Newspaper Page Text
fp1? '" wnjl!!l5 " '-- -XT rS. rv wj r - t" , i?jti Farmers' Champion VOL. Ill, ELGIN, OKLAHOMA, THURSDAY, SEI'THMBKIIHO. 113 NO. .47 ff !&&: - C -j ' - -'. J !'.' i As Told in a Few Words Good and Newsy Ifema of General Interest Con dented to Small Space WA8HINGTPN. Thn Democratic tariff lilll, Intro duced by Majority Leader Under wood, flo months nso, and passed by the houses four months ago, lias passed tlio senate and now goes to conference. The administration currency Ml' wag ut. v on Its devious way to the BtVi ' jii,.T ivhcn Chairman Olass of tin. houso hanking committee opened tho currency debate In the house. Tho houso passed a resolution to p ovhlo thnt products designed for exhibition at the Panama IMclllc ex position In San I'ranclsco, In 1015. may enter tho United States free of duty. Tho resolution would protect foreign patents and copyrights on ar ticles brought In for exhibition. Developments In tho Mexican situa tion probably will await tho nrrlval In Washington of Manuel Do Xamacona, personal representative of tho Huerta government. In continue with the Washington government tho negotla-N tloua with John Llnd, personal repre sentative of rresident Wilson In Mex ico. Tho cotton from the growth of 1013 prior to Sept. 1, amounted to 731,000 talcs, counting round as half bales, the census bureau announced. This la compared with 730,935 hales last J ear, 771.297 In 1911 and 353.011 in 1910. This Is tho greatest quantity or cott i eor ginned in the country prior to Sept. 1. Oklahoma glnniiiR3 aro 4,443; TexnB, G9.U44 balcB; Ar kansas, 2.200 bales. Preparations for tho movement of tho crops wero reflected In a detailed summary mado public of the condi tion of tho national hankB on August 9, as compared with Juno 4. Loans Increased $25,557,000, while Individual dnpnslts decreased $192,123,000 and cash decreased $11,813,000. The gov ernment had not begun tho deposit of crop moving fuirJs when this call (or condition was issued. DOMESTIC. Torpedo boat destroyers seirehed tho scene of tho nil-ship catastrophe off the cpast of Heligoland in which only suven of a crow of twenty-one. wero saved. Seven bodies were re covered. Tho bodies of seven others nre probably In the cabin of tho air ship. Frank Palmer Is In Jail In Texas charged with havljig murdered Davo Glenn at Itussclvllle, Okla., twenty ono years ago. F. Drqw Camlncttl, son of A. C. Camlnettl, commissioner general of Immigration, was found guilty of vio lation of tho Mann whllo act. Tho national homo for nged mem bers of tho llenovolent and Protect ive Order or Hlks will bo built at Hod ford City, Vn., Instead of French Lick Springs, Ind. As n birthday gift Mrs. Itusscll Sige distributed $0 1,000 among Institutions In Syracuse, N. V.. bar girlhood honx. Syracunn university received the larg est donation, $31,000, whllo tho Syra cuse home assocatlon and Onandagi orphans' homo each recolved $10,000. Mrs. Sage's gifts to Syracuse univer sity aggregate $270,000. Professor Mercalll, director of the observatory on Mount Vesuvius, with several professors of tho University of Munich, accomplished a daring de scent Into tho crater o'f tho volcano. They remuined Insldo two hours, ntudvlng It In tho midst of asphyxiat ing gases. Tho scientists announced that n great reawakening of the vol cano Is approaching. After brooding over a letter which informed him thnt an Oklahoma ranch he had sold n few months ago for a trivial sum was the sceno of a $3,000, COO oil strike, William Chlslon, a Choc taw Indian, 30 