Newspaper Page Text
"S3ro &rv i w ,, -flfc v SW ., ',?! - i ', , I V -r- v. .Sfefc- .-i r -' , A-5 --" V, -1'., Farmers' Champion .n ''.' I!". ',' ,1' VOL III. KI,U IN, OKLAHOMA, THLKSI.UY, (HTOIIKIt 2, ll L ' . . NO. 40 3 ' a SiTtf As Told in a Few Words Good and Newsy Items of General Interest Con densed to Small Space WASHINGTON. TIio senate confirmed Joirph W. folic an solicitor general of tliu state ilep irtment. 11. M Pllnloll, a newspaper editor it Peoria, III, Jh foremost among those now being considered by Presi dent Wilson for ambassador to Hussii Secretary Garrison will direct nn nvnstlgutlou of tlio charges made by Oeau Worcester a.nd W. II I'lilppi), ludltnr of the Philippines, that tJu ury exists In tlio Islands. Mrs. Hnim.illno Pankhurst, Inaler of tlio CuglltOi militant surtragete. will liavu t rim thn gauntlet of the Ullii Island linmlgtntlon Inspectors, mid posslbl) go Into tlio United Stales courtH In New York, liofore hIip will ho able to land In this country to fill uer loctiiro engagements "Man rillure" all along tho lino, from olllcinls and directors of Hip Now Haven railroad down to Us trainmen, (s hold by tln interstate commerce ommlssion to havp been thp catiHO of tho W.illliiKfoi'il wreck September 2, in which 21 wero killed and 35 in lured. A Bhnke up In tlio department of agriculture to ellmlnitn duplication of work and reduce expense was pre dicted by Secretary Houston befivo the house agriculture committee. The aorretary H.ild his plan was rot ready, but declared that in one office bo had discovered twciity-tlvu unnecessary oinplojcs Many vacancies exist at the West I'olut military academy as a result of IIib failure of hotli principals iml 0'ier nates In many cases to pus the cidut entrance examinations and bemuse flfliiators and representatives fall to send in nominations In unsvver to the nppeals of tho war department. There is no disposition to lower the stmd urds of admission and it is prnbahlo that the consent of congress will la nought to hie the president fill all vac nicies for which nominations aro not forthcoming In time for tho cn trJticu examinations DOMESTIC. The fJlants and Athletics will head (ho big leagitps and play tho world's championship seiies. Tho (1. A R. In contention at Chit tnnonga elected Col. Thus. II. Soward of (iuthrlo senior vlcecomminder Fire of unknown origin dustroxed the plant tit the Chanule, Kan. Ilrlek and Tlio company. The loss Is $50, 000. , Tho International lesguo sea 'in closed with n game between Newark and Jersey City, which tile New irks tills year's cliamploiis won 5 to I. Klovcn lawjers from four states and thu dominion of Canada are In Con cord. N. II, to help Hirry K. Thiw resist tho effort of the state of Now York to obtain his return to tho Mat teawan asylum What Is believed to bo tho tlrst move on thn part of tho IVimsylranli company gradually to rellovo 'tsolf of property extraneous to trans portation, was made when President Sirnucl Ilea announced that tho board jt directors had decided to dispose of Its security holdings In all anthracite iojI compinles that tiro attached to tta s) stem. Four workmen were killed and ono Injured In in explosion In tho gel lino mixing house nt tho Dn Pont ponder works nt (libbstown, N. J. Two deaths nnd tho loss of hun dreds of thousands of dollars In prop erty Is tho toll so far In tho California forest fires. Iron Mask (Dlsgiilse-Ilnyal Rose) proko tho world's record for six fur longs on a circular track at Louisville. Tho now record Is 1:10 4-5. The horso Is owned by U Irving Livingston of Cincinnati and Is five years old. D, Cady Merrick, counsel for flov jrnnr SuUer, announced that the gov ornor would ceaso henceforth to ox srclso tho functions of the executive office, until tho termination of his trial. Tho late Mayor Oaynor'i will was flled. The widow gets the Urooklyn residence and r0 shares of Royal Bak ing Powder company stock. The re mainder, except minor bequests, is di vided two sevenths to each of the two sons and one-seventh to aach ot the three "unmarried daughters. Tile ralue of the estate Is estimated at 