was set about 10 o'clock Tues
day morning in a shed in tbe rear of the
"brick row" on Church street, within a
few feet of tbe chapel of the Congrega
tional church, which it was evidently
intended to burn, but by seasonable dis
covery it was quelled with about $150
damage. At the same time a fire was
discovered in a sleigh standing in the
barn of Oliver Arnold, who had a barn
bnrued last winter, but it was extin
guished without difficulty, and $10 will
cover the loss. An attempt was also
made to burn the barn of M. R. Dowling
on neasint street Dy setting nre to a
quantity of paper in the water-closet,
which occupies one corner of the barn,
but the would-be incendiaries, in going
out. closed the door, and the fire died
out, so that it was not discovered until
Tuesday forenoon.
A fellow giving his name as C. H.
Smith of Boston, and representing bis
father to be a wealthy Boston produce
dealer, engaged a team of Liveryman
Michael Murphy of No. Adams early
last week, and rode about the county
several days contracting for butter, eggs,
vinegar, apples, etc. of the farmers at
fancy prices. He directed the farmers
to deliver their goods in Pittsfield Mon
day, where they were to receive their
pay. But when the farmers got there
their customer was not to he found, and
many of them rather than return with
their stock sold it to the local traders for
whatever they could get, and meanwhile
the liveryman finds that the fellow has
run away with his team.
Christina, wife of Henry Hoffman
of North Adams, drowned herself in
tbe river near Braytonville, Wednesday
morning. She has been insane for near
ly a year. At about midnight her hus
band found her near the bridge in her
night clothes, and induced her to return
to the house; but after he fell asleep she
returned and made way with herself, be
ing discovered about 6 o'clock
Fihiirr Smead In Brattleboro, May 29, Fred
i inner ana iviiia oraeau.
Ftkr Whkat In Putney, May 28, by Rev. A,
Pouter, George 8. Foster tfnd Alice 8. Wheat,
both of Putney.
Stooih.ky Cook In Jamaica. May 17, by Roy. C.
L, Frost, Ren wick J. H mod ley of Windham, and
aivira i, vook oi Jamaica.
Whitney Baoo In Brattleboro, May 27. by Rev
D. E. Miller, Krvin Q. Whitney of Andover and
AiiKie b. tfaggoi Hernarusiou, mass.
Ci.AitK Rimik In Vernon. May 28. by Rev. D.E,
Miller ol Brattleboro, JTrauK B. Clark aud Miss
MeliiHha J. BemU.
Hai.b Atherton In Brattleboro. at the Amerl
tiRii hmiNM. Mkv '2H. bv Khv. H. Burehard. War
ren Hale and Carrie i. Atherton, both of (Jill,
Walcott Shi'mway In Townshend, by Rev,
Mr. Butler, U. F. Walcott and Agnes M. Shunv
way, both of Jamaica.
Mayottb In Brattleboro, May 23, Valentine
Mayotte, aged 8u years,
Wahk iu Brattleboro, May 25, Anna E. Ware,
aKud 38 years.
Bakkh -In New fane, May 28, Geo. F. Baker, for
merly of Brattleboro. aued 32 years.
Huntoon In Jjuiiiuierstou, May 26, Bertie E.
Hun toon, aged 3 years and (i months.
At'tvriN lu Townshend, May 8, Mrs. Martha Aus
tin, aired W2. veais.
Jefts in Newfane, May 25, of consumption, Car
rie r ranees, aaujfiuer oi u. n, anu nan nan
Jells, aged 23 years.
Splan In youth Vernon, May 20, Margaret, widow
oi David riplun, aged 68 years.
Faikbkothkk In Westminster, May 28, of con
sumption, Rosa J., wile of Dig hum H. Fair
brother, and only daughter of Is a than Bobbins
of Townshend, aged 27 years,
GooDKiiMiK lu Newton, Mass., May 25, Philip W,
Good ridge, a native ot Westminster, aged 7u.
Fal'lknkk In Keene, N. H., May 22, Hon. Fran
cis A. Faulkner, aged 54 years.
Cowlb In (iranby.P.ti., April 18, Mrs. Mary Ann
Warner, granddaughter of Col. tieth Warner of
the Revolutionary war, and wife of John ti.