jeors old, of Pueblo, Colo., calmly 'totik a rifle, cleaned, oiled ami londod It and In the Bight ot several friends placed tho mttzzte to his templo and pulled the trigger. Harry Endlcott, of Anderson, Ind., a brother of William Endlcott, the noted automobile racer, and Mary Sa ra t a, of Jackson, a 10-yearold spec tator, wero killed ond three persona Injured at Jackson, Mich., when Endl ott's automobile crashed through a feaee at tho rare track wben one of the front tire's blew Aip. , Sam Langford, tho negro heavy weight boxer of Boston oarncd $1,000, his guarantee, In thirty seconds, by stopping John Lester Johnson, who Is said to bo tho heavyweight champion of South Africa, In that time. Whllo drilling for wator in a well fourteen feet deep on his farm four miles cast of Dexter, Kans., J. M. Clark, a Stockman, una nfriirk hv n heavy (low of gas. Before help coutd arrivo no wis dead. William P. Cook, farmer, was ar rested at Smyrna, Tenn., near Nash ville, on n warrant charging him with tho double murder of his wife and her niece, Lucy Sunford, 15 years old, who wero clubbed to death at the Cook home. Thaw's ease In Canada terminated suddenly when ho was taken from tho Coatlcook lockup and rushed over tho Vermont line, by Immigration officers. After threo hours liberty ho wns re arrested at Coalbrook. New Hamp shire. Mrs, 8. ?.. King, and John Knowi ton, weru burned to death and II, A. Mercer so badly Injured that ho died later when the combined store and rooming house of King & Sons Mer cantile company, at Pleasanton, Tex., was destroyed by lire. Ellen Derrlng (Irnngcrow, n wealthy Umatilla Indian, obtained a dtvorco at Oregon City, Ore., from her ninth husband, Grant Nicholas (Irangrow, and voluntarily settled upon lilin ns "ullmony" tho sum of $5,000. Sho charged wilful desertion. Tho bones of a mastodon 20,000 j ears old aro being excavated from tho estato of tho late Col. Alfred A. Popo nt Farmlugtou, Conn., by ex perts from Yule university. Tim mas todon was eleven feet high nt tho shoulders. Plummer Lewis, 18 jears old, Is In Jail at Kansas City, charged with felonious assault, nnd the police arc searching for three other bos In con nection with tho case. Gladvs Klrl:- endall, n girl of good family, leaped from a speed'ng motor car to cscnpo the attentions of tho party of Joy riders and sustained probably fatal Injuries. .. With the Identification of portions, of the body found In tho Hudson rlrer near .New iork as that of Mia. Caspar Janln, who, according to her husband, left their home in Barcelona, Spain, three years ago, search has begun for tho proprietor of a West One Hundred and Fourth blreut establishment where tho woman had apartments. It Is stated that a man answering his description sailed for Cuba Inst week. Ills name Is withheld. Six small hotels, n church, tho post office building, tho Essex business block and 150 cottages at Salisbury Beach, Mass., wero destroyed by a fire which extended over an area three quarters ot a mile long nnd 200 yards wide. Several beach attractions wero nlso destroyed. For tho most part the cottages wero flimsy struc tures occupied by visitors spending thu summer thcio, Tho property los Is estimated at $300,000. FOREIGN. Ad WolcaBt, former lightweight champion, has announced his final re tirement from the ring. The so-called X-Ray feature In wom en's clothes Is to be extended to foot wear, according to Irish lacemakers. who are crocheting lace for tho up pers of "X-Hay" shoos. Tho steamer Tamaulipas Balled from Vera Cruz for