12,004,090, i Renting tho tli country Saturday Tho dreadnatight Texas, newest and blggnst ship in the American navy, ar rived at the Norfolk navy yards to havo her bottom painted prepr.'atorj to her trial trip Frank .1 Manhill, chess champion ol the United States, beat the llohe mlan champion, Oldrlch Dunn, In thn first match gamp of a surlo.v of five after Uitrtj-slx moves. Kveratt Rpxroat wis nnnied In a warrant as the murderer of bis wife, Mrs Mlldren Allison, a Chi. cago dancing teacher, nlid was shot to death nenr Wheaton, III. By defeating lies Moines Denver won the pennant In the Western league for Hit third consecutive tlnm. Post-season spites Raines with the wlilner of thn American association pi ntinni are being negotluted for by tho ovners of the Denver club to be Kin October ". Sunday m lino Is of several southwest Oklahoma towns art- engaged in a couto-St in which iitteiidauco, collec tion and number of oltirers sind tenth era 'present Jie the points! which count. Altus is 6w points ubead at piesent Judge Bledsoe, sitting at the trial of George II. HV.,,,, ilia caiiitallst charged with offenses against girls, vetoed an attempt of ilio prosecution to Impeach lilxby's testimony Tho court rulPd that testimony or Inmates of the Jonquil, a notorious resort. In refutation ol Hixbj's declaration that his relations with them had not been Immoral, would not be admitted. Thn caso Is being tried at Los Angeles. S.illisav, witnessed some lightning changes In banking circle.! last week, when a bank changed bands twice in less than forty-eight hours. It. W. Mines purchased the Interest of A. ft. Dunlap In the Farmers National Hank at Sallisaw, and Immediately closed a deal with the Sallisaw Hank and Trust company whereby tho lat ter companv absorbed the former In fitltuttnn, thus becoming thu largest financial Institution in Sctptojah Fuderal olllcers aro becoming ex tremely actho at Chlckaslia in prose cuting bootleggers and It Is tho state ment of Deputy UnltC'l States Mar shal Dillon that, according to orilers received from headquarters, the pro hibitory law Is to bo enforced to tho letter. Several federal olllcers are working In and around Chlekasha with tho result that federal prisoners arn lodgnd In jail nearly ovory day charged with violating tlio liquor laws "Stool pigeons" aro being used very effective ly by tho oillccrs. FOREIGN. Mllltnnt suffragettes set fire to Sei field House at Sonforth, four miles northwest of Liverpool, causing $400, 000 damage., A man registered as Count Ilorrlo do Heaucalre nnd believed to be thn French diplomat scrWug us mlnistei to Denmark, attempted suicide by shooting himself at u hotel in Aber deen, Scotland. Frederlco Oimhoa, minister of fop plgn affairs, was nominated for the presidency by the Catholic party con vention (lenerJl Kugeule Ilascou was notnlti itPd for the vice presidency Hotli candidates are regarded as men of high standing That fleneral Huerta and his organ Ization will support Frederlco (lambna candidate of the Catholic party for the presidency. Is the report brought from the capital. There was received at the same time unoltlcially a copy of Prce blent lluorta's most recent assurance that his government would seo to It that the elections were conducted fair I)' on the date fixed. October 26. In a fierce battle between Servian troops and Albanians on the Now At biulan frontier, 200 Albanians were killed and many wounded. Thn en counter was brought about by an at tempt by tho Albanians to pouniratn thn territory captured by the Sen vims. Tho Greek authorities nt Kolltsa rMbanh, havo seized the American mission schools there, whore Instruc tlon Is given to a hundred Albanian girls. Tha Greeks havn also arrested many Albanians who have returned from America, releasing them only when thn Albanians promised to join the agitation for tho incorporation ol tho dlctrlct In Greece. The aviator Pegoud, who recently made an upside down flight at JuvUy and repeated the performance at Hue, accomplished another daring feat nl Versailles In bis self-imposed task ol proving the stability of thft aeroplane