Cowle, Esq., aged 00 years.
Tanner In Coleraine, Mass., May 17, Silas Tan
ner, aged 50.
Howland In Spencer, Mass , May 22, Martha P.
Carson, wife ot E. Harris Howland, aged 33
years, 5 mouths and 24 days,
A Card.
The Active Engine Co., No. 2, desire to express
their thanks to John L. Ray for the use of his
horses on the day of the fireman's parade.
Per order of the Foreman.
We the undersigned desire to express our heart
felt thanks to friends and neighbors who so glad
dened the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary
of our marriage by their enjoyable surprise party
and many testimonials of regard. Wc hope that
they may each and all be spared to the happiness
nf many such occus ons themselves.
A C. Loom is,
Mary a. Loomis.
Brattleboro, May 17, 1879.
Mnsive Saleof Miure.
The Greatest Sacrifice Ever Known in Brattleboro, Vt.
Will sell at their factory on Flat Street, to the trade and the public 123 Walnut and
Asli Chamber Sets ; also a large line of Tables, Book Cases, &c, of their own make,
12t3a and 13tii,
At a sacrifice of 40 to 50 per cent, from price list.
Having been known the lartSO yer for making the bent and mot Rsmabmi Phrmituhr, we feel
proud to my we can give you references from all over the country. Having Bknt to Pi v. we want to
clofte out our present stock at once.
Kemember the Great Hale THURSDAY and FRIDAY. .Tuna 19th unA itMi, mn o,.. o. A-.H h...
gains will only be given on those two days. Terms, NKT CABH, or we will take a good bankable
note at three months with six per cent. Interest. Come all and get a good bargain. All goods war
ranted to be A No. 1.
Brattleboro, Vt. TOHIT EETTHTO Sc CO
Complete Assortment, all new and
choice goods. No old or last year's
goods in stock. We think they are
bought right and we know they
are marked low.
Special Bargains in Ladies' and Chil
dren's Hosiery. Child's Fancy British
Hose, full regular, at 20c, 25o, 28c, SOc,
35c, and upward. A very complete as
Ladies' Unbleached Hose, full regular,
at 20c, 25c, 28o, 80c, particularly good
Ladies' Fancy Balbriggan Hose, very
choice, and prices right.
Neckties and Bows.
We claim to have the best and largest
assortment In this vicinity. Just receiv
ed, complete line of Embroidered End
Ties in Silk, Lawn and Muslin, at won
icrfully low prices.
o o cjock aeaa. i
She was 43 years old, and leaves three CjiaS. F. ThOlllBSOn & CO.
Four new members were hantinnil
into the Baptist church Sunday.
Ihe annual convention of the
protestant Episcopal church is to be
held at Emanuel church in thin ii1aa
June 12th next.
W. E. Conwav. formerlv with ten
ure) & Koess of Brattleboro, is preparing
to engage in the manufacture of cigars
for the wholesale trade.
G. W. Nllttini? and if Rrrirp.l
from Texas Tuesday after an absence of
about three years.
The receipts of the Havmnkers last
wock were upwards of 150. of which
about one-half can be applied to the pur
chase of a good piano for tbe use of tbe
musical union.
The third annnal convention of the
Connecticut Valley Musical Association
is set for the fore part of October,
Rev. Charles Rurnham of this place
has bought the farm owned and lately
occupied by Robert Miller in Townshend,
wlnilier lie will soon move.
Two prisoners only in the county
Severe frosts May 21th and 27th.
Tbe summer arrangement for the
running of the mail stage from Brattle
boro to this place will commence on
Monday, June 2.
Quarterly meeting at M. E. church
next Sabbath. Services to commence at
10 o'clock A. M. Sermon by H. A.
Siencer, presiding elder.
The Methodist Sunday school was
organized last Sabbath. The following
officers were elected for the ensuing
year : C. A. Briggs, su pt ; Geo. Briggs
ass't snpt.; F. II. Putnam, sec'y and
treas. : Mrs. V. Norton, lib.