Now Orleans with a few Americans aboard, part of whose passage had been paid by tho Mexican government. Tho Duchess of Ilovburghe, former ly MlBs May Ooolot of Nowport, It. I, gavo birth to a son at Chesterfield house, Loudon. Edmond Itouseut, a Paris river po liceman. waB decorated with tho Ln gign of Honor. During his Bervlco on tho water front be has saved twenty eight lives. Thlrty-llvo American refugees nr rived at Laredo, Texas, Sunday night from Mexico. Ono Amerlcnn from Chamal stntes that tho entlro colony of over 500 Americans who went to Chamal from Oklahoma nnd nmth Texas about eight years ago have ro- turned to their homos. Pucrta Plata, In tho Dominican re public, whero n revolution Is In prog ress, Is being shelled by Dominican gunboats nnd there Is great dangor to American Jives nnd property. Joso M. F.Bteva, American vice consul thoro, so reported. Tho gunboat Des Moines has gono there. Tho disappearance of dcorgo Street ot Ottawa and II. V. Radford, an American, northern explorers, may be explained by a story which reached Ottawa, brought by mall steamer and the Hudson Bay route and two months on the way tells of the mur der of gtreet and Radford by Eskimos two years ago. OKLAHOMA'S GREATEST STATE FAIH OPEHS TUESDAY; FEnTURES BY DAYS Everything Is in readiness for tho opening of tho seventh annual Okla homa Stato Fair and Exposition, Oklahoma City, Sept. 23 to Oct 4, on Tues day morning, Sept. 23, nt 7 o'clock suarp. Thu program, jet Incomplete, shows thnt It is tho biggest State Fair nnd Exposition ever before attempted in thu Southwest. Sixty big buildings and barns nnd lt0 acres of ground will be crowded with the best results in every llnu ot Industry, while the management has contracted for amusements and educational features worth thousands ot dollars. There will be thrills every day as shown by the following program: TUESDAY, SEPT. 23, OPENING DAY. All buildings nnd barns open to tho public. nt 8 o'clock Music nil tho time and ever) whero by Natlello'H Baud mid soloists. Judging of Culinary, Furm Products, Plants. Flue Arts, Kducatlonul Dlspluvg, Unco program be (tins at 1 o'clock, Including 2 30 trot and 2 20 pace. Great Patterson Shows. United StntcB troops In drills and maneuvers, Immense night bhow In fiont of grandstand. , WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24, GERMAN DAY AND FRUIT GROWERS' DAY. Special programs arranged by these organizations Judging of Poultry, Farm Products. Plants, Fine Arts,, examinations Blurt In Bett"r DahlcH Contest nt 9 a. in nnd continue until completed. 2 IS trot and 2; 11 pace feature racing program. High class vaudeville Music by many bauds, Patterson Shows, U. S. Troops and Night Show, THURSDAY, SEPT. 25, STATE DAY AND WOMEN'S CLUDS. All state ofllcers nnd members of all woman's organizations will assemble. Judging of Swine, Jersey Cattle, Poultry, Ccunty Collective Exhibits, Flue Arts, Educational nnd Better Babies Racing' program Includes two trotting divisions of Southwestern I uturi'y. Fr.. audeville. Grunt Patterson Shows. Bands everywhere. U. S. Soldiers and Big Night Show. A'-rcs of machinery every uny. FRIDAY, SEPT. 26, EDUCATIONAL, PRESS AND AD CLUB, W. C, T. U., HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT DEALERS AND JEI1SEY BREEDERS' DAY. Free admission to all children of the common schools. Newspaper pub lishers guests of tho Stato Fair. Judging of Better Babies, Swine. HnlFtelu Frlcslau and Guernsey Cattle, Bees anil Honey, ltos' and Girls' Contests. Clinton Band will Join music