After mounting to a great height, Pe goud dipped the left wing and UU machine Blowly turned over on its side. The aviator flew (or some sec onds head downward. He then re gained the upright posltllon by grace I fully looping the loop. Kootball tn. leading untvei f swung Into actu. NEWS HAPPENINGS OVER THE STATE TAKES FIRST PRIZE IN THE AGRICULTURAL SHOW AT 3TATE FAIR. EXCELS IN VARIETY OF PRQD3BTS Pottawatomie County Wins Second and Comanche County Third Other News of The State. Caddo county Is the banner farm tng court) among those exhibiting nt the Statu Pair this year. Caddo won last year nnd It was conceded this time that It had the host chtiuoe lis Mion as the dlspla'K were In pint. Pottawatomie cotin, was second and Comanche third Tho' uxhlb$ graded 100 percent. The exhibit contains gruln. feed t-tufls, fruit and garden truck of almost eoiy arlety which can Do grown In this latitude. Corn, knllr, feterlta and maize are umong the feed grains. There is also wheat, oits, millet, ttl fnlfa and hay of all kinds. The small crops are shown In profnslon. Irish ond sweet potatoes are shown, smooth and of a size that v 111 please thenost exacting Melons and pumpkins or sov eial sorts are also sIioaii. Tho tmok Section shows large variety and can tains sumo onions that ure tho best that hae been shown b"ro. Other Winners. The other counties ranked In order: Jackson, Woodward. Greer, Carter, firad), Canadian, Pittsburg, Payne, llryan, Klngtlshnr, McClalu, Love, Illalne and Mcintosh. Among the several county exhibits that of Woodward county attract ed much Interest on account ot tho lino fruit display. This county has one of tho best fruit exhibits on the ;ouniis and 1 Is nreillctPiJ- that iff (line this will become tho banner fruit county of the stato. Thero are some specimen.! of pears that havo proven u surprise to the visitors. There are also tipples and peaches ot gool silo and slid to bo of the rery best flavor. It h is oeen claimed that this Is not a corn county, bit there are amiw lino ears on exhlbl lo show thnt corn can bo raised there It Is said to be a good karir, maize and broomcom county and the ex nibits prove the claim Tho'so In ohargo siy that this county Is going In for fruit more than over next year and report several now orchards to be planted this yeir. Bryan County Exhibit. nryan count, on tho Red River, has proven that sugar cane can bo grown i.orlh of thn river and exploded ua old heresy. It has always been held that the Red River marked the northern boundary of tho sugir belt and that real bugar cane or ribbon cano could not be grown north of thn stream Six lino stalks that were grown as an. experiment provo that this Is not true. Thn stalks aro seven feet tall and long pointed. They aro from the tlrst crop and It Is claimed that then Is no troulilo In obtaining a crop of six too' Mulks In this county In tho bottom lands, R Is mid that six foot stalks Rill prodtico $200 In srup to the aero. This county Is also a great cotton -ounty ami shows some line cotton plantn (Hied with unopened bolls and cotton ready for picking. A fenturo of this. exhibit Is n cabin made of corn Btalks Thn whltp virlety of corn Is used and It makes an un usual and beautiful oxhlblt. Thu corn used In tho exhibit Is Pxcellont and shows that this Is a great corn coun try as well as cotton center. DEATH PENALTY FOR INDIAN. Sequoyah West, A Cherokee To The First Man Electrocuted. Be Pryor. For thu murder of Dan Frnmo. a hihorer, near Strong, on March 2. 