11.50 A YEAR. 92.UO IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XX.' TO RENT. Let all the ends thou aimest at be thy Country's, thy Hod', and Truth's. FIVE CENTS PER COP . BRATTLEBORO. VERMONT. FRIDAY, JULY 17. 1896. NUMBER 51. jitTertlsement. under Mil. hmitm ....... . wi,ra 111 m iiipti uvu, ami win cent a worn in nh rpENEMENT TO REM.-.H Williams St MM rpo HKST.-A 1 Ijkx'k, furnished room in tn v . .,.iuiirom, 47tf rpo ItKST. A downstairs tenement of three a. rooms uu fiiK" JtSKCl-AKK. Kn.julre of Kii 48tf "KSEMENTS to rem In Whetstone block Apply to S. W. Eduett ft Co. . 43if THE PROFESSIONS. H. A. ROBERTS, M. D., Homrppathic Physician and Surgeon. Ofliee. Bovden liiork. Elliot St. Honrs, to 10 :) a. m. ; 1 to S :.w r, m.; 7 to p. m. Kestuence, 8 Walnut St Telephone 48 -4. ijyi rR. J. L. RATH BONE. Veterinary 8nr- s-f peon, (.uroiii university.; uwoo tu Alain telephone . smiat mute', i.ivery etauie S5-4 and 37-2. TAMES CON LAND, W. D., Physician and ) Surgeon, Brattleboro, V . Office In Crosby Block, opposite Telephone Exchange. No 18 a'almitSt. Office hour, from 8 to Ha. m., 1:30 to 3 p. ni ftKMONT HAMILTON. M. I ,-OOtre and Residence, No. 84 North Main Street. Hours until 8 a.m.; 1 to 2.30 and early evening w; sunuaye, i iu 4 p, ra, o-yi TH. C. U 111 lock, I. CLARK, Dentist, Whitney Brattleboro. 5-yl I ITAt KI.EY MORAN, Furnishing Under. I fl takers, No. So. Main St. Telephone call. Mr-2. 4tf and Guitar cox,86reen St Instruction. Miss 88tf rkltS.KETCHUM V block. ueboro. Vt. GRAY. Office. Crosby Night calls at Brooks' House, Brai-4ivl GEO. H. GORHAM, Jll. U. Whitney Klock, Male Street, Brattleboro Practice . limited to the deseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat, mdSose. Office hours, 9:90-13; 1 p. m.-4, Tues ivs and Fridays only, Remainder of week at follows Falls. IStf WATERMAN, MARTIN HITT, Attor- V ncys at Law, Bank Block, Biattleboro, Vt. PRATT. 41 Elliot street. Brattleboro. Office hours, 7 to 8 a. r.. ro 2, and 6 to 7 :S0 p. in. fHS. WEBSTER Es BOWEX, M. u., Homteopatntc rnysi . ,.id and Surgeon. Office and Residence, leonard's Block, Brattleboro, Vt. Office hour ..ui' i a. m.. 11 till 2 and till 8 p. in. lot: F. BARBER, Dentist, Pratt'. Block. Itf Dr. p. A. WOODHCHl', wenli.l. umce, ! lb Elliot St., Brattleboro, Vt. 12wly tT D. HOLTOX, M. D. leiice, corner Main and Walnut Streets. Phrslclan and Office and real Home Irom 1 to J and from 6 to 7 o'clock p. DR. A. KNAPP, Dentist, Hooker Block, opp. Brooke House, Brattleboro, Vt. WANTED. 1f ASTKr - fflOO. KlIKiose slunm tnt. ..,! .;"" ttllsoflice. ' rr.nnAST.Kr 42w3 sized barn. Addril i.'V.. !"Ae.,"!"' condition, rem wr veVr ri L?S 18. I.. C'ORSKH. 14! Slwl to location sell for. and !..! mal Ave., Buffalo, K. V. WANTED. To let, toNJO enrtla tween now and Mondar II. LOVKLAN Co.. Springfield . nunc num. Ann lv he. Jia Monday next in person to W. i. Contractor, Springfield Electric vt- 51wl WAvJK,J-W"hl,,KBn" h-onlngo do Z fVANTED. To borrow 1000 to 1200. Triple SALESMAN WANT.D-tlO0 to 1J5 ner VTfgfci.: '-"wirSJI; R ? gPHK8ENTATI Eg IvI K,JLW.ei!L w,Bt1 10 Warranted HTh Sperlal terms to beginners. Thit.'. Agent. Wter s,?,, 1 T leclalties. Right price, steady work, salary or commission. Cbautau iua Nursery Co., Geneva, N. V. Si.OOOutfitFree to Agents With Gold Badn for in , Hiem-we give tliein away., "Life of Mi Klnley and Hjlart," by Murat Halstuad. Intrmluction by Chauncey M. Depew. Agents make JM a 2I- PJ freight. Largest commissions, r ot6, Clf. offcrc,l- W In golil each agent sell ng 100 books; tM agent sening most; (Unext largest; 10 third. Send us your orders. SEEL ft CO., lWiCbemnutSt.. PMIadclnhl.i. Pa. WANTED-AN IDEA. Who can think Of wiini. ctntnlM thing to patent? Protect your Ideas. They may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEti BUKN ft CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. C, for their 11,800 prize offer. 