festival morning, afternoon and night. Gang plowing ami planting by tractor engines every day. Free-for-all trot, dash, nnd 2 17 pace feature racing card. Alexander thu Great, one of the nunv vaudeville features. V. S. Troops. Patterson shows. Immense Night Program SATURDAY, SEPT. 27, OKLAHOMA TRAVELERS DAY AND CATTLt- MEN'S DAY. Knights of the Grip In big reunion. Emphasis given llvo stock lndustrv. Clinton Band with Nntlello's and other musical organizations. Judging of Better Babies, Sheep, Boys' and Girls' Contests Demonstrations nnd lectures every day. U. S, Troops. Shaw's Comedy Animal Circus and other big vnude vlllo acts during the race program which Includes 2.15 trot and free-for-all pace, dash. Immense Night Show SUNDAY, SEPT.' 28, MUSIC DAY, Sacred concerts by Nntlello's Band nnd Famous Grand Opera Slngera, morning, afternoon nnd evening. I'. S. Troops in Model Military Camp. Tho Patterson Shows. Immense Night Program In front of grandstand. MONDAY, SEPT. 29, SOLDIERS' DAY. Veteratu of nil wars will take part. Opening of A. & M. State Fair 'School. Urual morning tours of, Fair with music it various points, AUTO POLO, WORLD'S MOST DANOEUOUS SPOIiT." tri'trent or grandstand. IT. H. Sol diers In war maneuvers. Hacu program Includes 2'21 trot nnd 2 09 puce. dash. Judging of Better Babies. Shorthorn Cattle. Percheron Horses. World's best vaudeville and Patterson Shows OPENING OF FOURTH ANNUAL OKLA HOMA HOUSE SHOW IN LIVE STOCK PAVILION AT 8 00 P. M., FOR FIVE NIGHTS. TUESDAY, GEPT. 30, KENTUCKY DAY, SWINE BREEDERS' DAY, SOCIAL- ISTS' DAY. Special programs by these organizations, I'sual silo, milking machlno nnd plowing demonstrations. Judging of Better Babies, Hereford Cattle, Per cheron, Belgian and Clydesdale llorss. Nntlello's Band, big Government Baud and other bands nt different points. U. S. Soldiers in dully drills and maneuvers. Famous grand opera singers during tho race program which In cludes 2'12 trot, dash, nnd 2 11 pace. The Great Patterson Shows, with twenty attractions. Horse Show nnd allied features, including the Thrco Duttons, Auto Polo and Its dangers. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1, YOUNQ MEN'S DEMOCRATIC CLUBS, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Sensational Auto Polo. Judging of Better Battles, Aberdeen-Angus Cattle, English Shire, Germnii Coaeh, Cleveland Bay Horses, BoyH' Pig Club Contest. Itacu program includes 225 pace and usual number of running races. Nntlello's band nnd soloists nil day. The Great Patterson Shows. U. S Soldiers. Third night of Great Horse Show and big features in .Mammoth Livestock PavMijn. THURSDAY, OCT. 2, DERBY DAY, OKLAHOMA FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS' DAY, BEE KEEPERS' DAY. Special programs by all these organizations. Judging of Better Balder, Polled Durham Cattle. Steer ClJSses; Hackney ami French Conch Hoi see. Geldings and Mares, Jacks, Jennets nnd Mules. Last day of thu world's most dangerous sport, AUTO POLO. Thrilling maneuvers or soldiers. Dally grand opera by Miss Olive Elsnm Sch.irf and Joseph C. Itamsur, who nccompany Nntlello's Band. Running of Oklahoma Derby: race program nlso Including 2-20 trot. Great Patterson Shows, Oklahoma Horso Show, lhoThreo Duttons utid other features. FRIDAY, OCT. 3, AUTOMOBILE AND LIVE STOCK DAY. All of the world's fastest circular dirt track ears, driven by such speid demons as Louis Dlsbrow, "Wild BUI" Endlcott, "Heine" Ulbrlcbt, Joo Nlkrent and others. Judging of Better Babies. Standard Bred, American Carriage