1313. Sequoyah WoBt. full blood Cherokee Indian unci member of e prominent tribal family, must pay tho penalty with his life. This was the verdict In thn district court of Mayes county, before which court tho cuso was tried last week. It Is thu tlrst tlmo In tho history of Mayes county that tho death pnnulty his boeu Imposed, It was received stoical ly by tho Indian. Tho enso was tried before Judge Preston S. Davis, of Vlnlta Judge of the twonty-thlrd Ok lahoma district. If tho Judge sentences West In accordance with the Hading of the Jury, electrocution will ally, and If cirrled out, first case of the kind under tho nuw statute pa'ssd by .tha fourth legisla ture which tluMjad the methods of InfUctltii the death penalty In Okla homa from hanging to the electric chair. WILLIAM BUSDY IS DEAD First Cltlten of McAlestsr Succumbi to Operation. McAlcster William Husby, McAl ester's most widely recognized public benefactor, distinguished t Itlzen, coal operatir and former newspaper man. Is dead lie died following a pro truted suffering from diabetes which brought to u crisis throe week" ago by the development of carbuncles, iiCQUiuiUatlng a surgical operation Fnt a time It was not bullued his cundl Hon was serious, but n second oper aflon bad to b performed nnd from that time bo gradually weakened. He was a thirty-third degrco Mason member of the order tor twenty twven years, and since 190? had been sovereign grand Inspector general fot the state of Oklahoma, prior to thut time and after l'jnl having ht'U the same position In the Masonic ordoi of the old Indian territory. He uullt nnd owned the Husby hotel and tha Husby theater, structures -oil Ing SJiM.nno and $ respectively; eaubllshed ho Choctaw Rnllwiy and i.lKhtiug plant, of which lie was presl dnt at the time of his death. NEW Rl ORD IS MADE Stat: University Figures Surprise; 70 Students Registered Normiti More than 700 student hail enrolled In the I'nlversltj of Ok 'ahoma, at the close of the seoonif day's regiHtrition. Tills Is by far tlu largest number ever enrolled during the tlrst two d.os of sdiool and It greater than the totul enrollment ol the tlrst semester last ear, which wae 030. Of the 700 now registered. 1513, near ly half, aro now biudeuts, Indicating a record-breaking freshmen class. The medical school of nil departments leads In Increase In students while law school and department of lino arts also show large Increases. The en rollmeut In the medical school Is dou hie that of last year. . The university tampus ha taken on new life and student activities have been started. Fort Sill to be Improved Washington. Not only will Okla homa keep Fort 3l.i, but the now fi rnous army post wilt bo greatly Im proved within thn course of the next year, If the plans of tho war depart ment do not miscarry. It Is learhed from authoritative sources that tho war department has approved expend Utirps of 1700.000 at Fort Sill, but when active work will be started Is purely a matter of eotijecturo us con Kress must tlrst pass on tho matter The department's great weight nnd an appropriation of such slzu as U need od, seems almust sure Large Cotton Receipts Ardtuore Local cotton receipts from wagons now total 2.111 bale and tho average price paid will ex ceed lit cents. The ptesent Indlcu tfons are that 15,000 bales will be mar keted hero this season and If present prices prevail, this means prosperity for murchant anil farmer alike, bottou pickers are hard to secure In many lo calltles, and farmers aro making In qulries every day for hands. If thn present good weather prevails. It will be of Incalculable benefit to farmers In gathering their crop. Dean Acquitted of Smith Murder Muskosoa R. A Dean, charged with tho murder of Claude Smith, win acquitted The Juy hud been out 33 hours, Hirly In the deliberations the Jurors stood seven to tlve for cotivlc tlon. Dean shot Suiltn In his gro eery utore. early In the morning ol July 17. He pleaded self dereusu. OKLAHOMAN3 ARE LUCKY Many Successful In Drawing Home steads In Ft. Peck Reservation Glasgow, Mont. Residents of Okla noma, who wore successful at the land drawing are ns fallows: No ;w, Claude W. Russell, Dinger; No 155, Mrs Klla I), Smith, Oklaho ma City; No, 371. O. FI, Jefferson. Mils kogeni No. 110. George W. Gilogly, Sa palpi; No. II.', Frank Kllutsworth. KiuM, No. 222. Arthur Toll Hrown, Morris; No 218, George A, Kennedy, Knld; No, 39n. W, W. Hrown. Tulsa; No, 105 Robert 13. Henry, Hartlesvllle; No. 401, Dr Henry Hlender, Okeeno; No. 13P, Thomus II, Henderson, Fort Cobb; No. 430, Frny Joyner, Law ton; No 34S. William Clark. Pratt: No Ibo the nen-''no- t'larenCfl A' Allnn- ,oml,5, No' It wil hn the'"". Alvln Heard, rilockvllle; No. 681 . UwniOHiaO t-,v Hliiwnei.. N!n nil McOulnncll, Pauls Valley! No. 1033, C P Varney. Knld; No. 1452, Delia L. Smith. Uwtonj No. 1560, John M. Wlnburn, Qrlmeg No. 1081. Fred OU- I ..... n-t.i IfVIIVU, S.W.W. NEGHOES KILL 8 T W LI TERRIBLE DAY SPENT BY CIT- IZENS OF HARRISON, MISS., UNTIL TROOPS CAME. BLACK BROTHERS RUN AMUCK Crazed With Drink, Thay Shoot at everyone iff Sight. Two Officers and Another While Man, a Ne greis and 4 Negroes Killed. Harrison Miss.