Mrs. Daniel Lake and Miss Eliza
J. Wilcox have opened millinery looms
at the residence of Mrs. I-ake in Jack
sonville, nd offer a choice assortment
of millinery goods of the latest New
iork anif Hotoe tyl at reasonable
prices. Give them a call
Our thriving lawyer, J. L. Martin is
attending Windsor connty court this
E. W. Parker has leased a part of
his tH use to C. 1. Whitman, of Western,
who intends spending the summer in this
Joseiih Larabee, who has been quite
ill for sotne time past, we are pleased to
learn is improving.
Flagg of North
Adams, have been in town this week.
O. 0. Ware is improving hi village
Sylvester Smith's house had a nar
row escape from a severe fire this week,
the bed taking fire from a stove.
E. E. Wheeler jessed a cow this
week which weighed 1700 pounds.
Rev. W. N. Barber attended the
funeral of Mrs. Byron Harris, at Dover
on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Childs returned
from their bridal tour Monday.
Rev. A. W. Goodnow, late pastor of
the Baptist church, has been in town on
a visit, this week.
Owen's glass blojcers have been in
town through the week and have had
good audiences at Kidder's hall, to whom
many valuable presents In glass have
been given.
Samuel May has been making addi
tions to his large barn,
Geo. W. Davenport delivers the
Decoration Day address at Leyden
Henry Assino of Charlemont was
last week fined $14 and costs by Justice
Bardwell of Shelburne Falls, for assault
ing Geo. E. Richardson.
The Doolittle lot, so called, at North
field has been sold by Charles Alexander
to Henry N. F. Marshall of Boston, for
$2400; deed dated May 14th. Tbe old
house which stood on tins lot and was
used as a tavern as early as 1773, is be
ing demolished to give place to a costly
edifice. Tbe old tavern sign is still in
Edward H. Fittsof South Deerfield,
has been bound over to Uie August supe
rior court under $500 oy Justice Wil
liams of Greenfield, on aoomplaint made
by Horace W. Graves charging that
Fitts kept a disordeily house. A dozen
witnesses testified to the low character
of the place and to its being a nuisance
to the neighborhood.
A Mav festival will be held at the
Leyden Univeisalist church, this (Fri
day) evening. "The Court of Happi
ness,'1 a colloquy, will be presented by
11 young women oi tne place, and the
dramatic club of Coleraine will play
Bread on the Waters." C. W. Sever
ance will have charge of the music.
Fire broke out in the foundry of the
Clark A Chapman machine company, at
Turners Falls, about 2 o'clock Friday
morning, and destroyed the building
with the patterns, flasks and fixtures;
loss between $5000 and $7000. None of
the adjoining buildings were injured and,
although be fire has occasioned great
temporary inconvenience, a new build
ing will be put op at once and work in
the machine-shop will not be interrupted.
- Joslfth Whitney Atherton of Shntes
bury was tried at Cooleyville on Wednes
day of I'ist week, before Justice Monta
gue ol Sunderland on tne cnarge oi
adultery with Mrs. Flora M Freeman,
for which he was arrested at South Bos
ton last week Some half dozen wit
nesses were put on the stand, among
them one woman who swore positively
to witnessing these improper relations
between Atherton and the Freeman wo
man in a pasture in 1877. Others testi
fied to a deal of billing and cooing, and
a dosen or more letters which Atherton
had written to Mrs. Freeman were intro
duced. No defence was offered. Jus
tiw Montague then required Atherton to
furnish bonds in $500 for appearance bo-
The debts due the late Arm of C. F. Thompson
& Co., or either partner, must be paid. The bills
will be found at the counting room of the late
firm until July 1, next. Up to that time
debts can be paid without costs.
All debts then unpaid will be put In suit and
collection enforced.
We offer the entire stock In trade of this con
cern at a bargain.
lis Best Location and the Best Mer
cantile Business in Town.
Until an Inventory Is completed, wo shall sell
goods at retail for cash only-at bottom
Brattleboro, May 29, 1879.
F. W. BROOKS, 1 . . .
CHAS. N. DAVENPORT, Assignees.
Last Sabbath eve, as Miss Lizzie
Field was leaning against the railing ol
the bridge, near Brown's mill, the rail
ing gave way, precipitating her down
several feet and injuring her severely.