8-yl MERCANTILE. CLAPP at JONES, Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods. Pictures and Framinir. l'vl AT. COX 4k CO., Stoves and Tinware, Main St.. oun. American House. BARROWS , CO., wholesale and retail dealers in Coals of all kinds. Oilice No. Xi Main Street. Brattleboro. - I2y2 POR SALE. A dverUsements under this head two cents a woru ursi insertion, and one cent a word In each VUVKKjllCJll issue. PB, ALE. To close an estate a mortgage . of tiKio on real estate vnlned at S4tO). In terest at a hi per cent. W. D. Snx kwf.i.l West Brattleboro. sotf ITOR SALE. Pony weight 500 pounds, not afraid of anything, cart, harness and sad. u'i" nousenoi.i lurnlture, all kinds; to lurmsneu nouse. C1IAS. MlSKH, North Main street. 4tf kE SALE. Hoir.e maile Food, choice Tea. and Coffee.. Also Lunch, with Hot Tea or wmcw. whs, muuss, aiuot at. Iwt fOR SALE. Carriages and wagons of all kinds. Kenalrlna Dromntlvatundeil to. 4 If F. D. Williams. TJ"OB SALE. One run of French Burr Stones, - S ft., 8 In. complete, one Sullivan Machine Co.'. Corn Cracker, Noi 4, one elevator 31 ft., one elevator 30 ft., one elevator 12 ft., belts; shafting, pulleys, Ac. The above can be seen at ldlng of the Brattleboro Jelly Co. on Flat iboro, Vt. inquire of If. A. Wkatii. 41tf the bul St., Brattleboro, Vt. inquire of r.KlinA V, or rKKL fl I WD to, DR. HENRY BAXTER'S MANDRAKE BITTERS. CURES CONSTIPATION AND BILIOUSNESS. A delightful tonic and lax ative. Can be taken by young 'and old. .No dieting necessary. I jEat anything you like and plenty of it. Builds up "run down" people making them well and vigorous. Try it. At Druggists. 0lt5prbottl$. Henry, Johnson k Lord, Props., Burlington. Vt. lit mnmt Iml rtinr mrm mi ft rt its. Aa mrcomplieibrd tuimftbmfT'" n..Phralclan and Snr- neon. Hooker Block, Brattleboro, Vt. Office tours before 8, 1 to 1. 6 :30 to 8. t I. MILLER, M. DR. P. G. PETTEE, Dentist, Cro.by Block. Over Holden's drug store, wsiitf PP. WHITE, M. D.( t Kurirenn. Wllllamsville. lie 7 a. in., 11 to 1 p. m., and 6 to 7 p. fttioneemsectioD Physician and Vt. Office hcsirs. . m Tele- tt TRADES. THAYER 4k. RHODE. Carpentering, cabinet work and general Jobbing done to order. Steel ceilings furnished and put up In ifce best manner possible.- 2 Cahal St. sttyl , BRATTLEBORO STEAM CARPET Cleaning Works, 8 Flat St, E. H. Thomas, Proprietor. 33wyl H. HALL. Carpenter and Slater, er In slate, lb Clark street. Deai-S5tf DWAITE, Carrlsfs Painting. Prices according to the limes. Shop, D. Abbott Building, Canal St. W A. MORSE, House and Sign ' in. Hard and Soft Wood FlnliJiii Paint- in. Hard and Soft Wood FuiiOiing, Paper HMjring and Decorating. Flrst-clas. worn guar. sctted. Shop. Harmony Blgck. An Illustrated Birtgrahica llisury of the State of Vermont. MEN OF Vermont. A complete biographical history of Vermont from the beginning, and a series of biographical sketches of the ojost striking Tronslitip of today, both at home and abroad ; showing tha development of that sturdy and aggreive Vermont character which has made tha State famous as the birthplace and Lome of a nation', great men. It is a volume of which Vermont may well feel proud. Biographical Sketches of the State's Early Fathers Tha Governor. Senator, in ( 'ongress. Congrmen(Ulustratd.. By Charles H. Davenport. Biographical Sketches of all Membe-s of the Vermont Bench (Illustrated 1. By Hiram A. Huae. Biographical Sketches of Important Ver mont Inventors. By Gov. Levi K. Fuller. CONTENTS. . . Biographical SkeMiesof Vennont'sQuw Character. By Hiram A. Hase. ELEVEN HUNDRED BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. N EARLY SEVEN HUNDRED HALFTONE ILLUSTRATIONS. itttf TOHX GALVIN, Stove, and Tinware. '1 .Main Street, Kxcnangc Block, 38 JOHN DCVLEV Y,Cntom Tailor, boss ' er Block, uo one mgnt. cleansing, 'f and Pressing done at short notice. Repair- ltwly RAISING CANE HViin. .ntnr those Er Beaters that have f,ni..,i r.nt. for tho' we sold all luat ive had.we'aoon got more, and can feel sure Hut everv person having one will tell you It la tr,e best Egg Beater I ever saw.'' To be sure l!,f r ,, . ,n.,irr but thev are woith four V,. u ua itin'np.r ftets have ar rived. We mean another lot of them. The tiitrs went rapidly and we've placed tnem so toy mioht nil i,v a chance. Fruit Cans tse ,v - r.i- i..,tti,jn vnn did not hear e liad in sav, so please caif In and we will tell it again. Briefly told It is "Lots of em," dlffer mt kinds, bottom prices. Then Toilet .sew. e saven't a million ol thera but we have them for tx million and at prices "the minion ju fn to uav. O, well, about raising cane, wou u .. , . , .I.,. ri.