--Two drug crazed negroes, brothers, ran amuck nnd be fore they we. killed and the attendant disorder quelled, three white men, four negro men nnd n negro woman were hot to death and five whitn persons and Hovcrnl negroes wounded. A serl oils dash between the races vvaB pr' vented by the arrlvnl uf a compiny of militia from Nut iiez aboard u spcchl train. Tho dead' SIIKR1FF G. H I1AMMKTT of Jcf; fersou county, shot while leiding a posso to vvhuru Hie negroes wero In hiding. Former Constable FRANK KNKIST I.KV, shot at his liomo after being called to a door. CI.AIIDi: FRKF.MAN, while, of Fay ette shot at railway station while awnlllgu it train. TIMJ.KR WARRKN, negro. JOHANNA AIKKN. negress. .TOM WHHKS. negro. JKSSH THOMPSON, negro. TIIKAD GRAYSON, negro, killed during promiscuous shooting, WALTKIt and WILL JONES, no groea. lynched. Wotinjtd: TJi-liTCH'.IH, former hpr- Iff, shot In shoulder uti'd may die; A. H. Appleby, conductor of the Yazoo Mississippi Valley railroad, shot In breast, leg and arm, dangerous; Wil liam Knels,tloy, son of Frank, shot In hand; William Dennis, shot In leg; W. C llond, shot In leg. Slztocn ne gro is wero wounded but none serious. Th trouble started about 2 o'clock In tho morning and continued Inter mittently until 10 o'clock, when Walter Jones, tho elder of tho two negro joutliH, who started thu firing, was Ijnched Just after thn soldiers nrrlved, Ills brother, Will, had been shot b) citizens earlier In ttie day, Tho shooting waH started by Walter Jones, aged 20, In tho negro quarter wheru the woman and Thead Grayson wero shot nnd killed. Walter then went to the homo of his mother and aroused his brother, 1R joars old. To gether they proceeded through the main street of tho tittle town, firing nt everyone In sight Citizens aroused by tho shots peeied twit of windows and then hastened to cover. The negroes went to tho home ol former Coutsablo Frank Knelstley, and when ho camo to the door ho was shot through the head Death was In ntnntaueous Knelstley's son, II Hum. grabbed for a gun when lie saw hi) fattier fall, but burore ho could fire he received a bullet la ouo of Ills bauds The Yuzoo and Mississippi Valley depot Is near the Knelstley homo nnd the two negroes walked In that direc tion. A train had arrived from Natchez. NEGRO GASES TO BE PUSHED IN SUPREME COURT Washington A bitter light against alleged race discrimination In vari ous section of thu country Is to be made shortly on behalf of negroes be foro the supreme court. The Oklahoma and the Maryland "grandfather" constitutional amend ments by which thousands of negroes have been disfranchised, will bo nt tacked as unconstitutional. An effort will be made to have thn Oklahoma "Jim Crow" legislation annulled. An attempt will ho mado by Tennessee negro organizations to be permitted to use tho iiimo of "Knights of Pyth ias" for negro lodges, as well us white lodges. t Frank Gtilnn and J J. Deal, two election officials, have been convicted of conspiring to prevent several ne groes from voting at thn congressional elections of 1910 In Oklahoma. This was done on the basis that the "grand fathor clause" was unconstitutional Tho eighth circuit court et appeals has, the suareme cort. having teat ttatai' ': expressed doubt as to the validity ot 'en use la th. court, of vlmmmLmmT.k I - Just a few minutes befon and CosJ ductor A. H. Appleby was staadtag M' the station talking to the flagman, llond Without warning the two ne groes fired on thorn and both fell. Then they directed their fire at ClaiH Freeman, who was waiting for a ttUn'ffc - He was Instantly killed. Tho nsgrc (-i uiuugu ,,..- v.. v... ..., ....