At first it was thought the injuries would
prove fatal, but we learn she is improv
ing. The dwelling of Everson Cook and
F. P. Willis, on Main Btreet has been
raised up so that a new story is being
bunt under tne same, wnicb, when com
plete, will very much improve the ap
pearance of Main street.
John Adams has made quite an ad
dition to his blacksmith shop on Ashue-
lot street.
Quite a number a buildings are be
ing painted, slated and otherwise improved.
The TJniversalists are trying to raise
money to retain Rev. H. B. Morgan 10
months longer.
Messrs. Farr & Dunton are making
some useful additions to their establish
ment at Spofford's lake.
Rev. H. H. Hamilton was installed
pastor of the Congregational church of
Hinsdale Tuesday, Revs. F. J. Clark of
Northfleld, Mass., B. F. Hamilton of
n. II.' 1.1 1 "I T:.UnJnnM f
Keeneand Elijah Harmon of Winchester SBHilff aiK SllZXlZXlSr SllllS
participating in the exercises. O
At the church of the Redeemer,
the Sunday morning services will occur
its during the winter months, until an
nounced to the contrary.
A fine display of millinery and fancy
articles can be seen at Mrs- L. P. Wise,s
room on Maine street.
The residence occupied by J. U.
Beers, is announced to be sold at auction
next Thursday.
MPTIT DnfiiTC! from leading: nubHsh'rg
till W Clergymen. Librarians
aim omers suppnea on favorable terms,
MP TIT IW TTQlf1 Teachers. Bands and
llLi W MllfOllS Orchestras supplied at
lowi-Hi rales.
MoTir Pintnmo and panclfl, more at-
than over.
New Fancy Goods
Mtisical Instruments and Mercliandise a frpectatty.
BftKlcets, Toys,
&c, tVe an im-
See that each planter has the word
-A-P-O-X-N-E cut thnmtrh it. mid Ineixt
on having no other. Auk your own Fliy-
to iu merits over al 1 others. 4043
Ventilated Trusses
and Supporters are
the Easiest, feafest
and best in the
For sale by H, V. WILLARD & CO. U-15
Offers four more special bar
gains in Shetland Shawls.
One lot handsome designs,
tied fringes, at 95c. each ; one
lot at 1.15, one lot at $1.25.
one lot at $1.50. Ladies who
wish these goods should secure
them at once.
Our assortment of Farasols,
Sun Umbrellas and Fans is
verv comnleto n.nrl nttrnotivH
both in variety of design and
New Linen Suits, Lawn Suits.
Dusters, Ulsters, Dolmans.
Have a few more of those
young ladies' Jackets at $3.85
An account of 112.77 against JOHN A. DAVIS,
the Organ-Tuner. This account hss been run
ning nearly Ave years, an-1 Is just as good to-day
as it ever was. Those wishing to make a perma
nent Investment will find this a rare chance. Will
sell cheap for cash or will exchange for a small
farm in the country. A. V. COX & CO.
Brattleboro. May 19, 1879,
Middlesex Flannels!
and BOYS, and a Stylish
A white robin was recently shot at
South Natick, Mass., and tbe fact that
its skin was three times as thick as that
of an ordinary robin, and very watery,
while its heart was fatty and its bill so
yielding that tbe mandibles would turn
backward before the laws would open,
seemed to show that tbe peculiarity of its
plumage was due to disease.
Puzzle Department.
(Everything relating to this department
should be addressed to Puzzle, Reformer
Office, Brattleboro, Vt All are invited
to send answers and to contribute origi
nal puzzles, which should be accompan
ied by the answers.)
31 My first is in sport, but not in piny;
My second is in night, but not in day ;
My tliira is in wain, unt ni
Mv fourth is in star, but not in sun ;
My fifth is in horse, but not in stall ;
My sixth is in crowd, but not in all ;
Now find my whole, and you will see,
That I your motto should always be.
Nina D.
33. I cut a. Up last. As Co art-men.
Me chest ran. . Nellie G.
34." Chief; a girl's name; trifling;
necessity. ' Mm i.
35. I'm a vehicle that's wondrous large;
Neither toach or wagon, ship or barge;
Whether sittine. Stan din 2 I vine.