-in,tv has for sale mat uuviic cik 1" into ......... j -- "The M. Kinley Musical Cane." It is made of in. i ,nnti. aui and iust the thing for the times. A label on the cane will tell you tbe 'ft. We have them In different styles. 1.00k Mtlieni and decide which kind you want. WILCOX'S N.Y.BARCAIMSTO?E, 49 Main SL, Brattleboro, Vt. oliinibus Building, Greenlleld, Mass. INSl'RAXCE. 1 W.CHILDS SV CO., General Insurance and Real Estate Agents, 10 Crosby Block, oratiietKiro. SILVERDftLE HOTEL (Formerly Lake View House.) Lake Spoflbrd, X. H., open. June I3tb. ' ' an a.-coiiiuiodnte 80 to 100 euests. Kver thlnsr new. clean and flndclass. Board br tbe week. lav or meal. Gool stablinif and livtry. Ice 'Cream Parlors, Confectionery 'l news stand. Dancing Social Saturday Evening, D.i everv evening following tbroiiKuoiit the a.n. For further particulars, cinjilars, address MLVEKHALE HOTEL, tausrl , Cbeterfield, . H- Local Markets. : '.rre. ted weekly by Brattleboro Dealers. Wholesale. J't;.us, r"r bu. Hides. f.m-, bueh.. 1. Calfskins each, B "ter, per lb lsa Pork, dressed, live, J Sail Beef, M lls., 4 1 as l.-t. i-r dot., al i Veal, "'Ne-unr.ke is Jowls, No one not naturally dull of intellect or wanting in ib artistic sense-in the love of home and native land, can fail b. appreciate this great work. Valuable as an historical work as a work of reference as an onieet lessnn. Printed on extra fine coated paper, km jages. A c-.nildc. Bmgraph.wl Ii.cu.mar; of Vermont as well as a State portrait gallery. SUMPTUOUS BINDING. SUPERB ENGRAVINGS. . . . PERFECT TYPOGRAPHY. . . Only a few copies of the second and last edition of this great work remain unsold! they will be closed out at the f ollow Ins; price per volume 1 ONLY $3.00 PER VOLUME. The REFORMER has obtained a limited number -f thefce volumes which it will sell at 3.00 a volume, as long as they last. A i Biograpbical Sketches of Prominent Ver inontetsof Kxlaydllustratedl By Jacob i. Cilery. Bir graphical Sketches of S"WS of Vermont .illustrated). By J. it. Cilery. SIX POLICE COURT CASES This Week Vauderpool Now Pilling with Marble Dnst Instead of Prohibit. ory Juice Tn o Pro.erntlon. at Town. hend. It has been another weeK of rich prohibitory blossoming, with six canes to report fc. Jfi. Vantlerprail and Wm JacKsoo, colored, got on a rampaee. Jaoksoti wba had been working at the Retreat acd been on a vacation at his home near Castleton, landed here Sat urduy after stopping- over at Kultand Vanderpool hod sent off and cot supply of stuff, and the result was that Officer Hall was sent for, found one of them on the bed' yelling at Vender pool's home on Flat street and tbe other racing up and down the street Monday they were brought before Jus tiLe Newton, and pleading guilty. JacKson was fined K and costs for in toxication and Vanderpool his third offense Jit) and costs, amounting to ?2.")..r)7 Under the act of '94, this offense is only punishable with fine and as lone as a man can pay, he can peep out of the House of Correction. But Van derpool got full again Wednesday and after spending the night in the lock up, was hauled before Justice Newton and found he had feacbed the end of bis resources. He waa fined "0 and costs for intoxication and $20 and costs f ir disturbance of tbe peace, the a.'teiBJJtiv-e sentences amouoitng to 208 days in the House of Correction, and Hall took bim up yesterday. ' Michael Galvin.a cigar maker who has been here but short time and MichaelFl"ining and bis so-called wife. were another aaturday night trio, and after playing cards arid soaking about all night got into a jealous racket over tbe woman which necessitated Otiieer Hall's services. Before Newton Mon day Galvm disclosed that it was "brewery beer" with