and Saddle Horses. Parade of live stock worth nearly a million dollars, I! S. Soldiers in drills. Music and grand opera. Society Horse Show for tho last time. SATURDAY, OCT. 4, AUTOMOBILE AND BETTER BABIES. Athlotlc games by boys of tho State Fair School. Final demonstration of silos, tractor engines, mechanical milkers, dairy machinery, gnng plowing, etc. All tho world's auto champions In thrilling races, High class vaudeville freo. Tho Soldiers In drills. Awarding of premiums In Bolter Babies Contest. Thu Midway until midnight Queer Fable About Cotton When cotton first enmt to Europe to make Its principal center in Lanca shire it was tho subject ot tho quaint nnd wonderful fable of the "Vegelablo Lamb." Tho llulTy white fibers of tho bursting cotton pod so -resembled 3heep's wool that trnvelcrrs reported that In Tartary there grow n shrilb tho fruit or boll of which contained "wlthlnnc n Ijttlo lleastn in Flesche. In Bono nnd Blnode, as though It were a lyttlo Lambu with outer wool." After tho lamb had been eaten the wool was mado InUrt cloth, continued this story, which Is the earliest Euro peun account of tho manufacture of cotton. Wooden-Legged Duck Thrives A wooden-legged duck lives and thrives nt Alrvaulr, a little village In Bordeaux, Franco, At a recent meet ing of the local natural history society the cbnlrmnn told of tho duck which had Us leg crushed In a stable door. Kb owner, a peasant woman, ampu tated tho leg and replaced It with 'a wooden one which she manufactured herself. The duck Is now able to get about tho farmyard with perfect ease. "Inns" At ono tlmrt thu words "hostel" nnd i urn were uui cuuiiiieu io iiccuscu nouses, uui uru uppiieu io longing houses, Tho "Inns" of Oxford and Cambridge, very numerous before the Introduction or colleges, vvwere regit Hated by tlio college authorities. The Inns of Court were provided for tho accommodation of law students. In olden times country houses uf tho aristocracy, during tho absence of the owners, wero med ns "Inns." or guest hoiiBls. It wns then tho rule to hang out us signs the arms of tho owners; hcucu the otlgln of public-house signs. Wall Papers Pnpr for screens and pattltlons of rooms wns common In China ns early as the fourth century. In tho six teenth century tho use 'if wall paper became faBhlonublo In Holland, and soon afterwards It was commonly seen In English houses. Originally Chinese paptrs were printed from blocks, hum!, painted, or stamped, the designs being exquisite. Modern printing and stamping machines mado the manufac ture ut continuous rolls of wall paper posilM. WM .! DIES IT SEA HEART FAILURE BRINOS SUDDEN DEATH TO NEW YORK CITY'S MAYOR. WAS TAKING A SHORT VACATION Had Juit Been Renominated by the Independent Organization Had Had a Distinguished Po litical Career. New York. Major William J. Gnynor died on tho steamer Baltic 'n mldocenti. Major Gnynor silled from Now York, a fast falling .man, on thu morn ing of September 4. The announced purpose of Ills trip was n brief vaca tion on t'vo ocean that thu tonic ef fect of tho salt air might restore him to health. Tho Baltic Is duo at Qiieonstown tho dny he died. Tho mayor left Now York at a tlmo when the city was seething In n muni cipal campaign. Tho day beforo his departure he was notified that ho hail been chosen by tho Independent politi cal organization us Its candidate for mayor. Ill was too weuk to mako a Bpeecb of acceptance and It was read while tho mayor stood beside tho render. . Tho mayor recently had suffered an attack of his old throat