- Izlng many ot tho passengers and t1e5ll I left turned thnlr attention to A sleeg '- Ing car from Natchez, which wai'lett ( on tho trackH to bo picked up by JCtr tlirfiunti Imln frnm M f.tlltlfllll tl MftSF . '?? Orleans. Many windows the sleeg- J", Ing tar worn broken but uono ot UM j passengers were hurt. Next the negroes mado their way te) a cotton seed wnrehous-j, whore thef barricaded themselves. Frightened citizens by this tlmo turf gitliered their wits nnd telephone AMJ, Sheriff Hanimett at Fayette, who"ijtf rived nbout G o'clock necompnnled hf Sheriff Glllls. A small crowd of BU"i,,' were tiring Into tho seedhouso but BO one bad ventured to lend the posse ta I lie tilnrn TnWInir a few men with him Sheriff Hanimett, heavily armed, JC started toward the Heed bouse. Seeing 'J this move, It U believed Walter Jonos (' took to the tall grass nearby and as '' Hammett niitiroucbed tho negro fired, .r killing the sheriff Instantly. A shot Jm from thu seedhouso brought dows) Glllls It Hy t'lls tlmo the countryside had been aroused and farmers camo pour' Ing In from every direction. A crowd & assembled nt tho seed house. Atcall , was sent to Governor Drewer for troops. Finding his hiding ptace tea' carious, Will Jones started te tliti &? ward & coat chute nearby, 'bat ,klRO ''.', gone only a few steps wnsn ajMllp', ' ended bis lite. A rope was'-s4sj.o ' around the body and It was Strug 'i' to a telegraph pole near the wtkMtHrt--: and became a target fa ShOOtiOR at thu swd (Jci;-w'V'i' ' Sooti after Wilt ivas kUMI '.isjaiaW o. picked Tom Weeks, a it coal chute. Either the belief wo or the fall would bare killed him. '-, i'K Not long aftor Weeks was kilted, thsj . special train bearing the NateeiVv.; at -.. , . . .l i. iir r ' v an urriveu aim cms seeiHra t v havo cowed the desperado. As they Js wero detraining tho crowd rushed th . '- ui.ed limiRit. Nnt It alint pml0il lhm J , . .. .... . .... n .. n.v. .-w. - . m uiiu an inu u-uuirrB weov iiuu tnu puH j ,7i, with drawn weapons they saw Jonas., Vr completely unnerved but nol InJureeV'if1 Thev nulckly nlaced a rone aroiind his - ... "; - - --. j- - , ,.,. r neck and rushed him to tho coal chute. tf As the negro was drawn up the rope broke and ho felt heavily to the ground Not a word of act of protosl camo from Jones ns a larger rope was drawn around his neck and again hs was pulled up and tho crowd looked on us ho strangled to death. ' Thu crowd then went to the hosts ot tho npgroes where they found two. negro men,. nnd wore about to lynch them, but wero persuaded not to by v o Ulcers. It seems certain that the Jones negroes hud planned details of their murderous nteht ns they were, well armed and had a plentiful supply of ammunition. Their mother said one of them had remarked that he wus go Ing to "shoot up" tho town, but shi thought he was Joklt))?. As there was no ovldenco that there would bo more trouble after Walter Jones was lynched, the Natche guardsmen returned home. Generally tho negro popu'itlon wns as much Incensed at tho Jouej. broth- . ers ns were the whites. They ex pressed no Indignation at the lynching. the clause and has asked the supreme court to pass upon the question. Tho Oklahoma "grandfather clause" ' mado It necessary for alt persons v.hoso ancestors were not qualified to voto In I860 In this country to h able to read and write In order to Wte. The Oklahoma "Jim Crow" taw r quires railroads to provlda sutn coaches for whites and negroes' equal In every way In comfort and conyen lence. Five negroesseek to enjoin the ralltoads fro men'forchg t'atf law, They lost In tho lower federal courts. wnlch went so far as to hold that rail roads need not furnish sleeping cars for negroes If there was hot sufaclent demand by negroes for such accom modation. , ' For sereral years a fight has bcoa waged between white and negro lodges of Knights of Pythlts la tha south over the use of the name. The negroes have brought the matter. Us v ' - - f.'i. . .i 4 TH. - H. 'I V . -vi & i V XAi i f 1 ' n V "fJ 4'j i . ! . j. t; .! , ,Ji'.' t m 1 '; Vlil n S .'4 s y wlK v.'fjferv. a, . D'- A t tJ&i, Ad wn f,. .K Mfe