him and was bned 8-i and costs. Fleming and tne woman were on the request of the town officials allowed to go on condition that they would leave town and keep away and they are now ornamcntiog ew London. Our correspondent tells of two other cases, one of cider neinng and tne other of attempted burglary at Towns bend. SI' P ft F.MR C'OI'RT. "The Cattle of the Standards 'CERESOTA" WON FOR "Ceresota" Flour Makes the rlKht Kind of Bread. NORTHERN SUPPLY CO.. Burlington. Vt., MILLERS AGENTS. CERESOTA WON. ' ' -...,...,. rvrinvf;;. E. V. HARLOW. MAX- THE FARMER a.m. .m ""'Yr VpvTT Mn" t.rnp TnaTS I-ambs' Retail. . per bu. as Tea, Japan per II... 5SnT joaiS ixdong. . . V 11, tUM I'.,. Il:,l ei,.. i . 1 - v Hvson ir .loa ais B.iled oil per ..... . ,wr gal 4ia Raw " " 'lai'le vrup. mal 1 Kerosene, "" ir .r. r l!ne.L 6 H"T Ion ".--ir. M.iple aiQ, haled, " " t.T. 1. . bi, su Wood, cord. 4 - ur roller u. Mixed feed. ..' - bid., 4 iia 4 -VI Kye Meal, per ' ";r. (.iient, a4.TS i ..ttonsd M'l '-ri, 4ili5 Bran r.,nlwrn, Linsee.1 oil M I 1 '-. ) r bu., 3CU1U I'rovendcr, l-r.-t., pAass' Middlings. " -..ted tmlS l.ralwa meal THE! to ""7. " .at J dealt. ,.V,,iui eoow in siiT" .he vr M(' ' ilial fOV"" , inSl..""ii.tK.n. An nn " -erti" :"fri.":.,,i if Un" J . mho n- - j,,. Him- -- cr "-reCO'"',r ,ill Lot of Reversed Judgements Town Wins Its Llqnor Agency Case Anoth er ling Over the Sewer Assessments. The Supreme Court met at Mont nelier last week Thursday and an nounced its decisions in a number of cases heard in the May. term and pre viously. . i In the liquor agency case of state against the town of Urattleboro the court reversed the judgment of the county court and held that tbe law compelling the payment of agency nrofits above 10 per cent couldn't be retroactive. So Brattleboro will not have to part witb any of ber rum Drotitt except to pay lawyers' fees. inasmuch as it was fixed so that there wouldn't be any more above JO per cent. Baker for state, Waterman. Martin A Hitt for town In Smith vs. Coolidge the judgement of tbe county court on the auditors report in favor of defenant ie reverse and judgment ordered for plaintiff. Cudworth & Read for plaintiff, Water man, Martin ,t Hitt for defendant. In Caranaugh vs. Savings bank, over I deposits made in another name but which plaintin claimed to oeiong to her, and where tbe county court or dered verdict for defendant the judg ment is reversed and the case remand ed to county court for retrial. Has kins Stoddard for plaintiff. Water man, Martin &. Hitt for defendant. In Sanders vs. Pierce the court sus tain the motion to quash. A curious poiut was involved here. In the printed form of the writ, bought at Slontpelier, at one place the words "one hundred" were omitted, and as the suit was for 105-and the "five" only wirtten in. the defen lant in the countv court raised the point of want of jurisdiction or that the suit was for less than 20. The county court held that this pont was not raised in time, but the supreme court holds that it was. Waterman, Martin A Hitt for plaintiff. FitU. Haskins and Stoddard for defendant. E.C. Crosby et als vs. village of Brat tleboro, over sewer assessment, went nn on a motion 10 uismiss uu iur ground that there was no bonds. The connnty court overruled the motion and the rulinp Is sustained and tbe case now croes to commissioners for hearing. Waterman. Martin Hitt for petitioners. Fitts lor village. In Vermout Farm Machine Co.. vs. Francis Batchelder, the separator cape, which took two or three weeks for trial last fall, the judgment for defendant is affirmed. Read and Has kins and Stoddard for plaintiff. Lsmson and Waterman, Martin A Hitt for defendant. . . Among other decisious the petition for a new trial from Rutland county of the case of the Fall Mountain Pa per company against toward 11. Geno was dismissed witn owls, iiidcenipnt was affirmed in tbe case of Edward Shum against C. A. Clag- born: in the case of the state against Clinton L. Sherwood, wnre me re spondent was coovicted in the Rut land County court of Digamy, juuge niAnt waa rtfVe rsed. the