With you I'm miles, uncounted flying;
You hear not a breath while mute as
My journey 1 pursue ;
With a swift whirling, I'm constantly
But 'tis all unieit oy you.
And, readers, against or with your
bleeping or waking, i n carry yon sun.
36. Mr. Jones told another gentleman
that he had six sons and each son had a
sister, tlow many children had lie 7
Answers In two weeks.
19. Buried 8lates. Missouri, Texas,
Indiana, Maine, erniont.
2(1. I'harles uickens.
SI. O-hi-o.
22. There is no higher duty than to
work for the good of the whole world.
23. Dictionary.
24. "A cat may look at a king."
"A new broom sweeps clean.
"Still waters run deep."
"Fine feathers make line birds."
"Never too late to mend."
Answers to No's. Id. 211. 21, 22. 23. and
24 have been received from F. C Sher
win. No's 19 and 23 hare also been cor
rectly answered by Nina IKiwley and
Nellie U. Thanks to each of the above
for pussies received.
White Vests, Linen and Al
paca Coats. All New and
Very Cheap.
We are Selling an All Wool
Business Suit for $5.00.
Children's Suits for $1.50
Men's Working Pants 1.
In Linen and Silk Tle, Bows, and Srarfc. Irgc
8iock of HOS1KKY of all kinds and price
HHlKTrt, (fancy and white.) A new lot oi Col
lar and Cults. Bilk and Linen Han kerchiefs, Bus
tandem. Hummer Underwear (Fancy an i Wniie)
itf all kind. Trunk, Valine, Umbrella. in
fact everything pertaining to a Hrst-claw Clothing
aud Funitftiiiug Store,
Very Cheap For Cash.
The only place In town where you ran buy the
Celluloid Oollara and Cufim. They are perspira
tion proof.
Attcniion !
Farmers !
Mechanics and Builders.
n wholesale and retail
dealer in til- Hi i a Bi.a. k, PcarLE and Va
riauatek di ATK ili ftimiuli and lay lte for lea
wipe Uin 8hiii(te or Tin in ny nr of ermont.
Ua. nd N. H. Mu.mn.1 Braltleb,ro. t. and
Un,nville. N. Y. (lu?-yr.l at Brattleboro, Vt.
an-1 IMyoke. Ma. All or.ler promptly allended
to. Ertimalea lumMied an.l eonlrat-u nullilully
iierforiued in a neat and wordmanlike manner.
V O. Arfdraa BraUleboro. Vt.. aud Holyoka,
Mas. N. B. Slatuif over abiiujlaa a pevialty.
To All whom it may Concern.
Not that I am In ympaLhy with the old adae,
To tight a hog you must be a nog, ' but the rather
to eionerate ui self relative to a m urriUu article
which appeared in the local papers, I condescend
o reply. With reference to it, tour or Ave week
ago, a bill from Mr. tV together with a very in
tuiting letter. wa cnt to my atldream. 1 was out
ot town at the time, but BiibM-quentutmy arrival
home 1 railed upun friend Cox. whom 1 ikiI to
And sober, with a view ti an amicable adjustment
of hi claim; but a he absolutely rvftiMMl to con
vene with me on thewioject I wa toned to lake
the onlv alternative. bich wa hi let the urn ter
rv-t until he lI nuce to ive wul to hi vin
dictlvenew thrvHtgh UieprtK. The amount ot the
bill which heent me i somew hat larger thn the
mm he ariverttaed. a discrepancy which 1 cannot
rail an unintentional error. It Brother Cox will
present me an hottest bill in a gentlemanly man
ner, it will receive my earitevt poatibie attention.
account of iniaired health i am unable to
pursue mv accUfiomed avocation as awtiduowly
a 1 otherwise could: but with a cnnscUHMnew
that I am trying to pay all hune-t bill one hun
dred ecu is on a doitar 1 re . am. rep y,
P. 8. A aoon as I have gathered a frw more
met relative to the way in hk-h this Kxrelleucy
conducts hi bUMite, together with his pat de
portment to aome of his delinquent dVbUiTft, I
shall be pleawd to again write aa aructe fcr
publication J. A- P.