trouble due to the wound Jnlllcted August 19, 1910, by Jntnes JT f llaghcr, a discharged y &im&2 Mayor William J. Gaynor. dock department workman, Just ns he was about to lenvo here for a brief vacation In Europe. Ho spent nearly threo months In St. Mary's hospital at Hobokcn, N. J., beforo hu recovered from the wound, Tho bullet which lodged In his throat threo jears ago, never had been removed. It was tho mayor's plan to remain abroad less than a week. Gaynor's death completely over turns the municipal political situation. It removes from tho field n'candldatc who was expected to cut heavily Into tho voto of tho fusion nominee, John Purroy Mltchel, Mayor Gaynor was born nt Wllltes town, Oneida county, N. Y., In 1S51. Ills early education was received at Whltestovvn Bcmlnnry. Ho moved to Brookbn In 1873 and for several years hb a reporter on the Brooklyn Argus, atuQylng law at night. Ho waB ad mitted to the bar In 1875, and com menced a cnmpnlgn for political pur ity which gained him a national repu tation as n foe ot corruption. In 189.1 ho was elected u Justice ot tho supremo court for a term expir ing December 21, 11107. Ho was re elected In 1907 to n term expiring De cember 31, 1921, but resigned In 1909 to accept tho Democratic nomination for mayor of New York City, and was elected mayor of New York In No vember, 1909. THAW BACK IN UNITED STATES Ejected by Canadian Authorities, Is Now In New Hampshire Jail Colebrook, N. II Harry K. Thaw, fugitive from Matoawnn. sleeps on American toll, barricaded In n hotel room here, utter one ot the most ex citing davs In his career. Thruat unexpectedly over tho Ca nadian border desptto tho writ of ha beas corpus demanding his production before the king's bench In Montreal ho was for three hours a free man and during that tlmo drove madly In an automobile for fifty futile miles tluough the hills of Vermont and New Hampshire. Hu blindly rah Into tho arms of a New Hampshire shcrllT, and was brought to Colebrook, whero he retained counsel to resist extradition. William Travcrs Jerome, rushing hither on a special train, will assume chnrge of the cuso for Now York state, seeking to have Thaw as ward of tho state, returned to Mntteawan. Meantime. Thaw la "detained," charg ed with no crime, held du no warrant. M if IA HK'IaiW f ' '.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJI tin iWr',f ". jH kWfJJklkW JJJklklklklklkHV rA. jH. M OKLAHOMA NEWS NOTtS SHADOWS OP COMINO. VINaV Bept M-Bale of icaool MM inOkafff' ton county -jiV ' . Kept. jj-Oct, 4. owlahewe. state, "Bffll F!r. t ' fIi J"i num. ij.uci. z-iiorBB nu . j.- ". 1,1 BPt. 30-Hnlns Brsedeta AssoclatteetV . st mate Fair ( V'i f)rl l.lltli.iViiaM rur. .- i Oct. l.j-inut Carnwat. Dtrtea Oct. 13-Hale of school ,IM hi Teas. county. Oct u-U.-Lstimer Oomitr Fair. Wll Mlrtnil i Oct, M FrtalaentlaJ Hetla. atetlaev Oct JO-Nov. i Dry Farming Congrea TiiIhi Oct. JO. Hen, LaFollatte speaks at Ke bnrt. - .. m Nor 20-Jolnt ShrlM eeefmoBtaJ. Twe -, H' V nnr IsniU nt Mabel. Jnn. R Kl of CliocUw ana Chickasaw lunilK at Hugo, Jan. 12. Hate of Choctaw anil CMe naw land nt I'otoau. . Jan 15 Hale of Choctaw ana Ohlok nnaw lands at Wllburton. ' Jan 17 -Halo of Choctaw sad Chlcka. itw InnilH at McAleater. Jan, 2-31 State Poultry Bhow. Bald. County fair. Hrpt n-lJ-Okfuikee- Countr OVjcmah. Sept. t-:o-rawn Fair, Pawl Fall, Hept it-is Pawns Couatr llallett. r Bent tt-iS Pittsburg Couatr atcAleater. Hnt. t.i9 Pnttiwitomla Couatf flhawnet , I Sept. 17-19 County Fair,-Orand. , Bcpt. l7-:o-flterllng