verdict set aside and the case remanded for a new trial - inrlfroment whs affirmed in the case of Fuliman Ar Adams agaiust Fob ter A Jaquith, an actum in trespass from Rutland county, wnere tne plaintiffs obtained a verdict and judgtment THE ARMY WORM. Its Ravages In Westminster and Other Towna How to Cheek It-The grlen tlnc Fact. About It. - The army worm whose ravages bad for 10 days previous been reported at various points in Massachusetts and New Vork, is appearing at various points in tbe Connecticut Valley in this section, like a veritable Egyptian plague. Our Hinsdale oorrepondent tells a woful tale of its work there and in Weatm inter hundreds of acres of corn and oats have been entirely ruin ed and thousands of dollars of dam age done. In some cases farmers have burned tbeir crops to ret rid of tbem. Several other towns report the destruc tive worK in less serious proportion. Many fields about Centreville and east Brattleboro have suffered severely, and even some gardens in .the village here have been attacked.' It is the habit of the pest to devour everything j green in a field it attacks. It tras 'M years ago that this worm appeared here in serious proportions and J B Thomas whose fields were suffering, took a specimen to the late C C Frost who recommended a remedy which Mr Tbomas successfully applied and which the agricultural depatrhent officials are seuamg out in bulletins cow, with-some additions It is to plow around the affected field a deep ditch or furrow, leaving a perpendicular wall on the outside, up which the worms cannot climb. Then bolen made a foot or two deep, at 15 or 20 feet apart would in a short timo tie HI led witn them, where thev could easily be crushed or killed with kerosene. A broad band of tar also makes a good Imrriei, and is renewed as it becomes tilled with its captives. When marchng over a comparatively smooth piece of ground a heavy roller can be used to crush them. When al ready entered into a cornfield they mav oe kept from proceeding lurtner by ditching as above indicated. A few rows in advance of the progressing army should be spiayed with Pans green in water, or dusted, wnne tne dew is on, with dry Paris green and air-slacked lime. It is believed that the sudden ap pearance of the pest in localities 11 due to the fact that it thrives in marshy and wet . places from which it has beeo driven by the drying up of its haunts, and it is forced to seek its food in the fields of grass, rye, oats and wheat Prof. Lintner, the New York state entomologist says: It is not quite certain that this is the true army worm, Leucania uni- nuueta. Some of its operations in dicate that it nisy prove to be what is known as tbe wneat neau army worm, Leucaoia albolinea. The cater pillars of the two are so much alike that I cannot determine this point until some of tbe moths have been reared. 'The armv worm, when abundant is UBuatly'at tacked by a parasite which lays a number of its eggs on the fore cart of tbe. body near tbe bead. None of these are tojjtie seen on the caterpillars now with us, nor nas another parasite been observed prey ing upon thera. But otner observers say: mobi 01 the larger worms now bear on their backs, closely adhering, small, white eggs, which were stuck were oy an active little insect looking very mucn ke our common house fly ; from the eeg tnere will soon naicn minuie maggots, wnicli will Durrow mto tne army worms and revel in the juices and fatty tissueB of their bodies, grad ually sapping the life of the caterpil ais. raw, 11 any 01 tne army worms bearing the eggs of this little parasite nv will ever succeed in passing through the wonderful trafiformation to tho moth age." Too Much Soap Rots t'lothesi Use less soap by using Harmless. Rnstnn is interested in t he announce ment, onlv a week before the wedding, of thp marriaire engagement 01 jiis? Jnly Jaunts. Mrs. P. M. Baker ant! children are spending a couple weeks at Casper inde' in ortn tlinsaaie. airs. Scribner is at Walcott for a weeks visit with ber father. r. M. Sears of Holvoke, Mass.. visited at his father's. M. Sears