Would respectfully invite the attention of the
ixaue to ner iresa mock oi
In the newest styles, best qualities, and will be
now at tne lowest price. 4i-tf
New York, tuk Intelligent Individuals who
may be suffering from diseasa, to inquire whether
relief ia not more likely to come to them through
scientifically prepared food, than through drug
This flour is made from the choicest wheat, the
scaly hulls alone being peeled from the grain, no
nutriment whatever being removed with them.
No human stomach can emulsify wheat hulls.
This flour ia neither robbed of iu power and vi
tality or mingled with Its indigestible and irritat
ing trash : contains all the elements of the whole
grain, rich in blood and muscle-making capacity,
and to such as employ it, bread will be as never
before, "the staff of life."
This ia the Graham of the future.
The hulls and starch being removed by careful
processes, the gluten alone remains. This ia the
pure nitrogen of vegetable kingdom, and is now'
erlulasa builder up of weak and delicate per
sons, Decause it makes payee Mood.
For Nursing Mothers aud for Infanta it la inval
table. Diabetes and all Kidney Affections completely
ured by the free uae of Gluten.
It is a sure and positive o ure for Constipation
and Piles of the worst kind, and without the use
of drugs In any form.
We feed sufferers If they arc willing to be fed,
Hud by feeding we cure them.
Personal experience ha proved that Glutin
Flour" 1 a food -adapted to niabetes and t 'on ti
tration. There i no doubt about It. "Brain Kood '
is an excellent preparation of grain for children
nd ptTKon of sedentary habits. Nervous people
and children should drink "Cereal Coffee." if any.
BraUleboro, April 22. 1871.
Brattijcboeo, April 22, 1K7.
I hae used the various nre partitions of the
Health r ood C. daily for three year or more, and
have found very beneficial effect from their uw
in regulating the sytem, particularly in raxes of
obMinate constipation and iu nervous prostration.
As fMvt fur children and feeble Deraoiia Lbeae
preparations are unequalled.
UKU- A- I aUDtl.k, BrU. nUUWUUlU.
Etgenk Adams, Em).:
hfw iork, adtii i.t,
The aeveral kinds of food Drenared bv the
Health Kood Co. of this city, are all that i claim
ed for them, and are being utcd with satifactioii
at both the htel in which 1 am connected the
Windsor and Krevoort. Personally 1 have been
nred of dialtetes by bread nuuie from the gluten
flour. This bivad is valuable beyond question in
.ul case of this ktiui.
lours truiy, v. v. w ait a.
We want all. sick or well, to call or send for our
free pamphlet, and read it. They will thus learn
how health, vigor and long life may be secured
through Nature's own methods.
at C. F. THomox A Co. s, BraUleboro. Vt.
We open new designs in Lace
Buntings and Worsted Dress
Goods. Have one more lot of
those gray All-Wool Cash
meres, 48 inches wide at 50c.
New Ribbons, Bows, Ties,
Fringes, Collars, Cuffs, But
tons, Gloves, Stockings and
Small Wares opening every
New Lot of Cheviot Shirt
ings, Oottonades, Ginghams,
I weeds, Prints, Ticks and
Denims. One piece extra
heavy Butcher's Frocking.
I advise .my customers to
buy their Cotton Goods while
my present stock lasts.
Every man or boy who wears
White Shirts, and every person who
has to make white shirts will feel
interested in in a special bargain
Inch I now offer in the best make
it them I
Have a
large stoct oi
THE I'KDERSIGNED would raapertfulty call
the attention of the people of BraUleboro and vi
cinity, that they are now prepared to do all kinds
of work, soch aa
And, In tart, all kinds al work nnuily doue tn a
WrlBgwr Rwpairiag a Swaelalty.
For Slea, Youth, Boys and CbiMreo.
uentc FurnicKing Goads
Underwear, Neck Wear, Kid
Gloves, White and Fancy
Shirts, Hosiery, Overalls,
Jumpers, Sun and Rain Um
brellas, Trunks, Bags, and
We have in this depart
ment the finest stock at the
lowest prices we have ever
offered the trade. We shall
sell all goods at the htwesl
prices for cah.
No. 3 Granite Block,

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