Fair, .torllag. Sept. 1S-15 Mclnto.h County Fair, aW fnuta. ij .. Bent. K-!7 ltngora County Fair, Cm morn , Bept. -27 North Uacola Couaty FW. Asra. , Oct. l-t-Jcnn County Fair. Oct. lt-U Tut Couaty Fair, A-row. 1 ' OcL "i-ll llaaketl County Fair. itg- ler. t y v; The Oklahoma 8tate Institute of Technology wns opened last week MV c before noon the first day 3M ttatffti' ' had enrolled. ' ; ' J "S Cliff Dean, farmer, and hta wife. H ' 'H nig lll.xu unu win-nun uiiidw " y , i west of Washington. wer-ae&AU!f it killed by lightning durlnfc-Lai ,,.' electrical storm. ' ',7 - -Thome 0'KMte.eQkWMtM Qtg'V . printed the low'IMisliiilfflal ' .TSU i for the construction of tag TaUm fjUV i' vcniion nun were? cenawrpn y ', rk ; city commissioners. Htg ' bid WMi) '" $81,501. For tho past week tie Metfceiiet"; ihurch ot QuyacB hu aWl. Episcopal church ot Ouysscn services each night, dedleatlag Ita new house of worship Just eoaaglet'eal t: at a cost of 116,000. In the 84r ' services, $4,000 was raised to ee-.-. plete tho, payment ot the bulldtag eta tract. r L. W. Booth and Itlch Watsoa war ' bound over to the district court 'at . Guymon after a preliminary hearIaTt on a chargo of steallng'cattle. Boetk. . nnd Watson are out on bond. Ik J cattle, it is alleged, were stolen frewa , J, P.. Anderson and M. Brodle, tarsa- crs In the east end of Texaa eonaUr. Northwestern Oklahoma neediltMl ' or no rain to mature. Ita croas. Tbki(, was proven again during the aaet aeev-. son when two-thirds ot a wkeat eragr '' was secured In E!'ls, Harper aa4 ', -'' Beaver counties with practically' ae f '" ' 1 rain since early In the sprlag. Akw ' good crops of kaflr, mllo raalxe, breexa- corn and feterita, resulted where fraa f ,' eriy tuiiueu, Victor M. Loeke, Jr., principal ektitf , of the Choctaw nation, and Mrs. VlylaV, Nnll Ilobcrtson ot Caddo were fniao ' - ried at the home or the bride by the o-": kcv. i.uincr uoDcrts, pastor ot tk t. Methodist Episcopal church. South, ati Caddo. Only -a fow Intimate rrieaaa . wero present at tho ceromony. Chief and Mrs, Locko have gone to Patsaer Lake, Colo., to be with Mrs, Lecke'e brother, who Is vpfy III. They wIM teslde at Antler. Georgo P. McCIenatban of Bart tea-"' vllln wns drownml at Rand Bartatac near Tulsa. He was 17 year oiaW Tho twenty-fourth year ot tM cW tral Normal school was opened laat' " week w ith an enrollment of nearly, M'S students, it larga, Increase ore Ua. year when 318 had enrolled at the i ?tR hnH An-nll4 .t.- a ' of thu nrst day. A referendum petition aaklaf aa the bill enacted at the 'last aaaelat session ot the legislature faraMawaat, r.-lrn trnnlt hnlllti h --- . . .-..y.T', voters ot tho atate, ha iwcelvMtaaawei'l . ''. than the legal number of algaawa ' hM ami in u iiin vtiih iiu - - - - - 3 of stato In a few day. macarMkm ft"- 1 It. J, Allison, president of 'the Tat "" Jockey club, As no reterfiiuluaa Wul '.-., ,r bo submitted datll the state grlamia, r ' In August ot next year, OUalsaaM - ' :t1 seems likely to have a noatlaaaaa gf & betting on hnise racing. ' " T i "ri" leraa Maaajg,' cnHrt at OttaUaT wtnnan an .Hn .& ....a- -is" ,,, .i.n fimirit-i cntirt ai uvsaaaaa and will occupy most i Is charged Jointly with Jaesea fategaV'i' i'i iihhi aaaj man, negro, with the murder at-urK rcneo Mathews, her' buakkaa, kaTlE atgbt ot December t, 1J, ' '' J pm vT Tho trial ot Mrs. Lereaa TTttsiaja -", i.'j w u irt v :-X' m VjJ ('- w vrJs V 'a M i, H II ""!- V (2- j : ? a. l -'j .-t." - f ' cl V .U -".. . Jl v i T. ' r ,...,. XiMi S S'i ,& , 7 fctU.w. "i,t , ,