this week O. L. French ha9 returned from 'his three eeks' outing in the northern part. of the state. P. H. Mctiuire returned Thursday from his stay in Boston. Mrs. John Shea returned Thursday from her two month"' stay in St. Al bans. Frank Tyler returned Thursday from his visit in Ureenheld, .Mass. Elijah Wales and son Harry returned Fridav from a stay in Peterboro, N. H. W. E. Neal left Tuesday to re sume his business duties in New Bedford. Mass. Miss Lillian Lennox has returned from a stay with her sisler. Mrs O. E. Drury. in Spring field, Mass. Miss Jane Hall is at the iHke for a week. Tuesday she and her" molher, Mrs. A. B. Hall, will leave for Cooperstown, N Y., for a visit with ber grandmother. Eric Landry returned Monday from his visit in Worcester. Mass., but Mrs. Landry will remain longer for a visit cirh her sister. F. H. Holden is on a week's vacation from the store. Louis Knight is working in the store for the week. -Mrs.banny Kice nas re turned from ner trip to Portland. Mrs. Sarah Uoodnow left luesday morninir for a visit in Rutland and a la. 1 exnects to call on friends in New Hampshire and .Hassacnuseue Deiore er return. L. Stolte, Jr., left Monday nmrnlnc for Springfield. Mass., on hia wheel where he will spend the week attending the conference of physical workers. -Mrs. ri. Larey nas returneu from a several weeks visit in Fitch bure Masss. Will Toomey has return ed from Boston. Miss Agnes Msguire retorted Saturday from ber two weeks' stay in Northampton. .Mass. THE REPUBLICAN RALLY. Small Audience, Chiefly Women and Little Enthusiasm Kindergarten Tar iff Talk by Col. Hooker -Account ol the St. Lonl. Convention by Or. Hoi ton-Sliver (Question Discussed by Mr. Martin. Because of the hot weather, the audience in Opera Hall for the open ing Republican rally was a verv small one and there were more ladies persent man men. ine lack of enthusiasm was marked but, much better, it was an attentively Jitetening crowd, in dicating that this is to he n campaign of thought and information, seeking instead of shoutng. Tbe "Bratlteboro Protective Quartette" consisting of Walter Gilbert Walter Stearns Fred erick and Frank Brazor ren- drred three selections very spiritedly from the Republican song book and the speeches were bv Col. Hooker, Hon. J. L. Martin and Dr. H. D. Hoi ton The Colonel's was chaarcterstc, abounding in bis bright turns, genrous in his allusions to .Mr. Kryao than whom be admitted there was "no more brilliant man living" but fur nishing assertion entirely iu place of arument His topic was the tariff and bis position, was ever, with the ques tions that have puzzled the profound est minos of tbe world, was that it was "too simple" to admit a discus sion before an intelligent audience. Ail'tbere was of it was a question of WBger, whether our labor shall be reduced to Englard's standard of living. "Free trade" (with a tariff on the article it covers averging higher than in war timet bad brought such importations (which as a mat ter of fact are running 810,000,000 to ?20,000,000 than under the McKinley cia) bad shut down shops and tha was the reason for the duloess in our organ business (fully half of whose product is going abroad and beating "cheap labor" in competition) and tbe shutting down of the Hinsdale and Ashuelot mills. And some one in England had told some one in New York who told bim that mills in Lan cashire were running 18 hours a day and if Democrats would give them five years more of it, they would get rich enough so they could afford to give away tbeir mills. Dr. Hoi ton came in late because be bad been called to Vernon for a sur gical operation, but gave a very graphic and interesting recount of the Chicago convention, which be re garded as the most notable in tbe history of the party, and like that of 1800 for importance to the country. The Doctor was on the committee of resolutions and told of many of the in cidents of its work and tbe discussion over different planks, especially on woman's suffrage, interspersing it ali witn many orient turns of tbougtK. The chief address of tbe evening was tnat of Mr Martin, who made a strong, a well-thought and well-studied ar gument on tbe money question. Especi ally good was bis illustration about bank deposits and checks and tbe effect of confidence or tbe lack of it One or two of bis positions might be controverted, but as a whole it was a discussion such as tbe people are look ing for in these times, and we there fore give it Dearly in full: The first claim of the sHverltes Is that under the act of Congress of 1873 silver was taken from Its place as money, thereby forcing a sin gle gold standard for our currency, resulting In a contraction of the money In circulation. This jioslUon is erroneans. In the first place the act of demonetization of lt73 has nothing to do, can have nothing to do, with the contraction of currency. We are using now all the silver that cm lie used and lie kept on a parity with gold. From ITui to 1871, a period of SI years, there was coined almiit 14,oii,ooo of silver. Prom 17:1 down to we coined tinder sjtecial acts of Congress, in a period of H years, 5(i0.0is),000. We have coined In tbe 12 years since the act of demuneUzation over three times the amount of silver buillion that was coined tn the 81 years proceeding It. 1 tvery nnancier admits tnat to maintain BRATTLEBORO W1CIF.TV. Mrs diaries R Simonds gave a pleas ant tea party last evening to a few lady friends. Home 30 of the Red men partook of a superb supper with landlord Chamber lain nt the Vernon hotel Tuesdav evening. Mrs. Lilla Royce entertained a num ber of her friends with a tea party at her home on Walnut street, Tuesdajr evening. The engagement of Myron I. Mather of West Brattleboro and Miss Minerva ! A. Tyler has been announced this 'week. W.K.Ware has a dance at Lakeside to morrow evening. He has lust opened a number of new rooms at the Prospect House. , A party of the Christian Endeavors of the Baptist church went to West Dum nierston Sunday evening and formed a society there. Twelve yoong ladies are enjoying a week's outing at Amadou's cottage at the lake and are chaperoned by Mrs W L Gilson and Mrs Emory Farr. The Epworth League will give a lawn party, with supper and ice cream, from G to 8. at Mrs. Atwood's on Wii- iiston street next Thursday evening. The ladies of the Unitarian church will give their annual fair and dance at Festival Hall on Thursday, July 23d. Doors open at four o'clock. Supper on European plan served from six to eight, and the dance commences at half past eight. Admission fifteen cents. All are cordially invited. - Tbe logs of No. I drive of the Con necticut River Lumber Co. were start ed running over tho dam at Olcotts Falls last Saturday, and will soon be at Bellows Falls, i'he Fall Mountain Paper company has arranged to pur chase enough from thera to last until their drives are brought down. Charles Cassidy, who Is employed in the transfer department at the railroad station, and Miss Nora lune of Vernon street were married at 9 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at St Michael's Roman Catho lic church. Rev Fr Cunningham perform ing the ceremony. The Dridemaid was Bridget McGrath and Michael Fitzgib bons was best man. Mr and Mrs Cas sidy will keep house on Elliot street. Snmmerings. Guy Estev went Wednesday to Cam bridge, N. "Y. V H. Hayward t the University of Vermont is back lor tbe rest of the vacation from Island Pood where he has beeo attending a -summer school of surveying. A. E. Cutter was here this week on a wheeling trip from Windsor back to Boston. Mrs. Cutter is still here. Rev. Dr. Geo. Leon Walker and Prof,. Williston Walker and wives ef Hart ford are at their summer home here. Anthony Scbwenk, Harry Thomas. Harry White. Alfred Thompson ami, Hayes Morey go to the . hike Monday for a week or -10 days outing. Misu Margaret Hubbard of Sioux k alls. Dak., is spending the summer at ber . grandfather's, CoL Hunt's. Mrs. J. E. Wells and Mrs. M. E. Wells of . New York are at tbe Brooks bouse for. tbe rest of the summer. Hisses Xelfie Aher and Zeta Ryan left Wednesday for a sojourn io tbe northern curt jot tbe etatt. Misses Minnie Rawsor and Lena Crozier leave next week-for Springfield to attend tbesummer school Miss Edith Estabrook left Monday for a stay at the lake. 1 Miss Flora Sanders left Tuesday to spend the summer at her grandfather's id Jspringbeld. l)r. William Pish and son were guests of II. H. Hackley this week on their way to Halifax where tbey spend the summer. Miss Lizzie Cavanaugh returned Saturday from her visit in New York. Geo. E. Greene and family returned Sunday t rtioht from their Ktnv ftt he l.lUp. . uaiitv of coins, and of oaner monet wilh coins. we liiust correspondingly Increase the gold re- 1 Mrs. J. Retting and daughter and serve, unless the colnaae of silver is based upon I 1 .nn.nl vivinht Mt.,.nwt TnoD.inw an International agreement so that In all the , ... . . commercial ports silver has a standard ixed 1 from their moDth s sojourn at Pomfret value. It cannot have It without, any more than i Merchant and Mrs. F. K. Barrows bushel of wheat, a ten 01 pig Iron or a , t Block lslaDd for a week's stav. can ""secondiyrwe arc told bv those wantlnir free ' Carl Henkel.wife and baby returned silver that the greater the circulation of money, the higher the values ot all products and com modities and the greater the prosperltv, thrift and Industry of the oeop)e-a proposition untrue. A simple statement of facts will prove the absiirditr. In 1873 the gold production was Sh.hiMumo. In 18M It was over simi.WiOU. more than double, and the amount of silver pro. duced in that period was :iti,iKiO,oOO. Then If this assumption of the siiveiites be true, our circulation having Increased per capita and more than doub ed In amount, the world oua-ht to be on the tidal wave of prosperity and success. The truth Is that this is a fallacious claim. In the lirst place no country on earth can prosper, never has prospered, without keeping its Issue of currency, whether it he silver, gold or paper, within the financial control of Its government. When It evpsnds lteyond that point it is con verted from sound to fiat currency. A government Is like an Individual. An Indi vidual who gives notes for an amount exceeding (Continue! on loth page.) Tuesday from a several days stay at tbe lake. --Mrs. David Abbott. Mrs. Geo. A. Eels ind two children are enjoying a two week's outing at Wells Beach and Miss Lena Eels is-spendiug two weeks a Portland. Me. Mrs. D. P. Webster is at the lake for a seasoa and Miss Hattie Webster is attending the teacher's summer school at Mar thas' Vineyard. Gilbert Davis came up on his wheel last night fromSpring tiekland after a day or two manes a wheeling trip of 300 miles and goes to Norwich Conn for the rest of his va cation. O D Stowell'and family are spending tbeir vacation in London derry. Mrs W H Chi Ids and son Fred are spending some time at the beaches E H VanDoorn and family returned yesterday to the lake for tbe summer T-onise fiomlelet to m rmnoK M : rm er left this week tor a .1,1 1 on on ' - -. : T-uMnnn sj i im i.n Th. .. ill en-Mi tneir oriuui trio mi his yacht Miss Gondelet, a woman of rare grace of mind and character, secretary to the late lr Oliver endell Holmes, ami high in cultured andlliter arv circles, is a daughter of th- late Ca'pt Paul! base, and so a sister of Col. E 11 Chase. Ur mother left ip early life, marrying a French professor. - Too Mnrh Soap Rota rlotbea; Use less soap by osins Harmless. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. riait in Lebanon. . 11. Airs. iuke Eli and son Harry have returned from a four months' stay in Canada.. Miss Ann'e Gorliorino returned Monday from an eight weeks' stay in Keene, N. II. Miss Lilla Samson of Boston is visiting at ber father's, Fred Samson's Mrs. S. M. Ellis has returned from i. stay with her daughter in Spring field. Miss Ln Schildtnilier has re turned from a visit with her mother in Waterbury, Ct S F Ward and A L Blair ar""in Boston on a business trip Joseph Kenton and granddaughter Nellie ieft Thursday for a visit in Bel 1..W8 Falls apd Windsor. Too Murk Soap Rots t lot he,; Use less soap by using Hannh'ss. Absolutely Pure. ! li